current affairs digest 2013 iv

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV




    The Indian contestant who was crowned Miss Asia Pacific World 2013 at a beauty pageant heldin Seoul South !orea " Shristi Rana

    The #ussian President who was ran$ed as the World%s &ost powerful person for the year 2013by the 'orbes &aga(ine " Vla i!ir P"tin

    The )hancellor of *er&any who was ran$ed as the World%s &ost powerful wo&an for 2013 bythe 'orbes &aga(ine " An#$la M$r%$l

    The Indian industrialist who was inducted into the prestigious +ational Acade&y of ,ngineering-+A,. in the /S for his contributions to industrial de elop&ent in India and across the world "Ratan Tata

    The Managing irector and )hief 'inance fficer of S I who was appointed as the first wo&anchairperson of State an$ of India -also beca&e the first wo&an to head a 'ortune 400co&pany in India. " Ar"n hati Bhatta&har'a

    The new )hair&an of 20 th 5aw )o&&ission who too$ o er following the resignation of 6ustice7!7 6ain " ("sti&$ A)it Pra%ash Shah

    The Indian ,8ternal Affairs Minister who represented India at the )o&&onwealth 9eads of*o ern&ent Meet 2013 in Sri 5an$a " Sal!an *h"rshi

    The )hairperson of India%s first all:wo&en ban$ haratiya Mahila an$ inaugurated by thePri&e Minister r7 Man&ohan Singh at Air India building in +ari&an Point -Mu&bai. is " UshaAnanthas"+ra!anian -+ote; The ban$ has started its operations with < branches at !ol$ata Mu&bai 5uc$now*uwahati )hennai engaluru and Ah&edabad7 9ead=uarters; +ew elhi.

    The winning candidate in the presidential election of the Maldi es who has been sworn in as

    the new President " A+ "lla ,a!$$n A+ "l Ga''--! The >ene(uelan contestant who was crowned Miss /ni erse 2013 at a beauty pageant held inMoscow " Mar.a Ga+ri$la Isl$r

    elhi Metro%s Principal Ad isor and for&er Managing irector who was conferred with theprestigious % rder of the #ising Sun *old and Sil er Star% award by the go ern&ent of 6apan "Mr/ E/ Sr$$ haran

    The noted Indian food writer and host of coo$ing shows -awarded Pad&a Shri in 200

  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    The /nion Minister of State for 9# who was chosen as P,TA India%s Person of the @ear 2013 "Shashi Thar--r

    The >ice )hief of Air Staff who too$ o er as the new )hief of Air Staff on 31 ec 2013 " Air Chi$Marshall Ar" Raha

    The new )hair&an )hief of Staffs )o&&ittee " G$n$ral Bi%ra! Sin#h

    The in entor of A!: < Assault #ifle who died on 23 ec 2013 " Mi%hail *alashni%-

    The new )hief Infor&ation )o&&issioner of India who too$ o er fro& outgoing )I) Ms eepa$Sandhu on 20 ec 2013 " S"sh!a Sin#h

    The Pope of the )atholic church who was chosen as the Person of the @ear 2013 by TIM,&aga(ine " P- $ Fran&is

    The contestant fro& >ene(uela who was crowned as Miss ,arth 2013 at a beauty pageant heldat >ersailles Palace in >ersailles Palace Muntinlupa )ity Philippines " Al' 4$nri&h

    The Indian contestant at the Miss ,arth 2013 who was awarded the Miss Photogenic and Miss,co eauty titles " S-+hita Dh"li ala


    The two cities in which airports were granted international status by the /nion )abinet "Bh"+an$sh6ar an I! hal

    The waterway -strait. connecting lac$ Sea and Sea of Mar&ara in Istanbul -Tur$ey. underwhich a tunnel was opened connecting Asia and ,urope " B-s h-r"s Strait

    The country in which 'esti al of India and Indian )ha&ber of )o&&erce -I+)9AM. wereinaugurated by the isiting >ice:President of India Mr7 9a&id Ansari " P$r"

    The place in M7P7 where a sta&pede on a bridge o er Sindh ri er -tributary of @a&una. $illedo er B0 people and inCured se eral others " Ratan#arh

    The country to which India resu&ed supply of ar&s ending an eight:year old ban i&posed in2004 " N$ al

    The country which reCected a seat in the /nited +ations Security )ouncil to protest against alac$ of international efforts to end world conflicts " Sa" i Ara+ia

    The state in which setting up of 5egislati e )ouncil with a strength of 2 &e&bers wasappro ed by the /nion )abinet " Assa!

