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    CST STUDIO SUITE® 2019MPI Computing Guide

    Copyright 1998-2019 Dassault Systemes Deutschland GmbH.CST Studio Suite is a Dassault Systèmes product.

    All rights reserved.

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    1 Introduction 4

    2 Supported Solvers and Features 6

    3 MPI Processes and Roles 7

    4 Interconnect 94.1 Interconnect Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94.2 Network Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.3 Firewall Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    5 Operating System Support 16

    6 Installation and Configuration of MPI Computing 176.1 Installation of CST STUDIO SUITE® on Frontend Node and Compute Nodes 176.2 Installation of MPI Process Management Service (HYDRA) . . . . . . . . 18

    7 Update of CST STUDIO SUITE® Installation 23

    8 Shared Storage 24

    9 Combined Hardware Acceleration and MPI Computing 26

    10 Starting a Simulation Using MPI Computing 2710.1 Starting Simulations Interactively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2710.2 Starting Simulations in Batch Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    11 Job Scheduling System Integration 32

    12 Assignment of Hardware Resources to Compute Nodes 3312.1 Full Computer Assignment (Compute Node=Physical Computer) . . . . . 3412.2 NUMA Node Assignment (Compute Node=NUMA Node) . . . . . . . . . 3412.3 CPU Core Assignment (Compute Node=CPU Core) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

    A Setup of Passwordless SSH 36A.1 Linux Compute Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36A.2 From a Windows Frontend Node to Linux Compute Nodes . . . . . . . . 37

    B Setting Environment Variables 39B.1 Setting System-Wide Environment Variables on Windows . . . . . . . . 39B.2 Setting System-Wide Environment Variables on Linux . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    C Setting Up and Testing an Infiniband Network 40

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    D Network and Cluster Checks 41D.1 Check Name Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41D.2 Check Program File Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41D.3 Test MPI Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42D.4 CST SystemCheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

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    1 Introduction

    MPI1 computing allows to split the computational workload for a simulation amongcomputational resources2. These computational resources can either be tightly con-nected within a single computer such that they share access to the same RAM (sharedmemory environment) or can be distributed among different computers in a computercluster3 (distributed memory environment). Unlike Distributed Computing which canonly assign independent computational tasks to a set of computational resources (e.g.,simulations for different parameter sets in a parameter sweep), MPI computing canassign computational tasks which are not independent of each other (e.g., field com-putations in different areas of a 3Dmodel) to computational resources, such that theseresources work on the tasks in parallel.

    Note: Setting up a computational environment for MPI Computing requires knowl-edge of operating systems and network configuration procedures. Thus, the targetaudience of this manual are not CST STUDIO SUITE® end users but IT-professionals.

    The set of computational resources to which a computational task is assigned pairedwith the MPI software functionality will be referred to as ”Compute Nodes”. From asoftware perspective, a Compute Node is a role (i.e., a set of functionality) which can beassigned to one or more physical computers in the context of a simulation using MPIcomputing. Throughout this document, it’ll be made clear in the different sectionswhether the explanation refers to the set of functionality of a Compute Node from asoftware perspective or to the physical hardware (computational resources) which areassigned to the Compute Node. So please note that the computational resources as-signed to a Compute Node can be a physical computer including all its computationalresources, but it is also possible that just a set of CPU cores or a CPU device/socketis assigned to a Compute Node. Section 11 contains more information about the per-formance and licensing aspects of the assignment of physical hardware resources toCompute Nodes in an MPI simulation.

    The split of the computational workload and data of a simulation allows the efficienthandling of large models which require too much resources to be handled on a nor-mal workstation or server system (see figure 1, the amount of data each computenode needs to handle is significantly smaller than the amount of data of the completemodel).

    Furthermore, the Compute Nodes work in parallel and, thus, a performance improve-ment can be achieved when increasing the number of Compute Nodes (assuming that

    1The ”Message Passing Interface” (MPI) describes a programming interface used for multi-processparallelization, which has become a de facto standard and because of its importance this type of multi-process parallel computing is often referred to as ”MPI computing”.

    2The term ”computational resource” refers to the hardware (CPU devices, RAM memory, HardwareAccelerator devices) of one or more computers.

    3A computer cluster is a set of computers connected via a (fast) interconnection network and usedas a single ”supercomputer”.

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    each Compute Node has the same hardware resources assigned) if the hardware is wellchosen and the configuration is appropriate.

    MPI Computing can also help to use computers efficiently, which have a shared mem-ory architecture with strong NUMA4 properties (e.g., quad- and octa-socket systemsor machines of the SGI UltraViolet series).

    Often the Compute Nodes are separated from the computational environment usedto work interactively on a graphical desktop (e.g., the workstation of a user). Thecomputational device/computer used to work interactively on a desktop environmentwill be referred to as ”User Workstation” within the manual.

    This manual will help to configure and test an existing cluster system or a sharedmem-ory environment for operation with CST STUDIO SUITE®, such that simulations usingMPI Computing can be performed with best possible performance.

    Figure 1: Assignment of computational workload and data of a simulation model to Com-pute Nodes.

    4Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) describes an architectural and performance property of thememory subsystem of a computer. On a computer with NUMA architecture the latency as well as thebandwidth when accessing system memory depends on the location of accessed memory region.

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    2 Supported Solvers and Features

    Table 1 provides an overview of the solvers for which MPI Computing is supported.Solvers which are not listed in the table do not support MPI Computing.

    Solver Limitations


    Transient Solver

    Hexahedral TLM mesh is not supported.Periodic boundaries are not supported.Subgridding is not supported.


    Integral Equation SolverMLFMM and direct MoM can use MPI Computing.ACA does not support MPI Computing.


    Wakefield Solver Periodic boundaries are not supported.

    Table 1: Solvers of CST STUDIO SUITE® supporting MPI Computing

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    3 MPI Processes and Roles

    A simulation usingMPI Computing always includes the processes as shown in figure 2.The arrows are showing bi-directional communication requirements between the dif-ferent processes. Each group of processes (as indicated by the dashed frames) can runon a different computer (i.e., on computational resources which don’t share a commonmemory address space) as long as the bi-directional communication links between theprocesses can be provided by the network topology and configuration (for more detailssee the section 4).

    The terms ”Frontend Node” and ”Compute Node” should be understood in this con-text as roles (i.e., set of functionality) which are assigned to computational resources.Please note that the roles are not mutual exclusive, i.e., the Frontend Node role and theCompute Node role can be assigned to the same computational resources. However,for performance reasons, it’s strongly recommended that the computational resourcesassigned to different Compute Nodes are mutually exclusive (see section 12 for moreinformation about assigning hardware resources to Compute Nodes).

    The Compute Nodeswill run the compute and memory intensive parts of a simulation.Additionally, the processes running on the Compute Nodes need to exchange a largeamount of data during a computation (indicated by the link labeled ”MPI communica-tion” in figure 2). This implies that there are great demands on the interconnect usedto handle this data exchangewith regards to bandwidth and latency. TheMPI Commu-nication can use different HPC interconnect technologies and various network stacksin order to improve performance. The other communication links are established usingthe Ethernet (TCP/IP) protocol (see also section 4 for more details).

    The computational resources of a Frontend Node run the graphical CST STUDIO SUITE®

    front-end, which starts the compute intensive processes on computational resourcesof the Compute Nodes. Please note that the CST STUDIO SUITE® front-end alwaysneeds to start a MPI simulation as it orchestrates the data transfer to Compute Nodesand starts the pre-and post-processing tasks required by the simulation as well, i.e., adirect start of the solver processes without the CST STUDIO SUITE® front-end is tech-nically impossible. If computations must be started in a non-interactive batch mode,which is commonly the case on access restricted clusters managed by a job schedul-ing/resource management system, the front-end is still used to start the simulation(see section 10.2 for more information).

