curriculum vitae louis-philippe demers biography · 2010. 12. 6. · full curriculum version:...

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Full Curriculum Version: Louis-Philippe Demers Art, Production and Employment 1


Louis-Philippe Demers

Software Designer

Lighting & Scenic Designer

Interaction Designer

Machine Designer

Media Artist


Louis-Philippe Demers combines several profiles: Artist, Freelance Designer, Professor, Researcher and Entrepreneur. He is a multidisciplinary artist using hybrid approaches. He worked on the conception and production of several large-scale interactive robotic installations, so far realizing more than 300 machines. His robotics works could be found in theatre, opera, subway stations, art museums, science museums, music events and trade shows. He also conceives and realizes interactive environments exhibited and used in museums, festivals, corporate events and public spaces. In addition, he acts as stage, lighting and exhibit designer as well as a consultant for the integration of technology in the arts. Since 1988, he participated in more than seventy artistic and stage productions. He has collaborated with several recognised artists including: Bill Vorn, Michael Saup, Garry Stewart, Art Zoyd, Michael Simon, Christian Möller, Stelarc, Thecla Schiphorst, Robert Lepage, Peter Gabriel and Le Cirque du Soleil. His works have been primed with several prizes and featured at major international festivals and venues such as Lille 2004, Expo 92, Expo 2000, Sonambiente, ISEA, SIGGRAPH and Sonar. Throughout his career, he received four mentions and a distinction at the prestigious Prix Ars Electronica, the prize for Interactive Lighting at Lightforms 98, a recommendation at the Japan Media Art Festival 2010, the first prize of artificial life Vida 2.0 and a special mention at Vida 12.0. His major work, Devolution, received six prizes in 2006 including the Ruby Innovation award in South Australia, Outstanding Performance from Australian Dance Awards and two Helpmann Awards, the Australian equivalent of the Broadway’s Tony. He combines post-graduate studies in computer science, education in media arts and stage/lighting design for the theatre. He was intern then artist in residence at the Media Arts section of the renowned Banff Centre after completing a year of doctoral studies in robotics at McGill University. Louis-Philippe conducted independent research on interactive lighting and control systems for the stage which culminated into his role of president of Kunst Macchina Production Company; a group specialized in the commercialization and the R&D of software solutions for the entertainment. Currently, Demers is completing a practice based Ph.D. surrounding ontologies of the machine performers. Demers frequently gives workshops and lectures, he has also curated artistic events and organized several colloquiums. From 2000 to 2005, Louis-Philippe Demers was a Professor of Digital Media and Exhibit Design at the Hochschule fuer Gestaltung, the academic institution affiliated to the world renowned ZKM (Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie) in Karlsruhe (Germany). In late 2006, Demers joined the Interaction and Entertainment Research Centre (IERC) of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as a Principal Investigator. Currently Demers is Associate Professor at NTU’s School of Art, Design and Media and was the school’s Associate Chair Research.

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Strong Synthesis Skills Good Communication Skills Team Leader Entrepreneur Large Project Management Strong Multidisciplinary Approach Scientific & Artistic Backgrounds Academic Background Research Skills Pedagogic Skills Product Specification & Market Development Computer Science - Professional practice since 1981 Media Arts - Professional practice since 1990 Teaching - 9 years experience (upto dec 2009) New Media Field Strong Overview, Vision & Insight Interactive Systems, Surface Computing and Tangible Media Real-Time Systems Animatronics / Mechatronics Entertainment & Production Experience Exhibit Design Curator Experience


Position within educational and/or research environments.

Development of singular high-end technologies applied to design, media, entertainment or the arts.

Pursue an international career as a media artist.

Key role in challenging projects.


French (native), Canadian Citizen English (fluent), Single German (basic) Born in 1959 Singapore: +65 9072 7264 email: www:

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Cyberlabor, workshop leader on Theatre and Media,

2010 with Jo Fabian, Victor Morales and Georg Hobmeier, Theatre St-Polten (Austria).

Ecological Pixels, a colony of hundreds of ant-robots draw pictures, 2011 part of the Seven Sins Tour, Club of Marrakech.

Brain (workting title), robotic character, dance/video performance from Klaus Obermaier 2011 Ars Electronica / Brucknerhaus(Austria). 2012 Olympics Cultural Program (London).

Sinergia, Towards an alliance between scenic arts and scientific research, 2011-13 Collaborative project between ZHDK (Zurich), EPFL(Lausanne), Manufacture Theatre

The Tiller’s Girls, interactive robotic installation, 2010 VIDA 12.0 – video screening (Madrid) 2010 Cyberlabor, Theatre St-Polten (Austria) 2010 Bain Numeriques (France) 2010 Lille 3000 (France) 2011 Elektra (Montreal)

The Prayer Drums, interactive sound+video installation, 2010 Remoteness, Frankston Art Centre (Melbourne) 2010 Prix Ars Electronica, Digital Musics (Linz)

The Wind Tunnel, interactive sound+video installation, 2010 Japan Media Arts Festival – video screening (Tokyo)

Natural Teratology, biologically inspired malformed robot. 2010 Collaboration with Biologist/Artist Brandon Ballengee.