    The country which was chosen unani&ously at the end of )9 *M 2013 in Sri 5an$a to host the2014 )o&&onwealth Su&&it " Malta

  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    The enue of 1Bth International )hildren%s 'il& 'esti al of India held fro& 1 +o e&ber 2013 "4' $ra+a

    The enue of World Agriculture 'oru& 2013 )ongress and Agri:Tech 'air held fro& 0 to 0 positi e patients " An)ali G- alan

    The e&inent gastroenterologist and director of Institute of 5i er and iliary Sciences +ew elhiwho was chosen for the 2nd han antri award " S/*/ Sarin

    The +ew Eealand author who was awarded the Man oo$er Pri(e 2013 for her second no elThe 5u&inaries " El$an-r Catt-n

    The agricultural scientist and 'ather of *reen #e olution in India who was chosen for the Indira*andhi Award for +ational Integration 2012 " MS S6a!inathan

    The 'irst +ational Awards 'or Senior )iti(ens instituted by the Ministry of Social 6ustice and,&power&ent and presented by the President of India Shri Pranab Mu$herCee on the occasionof International ay of lder Persons are na&ed " Va'-shr$shtha Sa!!an9 2013

    The editor critic and author who won the 2013 Sha$ti hatt 'irst oo$ Pri(e for her debut no elThe Wildings " Nilan)an R-'

    The renowned fil& actress who was awarded the )entenary Award for Indian 'il& Personalityof the @ear at the International 'il& 'esti al of India 2013 in PanCi& *oa " 7ah$$ a R$h!an

  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    The )arnatic ocalist who was honoured with the first harat Se a Puras$ar instituted by SriParthasarathy Swa&i Sabha and )arnatica " Ms S" ha Ra#"nathan

    The *o ern&ent of India underta$ing which bagged the highest nu&ber of +ational ,nergy)onser ation Awards"2013 gi en by the Ministry of Power on +ational ,nergy )onser ationay on 1 th ece&ber -22 out of 112 awards. " In ian Rail6a's

    The irector *eneral of International )rops #esearch Institute for Se&i:Arid Tropics -I)#ISAT.who was conferred with the ,8cellence in Agricultural 5eadership Award by Association ofAgricultural Technology in Southeast Asia -AATS,A. " 7illia! D Dar


    The *er&an '1 #acing dri er -racing for #ed ull #enault. who won his fourth straight world

    title at the 'or&ula 1 Indian *rand Pri8 at the uddh International )ircuit " S$+astian V$tt$l The )hinese Snoo$er professional who won the Indian pen World Snoo$er Tourna&ent heldin +ew elhi in ct 2013 defeating Aditya Mehta of India in the finals " Din# ("nh"i

    The Indian cric$eter who beca&e the fastest Indian to score a century off 42 balls -surpassing>irender Sehwag%s record of century in ?0 balls. in an I against Australia in 6aipur " Virat*-hli

    The Indian wo&en%s pair of snoo$er players who won the tea& title in the 2013 I S' World ? "red Snoo$er )ha&pionship after defeating 9ong !ong in the final at )arlow Ireland " Vi 'aPillai an Arant:a San&his

    The Indian bad&inton star who was chosen as the Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the @ear2013 " Saina N$h6al

    The Indian cric$eter who has been appointed /+I),'%s first brand a&bassador for South Asia "Sa&hin T$n "l%ar

