current developments in poultry breeding and selec

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  • 8/17/2019 Current Developments in Poultry Breeding and Selec




    M. R. P TCHELL

    Massey University, Palmerston North



    emergence of large scale poultry businesses in some

    overseas countries is outlined,. and the development of large

    scale private breeding orgamzations is discussed. Genetic-

    economic considerations and market potential largely deter-

    mine the type of breeding plan followed. The New Zealand

    Random Sample Test is described, and its usefulness


    eval;.lating poultry stocks assessed.

    THE POULTRY INDUSTRY has in the past been the Cinderella

    of agriculture, and is still receiving the Cinderella treatment

    from agricultural education. However, in nearly all economi-

    cally advanced countries of the Western world it is rapidly

    becoming the most progressive branch of agriculture, both

    in technical development and in the adoption of modern

    business methods.


    Starting in America, then in Britain after the war and

    latterly in Australia, the poultry industry has developed or

    is rapidly developing into quite a major industry. It is

    characterized by very large business organization, with

    substantial capital brought together through integration,

    by the employment of top-flight scientists to enable techno-

    logical discoveries to be swiftly applied, by organized

    marketing outlets for products tailor-made for consumer

    demand, all in a situation of fierce competition.

    In 1954, the “broiler boom” in Great Britain got under

    way after 14 years of feed rationing, and the consequent

    technical stagnation of the industry. It was impractical for

    the broiler industry to develop under conditions of strict

    feed rationing. In America, on the other hand, the reverse

    situation applied. The war years gave the American poultry

    industry a great stimulus; there was a greatly increased

    demand for animal products, and owing to shipping diffi-

    culties the export of maize was limited as were exports of

    Canadian wheat.

    In 1953 the consumption of chicken per cupitn in Great

    Britain was estimated (Hunt and Clark, 1962) at less than

    1 lb per annum and specialized broiler units were virtually

    no,q-existent. In 1960, seven years later, the annual per


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    capiln consumption of chicken meat was estimated by the

    British Chicken Association at 9 lb and the production of

    broilers had risen to 100 million per annum. Today in

    Britain the annual production of broilers is about 220

    millions and per capita consumption of chicken meat is

    still increasing.

    Ninety per cent. of the U.K. broiler production is in the

    hands of no more than one thousand growers. Thus, a few

    farmers produce efficiently the entire national requirement

    of chicken meat with no help f.rom the taxpayer by way of

    subsidies, in contrast to some other agricultural products

    in Britain. The success of the broiler industry has been due

    largely to vertical integration, organized on big-business


    This pattern is now being followed by the egg production

    side of the industry with million-bird factories being set up.

    The egg empire of Eastwood (1964), being developed in

    Britain, owns all the land required for the stock, for grow-

    ing much of the feed and the disposal of manure. It has its

    own breeding and multiplication farm and hatcheries. It

    manufactures its own equipment and has its own process-

    ing plants and retail outlets. ‘The situation in the U.S.A.

    and other Western countries is very similar.

    To compete and prosper, th.e individual broiler or egg

    producer must first decide, through market research, the

    best market for the product and its potential size. Next, the

    whole cycle of operations from production, through manu-

    facturing, processing, transportation and merchandizing

    must be planned. At evety/stage advantage must be taken

    of modern technology. The new poultry industries depend

    on highly specialized research, imvolving new approaches to

    applied poultry genetics, controlled environment housing,

    disease control, nutrition, and to the processing and mar-

    keting of eggs and chicken.

    An outstanding feature of the poultry industries of

    America, Great Britain, and recently in Australia, has been

    the evolution of large breeding organizations. Since the

    mid-1940s it has been the custom for the larger American

    breeders to engage geneticists, and some of the world’s

    leading animal geneticists are now employed by these

    establishments. The results have been impressive. Largc-

    scale selection and testing programmes have been embarked

    upon, improved systems of poultry stock evaluation have

    been developed, and within a few years stock has been so

    improved in all-round performance that commercial poul-

    trymen can afford to buy chicks only from those organiza-

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    tions which have replaced breeding as an art, by breeding

    as a science.

    This kind of work is costly. Hence, it is imperative that

    the breeder mounts large multiplication programmes to

    produce chicks of the improved stock by the million, main-

    taining strict quality control during the multiplication

    stages. By this means he can spread the cost of the work

    over a large output of chicks. In the United States in the

    1930s there were several thousand so-called poultry

    breeders. Today, the bulk of the 250 million pullets raised

    annually for the egg industry are bred by 5 breeders, all

    of whom are mass-producing stock which, given good man-

    agement, averages 230 to 250 eggs per pullet in a laying

    season on less than 4r/2 lb of feed per dozen eggs. In the

    American broiler industry, with an output of 2,000 million

    broilers per annum, the selection of the majority of the stock

    is carried out by four breeders of female lines and two

    breeders of male lines. Selection programmes costing over

    half a million dollars per annum are mounted by some


    A number of these top American breeders are now becom-

    ing established in other countries, in Western Europe,

    Africa, the Middle East, South America and Asia. Since

    1963, with the ending of the official embargo on the import

    of U.S. poultry breeding stock into Great Britain, American

    breeders are becoming established in that country as well.