Major Research Initiatives (NTU).

Digital Realities Laboratory, Principal Investigator, 1.25M SGD, NTU 2008-2011 Social Robotics, Entertainment Robotics, Tangible Media, Surface Computing Cinematics and Narratives, Co-Principal Investigator, 1.7M SGD, NRF Singapore 2008-2011 Motion tracking, behaviour and emotion recognition of participants.

Major External Funding. 2009 Area V5, Museum of Civilization. Transport, installation . 50KSGD 2009-2010 Brain, production costs, 100KSGD, pending approval 2010-2011 Ecological Pixels, commission, 1M SGD

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Area V5, an interactive robotic installation, commission 2009-10 Museum of Civilisation, Quebec City (Canada)

Three Monkeys, discrete robotic manipulators created for Norgren stand.

2007 Hannover (Germany) DEVOLUTION, robotic & dance performance, Garry Stewart choreographer,

2006 Adelaide Theatre Festival 06 2007 Sydney Festival 07 2007 Adelaide 2007 Theatre de la Ville (Paris) 2007 Annecy (France) 2008 Video screenings – Mutamorphosis/Enter 3, Prague Czech Republik 2008 Video screenings - Art in Post-Biological Age, Modern Art Museum, Russia

Colony 002, robot for a dance performance, Pablo Ventura choreographer, 2008 in Kubic;s Cube - Gogbot (Netherlands) 2008 In Kubic’s Cube – ISEA 2008 (Singapore) 2007 in Kubic’s Cube – Digital Art Weeks 2007 (Zürich) 2007 in Fabrica – New Baltic Dance ’07 (Lithuania) 2006 in Kubic’s Cube - Transmediale 2006 (Berlin) 2006 in Fabrica – CyNetArt (Dresden) 2005 in Fabrica - FigurenTheatre (Erlangen) 2005 in Fabrica - TanzWasserWerk (Zurich)

Colony 001, robotic installation, 2004 Montreal Science Museum (Montreal,Canada)

Armageddon, robotic performers for an Operetta 2004 Commissioned by Art Zoyd, European Capital of Culture Lille 2004 (Lille,France) 2004 Scène Nationale du Manège (Maubeuge, France)

En Attendant le Métro, with Robert Lepage, Public Space Robotic Installation, Subway Station Fives,

2003-2004 Commissioned by European Capital of Culture Lille 2004 (Lille,France)

Shockheaded Peter, animatronics for the stage, A junk Opera by Prof. Michael Simon director,

2000-2003 Düsseldorf Schauspiel Theatre

L’Assemblée, robotic installation, 2001 Creative residency at HFG / ZKM (Germany) 2001 Parc des Expositions Scientifiques (Belgium) 2001 Elektra Festival (Montreal, Canada) 2002 VIA (Paris,France) 2002 EXIT (Maubeuge,France) 2002 EMAF(Osnabrueck, Germany) 2003-04 European Capital of Culture Lille 2004 (Lille,France) 2004 Festival Oriente Occidente (Trento, Italy)

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r111, multi-media installation, collaboration with Michael Saup, 2000 EXIT, Maison des Arts de Creteil, Paris (France) 2000 Parc des Expositions Scientifiques (Belgium) 2001 Canon Art Lab (Japan) 2006 Z.K.M. (Germany)

Festival d'Expérience Robotiques (F.E.R.) , Guest Curator, Biennale on Robotics,

2001 Parc des Expositions Scientifiques (Belgium) Le Procès, robotic live performance, Cabaret Technologique Zulu Time, Robert Lepage director,

Production Ex Machina & Peter Gabriel. 1999 Zürich (Switerzland), 1999 Maison de la Culture de Creteil (France) 2000 La Caserne (Canada) 2002 EMAF (Osnabrueck, Germany) 2003 Exit 2003 (Paris,France) 2003 Via 2003 (Maubeuge,France) 2003 European Capital of Culture Lille 2004 (lille, France) 2004 Festival Oriente Occidente (Trento, Italy) La Cour des Miracles, installation, 1999 Rotterdam festival, V2 (Netherlands), 1999 Musée d'Art Contemporain de Soissons (France), 1999 Kunstpflug (Berlin, Germany), 1998 Musée d'Art Contemporain de Montréal (Canada), 1997 International Symp. on Electronic Arts ISEA'97 (Chicago, USA). No Man's Land, commissioned by Ars Electronica Festival, 1996 Ars Electronica Centre (Linz, Austria). The Frenchman Lake, installation, 1996 Sonambiente Sound Art'96 (Berlin, Germany), 1995 International Symposium on Electronic Arts