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    Figure 2: Processes taking part in an MPI simulation (simplified). ”Frontend Node” and”Compute Node” should be understood as roles which can be assigned to hardware re-sources in this context. The roles are not mutually exclusive, i.e., the ”Frontend Node”role and the ”Compute Node” role can be assigned to the same hardware resources. Thelinks between the different processes symbolize bi-directional data exchange between theprocesses.

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    4 Interconnect

    As mentioned in section 3, the performance of the data exchange/communication ofthe processes of different compute nodes, running potentially on different computersin a cluster, is crucial in order to achieve a good performance of the simulation.

    4.1 Interconnect TopologyIn this section it is discussed how the Compute Node and the Frontend Node role de-scribed in the previous section can be assigned to computational resourceswith regardsto the network topology. This covers the requirements regarding the data exchangebetween the different software components as listed in figure 2.

    Note: Please note that there are constraints regarding the assignment of the FrontendNode role if the cluster hardware resources are managed by a scheduling system (seesection 11 for more information).

    4.1.1 Basic Network Topology

    Themost basic network configuration for aworkingMPI Computing setupwhich spansacrossmultiple computers is shown in figure 3. An Ethernet (TCP/IP) network connects



    Ethernet (TCP/IP Network)



    Figure 3: Basic Network Topology for MPI Computing.

    the computational resources to which the Compute Node role is assigned.

    MPI Computing is very sensitive to a correctly configured TCP/IP network. The net-work setup needs to fulfill the following minimum requirements:

    1. An unique IPv4 address is assigned to each computer which is part of the setup.

    2. Name resolution (i.e., mapping of computer names to IPv4 addresses) needs tobe properly configured either using a DNS or a static configuration.

    3. If any firewalls are active either on the computers themselves or as a separatenetwork component, firewall rules which allow bi-directional data exchange be-tween the computers taking part in the computation need to be applied (seesection 4.3).

    If in doubt whether the network is configured correctly, please refer to the section Dto check the Ethernet network setup.

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    Note: As the Ethernet protocol introduces significant latency when exchanging data,it’s strongly recommended to use an HPC interconnect (Infiniband or Omni-Path) be-tween the Compute Nodes to achieve the best performance as described in the follow-ing sections.

    4.1.2 High-Performance Interconnect Topologies

    Although the basic network topology as described in the previous section allows for aworking MPI Computing setup, it is recommended to use a dedicated high speed in-terconnect, i.e., Infiniband or Omni-Path, for the MPI Communication since this part isvery sensitive to the network performance as mentioned in section 3. A configurationsuch as shown in figure 4 enables the processes running on the Compute Nodes to uti-lize the HPC interconnect instead of using the Ethernet network for the performancecritical MPI Communication. It is also possible to assign the Frontend Node role to a





    Ethernet (TCP/IP Network)

    HPC Interconnect (e.g. Infiniband)

    Figure 4: High Performance Interconnect Topology 1. All computational resources haveaccess to a high-performance interconnect. Regardless of the HPC Interconnect a properlyconfigured Ethernet network is required as well.

    computational resource which has only a TCP/IP connection to the computational re-sources which have the Compute Node role assigned such as shown in Figure 5. Thisconfiguration is typical if the Frontend Node role is assigned to a user workstationfor example which has typically no connection to the HPC interconnect of the clus-ter. Although this is possible it should be mentioned that significant data transfer canhappen between the Frontend Node component and the Compute Nodes after a sim-ulation has completed, because result data is transferred from the Compute Nodes tothe Frontend Node component. This implies that the network link between the Fron-tend Node component and the Compute Nodes, although it is not so much utilizedduring the simulation itself, can become a bottleneck if a large amount of result datais generated by the Compute Nodes (e.g., because many 3D field monitors are definedfor the simulation model). Thus, it should be ensured that the network link betweenthe Frontend Node component and the Compute Node components offers a reasonablebandwidth unless a shared storage configuration is used to prevent the data transferbetween Frontend Node and Compute Nodes completely (see section 8, to learn moreabout this possibility).

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    Note: While a Gigabit Ethernet connection is often sufficient to provide a decent band-width between the Frontend Node and the Compute Nodes, a WAN network link or aFast Ethernet link is normally not sufficient.





    Ethernet (TCP/IP Network)

    HPC Interconnect (e.g. Infiniband)

    Figure 5: High Performance Interconnect Topology 2. The Frontend Node has only TCP/IPconnectivity to the Compute Nodes.

    4.1.3 Isolated Cluster Network

    In some cluster configurations, the computational resources of the cluster are not di-rectly accessible from the enterprise network, i.e., a cluster head node exists, whichacts as a gateway to the computational resources of the cluster to which the Com-pute Node role is assigned (see figure 6). As explained in section 3, the Frontend

    Cluster Service Ethernet

    HPC Interconnect (e.g. Infiniband)






    Enterprise Ethernet

    Figure 6: High Performance Interconnect Topology 3. The MPI Frontend Node has nodirect network connection to the cluster compute nodes.

    Node component and the Compute Node components use bi-directional network com-munication during a MPI simulation. Therefore, either routing between the differentEthernet subnets needs to be configured properly5 on the cluster head node/gateway,or the Frontend Node role must be assigned to a computational resource which has adirect connection to the Ethernet network of the Compute Nodes.

    This configuration (figure 6) will work if and only if bidirectional routing between thecluster service network and the enterprise network is configured such that the MPI

    5A proper configuration in this context means that bi-directional routing between the cluster ser-vice network and the enterprise network is configured such that the Compute Nodes are visible on theenterprise network and the Frontend Node is visible for the Compute Nodes.

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    Compute Nodes are visible on the enterprise network and the MPI Frontend Node isvisible for the cluster compute nodes. Otherwise, the Frontend Node role needs to beassigned to a computer with direct access to the TCP/IP network of the cluster.

    4.2 Network ProtocolsA network protocol is used to handle the data transfer from one process to another. Thethree different communication links between theMPI components as shown in figure 2(Frontend Node to Compute Node, Service Communication, and MPI Communicationbetween the Compute Nodes) support the network protocols as listed in table 2.

    Communication Link Supported Protocols

    MPI Frontend Node MPI Compute Node Ethernet (TCP/IP)

    Service Communication Ethernet (TCP/IP)

    MPI Communication

    Ethernet (TCP/IP)Infiniband (OFA, DAPL)Omni-Path (OFI)Shared Memory (SHM)

    Table 2: Supported network protocols

    4.2.1 Configuration of the Network Protocol Used for MPI Communication

    CST STUDIO SUITE® tries to use the best (fastest) option available for the MPICommunication. However, the desired protocol can be specified manually as well.The automatic protocol selection can be overwritten by the environment variableI_MPI_FABRICS. The environment variable needs to be set on the computers whichhave either the Compute Node or the Frontend Node role assigned. The environmentvariable needs to be visible in the context of the MPI processes. If it is defined as asystem wide environment variable this will be sufficient. The environment variablecan have the values listed in table 3.

    4.2.2 Selection of TCP/IP Network for MPI Communication

    If the TCP/IP network protocol is used for MPI Communication (i.e., if theI_MPI_FABRICS environment variable is set to tcp, see section 4.2.1), there might bemore than one TCP/IP network which is accessible to the Compute Nodes. See figure 4as an example for a network configuration that allows the use of the TCP/IP networkprotocol on two different networks (on the Ethernet network and on the HPC Inter-connect). The I_MPI_TCP_NETMASK environment variable can be used to bind the MPI

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    Value Network Protocol Description


    The Shared Memory (SHM) protocol can only be used in a sharedmemory environment, i.e., for MPI Communication between Com-pute Nodes which have access to the same RAM memory. This isthe case for processes running on the same physical computer or forspecial shared memory architectures like the SGI UltraViolet systemwhere a common memory address space is emulated on kernel level.Available on Linux and Windows.


