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The TidingsSeptember 2016

A newsletter of Central Lutheran

Church of the Holy Trinity


Dear Central Members and Friends,

Summer is winding down andCentral is gearing up for the2016-2017 Program Year!We’ll double check the burn-ers this year to make sure wedon’t have the smell of gasand have to evacuate thebuilding like last year!

The fun begins with Choirat 9:00 am! While singinghappens, Gathering Timefor all Sunday Schoolstudents (Preschoolthrough 6th Grade) startsat 9:30 am in theUpstairs Oasis Roomwith coffee for parentsand toys for youngsters.(2016-2017 Registrationis ONLINE this year.Missing the link? Email

cim@loveiscentral.org)Godly Play will be taught in the newly-named Herders & Farmers Class-rooms for two mixed-ages classrooms, preschool-3rd grade and Carpen-ters (4th to 6th Grade) Classrooms in the Upstairs Parish Hall. ConfirmationKick-Off meeting will have taken place the day before with parents andstudents from 12-2pm followed by a lock-in. Confirmands will be joiningFaith Formation Forum and youth group aged teenagers in the Parish Hallfor a Syrian Refugee Action Group update from leaders David Copley &Steven Chapman. Nursery Care is available in the Back of the Parish Hallstarting at 9:45am and going through to coffee hour at 12:45pm. Worshiptransitions back to an 11:00 am start time. We’ll be doing a Blessing ofBackpacks, Confirmation Materials, and Work Bags/Gear at the beginning

of worship. Coffee Hour will be starting at noon following worship. Committees will start with a 12:30pmcheck in before meeting in various locations to discuss the many things happening at Central.

continued on page 3...

September 2016/ Page 2

ACOLYTES: Isaac Emmons, Connor Rauch, TheoCopley, Anna Kiem, Hannah Emmons, Leo Donlea,David Kaiser, Brodie Myka, Daniel Kaiser, and SiriDonleaALTAR GUILD: Julia Maywald, Cynthia Wold, ChrisKealy, Bob Hartl, Carl Kaiser, Sue Anderson, LynnRauch, Kristine Knutson, and ChristaASSISTING MINISTERS: Jackie Brolsma, StevenChapman, Jeff Roberts, Theresa Wagner, Cathy Woods,Bethany Stolle, Tom Donlea, Carl Kaiser, JohnMostrom, Steve Gibson, Natalie Tews, Allison R., andLynn RauchCOFFEE HOUR: Erica & Fievel Hieggelke, ChrisKealy, Cori Myka, Jeff Cook, and the Mostrom-WoodsfamilyCOMMUNION BREAD: Anne Bush, the Kaiser-Wagner family, and Cori MykaTELLERS: Jamie Pedersen, Cathy Woods, KariOversvee-Choi, John Mostrom, Steve Gibson, AdamRauch, Chris Kealy, Jeff Cook, and Cori MykaUSHERS: Fievel Hieggelke, Erica Hieggelke, RaleighWales, Michael Barr, Steve Gibson, Daniel Kaiser, CoriMyka, and Josiah Myka

Receive the readings via e-mail: Many people find ithelpful to read the Sunday readings ahead of time. If

you would like to receive a weekly e-mail with theupcoming Sunday’s readings, please let Sandy know at


Thank you toJune, July, & August


Central Lutheran Churchof the Holy Trinity

1710 Eleventh AvenueSeattle, Washington 98122

phone: 206-322-7500fax: 206-322-0195

Fall Schedule (begins September 11):Choir: 9:00 amSunday School: 9:45 amForum for Faith Formation: 9:45 amWorship: 11:00 am

Pastors:Cindy Saloemail: pastor@loveiscentral.orgBy appointment on Tues. through Thurs.Home phone in emergency: 425-486-6505

Verlon Brownoffice hours by appointment, please callthe office, 206-322-7500

Office Manager:Sandy Kraegelemail: office@loveiscentral.orgOffice hours: 10 am - 5 pm Tuesday-Friday

Coordinator of IntergenerationalMinistries (CIM)David De Blocke-mail: cim@loveiscentral.orgSunday through Thursday & as needed

Music Director:James Jelasicemail: musicdirector@loveiscentral.org

Caretaker:Brian Schoofemail: caretaker@loveiscentral.org

Groundskeeper:Bradley Finnemail: grounds@loveiscentral.org

Nursery:Fall hours: Sunday 9:45 am - 12:45 pmFor children ages five and under

We are an open and affirming congre-gation, which in Lutheran churches iscalled Reconciling in Christ. We seekto share God’s love with all peopleregardless of race, age, gender orsexual orientation. All are welcome.

September 2016/ Page 3

For list oriented folks:

9:00 am Choir (Sanctuary) 9:30 am Sunday School Gather Time (Upstairs Parish Hall, Oasis Room) 9:45 am Sunday School (Upstairs Parish Hall, Classrooms) 9:45 am Nursery Opens (Back of Parish Hall) 9:45 am Faith Formation Forum (Parish Hall, Main)

o Syrian Refugee Action Group Update Led by David Copley & Steven Chapman &open to all teenagers through aged with wisdom individuals

11:00 am Worship (Sanctuary)o Blessing of Backpack, Confirmation Materials, and Work Bags/Gear.