ISEA'95 (Montréal, Canada). At the Edge of Chaos, installation, 1994 Images du Futur (Montréal, Canada). Espace Vectoriel, installation, 2003 SONAR'03 10 Year Review, (Barcelona,Spain) 1997 ARTEC'97, Nagoya Biennale (Nagoya, Japan), 1996 Art Futura'96 (Madrid, Spain), 1996 DEAF`96 Dutch Electronica Art Fest (Rotterdam, Netherlands), 1995 Sound Art Festival, Sprengel Museum (Hannover, Germany), 1994 PALOMAR (Montréal, Canada), 1994 SONAR'94 (Barcelone, Spain), 1993 European Media Arts Festival 1993 (Osnabrück, Germany), 1993 SIGGRAPH'93 Machine Culture (Los Angeles, USA).

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Scenography, public art and interactive media, exhibition and workshop leader, 2009 Bauhaus Lab, Theatrehaus Jena and Bauhaus University.

Studio 110110, an interactive dance floor, multi-touch system 2008 ISEA IMI Demo-Graphics 2008 (Singapore)

The Beat Table (beta), an interactive multi-touch beat box 2008 ISEA IMI Demo-Graphics 2008 (Singapore)

The Wishing Wells / Stage 1 / Dry Liquid, a multi-touch interactive surface studies on displays and rendering of elements.

2007 Singapore Science Centre (Singapore) 2008 ISEA IMI Demo-Graphics 2008 (Singapore)

iTag, a portable Musak generator derived by RFID tags of surrounding commercial products, a commission from Space Media Arts

2006 London

SchillerHaus Fountain, Public Space, Interactive Water Fountain,

2004 SchillerHaus Centre (Frankfurt, Germany)

Cirque du Soleil / Interactive Performance Floor, In Collaboration with Les Ateliers Numériques (Montreal) and

2004 Holger Forterer (Germany), MGM Grand / Cirque du Soleil (Las Vegas, USA)

Hypersymphonique, interactive exhibit about Symphonic Orchestra,

2002-03 Musée de la Civilisation de Québec (Québec,Québec)

Conference on Impact of New Technologies and Arts, 2001 conference chair (Köln, Germany)

AIRAIL, Frankfurt Airport group, Interactive Space, 2000 Expo2000 portal (Frankfurt, Germay) 1998 Lost Referential, sound&moving light installation,

LIGHTFORMS'98, intl. competition, Interactive Prize, NY Museum of Science (NYC, USA)

220v Electro-Clips, large scale sound&light interactive outdoor 1995 installation, collaboration with Christian Möller, V2 Organisatie (Rotterdam, Netherlands) Body, interactive lighting for Stelarc, 1994 Nexus Phase 8, ACREQ Production (Montréal, Canada) Electro-Clips, interactive danse, Christian Möller,

Stephen Galloway, 1995 Dance Fest (Munich, Germany), 1995 Theatre am Turm (Frankfurt, Germany), 1994 Ars Electronica Festival (Linz, Austria).

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Glen Gould, design & programming of an interactive exhibit, 1992 Canadian Pavilion, EXPO '92 (Sevilla, Spain). Escape is out of the Question,

Thecla Schiphorst choreograph, 1992 CyberArts (Los Angeles, USA), 1992 Intl. Symp. on Electronics Arts TISEA '92 (Sydney, Australia) The Shadow Project, John Crawford &Thecla Schiphorst, 1992 Studio II, Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada). Eschroadepipel, Zack Settel composer, 1991 Intl. Computer Music Conf. ICMC'91 (Montréal, Canada). Léthé, sound&light installation, scenic,lighting, music, 1991 Project Studio, Media Arts, The Banff Centre (Banff, Canada). LUDI, multi-media opera, interactive and scored lighting, 1990 New Music America 1990, Spectrum (Montréal, Canada). l'autre gauche, danse, multi-media control, 1989 Project Studio, Media Arts, The Banff Centre (Banff, Canada). The Rite of Spring, computer assisted lighting, 1989 Project Studio, Media Arts, The Banff Centre (Banff, Canada), United States Institute for Theatre Technology USITT'89 (Calgary, Alberta).

