d405.3-1 prosperity4all events, workshop and open days ... · eight open days were conducted within...

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1 Ecosystem infrastructure for smart and personalised inclusion and PROSPERITY for ALL stakeholders www.prosperity4all.eu

Ecosystem infrastructure for smart and personalised inclusion

and PROSPERITY for ALL stakeholders

D405.3-1 Prosperity4All Events, Workshop and Open Days Website and


Project Acronym Prosperity4All Grant Agreement number FP7-610510

Deliverable number D405.3-1 Work package number WP405 Work package title Demonstration Authors Olga Gkaitatzi, Eleni Chalkia (CERTH) Status Final Dissemination Level Public Delivery Date 27/02/18 Number of Pages 67

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This document is an update of this deliverable and presents the different demonstration activities that took place in the second half of the project. Demonstration activities range from technical and independent demonstrations per partner at exhibitions and conferences, organized large demonstration events at AAATE 2017 as well as large and regional Open Days.

In total, 393 developers and end-users attended and were involved in the Open Days and project-level organized events and conferences. Another 50 stakeholders attended the online webinars.

This deliverable describes the actual demonstrations that took place at the Open Days, including the feedback gathered by many visitors and attendees.

Keyword List

Demonstration, events, Open Days, conferences, websites, stakeholders.

3 Ecosystem infrastructure for smart and personalised inclusion and PROSPERITY for ALL stakeholders www.prosperity4all.eu

Table of Contents

List of abbreviations ........................................................................................................... 6

Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 7

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 8

1.1 Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 9

2 Open Days at Pilot Sites............................................................................................. 10

2.1 Open Days Agenda ..................................................................................................... 11

2.2 Regional Open Days per Pilot site ............................................................................... 12

3 Major outputs-Overview ........................................................................................... 52

4 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 61

Annex A. Open Day Agenda structure (Example: Greek Pilot site) .................................... 62

List of Tables

Table 1: Νumber and type of attendants at different demonstration events. ................................. 52

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List of Figures

Figure 1. Greek Pilot site-Open Day Agenda. ..................................................................................... 10

Figure 2. The Domotics Lab (CERTH). ................................................................................................. 12

Figure 3.1st Open Day at CERTH/HIT Pilot site-Overview of the attendants. .................................... 13

Figure 4. 1st Open Day at CERTH/HIT Pilot site-Demonstration of Unified Listing and Developer Space. ................................................................................................................................................. 13

Figure 5. Demonstration of the Routing Guidance System. .............................................................. 13

Figure 6. LFTL facilities ....................................................................................................................... 15

Figure 7. 1st Open Day at Austrian Pilot site –Attendants of the event. .......................................... 15

Figure 8. 1st Open Day at Austrian Pilot site – FlashWords Prosperity4All edition. ......................... 16

Figure 9. Eye control and virtual reality with the Microsoft hololens. .............................................. 16

Figure 10. 1st Open Day at Austrian Pilot site – Evaluation of Feedback forms. .............................. 17

Figure 11. 2nd Open Day at Austrian Pilot site –Attendants of the event. ....................................... 18

Figure 12. 2nd Open Day at Austrian Pilot site –Demonstrations. .................................................... 19

Figure 13. 2nd Open Day at Austrian Pilot site –Virtual Reality glasses. ........................................... 20

Figure 14. 2nd Open Day at Austrian Pilot site –Feedback forms results. ........................................ 21

Figure 15. Spanish pilot site- ONCE Foundation premises. ............................................................... 23

Figure 16. Spanish pilot site- ONCE Foundation Conference room. .................................................. 24

Figure 17. 1st Open Day at Fundación ONCE premises-Attendants. ................................................. 26

Figure 18. Impressions from the SightCity 2017 Frankfurt. ............................................................... 28

Figure 19.The stand of the KIT at SightCity 2017. .............................................................................. 28

Figure 20.KIT partners while talking to visitors, presenting Prosperity4All. ..................................... 29

Figure 21. 2nd Open Day at KIT –Dissemination material. ................................................................. 30

Figure 22. 2nd Open Day at KIT premises. .......................................................................................... 31

Figure 23: Large Open Day Event at CERTH/ HIT premises. .............................................................. 34

Figure 24. CERTH/ HIT Open Day 2017-Attendants. .......................................................................... 34

Figure 25. Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga (Spain). ........................................................ 35

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Figure 26. 2nd Open Day event in the context of International Congress on Technology and Tourism for All. ................................................................................................................................................. 36

Figure 27. International Congress on Technology and Tourism for All images. ................................ 42

Figure 28 The Prosperity4All team at AAATE event. ......................................................................... 44

Figure 29. Dr. Gregg Vanderheiden, President, Raising the Floor-International. .............................. 45

Figure 30. Dr. Gregg Vanderheiden at Student Innovation Tournament event. ............................... 46

Figure 31. Images from the researcher’s night at the CERTH/ HIT booth. ........................................ 47

Figure 32. Interview during the Researcher’s night 2017 by Ms.Eleni Chalkia. ................................ 48

Figure 33. Interview of Director of CERTH/HIT, Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris about ICTR 2017 Conference. ............................................................................................................................................................ 49

Figure 34. Demonstration of Routing Guidance system during ICTR 2017 at CERTH premises. ...... 49

Figure 35. VIP Tour Event at CERTH/HIT premises. ........................................................................... 51

Figure 36. Have you heard of PROSPERITY4ALL before?-Regional OpenDays. ................................. 57

Figure 37. Have you heard of PROSPERITY4ALL before? -Regional OpenDays. ................................ 57

Figure 38. Have you heard of PROSPERITY4ALL before? Events Conferences. ................................ 58

Figure 39. Have you developed applications for any of the groups below? ..................................... 58

Figure 40. Usefulness estimation of Developer Space. ..................................................................... 59

Figure 41. Usefulness estimation of the Unified Listing. ................................................................... 59

Figure 42. Willingess to Use-Developer Space. Willingess to Use-Developer Space. ....................... 60

Figure 43. Willingess to Use-Unified Listing. ...................................................................................... 60

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List of abbreviations

Abbreviation Full form

AAATE Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe

AT Assistive Technologies

CERTH Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

DS DeveloperSpace

DTK DemoToolKit

GPII Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure

H2020 HORIZON 2020

HIT Hellenic Institute of Transport

HITE Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

ICT Information Computer Technologies

IoT Internet of Things

KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprise

SZS Study Centre for the Visually Impaired Students

TAGs Targeted Audience Groups

UI User Interface

UL Unified Listing

UX User Experience

WP Work Package

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Executive Summary

This document presents the demonstration activities that took place within the project. Demonstration activities range from events, virtual workshops to Open Days.

In total, 393 developers and end-users (137 in regional Open Days, 175 in large Open Days, 86 in events and conferences) attended and were involved in the Open Days and project-level organized events and conferences. Another 50 stakeholders attended the online webinars. These numbers do not reflect general dissemination activities and partner-level attendance of conferences and events. These were mostly addressed within SP5 extraversion and dissemination activities.