    The +orwegian chess player who beca&e the new World )hess )ha&pion by defeating 4 ti&escha&pion >iswanathan Anand in 3 out of 10 ga&es -< being drawn ga&es. in cha&pionshipcontest held at 9otel 9yatt #egency in )hennai " Ma#n"s Carls$n

    The Indian cric$eter who beca&e the fastest to score 4000 runs in ne ay Internationals byachie ing it in 11 innings off 120 &atches " Virat *-hli

    The arcelona footballer who was awarded the ,uropean *olden Shoe for a record third ti&efor ha ing scored the &ost league goals in ,urope last season " 5i-n$l M$ssi

    #i( i:Springfield s$ipper who scored 4 ? runs against St7 'rancis %Assisi in the 9arris Shieldtourna&ent &atch beco&ing the highest scoring Indian in any for& of registered co&petiti ecric$et " Prith i Shah

  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    The 6a&aican sprinter who was na&ed the 'e&ale Athlete of the @ear 2013 by the InternationalAssociation of Athletics 'ederation " Sh$ll';Ann Fras$r;Pr'&$

    The 6a&aican sprinter who was na&ed the Male Athlete of the @ear 2013 by InternationalAssociation of Athletics 'ederation for the fifth ti&e " Usain B-lt

    The wo&an shooter fro& India who created history by beco&ing the first pistol e8ponent fro&India to win a gold &edal at the ISS' World )up finals in Munich *er&any " 4$$na Si h"

    The Indian golfer who won the ubai )ity )hallenge golf tourna&ent in ubai " Shi *a "r

    The Indian cric$eter who beca&e the third bats&an in the world to score a double century inne:day Internationals by scoring 20D runs in 14B balls against Australia at angalore7-Preceded by Sachin Tendul$ar " 2010 and >irender Sehwag " 2011. " R-hit Shar!a

    The country which launched the ly&pic torch of Winter ly&pics 201 into space where itwas handed o er between two spacewal$ers of the International Space Station to record thefirst e ery torch relay in space " R"ssia

    The year in which India is to host the ne8t hoc$ey world cup as announced by the International9oc$ey 'ederation -'I9. " 201<

    The bad&inton player who won the &en%s singles title defeating M7 >7 *uru Sai utt at

  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    The Indian bad&inton star who has won the Macau pen 2013 Wo&en%s Single title defeating5i Michelle of )anada " P/V/ Sin h"

    The year in which India has been chosen by the International 'ootball 'ederation to host the/nder:1< 'I'A World )up " 201=


    The airfield in angladesh where an Indian Air 'orce aircraft -helicopter Mi " 14. &ade ahistoric landing after a gap of 2 years -last landing by an IA' aircraft was &ade in 1Di$ra&aditya -for&erly Ad&iral *orsh$o . was inductedinto the Indian +a y on 1? +o e&ber at a cere&ony attended by #ussian eputy Pri&eMinister &itry #ogo(in and Indian efence Minister A7!7 Antony " S$ !ash Shi 'ar inS$ $r- ins%

    The ad anced Cet trainer built by the 9industan Aeronautics 5i&ited -9A5. with Transfer ofTechnology fro& MFs ritish Aerospace /! which has been inducted into the Indian +a y at acere&ony held at the +a al Air Station I+S ega in >isa$hapatna& " 4a6% 132

    The 10:day India:)hina Coint &ilitary drill on counterterroris& conducted in Miaoergang town in)hina is code na&ed " 4an ;in;han

    India%s first supersonic Cet which was flown for the last ti&e in ece&ber 2013 fro& IA'%s baseat !alai$unda after about 40 years of ser ice in the IA' " MiG;21F5


    The ran$ of India in the *lobal *ender *ap Inde8 2013 released by the World ,cono&ic 'oru& " 101

    The ran$ of India in the 9u&an )apital Inde8 as released by World ,cono&ic 'oru& " =

  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    The ran$ of India in the )orruption Perception Inde8 2013 released by TransparencyInternational " ?@