    Direct Access Programming Library (DAPL) is an HPC network proto-col which can be used e.g. with Infiniband hardware. It provides lowlatency and high network bandwidth and can be recommended forMPI Communication. Available on Linux and Windows.

    tcpTCP/IP (Ethernet) network protocol is the least favorable option asit introduces significant latency and often provides a low bandwidth.Available on Linux and Windows.

    tmiTag Matching Interface (TMI), a network protocol which can be usede.g. with Intel True Scale Fabric and Intel Omni-Path hardware. Avail-able on Linux only.


    The network protocol provided by the OpenFabrics Alliance (OFA) isan HPC network protocol which can be used with Infiniband hard-ware. It provides low latency and high network bandwidth and canbe recommended for MPI Communication. Available on Linux only.


    OpenFabrics Interface (OFI) is an HPC network protocol which can beused e.g. with Intel True Scale Fabric and Intel Omni-Path hardware.It provides low latency and high network bandwidth and can be rec-ommended for MPI Communication. Available on Linux only.

    Table 3: Possible values for the environment variable I_MPI_FABRICS.

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    Communication to a specific TCP/IP network or a specific network interface as shownin table 4. The environment variable needs to be set on the computers which have ei-ther the Compute Node or the Frontend Node role assigned. The environment variableneeds to be visible in the context of the MPI processes. If it is defined as a systemwide environment variable this will be sufficient.

    Value Description

    ib Use an ”IP over IB” interface (only if an Infiniband network isavailable).

    ibUse a specific ”IP over IB” interface (only if an Infiniband network isavailable).Example: ib0

    eth Use any available Ethernet network interface. This is the defaultvalue.

    The TCP/IP netmask of the subnet which should be used for MPICommunication.Example:

    Table 4: Possible values of the I_MPI_TCP_NETMASK environment variable.

    4.2.3 Selection of TCP/IP Network for MPI Frontend Node/MPI Compute NodeData Exchange

    The data exchange between the Frontend Node component and the Compute Nodecomponents uses the TCP/IP network protocol. As there might be more than oneTCP/IP network links which can be chosen for this data exchange, a TCP/IP net-mask can be defined in order to select the desired network for this data exchange.The CST_MPI_PREFERRED_SUBNET environment variable can be used to bind the dataexchange between the Frontend Node and the Compute Nodes to a specific TCP/IPnetwork. The environment variable needs to be set on the machines which have ei-ther the Compute Node or the Frontend Node role assigned. The environment variableneeds to be visible in the context of the MPI processes. If it is defined as a systemwideenvironment variable this will be sufficient. See figure 4 as an example for a networkconfiguration that allows the use of two TCP/IP networks.


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    4.3 Firewall ConfigurationAs the Frontend Node component and the Compute Node components need to ex-change data over the network, a proper firewall configuration is required in order toallow this data exchange. Although the simplest possible way to prevent all firewallrelated issues is to switch off the firewall on the computers which have the FrontendNode and/or the Compute Node role assigned, this might not be possible on somesystems because of security restrictions.

    The commands required to configure the firewall properly depend on the specific fire-wall implementation and, thus, thismanual will only list the required portswhich needto be opened to allow TCP/IP data exchange.

    The following port ranges are used by the MPI system and need to be opened withinthe network which handles the MPI Communication between the Compute Nodes aswell as for the connection between Frontend Node and Compute Nodes: 8678, 20000... 20500, 30000 ... 65535.

    Note: On Windows it is not necessary to open any ports manually for the local Win-dows firewall on Frontend Node and Compute Nodes as the MPI installation will auto-matically add exceptions to the Windows firewall to allow the executables taking partin the simulation to exchange data.

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    5 Operating System Support

    This section contains information about the operating system support for the Fron-tend Node and the Compute Node components. This section contains only high levelinformation, i.e., it will not be discussed whether a certain version of Linux or Win-dows is supported, but only which operating system (OS) family (Linux or Windows)is supported for Frontend Node and Compute Nodes.

    All Compute Nodes need to share the same OS family (Windows or Linux) and, ideally,the same version and patch level of the OS. The Frontend Node can run a differentoperating system than the Compute Nodes. Supported configurations are shown intable 5.

    Frontend Node Compute Node

    Configuration 1 Windows Windows

    Configuration 2 Windows Linux

    Configuration 3 Linux Linux

    Table 5: Supported configurations for the OS family of Frontend Node and Compute Node.

    General information about supported operating systems for CST STUDIO SUITE® isavailable on the CST website.


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    6 Installation and Configuration of MPI Computing

    Preparing a computational environment such that CST STUDIO SUITE® can be usedwith MPI computing requires a few installation and configuration steps. This sectioncontains information about the required steps to enable MPI computing for all threeconfigurations listed in table 5.

    6.1 Installation of CST STUDIO SUITE® on Frontend Node and Com-pute Nodes

    The first step of an installation is to make the program files of CST STUDIO SUITE®

    available on the Frontend Node and all Compute Nodes. Depending on the operat-ing system of the Frontend Node and Compute Nodes, either the Linux version or theWindows version of CST STUDIO SUITE® should be installed. The installation of CSTSTUDIO SUITE® can be an installation which resides on a local disk, i.e., the installa-tion needs to be performed multiple times such that the CST STUDIO SUITE® programfiles are available on the local disk of every computer which has either the FrontendNode role or the Compute Node role in the setup, or all computers can share a sin-gle installation. However, especially in a cluster environment a shared installation isrecommended as it simplifies the installation and update process. The following twosections describe both setup procedures. In any case it is recommended to use thesame installation location on all computers which have the compute node role.

    6.1.1 Local Installation of CST STUDIO SUITE®

    When using a local installation, make sure that at least the feature set shown in figure 7is installed on computerswhich have the FrontendNode role or the ComputeNode role.Installing any of the other features available in the installation programs is possibleand won’t be in conflict with the MPI computing setup.

    6.1.2 Shared Installation of CST STUDIO SUITE®

    On computer cluster systems an installation shared by all computers which are partof the cluster is often preferred over a local installation as described in section 6.1.1as it simplifies the installation and update procedure. Setting up a shared installationrequires a storage device shared by all computers which have the Compute Node role.This can be either a dedicated NAS or, in simplest case, a network share provided byone of the computers in the cluster (e.g., Windows share, NFS share). The CST STUDIOSUITE® installer needs to be executed just once to install the feature set shown infigure 7 on the shared storage device. Computers accessing the shared installationrequire read and execute permissions on the installation folder.

    On all computers which access a shared installation of CST STUDIO SUITE® on Win-dows, a special installation program (install-cluster-node.bat) found in the ”Clus-

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    (a) Windows installer. (b) Linux installer.

    Figure 7: (a) Shows the required feature set on Windows. (b) Shows the required featureset on Linux.

    terUtilities” folder of the CST STUDIO SUITE® installation needs to be executed once inorder to create some required registry settings and install prerequisite packages whichare required by the program files of CST STUDIO SUITE®. This installer can be started innon-interactive mode. Please refer to the readme-setup-cluster-node.txt file foundin the ”ClusterUtilities” folder which contains information about the installation pro-cedure and the command line interface of the installer.

    On computers which access a shared installation of CST STUDIO SUITE® on Linux,no additional steps are required. However, it is recommended to start thecst_system_check tool found in the installation folder at least once on each computerusing the shared installation to make sure that all system packages and tools requiredto use the CST STUDIO SUITE® program files are available.

    6.2 Installation of MPI Process Management Service (HYDRA)On computers which have the Compute Node role and which are running the Windowsoperating system, a system service called HYDRA needs to be installed (i.e., this stepcan be skipped on Compute Nodes running the Linux operating system). This systemservice is required to handle the start of processes in context of theMPI system. Pleaseexecute the script install-mpi-service.bat found in the folder ”ClusterUtilities” ofthe CST STUDIO SUITE® installation and select the first option (install service) in thelist (see figure 8). The service can be removed using option 5 (”remove service”). Itwill not be removed automatically by the CST STUDIO SUITE® uninstall program.