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DEVOLUTION, robotic & dance performance, Garry Stewart choreographer, 2006 Adelaide Theatre Festival 06 2007 Sydney Festival 07 2007 Adelaide 2007 Theatre de la Ville (Paris) 2007 Annecy (France)

Thunder, lighting, Sarah Bild choreograph, 2001 Danse-Cité (Montréal, Canada)

Perceval, lighting & set design, La Nef, 1999 Salle Pierre Mercure (Montréal, Canada). Le Jardin des Délices, lighting & set design, La Nef, 1997 Tokyo, Japan, 1996 Salle Pierre Mercure (Montréal, Canada). 1994 Maison de la Culture Frontenac (Montréal, Canada). Anxiety of Immortality, Thom Sokoloski director, Autumn Leaf Production, 1996 Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto, Canada) 1995 Le Chant d'Éole, La Nef, Salle DuMaurier, Monument National (Montréal, Canada). Les Chants du Capricorne, Pauline Vaillancourt, director & performer, 1996 Du Maurier Theatre (Toronto, Canada), 1995 Musée d'Art Contemporain (Montréal, Canada). Speed the Plow, Dominic Champagne director, 1995 Nouvelle Compagnie Théatrâle (Montréal, Canada). Musiques pour Jeanne la Folle, lighting&set, La Nef, 1996 Milwaukee (USA), 1994 Mexico D.F., Cervantino Festival (Mexico), 1993 Peer, Brussels (Belgium), 1992 Théâtre la Chapelle (Montréal, Canada). The Bridge, Jean-Frédérick Messier director, Benchtours Theatre, 1994 Glasgow's Mayfest, Scotland Tour (Glasgow, Scotland).

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Les Bouleaux, Sarah Bild choreograph, 1994 Tangente, Agora de la Danse (Montréal, Canada).

La Boîte, Andrea Davidson choreograph, Danse-Cité, 1994 Agora de la danse (Montréal, Canada). The Dangerous Kitchen, Concert Frank Zappa, production ACREQ, 1994 Cullen Theatre (Houston, USA), 1991 Musée d'Art Contemporain de Montréal (Montréal, Canada).

Holographic Sculpture, scored lighting, Marie-C. Mathieu, 1993 Casino of Montréal (Montréal, Canada). Musiques pour le Parc Lafontaine, outdoor large scale event, 1992 Parc Lafontaine, printemps de l'ACREQ (Montréal, Canada), 1992 Musée d'Art Contemporain (Montréal, Canada).

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EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (selection--see also artwork)

Academic / Teaching 2006-ongoing Assoc. Prof. , School of Art, Design and Media,

Interaction and Entertainment Research Centre, Principal Investigator, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 2008-2009 Associate Chair Research, School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 2002-2005 Full Professor (rank C4), State School of Design Karlsruhe,

Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM) Exhibit Design Dept. teaching of installation, performance and exhibit (Karlsruhe, Germany).

Work included: administration of the exhibit design studio, support and supervision of student projects, workshops on installation, programming, robotics and lighting.

2000-2002 Guest Professor (rank C4), State School of Design Karlsruhe,

Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM) Exhibit Design Dept. teaching of installation, performance and exhibit (Karlsruhe, Germany).

1999-2000 Assistant (professor), State School of Design Karlsruhe,

Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM) Exhibit Design Dept. teaching of installation, performance and exhibit (Karlsruhe, Germany).

1993-1995 Faculty, Computed Art Intensive, Faculty, Simon Fraser University, summer workshops for the introduction to interactive technologies and multi-media programming for performance (Vancouver, Canada).

1984 -1985 Lecturer (Charge de cours), U. de Montréal, Introduction to

Structured Programming

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EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (selection--see also artwork)

Academic / Teaching Workshops 2010 Workshop on Machine Performers, Cyberlabor, Theaterhaus St-Polten, Austria 2009 Workshop on Scenography and Media, Bauhaus festival, Theaterhaus Jena, Germany. 2008 Workshop on Interaction Design, Weimar-Bauhaus Universoty, Weimar 2008 Workshop on Physical Computing, National Centre of the Arts, Mexico DF 2008 Workshop on MoCap and Robotics, CIANT, Prague 2005-2006 Animatronics Atelier and Workshop, École des Beaux-Arts, Aix en Provence 2002 2000 2003 Workshop on Interaction Design, ICADA (intl. Commercial Art Designer Association),

Design Conf., Bejing, Shanghai, China 1999 Interactive Lighting Atelier,

State School of Design (Karlsruhe, Germany). 1996 Workshop on MAX and multi-media,

Art+Tech Institute (Linz, Austria) 1993 Workshop on interactive lighting,

Dance and Technology Conference, Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada). Conferences (organizer, reviewer, jury). 2010 International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR2010), design competition jury 2010 Hexagram / CINQ, jury for R&D grant program 2009 Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI 2010), MIT Media Lab, Explorations Jury 2009 AI Shanghai Lectures (with AI Lab Zurich), local organizer 2008 ISEA 2008, organizing committee and chair of Demographics exhibit at ADM 2008 IMI Intl Workshop, organizing committee and chair of exhibits 2008 Z-Node Symposium on PhD in Arts&Science, chair and organizer 2006 DIMEA 2006, Art Show Reviewer 2001 Impact of New Technologies and the Arts, conference chair & organizer,

Köln Ludwig Museum 2001 F.E.R., Robotic Art Festival, Festival Curator & Chair, 1998 Festival of New Cinema and Media (FCMM), Jury (New Media), Montréal 1992 Panel chair & organizer, USITT (United State Institute for Theatre Technology), Computers and Live Performance (Boston, USA).