    The ran$ of India in the recently released 'orbes list of world%s best countries for doing business " ?launch ehicle fro& )ape )ana eral launching station is na&ed " MAVEN Mars At!-s h$r$an V-latil$ E -l"ti-n

    The satellite launched by ,uropean Space Agency in 200D which re:entered the ,arth%sat&osphere and crashed into the Atlantic cean was na&ed " Gra it' i$l an O&$an

    Cir&"lati-n E: l-r$r The )hinese &oon ro er which dro e onto the &oon%s surface on 14 ec &a$ing )hina thethird country to co&plete a lunar ro er &ission after the /nited States and /SS# is na&ed ","t" -r (a $ Ra++it


    The cyclone which hit the eastern coast of India at *opalpur in disha on 13 ct 13 causinge8tensi e da&age to property was na&ed " Phailin

    The typhoon which hit the eastern coast of )hina forcing e acuation of la$hs of people andcausing e8tensi e da&age to property " Fit-6

    The cyclone which hit Andhra Pradesh crossing the coast at Machilipatna& on 22 +o 13forcing e acuation of thousands of people was na&ed " 4$l$n

    The typhoon which lashed Philippines on 0< +o e&ber 2013 $illing thousands of people andcausing large scale de astation was na&ed " 4ai'an


    The intage stea& loco&oti e -&anufactured by )hittranCan 5oco&oti e Wor$s. which wasbeen restored and o erhauled to run a tourist train fro& elhi to Alwar is na&ed " A%+ar

    The first e er ual )ab 400 9P 'reight iesel loco&oti e na&ed >iCay flagged by the Ministerof #ailways Shri Malli$arCun !harge has been &anufactured by " Di$s$l 5-&-!-ti $ 7-r%sD57 9 Varanasi


    The ship belonging to a /S:based fir& -and registered in Sierra 5eone. which was detained bythe Indian )oast *uard for carrying weapons in Indian waters is na&ed " MV S$a!an G"ar

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  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    The Indian uni ersity which beca&e the highest:ran$ed educational institution of India in thefirst:e er ran$ing of uni ersities in #I)S and e&erging econo&ies by Ti&es 9igher ,ducation&aga(ine " Pan)a+ Uni $rsit'

    Rashtri'a U&h&hatar Shi%sha A+hi'an

    Intr- "&ti-n

    The +ational e elop&ent )ouncil -+ ). appro ed #ashtriya /chchatar S hi$sha Abhiyan-#/SA. a )entrally Sponsored Sche&e -)SS. for refor&ing the state higher education syste& aspart of the 12th Plan7 It was subse=uently included in the list of ?? sche&es appro ed by the)abinet on 20th 6une 2013 as part of the restructured )SSs for i&ple&entation in the 12thPlan7 In ct 2013 the )abinet )o&&ittee on ,cono&ic Affairs appro ed the #/SA7

    uring the 12th Plan period B0 new uni ersities would be created by con erting autono&ouscollegesFcolleges in a cluster to State uni ersities7 100 new colleges includingprofessionalFtechnical colleges would be set up and 4 e8isting colleges would be con ertedinto &odel degree colleges7 Infrastructure grants would be gi en to 140 uni ersities and 3 400colleges to upgrade and fill critical gaps in infrastructure especially libraries laboratories etc7#/SA would also support 4 000 faculty positions7

    I! -rtant O+)$&ti $s - th$ S&h$!$

    I&pro ing the o erall =uality of e8isting state higher educational institutions by ensuringconfor&ity to prescribed nor&s and standards and adoption of accreditation as a &andatory=uality assurance fra&ewor$7

    )orrect regional i&balances in access to higher education through high =uality institutions inrural and se&i urban areas as well as creating opportunities for students fro& rural areas to getaccess to better =uality institutions7

    Setting up of higher education institutions in unser ed and underser ed areas7

    I&pro e e=uity in higher education by pro iding ade=uate opportunities to socially depri edco&&unitiesH pro&ote inclusion of wo&en &inorities S)FST and )s as well as differentlyabled persons7