The main objectives of this deliverable are set in the introductory Chapter 1. The regional Open Days that were held at four pilot sites (Austria, Germany, Greece, and Spain), two large demonstration events after the official launch of DeveloperSpace at AAATE 2017 (i.e. two large Open Days) and other partner-specific demonstration events that took place based on the developments of the project are presented in Chapter 2. A final overview of the outcomes that occurred trough different demonstration events, evaluation form results and suggestions for improvements of the Prosperity4All technologies are presented in Chapter 3. The deliverable concludes with Chapter 4.

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1. Introduction

In this document we present the demonstration activities for the Prosperity4All project’s technologies and results.

The deliverable presents the actual activities, events and material (i.e. photos, links to demo videos, proceedings from the two major events, etc.).

Demonstration and dissemination activities were an opportunity for engaging external actors and present the improvements, changes, or additions that took place during the lifetime of the project.

Demonstrations were opportunities for external actors to interact and learn about the developments of the project with real hands-on experience. The important aspect of demonstrations was to show how the user can interact with the demonstrated technologies. The work carried out within WP405 is the result of the collaboration with other three Prosperity4All teams:

- Training team (training content and courses, and organizing training events, webinars and workshops);

- Dissemination team (record of conference attendance, promotion of project activities, creation of dissemination material, organizing dissemination events and open days, etc.);

- Exploitation team (working on how best to move the ideas out through virtual workshops and webinars and identify the benefits for external actors).

The demonstration activities were organized in the last two years of the project when the maturity of the developments allowed for sharing them outside the boundaries of the Prosperity4All project.

In total, 393 developers and end-users (137 in regional Open Days, 175 in large Open Days, 86 in events and conferences) attended and were involved in the Open Days and project-level organized events and conferences. Another 50 stakeholders attended the online webinars. These numbers do not reflect general dissemination activities and partner-level attendance of conferences and events. These were mostly addressed within SP5 extraversion and dissemination activities.

Open Days were held at pilot sites before the beginning of the first and second evaluation phase with end-users (WP403). In total 6 regional Open Days were conducted within the duration of the project at the 4 pilot sites and 2 large Open Days at Greek and Spanish pilot sites. The Open Days were an opportunity to invite diverse actors (national companies, vendors, representatives of local academia, and end-user groups) and present the work carried out in the project in native language. An additional benefit was that Open Days allowed interested parties to investigate possibilities to collaborate with partners at the pilot sites.

The research teams that attended the Open Days had the opportunity to really engage with external users in face-to-face discussions.

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1.1 Objectives

To showcase the developments of the project to targeted user groups and stakeholders.

The activities described in this document aim to succeed the following:

- Present the demonstration events that took place within the Prosperity4All project. - Present the Open Days that conducted at Prosperity4All Pilot sites and outline the effect of

Hands on User Experience during demonstrations.

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2 Open Days at Pilot Sites

Eight Open Days were conducted within the duration of the project at the 4 pilot sites: Austria, Germany, Greece, and Spain. More specifically, 6 regional Open days were conducted at the 4 Prosperity4All’s partner’s sites and 2 large Open Days events that were conducted at Greek and Spanish pilot sites with more than 200 attendants. The Open Days were an opportunity to invite diverse actors (national companies, vendors, representatives of local academia, end-user groups) and present the work carried out in Prosperity4ll in native language. The Project partners of the Open Days had the opportunity to really engage with external guests in face-to-face discussions.

The objective of the Open Days was not only to attract people to interact and learn about the project and the work performed but also discuss with partners about their own experiences and potentially to establish collaborations to further support the Prosperity4All community.

The targeted audiences were mixed by all types of stakeholders. However, focus was shifted towards the participants’ types that were recruited during pilots and the user groups that were most interested to the demonstrated Prosperity 4All technologies.

To all people that attended Open Days events, previously was given to them a consent form, informing them for the main objectives of the event and they were asked to sign in it also to be published photos and videos from the events for dissemination purposes of the project.

Invitations were sent out to key national stakeholders such as:

• End-user organizations • SMEs and large IT companies • ICT business and consultancy companies • Accessibility fora and communities • Key governmental agencies

Figure 1. Greek Pilot site-Open Day Agenda.

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The targeted audiences were: End-user organizations, SMEs and large IT companies, ICT business and consultancy companies, Accessibility fora and communities and key governmental agencies. The open days took place at the project’s pilot sites, in order to incorporate the developments to a Prosperity4All narrative representative of the project outcomes, the context and venue characteristics.

2.1 Open Days Agenda

The Open Days were organized at each pilot site before starting the evaluations with end-users. The aim was threefold: a) disseminate and demonstrate the works of the Prosperity4All project to interested stakeholder groups, b) to recruit participants through individuals and invited user organizations, and c) offer actual hands-on experience for attendants and visitors.

Each Open Days followed a similar agenda, such as the following:

• Introduction and project presentation • GPII DeveloperSpace demonstration (use of end-user personae) • GPII Unified Listing demonstration (use of end-user personae) • Real-life demonstration of SP3 implementation(s) • Hand-on experience with DS and UL • Online feedback form • Closure of local OpenDay event

The organizing teams properly utilized the existing dissemination material (project presentation, posters, and leaflets). Each regional Open Day lasted from 09.00-17.00 and the premises of each Institute remained open to the public for the whole day.

The pilot sites that were both implementers and testers invited the implementers to demonstrate their work and real people invited in the scenario to emulate a real-life experience.

Real-life demonstrations of the core parts of the infrastructure were also presented. All material was translated to native language. The Open Days instantiated the beginning of WP403 each evaluation phase.

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2.2 Regional Open Days per Pilot site

Greek Pilot site 1st Open Day at Greek Pilot site The Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT) is part of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), which is a non-profit organization under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Sport and Culture and it is based in Thessaloniki.

The Domotics Lab, the Driving Simulator Lab and the heavily instrumented research vehicle were used for the Open Days to demonstrate the SP3 implementations of CERTH/HIT and the SP2 components of CERTH/ITI.

Figure 2. The Domotics Lab (CERTH).

Partner CERTH-HIT held an Open Day at their premises in Thessaloniki on 7th March 2017. 25 people (users with access needs, developers and representatives of end user organizations, like the Panhellenic Association of Paraplegic) attended the Open Day event. Developers were commercial and AT-oriented (N=3 and N=2, respectively).

1st Open Day at Greek Pilot site

Type of Users Number of Users

Blind/low-vision users 3 Motor impaired users 3 Cognitive impaired users 12 Hearing impaired users 2 Developers 5 Stakeholders-End User Organizations 2

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Prosperity4All and DeveloperSpace concept and objectives were presented to attendees and they had a “hands on” experience with the initial prototype of UnifiedListing and the in-vehicle mobile routing guidance applications customized to their needs. Figure 3.1st Open Day at CERTH/HIT Pilot site-Overview of the attendants.

Figure 4. 1st Open Day at CERTH/HIT Pilot site-Demonstration of Unified Listing and Developer Space.

