czenglish corrections

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Czenglish mistakes......and how to avoid them

By Sandy Millin



Jezdím do práce autem.

I go to work by car.

I go to work with my car.

V roce 1995 jsem si vzal svou ženu.

In 1995, I married my wife.

In 1995, I got married with my wife.

Telefonoval jsem mu.

I (tele)phoned him.

I telephoned to him.

Rád poslouchám hudbu.

I like listening to music.

I like listening music.

Každý pátek se vídám s přáteli.

I meet my friends every Friday.

I meet with my friends every Friday.

Koupil jsem svému kamarádovi dárek.

I bought a present for my friend.

I bought a present to my friend.

Čekal jsem na ni před kinem.

I waited for her in front of the cinema.

I waited on her in front of the cinema.

Mluvila jsem s ní o tom.

I discussed it with her.

I discussed about it with her.

Přijel(a) do hotelu v 6 večer.

I got to the hotel at 6p.m.

I came on the hotel at 6p.m.


Rád(a) se dívám na filmy v televizi.

I like watching films on the TV.

I like watching films in the TV.

Slyšel(a) jsem tu zprávu v rádiu.

I heard the news on the radio.

I heard the news in the radio.

Každý víkend jezdím na svoji chatu.

I go to my cottage every weekend.

I go on the cottage every weekend.

Studoval(a) jsem francouzštinu na univerzitě.

I studied French at university.

I studied French on university.

Byla jsem lyžovat na horách.

I went skiing in the mountains.

I went skiing on the mountains.

Ztratil jsem se na horách

I got lost on the mountain.

I got lost in the mountain.

O víkendu jsem šel do kina.

I went to the cinema at the weekend.

I went to the cinema in the weekend.

Včera jsem byla na akci uspořádaná pro učitele.

I was at an event for teachers yesterday.

I was on an action for teachers yesterday.


Ta zpráva je aktuální.

The news is up-to-date.

The news is actual.

Rád se procházím v přírodě.

I like walking in the country(side).

I like walking in the nature.

Můj otec nosil hezké oblečení.

My father was wearing nice clothes.

My father was wearing nice dress.

Mám dobrou práci.

I have a good job.

I have a good work.

Koupila jsem si tuhle kabelku v akci.

I bought this bag in a sale.

I bought this bag in an action.

Byla to velká akce organizovaná mojí firmou.

It was a big event organised by my company.

It was a big action organised by my company.

Vzal jsem předpis do lékárny, abych dostal léky.

I took my receipt to the chemist to get some medicine.

I took my recipe to the chemist to get some medicine.

Znám recept na hodně dobrý dort.

I know a very good cake recipe.

I know a very good cake receipt.


Jaký je?

What is he like?

How is he like?

Jak to vypadá?

What does it look like?

How it looks like?

Co znamená ‚immediately‘?

What does immediately mean?

What means ‘immediately’?

Co tvoje rodina?

How’s your family?

What’s your family?

Můžete mi říct, jak se dostanu do Brna.

Can you tell me how to get to Brno?

Can you tell me the way how to get to Brno?

Způsob jak vyřešit tento problém je požádat o pomoc.

The way to solve this problem is by asking for help.

The way how to solve this problem is by asking for help.


Docela to ujde. / Není to špatné.

It’s quite alright. / It’s not bad.

It’s quite OK.

A: Bude pršet?B: Myslím, že jo.

A: Is it going to rain tomorrow?B: I think so.

A: Is it going to rain tomorrow?B: I think yes.

Je to možné. / Muže být.

It’s possible.

It can be.

Mohu se zeptat?

Can I ask a question?

Can I have a question?

Je mi 30.

I’m 30 (years old).

I have 30 years.

Narozeniny slavím 1.března.

My birthday is on the 1st March.

I have birthday on the 1st March.























If you find this useful or have any corrections, please let me know

on my blog.

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