    6.2.1 User Authentication

    MPI computing involves the start of processes on different computers in a network. Allprocesses need to be assigned to a certain user account when started. This determines

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    Figure 8: Options of the installation program of the HYDRA service.

    for example the file access permissions of the process or the access to other systemresources. Depending on the operating system used for Frontend Node and ComputeNodes there are different possibilities to perform user authentication and, thus, toconfigure the security context of a process.

    6.2.2 Pure Linux Environment

    If both the Frontend Node and the Compute Nodes are running Linux, the MPI processstartup mechanism requires passwordless remote shell access to all compute nodestaking part in the simulation. The environment variable I_MPI_HYDRA_BOOTSTRAP canbe used to specify the remote shell tool. It can have the values shown in table 6.

    6.2.3 Mixed Windows/Linux Environment

    If the Frontend Node is running a Windows operating system and the Compute Nodesare running a Linux operating system, the passwordless remote shell setup as de-scribed in section 6.2.2 needs to be in place on the Compute Nodes. Please note thatonly ssh or rsh can be used in this case and it is not possible to start the simulationusing a scheduling system (see section 11).

    In addition to the setup of passwordless remote shell access between the ComputeNodes, passwordless ssh access from the Frontend Node to the Compute Nodes needsto be configured. The CST STUDIO SUITE® installation contains ssh client programswhich will be used for this purpose. Please refer to section A.1 for the configuration ofthe passwordless ssh login from a Windows Frontend Node to Linux Compute Nodes.

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    Value Description

    sshUse ssh to establish connection to Compute Nodes. Passwordlessssh login needs to be configured properly for the user account usedto start the simulation (see section A.1). This is the default value.

    rshUse rsh to establish connection to Compute Nodes. Passwordless rshlogin needs to be configured properly for the user account used tostart the simulation.

    pdsh Use pdsh to establish connection to Compute Nodes.


    Use the pbsdsh command to establish connection to Compute Nodes.The pbsdsh tool is provided by the Torque scheduling system. Thisoption is only valid if the MPI simulation is started in context of theTorque scheduling system (see section 11).


    Use the srun command to establish connection to Compute Nodes.The srun tool is provided by the SLURM scheduling system. This op-tion is only valid if the MPI simulation is started in context of theSLURM scheduling system (see section 11).


    Use the blaunch command to establish connection to ComputeNodes. The blaunch tool is provided by the LSF scheduling system.This option is only valid if the MPI simulation is started in context ofthe LSF scheduling system (see section 11).


    Use the qrsh command to establish connection to compute nodes.The qrsh tool is provided by the Univa Grid Engine (UGE) schedulingsystem. This option is only valid if the MPI simulation is started incontext of the UGE scheduling system (see section 11)

    Table 6: Values of the I_MPI_HYDRA_BOOTSTRAP environment variable which allows to se-lect the remote shell tool used to establish connections to Compute Nodes.

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    6.2.4 Pure Windows Environment

    If both, the Frontend Node and the Compute Nodes are running Windows, the MPIprocess startup mechanism uses a Windows service, the so-called HYDRA service, toaccess all compute nodes taking part in the simulation (see section 6.2). The environ-ment variable I_MPI_AUTH_METHOD can be used to select the authentication mechanismused when starting processes on the Compute Nodes. It can have the values shown intable 7.

    Value Description

    passwordStore username and password used to start processes on re-mote nodes in the encrypted part of the Windows registry.This is the default value.

    delegateThis option requires that the Frontend Node and the Com-puteNodes are part of the sameActive Directory Domain andthat delegation has been activated on the domain controller.


    Use the limited domain-based authorization. This option re-quires that the Frontend Node and the Compute Nodes arepart of the same Active Directory Domain. This option willNOT allow access to any network drive or mapped networkdrive for Compute Nodes.

    Table 7: Values of the I_MPI_AUTH_METHOD environment variable which allows to select theuser authentication method on Windows.

    6.2.5 Password Authentication Method on Windows

    In order to use the password authentication method, the password of a user accountwhich exists and has the same credentials on all computers with the Compute Noderole needs to be registered on the Frontend Node. The credentials are stored in theencrypted part of the Windows registry. Currently, the registration can be done onlywith the command line tool mpiexec. Starting ”mpiexec” with the ”-register” optionwill prompt for the user account and password which is then stored to the registry (seefigure 9).

    It’s recommended to register domain accounts as this ensures that the user credentialsare identical on all Compute Nodes. However, local accounts created on all computerstaking part in a simulation with identical credentials can also be used. In this case thedomain prefix of this account (which is the name of the local machine in case of a localaccount) needs to be removed when registering the account. For example, when regis-tering the local account ”mpi-user” the ”mpiexec -register” command on a computer

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    Figure 9: Registration of user credentials on Windows for the password authenticationmethod.

    with the name ”comp001” it will suggest to register the account ”comp001\mpi-user”.Please don’t use this suggested name but instead enter ”mpi-user” without any prefix.

    Note: The registered credentials are stored in the user registry, i.e., the registeredcredentials are only accessible by the user who did the registration. Any other userneeds to perform the registration step as well.

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    7 Update of CST STUDIO SUITE® Installation

    The update procedure of CST STUDIO SUITE® installations which have been configuredto be used for MPI computing according to this manual can be updated as any normalCST STUDIO SUITE® installation. It’s important to know however, that all CST STUDIOSUITE® installations taking part in a simulation using MPI computing must have thesame version, i.e., if some Compute Nodes have service pack X installed while othershave service pack Y installed, the setup won’t work. If a shared installation is used (seesection 6.1.2), only this shared installation needs to be updated. Otherwise, a servicepack needs to be applied to all local installations on Compute Nodes and the FrontendNode taking part in a simulation.

    Often the CST STUDIO SUITE® front-end which triggers the download of service packsfrom the internet is never opened interactively on systems used for MPI computing,especially if they allow only batch mode operation under control of a job schedulingsystem. Thus, service packs need to be downloaded manually from the download sec-tion of the CST website. The downloaded service pack file (file extension ”.sup”) can beapplied to a CST installation using the CST Update Manager which can be started inter-actively from the ”Applications” menu of the operating system or in non-interactivemode on the command line. To install a service pack named ”.sup”on the command line, the ”AutoUpdate” program found in the CST STUDIO SUITE®installation folder can be started with the following command line:

    AutoUpdate --install ".sup"

  • 243D










    8 Shared Storage

    Certain computational environments provide access to an HPC storage device whichcomputers having the Frontend Node or the Compute Node role can access (see Figure10). This can range from a simple NFS share to a dedicated, distributed HPC filesystemattached to the computational resources by a separate storage area network (SAN). Ashared storage allows to reduce the data transfer from the Compute Nodes to the Fron-tend Node to a minimum. Instead of transferring data between the different compo-nents explicitly, CST STUDIO SUITE® uses the knowledge that files created on a Com-pute Node are visible on the Frontend Node. However, during a simulation run signif-icant I/O workload will occur on the shared storage, i.e., when using this approach itshould be tested, whether the storage device can handle the I/O workload sufficientlywell.







    Figure 10: Shared storage configuration. The shared storage device must be accessiblefrom the Frontend Node as well as from the Compute Nodes.

    Currently, the option to switch off the network transfer of result data and rely on ashared storage for data exchange can be activated by the command line option6


    If Frontend Node and Compute Nodes are running the same operating system family(Windows or Linux), the option can normally be used without specifying and. In this case CST STUDIO SUITE® will assume that the model file is located ina directory through the same path on Frontend Node and all Compute Nodes. If theFrontend Node runs on Windows and the Compute Nodes run on Linux, it is impossi-ble that the path where the CST model file is stored shows up on the Compute Nodesand on the Frontend Node is identical, as Windows and Linux use different format-ting schemes for paths. A name translation between the Windows path seen by theFrontend Node and the path seen by the Linux Compute Nodes needs to be defined.