    ,nsure ade=uate a ailability of =uality faculty in all higher educational institutions and ensurecapacity building at all le els7

    )reate an enabling at&osphere in higher educational institutions to de ote the&sel es toresearch and inno ation7

    Integrate s$ill de elop&ents efforts of the go ern&ent with the con entional higher educationsyste& through opti&u& inter entions7

    The sche&e will be spread o er two plan periods7 )entre:State funding would be in the ratio ofD0;10 for +orth " ,astern States Si$$i& 6a&&u and !ash&ir 9i&achal Pradesh and/ttara$hand and ?4;34 for other States and /nion Territories7

  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    4"!an Ca ital In $:

    The 9u&an )apital Inde8 co ering 122 countries released by the World ,cono&ic 'oru&e8plores the contributors and inhibitors to the de elop&ent and deploy&ent of a healthyeducated and producti e labour force7

    Th$ -"r illars - th$ In $:

    The 9ealth and Wellness pillar contains indicators relating to a population s phy sical and &entalwell:being fro& childhood to adulthood7

    The ,ducation pillar contains indicators relating to =uantitati e and =ualitati e aspects ofeducation across pri&ary secondary and tertiary le els and contains infor&ation on both the

    present wor$force as well as the future wor$force7

    The Wor$force and ,&ploy&ent pillar is designed to =uantify the e8perience talent $nowledgeand training in a country s wor$ing:age population7

    The ,nabling ,n iron&ent pillar captures the legal fra&ewor$ infrastructure and other factorsthat enable returns on hu&an capital7

    T- &-"ntri$s

    Swit(erland " 1H 'inland " 2H Singapore " 3H +etherlands " H Sweden " 4

    Ma)-r C-"ntri$s an th$ir ran%s

    /7S7A7 " 1?H /7!7 " BH 'rance " 21H *er&any " ?H 6apan " 14H #ussia " 41

    In ia an its N$i#h+-"rs

    India "

  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    N-+$l Pri $s 2013


    'rancois ,nglert - elgiu&. and Peter W7 9iggs -/nited !ingdo&.

    'or the theoretical disco ery of a &echanis& that contributes to our understanding of theorigin of &ass of subato&ic particles and which recently was confir&ed through the disco eryof the predicted funda&ental particle by the AT5AS and )MS e8peri&ents at ),#+%s 5arge9adron )ollider


    Martin !arplus -Austria. Michael 5e itt -South Africa. and Arieh Warshel -Israel.'or the de elop&ent of &ultiscale &odels for co&ple8 che&ical syste&s

    M$ i&in$

    6a&es ,7 #oth&an -/7S7A7. #andy W7 Sche$&an -/7S7A7. and Tho&as )7 SJdhof -*er&any.

    'or their disco eries of &achinery regulating esicle traffic a &aCor transport syste& in ourcells

    5it$rat"r$ Alice Munro -)anada.

    Master of the conte&porary short story


    rgani(ation for the Prohibition of )he&ical Weapons - P)W.

    'or its e8tensi e efforts to eli&inate che&ical weapons

    E&-n-!i& S&i$n&$s

    ,ugene '7 'a&a -/7S7A7. 5ars Peter 9ansen " /7S7A7 and #obert 67 Shiller " /7S7A7

    'or their e&pirical analysis of asset prices

  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    @@th Int$rnati-nal Fil! F$sti al - In ia

    >enue " G-a

    9eld fro& 20 to 30 +o 2013

    9ead of the Cury " S$r+ian il! ir$&t-r G-ran Pas%al)$ i&

    pening 'il& " Th$ D-n ("ans ir$&t$ +' (iri M$n $l

    )losing 'il& " 6ustin )hadwic$%s fil& Man $la 5-n# 7al% t- Fr$$ -!