12:00 pm Coffee Hour (Parish Hall, Main) 12:30 pm Committee Sunday (All Committee Check in starts in Parish Hall)

Many more details are further in so take a look! Feel free to email cim@loveiscentral.org if youhave any questions and we look forward to seeing you September 11th! We hope everyone had agreat summer!

David De BlockCoordinator of Intergenerational Ministries

News from CIM

continued from the front page...

Note from the Music Director

Greetings All Amateur & Professional Musicians!!

All congregants (including our middle and high schoolers!) are welcome to join our Chancel Choiron a weekly or as-you-are-able-to-make-it basis. No audition is required; just a search for joy andfulfillment in singing in an easy-going, fun, church group setting! We meet every Sunday at 9:00 -10:00 am, finishing in time to allow one to attend the Forum for Faith Formation series beforeservice. Most services throughout the school year have us sitting up front in the choir loft to helplead the congregation in hymn singing and to sing a weekly anthem during the offering.


James Jelasic, Central Lutheran Church Director of Music

September 2016/ Page 4

News from Church Council

Greetings members and friends of Central! We hope the last days of summer find you all warmand refreshed. Council has continued to meet monthly over the summer, and we wanted to sharean update with you all through the Tidings.

This summer held a significant achievement for our congregation, as the Syrian refugee projectexceeded the fundraising goal. We look forward to developing our relationships with the familythat will be relocated with these funds and with our partner congregation in Coquitlam, BC. Thefirst delegation has traveled to BC and we anticipate hearing of their experiences.

Council continues to work on priorities identified during our retreat at the end of April. Theseprojects include ongoing work to:

update the church website have an updated constitution by January 2017 explore how to fund a seminary intern at Central plan a church retreat in February 2017 revitalize Welcome and Nurture activities and committee update the altar paraments seek “shared space” opportunities for Central’s facilities

Looking to the near future, we invite everyone to join us on Rally Sunday on September 11. Thisday marks the beginning of our “regular” schedule, including Sunday School and Faith FormationForum at 9:45 am and worship at 11 am. Council is also planning a time for staff appreciation inOctober, so look for opportunities to contribute to that effort. We are so thankful for our leader-ship and staff and want to be certain they feel our gratitude!

Submitted by Brooke Powers on behalf of the Church Council (Pastor Cindy Salo, Chris Kealy, AndrewOberdeck, Carl Kaiser, Juni Nelson, Adam Rauch, Connor Rauch, Kari Oversvee-Choi)

September 2016/ Page 5

De a rCe ntra lm e m b e rsa nd frie nd s,

Ove rthe la stse ve ra lm onthswe 've b e e n ra ising fund sforthe Syria n Re fug e e Ac tion Group(SRAG).Itisw ith g re a tple a sure tha twe a nnounc e tha t43 ind ivid ua lsa nd fa m ilie sra ise d a tota lof$27,534.83 USD whic h isa tota lof$36,029.05 Ca na d ia n Dolla rs!

Thisw illsupportourfa m ilyof5 c urre ntlyin a re fug e e c a m p in Le b a non d uring the irfirstye a rinCa na d a .M othe rLouisa ,Fa the rFa d i,the ird a ug hte rsH e le ne & Christine ,a nd the irson Sha d yw illa rrive in the ne xt6 m onthsto a ye a rd e pe nd ing on how fa stthe irpa pe rwork g oe s.ThisChristia nfa m ilyha sre la tive sliving in Surre ywhic h isjustsouth ofCoquitla m .

On Aug ust27th,12 Ce ntra litie sc a ra va nne d up to King ofLife Luthe ra n Churc h (KOL) to m e e tw ith m e m b e rsa nd le a rn m ore a b outthe im m ig ra tion proc e sstha twe 'llb e a ssisting w ith a sourfa m ilyse ttle sin Ca na d a .W e we re we lc om e d w ith a wond e rfulpotluc k a nd m ing le d w ith notonlyc hurc h m e m b e rs,b utthe M uslim fa m ily tha tthe y'd a lre a d y sponsore d 4 ye a rsprior.The yb roug hta re c e ntlyim m ig ra te d Syria n fa m ilyw ith the m tohe lp usund e rsta nd the tra nsitionsthe yfa c e a nd b ring to lig htthe joysa nd strug g le sofne w life in a fore ig n c ountry.

Afte re xploring the ne xtste ps,whic h you c a n le a rn m ore a b outa tthe Fa ith Form a tion Forum onSund a y Se pt.11 from Da vid Cople y,Ste ve n Cha pm a n,a nd the othe rSRAG we e ke nd c om pa nions,we ha d hostfa m ilie sputusup forthe nig htb e fore re turning forSund a y W orship on Aug ust28th.Atworship we ha d the opportunity to e xpre ssourg ra titud e forKOL'shospita tlity,oure xc ite m e ntforthispa rtne rship in m inistrya nd pre se ntthe se c ond a nd fina lc he c k tothe Cong re -g a tion forourfuture frie nd s!Itwa sa n a m a zing a nd e nric hing trip tha te xe m plifie d the Gospe l'sc a llto re la tionship w ith ourne ig hb orswhe the rtha t'sloc a l,a c rossone b ord e r,orinte rna tiona llyinspire d !

