current affairs questions 20th & 21st september 2020japanese encephalitis is transmitted to the...

Post on 25-Sep-2020






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Current Affairs Questions

20th & 21st September 2020

Important Questions

Which of the following state has launched a loan disbursal programme “Arthika


निम्िलिखित में से किस राज्य िे ऋण वितरण िाययक्रम "अर्थयि स्पंदि" शुरू किया है?

A. Assam

B. Odisha

C. Jharkhand

D. Karnataka

On PM Modi’s birthday Himachal Pradesh CM Jai Ram Thakur inaugurated

“Swachhata Cafe” in _________ district.

पीएम मोदी िे जन्मददि पर दहमाचि प्रदेश िे सीएम जय राम ठािुर िे _________ जजिे में"स्िच्छ्ता िैफे" िा उद्घाटि किया।

A. Solan

B. Kullu

C. Mandi

D. Shimla

Who among the following has been honoured with the Asia Game Changer award

for feeding millions in India amid Covid crisis?

निम्िलिखित में से किसे िोविद संिट िे बीच भारत में िािों िोगों िो खििािे िे लिए एलशया गेमचेंजर पुरस्िार से सम्मानित किया गया है?

A. Akshay Kumar

B. Azim Premji

C. Vikas Khanna

D. Sudha Murthy

A. Singer

B. Journalist

C. Filmmaker

D. Politician

Recently Ashok Gasti passed away. He was a/an ________.

हाि ही में अशोि गस्ती िा निधि हो गया। िह एि ________ थे।

Japanese encephalitis is transmitted to the humans by the bite of _________.

जापािी इंसेफेिाइदटस _________ िे िाटिे से मिुष्यों में फैिता है।

A. Aedes mosquito

B. Orchard mason bee

C. Culex mosquito

D. Bombus bee


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● Viraat, the decommissioned aircraft carrier of the Indian Navy, begins its last journey from Mumbai’s Naval Dockyard to Alang in Gujarat, where it will be dismantled.

● The vessel had served the Indian Navy for 30 years before being decommissioned in 2017.

● The aircraft carrier will be towed by the high capacity tugs owned by Shree Ram Group, the company that has won the bid to dismantle the ship.

● भारतीय िौसेिा िा प्रमुि विमाि िाहि पोत, विराट, मुंबई िे िौसेिा डॉियाडय से गुजरात िे अिंग ति िीअपिी अंनतम यात्रा शुरू िरता है, जहां इसे िष्ट िर ददयाजाएगा।

● पोत िे 2017 में डीमोशि होिे से पहिे 30 साि तिभारतीय िौसेिा िी सेिा िी थी।

● विमाििाहि पोत िो श्री राम ग्रुप िे स्िालमत्ि िािीउच्छच क्षमता िािे टगों से िे जाया जाएगा, जजस िंपिी िेजहाज िो िष्ट िरिे िे लिए बोिी जीती है।

INS Viraat

• INS Viraat holds the Guinness World Record for being the longest serving warship of the world.

• Viraat served in the British Navy as HMS Hermes for 25 years from November 1959 to April 1984.

• It was commissioned into the Indian Navy in May 1987 after refurbishment.• The Centaur class of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy was the last of the light fleet

carrier designs started during the closing years of World War II (1939-45).• Viraat played a major role in Operation Jupiter in 1989 during the Sri Lankan

Peacekeeping operation. It also saw action during Op Parakram in 2001-2002, post the terrorist attack on Parliament.

• The indigenous Advance Light Helicopters ‘Dhruv’ and the Russian twin rotor Kamov-31 have also operated from the ship.

• It was decommissioned in March 2017, and the Navy had been incurring expenditure since then on its upkeep, such as the provision of electricity and water, and repairs.


Drug Controller General of India approves commercial launch of COVID-19 test


ड्रग कंट्रोलर जनरल ऑफ इडंिया ने COVID-19 परीक्षण 'FELUDA' के वाडणडययक लॉन्च को मंजरूी दी


• The Tata Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short

Palindromic Repeats, CRISPR test, powered by

CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative

Biology (IGIB) FELUDA has received regulatory

approvals from the Drug Controller General of

India for commercial launch.