    )ountry in 'ocus " (a an

    *olden Peacoc$ Award " ,ast Ti&or%s fil& B$atri >s 7ar

    est irector " *a"shi% Gan#"li for engali fil& Apur Panchali

    Special 6ury Award " Tur$ish fil& 8Th-" Gil 8st th$ E $n8 est Actor -Male. " Al-n M-ni A+-"t+-"l for his perfor&ance in Israeli &o ie A Place in9ea en

    est Actor -'e&ale. " B-& ars%a Ma# al$na for her perfor&ance in Polish fil& In 9iding

    Special )entenary Award " engali fil& M$#h$ Dha%a Tara directed by !a&aleshwarMu$herCee

    5ifeti&e Achie e&ent Award " )(ech fil&&a$er (iri M$n $l

    )entenary Award for Indian 'il& Personality of the @ear " 7ah$$ a Rah!an

    1enue " 4' $ra+a

    9eld fro& 1 to 21 +o 2013

    Inaugural 'il& " G- i Ga6ai'a Ba#ha Ba)ai'a directed by Shilpa #anade

    7inn$rs - A6ar s

    *olden ,lephant " est 5i e Action 'il& " *a"6+-' -The +etherlands.

    *olden ,lephant " est 5i e Action irector " Bat"l M"%htiar for !aphal -Indian.

    *olden ,lephant " est Ani&ation 'eature " Ern$st Et C$l$stin$ -'rance.

    *olden ,lephant " est 5i e Action irector " Bat"l M"%htiar -r *a hal -Indian.

    *olden ,lephant " est Short " Chinti -#ussia.

    Special 6ury Pri(e " M--n Man -'rance.

    6ury Pri(e for est Artwor$ " G-- i Ga6ai'a Ba#ha Ba)ai'a -India.KFtrL

  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    In ia8s Mars Or+it$r Missi-n

    5aunch date; 0 N- $!+$r 2013

    5aunch ehicle; PS5V 5 C2

    5aunch station; Srihari%-ta

    Insertion into Martian orbit; 2@ S$ 201@

    Infor&al na&e; Man#al'aan

    San#$$t Nata% A%a $!i A6ar s 2013

    A%a $!i Ratna San#$$t Nata% A%a $!i F$ll-6s

    S&t !ana$ #ele " ,8ponent of Mohiniatta&

    Shri #7 Satyanarayana " Musicologist

    Shri Mahesh ,l$unchwar " Playwright

    A%a $!i A6ar s in th$ Fi$l - M"si& an Dan&$

    A6ar s in th$ Fi$l - M"si& A6ar s in th$ Fi$l - Dan&$Shri #itwi$ Sanyal 9industani >ocal S&t7 6a&una !rishnan haratnatya&S&t7 >eena Sahasrabuddhe 9industani >ocal Shri 9era&bhanathan haratnatya&Shri 9ash&at Ali !han 9industani

    Instru&entalMusic -Tabla.

    S&t #aCashree Shir$e !atha$

    Shri hruba *hosh 9industaniInstru&entalMusic -Sarangi.

    Shri !ala&andala&MPS +a&boodiri !atha$ali

    S&t7 Aruna Saira& )arnatic >ocal Shri )hinta Seetha#a&anCaneyulu


    Shri 7 Seshachari Shri #agha achari -9yderabadrothers.

    )arnatic >ocal S&t Sangeeta ash dissi

    Shri Trichy San$aran )arnaticInstru&entalMusic-Mridanga&.

    Shri 6ogen utta ayan Sattriya

    Shri Thiru i(ha 6ayashan$ar )arnaticInstru&entalMusic-+adaswara&.

    Shri Srini asa#angachariar

    MaCor traditions ofdancea&pH ancetheatre -Arayerse ai.

    Shri an$i& Sethi MaCor Traditionsof Music - dissiMusic.