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EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (selection--see also artwork)

Interactive Design 2005 Consultant, survey of artists using interactive art,

potential for the science museum, Montreal Science Centre (Montreal, Canada)

2004 Consultant, Design, system, software

interactive performance floor for MGM Grand (Las Vegas), Ateliers Numériques & Cirque du Soleil (Montreal, Canada).

2003 Consultant, Design, system, software SchillerHaus Fountain, interactive public Fountain, Satis&Fy Productions (Frankfurt, Germany).

2002 Consultant, Design, system, software

Hypersymphonique, interactive exhibits about Symphonic Orchestras, Museum of Civilisation (Quebec, Quebec).

2001 Consultant, Thematic Analysis, Exhibit on Lighting, Museum of Civilisation (Quebec, Quebec).

2000 Consultant, Design, system, software

Frankfurt Airport Group, interactive Exhibit, Expo2000, Satis&Fy Productions (Frankfurt, Germany).

1995 Consultant, system, software & exhibit design for 220V Electro-Clips,a large scale

interactive public light & sound exhibit, V2 Organisatie (Rotterdam, Netherlands).

1994 Consultant, system & software design for Electro-Clips, Theatre am Turm, an interactive dance performance (Frankfurt, Germany).

1994 Consultant, software design, Intégration Inc., Macro-Mind Lingo programming for a teaching

system of veterinary medicine (Montréal, Canada).

1992 Consultant, software design, interface design for museum, Glen Gould Exhibit, Canadian Pavilion, Expo'92 (Sevilla, Spain). 1989-1991 Software developer, design and implementation of @FL, a novel interactive control

system for lighting (and media). This project was realized with the support of several research grants from Arts Council of Quebec and Canada (Montréal, Canada).

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Software Design, Research & Development 1994-1998 President of Kunst Macchina Production Company,

Product development and research supervision of the Behaviours Technology, a distributed multi-tasking real-time media control system (Montréal, Canada).

Work included: supervision of teams of R&D (up to 15 developers), product support (3 persons) and operations (3 staff), architecture design, UI design, users manual, market development & research, marketing, customer integration, programming 3D graphic algorithms, trade shows, reports such as business plan, Tax credits, etc.

1993 Consultant, Intégration Inc. et National Film Board of Canada, survey and selection of

motion control systems for cameras and animation (Montréal, Canada). 1988-1989 Consultant, Intern, Media Arts, The Banff Centre,

system administrator, conduct workshops on tools, establish computer services, equipment selection, design of digital studios: video, sound, theatre, data base system for the scheduling and booking of the various studios (Banff, Canada).

1987-1988 Research Assistant, McGill U. et SPAR Aerospace, study and reports on task planning & software architecture of the robotic manipulator of the Space Station (Montréal, Canada).

1987 Consultant, McGill U. et Canadian Microelectronics Corp.

evaluation and selection of a CAD system for VLSI design (Montréal, Canada). 1985-1986 Research Associate, Head of Laboratory, VLSI Lab., U. of Montréal, develop an

integrated CAD system for VLSI, direction of the laboratory and the Cheshire Project (Montréal, Canada).

Work included: supervision of Lab research (3 staff, 10 grad. students), direction of the Cheshire Project, system integration, U.I. specification, algorithms for layout automation, programming, grants proposals, several papers written on the project.

1983,1984 Research Assistant, VLSI Lab., U. of Montréal,

develop an integrated CAD system for VLSI (Montréal, Canada). 1982 Consultant, Institute for Clinical Research, port and modify a DNA sequencing system(Montréal, Canada). 1981 Research Assistant, Computer Vision Lab., U. of Montréal,

develop a vision system based on structured lighting (Montréal, Canada). 1980 Research Assistant, Computer Graphics Lab, U. of Montréal, develop novel 2D algorithms (Montréal, Canada).