Ble ssing s,

Da vid De Block,Coord ina torofInte rg e ne ra tiona lM inistrie s

News from CIM

CONTRIBUTION UPDATE:Tha nk you foryourg e ne rosity towa rd SRAG.Be c a use we ha ve e xc e e d e d the fund ra ising g oa lforthise ffort,we ha ve d isc ontinue d d ona tions.W e c ontinue to e xplore the wond e rfulopportunitie sworking w ith KOL Luthe ra n Churc h a nd oursponsore d fa m ilyw illb ring us.Ag a in,ourhe a rtfe lttha nks!

Pa storCind y

September 2016/ Page 6

Kids At Central

De a rCe ntra lFolks,

Ra lly Da yisjusta round the c orne ra nd the Kid sAtCe ntra lCom m itte e & Te a c he rsha ve b e e nworking on a fe w ne w thing sa swe lla sb ring ing b a c k som e old .

SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS CONFIGURATIONS a re m ixing itup forourGod ly Pla y stud e ntsa ndte a c he rs.Afte rthe Kid sAtCe ntra lCom m itte e m e ton July24th w ith the te a c he rs,the yd e c id e d toc om b ine ourGod ly Pla y stud e ntsfrom thre e a g e b a se d c la ssroom sto two m ixe d a g e d c la ssroom s.Re b e c c a E.a nd Anna Cople yw illb e te a c hing the ne wlyna m e d H e rd e rsCla ssroom & Ja m iePe d e rse n a nd Bra nd on Ba ke rw illb e te a c hing the ne wly na m e d Fa rm e rsCla ssroom .Ea c h roomw illha ve a m ixture ofpre -sc hoolthroug h 3rd Gra d e rs.W e a re e xc ite d a b outthisne w c onfig ura -tion a nd hope tha tourold e rkid sw illb e g re a te xa m ple sforouryoung e rkid swho a re e xpe rie nc -ing ourM onte ssoriwa y ofte a c hing Sund a y Sc hooloutsid e ofthe Nurse ry forthe firsttim e .

CONFIRMATION RETURNS w ith a ne w tw ist!Afte rm uc h d e lib e ra te thoug hta nd va riousm e e ting sb e twe e n Ce ntra lCong re g a nts& Loc a lCong re g a tiona lLe a d e rs,we ’re ha ppy to a nnounc e a pilotc olla b ora tion b e twe e n Ce ntra lLuthe ra n Churc h a nd Im m a nue lLuthe ra n Churc h.Ove rthe ne xtye a rourse ve n c onfirm a nd sw illjoin w ith Im m a nue l’stwoc onfirm a nd sforloc k-in & youth ori-e nte d e ve ntslike H old e n M a y Youth W e e ke nd .On M a rc h 5th,2017we ’lle ve n try outd oing a le ssontog e the ra tIm m a nue lLuthe ra n Churc h fora n a fte rnoon se ssion.Sta y tune d to se e how itg oe s.

EXLUSIVELY YOUTH GROUP a g e d te e na g e rs& pa re ntse ithe rc a m e to a b runc h a tCIM Da vid DeBloc k’shouse on July 9th w ith KAC Cha irAng e la Ob e rd e c k orha d the opportunity to c onne c tove ric e c re a m in W e stSe a ttle .Ke e ping ouryoung m e m b e rse ng a g e d a tCe ntra lisa n im porta nta spe c ttopa ssing on the fa ith.The id e a ofYouth Group ha sa lsoc ha ng e d sig nific a ntlyove rtim e ,a ndCe ntra lisin a unique position sinc e itd ra wsfa m ilie sfrom a llove rthe Se a ttle M e troa nd sur-round ing a re a s.Thism a ke sitc ha lle ng ing tofind m e a ning fulopportunitie sforourte e nstoe n-g a g e w ith Ce ntra lLuthe ra n Churc h a sthe y b e c om e m ore a c tive w ith the irc olle g e se a rc he s,sporting & e xtra c urric ula ra c tivitie sin hig h sc hool.W ith tha tin m ind a nd a fte rm a nyc onve rsa -tions,the youth,pa re nts,a nd Ia re working on wa ystoc onne c te a c h te e n in wa ystha tm a ke se nsew ith the Fa ith Form a tion Forum a nd Sund a ySc hool.W e a re stillpla nning opportunitie sforyouthfoc use d e ve ntslike H old e n M a yYouth W e e ke nd whic h re turnsin 2017,while b e ing re a listic tothere a litie stha tb e ing a te e na g e rin 2016 m e a ns.