    6This is a command line option of the CST STUDIO SUITE® front-end, i.e., CST DESIGNENVIRONMENT.exe on Windows and cst_design_environment on Linux.

  • 253D










    Example: If the model is located on a network storage such that it can be accessed onthe Windows Frontend Node in the directory\\fileserver.company.com\data\cst-models,and on the Linux Compute Nodes this directory is visible in the file system as/storage/data/cst-models,the option which needs to be specified on the command line of CST STUDIO SUITE®

    front-end when starting the simulation is


    Please note that the quotes are mandatory.

    Note: Simulations may cause an I/O pattern which is challenging for a storage devicein terms of the number of files created as well as in terms of the total amount of datacreated. Thus, performance may be significantly deteriorated when using a sharedstorage systemwhich is not designed to handle HPC I/O workloads. Additionally, theshared storage needs to allow file locking.

  • 263D










    9 Combined Hardware Acceleration and MPI Computing

    If Hardware Acceleration should be used to speed up the computations of the ComputeNodes, please refer to the GPU Computing Guide, respectively, to learn more about theconfiguration of the accelerator hardware and for any special configuration required ifprocesses accessing the accelerator hardware are using MPI computing.


  • 273D










    10 Starting a Simulation Using MPI Computing

    Once the configuration steps described in the previous sections of this documents havebeen completed on the computers with Frontend Node role and Compute Node role,a simulation using MPI computing can be started. This section explains how to starta simulation using MPI computing either interactively from the CST STUDIO SUITE®

    front-end or in batch mode using appropriate command line options. If the simula-tions need to be started in a computational environment managed by a job schedulingsystem this section can be skipped. Please proceed to section A.1 in this case.

    10.1 Starting Simulations InteractivelyTo activate MPI computing for a simulation please activate the ”MPI Computing”checkbox in the acceleration dialog of the solver. Please note that the ”MPI com-puting” checkbox might be disabled if Distributed Computing options are activated.Currently, Distributed Computing and MPI computing are mutually exclusive, i.e., theDistributed Computing checkboxes need to be disabled before MPI computing can beenabled. Click on ”MPI Properties” to open the MPI computing dialog (see figure 11).If all computers which have the Compute Node role are identical regarding the folderwhere the CST STUDIO SUITE® installation can be accessed (”Install Folder” setting)and the place where temporary files are stored during the computation (”Temp folder”setting), these settings can be entered in the ”Default cluster settings” section. Selectthe operating system family the computers with Compute Node role are running inthe ”Architecture” drop down list. The ”Windows to Linux login info” section is onlyrequired if the computer with Frontend Node role is running a Windows operatingsystem and the computers with Compute Node role are running the Linux operatingsystem. In this case the user account and the private key file used for login to the Com-puteNodesmust be specified (see section 6.2.3). In the ”Nodes” section the computerswhich have the Compute Node role assigned need to be specified with their host name.Computer names can be specified multiple times to achieve a certain placement of pro-cesses on available hardware resources (see section 12 for more information about themapping of Compute Nodes to hardware resources). The settings in the dialog can bestored as file using the ”Export…” button. This allows to reuse the settings for othermodel files as the exported file can be imported again by clicking on the ”Load File…”button or as predefined machine file for a batch run.

    After all settings have been filled in it is recommended to test theMPI computing setupby clicking on the ”Cluster Test” button. This will perform a check of the setup andwill report any error found during this test.

    10.2 Starting Simulations in Batch ModeThe options in the dialog shown in figure 11 can also be specified using a so-called”machinefile”, i.e., a text file which contains all options in a well-defined format.

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    Figure 11: MPI computing dialog showing typical settings for a pure Windows environ-ment.

    This can be helpful if a simulation needs to be started in an environment withoutgraphical capabilities (e.g., a Linux system without an active X-server). Below a tem-plate for a ”machinefile” can be found. Please note that lines which are startingwith a hashtag are comments and are not parsed, unless they contain the keywords”CSTMachineFile”, ”DefaultInstallationFolder”, ”DefaultTempFolder”, ”DefaultMachin-eArchitecture”, ”GlobalMPICmdLineAddOn”, ”DefaultLoginUser”, or ”DefaultLoginPri-vateKeyfile” directly after the hashtag (whitespace between the hashtag and the key-words is allowed). Lines which don’t start with a hashtag are interpreted as computernames (names of the computers having the Compute Node role assigned). Lines whichcontain any of the above keywords must be placed before the first line containing acomputer name. In the template below, all lines which are interpreted by CST STUDIOSUITE® as they either contain a keyword or are not starting with a hashtag are writtenin bold font.

  • 293D










    # CSTMachineFile 20130527# Template for machine configuration in CST format.# The very first line in the CST machine file is a version number,# derived from a date. The format of this first line is:# # CSTMachineFile YYYYMMDD# It’s recommended to put always the version number corresponding# to the date when CST STUDIO SUITE was first installed in the header# of the machine file, e.g., if CST STUDIO SUITE was first installed on# 14th Nov. 2013 the setting# # CSTMachineFile 20131114# should be used.# This way it can be ensured that the machinefiles will be parsed correctly# even when the machinefile format changes in a future version of# CST STUDIO SUITE.## The default settings are specified here:# DefaultInstallationFolder ””# DefaultTempFolder ””# DefaultMachineArchitecture # GlobalMPICmdLineAddOn ””## For mixed Windows/Linux setup# DefaultLoginUser # DefaultLoginPrivateKeyfile ””## Then each machine node is specified as follows:# HostName# ; ; ; ; ## Architecture can have following values:# Windows AMD64, Linux AMD64## The can have the following values: Active, Inactive## The following list provides an example for a valid list of computers.# comp001 uses its own settings.comp001 # ”-env MY_ENV_VAR 1” ; ”/tmp” ; ”/opt/cst/CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2019” ; Linux AMD64; Active# comp002 uses the default settingscomp002 # ; ; ; ; Active

  • 303D










    Please note that only the lines listing the computer names are mandatory. If the otherlines are not specified, CST STUDIO SUITE® will use default values as specified in ta-ble 8. For most cases it is sufficient to just specify the computer names of the ComputeNodes and stay with the default values as listed in table 8.

    Keyword Default Value


    The CST STUDIO SUITE® installation folder on theFrontend Node. The assumption is that all ComputeNodes can access the CST STUDIO SUITE® installa-tion at the same location as on the Frontend Node.

    DefaultTempFolderDefault system temporary directory (normally de-fined by the global environment variables TMPDIR orTEMPDIR)

    DefaultMachineArchitecture All Compute Nodes are supposed to have the sameoperating system as the Frontend Node.

    GlobalMPICmdLineAddOn Empty

    DefaultLoginUser Empty

    DefaultLoginPrivateKeyfile Empty

    Table 8: Default values for MPI settings.

    Example 1: A machinefile with two entries which uses the default settings as listed intable 8:7


    Example 2: A machinefile which sets a certain temp folder (identical for all ComputeNodes):

    # CSTMachineFile 20130527# DefaultTempFolder ”/tmp/cst-mpi”comp001comp002

  • 313D










    Example 3: Specify a temp folder for each Compute Node separately:

    # CSTMachineFile 20130527comp001 # ; ”/tmp/cst-mpi” ; ; ;comp002 # ; ”/scratch/cst-mpi” ; ; ;

    Once a valid machinefile has been created, the simulation can be started from the com-mand line using the following command line options (in addition to the options start-ing the selected solver and specifying the CST model file):

    -withmpi -machinefile=""

    Example: Starting the transient solver of CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® for the file ”mod-elfile.cst” with MPI Computing, assuming that the CST STUDIO SUITE® installationfolder is in the executable search path (PATH environment variable) of the system:

    On Windows:

    "CST DESIGN ENVIRONMENT.exe" -withmpi -machinefile="" -m -r modelfile.cst

    On Linux:

    cst_design_environment -withmpi -machinefile="" -m -r modelfile.cst

  • 323D










    11 Job Scheduling System Integration

    Systems used for MPI computing are often high-end computational resources sharedby many applications and by many different users. Therefore, such systems are usu-ally access controlled environments, i.e., simulations can’t be started interactively butmust run in batch mode on computational resources which have been selected au-tomatically by a job scheduling system like LSF, SLURM, Univa Grid Engine, Torque,PBSPro, etc. The topic of submitting CST STUDIO SUITE® simulations to a job schedul-ing systems is covered in detail by the Cluster Integration Guide available in the CSTdownload area.