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Ph.D. (undergoing) (On Line / Off Site Program) , Robotic Ontologies, 2005-11 Züricher Hochschule der Kunst, Univeristy of Plymouth,

Media Arts Residency, Canada Council for the Arts project,

1991 Media Arts Dept., The Banff Centre (Banff, Canada). Media Arts Residency, l'autre gauche, production, 1989 Media Arts Dept., The Banff Centre (Banff, Canada). Computer Media Intern, art & technology, 1988-1989 Media Arts Dept., The Banff Centre (Banff, Canada). Stagecraft I, Theatre Design & Production, 1988 Theatre Complex, The Banff Centre (Banff, Canada). Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, not completed, Robotic & 1987-1988 A.I.,Dept. of Electrical Engineering, McGill University (Montréal, Canada). M.Sc., Computer Science, C.A.D. for VLSI, 1982-1986 Dépt. I.R.O., Université de Montréal (Montréal, Canada). CMOS Circuit Design, 1983 Dept. of Computer Science, U. of Calgary (Calgary, Canada). B.Sc., Computer Science, 1978-1981 Dépt. I.R.O., Université de Montréal (Montréal, Canada). Diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC), Science, 1976-1978 Collège de l'Assomption (l'Assomption, Canada). Diplôme d'études secondaires (DES), 1971-1976 Collège de l'Assomption (l'Assomption, Canada).

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Prix Ars Electronica 2010 ORF, Ars Electrionica (Linz, Austria), Honourable Mention, Digital Musics for the Prayer Drums. Japan Media Art Festival 2009, Jury Recommended Work (Art Division) for the Wind Tunnel. LIFE 12.0 International Competition (2009),

Artificial Life Art competition, Special Mention for The Tiller Girls, Telefonica (Madrid, Spain). Australian Dance Award 2006 for Outstanding Performance by a Company (Sydney, Australia) Ruby Awards 2006 (Adelaide. Australia) Innovation - Devolution Helpmann Award 2006 (Sydney. Australia) Best New Work - Devolution Best Lighting Design – Devolution Australian Cinematographer's Society (SA Branch Awards)

Commercials Retail - Gold to Chris Herzfeld (Devolution) Corporate Productions - Gold to Chris Herzfeld (Devolution)

Prix Ars Electronica 2005 ORF, Ars Electrionica (Linz, Austria), Honourable Mention, Digital Music for The Mechanized Eccentric. Medien Kunst Pries, SWR (Germany) Final selection for October 2004 prix - for r111. Prix Ars Electronica 2002 ORF, Ars Electrionica (Linz, Austria), Honourable Mention, Interactive Kunst for r111. LIFE 2.0 International Competition 1999,

Artificial Life Art competition, first prize for La Cour des Miracles, Telefonica (Madrid, Spain). LIGHTFORMS 1998, International Lighting Design Competition,

Museum of Science (NYC, USA) Interactive Award for Lost Referential. Prix Ars Electronica 1996 ORF, Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria), Interactive Kunst Distinction Award for No Man's Land. IDMA'96 International Digital Media Awards (Toronto, Canada), Best Non-Commercial Artwork Award for Espace Vectoriel Best of Show for Espace Vectoriel Prix Ars Electronica 1995 ORF, Ars Electrionica (Linz, Austria), Honourable Mention, Interactive Kunst for Electro-Clips.

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NTU Digital Realities Laboratory, Principal Investigator, 1.25M SGD, NTU 2008-2011 Social Robotics, Entertainment Robotics, Tangible Media, Surface Computing Cinematics and Narratives, Co-Principal Investigator, 1.7M SGD, NRF Singapore 2008-2011 Motion tracking, behaviour and emotion recognition of participants. Independent Research Recherche-Innovation, Ministère des Affaires Culturelles, Espace Vectoriel, Interactive Lighting. Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)

Travel and Exhibit grants. EMAF 2002

Canada-Japan Funds, Canada Arts Council, 1995, declined. Integrated / Computer Media, Canada Council for the Arts, Production, L’Assemblee Production, La Cour des Miracles, Production, The Frenchman Lake, Research grant, Interactive Lighting. Support Grant, Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec, Production, Le Procès, Production, La Cour des Miracles, Production, No Man's Land. Catalog of EMAF 2002 Academic Studies Full Scholarship, Computer Media Intern 1988-1989, The Banff Centre IBM Theatre Crafts Scholarship, summer 1988, The Banff Centre. Conseil de la Recherche en Sciences Naturelles et Génie (CRSNG), summer 1980. CRSNG, post graduate studies, 1984, declined. CRSNG, post graduate studies, 1987, Ph.D. McGill U. Overseas Research Scholarships (ORS) for U.K., declined.