Ble ssing s,

KACCom m itte e

Ang e la Ob e rd e ck Ca rlKa ise r SiriM ille r Brooke Powe rs

Da vid De Block Pa storCind ySa lo

September 2016/ Page 7

Kids At Central

Sunday School @ Central (SS@C)Schedule for September 2016

Gather Time ~ Oasis Room ~ 9:30 to 9:45 amSunday School ~ Classrooms ~ 9:45 to 10:45 am

Sept. 11 ~ Class ~ Curriculum ~ Lesson Carpenters ~ Feasting on the Word ~ 17th Sunday after Pentecost ~ Herders ~ Godly Play ~ Circle of the Church Year ~ Farmers ~ Godly Play ~ Circle of the Church Year ~

Sept. 18 ~ Class ~ Curriculum ~ Lesson Carpenters ~ Feasting on the Word ~ 18th Sunday after Pentecost ~ Herders ~ Godly Play ~ Creation ~ Farmers~ Godly Play ~ Creation ~

Sept. 25 ~ Class ~ Curriculum ~ LessonCarpenters ~ Feasting on the Word ~ 19th Sunday after Pentecost ~Herders ~ Godly Play ~ The Flood and the Ark ~Farmers ~ Godly Play ~ The Flood and the Ark ~

Interested in teaching Sunday School? We need you!

Our Carpenters are seeking a part-time Sunday School teacher or two beginning in September.Would you consider team-teaching Central's awesome 4th-6th graders using a lectionary-based

curriculum, trading off weeks with Theresa Wagner? Kids @ Central is open to a full-yearcommitment, a multi-week gig, or two-teacher mentoring transition while you learn the ropes.Please call David De Block or Theresa for more information or to accept this engaging and

uplifting opportunity. (All teachers participate in a criminal background check.)

September 2016/ Page 8

Kids At Central

Confirmation @ CentralSchedule for September 2016

Sundays at 9:30-10:45 am (TBD at Lock-In) *unless otherwise indicated

Sept. 10* ~ PARENT & CONFIRMAND Kick-Off Meeting & Lock-In ~(Meeting led by David De Block & Pastor Austin, Parish Hall 12-2pm)Receive Lutheran Study Bibles, anti-workbook, and Catechism.Introduction of Immanuel/Central Confirmation Collaboration, Final Scheduling Ques-tions, Parent Opportunity, Teen Hang Out idea & Questions

Sept. 11 ~ CONFIRMANDS @ FAITH FORMATION FORUM (Led by David Copley, Parish Hall)Learn more about the Syrian Refugee Action Group, it’s progress and moving forwardwhat we as a congregation can do to continue our support & build relationships withKing of Life Lutheran Church and the Syrian Family we’ve raised funds to help resettlein Canada.

Sept. 18 ~ 25th Sunday after Pentecost ~Family Discussion (Talking Points Led by Parents*)

*Where and when the Spirit moves you

Sept. 25 ~ Discipleship Re:form Curriculum (Led by David De Block, Room TBD)Please bring Bibles, Anti-work Books & Small Catechisms

September 2016/ Page 9

On Sund a y Aug ust21st,58 Ce ntra lM e m b e rsa nd Frie nd stra ve le d to Sa fe c o fie ld to wa tc h theSe a ttle M a rine rsta ke on the M ilwa uke e Bre we rsforthe 3rd tim e .W hile wa tc hing the g a m e ,wetook tim e to c a tc h up a b outthispa stsum m e ra nd c onne c toutsid e ofourre g ula rSund a y m orningtra d ition.Unfortuna te ly,in the 9th inning the M a rine rslostthe irle a d b y1 run a nd e nd e d uplosing .Tha nkfully the re wa sb e e r,hotd og s,a nd g ood c om pa ny to c onsole us.

This ‘n’ That

Ce ntra lM e m b e rsJe ffCook ,Jonna Fa rle ya nd Ce ntra lM usic Dire c torJa m e sJe la sic a tte nd e dthe Aug sb urg Fortre ssSum m e rM usic Clinic a tTrinity Luthe ra n Churc h in Lynwood .

September 2016/ Page 10

Welcome & Nurture Committee News

Space for the Spirit


A narrow opening or crackof considerable length and depth

usually occuring from some breaking or parting

(“fissure.” Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition 1993)

submitted by Nancy Tuininga

Want to become an “Official” Member?Where, “Love is Central!”

Membership is always welcomed but never required. Like Pastor Cindy says at the beginning ofworship every Sunday:

We hope that Central Lutheran Church can be a place you feel YOU belong, no matter WHO you areor WHERE you are in YOUR journey of faith. We are an open and affirming congregation, meaning wewelcome you regardless of race, age, gender, or sexual orientation.

We have folks who have been active for over a decade that aren’t “official” members, and that’sokay. If you would like to make a formal commitment to Central contact David De Block by email:cim@loveiscentral.org or call the office at (206) 322-7500 Tuesday-Friday 10-4 pm to learn moreabout it.

Pastoral Questions? Contact Pastor Cindy by email: pastor@loveiscentral.org or call the office aswell.


Pastor Cindy Salo & Coordinator of Intergenerational Ministries David De Block

September 2016/ Page 11



Bernice loved much about Seattleincluding our quirky Fremont stonefriends waiting for the interurban.Early this morning I helped Mary andKaren Meyer decorate the sculpture inhonor of Bernice. Mary designed thebeautiful northwest-inspired banner.Did you know that the book held openby the fellow on the right is the Bible?We arrived before the commuters andas we finished were cheered on bythe early workers and a steady streamof cyclists. The banner will be up forone week. Mary and Karen will leaveFriday morning to take Bernice'sashes and some family treasures back to Colorado. The family will gather to remember Bernice onJuly 23rd.