    Shri haneshwar Swain Music for dance

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  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    achanaryachi #oCanishee -,ssays. Satish !alase$ar137 +epali Man$a 5ahar #a #aharharu -Tra elogue. Man ahadur Pradhan1 7 dia anaprastha -Play. iCoy Misra147 PunCabi +ir aan -+o el. Man&ohan1?7 #aCasthani Aanthyoi +ahi in 9al -Poetry. A&bi$a utt1id&ahe227 /rdu 5a a -Poetry. 6a ed A$htar

    CNN IBN In ian - th$ ,$ar A6ar s 2013

    )++ " I + Indian of the @ear ; NGO St- A&i Atta&%s

    )++ " I + Indian of the @ear " Politics ; Ar in *$)ri6al

    )++ " I + Indian of the @ear " Sports ; P/V/ Sin h"

    )++ " I + Indian of the @ear " usiness ; Ra)i Ba)a)

    )++ " I + Indian of the @ear " ,ntertain&ent ; *a il Shar!a

    )++ " I + Indian of the @ear " Public Ser ice ; Ass-&iati-n -r D$!-&rati& R$ -r!s ADR anS" r$!$ C-"rt a -&at$ 5il' Th-!as

    )++ " I + Indian of the @ear " Special Achie e&ent NDRF an ITBP

    )++ " I + Indian of the @ear " Special Achie e&ent ; D$$ i%a Pa "%-n$

    )++ " I + Indian of the @ear " utstanding Achie e&ent ; 5$an $r Pa$s

    )++ " I + Indian of the @ear " utstanding Achie e&ent ; Ra!a%ant A&hr$%ar

    )++ " I + Indian of the @ear " 5ifeti&e Achie e&ent ; 5at$ ("sti&$ (/S/ V$r!a

  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    N$ls-n R-lihlahla Man $la

    orn ; 1< ("l' 1?1<

    ied; 0 D$&$!+$r 2013

    Prison life " 1? @ 1??0

    President of South Africa " 1??@ 1???

    I! -rtant A6ar s &-n $rr$ -n Mr/ N$ls-n Man $la

    6awaharlal +ehru Award for International /nderstanding " 1?=?

    harat #atna " 1??0

    5enin Peace Pri(e " 1??0

    +ishan:e:Pa$istan " 1??2

    +obel Peace Pri(e " 1??3

    Indira *andhi Award for International 6ustice and 9ar&ony " 1DD?

    F-r$i#n P-li&' Ma#a in$ 5$a in# Gl-+al Thin%$rs - 2013

    17E 6ar Sn-6 $n " 'or e8posing the reach of *o ern&ent spying

    27*$ith Al$:an $r " 'or &aster&inding the sur eillance state

    37Gl$nn Gr$$n6al " 'or gi ing ,dward Snowden a oice

    7 5a"ra P-itras " 'or gi ing ,dward Snowden a oice

    47Dil!a R-"s$ " 'or confronting Washington and its spies

    In ians in th$ list

    327Ar in *$)ri al " 'or leading a co&paign to clean up India%s capital

  • 8/12/2019 Current Affairs Digest 2013 IV


    I)) Associate and Affiliate )ric$eter of the @ear " *$ in O8Bri$n Ir$lan

    I)) Twenty20 International Perfor&ance of the @ear " U!ar G"l Pa%istan

    I)) T20I Wo&en%s )ric$eter of the @ear " Sarah Ta'l-r En#lan

    I)) Spirit of )ric$et Award " Mah$la (a'a6ar $na Sri 5an%a

    I)) /&pire of the @ear -winning the a id Shepherd Trophy. " Ri&har *$ttl$+-r-"#h

    People%s )hoice " MS Dh-ni

    Chi$ Minist$rs R$&$nt Stat$ El$&ti-ns N- $!+$r 2013

    #aCasthan " Vas"n har$ Ra)$ -has beco&e the )M of #aCasthan for the second ti&e.

    )hhattisgarh " Dr/ Ra!an Sin#h -has beco&e the )M of )hhattisgarh for the third consecuti eti&e.

    Madhya Pradesh " Shi ra) Sin#h Ch-"han -has beco&e the )M of Madhya Pradesh for thethird consecuti e ti&e.

    Mi(ora& " P" 5althanha6la -has beco&e the )M of Mi(ora& for the second consecuti e ti&eand a record fifth ti&e in his political career7.

    elhi " Ar in *$)ri6al

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