  • 333D










    12 Assignment of Hardware Resources to ComputeNodes

    The assignment of hardware resources to Compute Nodes is a crucial step to achieveoptimal performance for a simulation using MPI computing. Hardware resources inthis context are CPUs (i.e., CPU cores and CPU devices/sockets) and hardware accel-erators (GPU devices). Please note that the algorithm assigning the computationalworkload and simulation data to Compute Nodes is based on the assumption that thehardware resources of each Compute Node are identical in terms of hardware equip-ment and performance. Thus, it is strongly recommended to assign identical hardwareresources to all Compute Nodes to get the best possible performance.

    The hardware resources specified either in the acceleration dialog or on the commandline are meant per Compute Node, i.e., if each compute node is supposed to use asingle CPU device/socket plus a single hardware accelerator device (e.g., a GPU), oneCPU device and one GPU should be specified regardless of the number of ComputeNodes used for the simulation. The settings in the acceleration dialog for this caseare shown in figure 12. All three settings can also be specified on the command lineof a simulation started in batch mode. The corresponding command line options areshown in figure 12 as well. CST STUDIO SUITE® will assign hardware resources found

    Figure 12: Settings in the acceleration dialog to assign one CPU device/socket and onehardware accelerator device to each Compute Node.

    on the computers specified either in the MPI computing dialog or in the machinefile toCompute Nodes based on the following rules.

    1. If the name of a computer taking part in the simulation is listed only once in theMPI computing dialog or in themachinefile, CST STUDIO SUITE®will assign a sin-gle Compute Node to the computer. The computational resources assigned to thisCompute Node (i.e., the resources CST STUDIO SUITE® utilizes during the simu-lation) is the minimum of the available resources and the resources requested inthe acceleration dialog or on the command line.

    2. If the name of a computer taking part in the simulation is listed N times in theMPI computing dialog, CST STUDIO SUITE® will assign N Compute Nodes to thecomputer. The computational resources of the computer will be split among theCompute Nodes and CST STUDIO SUITE® will try to ensure that no computational

  • 343D










    resources are assigned to more than one Compute Node.

    To achieve optimal performance, it is strongly recommended to use one of the follow-ing settings.

    12.1 Full Computer Assignment (Compute Node=Physical Computer)Compute Node gets assigned all computational resources available on the computerstaking part in the simulation. The settings in the acceleration dialog or on the com-mand line should allow to use all hardware resources and the name of each computershould be listed only once in the MPI dialog or in the machinefile.

    If simulations are started using a job scheduling system this means that always fullmachines (not only a set of CPU cores) should be requested for exclusive access.

    Example: Hardware properties: Two CPU devices with eight cores each. The computerhas two GPUs. The user setting in the acceleration dialog allows to use up to two CPUdevices/sockets, up to 96 threads and up to 2 accelerator devices per Compute Node.The computer name is listed only once in the MPI dialog or in the machine file.

    → The Compute Node will get access to all hardware resources of the physical com-puter (Compute Node=physical computer). However, not more than 16 threads will bestarted for the compute intensive part of the simulation (even though the user settingallows to start 96 threads) as the hardware itself doesn’t offer more than 16 physicalCPU cores.

    12.2 NUMA Node Assignment (Compute Node=NUMA Node)Modern systems often have more than one CPU device/socket. For performance rea-sons it’s often advantageous to assign the resources of one NUMA Node (usually thisis one CPU device/socket) to each Compute Node as this can improve the performanceas compared to the assignment as described in section 12.1. To achieve such an as-signment, the computer with several NUMA nodes should be listed multiple times inthe MPI dialog or in the machinefile, respectively. E.g., if a computer has four NUMANodes, it should be listed four times. CST STUDIO SUITE® will automatically assignthe resources to the Compute Nodes such that each compute node will get the CPUresources of one NUMA Node.

    Note: If accelerator devices are connected to the computer it should be ensured thatthe accelerator devices can be assigned to the Compute Nodes in a reasonable waysuch that if hardware acceleration is enabled for the simulation, i.e., the number ofhardware accelerator devices divided by the number of Compute Nodes assigned tothe computer should be an integer number.

    Example: Hardware properties: Four CPU devices/sockets with eight cores each, i.e.,the computer has four NUMANodes. The computer has four GPUs. The user setting inthe acceleration dialog allows to use up to two CPU devices/sockets, up to 96 threads,

  • 353D










    and up to 1 accelerator devices per Compute Node. The computer name is listed fourtimes in the MPI dialog or in the machine file.

    → Each of the Compute Nodes will get access to one NUMA Node (CPU device/socket)of the physical computer (Compute Node=NUMA Node). CST STUDIO SUITE® ensuresthat each of the Compute Nodes gets access to the resources of one NUMA Node suchthat the different Compute Nodes on the same physical computer will not competefor resources with each other. However, not more than 8 threads will be started forthe compute intensive part of the simulation on each Compute Node (even though theuser setting allows to start 96 threads) as the hardware itself doesn’t offer more than8 physical CPU cores per NUMA Node.

    12.3 CPU Core Assignment (Compute Node=CPU Core)In some environments it might be desired to assign only a single CPU core to eachComputeNode. However, this type of resource assignment is the least favorable optionfor the following reasons. The CST STUDIO SUITE® licensing scheme is based on CPUdevices/sockets, not on CPU cores, i.e., even if only a single CPU core of a CPU device isused for a simulation, the CPU device will be counted for the licensing and accelerationtokens will be checked out accordingly (see CST Licensing Guide for more information).On the other hand, the licensing scheme will allow the usage of all CPU cores on a CPUdevice without additional cost, i.e., using all CPU cores of a CPU device will deliverthe best price/performance. Additionally, this type of assignment will usually notwork well when hardware acceleration is used to accelerate the computations of theCompute Nodes, as the assignment of hardware accelerator devices to Compute Nodescan’t be unique anymore as either a hardware accelerator device is shared betweendifferent ComputeNodes, or the number of CPU coreswhich can be used on a computeris limited by the number of hardware accelerator devices (assuming that the numberof accelerator devices is usually smaller than the number of CPU cores on a computer).

    Example: Hardware properties: Four CPU devices/sockets with eight cores each, i.e.,the computer has four NUMANodes. The user setting in the acceleration dialog allowsto use up to one CPU device/socket, and up to 96 threads per Compute Node. Thecomputer name is listed 32 times in the MPI dialog or in the machine file.

    → Each of the Compute Nodes will get access to one CPU core of the physical computer(Compute Node=CPU core). CST STUDIO SUITE® ensures that each of the ComputeNodes gets access to the resources of one CPU core such that the different ComputeNodes on the same physical computer will not compete for resources with each other.However, not more than 1 thread will be started for the compute intensive part of thesimulation on each Compute Node (even though the user setting allows to start 96threads) as only one CPU core can be assigned to each Compute Node without causinga resource conflict.


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    A Setup of Passwordless SSH

    The host key storage is sensitive to the hostname, i.e., connecting to ”comp1” andaccepting the host keywon’t enable to connect to ”comp1.company.com” even thoughboth names might refer to the same computer. Thus, it is important to specify thehostnames during the login procedure exactly in the way they are specified later on inthe acceleration dialog or in the machinefile, respectively.