    However, some British hatchery organizations, notably

    Thornber Bros., have developed their own genetic research

    techniques with promising results, and Thornber’s have

    extensive overseas markets for their stock.


    Modern poultry breeders adopt the well-known systems

    of selection based on modern population genetic theory.

    Usually several types of breeding programme are under

    way, particularly if chick sales are large. The costs of expen-

    sive breeding schemes, such as the development of highly

    inbred ‘lines and their subsequent crossing, or use of allied

    schemes such as reciprocal recurrent selection are high.

    These more sophisticated breeding schemes are possible

    only if there are large markets to defray costs. Others may

    use more conventional selection schemes based on indi-

    vidual, full-sister and half-sister performances combined

    into an index. Strain crosses for the commercial product

    may be used from among the most promising lines being

    developed from conventional selection schemes. In the case

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    of broilers, the essential principle consists of the employ-

    ment of strain crosses, whereby female lines of relatively

    high fecundity, reasonable growth rate and conformation

    are crossed with male lines with superior growth and con-

    formation to produce the market bird. The initial promise

    from blood typing as a useful .tool in breed improvement

    now appears to be waning, and there is now less enthusiasm

    for this expensive technique (Nordskog, 1964).

    Because of competition between breeders and the greater

    sophistication of the chick-buying public, breeders have

    found it necessary to increase the number of factors for

    which they select. This adds greatly to the difficulty of

    improving performance.

    In breeding for both broiler and egg production there is

    increasing awareness of the importance of genotypes

    environmental interactions. Bowman and Powell (1962) of

    Thornber Bros. reported significant interactions in 8 week

    body weight in broiler chickens, and Dickerson ( 1960), of

    Kimber Farms, has reported interactions with egg lines,

    particularly egg number and mortality. Abplanalp and

    Menzie ( 1961) also reported interaction effects for egg

    strains from a Swiss co-operat.ive breeding unit. Indeed,

    Dickerson (1961) looked critically at the whole concept of

    selection theory, particularly the prediction of response to

    selection and the problem of plateau situations. He outlined

    techniques for the experimental explanation of selection

    theory in animals. In discussing genetic interaction, he

    presented the results made up from 79 strains of birds at

    each of 13 locations in one year and 59 strains of birds

    at each of 12 locations in another year with a total of 22,494

    pullets. Egg production data were obtained at 22 of the

    locations for 19,739 pullets, and body weights and egg

    quality measurements were taken at 32 weeks of age at

    16 locations for 15,080, and 12,920 pullets, respectively.

    These figures perhaps illustrate better than anything else

    the scope and size of the testing programmes and it is quite

    likely that current problems of selection in animals are

    being actively studied in these organizations.

    The great expansion of the breeding groups to the stage

    where their stock are used in many parts of the world,

    covering a large range of environments;:has resulted in their

    being confronted with this problem of ‘genotype X,environ-

    ment interaction. At the same tirne, however, the inte ti,on



    becoming evident even within much smaller

    geographic regions, particularly for traits where environ-

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    mental factors have a large effect on performance (Hull

    et al., 1963).

    If the main objective of a breeding programme is the

    production of one strain with good performance ability

    under a variety of environmental conditions there appears

    no way in which genotype~environment interactions can

    be exploited for genetic progress. They merely tend to dis-

    tract selection decisions from the general aim towards

    special adaptation of strains to a given environment unless

    strains are tested on several farms. There has been experi-

    mentation with multiple location or on-the-farm random

    sample testing of egg production stocks, for the purposes

    of obtaining more reliable ranking of stocks under typical

    commercial condi’tions (Nordskog and Kempthorne, 1960;

    Abplanalp et al., 1962). _

    The development of genetic control populations for use

    in selection experiments with poultry received impetus with

    the publication of Gowe et al. 1959). The establishment and

    testing of various types of genetic control populations have

    been carried out by some of the larger breeding groups

    (Bowman and Challender, 1962) ; Goodwin et al. (1960)

    published a report describing the repeat mating control

    strain technique.

    The commercial breeding of chicks for distribution to

    industry has replaced breeding schemes previously imp1e.s

    mented by Government and other institutions. This is prob-

    ably due to increased efficiency of all operations enforced

    by free competition. However, private breeding organiza-

    tions may not always adopt the breeding programme which

    maximizes improvement because of economic considera-

    tions. Genetic-economic interrelationships need to be

    considered carefully by these breeding establishments. For

    example, performance traits of the parent stock as well as

    the broiler progeny influence the net income of a broiler

    enterprise, and studies have been made to determine the

    relative importance of the factors which determine the

    profitability of a strain of broilers. Strain and Nordskog

    (1962a) concluded that broiler weight and broiler feed

    conversion were the most important factors determining

    net income in the Maine Random Sample Broiler Tests.