Figure 5. Demonstration of the Routing Guidance System.

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Most of the visitors were got interested in the concept of Prosperity4All and especially to the Unified Listing. Many of them were impressed by the Routing Guidance demo, because they stated that this would be an effortless way to navigate in unfamiliar through personalized UI access to MLS destinator. The users were able also to load and change their needs and preferences through voice command.

Many participants were very interested in the Challenges part of DeveloperSpace.

Finally, some questions were raised by the attending users regarding data privacy and access issues. For example, attendees asked about the location their data will be stored from the Routing guidance system-for each User Token, etc.)

A second demonstration was the Empatica E4 Smart Watch for stress detection of the user (stress detection module (T202.5)).

Totally the feedback obtained from the participants was very positive. Attendees showed interest for the presented technologies.

Most participants were very interested to participate at the first evaluation phase of the end users and they provided their contact details.

Finally, the users had a “hands on experience with DeveloperSpace and UnifiedListing current prototypes as well as the Routing guidance system, through an MLS tablet and two smart phones.

Austrian Pilot Site 1st Open Day at Austrian Pilot site LFTL is a non-profit research organization founded by Diakonie Austria and the Austrian Institute of Technology. It is dedicated to research and development in the fields of assistive technology and special needs and is responsible for the non-profit consultation network in Austria, Serbia and the Czech Republic. LFTL concentrates on the selection, production, distribution and evaluation of innovative information and communication devices.

Specifically, LFTL organized the Austrian pilot, inviting end-users (recruitment, technical set-up, trial operations) to its barer-free consultation room. The same room was used for the pilot site ‘Open Days”. This ambience features:

• a cozy homey atmosphere • wireless as well as cable-based internet connection (high bandwidth) • multiplatform devices (Mac OS, iOS, Windows, Android, Linux) • access to a dazzling array of assistive technology devices • presentation equipment (beamer, smart board, flipchart, computers)

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1st Open Day at Austrian Pilot site

Type of Users Number of Users

Blind/low-vision users 1 Motor impaired users 3 Cognitive impaired users 1 Speech impaired users 1 Developers 2 Stakeholders-End User Organizations 6

Figure 6. LFTL facilities

The Open day at the Austrian pilot site took place at the LIFEtool premises on March 14, 2017. Nine participants seized the chance to learn about the Prosperity4All project and get a first-hand introduction to the actual state of development.

Figure 7. 1st Open Day at Austrian Pilot site –Attendants of the event.

The open day was organized as informal gathering with coffee and cake to get to know each other in a pleasant atmosphere. After the first introduction, the involved researchers gave a

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presentation of the Prosperity4All project and demonstrated the GPII UL website. This presentation was followed by an open discussion, where the attendants commented on the project, asked questions and expressed concerns and wishes.

Figure 8. 1st Open Day at Austrian Pilot site – FlashWords Prosperity4All edition.

The attendants were also invited to test actual developments of the project like the FlashWords Prosperity4All edition and to try out state of the art technology like eye control and virtual reality with the Microsoft hololens.

Figure 9. Eye control and virtual reality with the Microsoft hololens.

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Evaluation of Feedback forms Feedback forms were available for attendees and visitors to complete after the events (Annex).

All of them have heard of Prosperity4All before and see the following main opportunities:


It´s one landing page for all assistive products. It´s a place full of information. It´s a meeting/communication point for end users and experts/developers.

Their opinon on the GPII UL regarding first impression and signification is very positive. Regarding simplicity, they see room for improvement. They all can imagine to use the website every now and then. They also agree that the UL could replace existing solutions and methods as it would eliminate the need to search on several websites for assistive solutions.

Figure 10. 1st Open Day at Austrian Pilot site – Evaluation of Feedback forms.

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Second Open Day Austrian Pilot Site The second Open day at the Austrian pilot site was again held at the LIFEtool headquarter on December 19, 2017. Seventeen guests, many of them participants of the second GPII UL website testing phase followed the invitation, which had been posted on the LIFEtool Facebook site. They expected a presentation of the Prosperity4All project and latest technological developments like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and speech controlled smart home solutions.

Figure 11. 2nd Open Day at Austrian Pilot site –Attendants of the event.

2nd Open Day at Austrian Pilot site Type of Users Number of Users

Blind/low-vision users 5 Motor impaired users 3 Cognitive impaired users 3 Developers 2 Stakeholders-End User Organizations 4

For displaying the technological solutions, we had prepared different stations, so that everybody got the chance to get their hands on. We had prepared the following stations:

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• Microsoft Hololens with a Tangram application, which was developed during the Prosperity4All project

• Tobii eye gaze, which still impresses all, who try it out for the first time • Sony´s VR on Playstation • Google Home, speech assisted environmental control

Summarizing the event, we all had a good time together, the message of the Prosperity4All project was delivered, all participants impressed by the technical possibilities and happy to get the opportunity for a first-hand experience.

Figure 12. 2nd Open Day at Austrian Pilot site –Demonstrations.

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Figure 13. 2nd Open Day at Austrian Pilot site –Virtual Reality glasses.

Evaluation of Feedback forms Four of the participants have participated at the second UL testing phase, three of them already at the first evaluation round. Therefore, they already got a very good first-hand impression of the strengths and weaknesses of the GPII UL website in its current state. While they are still in favor of the general idea…

Opportunities It´s one landing page for all assistive products. It´s a place full of information.

… their feedback on the current state of the website reflects their experience in the test phases and is more critical compared to the first open day.

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Figure 14. 2nd Open Day at Austrian Pilot site –Feedback forms results.

One of the participants took the time and a second thorough look at the UL website back at home. He showed it to friends, discussed the findings and sent us a summary per email, which also contributed to the following list.

What did you like least? Bad translations: The website has to be in good German! Parts of the website present too much text with insufficient structure. Text-to-speech would be very helpful. Loading times are too slow.

Half of the stakeholders said that they have already heard about the Prosperity4All project before and/or have been present at the evaluation rounds.

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Again, the results are more critical compared to the first round as they comprise not only the idea but also the actual implementation of the idea. A major critique was that there are still a lot of barriers for their clients.

There are some issues that our attendants with access needs did not like so much:

What did you like least?

Translations are missing. The website has to be in German! The name “Unified Listing” does not produce any meaningful association. Parts of the webpage are too small.

Most of the stakeholders that participated have expertise/work in close collaboration with people with physical and learning disabilities. They all think that GPII UL is helpful for its target group and gave the following feedback.

All of them would recommend the UL to other interested parties, mostly because it covers the needs of their clients and meets set requirements. But there are also concerns as it is not a ready product yet and some doubt the sustainability after the project phase. Obvious recommendation for improvement is a good translation to German.

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Spanish Pilot site 1st Open Day at Fundación ONCE premises Fundación ONCE for Cooperation and Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities was born in February 1988, through resolution of the ONCE General Council, and was presented to society in September of that same year as an instrument for cooperation and solidarity of Spanish blind people towards other collectives of persons with disabilities to improve their life conditions.