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LECTURES (selection)

2010 Anthropocentrism and the Staging of Robots, Cyberlabor Symposium, St-Polten 2010 Physicality in Interactive and Robotic Arts, Graduate School of Culture Tech, KAIST 2009 Scenography and Media, Weimar-Bauhaus University, Weimar 2009 Perception of Robotic Agents, Thematic Correlations for Art Researchers, Monash U. 2008 Interaction Design, Weimar-Bauhaus University, Weimar 2008 Anthropocentrism and Staging Robots, National Centre of the Arts, Mexico DF 2008 Anthropocentrism and Staging Robots, CIANT, Prague 2008 Sensual Technologies, Centre for Contemporary Arts with Brunel U., London 2008 Robots in Entertainment, Singapore Science Centre 2007 Challenging Anthropocentrism, Mutamorphosis, Prague 2007 Interaction Design, Academy of Media Arts and Design, ChiangMai 2006 Motion Tracking for Media Control, Lighting Dimensions Intl., Las Vegas 2006 Mechanomorphic Machines for Performances, VSUP / CIANT., Prague, ZOOM Brno 2006 Public artwork and RFID Technologies, HCI 2006 Engage, London 2006 Anthropocentricity and the Social Robot, 50th Artificial Intelligence Summit, Switzerland 2006 Collaborative process, In Artist’s week of Adelaide Theatre Festival 2006 Sound Design, R.M.I.T. (Melbourne), Lecturer. 2005-06 Mechatronics – Variable Truss Geometry Workshop, École des Beaux-Arts, Aix en Pce. 2005 Lecture on Mutliple Ontologies Disorder, A.I. Lab, University of Zurich 2005 Interactive Multi-Media Performance, École des Beaux-Arts/CIANT,Aix en Pce. 2004 Robotic Art, Denmarks Design Skole, Medialogi, Visual Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark 2004 ICADA (intl. Commercial Art Designer Association), Design Conf., Bejing, Shangai, China 2003 MEDIASPACE 03, Stuttgart, Germany 2001 Etopia , Tempodrom, Berlin 2001 Roboti Media, Impact of New Technologies and the Arts, Köln Ludwig Museum 2001 F.E.R., Robotic Art Festival, Curator & Chair,Parc D'aventures Scientifiques (Belgium) 2001 Institute of Advanced Studies, Keynote Speaker, Princeton U. 2000 CrossFair2000 – “Intelligent Stage”, Speaker, Essen (Germany) 2000 SONAR 2000, Lectures on New City Trends, Barcelona 2000-01 Mechatronics Atelier, École des Beaux-Arts, Aix en Provence 1999 Interactive Lighting, State School of Design Karlsruhe 1999 Robotic Art, panellist, IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics and Automation (Detroit, USA) 1998 Out of the Box, Flesh Eating Technologies, guest lecturer, Media Arts, The Banff Centre 1997 Pong Festival, guest lecturer, Brown U. & Rhode Island School of Design (USA) 1997 Columbia University, guest lecturer, School of Architecture (NYC, USA) 1996 Workshop on MAX and multi-media, Art+Tech Institute (Linz, Austria) 1996 Robots&Knowbots, panellist Art Futura (Madrid, Spain) 1996 10 Billion Robots: The Creation of Real Artificial Worlds, Poster Session

ISEA 96 (Rotterdam, Netherlands) 1996 Real Artificial Life as an Immersive Media, lecture

Graduate School of Architecture, Columbia University, (NYC, USA). 1995 Artificial Life: Challenges and Possibilities, panellist, ISEA 95, (Montréal, Canada). 1995 3-Space, Time-Base, In-yer-face Art: The Aesthetics of Real Space Interactives, panellist,

ISEA 95, (Montréal, Canada). 1995 Espace Vectoriel, Video Presentation

ECAL 95 (European Conf. on Artificial Life), (Granada, Spain). 1993 Workshop on interactive lighting, Dance and Technology Conference, Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada). 1992 Intercative Lighting Systems, USITT (United State Institute for Theatre Technology), Computers and Live Performance (Boston, USA). 1991 Workshop on Man-Machine in Live Performance, lecturer (Pisa, Italy). 1985 Lecturer, U. de Montréal, Introduction to Structured Programming.

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Robotic Art Demers L.P., “Machine Performers: Between the Agentic and the Automatic”, to appear in Entfesselte

technische Objekte:Zum zeitgenössischen Verhältnis von Mensch und Technik in der Kunst , edited by Martina Leeker.

Demers L.P., “Machine Performers: Between the Agentic and the Automatic”, Human Robot Interaction 2010 Worhshops, Osaka.

Demers L.P., “Embodied Agents : behaving without thinking”, proc. of ISEA08, Singapore, 2008. Demers L.P., Horakova J, “Anthropocentrism and the Staging of Robots”, "Transdisciplinary Digital Art:

Sound, Vision and the New Screen", CCIS (Communications in Computer and Communication Science), Springer Verlag, 7:434-450, 2008.

Demers L.P., Horakova J, “Anthropocentrism and the Staging of Robots”, proc. Of Digital Arts Week, Zurich, July 2007.

Demers L.P.,”Towards an Understanding of Staging Robots”, Montreal Planetarium College Summit, April 2007.