• As per the Indian Council of Medical Research

(ICMR) guidelines, the test has met high quality

benchmarks with 96 per cent sensitivity and 98

per cent specificity for detecting the Novel


• This test uses an indigenously developed,

cutting-edge CRISPR technology for detection of

the genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 virus.

• CRISPR is a genome editing technology to

diagnose diseases.

• The Tata CRISPR test is the world’s first

diagnostic test to deploy a specially adapted

Cas9 protein to successfully detect the virus

causing COVID-19.

• सीएसआईआर-इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ जीिोलमक्स एंड इंटीगे्रदटिबायोिॉजी (IGIB) FELUDA द्िारा संचालित Tata

Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic

Repeats, CRISPR टेस्ट िो िाखणजज्यि िॉन्च िे लिएभारतीय ड्रग िंट्रोिर जिरि से नियामि अिुमोदि प्राप्तहुआ है।

• इंडडयि िाउंलसि ऑफ मेडडिि ररसचय (ICMR) िे ददशा-निदेशों िे अिुसार, परीक्षण में 96 प्रनतशत संिेदिशीिता िेसाथ उच्छच गुणित्ता िािे बेंचमािय और िॉिेि िोरोिािायरसिा पता िगािे िे लिए 98 प्रनतशत विलशष्टता है।

• यह परीक्षण SARS-CoV-2 िायरस िे जीिोलमि अिुक्रम िापता िगािे िे लिए एि स्िदेशी रूप से वििलसत, अत्याधनुििCRISPR तििीि िा उपयोग िरता है।

• CRISPR रोगों िे निदाि िे लिए एि जीिोम संपादितििीि है।

• Tata CRISPR परीक्षण, COVID-19 िे िायरस िासफितापूियि पता िगािे िे लिए विशषे रूप से अिुिूलितCas9 प्रोटीि िा पता िगािे िािा दनुिया िा पहिािैदानिि परीक्षण है।


• It is a low-cost, paper-strip test which can detect the new coronavirus within an hour.

• Developed by Scientists at the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research — Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB).

• It is expected to cost around Rs 500 against the RT-PCR test that costs Rs 4,500 in private labs.

• The test is based on a bacterial immune system protein called Cas9.• It uses cutting-edge gene-editing tool Crispr-Cas9 system.

Feluda Vs RT PCR

• The Feluda test uses the gene-editing tool-Crispr-Cas9 to target and identify genomic sequences of the novel coronavirus in suspected individual samples.

• RT-PCR test (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction) detects the virus genetic material, which is the Ribonucleic acid (RNA) .

• The Feluda test will cost less than Rs.500 compared to Rs. 4500 for the real-time PCR test which is currently being used for Covid-19 diagnosis in India.

• The Feluda test also does not rely on expensive real-time PCR machines for RNA isolation, DNA conversion, and amplification which are already in limited supply in the country.

● Non-Governmental Organisations in India

● Worldwide, the term ‘NGO’ is used to describe a body that is neither part of a

government nor a conventional for-profit business organisation.

● NGOs are groups of ordinary citizens that are involved in a wide range of

activities that may have charitable, social, political, religious or other


● NGOs are helpful in implementing government schemes at the grassroots.

● In India, NGOs can be registered under a plethora of Acts such as the Indian

Societies Registration Act, 1860, Religious Endowments Act,1863, Indian

Trusts Act, etc.

● India has possibly the largest number of active NGOs in the world, a study

commissioned by the government put the number of NGOs in 2009 at 33


○ That was one NGO for less than 400 Indians, and many times the number of primary

schools and primary health centres.

● Ministries such as Health and Family Welfare, Human Resource Department,

etc provide funding to NGOs, but only a handful of NGOs get hefty

government funds.

● NGOs also receive funds from abroad, if they are registered with the Home

Ministry under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA).

○ Without this, no NGO can receive cash or anything of value higher than Rs 25,000.

● Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA), 2010

● Foreign funding of voluntary organizations in India is regulated under

FCRA act and is implemented by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

● The Acts ensures that the recipients of foreign contributions adhere to

the stated purpose for which such contribution has been obtained.

● Under the Act, organisations require to register themselves every five


● A Group of Institutions

● Together, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International

Development Association (IDA) form the World Bank, which provides financing, policy advice, and

technical assistance to governments of developing countries. While the World Bank Group consists

of five development institutions.