The mission of ONCE Foundation is to contribute to the complete social inclusion of persons with disabilities, contributing to the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

To achieve its mission, ONCE Foundation has defined the following objectives or primary goals:

• To promote full occupational integration of persons with disabilities.

• To promote professional qualification, occupational competences as well as personal and professional skills, and determine factors in terms of employability of persons with disabilities and therefore in the occupational integration process.

• To promote universal accessibility and design for all in areas as construction, urban development means of transportation, technology products and services and culture and leisure.

ILUNION and FONCE have worked with many users in the last decade. The collaboration of ILUNION and ONCE Foundation makes available thousands of users for participating at regional events and Open Days. The first Open Day were carried out where the evaluations took place, at the FONCE building at the center of Madrid that is easily accessible to users and stakeholders.

Figure 15. Spanish pilot site- ONCE Foundation premises.

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The Department of Technology and Accessibility and R&D of Fundación ONCE is at the forefront of research and innovation, having taken part in projects under the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union and Horizon 2020 such as: AEGIS (Open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards) http://www.aegis-project.eu/, ICARUS (Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed services) www.icarusproject.eu and CLOUD4ALL Cloud platforms Lead to Open and Universal access for people with Disabilities and for All http://www.cloud4all.info

Fundación ONCE is member of the following organizations:

• European Forum of Persons with Disabilities (EDF)

• European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR)

• European Institute Design for All platform (EIDD).

• European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT)

• World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Figure 16. Spanish pilot site- ONCE Foundation Conference room.

Taking advantage of the recruitment process for the Prosperity4All pilots, a session was organized in order to showcase the main developments of the project. At the given time, DeveloperSpace was still in private beta, therefore we asked for credentials to show it to the attendees of this Open Day session. The audience was a mix of prospective pilot takers, workers of Fundación ONCE and workers of ILUNION. A few of them were versed in digital accessibility, but that was not the norm. The majority of the workers were experts in physical accessibility (civil engineers,

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architects), with some others coming from the field of Finance. People who were not Fundación ONCE or ILUNION employees, were mostly students, stay-at-home moms and pensioners. After the introduction and welcoming of attendees, we showcased Prosperity4All project as a whole with a PowerPoint presentation that was followed by a Q&A time. The following type of users attended the event:

• Visual impairment: blindness, partly blurred vision, color blindness, difficulties with central or periphery visual field.

• Hearing impairment: hypoacusis (moderate hearing loss) or completely deafness.

• Learning disability: short term memory loss, dyslexia, speech impairments, aphasia.

• Physical impairment: reduced dexterity in upper limbs, moderate motor problems or wheelchair users because of severe motor problems

Most of them face problems while using computers, smartphones, and accessing internet and need assistive technologies.

1st Open Day at Spanish Pilot site Type of Users Number of Users

Blind/low-vision users 3

Motor impaired users 5 Cognitive impaired users 7 Hearing impaired users 2 Developers 4 Stakeholders-End User Organizations 3

The rest of the day interactions took place though the conduction of a focus group. Some attendees had to leave but those remaining started to ask questions and express their expectations and requests on what they would like to find in DeveloperSpace.

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Figure 17. 1st Open Day at Fundación ONCE premises-Attendants.

In general, the audience was afraid that the site is too technical and much become more centered towards the needs of computer-savvy people What we can do on the matter, is to try to provide value to the already existing sections to connect with people and associations, given that among the goals of the project having a site of interest for developers is one of the most important. On the other hand, they liked the approach of the European projects and the variety of research institutes and companies working together.

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German Pilot site

The Study Centre for the Visually Impaired Students (SZS) is a cross faculty service and research facility at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). As part of the university, the SZS assists blind and partially sighted students, particularly in the completion of the study courses offered at KIT. Strategic components of the work of SZS include beyond this service offerings and research. Facilities exist that host a range of assistive technologies particularly for this user group. Accessible workstations exist for parallel testing. An extension of those facilities is planned in the near future. As supervisors/conductors our support center stuff has long-term experience on the one hand in making IT and AT accessible to visually impaired and on the other in preparing testing guidelines and tutorials for different accessibility studies.

First Open Day: German Pilot Site (3.-5. May 2017)

In March 2017, we invited more than 30 people, who were either blind or representatives of associations of the blind in Germany to participate at the first Open Day. Because most of the invited people were not able to come to the KIT (mainly due to time or traveling constraints), the open day was directly brought to them, i.e. to the SightCity Frankfurt, the biggest exhibition for aids for the blind and the visually impaired in Germany.

1st Open Day at German Pilot site Type of Users Number of Users

Blind/low-vision users 25 Stakeholders-End User Organizations 5

SightCity 2017 in Frankfurt

SightCity Frankfurt is an annual exhibition for aids for the blind and the visually impaired. With 127 exhibitors and about 4,000 visitors, it is the biggest exhibition in this field in Germany.

SightCity Frankfurt provides detailed information on different aspects of this topic and a variety of aids. The exhibitors show "classic aids" such as mobility aids, high-tech aids, electronic aids, aids for daily life as well as online banking for blind and visually impaired and touristic offers with special care for blind and visually impaired guests.

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Figure 18. Impressions from the SightCity 2017 Frankfurt.

The KIT at SightCity

Prosperity4All was represented by the study center for visually impaired (SZS) (i.e. Thorsten Schwarz and Gerhard Jaworek as SP3 partners and responsible for end-user testing in SP4), as well as Andrea Schankin (for implementer testing in SP4) during all three days of the exhibition.

The SZS supports and advises visually impaired students and prospective students in all study courses offered at KIT. As a cross-disciplinary team, it continuously develops innovative and individual solutions for accessible studies.

Figure 19.The stand of the KIT at SightCity 2017.


During the exhibition, we: • presented the activities of Prosperity4All to the visitors, explaining the goals and the

current status; • actively visited other exhibitors to extend contacts and inviting people for later evaluation


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Figure 20.KIT partners while talking to visitors, presenting Prosperity4All.

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German Pilot Site Second Open Day

For the second open day, KIT partner organized a presentation event of our center (SZS) and his offered services at the inclusive Betty-Hirsch school, to involve as many participants as possible. It held in Stuttgart on January 18, 2018.

Figure 21. 2nd Open Day at KIT –Dissemination material.

The inclusive Betty-Hirsch-Schule is a primary and secondary school, and it is aimed at children and young people with special needs in the field of vision as well as at pupils without visual impairment. In September 2011, a first inclusive class started, in which children with and without visual impairments learn together. The goal is to be able to offer the inclusive school as an integrated model in the future.

Received the invitation to the open day, the staff of the Nikolauspflege Institute Stuttgart, of the Betty-Hirsch-School, the participants to the tests conducted during our previous Projects in Stuttgart, and our local contacts. Overall, there were 19 participants. The audience was heterogeneous with different stakeholders as described in detail in the table below.

