c:\users\carlos\combustion reactions

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Eduardo Tobias

What are the different typed of chemical reactions?

Acid-base Double displacement Dingle displacement Synthesis Decomposition

What is a combustion reaction?

When oxygen combines with another compound to form water and carbon dioxide.

What is the fire triangle

Model for understanding the ingredients necessary for fires.

What is activation energy

Energy that must overcome in order for a chemical reaction to occur

Why is heat/energy a necessary part of the fire triangle

Without enough sufficient heat, a fire cannot begin and will not continue further more.

How is the cook top of your stove a real life example of fire triangle

The stove needs heat, oxygen and fuel to make the stove light up

What is a combustion Engine?

The internal combustion engine is an engine in which combustion of a fuel occurs with an oxidizer in a combustion chamber

How does a combustion engine work? An internal combustion

engine fuel is burned inside the engine in which is known as a combustion chamber. The combustion chamber is an enclosed space where gasoline goes. Ones the gas of the confine gasoline expands, it produces energy.

How are NASCAR engines different from street car engines that allow them to operate at much higher speeds?

The racers use a different engine block, pistons, alternators, and suspensions

How does nitrous oxide help engines perform better?

When vaporizes, nitrous oxide provides a cooling effect on the intake air.

When you reduce the intake air temp., u increase the airs density, and this provides even more oxygen inside the cylinder.

Example of cheating NASCAR in which something was done illegally to increase the combustion performance of the engine When a NASCAR fails to pass an

inspections because it gave them an advantage over everyone else.

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