In memory of

September 2016/ Page 12

Our Sunday mornings are a good time to come together to learn and share with one another.

Please join us at 9:45 am in the Parish Hall and we’ll have the coffee on.

Faith Formation Forum Schedule

Sept. 11~ SRAG UPDATE ~ Learn more about the Syrian Refugee Action Group, it’s progress and moving forward

what we as a congregation can do to continue our support & build relationships with Kingof Life Lutheran Church and the Syrian Family we’ve raised funds to help resettle inCanada.


Sept. 27 ~ Café Central ~ Coffee & Conversation ~ Join us for hot coffee and cool conversations in the Parish Hall.

On the following pages, please find an article about Central member and treasurer Jamie Pedersenthat is reprinted with permission from the King County Bar Association.

Centralites in the news

This is a reprint from the King County Bar Association Bar Bulletin

June 2016


By Theo Angelis

For years, when Jamie Pedersen walked into his neighborhood gro-cery store, shoppers stopped him

and proudly displayed their domestic partnership cards. They told Jamie — often with tears in their eyes — that his work in the Legislature had provided le-gal protections and recognition for their families they had sought for so long.

But Jamie knew that the domestic partnerships that he helped to create in 2007 were only a half-measure. Begin-ning in 1996, Jamie had led a team of lawyers at Preston Gates & Ellis (now K&L Gates) that pored over every sec-tion of the Washington Code and identi-fied nearly 500 rights and obligations of married couples. When Jamie compiled his list, Washington excluded same-sex couples from all of those rights and obligations.

The 2007 domestic partnership law provided same-sex couples only 11 of the benefits that married couples enjoy. So Jamie and his colleagues — such as senators Ed Murray and Lisa Brown, Speaker Frank Chopp, and House Ma-jority Leader Lynn Kessler — went back to work. In 2008, the Legislature passed (and Gov. Chris Gregoire signed) a law granting domestic partners an additional 160 rights.

The following year, Jamie helped lead the charge for domestic partnerships that offered “everything but marriage.” That resulting bill, which survived a ref-erendum challenge after the governor signed it, took effect in December 2009. It ensured that — within a few years — same-sex couples would enjoy every le-

gal protection that Washington offered to couples but one: marriage itself.

That final hurdle took three more years to overcome. On February 13, 2012, with Jamie beaming behind her, Gov. Gregoire signed legislation that allowed same-sex couples to marry. Once again, a referen-dum challenge ensued, but as before the people of Washing-ton chose to recognize and cel-ebrate same-sex unions.

It was a proud moment for Jamie, who had wed his husband Eric Cochran

Pedersen in 2004 at Central Lu-theran Church in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. Nine years af-ter his sacred vows, and six years after the first domestic partner-ships, Washington had ful-ly recognized Jamie’s and Eric’s marriage. Perhaps more importantly, Jamie, Eric and their four hand-some boys could now en-joy the same benefits and protections as every other Washington family.

To those who knew him, it came as no surprise that Jamie Pedersen was the cheer-ful warrior at the heart of the careful, pragmatic and relent-less campaign for marriage equality. Jamie approach-es everything in his life with the same upbeat determination.

Jamie grew up in

Profile / Jamie Pedersen

A Tremendous Fighter for Equality

Office Manager
Text Box
September 2016/Page 13


Puyallup, as a fourth-generation Wash-ingtonian. (His great-grandparents home-steaded in Pacific County in 1888.) He quickly demonstrated his capacity for hard work. His first job was picking rasp-berries during the summers. And during the school year, he excelled both inside and outside the classroom.

He won the state championship in extemporaneous speaking and he played flute for the Tacoma Junior Symphony, all while earning top grades. He was ad-mitted to Yale College, and he worked at McDonald’s to help pay his tuition and living expenses. He graduated summa cum laude with degrees in Russian and history.

After college, Jamie spent a year liv-ing in Russia and collected oral histories of Soviet Afghan war veterans. He then attended Yale Law School and clerked for Judge Stephen F. Williams of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

Jamie returned to Seattle in 1995, where he joined Preston Gates & Ellis. It was there that I met Jamie,

and he quickly became a mentor and friend. Jamie was still a young lawyer when we met, but he already epitomized every good trait of Preston lawyers. Jamie was relentlessly positive, no matter how crushing his work load.

A typical day had Jamie up painfully early for a workout at the YMCA, followed by the demands of several complex cor-porate transactions, a pro bono asylum case or two, candidate interviews for the hiring committee, work for his church, practice for the Seattle Men’s Chorus, and a host of responsibilities for Lambda Le-gal. Yet when asked how he was, Jamie always replied, in his booming voice: “Tremendous!”

While at Preston, Jamie biked to work, wore shorts in the summer and sang in the hallways. He showed junior lawyers how to be serious about their work while being relaxed with them-selves and their colleagues. He often invited junior lawyers to his house for dinner, and he helped us celebrate our victories and learn from defeats.

Jamie and I took recruiting trips together and I always marveled at the care he gave to every law student we saw. He read every word of each writ-ing sample, he pored over résumés and transcripts, and he carefully structured

each interview to allow the candidates to show their best qualities. Jamie ulti-mately became the hiring partner and he worked tirelessly to promote diversity. He also hired consultants to teach us the most effective interview and evaluation techniques.