2nd Open Day at German Pilot site Type of Users Number of Users

Blind/low-vision users 8 Developers 7 Stakeholders-End User Organizations 4

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Figure 22. 2nd Open Day at KIT premises.

Stakeholder Frequency

O&M (Orientation and Mobility) Specialist 3

Trainer/Teacher/Tutor 3

Manager of Institution for person with special needs 2

Student/Pupil 2

IT-Professionals (and IT-apprentice) 7

Caregiver/Relative 1

Eight participants were people with access needs:


Visually impaired (Blind) 3

Visually impaired 5

The agenda of the Open Day was:

• Opening of the event

• Presentation of SZS and his services

• The Prosperity for all project

◦ Developer Space

◦ Unified listing

◦ An example of use of Prosperity4All infrastructure: The SZS Print Service

(developed by SZS during the Prosperity4All project)

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• Other interesting projects of SZS (AT-Map, Cooperate)

• Open session: Free discussion and demonstrations

• Greeting and closing of the event

The meeting was informative for all the participants, only some of them knew already the services offered by SZS. All the projects presented, and in particular Prosperity4All, were new for the participants, so our Open Day was the first contact with them.

During the open session, were presented some examples of tactile learning materials printed during the last university semester at KIT by the print service. Tactile materials and some geographical maps printed on swell paper were presented to introduce the IVEO device (Interactive Tactile Graphics- ViewPlus) and the audio-tactile maps developed during the AT-Map project.

At the end of the open-session, started spontaneously a "round-table discussions", where all the participants joined actively, about the tactile materials, the related technologies, and the advantages and the disadvantages of the different AT in use. The different background of the participants offered an interesting and long discussion before leaving the meeting.

To raise the effectiveness of the open day and encourage more participants to get involved in Prosperity4All, some promotional flyers were printed also in Braille with the links to Developer Space and Unified Listing websites, very appreciated by some participants.

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Large Open Day Events Greek Pilot site CERTH/ HIT Open Day 2017 - Final demonstration event The final demonstration event held in Greece on 5th of November 2017.

The final demonstration event was the final “Open Day” at CERTH premises and was demonstrated the DeveloperSpace and UnifiedListing (DS and UL) in their final versions. Feedback that was collected used in order partners to further update Proserity4All technologies. Representation of all Targeted Audience Groups (TAGs) was attained.

Organization of the final event started at least 6 months prior the meeting to ensure optimal execution. Invitations were sent out not only to identified stakeholders but to H2020 projects with similar aims and objectives to ensure a viable transfer of knowledge. CERTH/ HIT Open Day 2017 (http://imet.gr/openday2017/).

CERTH/ HIT opened its gates on 5th of November 2017 to welcome the public and demonstrated its achievements. Among CERTH/ HIT’s achievements was also Prosprity4All. During the Open day the public had the opportunity to watch the Prosprity4All demo videos as well as to have a hands-on experience with the Prosperity4All tools and infrastructure. This gave the opportunity to stakeholders to express their opinions and feedback about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the demonstrated technologies. The event was attended by more than 100 people from diverse backgrounds (researchers, developers, end-users, end-user organizations’ administration teams, teachers, students and pupils, parents, caregivers of people with access needs, people with access needs, etc.).

2nd Open Day at Greek Pilot site Type of Users Number of Users

Blind/low-vision users 6 Motor impaired users 3 Cognitive impaired users 51 Hearing impaired users 4 Speech impaired users 2 Developers 34 Stakeholders-End User Organizations 29

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The comments from the stakeholders were very positive. They enjoyed the experience from the Prosperity4All demonstration videos, which they mentioned they reflected in a very short time the main objectives of the project, focusing on the involvement of the users in it. In the strengths of the demonstration videos, their duration and compact of information was enlisted, while as weaknesses the speed of the voice and the moving images.

Figure 23: Large Open Day Event at CERTH/ HIT premises.

Figure 24. CERTH/ HIT Open Day 2017-Attendants.

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Spanish Pilot site

Fundación ONCE organized the second Open Day event in the context of the International Congress on Technology and Tourism for All from 27th to 29th September 2017 in the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga (Spain).

Figure 25. Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga (Spain).

This large scale event was organized in collaboration with UNWTO (World Tourism Organization), ENAT( European Network for Accessible Tourism) and The Royal Board ON Disability and with the support of Vodafone Foundation Spain, SAMSUNG and eSMARCITY.es, among others.

The congress was intended for participants from universities, research institutions, manufacturers and developers of ICT services and products, associations of the elderly and disabled, companies providing care and services for people with special needs, tourism industry.

During this event, Fundación ONCE devoted a booth fully for Prosperity4All demonstration activities, where congress speakers and general audience could see in action the latest results of the project. Using the form of an Open Day, the DeveloperSpace and the Unified listing were firstly demoed to the attendants and then they tried the sites for themselves, providing feedback in the process. A signature sheet was present at the booth, and we received 25 signatures.

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2nd Open Day at Spanish Pilot site Type of Users Number of Users

Motor impaired users 3 Cognitive impaired users 12 Developers 6 Stakeholders-End User Organizations 4

We can safely esteem a ratio 1 to 4 in signatures (most of them were having coffee at the same time, some of them were only on a part of the presentation, and a few of them had to rush to the congress before the signature sheet was handed), so the final audience of the booth should be around 120 people. Regarding the profiles, there was a mix of power users, accessibility professionals, developers and students. It might be derived from the audience of the congress, but the attendants to the demos felt the DeveloperSpace of greater value than the UnifiedListing. They liked especially the ‘Components’ section; and those of them that were teaching at the University valued equally positively the ‘Learn’ section.

Figure 26. 2nd Open Day event in the context of International Congress on Technology and Tourism for All.

The following images are detail images of the roll-up displayed in the previous photos and the leaflet that were delivered to the visitors.

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Among the topics addressed it stands out:

Technologies and services for access to information and communication Assistive devices and applications that provide access to people with disabilities to desktop and mobile commercial computers and to the services rendered, including the web.

Human-Computer Interaction Methodologies, applications, devices and tools designed to enable interaction of people with disabilities with smart machines (PCs, tablets, smartphones, and robots, among others).

Assistive technologies Devices, tools and technologies in general (including software) designed to improve personal autonomy, abilities, and interaction with all aspects of life (home, work, leisure, and sports, among others).

Teleassistance and Telecare: Prolonging Active Life Teleassistance and Telecare applications, products and models designed to promote active and healthy aging.

Digital Home and Independent Living Meaningful experiences in improving personal autonomy and independent living using accessible technologies and solutions.

Robotics for Personal Autonomy Robotic-based products and services designed to address functional deficits, assistance and/or rehabilitation, such as prosthetics, ortheses, wearables, exoskeletons, robot assistants, interfaces and cognitive and physical interaction paradigms.

Transport for All Devices, applications and services designed to make transportation use easier according to cognitive, sensorial and physical abilities of users.

Technologies for Smart Cities Sustainable and integral systems for Smart Cities based on expectation and needs of the population.