● International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) provides loans, credits, and


● International Development Association (IDA) provides low- or no-interest loans to low-income


● The International Finance Corporation (IFC) provides investment, advice, and asset management

to companies and governments.

● The Multilateral Guarantee Agency (MIGA) insures lenders and investors against political risk

such as war.

● The International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) settles investment-

disputes between investors and countries.

● All of these efforts support the Bank Group’s twin goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and

boosting shared prosperity of the poorest 40% of the population in all countries.

● History

● The Bretton Woods Conference, officially known as the United Nations

Monetary and Financial Conference, was a gathering of delegates from 44

nations that met from July 1 to 22, 1944 in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire

(USA), to agree upon a series of new rules for international financial and

monetary order after the conclusion of World War II.

● The two major accomplishments of the conference were the creation of

the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

and International Monetary Fund (IMF).

● Founded in 1944, the International Bank for Reconstruction and

Development (IBRD) — soon called the World Bank — has expanded to

a closely associated group of five development institutions.

China Brucellosis outbreak

चीि में ब्रुसेिोलसस िा प्रिोप- CNN

• Brucellosis, also known as Malta fever has

recently affected thousands of people in

Northwest of China.

• It has been caused due to an outbreak

caused by a leak at a biopharmaceutical

company last year.

• The disease, also known as Malta fever or

Mediterranean fever, can cause symptoms

including headaches, muscle pain, fever and


• The disease is generally caused buy direct

contact with livestock carrying the bacteria

called brucella.

• So far, China has not reported any fatalities

due to the disease. However, around 1401

have tested positive to the disease.

• ब्रसेुिोलसस, जजसे माल्टा बिुार भी िहा जाता है, िेहाि ही में चीि िे उत्तर-पजचचम में हजारों िोगों िोप्रभावित किया है।

• यह वपछिे साि एि बायोफामायस्यदुटिि िंपिी मेंररसाि िे िारण फैििे िे िारण हुआ है।

• रोग, जजसे माल्टा बिुार या भमूध्य बिुार िे रूप मेंभी जािा जाता है, लसरददय, मांसपेलशयों में ददय, बिुारऔर थिाि सदहत िक्षण पदैा िर सिता है।

• यह बीमारी आमतौर पर ब्रसेूिा िामि बकै्टीररया िोिे जािे िािे पशओंु िे सीधे संपिय में आिे िे िारणहोती है।

• अब ति, चीि िे बीमारी िे िारण किसी भी घातिघटिा िी सचूिा िहीं दी है। हािांकि, िगभग 1401

िे बीमारी िे लिए सिारात्मि परीक्षण किया है।


• Brucellosis is a bacterial disease that mainly infects cattle, swine, goats, sheep and dogs.

• Humans can get infected if they come in direct contact with infected animals or by eating or drinking contaminated animal products or by inhaling airborne agents.

• According to the WHO, most cases of the disease are caused by ingesting unpasteurised milk or cheese from infected goats or sheep.

• Symptoms of the disease include fever, sweats, malaise, anorexia, headache and muscle pain.

• Human to human transmission of the virus is rare.

When did the current outbreak begin?

• The website of the health commission of Lanzhou City mentions a “Brucells antibody-positive incident” that occured at the Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute on November 28 last year.

• While in the process of producing a veterinary vaccine for the disease between July 24 and August 20, 2019, the factory used expired disinfectants that caused incomplete sterilisation of waste gas.

• This waste gas, which was carrying the disease-causing virus, subsequently formed aerosols as a result of which people were exposed.

Other disease outbreaks since COVID-19

• Hantavirus: In March, China’s English daily Global Times

reported the death of a person from Yunnan Province who tested positive for the hantavirus.

• The hantavirus is not novel and its first case dates back to 1993, according to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

• It is contracted by humans from infected rodents.

Other disease outbreaks since COVID-19

• African Swine Fever (AFS): Amid the COVID-19

lockdown, an outbreak of ASF killed thousands of pigs in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

• ASF is a severe viral disease that affects wild and domestic pigs typically resulting in an acute haemorrhagic fever.

• The disease has a case fatality rate (CFR) of almost 100 per cent. • Its routes of transmission include direct contact with an infected or wild

pig (alive or dead), indirect contact through ingestion of contaminated material such as food waste, feed or garbage, or through biological vectors such as ticks.