    A.1 Linux Compute Nodes1. Create a pair of a private and a public key for ssh using the following command:

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa

    Do not use a passphrase if the ssh-keygen program asks for it. The ssh-keygenprogram will create two files named id_rsa and id_rsa.pub, respectively in adirectory named .ssh in the home directory of the logged-in user.

    2. Append the content of id_rsa.pub to the file ∼/.ssh/authorized_keys (the filedoesn’t exist by default), e.g., by using the command

    $ cat ∼/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ∼/.ssh/authorized_keys

    The authorized_keys file needs to be protected by changing the file access per-missions. Please execute the following command to do this:

    $ chmod 600 ∼/.ssh/authorized_keys

    3. If the Compute Nodes do not share the same home directory, the SSH setupneeds to be transferred to all Compute Nodes using the command

    $ ssh-copy-id -i ∼/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

    Example: A computer cluster consists of four computers named ”comp1”,”comp2”, ”comp3”, and ”comp4”. The computers don’t share their home directo-ries. The following series of commands need to be executed in order to prepareall computers for passwordless SSH access:

    $ ssh-copy-id -i ∼/.ssh/id_rsa.pub comp1$ ssh-copy-id -i ∼/.ssh/id_rsa.pub comp2$ ssh-copy-id -i ∼/.ssh/id_rsa.pub comp3$ ssh-copy-id -i ∼/.ssh/id_rsa.pub comp4

    4. Make sure that the configuration file of the SSH server daemon is configured toaccept login with a public key not protected by a password. Although it is thedefault behavior of the SSH server to allow login with a public key without usinga password, it might be worth checking that the SSH server configuration file(/etc/ssh/sshd_config) doesn’t contain the line

    PubkeyAuthentication no

  • 373D










    which prevents SSH connections with a public key if the key is not protected bya password, at least if SSH still asks for a password when trying to connect fromone Compute Node to another.

    5. It should be possible to log in to each Compute Node now without being askedfor a password. Please make sure that $ sshwon’t ask whether it should accepta host key during the login procedure as no interactive command prompts will bedisplayed during the MPI process start and may cause the MPI system to hang.In order to prevent the interactive prompt regarding a host key, either log in toall Compute Nodes using $ ssh at least once and accept the host key or configurethe ssh client to accept any host key presented, i.e., insert the line

    StrictHostKeyChecking no

    into the SSH client configuration file (/etc/ssh/ssh_config).

    Please note that in case of Compute Nodes which do not share home directo-ries, it’s either required to apply the ”StrictHostKeyChecking no” setting on allCompute Nodes, or log in from one node to all other Compute Nodes, accept thepresented host keys, and then copy the file ∼/.ssh/known_hosts to each Com-pute Node.

    6. To check the setup, the command

    $ ssh hostname

    can be used. This command should print the hostname of the specified com-pute node without asking for a password and without presenting any interactiveprompt.

    A.2 From a Windows Frontend Node to Linux Compute NodesThis section explains how to configure a passwordless ssh login from a Windows Fron-tend Node to Compute Nodes running Linux, i.e., this is required for ”Configuration2” in table 5. Please note that this configuration requires that ”ssh” is also used foruser authentication mechanism between the nodes (I_MPI_HYDRA_BOOTSTRAP, see sec-tion 6.2.2).

    In order to start any processes on Compute Nodes the Frontend Node needs password-less SSH access to all of the Compute Nodes. Make sure that the passwordless remoteshell setup between the Compute Nodes as described in section A.1 is already in placebefore starting the configuration described in this section.

    1. Transfer the SSH private key file (∼/.ssh/id_rsa) from a Compute Node to theFrontend Node. This can be done using the pscp.exe program found in the CSTSTUDIO SUITE® installation folder. pscp.exe is a command line program, i.e., acommand prompt needs to be started in order to use it.

    Example: If a computer which has the Compute Node role has the hostname”comp1”, and the private key file has been created for the user account ”mpi-

  • 383D










    user”, the private key file can be transferred using the following command line(assuming that the current directory is the CST STUDIO SUITE® installation direc-tory):

    pscp.exe mpi-user@comp1:∼/.ssh/id_rsa.

    This will copy the private key file from ”comp1” to the CST STUDIO SUITE® in-stallation directory.

    Note: The private key file will allow passwordless access to remote computers.It’s recommended to store the file in a location on the file system which is onlyaccessible by users of the remote computational resources (e.g., in the ”Docu-ments” folder of the logged in user account). This is presuming it’s consideredas a security risk in the computational environment to store the key file at a cen-tral place (like the CST STUDIO SUITE® installation) and potentially share it withother users having access to the computer which has the Frontend Node role.

    2. The id_rsa file which has been transferred from the Linux side needs to be con-verted to a different format such that it can be used on Windows. Open theprogram ”puttygen.exe” found in the CST STUDIO SUITE® installation directoryby double-clicking. Load the id_rsa file into the Puttygen program and store itas a ”Putty private key file” with file extension ”.ppk”.

    3. In the next step, the host keys of all Linux computers, which have the ComputeNode role assigned, need to be imported. This requires to establish a remoteinteractive SSH login using the private key file created in the previous step. Startthe program putty.exe found in the installation folder of CST STUDIO SUITE®and specify the hostname of one of the Linux computers which has the ComputeNode role assigned and specify the username of the remote user account as wellas the private key file created in the previous step. Then click on ”Open”. Select toaccept the host key presented by the remote computer. The interactive commandprompt which will open, can be closed. There must be no prompt asking for apassword. This procedure needs to be repeated for every remote computer whichhas the Compute Node role assigned.

  • 393D










    B Setting Environment Variables

    Many system specific settings of the MPI system are configured using environmentvariables. It is recommended to set these environment variables globally as systemenvironment variables to be sure that the setting is applied to all simulations usingMPI. This section describes how to define system wide environment variables.

    B.1 Setting System-Wide Environment Variables on WindowsOnWindows the ”Control Panel” can be used to set environment variables. After open-ing the ”Control Panel” please search for and select ”Edit the system environment vari-ables”. Then select ”Environment Variables…” on the ”Advanced” tab of the dialog boxwhich will open. Please note that the new setting will be applied only after pressing”OK” in the dialog box. Please restart any instance of CST STUDIO SUITE® after set-ting/changing any of the environment variables described in this document to be surethat the new setting is respected by any simulation.

    Setting systemwide environment variables requires administrative permissions. If theenvironment variables cannot be defined systemwide because of security restrictions,they can be defined for certain user accounts. To define environment variables in thecontext of a certain user, they can be entered in the ”User variables” list of the dialogbox.

    B.2 Setting System-Wide Environment Variables on LinuxDepending on the Linux distribution used, environment variables can be set by enter-ing them in the file /etc/environment, if this file exists. The entries have the form”=” with one entry per line, e.g., I_MPI_FABRICS=ofa. Alternatively, thevariables can be defined in a shell script which is placed in the /etc/profile.d direc-tory. In this case the environment variables need to be defined in the syntax of thesystem default shell (usually the bash shell) and they must be ”exported” such thatthey show up in the environment of all processes started on the system, e.g., a scriptcontaining the single line ”export I_MPI_FABRICS=ofa” will set the environment vari-able ”I_MPI_FABRICS” globally.

    Please log out and log in again after setting/changing any of the environment vari-ables described in this document to be sure that the new setting is respected by anysimulation.

    Changing the /etc/environment file and placing a file in /etc/profile.d requires rootpermissions. If the variables can’t be set system wide because of security restrictions,they can be defined either in the file ∼/.bashrc of the logged-in user (or equivalentfiles of the default shell if bash is not the default shell) or in the cst_settings file ofthe script collection (see section 11).

  • 403D










    C Setting Up and Testing an Infiniband Network

    Setting up Infiniband hardware is beyond the scope of this manual. IT-professionalslike system administrators should install and configure the Infiniband software. Pleaseverify that Infiniband communication works properly before running MPI simulationsbased on that network standard.