Accessible Learning and Collaboration Technologies Strategies, procedures and tools designed to support customizable, collaborative, inclusive and accessible education with the aid of social networks, open learning initiatives, gaming technologies, learning analytics, and customizable educational environments, among others.

Accessible Tourism Technological Applications and Solutions Technological solutions and tools designed to improve tourism experience including travel planning, booking, transportation, accommodation and enjoyment of destination according to the diverse needs, age and interests of tourists.

Under the motto ‘Accessibility 4.0’, almost 400 people attended the venue and 918 followed the congress on streaming. The event involved 81 speakers in the workshops, demos and round tables. In total 22 countries were represented.

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Figure 27. International Congress on Technology and Tourism for All images.

During the three days of the congress attendees discover the applications and technological tools that facilitate the lives of people with disabilities and the elderly. For example, the intelligent blind indoor beacons for blind people; a robotic arm managed by the movement of the iris of a person’s eyes, smart glasses that allow reading or identify objects to people with low vision.

In addition, it was discussed and analyzed how to make tourist destinations smarter to better suit the needs of users with disabilities; soft exosuits that improve the mobility of people in the activities of daily living.

There was a space with stands where exhibitors displayed technical solutions and prototypes located the same place where the catering was served during coffee and lunch breaks in order to have the most possible attendance.

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AAATE 2017 One of the final demonstration events was the AAATE 2017 Congress, an event of with key note speakers and invited speakers from the Advisory Board and the Prosperity4All Collaborative Network.

AAATE 2017 Congress (http://www.aaate2017.eu/) was a 4-day event about Assistive Technologies which took place from 12-15th September 2017. The main Conference was held from 13-14th September and Satellite Events were running on the other two days at venues in Sheffield (UK).

Prosperity4All organized a Special Thematic Session (STS) within the 14th AAATE.

Within the session explained different use case scenarios and personas of the DeveloperSpace and Unified Listing. Additionally, presented Prosperity4All implementations and different building blocks to help developers enhance their developments.

AAATE 2017 Type of Users Number of Users

Developers 12 Stakeholders-End User Organizations 9

One of the main objectives of the AAATE Conference was to bring together researchers, professionals, manufacturers, end users and their families, and combine their knowledge, expertise, needs and expectations, contributing in a multidisciplinary way to the success at this meeting and beyond. For this reason, Prosperity4All organized a STS to present the Developer Space and Unified Listing.

In AAATE 2017, Prosperity4All had a booth outside the conference’s rooms. Many people visited the booth and asked information for the project and watched the demonstration videos. In AAATE 2017, the intermediate version of the demonstration videos was shown. The comments were very positive, outlining the importance of the video for them to understand the concept of the project. Some comments were related to the amount and speed of information at the video, proposing to slow down the speed and reduce the amount of the images used to enhance the content.

At the following link is available the final program of the congress:

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Figure 28. The Prosperity4All team at AAATE event.

AATE 2017, I – Innovation

At the following section is presented the participation of Prosperity4All team at the AATE 2017 Congress. Open Developer Space

Conference Day 2: Thursday 14th September 2017 from 11.00

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Figure 29. Dr. Gregg Vanderheiden, President, Raising the Floor-International.

Session Chair: Dr. Gregg Vanderheiden, President, Raising the Floor-International

Twitter: @Prosperity4Allnews

Chair’s comment: When considering the venue for announcing the release of the DeveloperSpace and Unified Listing, the AAATE immediately came to mind due to its central role in the life of Assistive Technology and those who create, apply and use it. The existence of the Special Thematic Sessions (STS) within the program, provided the perfect format for presenting the DeveloperSpace and Unified Listing and exploring their utility and benefits across the different stakeholders.


11.00 – 11.18 – Gregg Vanderheiden, Raising the Floor – International Open DeveloperSpace: an Enabling Infrastructure for Stakeholders to Generate New Access Solutions: The DeveloperSpace, one of the core components of GPII, is a self-sustainable infrastructure and collaborative environment

11.18 – 11.36 – Ignacio Peinado Martinez, Raising the Floor – International Feed3: A Strategy for a 3-Direction Connection among AT Consumers and Developers: The Feed3 strategy aims to provide AT consumers, developers and manufacturers with Feedback, Feedforward and FeedPeer mechanisms to collaborate in the development of novel accessible solutions.

11.36 – 11.45 – Otilia Kocsis, Raising the Floor – International Using the Assistance on Demand platform to set-up a Network of Assistance Services

11.45 – 11.54 – Vivian Vimarlund, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) Use Model for a User Centred Design in Multidisciplinary teams

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11.54 – 12.12 – Daniel Ziegler, FraunhoferInstitute for Industrial Engineering IAO Enabling Accessibility through Modelbased User Interface Development: Adaptive user interfaces (AUIs) can increase the accessibility of interactive systems. They provide personalized display and interaction modes to fit individual user needs.

12.12 – 12.21 – Steve Lee, OpenDirective Stepping Stones for People with Cognitive Disabilities and Low Digital Literacy

12.21 – 12.48 – Discussion

Tuesday 12th Sept- Student Tournament

09:15 - 16:30 - Student Innovation Tournament: The Student Innovation Tournament was a ‘hackathon’-style event at which students from a range of backgrounds (such as social care, health, engineering) worked in multidisciplinary teams to generate ideas for solutions to real problems set by our community and industrial partners. There were a broad and diverse range of problems set, but each problem was one that has the potential to be solved by assistive technology of some form. The tournament was focused on ideas generation, innovation and creativity towards solutions, rather than the development of solutions themselves. Students were free to present their ideas in a range of formats such as digital posters, presentation slides or pitches. The ideas were judged by a panel of experts, including industrial partners, conference sponsors, assistive technology entrepreneurs, business leaders, University alumni, and research partners

Platform Session 1: Dr. Gregg Vanderheiden, President, Raising the Floor - International Ensuring that the tails of the tails have access to ICT.

Figure 30. Dr. Gregg Vanderheiden at Student Innovation Tournament event.

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EVENTS Researcher’s night 2017

CERTH/ HT had a booth at the Researcher’s night 2017 (http://www.researchersnight.gr/) that was held in Thessaloniki. The main presentation of CERTH/ HT during this event saw the presentation of Prosperity4All and the demos in a big screen, so everybody could see them. There were plenty of people who visited the booth and they were very interested in finding out what it is about. The demonstration videos captured lots of their attention and allowed them to find out in a clear and quick way all they needed about the project. Some comments received during that night were also related with the amount of the information at the videos and the way it was presented sometimes. The stakeholders proposed to have slower pace of voice, less captions per slide and no moving images.

Researchers Night 2017 Type of Users Number of Users

Motor impaired users 1 Cognitive impaired users 18 Hearing impaired users 3 Speech impaired users 2 Developers 11 Stakeholders-End User Organizations 6

Figure 31. Images from the researcher’s night at the CERTH/ HIT booth.