Bangladesh govt orders closure of largest Deobandi Madrasa

बांग्िादेश सरिार िे सबसे बडे देिबंदी मदरसे िो बंद िरिे िा आदेश ददया- AIR

• The government of Bangladesh ordered the closure

of the largest and oldest Deobandi Hathazari

Madrasa till further orders.

• The Education Ministry in its order said that the

Hathazari Madrasa at Chittagong will be closed due

to the breach of conditions.

• On August 28, the Ministry had allowed Madrasas to

resume their academic activities on the condition that

the health guidelines issued by the government are


• The Madrasa has been facing protests due to internal

rift in the organisation on the issue of administrative

control of the institution.

• Al-Jamiatul Ahlia Darul Ulum Moinul Islam popoularly

known as Hathazari Madrasa was established in


• It shifted to its present location in Hathazari,

Bangladesh in 1901. It has close to 7000 students.

• The Madrasa has faced controversy in the past due

to its alleged links with Islamist groups such as

Hifazat-e-Islam in the country.

• बांग्िादेश सरिार िे अगिे आदेश ति सबसे बडे और सबसेपुरािे देिबंदी हत्जारी मदरसे िो बंद िरिे िा आदेश ददया।

• लशक्षा मंत्रािय िे अपिे आदेश में िहा कि चटगांि में हत्जारीमदरसा शतों िे उल्िंघि िे िारण बंद िर ददया जाए।

• 28 अगस्त िो, मंत्रािय िे मदरसों िो अपिी शैक्षखणिगनतविर्धयों िो इस शतय पर कफर से शुरू िरिे िी अिुमनत दीथी कि सरिार द्िारा जारी स्िास््य ददशानिदेशों िा पाििकिया जाए।

• संस्था िे प्रशासनिि नियंत्रण िे मुद्दे पर संगठि में आंतररिदरार िे िारण मदरसा िो विरोध िा सामिा िरिा पड रहाहै।

• अि-जमीअतुि अहलिया दारुि उिुम मोइिुि इस्िामपॉपुिारर रूप से हत्झारी मदरसा िे रूप में जािा जाता है,

1896 में स्थावपत किया गया था।• यह 1901 में बांग्िादेश िे हाथझारी में अपिे ितयमाि स्थाि

पर स्थािांतररत हो गया। इसिे िरीब 7000 छात्र हैं।• मदरसा िो देश में दहफाज़त-ए-इस्िाम जैसे इस्िामी समूहों िे

साथ िर्थत संबंधों िे िारण अतीत में वििाद िा सामिािरिा पडा है।

UN names Indian teenager Udit Singhal to 2020 Class of Young Leaders for


संयुक्त राष्ट्र िे भारतीय किशोर उददत लसघंि िो 2020 ति एसडीजी िे लिए युिा िेताओं िेिगय में िाम ददया

- IE

● Udit Singhal, an 18-year-old youngster from

India has been named by the United Nations to

the 2020 cohort of young leaders for the

Sustainable Development Goals.

● It is the highest-profile recognition opportunity

at the world body for youngsters who are

leading efforts to combat the world's most

pressing issues.

● Singhal has been named to the 2020 Class of

17 Young Leaders for the Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs).

● He is the founder of Glass2Sand, a zero-waste

ecosystem that addresses the growing menace

of glass waste in Delhi.

● Through the initiative, empty glass bottles are

prevented from being dumped into landfills,

where they won't decompose for a million

years, and are crushed into commercially

valuable sand

• भारत िे एि 18 िषीय यिुा उददत लसघंि िो संयकु्तराष्ट्र द्िारा 2020 ति यिुा िेताओं िे सतत वििासिक्ष्यों िे लिए िालमत किया गया है।

• यह उि यिुाओं िे लिए विचि नििाय िा सिोच्छचप्रोफाइि पहचाि अिसर है जो दनुिया िे सबसेअर्धि दबाि िािे मदु्दों िा सामिा िरिे िे लिएअग्रणी प्रयास िर रहे हैं।

• लसघंि िो सतत वििास िक्ष्यों (एसडीजी) िे लिए17 यिुा िेताओं िे 2020 िगय िा िाम ददया गया है।