    Egg production in the parent flock was of little importance.

    Using egg laying test data, Nordskog (1960) found that egg

    production was the most important factor affecting income.

    However,’ these studies were based on phenotypic correla-

    tions between traits.

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    In a breeding programme, the genetic-economic relation-

    ships of traits become important. Genetic changes in the

    parent flock influence net returns directly through chick

    costs and indirectly through correlated responses in the

    broiler progeny. Hence, there can be a see-saw effect in

    which emphasis on adult body size may favour broiler

    growth rate yet reduce egg production and vice versa. Strain

    and Nordskog (1962b)

    reviewed these problems and con-

    cluded that it was important breeders should make an

    assessment of the genetic correlations associated with their

    breeder flocks in order to formulate breeding programmes

    designed to maximize profit.

    Another problem is that the commercial breeder, under

    a free enterprise system, must conduct his operation with

    a view to obtaining a profit at least in the long run. The

    increase in profit through the application of a particular

    breeding plan will be determined by the increase in gross

    income’ caused by the genetic improvement of the stock

    less the increase in cost caused by operating the particular

    breeding plan.

    A breeding programme can increase the operator’s gross

    income through increased sales of eggs and meat caused

    by higher production ;

    and by more revenue from day-old

    chick sales and/or better prices obtained for a better

    quality chick. Skaller (1964) has shown that increased chick

    sales, direct or through franchised hatcheries, must make

    the main contribution towards not only the cost of a breed-

    ing programme, but towards profit margin as well. Thus,

    volume, or rather potential volume of chick sales, restricts

    breeders of Australia and New Zealand because of the

    limited market. With a small market even relatively simple

    breeding schemes may be too costly to operate. Most breed-

    ing schemes require a definable minimum flock size for

    th r efficient operation and the cost of this flock must be

    distributed over the largest possible number of commercial

    chicks sold. This number is set by the reproductive ability

    of the population and with poultry this is quite consider-

    able. A flock of 1,000 pullets, with a breeding season of

    30 weeks, and an expected 30 daughters per pullet, should

    after two generations of multiplication yield 27 million

    chicks in the fourth generation. The closer the actual output

    of salable chicks to this biological potential, the more

    profitable will be the breeding operation. In Australia and

    New Zealand, with limited markets, it is not easy to expand

    chick sales to the point where sophisticated breeding,plans

    could be followed, particularly breeding systems such as

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    those designed to exploit specific combining ability in which

    large flocks must be tested.

    Hence, the choice of a breeding plan which will produce

    optimal results for a commercial breeding organization

    requires the consideration of several factors, some genetic

    yet others economic.


    A major problem with all farm livestock in past years has

    been the lack of sound quality and performance evaluation

    procedures for assessing breeding stock. Today’s standards

    and evaluation procedures for beef cattle, dairy cattle, pigs

    and sheep have been developed from traditional stock

    judging competitions. The poultry industry has also been

    hampered by traditional methods of assessment of per-

    formance. Poultry breeders spent 40 years discovering that

    if the breeder was allowed to select 6 pullets for submission

    to a laying test the results of such a test were of very

    dubious merit.

    The testing of laying strains of poultry, as carried out in

    recent decades, has proved unsatisfactory in many ways.

    Most breeders entered pullets in Standard Laying Tests, the

    larger breeders entering birds for a number of tests. each

    year. The breeders regarded the outcome of these tests as

    valuable for publicity and advertising. The practice was for

    the breeder to select his entry of some 6 pullets soon after

    his pullet flock came into lay. Those pullets which showed

    an early promise from trapnest records were selected for

    the test. Obviously, both the selection of the birds tested

    and the small sample tested meant that test results were of

    limied usefulness in predicting performance of unselected

    samples of the stock under practical conditions of manage-


    Dissatisfaction with Standard Laying Tests led to an

    improved method, the Random Sample Laying Test, which

    started in California about 1947. Its objective was to com-

    pare the performance of representative samples of commer-

    cial grades’of chicks, as offered for sale to poultrymen by

    breeders or hatcheries, under uniform but practical condi-

    tions of management, and to publish test results for the

    guidance of poultrymen as well as the hatcherymen and

    breeders. Random’ Sample Tests have since been organized

    in many other American states, and in other countries.

    The New Zealand Random Sample Test started in August,

    1963. It was set up by the poultry industry with the aid of

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    a Government grant, and the Poultry Board is responsible

    for financing the test. By arrangement, Massey University

    runs the test on behalf of the Board, and is aided in this

    by an Advisory Committee containing representatives of the

    Poultry Board, the Department of Agriculture, and Massey

    University. Facilities are available for testing 25 different

    stocks each year.