During Researcher’s night 2017, Ms.Eleni Chalkia from CERTH/HIT presented Prosperity4All concept at the media (TV100 channel). Her interview is available at the following link : https://youtu.be/-bcTxYh8Qhw .

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Figure 32. Interview during the Researcher’s night 2017 by Ms.Eleni Chalkia.

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The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) co-organized the ‘8th International Congress on Transportation Research’ (ICTR 2017), which was held on September 28-29, 2017, at the CERTH Congress Centre in Thessaloniki, Greece. The spotlight theme of the 2017 Congress was ‘The Future of Transportation: A Vision for 2030’.

The ICTR has been a major event in the field of transportation research for the past 15 years.

ICTR participants included the research and academic community, as well as the public and private sector involved in the development and implementation of innovative projects in the field of transport.

ICTR 2017 hosted innovative research and development work in the field of transportation systems, operations and infrastructures, in Greece and abroad.

During ICTR 2017 the Routing Guidance system (SP3 implementation) was demonstrated to 15 professionals of those who attended the conference. The development team was present to demonstrate the highlights of the development experience and give insights to other interested researchers. HIT’s director was interviewed about the event, its objectives, the demonstration that were held there and the overall gains for researchers, engineers, and developers. Figure 33. Interview of Director of CERTH/HIT, Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris about ICTR 2017 Conference.

Figure 34. Demonstration of Routing Guidance system during the ICTR 2017 at CERTH premises.

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VIP Tour

At the VIP Tour event, which was organized on Tuesday the 31st October 2017, the important activities of CERTH/HIT and its research achievements were presented, launching a route of extroversion and information of the citizens. The intense interest of the media and the presence of governor of the Region of Central Macedonia, the president of Transport Authority of Thessaloniki, as well as the presence of representatives of the Municipality of Thessaloniki and of the University of Macedonia, gave the stigma of the high-profile and of the highly innovative and development-oriented HIT profile.

In his presentation, the Director of HIT, Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris, referred to data relating to HIT activities, stressing the impressively high expertise of the scientific staff of the institute, to the important collaboration with entities and educational organizations, its high accessibility research profile and to its resilient “route” during the period of economic recession and the excellent prospects, based on the HIT orientation to excellence.

Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris presented to the local stakeholders and journalists the main concept of Prosperity4All project, the Unified Listing and the Developer Space. The event was attended by 30 governmental representatives and employees.

Dr. Bekiaris emphasized that Prosperity4All Technologies could help local communities to provide accessible IT services to its citizens, while he highlighted the necessity for the support of Greek innovation, as well as for the promotion of the existence of HIT and the dissemination of its activities among citizens, aiming at profitability, in the interests of society.

Figure 35. VIP Tour Event at CERTH/HIT premises.

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3 Major outputs-Overview

This section presents the main findings for the various events and demonstration activities.

Main outputs of those events could be reported as following:

• Building of networks with organizations, industries, user organizations and other academic and research institutes, to further strengthen the prospective affiliations;

• Assisting the promotion of Prosperity4All project-produced technologies to interested parties and especially those who belong to tails-of-the-tails, i.e. promote the ethos of customized solutions and development for all, development for one;

• Mobilization of local, regional, national, European and international participation to events, and conferences;

• Encouragement and assist of the participation from different user groups. The following table (Table 1) presented the number and type of attendants at different demonstration events that took place in the context of Prosperity4All project. Table 1: Νumber and type of attendants at different demonstration events.

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Type of Event Name of Event Number of Users Type of Users

Regional Events 1st Open Day at Greek Pilot site

3 Blind/low-vision users

3 Motor impaired users

12 Cognitive impaired users

2 Hearing impaired users

5 Developers

2 Stakeholders-End User Organizations

1st Open Day at Austrian Pilot site

1 Blind/low-vision users

3 Motor impaired users

1 Cognitive impaired users

1 Speech impaired users

2 Developers

6 Stakeholders-End User Organizations

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Type of Event Name of Event Number of Users Type of Users

1st Open Day at German Pilot site

25 Blind/low-vision users

5 Stakeholders-End User Organizations

1st Open Day at Spanish Pilot site

3 Blind/low-vision users

5 Motor impaired users

7 Cognitive impaired users

2 Hearing impaired users

4 Developers

3 Stakeholders-End User Organizations

2nd Open Day at Austrian Pilot site

5 Blind/low-vision users

3 Motor impaired users

3 Cognitive impaired users

2 Developers

4 Stakeholders-End User Organizations

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Type of Event Name of Event Number of Users Type of Users

2nd Open Day at German Pilot site

8 Blind/low-vision users

7 Developers

4 Stakeholders-End User Organizations

Large Open Days 2nd Open Day at Greek Pilot site

6 Blind/low-vision users

3 Motor impaired users

51 Cognitive impaired users

4 Hearing impaired users

2 Speech impaired users

34 Developers

29 Stakeholders-End User Organizations

2nd Open Day at Spanish Pilot site

3 Motor impaired users

12 Cognitive impaired users

6 Developers

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Type of Event Name of Event Number of Users Type of Users

4 Stakeholders-End User Organizations

AAATE 2017

12 Developers

9 Stakeholders-End User Organizations

Events/Conferences ICTR 2017 15 Stakeholders-End User Organizations

Researchers Night 2017 1 Motor impaired users

18 Cognitive impaired users

3 Hearing impaired users

2 Speech impaired users

11 Developers

6 Stakeholders-End User Organizations

VIP Tour 2017 30 Stakeholders-End User Organizations

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Feedback forms Evaluation Hereafter are presented the most important results that emerged through evaluation forms that were completed by 125 people across these various cross Europe events. Specifically, the forms were filled in by 45 developers, 65 end users with different access needs and 15 stakeholders. The following three graphs respondents’ potential previous interaction with the project and its developments and actually presents their naivity to the project. It is obvious that -in most of the cases- almost one third of the respondents had heard previously about Prosperity4All project. Figure 36. Have you heard of PROSPERITY4ALL before?-Regional OpenDays.

Figure 37. Have you heard of PROSPERITY4ALL before? -Large OpenDays.

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Figure 38. Have you heard of PROSPERITY4ALL before? Events Conferences.

The following figure presents the experience of developers in Assistive Technologies.

It appears that most developers, with previous AT experience, have experience in developing applications for blind /low vision users and motor impaired users. Figure 39. Have you developed applications for any of the groups below?

The two figures that follow, present the perceived usefulness of DeveloperSpace and UnifiedListing. Most attendees stated that both are useful.

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Figure 40. Perceived usefulness of Developer Space.

Figure 41. Perceived usefulness Unified Listing.

The last two graphs present the Willingness of the end users to use Developer Space and Unified Listing in the future. It is obvious that a great percentage of users tend to be interested in using Prosperity4All Technologies. All those results support the fact that the technologies developed (or improved) within Prosperity4All aim to support diverse stakeholder groups (actors), even and after the end of the project.

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Figure 42. Willingess to Use-Developer Space.

Figure 43. Willingess to Use-Unified Listing.