• िह Glass2Sand िे संस्थापि हैं, जो एि शनू्य-

िचरा पाररजस्थनतिी तंत्र है जो ददल्िी में िांच िेिचरे िे बढ़ते ितरे िो संबोर्धत िरता है।

• पहि िे माध्यम से, िािी िांच िी बोतिों िोिैंडकफि में डपं होिे से रोिा जाता है, जहां िे एिलमलियि िषों ति विघदटत िहीं होंगे, इस पहि िेतहत इसे व्यािसानयि रूप से मलू्यिाि रेत में बदिददया जाता हैं।

60 years of Indus Water Treaty

ड ंधु जल ंडध के 60 ाल

- IE

• September 19 marks the 60th anniversary of the

Indus Water Treaty (IWT) between India and


• The World Bank, which, as the third party, played a

pivotal role in crafting the IWT, continues to take

particular pride that the treaty functions.

• The Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) was signed in

Karachi on 19 September 1960 by Jawaharlal

Nehru and Ayub Khan. The World Bank, as the

third party, played a pivotal role in crafting the IWT.

• The Treaty gives control over the waters of the

three "eastern rivers" — the Beas, Ravi and Sutlej

with a mean annual flow of 33 million acre-feet

(MAF) — to India, while control over the waters of

the three "western rivers" — the Indus, Chenab

and Jhelum with a mean annual flow of 80 MAF —

to Pakistan.

• India was allocated about 16% of the total water

carried by the Indus system while Pakistan was

allocated the remainder.

• 19 लसतंबर िो भारत और पाकिस्ताि िे बीच लसधुं जिसंर्ध (IWT) िी 60 िीं िषयगांठ है।

• विचि बैंि, जजसिे तीसरे पक्ष िे रूप में, IWT िो तैयारिरिे में एि महत्िपूणय भूलमिा निभाई थी, संर्ध परविशेष रूप से गिय िरता है।

• जिाहरिाि िेहरू और अयूब िाि द्िारा 19 लसतबंर1960 िो िराची में लसधुं जि संर्ध (IWT) पर हस्ताक्षरकिए गए थे। विचि बैंि, तीसरे पक्ष िे रूप में, IWT िोतैयार िरिे में महत्िपूणय भूलमिा निभाई थी।

• यह संर्ध तीि "पूिी िददयों" िे जि पर भारत िोनियंत्रण देती है - ब्यास, रािी और सतिज, जजसिािावषयि औसत प्रिाह 33 लमलियि एिड फीट (MAF) है,

जबकि तीि "पजचचमी िददयों" िे पािी पर पाकिस्ताि िानियंत्रण है"- लसधुं, र्चिाब और झेिम जजसिा औसतिावषयि प्रिाह 80 MAF है।

• भारत िो लसधुं प्रणािी द्िारा किए गए िुि पािी िािगभग 16% आिंदटत किया गया था जबकि पाकिस्ताििो शेष आिंदटत किया गया था।

• To utilize the waters of the Eastern rivers which have been allocated to India for exclusive use, India has constructed following dams:• Bhakra Dam on Satluj,• Pong and Pandoh Dam on Beas and• Thein (Ranjit Sagar) on Ravi.

• Other works like Beas-Sutlej Link, Madhopur-Beas Link, Indira Gandhi Nahar Project etc has helped India utilize nearly entire share (95 %) of waters of Eastern rivers.

• However, about 2 Million Acre Feet (MAF) of water annually from Ravi is reported to be still flowing unutilized to Pakistan below Madhopur.

• To stop the flow of these waters that belong to India for its utilization in India, following steps have been taken:• Shahpurkandi Project: This project will help in utilizing the waters coming out

from powerhouse of Thein dam for irrigation and power generation in J&K and Punjab. The construction work is being undertaken by the Govt of Punjab under monitoring of Govt of India.

• Construction of Ujh multipurpose project:This project will create a storage of water on river Ujh , a tributary of Ravi for irrigation and power generation in India. This project is a National Project whose completion period will be 6 years from beginning of the implementation.

• The 2nd Ravi Beas link below Ujh:This project is being planned to tap excess water flowing down to Pakistan through river Ravi, even after construction of Thein Dam, by constructing a barrage across river Ravi for diverting water through a tunnel link to Beas basin. Govt. of India declared this project as National Project .

