cv template per developer

Post on 31-May-2015






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CV Ciccio Paduccio

I consent to treatment of personal data as per Italian State D.Law 196/2003.

Name Ciccio Paduccio

Date of Birth 12 October 1492


Contacts Mobile: +39 123 4567 8910

E-mail: Skype: ciccio1492

LinkedIn Profile

Education 1915 – Master Degree in Computer Science. University “Il Marinaio” of Borgo Sabello. Mark: 110/110 cum Laude

1789 – Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication Engineering. University “Fulgenzio Marone” of Gotham City. Mark: 100/110

Languages Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent)

Work Experience QQ7 s.r.l. (1815 – 1818)

Role: Product Specialist

I was one of the product engineers, in charge of developing the Diameter AAA standard interface of the QQ7 flagship rating product for telcos. I was involved in several integration projects in Italy and abroad, starting from the analysis of requirements till the delivery, test and training session for international clients.

Summary of Skills

Area Skills

Domain Analysis

Over three years experience in a sofware product company focused on the developing of real-time convergent authorization, rating, discouting, billing, charging and promotion solutions. Excellent knowledge of processes and business models for 3GPP IMS (IP Multimedia Services) architectures. Good knowledge of SaaS (Software as a Service) and social networks interaction models. Web 2.0 and community oriented technologies.

Operating Systems Windows, Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, Android

Programming Languages

Java, J2SE, Metro, JAX-WS, XML, HTML, C++, C, JSP, JSF

Web 2.0 JSON, REST, Facebook APIs, Twitter APIs, Google App Engine, Android, Portlet Containers, AJAX

Productivity Tools

Use and analysis of various productivity tools, testing, configuration control, document management, knowledge management:

IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, CVS, SVN, Junit, Maven, ANT, Wiki, Alfresco.

Performance Analysis

Analysis, configuration and fine tuning of Java virtual machines (Sun JVMs, and BEA JRockit) on different platforms in order to optimize Java Garbage Collector behavior and maximize memory consumption applications. Design and execution of benchmarks.

Protocols TCP/IP suite, Diameter, Bluetooth

J2EE e Middleware Jakarta Tomcat, Web Services e architetture SOA, RMI, Google App Engine, JDO

Databases Microsoft SQL Server, JDO

Open Source Member Vaniglia, Lux4, Log4J

Open Source Frameworks

Restlet, Mina, NETTY, Jboss Rules, JBilling, Liferay Portal, Icefaces AJAX Framework

Analysis Skills UML, Analysis Pattern

Interests Coding software for mobile apps, entrepreneurship, playing soccer and Billie Wilder’s movies

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