    Note: If the MPI run fails on Linux Compute Nodes with the error message

    ”RLIMIT_MEMLOCK too small”,

    the locked memory size must be increased. Please follow the steps listed below to doso.

    1. Open the file /etc/security/limits.conf with a text editor as root.

    2. Add the following lines to remove the lockedmemory size limitation for all users:

    * hard memlock unlimited* soft memlock unlimited

    3. Save the file and reboot the system.

  • 413D










    D Network and Cluster Checks

    If problems occur during the setup of MPI computing when following the instructionsof this manual, please perform the steps described in this section, collect the outputof all commands listed such that you can provide this information to CST support.

    D.1 Check Name ResolutionMPI computing requires a proper name resolution mechanism, i.e., mapping of com-puter names to IPv4 addresses. This can either be a static mechanism (host file oneach computer taking part in the simulation) or a setup using a DNS server. To checkwhether name resolution works and whether a network connection physically existsbetween two computers the following command can be used:8


    where ”” should be replaced by the name of the computer to whichthe connection should be tested, e.g., ”ping comp1” will test the connection to a com-puter with the name ”comp1”. A reply from the remote computer should be displayedas result.

    If a DNS server is used for name resolution, the following commands can be used tocheck whether the DNS server sends the correct IPv4 address in reply to a computername:


    A reverse name lookup can be checked with the following command:


    D.2 Check Program File Access

    The CST STUDIO SUITE® installation folder must be accessible on all computers tak-ing part in the simulation. To check whether a process started on computer ”comp1”can access the CST STUDIO SUITE® installation on computer ”comp2”, the followingcommand can be used.9

    On Windows:

    mpiexec.exe -host comp2 -n 1 "\AMD64\CSTHardwareInfo_AMD64.exe"

    The mpiexec program can be found in ”\AMD64".

    On Linux:8The command must be entered in a terminal window, i.e., cmd or Powershell on Windows and any

    shell on Linux, respectively.9This won’t work for configuration 2 as listed in table 5 when started from the Frontend Node. If

    testing this configuration, please log in to one of the Linux computers via remote shell and execute thecommand listed for the Linux operating system.

  • 423D










    mpiexec.hydra -host comp2 -n 1 "/LinuxAMD64/CSTHardwareInfo_AMD64"

    The mpiexec.hydra program can be found in ”/LinuxAMD64”.The refers to the directory where the CST STUDIO SUITE® instal-lation can be accessed on ”comp2”.

    D.3 Test MPI CommunicationTheMPI communication as well as bandwidth and latency of the interconnect selectedfor the MPI data exchange can be tested. To check whether a Compute Node on com-puter ”comp1” can exchange data with a Compute Node on computer ”comp2”, thefollowing command can be used.10

    Figure 13: Output of CSTMPIPerformanceTest if the MPI communication works correctly.

    On Windows:mpiexec.exe -rr -hosts comp1,comp2 -n 2 \"\AMD64\CSTMPIPerformanceTest_AMD64.exe"

    On Linux:mpiexec.hydra -rr -hosts comp1,comp2 -n 2 \"/LinuxAMD64/CSTMPIPerformanceTest_AMD64"

    An output similar to figure 13 should be shown.11 If the test is not successful, try toconfigure the network protocol and the network interface used for the MPI communi-cation according to the system setup (see section 4.2).

    10This won’t work for configuration 2 as listed in table 5 when started from the Frontend Node. Iftesting this configuration, please log in to one of the Linux computers via remote shell and execute thecommand listed for the Linux operating system.

    11The example output was taken from an Infiniband network configuration. In general, an HPC inter-connect should show a latency of a few µs at maximum and at least a bandwidth of 10Gb/s.

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    D.4 CST SystemCheckCST SystemCheck is an application that checks the MPI Cluster setup by executingseveral tests, on Linux and Windows. This tool is meant to support users configuringa cluster properly for CST STUDIO SUITE®. For example, it is checked if user-defined

    Figure 14: HTML result of a SystemCheck run.

    temporary directories exist and if they are writable. The results are available in formof an HTML file (figure 14). In case of a not successful test, some hints will be shownto fix the issue/error in the clusters setup.

    Before everyMPI solver run, SystemCheck is started automatically. Additionally, thereare two different ways to start SystemCheck manually, in the front end and on thecommand line. These three execution methods will be discussed in detail in the fol-lowing chapters (D.4.1 – D.4.3).

    D.4.1 Automatic Start Before MPI Solver Run

    SystemCheck is executed before every MPI solver run to detect issues in an early stageof the simulation. Front end and compute notes are always checked. In case a test fails,the simulation will not start and the cluster has to be adjusted to fulfill the require-ments. A click on the link displayed in the message window (figure 15) opens the

    Figure 15: SystemCheck failure in CST STUDIO SUITE® before simulation start.

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    result file. In case of a failure, the execution can last a while as some tests can hangand are killed only after a certain timeout.

    D.4.2 Manual Start in the Front End

    The manual start supports the user when setting up a simulation project. Using thisfeature, the cluster can already be checked while configuring the setup. To start Sys-temCheck in the front end, open the dialog box MPI Cluster (figure 16). This is thedialog box, in that the desired MPI cluster can be defined. Click on the button Cluster

    Figure 16: MPI cluster dialog box of CST STUDIO SUITE®. Start SystemCheck by clickingon the button Cluster Test.

    Test to start SystemCheck. When the test is finished, an HTML result file (figure 14)will open automatically.

    D.4.3 Manual Start on the Command Line

    Alternatively, SystemCheck can be started on the command line. This can be veryhelpful if a cluster is configured using a terminal window. As part of the CST STUDIOSUITE® installation, SystemCheck is located in the directory AMD64 on Windows orLinuxAMD64 on Linux. To start SystemCheck, a machine file has to be defined. Theeasiest way to generate a machine file is filling in the dialog boxMPI Cluster (figure 16)and then to export the configuration to a text file (section 10.1). This exported file canbe used as machine file for SystemCheck. It is also possible to generate the machine

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    file manually as described in one of the previous chapters (section 10.2). SystemCheckcan be started by the following command:

    $ ./SystemCheck_AMD64 -m /home/user/mpi_machines.txt

    Some essential output will be displayed by SystemCheck in the terminal (figure 17).More detailed results can be obtained from the HTML result file.

    Figure 17: Terminal output of SystemCheck on Linux.

    The configuration of SystemCheck can be adjusted by command line options. CallingSystemCheck with --help will display all available options:

    $ ./SystemCheck_AMD64 --help

    In principle the behavior of SystemCheck on Linux and Windows is identical. But thespecific test set that will check the cluster is dependent on the operating system.

    IntroductionSupported Solvers and FeaturesMPI Processes and RolesInterconnectInterconnect TopologyNetwork ProtocolsFirewall Configuration

    Operating System SupportInstallation and Configuration of MPI ComputingInstallation of CST STUDIO SUITE® on Frontend Node and Compute NodesInstallation of MPI Process Management Service (HYDRA)

    Update of CST STUDIO SUITE® InstallationShared StorageCombined Hardware Acceleration and MPI ComputingStarting a Simulation Using MPI ComputingStarting Simulations InteractivelyStarting Simulations in Batch Mode

    Job Scheduling System IntegrationAssignment of Hardware Resources to Compute NodesFull Computer Assignment (Compute Node=Physical Computer)NUMA Node Assignment (Compute Node=NUMA Node)CPU Core Assignment (Compute Node=CPU Core)

    Setup of Passwordless SSHLinux Compute NodesFrom a Windows Frontend Node to Linux Compute Nodes

    Setting Environment VariablesSetting System-Wide Environment Variables on WindowsSetting System-Wide Environment Variables on Linux

    Setting Up and Testing an Infiniband NetworkNetwork and Cluster ChecksCheck Name ResolutionCheck Program File AccessTest MPI CommunicationCST SystemCheck

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