Those of us who worked with Jamie were fiercely loyal, proud of his accomplishments and eager to join

him in community service. Much of that service was devoted to marriage equality.

Jamie became a board member for Lambda Legal soon after joining Preston. He had met Evan Wolfson (who directed Lambda’s Marriage Project and coordi-nated the National Freedom to Marry Co-alition) while clerking in D.C. in 1994. A friend introduced them at a dinner party, and they almost immediately fell into an hours-long, and quite heated, debate over a recently issued D.C. Circuit opinion aris-ing from the discharge of a gay soldier.

They quickly became friends and worked closely together for the next 20 years. During that time, Jamie served in a wide variety of leadership roles, includ-ing co-chair of Lambda Legal’s national board and (since 2005) chair of its Na-tional Leadership Council.

One of Jamie’s most important roles for Lambda Legal, however, was as an advocate. In March 2004, eight same-sex couples sued King County for denying them marriage licenses. Lambda Legal and the Northwest Women’s Law Cen-ter (now Legal Voice) represented those couples, and Jamie served as Lambda Le-gal’s lead volunteer lawyer. The couples prevailed at the trial court level, when Judge William Downing issued an opin-ion finding that Washington’s Defense of Marriage law violated Washington’s Constitution. (Other plaintiffs prevailed in Thurston County.)

The Washington Supreme Court, however, granted direct review of both cases, and in 2006 it issued a fractured opinion in which five justices found no right to same-sex marriage under the state Constitution. In the wake of that dreadful loss, Jamie (who was then in his first campaign to represent the 43rd Legislative District in the House of Rep-resentatives) gathered with his colleagues and plotted the strategy that would lead to marriage equality in six years. At the same time, Jamie remained deeply in-

volved in Lambda Legal’s nationwide litigation strategy for pursuing marriage equality.

Outside of the courtroom and leg-islative chamber, Jamie and his family served an equally impor-

tant role: as icons of family values. In an article subtitled “The Inspiring Dullness of Jamie Pedersen and Eric Cochran,” The Stranger explained that a “super crazy” night for Jamie and his family was dinner out at a local restaurant, a quick return home to don pajamas and then a family viewing of “Cars,” “Monsters, Inc.” or an-other favorite of Jamie’s and Eric’s boys.

Sunday mornings in the Pedersen household feature a leisurely stroll to Central Lutheran Church as the boys stop to explore ladybugs, buttercups and nearby cats. Once at church, Jamie teach-es Sunday school and the whole family attends services. Jamie also has served on Central Lutheran’s Church Council, as the president of that council, and as the church’s treasurer since 2004.

Given Jamie’s strong family focus, it’s not surprising that one of his legislative priorities is ensuring that Washington’s — and other states’ — laws governing parents are updated to reflect the needs of today’s families. In Washington, Ja-mie was the prime sponsor of the bill rewriting our Uniform Parentage Act to provide equal parental rights for same-sex couples.

Jamie also is working to protect same-sex parents around the country. Since 2010 he has served on the Uniform Law Commission as its first openly gay commissioner. Jamie chairs the drafting committee for the Uniform Parentage Act, which the committee is working to up-date in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s marriage equality decision.

That work has been contentious and challenging in light of some ongoing resistance to revising the definition of “family” and the Commission’s arcane and ponderous methods for revising its uniform laws. Jamie’s upbeat and relent-less efforts, however, are slowly winning the day.

Jamie’s other legislative priorities have included ensuring adequate funding for Washington’s schools,

ensuring that parents facing the loss of their parental rights have legal represen-tation, granting patients with terminal

Office Manager
Text Box
September 2016/Page 14


diseases access to experimental medi-cines, and protecting digital assets. Jamie has pursued these priorities as chair of the House Judiciary Committee and now as ranking member on the Senate Law & Justice Committee. (Jamie was appointed to the Senate in late 2013, after then-Senator Murray became Seattle’s mayor.) Jamie has also served on the Legislative Ethics Board since 2008, the Office of Civil Legal Aid Oversight Committee since 2009, and the Office of Public Defense Oversight Committee since 2013.

One of Jamie’s most significant policy victories came, however, not in his role as a legislator or advocate, but rather as a litigant. Jamie was a plaintiff in League of Education Voters v. State, in which Jamie and his co-plaintiffs challenged the requirement — established by initia-tive — that any act that increases taxes must pass with a two-thirds majority in both houses of the Legislature. He and his co-plaintiffs prevailed before the Su-

preme Court in February 2013, when the Court ruled that a supermajority require-ment was contrary to the Washington Constitution. Accordingly, proponents of a supermajority requirement could suc-ceed only by securing a constitutional amendment.

Jamie’s work life has changed signifi-cantly since 2012. After 17 years at Preston (which became K&L Gates in

2007), Jamie agreed to become vice presi-dent and general counsel of McKinstry. Having spent most of his legal career fo-cused on mergers and acquisitions — and solving the needs of startup companies and tax-exempt entities — Jamie is enjoy-ing his role in resolving a much broader range of issues. For instance, much of Jamie’s time is now spent solving labor issues arising from McKinstry’s several dozen collective bargaining agreements

Jamie has been blessed with great intelligence, skill and dedication. He has used those gifts to help solve some of

Washington’s most challenging issues. With his husband Eric, he also has built a beautiful family that has benefitted from our country’s reexamination, and em-brace, of the rights of same-sex couples.