Eight Indian beaches recommended for coveted Blue Flag international eco-label

आठ भारतीय मदु्र तटों को प्रडतडित ब्लू फ्लैग अंतरााष्ट्ट्रीय इको-लेबल की ड फाररश की गयी


• Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar has said that

eight beaches of the country have been recommended

for the coveted ‘Blue Flag’ international eco-label.

• Clean beaches are a testimony to good environment in

coastal areas and India’s many beaches are among the

best in the world.

• For the first time, eight beaches of India have been

recommended for the Blue Flag certification.

• Blue Flag certification is a globally recognised eco-label

accorded by an international agency ‘Foundation for

Environment Education, Denmark’ based on 33

stringent criteria in four major heads–environmental

education and information, bathing water quality,

environment management and conservation and safety

and services in the beaches.

• The ‘Blue Flag’ beach is an eco-tourism model

endeavouring to provide the tourists/beachgoers clean

and hygienic bathing water, facilities/amenities, safe

and healthy environment and sustainable development

of the area.

• पयायिरण मंत्री प्रिाश जािडिेर िे िहा है कि देश िे आठसमुद्र तटों िी प्रनतजष्ठत ‘ब्िू फ्िैग’ अतंरराष्ट्रीय ईिो-िेबि िे लिए लसफाररश िी गयी है।

• स्िच्छछ समुद्र तट तटीय क्षेत्रों में अच्छछे िातािरण िाप्रमाण हैं और भारत िे िई समुद्र तट दनुिया में सियशे्रष्ठहैं।

• ब्िू फ्िैग सदटयकफिेशि िे लिए पहिी बार भारत िे आठतटों िी लसफाररश िी गई है।

• ब्िू फ्िैग प्रमाणीिरण एि विचि स्तर पर मान्यता प्राप्तइिो-िेबि है जो चार प्रमुि प्रमुिों-पयायिरण लशक्षा औरसूचिा, स्िाि िे पािी िी गुणित्ता, पयायिरण प्रबंधि औरसंरक्षण और सुरक्षा और सेिाओं में 33 िडे मािदंडों िेआधार पर एि अतंरराष्ट्रीय एजेंसी 'फाउंडशेि फॉरएििायरिमेंट एजुिेशि, डिेमािय ' द्िारा मान्यता प्राप्तहै।

• ‘ब्िू फ्िैग’ समुद्र तट एि ईिो-टूररज्म मॉडि है, जोपययटिों िो समुद्र तटों िो स्िच्छछ और साफ िहािे िेपािी, सुविधाओं, सुरक्षक्षत और स्िस्थ िातािरण और क्षेत्रिे सतत वििास प्रदाि िरिे िा प्रयास िरता है।

The eight beaches are:

• Shivrajpur in Gujarat,• Ghoghla in Daman & Diu,• Kasarkod and Padubidri beach in Karnataka,• Kappad in Kerala,• Rushikonda in Andhra Pradesh,• Golden beach of Odisha and• Radhanagar beach in Andaman and Nicobar.

Blue Flag Certification

• The Blue Flag is one of the world’s most recognised voluntary eco-labels awarded to beaches, marinas, and sustainable boating tourism operators.

• In order to qualify for the Blue Flag, a series of stringent environmental, educational, safety, and accessibility criteria must be met and maintained.

• There are nearly 33 criteria that must be met to qualify for a Blue Flag certification, such as the water meets certain quality standards, having waste disposal facilities, being disabled-friendly, have first aid equipment etc.

• The Blue Flag Programme for beaches and marinas is run by the international, non-governmental, non-profit organisation FEE (the Foundation for Environmental Education).

• It started in France in 1985 and has been implemented in Europe since 1987, and in areas outside Europe since 2001, when South Africa joined.

• Japan and South Korea are the only countries in South and southeastern Asia to have Blue Flag beaches.

• Spain tops the list with 566 such beaches; Greece and France follow with 515 and 395, respectively.

Death of two sloth bears in Odisha’s Nandankanan zoo spreads panic

ओडिशा के नंदनकानन डचड़ियाघर में दो भालू की मौत े दहशत फैल गई

- Hindustan times

• Death of two sloth bears in two days in

Bhubaneswar’s Nandankanan Zoological

Park, among the 14 big zoos of the

country, has sent the zoo authorities into

a worried over the possible spread of

some sort of bacterial or viral infection.