Demers L.P., "Anthropocentricity and the Social Robot: Artistic and Aesthetic Investigations into Machine Behaviours", Proc. of 50th AI Summit, Switzerland, 2006.

Demers L.P., Vorn B., "ES: das Wesen der Maschine", catalog of the European Media Art Festival 2002, 114 pages,2003, ISBN 3-926501-22-7

Demers L.P., Vorn B., "La Cour des Miracles", catalog of the Exhibit, Louise Ismert Editor, 25 pages, ISBN 2-551-18961-6

Demers L.P., Vorn B., ”Schizoid Ontologies of Cybernetic Lures”, to appear in ”Flesh Eating Technologies”, edited by Sara Diamond, Sylvère Lotringer, M.A.Moser, The Banff Centre, Feb. 1998.

Demers L.P., Vorn B., " Real Artificial Worlds: the Perversion of Perception", ISEA95, Montréal. Demers, L.P., Vorn B., "Real Artificial Life as an Immersive Media", 5th Biennial on Art&Technology,

Connecticut, march 95. Interactive Art Berry R, Demers LP, “The Earth from Orbit as a Musical Score”, proc of Asian Space Conf. 2007,

Singapore, May 07. Demers L.P., Jean P., ”New Control Approaches on Lighting, ShowLight '97, Ghent, Flemish Opera

House, April 97. Demers, L.P., "Interactive and live accompaniment lighting for Dance", proc. of Dance and Technology

Conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 1993. Crawford J., Schiphorst T., Gotfritt M., Demers L.P., "The Shadow Project", proc. of the Symposium on

Arts and Technology, New London, CT, 1993. Demers, L.P., "@FL:Ideas on a Lighting Synthesis Device", International Workshop on Man-Machine

Interaction in Live Performance, Pise, Juin 1991. Demers, L.P., "A Performance Instrument for Lighting", Proceedings of International Computer Music

Conference 1991, Montréal 1991. Robotics Hayward V., Daneshmed L.K., Foisy A., Boyer M., Demers L.-P., Ravidran R., Ng T., " The

Evolutionary Design of MCPL: the MSS Command and Programming Language", proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems '90, Japan, July 1990.

Full Curriculum Version: Louis-Philippe Demers Art, Production and Employment 19


Computer Aided Design Cerny E., Bois G., Bourgault M., Demers L.P., Fauvel S., Jacques P., Mailhot P., Roy C., "Integration of

VLSI CAD Tools Based on Cell-Objects: the CHESHIRE System", ABLEX publ. Demers L.P., Jacques P., Fauvel S., Cerny E., "An Approach to Object Oriented Integration of VLSI

Tools", proc. of the International Workshop on Tool Integration and Design Environment, Paderborn, Nov. 27-28 1987.

Demers L.P., Jacques P., Fauvel S., Cerny E., "CHESHIRE: An Object-Oriented Integration of VLSI CAD Tools", proc. of the 24th Design Automation Conf., Miami, June 1987.

Demers L.P., Bois G., Jacques P., Cerny E., "An Integrated VLSI Design System with Symbolic Layout Tools", proc. of the Intl Workshop on Symbolic Layout and Compaction, Chapel Hill, Nov. 1986.

Demers L.P., Jacques P., Fauvel S. , Cerny E., "CHESHIRE: An Object-Oriented Approach to VLSI Design System Integration", proc. of the 1986 Canadian Conf. on VLSI, Montréal, Oct. 1986, pp. 291-294.

Demers L.P., Roy C., Cerny E., Gecsei J., "Integration of VLSI Symbolic Design Tools", Proc. of COMPINT 1985., Montréal, Sept. 1985, pp. 308-312.

Demers L.P., Bois G., Cerny E., Gecsei J., "Hierarchical Compaction in an Integrated Environment", proc. of the 1985 Canadian Conf. on VLSI., Toronto., Nov. 1985.

Roy C., Demers L.P., Cerny E., Gescei J., "An Object-Oriented Switch-Level Simulator", Proc. of the 22nd Desifgn Automation Conf., 1985.

Demers L.P., Roy C., Cerny E., Gecsei J., "A symbolic Design Station and its Integrated Environment", proc. of the 1984 Canadian Conf. on VLSI., Oct. 1984.

Demers L.P., Roy C., "Combining Symbolic Design Tools with Switch-Level Simulation", Proc. of the 1983 Canadian Conf. on VLSI., 1983, pp. 126-130.

Computer Graphics Demers L.P., Thalmann D., Magnenat-Thalmann N., "Locating, Replacing and Deleting Patterns in

Editing of Line Drawings", Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (Journal ), Jan. 1985. Demers L.P., Thalmann D., Magnenat-Thalmann N., "Locating, Replacing and Deleting Patterns in

Editing of Line Drawings", Proc. of Graphics Interface 1983.

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