Gone are the plastic cards that repre-sented those first steps toward equality. In their place is a robust set of legal pro-tections for same-sex couples and their families and an ever-growing dedication to full inclusion.

One example is telling. The Boy Scouts of America successfully defended their right to exclude gay scoutmasters and scouts. Public pressure, and intro-spection, led them to a change of heart. All families are now welcome to partici-pate and that change occurred just in time for Jamie proudly to take his oldest son to Cub Scout meetings.

Theo Angelis is an intellectual property and appellate litigator at K&L Gates LLP.

Office Manager
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September 2016/Page 15

LPF Update, 9-16 New Possibilities in Peacemaking!

ELCA Takes a Big Step on Israel-Palestine

Among the resolutions voted on last month at the New

Orleans ELCA Churchwide Assembly were two important ones concerning Palestine. We are happy to report that by a

margin of 82% (!), the ELCA approved a resolution calling on

Israel to end constructing settlements on occupied Palestinian

land in violation of longstanding US policy and international law.

And it calls for an end to US aid to Israel until it stops doing so!

The US gives more than $3 billion military aid a year to Israel,

which currently helps support occupation of Palestinian lands.

Another resolution calls on the ELCA to adopt a human

rights-based screen for socially responsible investments

to ensure that the church is not profiting from human rights

abuses, and it mentions the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by

name. It also calls for the church to "increase positive in-

vestments in Palestine." The resolution passed by a margin

of 821-92! The ELCA became the ninth religious denomi-

nation to engage in such economic “acts of conscience.”

Go to the LPF blog or facebook page for recent posts on Israel-Palestine and more info & links to resources.

Engaging new generations for peace

Could you help with LPF’s top current tech challenge: We want to create a mobile-

friendly gateway to our resource-rich website,

www.Lutheranpeace.org and blog posts. The

goal is to make them accessible on tablets and

smart phones as well as computers, helping us

reach new generations of peaceseekers. . .

We are looking for someone with the technical skills and

passion to take on this work (e.g. using a “WordPress” mobile-

friendly template…). The person/s would preferably live in the

NW WA area for ease of consulting with Glen. Do you know

someone who might help? (Perhaps it’s you!) To help fund

what may cost $1400-2,000, we welcome special donations

to LPF for this effort (designate “for website”) as well as grants

or donations from congregations. If this project might interest

you or someone you know, please get in touch with us!

Six of 350 Campaign Nonviolence actions around the US in 2015:

An amazing opportunity for peacemaking

The Week of Actions of Campaign Nonviolence is coming up soon. It’s taking place in every state in the US. Sept. 18-25.

Look for events near you. Share what you find with friends.

You can be part of one of over 400 activities being planned

around the US ( see campaignnonviolence.org). Or consider hosting one! You and a few friends could put one together in a few days. Examples you could join or help make happen:

Plan a vigil at your church or a public space as a witness for peace with justice, perhaps focusing on a current issue.

Offer a church service with a focus on peace.

Show a film: feature-length like Bonhoeffer or Selma… or one of six great 24-min. stories of

nonviolence from A Force More Powerful… (See the peace & justice film list on our website.)

Encourage a youth or adult from your con- gregation to attend the five-day LPF co-led “conflict transformation” immersion retreat in

Mexico! (See the LPF blog or facebook post.)

Hold a forum, using one of over a dozen of LPF’s dozen widely-praised “Peace Points” leaders guides on such topics as “Biblical Peacemaking” and “Just War or Just Peace.”

A wonderful New Interview about LPF starring our national coordinator, Glen Gersmehl, is now available! It’s had a great response. Click on the yellow podcast box at www.simplelivingworks.org and scroll down to 8-1 in 2016. Or search their name on facebook, and scroll down to the Aug. 4 podcast with Glen. It’s under 1/2 hour long and a terrific intro for those just connecting to LPF – Long-time members will also enjoy its energy. . . A superb video to share with friends!

We’re on track to have even more in 2016! You Can Be Part of This!

Lutheran Peace Fellowship ♦ 1710 11th Ave. Seattle 98122 ♦ contact Glen, our coordinator: 206.349.2501, ggersmehl@hotmail.com ♦ www.lutheranpeace.org

Office Manager
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September 2016/Page 16

September 2016/ Page 17

For Your Consideration


September 2016/ Page 18

For Your Consideration

On Sat. Oct. 8th there will be a Faith and Climate Action Conference at University ChristianChurch. An interfaith group of climate activists have come together to plan a conference thatfocuses on how can we as people of faith respond to this epic crisis. The conference will startwith an interfaith panel speaking to what does our faith have to say about climate and will endwith an interfaith service. It will have interesting workshops focused on things we can do: fromhow to talk about it, the climate food challenge, solutions, planting trees, a grief ritual, etc. Concur-rent activities for middle school age kids. (HS youngsters welcome to whole thing.)