• A 25-year-old female sloth bear named

Aarti died with multiple haemorrhages, a

day after a 7-year-old male sloth bear

Debashish had died with similar


• The exact cause of deaths of these two

bears is not yet known.

• देश िे 14 बडे र्चडडयाघरों में से भुििेचिर िेिंदििािि जूिॉजजिि पािय में दो ददिों में दोसुस्त भािू िी मौत िे र्चडडयाघर िेअर्धिाररयों िो किसी प्रिार िे जीिाणु यािायरि संक्रमण िे संभावित प्रसार पर र्चनंततिर ददया है।

• आरती िाम िी 25 िषीय मादा सुस्ती भािू िीिई रक्तस्रािों िे साथ मतृ्यु हो गई, एि 7

िषीय िर सुस्ती भािू देबाशीष िी भी इसी तरहिे िक्षणों िे साथ मतृ्यु हो गई थी।

• इि दोिों भािुओं िी मौतों िा सही िारण अभीति ज्ञात िहीं है।

Nandankanan Zoological Park

• It is 15 kms from Odisha's capital, Bhubaneswar. It was inaugurated in 1960.• It is the first zoo in the country to become a member of the World Association of

Zoos & Aquariums (WAZA).• WAZA is the global alliance of regional associations, national federations, zoos

and aquariums, dedicated to the care and conservation of animals and their habitats around the world.

• It is recognized as a leading zoo for the breeding of the Indian pangolin and white tiger.

• Leopards, mouse deer, lions, ratel and vultures are also bred here.• It was the world’s first captive crocodile breeding centre, where gharials were bred

in captivity in 1980.

● Bhitarkanika National Park

● Simlipal National Park

Important National Park and Wildlife Sanctuaries in Odisha

● Baisipalli Wildlife Sanctuary

● Balukhand Konark Wildlife Sanctuary

● Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary

● Chandaka Dampara Wildlife Sanctuary

● Chilika (Nalaban) Wildlife Sanctuary

● Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary

● Gahirmatha (Marine) Wildlife Sanctuary

● Hadgarh Wildlife Sanctuary

● Karlapat Wildlife Sanctuary

● Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary

Important National Park and Wildlife Sanctuaries in Odisha

● Kotagarh Wildlife Sanctuary

● Kuldiha Wildlife Sanctuary

● Lakhari Valley Wildlife Sanctuary

● Nandankanan Wildlife Sanctuary

● Satkosia Gorge Wildlife Sanctuary

● Simlipal Wildlife Sanctuary

● Sunabeda Wildlife Sanctuary


Step 1 Step 2

Step 3

Step 4


Important Questions

Brucellosis, also known as Malta fever has recently affected thousands of people in

which of the following country?

बु्रसेिोलसस, जजसे माल्टा बुिार भी िहा जाता है, िे हाि ही में निम्ि में से किस देश में हजारों िोगोंिो प्रभावित किया है?

A. Zambia

B. Madagascar

C. China

D. Japan

Which of the following country has recently announced the closure of Al-Jamiatul

Ahlia Darul Ulum Moinul Islam popoularly known as Hathazari Madrasa?

निम्िलिखित में से किस देश िे हाि ही में अि-जमीअतुि अहलिया दारुि उिुम मोइिुि इस्िामजजसे हत्झारी मदरसा िे िाम से जािा जाता है िो बंद िरिे िी घोषणा िी है?

A. Pakistan

B. Bangladesh

C. Afghanistan

D. Indonesia

The Indus Water Treaty was signed in the year ________.

लसधुं जि संर्ध पर िषय ________ में हस्ताक्षर किए गए थे।

A. 1955

B. 1958

C. 1960

D. 1963

A. New species of fish

B. COVID-19 test

C. Asteroid coming towards earth

D. Indigenously developed RADAR

'FELUDA' was recently in the news. It is a/an _______.

'FELUDA' हाि ही में िबरों में था। यह एि _______ है।

In September 2020, __________ beaches recommended for coveted Blue Flag

international eco-label.

लसतंबर 2020 में, __________ समुद्र तटों िो प्रनतजष्ठत ब्िू फ्िैग अंतरायष्ट्रीय इिो-िेबि िे लिएअिुशंलसत किया गया है।

A. 3

B. 5

C. 8

D. 11


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