    Eggs are selected at random from the entrants’ farms by

    Poultry Instructors of the Department of Agriculture. The

    eggs are incubated at the Test Unit. At hatching, one hun-

    dred pullet chicks per entrant are selected at random. These

    are brooded and reared on an intermingled system to about

    19 weeks of age. At random, 50 pullets per entry are selected

    and placed in the laying shed in two pens each containing

    25 birds. Full records of production, mortality, food con-

    sumption and egg quality are kept to 490 days of age. The

    results are made available to the industry periodically

    throughout the test.

    The organization of random sample tests in other coun-

    tries is very smilar to the New Zealand test. Some take in

    chicks not eggs, some run to 500 days or longer, and some

    increase the accuracy of the test by testing a larger pullet

    sample of up to 100 per entrant:.

    The results of a random sample test are published and

    serve as a useful guide, particularly when compared over

    three or four years, as to where the most promising stock

    is likely to be available. The accuracy of the Random

    Sample Laying Test is not very great because of the con-

    siderable experimental error. Only quite large differences

    between stocks can be detected, and there is little point in

    emphasizing differences in ranking based on small differ-

    ences in performance.

    In recent years most of the random sample tests in the

    U.S.A. have been collated and published after suitable

    adjustments have been made for differences between tests.

    Even so, there is still a very considerable experimental error

    remaining in the ranking of stocks based upon test cor-

    rected averages.

    Both in Iowa and in California there has been experi-

    mentation with multiple locatidn or on-the-farm random

    sample testing of egg production stocks for the purpose of

    obtaining more reliable ranking of stocks under typical

    commercial conditions. Analyses by Hill and Nordskog

    ( 1956) and Nordskog and Kempthorne (1960), have demon-

    strated the importance of real but unpredictable shifts of

    ranking of stocks ,from one location to another. Although

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    multiple location random sample tests or those using

    several types of housing at one test location have been

    examined in an attempt to reduce the experimental error

    from interaction between stocks and management pro-

    cedures, experience has shown that, despite these precau-

    tions, accuracy in predicting the ranking of entries in

    another year, or in another test, from results within any

    one test and year is limited.

    Hence, although random sample tests are a considerable

    improvement on the old standard laying tests, they still

    leave much to be desired, but their development is an

    example of voluntary co-operation between the poultry

    industry, scientists and governments. Apart from the diffi-

    culties of ranking stocks accurately, they do provide a

    wealth of factual information on the performance of fowls

    and also on the success or otherwise of the breeding plans

    of the large breeding organizations.

    Any breeding plan suggested by genetic research must,

    finally, be evaluated in terms of its contribution to food



    ABPLANALP, H.; MARROU, L. F.; GOTO, E. 1962:

    Poult. Sci., 41: 927.

    ABPLANALP, H.; ME~TZIE, M. 1961: Brit. Poult. Sci.. 2: 71.

    BOWM IAN, J.

    C.; CHALLENDER, N. I. 1962:

    Anim. Prod., 4: 294.

    BOWMAN, J. C.; POWELL, J. C. 1962:

    Anim. Prod., 4: 319.

    DICKERSON, G. 1960:

    Poult. Sci., 39:

    1244 [Abstr.].

    1961: Get-111

    Plasm Resources.

    Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. p. 161.

    EASTWOOD, J. B. 1964: Pouft. Frnz. Pucker, 152 (3919): 15.

    GOODWIN, K.; DICKERSON, G. E.; LAMOREU~, W. F. 1960:



    Pergamon Press, New York. p. 117.



    LATTER, B. D. H. 1959: Poult. Sci., 38



    HJLL, J. F.; NORDSKOG, A. W. 1956:

    Poult. Sci., 35: 256.

    HULL, P.; GOM~E, R. S.; SLEN, S. B.; CRAWFORD, R. D. 1963:


    Ass. Camb., 4: 370.

    HUNT, K. E.; CLARK, K. R. 1962:

    Poultry Eggs i.n Britain, 1961-

    62. Univ. of Oxford. Res. Inst. in Agric. Eton.

    NORDSKOG, A. W. 1960:

    Poult. Sci., 29: 327.

    - 1964:


    Pocclt. Sci. J.,

    20: 183.

    NORDSKOG, A. W.; KEMPTHORNE, 0. 1960: Biometrical Genetics. Per-

    gammon Press, New York. p. 159.

    SKALLER, F. 1964:

    Proc. Australasian Poult. Sci. Cotzv., Aust.,

    p. 12.

    STRAIN, J. H.; NORDSKOG, A. W. 1962 a):

    Poult. Sci., 41: 1573.



    1962 b):


    Sci., 41: 1892.

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