September 2016/ Page 19

Be low, y ou’llfind t he nam e s ofC e nt ralit e s c e le b rat ing t he ir

b irt hday t his m ont h. Share ab irt hday wish wit h t he m andhe lp m ake it a spe c ialday !

Happy Birthday


June 5 52June 12 60June 19 59June 26 62


July 3 41July 10 38July 17 54July 24 37July 31 49


August 7 47August 14 62August 21 65August 28 37

June, July, & AugustAttendance

C raig Fry hle 9/01De an Pie t ka 9/02Andre w St re it 9/02V iole t Bake r 9/04Gle n Ge rsm e hl 9/04Andre w R app 9/04Jam e s Je lasic 9/06V ale rie Kam pe 9/06C hang C hoi 9/07Jam ie Pe d e rse n 9/09Adam R auc h 9/09Be t h St rac k 9/09R ut h d e Kok 9/14Joc e ly n Hudson 9/15Brooke Powe rs 9/15Pam Johnson 9/17Evan M ille r 9/17C at hy W oods 9/17Iain Evans-R app 9/23Lindsay Gossac k 9/24C arlKaise r 9/24Le c ia Phinne y 9/24Luke Ge rsm e hlHudson 9/25David Johnson 9/25KariOve rsve e -C hoi 9/25C hrist a 9/27M e re dit h Fane 9/27R onan W . 9/27Ele anorKaufm an Larson 9/28Mic hae lBarr 9/30Evan Ke e ne y 9/30

September 2016/ Page 20

For Prayer

Central does have a Prayer Chain. If you are interested in joining it or have a concern you wouldlike to have the Prayer Chain pray for, please contact Pastor Cindy (206-322-7500;pastor@loveiscentral.org). We pray for the following this month:

Ill and recovering:Kathy TwohigJulie MattsonJennifer Evan’s mom Becky EvansNatalie Tews’ father Paul TewsBecky Peterson, friend of Steve GibsonAndrea and Liz Langeland's cousin Karl HolmTrisha and Jason Barney, friends of Brent and Bethany StollePastor Verlon BrownChristine Jensen, Jerry Hekkel’s mom

Upcoming Surgery:Doris Cornell, Cheri Cornell’s momGlen Gersmehl

Mourning:Ruth Fjellman on the death of her mom CeceliaSteve Scheurich and family on the death of his mother and father

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30

September 2016Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31

October 2016September 2016

Aug 28 29 30 31 Sep 1 2 36:00pm CLCH Food Delivery David De Block, CIM, out of

office9:00am Community Lunch

(Parish hall)

10:00am CLCH Food Delivery

4 5 6 7 8 9 1010:00am Worship (Church)1:00pm CLCH Food Delivery3:30pm CLCH Food Delivery

Labor Day- OFFICE CLOSED6:00pm NA meeting (Parish


9:00am Community Lunch (Parish hall)

11:00am Staff Meeting (Pastor Cindy's office)

6:30pm AA Meeting (Parish Hall)

6:00pm CLCH Food Delivery 9:00am Community Lunch (Parish hall)

10:00am CLCH Food Delivery12:00pm Confirmation Kick-Off


11 12 13 14 15 16 17RALLY DAY9:00am Choir (Church)9:45am Forum for faith 9:45am Sunday School11:00am Worship12:30pm Council Meeting 12:30pm Committee Sunday

6:00pm NA meeting (Parish Hall)

9:00am Community Lunch (Parish hall)

11:30am Staff Meeting (Pastor Cindy's office)

6:30pm AA Meeting (Parish Hall)

6:00pm CLCH Food Delivery 9:00am Community Lunch (Parish hall)

10:00am CLCH Food Delivery

18 19 20 21 22 23 249:00am Choir (Church)9:45am Forum for faith

formation9:45am Sunday School11:00am Worship1:00pm CLCH Food Delivery3:30pm CLCH Food Delivery

6:00pm NA meeting (Parish Hall)

9:00am Community Lunch (Parish hall)

11:00am Staff Meeting (Pastor Cindy's office)

David De Block on vacation6:30pm AA Meeting (Parish

Hall)6:00pm CLCH Food Delivery 9:00am Community Lunch

(Parish hall)10:00am CLCH Food Delivery5:00pm Q-Squared Men event

(Parish Hall)

25 26 27 28 29 30 Oct 19:00am Choir (Church)9:30am Confirmation9:45am Café Central9:45am Sunday School11:00am Worship1:00pm CLCH Food Delivery

6:00pm NA meeting (Parish Hall)

9:00am Community Lunch (Parish hall)

1:00pm Staff Meeting (Pastor Cindy's office)

6:30pm AA Meeting (Parish Hall)

6:00pm CLCH Food Delivery 9:00am Community Lunch (Parish hall)


Office Manager
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September 2016/Page 21

September 2016/ Page 22

Mark your calendars

Central Lutheran Church…

Following Christ;

sharing God’s love for all people.

September 11 - Rally Day/Fall Schedule Begins

9:00 am Choir9:45 am Sunday School9:45 am Forum for Faith Formation (Parish Hall)

11:00 am Worship - Blessing of backpacks, confirmationmaterials, and work bags/gear & Commissioning ofSunday School Teachers

12:30 pm Committee Sunday

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