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4 Conclusion

This document presents the actual demonstration activities that took place in the events, workshops and Open Days across Europe and internationally during the second half of project.

The aim of all those demonstration activities was to spark discussions and initiate collaborations with outside interested parties, companies, organizations, and affiliates.

The feedback collected during these events is presented in this document and it was overall positive and encouraging that interest for these developments exists and can be flourished in the future.

Evaluation from feedback forms was communicated to both development and demonstration teams to improve the components and products within Prosperity4All project.

In conclusion, through all those activities we tried to make the Prosperity4All a place for other EU projects, Users with access needs, Developers, End User Organizations, etc. to learn about accessibility, find components and offer their products and services through the relevant Prosperity4All infrastructures.

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Annex A. Open Day Agenda structure (Example: Greek Pilot site)

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Συνάντηση χρηστών Πρόσκληση και ατζέντα

Τρίτη 7 Μαρτίου, 2017 ΕΚΕΤΑ/ΙΜΕΤ

6Ο χλμ. Χαριλάου – Θέρμης 57001 Θέρμη, Θεσσαλονίκη

Αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων ΕΚΕΤΑ/ΙΜΕΤ ( 1ος όροφος)

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Πρόσκληση Αγαπητοί Φίλοι,

Το ερευνητικό έργο Prosperity4All ένα έργο διάρκειας 4 χρόνων με σκοπό να δημιουργήσει μια υποδομή ανάπτυξης που θα καταστήσει ευκολότερη και λιγότερο δαπανηρή για διάφορες επιχειρήσεις , οργανισμούς και τους ανθρώπους να δημιουργήσουν , αγορά , και λύσεις υποστήριξης (υποστηρικτικές τεχνολογίες) για άτομα που αντιμετωπίζουν κάποιου είδους αναπηρία, ψηφιακό γραμματισμό (digital literacy) ή αντιμετωπίζουν εμπόδια σχετικά με τη χρήση ψηφιακών προϊόντων, λόγω της γήρανσης.

Η συνάντηση χρηστών αυτή θα δώσει την ευκαιρία στους συμμετέχοντες να εξοικειωθούν με τα θέματα και την τεχνολογία του Prosperity4All. Η τεχνολογία θα παρουσιαστεί στους χρήστες με ζωντανές επιδείξεις (demos) κατά τις οποίες το όραμα και οι εφαρμογές του Prosperity4All θα παρουσιαστούν.

Η συνάντηση θα ξεκινήσει στις 10:00 και θα έχει διάρκεια 2 ώρες και 30 λεπτά. Η ατζέντα που θα εφαρμοστεί ακολουθεί στην επόμενη σελίδα. Παρακαλώ να επιβεβαιώσετε την συμμετοχή σας στην κα Όλγα Γκαϊτατζή με e-mail ogkaitatzi@certh.gr και τηλ: 2310498458.

Θα υπάρχει αποζημίωση των εξόδων μεταφοράς των συμμετεχόντων (ταξί σε περίπτωση αδυναμίας μετακίνησης με ΜΜΜ) με την προσκόμιση του αντίστοιχου αποδεικτικού (απόδειξη, κτλ.). Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι που θα παραβρεθούν στην ημερίδα, θα προτιμηθούν ως συμμετέχοντες και στις επόμενες δοκιμές του ΙΜΕΤ (με αποζημίωση 30€ για κάθε δοκιμή) που θα ξεκινήσουν Απρίλιο 2017.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στο Τηλ: 2310498458 (ogkaitatzi@certh.gr).

Ecosystem infrastructure for smart and personalised inclusion and PROSPERITY for ALL stakeholders www.prosperity4all.eu


Χρήσιμες πληροφορίες

Κύριοι στόχοι: Παρουσίαση των εξελίξεων και των καινοτομιών του Έργου. Ενίσχυση της συμμετοχής των χρηστών σε μελλοντικές ημερίδες και δρώμενα. Τόπος συνάντησης: ΕΚΕΤΑ/ΙΜΕΤ 6o χλμ. Χαριλάου – Θέρμης Τ.Θ. 60361 - 57001 Θέρμη, Θεσσαλονίκη Αίθουσα: Αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων ΕΚΕΤΑ/ΙΜΕΤ

Ecosystem infrastructure for smart and personalised inclusion and PROSPERITY for ALL stakeholders www.prosperity4all.eu



Τρίτη, 7 Μαρτίου 2017

10:00 – 10:15 Καλωσόρισμα

10:15–10:30 Γενικές πληροφορίες για την ατζέντα και τις σχετικές διαδικασίες.

10:30 – 10:45 Παρουσίαση των στόχων του Ευρωπαϊκού Έργου Prosperity4All - To όραμα του Έργου.

10:45 – 11:15 Επίδειξη των εφαρμογών και των επιτευγμάτων του Έργου Prosperity4All -DSpace demo.

11:15-11:30 Επίδειξη των εφαρμογών και των επιτευγμάτων του Έργου Prosperity4All - Unified Listing demo.

11:30-11:45 Επίδειξη των εφαρμογών και των επιτευγμάτων του Έργου Prosperity4All – Routing Guidance System demo.

11:45– 12:00 Διάλειμμα

12:00-12:30 Ανοιχτή συζήτηση με τους προσκεκλημένους και επαφή των χρηστών με τις εφαρμογές.

Ecosystem infrastructure for smart and personalised inclusion and PROSPERITY for ALL stakeholders www.prosperity4all.eu


Πώς θα έρθετε στο Ε.Κ.Ε.Τ.Α./ Ι.Μ.Ε.Τ.

Με Λεωφορείο

> από το κέντρο της πόλης :

λεωφορείο Νο.10 Χαριλάου, τέρμα στη Νέα Ελβετία, μετεπιβίβαση στο λεωφορείο Νο.66 Χαριλάου-Θέρμης, στάση μπροστά στο ΕΚΕΤΑ.

Με Ι.Χ.

> από το κέντρο της πόλης :

μέσω περιφερειακής οδού κατευθυνόμενοι νότια, έξοδος 12 προς Χαλκιδική, εγκαταλείπετε το δρόμο ταχείας κυκλοφορίας μετά από περίπου 2 χλμ. στην έξοδο Φοίνικα/Θέρμης στρίβετε δεξιά

> Σε περίπτωση που είστε κάτοχος συσκευής GPS μπορείτε να ορίσετε τις ακόλουθες συντεταγμένες στη συσκευή σας: 40.56677, 22.99794

Με Ταξί

> από το κέντρο της πόλης προς το ΕΚΕΤΑ

διάρκεια διαδρομής περίπου 25 λεπτά,

αξία κομίστρου περίπου 7 έως 10 ευρώ

> Ραδιο-ταξί Θεσσαλονίκης

για τη μετακίνησή σας με Ραδιοταξί καλέστε τα τηλέφωνα:

Ecosystem infrastructure for smart and personalised inclusion and PROSPERITY for ALL stakeholders www.prosperity4all.eu


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