daily louisville democrat. (louisville, ky) 1858-12-17 [p...

Post on 29-May-2020






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, . . TraTelcis. Taka Xotit. .

i J Oi aini aJU December 2d, l$i8, trains" ontie JrflTKiiViile ftailroaa will leave Jrflersoutill, ot iKiie Louisville, t follows:

Chicago, ludtaaapolia and Cincinnati cxprewt t.3U a. a.

' St. Louis and Indianapolis' expresw at 11 a. hCincinnati aud tt-- Louis eight eiprees at

' r. M.

Traiim on thin rout make close connectionvilli tnuue oa the Ohio aud MLsoiaf .pj'i Kailroad, at Seymour, 4 miles from Louisville, tor

uicevho, Evaucvillt, Cairo, Si. Louis, then ret, IS or Lb and Soulb.

Tie C.3U and 11 a.m. trains run through toIudiaoapoUa, and connect with trains on theI erra Haute, Lafayette, Peru aud Bellefontain Railroadii, to all the principal placeshAfet, W eet, or isorUi.

The 11 :4i p. m. train only goes to Seymour,vLer cloee connections are made with trains

CD the OLio and Minsi&jippi Railroad, for CincinnaU and the East; also for V in rennetLrauFTille, Cairo, S . Louis, and all the priucipal places on the MuMiiaippi and Miasoutriven.

One trail on Sunday, at 11:45 r. for Cincinnati and St. Louie, via Ohio and MiadiaaippiKailroad.

Pastieners will troid delays at intermediatestations, y purchasing tickets over the Jeflrreourilte Kaiuoad.

Only one change of cars between Louisvilleaod bt. I,ouie, LincinnaU or Chicago.

Through tickets and further informationriven at the Company's Office, No. ii2ajuthea.t corner of Main and Third street

; Lociuviile,K.y.,or at the depot in JeffersonTille. dU

Tact and Talent. Talent is something,but tact is everything ; talent is serious, sober.grave, respectable ; tact is all that, and moretoo. It is not an additional sense, but it is thelife of the five : it is the open eve, the quickear, the judging tarte, the keen smell, and thelively touch. Talent u power, tact u mill,talent is weght, Uct is momentum, talentknows what to do, Uct knows how to do it.When you find a combination of both tact andtalent in the sime individual, you may set iidown that he is equal to any emergency ; andthat is why J . M. Armstrong, the great clothier,is succeeding so well in his business. Heknows whtl to buy, and when to buy it ; heknows how to combine the u seful with the or-

namental ; he displays his clothing and furn-

ishing goods M that ther merits are easily dis-

tinguished, and his tact tells him that moremoney is made by selling two dolars' worth olgoods, at fifteen per cent, profit, than one dol-

lar's at twenty-fiv- e per cent, lleuce bis extensive trade. His store is opposite the Na-

tional Hotel.

Special Notice To the Public.During the brief period that Dr. John BullV

Compound Pectoral of Wild Cherry has beenottered in this city for Bale, hundreds of bottleshare been disposed of, aad they have in everycase given ntire satisfaction in all cases olCough, Colds Asthma, Consumption, &.c.

Ate you tware that a "simple cough," neglec-ted, "frequently terminates in Consumption?"Be wise in time ;" use Dr. John Bull's Com-

pound Pectoral of Wild Cherry, and you aresafe. 44 An ounce f preventive is betterthan a pound of cure."

D Sold by all retjectaule Druggists every-

where. de2 dAwlni

foa tme Ladies Great RsUiuctio inPkices. The attention of buyers is respectfulIj invited to my large and varied assortment otfancy tills of every description. VelvetCkfcis, Figured Delaines, Plaid and BayadereValencias, Bayadere Queen Cloth, Laces, Illu-

sion, Crepe Evening Hobes, (new style), Embroideries and Lace Goods, all ot which 1

will offer from this dale to lwt of January, atgreatly reduced prices. Ladies will find this arare opportunity to obtain the uewet and mostdesirable goods in the market at New Yorkretail prices. Bargains will be offered, whichwill defy competition. My stock of domesticgoods, viz: Flannels, Blankets, Cottons, Sheet-ings, Ca&uuets, Linens, Lc, is large and com-

plete. G. B. TAIJB,nol7 Corner of Fourth and Market fcls.

ITJ- - D. Bondurant has taken the store-

house, No. 3C3 Sixth Etreet, between Main andMarket, three doors from Main, for the trans-action of the need and agricultural businessAcknowledging his indeblednee for past favors,he assures his lricud?, and all others wantinggoods in his line, that nothing shall be left un-

done to merit a continuance of their favors.or 24 dtf

AiLSCELLANEODS.A Card to tha Lalei.


INFALLIBLE REMEDY FORAN Irrrfularili. lirlirring Paimul mud

jir M'tKtruatuM, " at llu--' ktxnjtf Lift " i JfwW iklruvUv, rum vltitnrr

Alao .HetwutioB. Paiim iu the Back aud Loim,rnanrPrwin din aiun, Kunti ot blood to the U- - i,Lfiacium idainea'1 Gix-- hickne, llnavi

tiar ratiVnx on n eliht Palpitation oltbe iinul and aJl the aron dilreaiuK cuniplainta,lrticular'l) that rooat anuoyiDK, wakeniti, aud theLetfUifcing of alt Utier Ffciuale Vi eakiwMM.

irvcoyiunau. on whites,Audalwmy ccl il aa a prveutie. At the aaroe

Cue. tbera u.bil.( in tuae Pilia that can doto li l or hmltli. - 4rr.tm U ttrmiy

and ol will biid them to U ml tt art rjn-Bte- 4

o uiu. h j, tbat, ia nine out ol cjum-- , I

will warraut tbeui. lo not he diacouraKed if cow hoiebouii fii. lt trr another, although, aa a ((eiiaralt,UA'

OKE BOX IS tl MClEST.lboaMidit if crri.tl4 re iu the handg of the

Pro from jiw ot the lint ladlca iu tbe coun-try' "hoircnlara."

K B lheconnmiUonothePini"llOeret.,TL neral aft-ul- arr prna.-iiU- ailh the r'ipt.md tlrnr " roo th ar. without doubt, tbefLt Fauil tledK-- ea. introduced eiuoe tbe l

U modciue dawned pou the world. iTica fi

".fed whole, wle and reU.l bT WILSON A

U h .ia4 ;iuKtU. Main IreetAK.ntH. to whom all ord.-r- .

icsu .prwe.aiid lul'-- h tbtai with ahow carda,

"SMViibi- Car, A TalW, i Mariet .Tt.7bird Fourth; J. W alkr hoaion, comer ol

M.b .o.'y .tree..: H. 4'?.'7' '''!Fourth a. f J.N.Ja-.,!!eVuih-

uaa tnnlc Jr0. of ecl.dVaudMTeapt A UinwUdaS corner tj Preai. ,1JJ;

.treta; Tb.. whole's. FlftH HU.Wtfeul. tcrioner A MaglBk. fie nui Aew

lti.r. lud. i. Johnaou. aole nKut ioT ZtTJ1'

HAD FOR MY ORJECTHAVING of a tetnwlv tha Would be bene-tvia- l

in all raw wliere an external afplicit'lon n- -

bi iuK injurioua iu aty, I have dcvotelm imliT ol ) rn .i xiiidMns and evp-- i iuient meJilo (aakinr tbouaaiida olMriux-rj- a- - d coni-ul- u

t brl auihoi- - aud fiioat irnlifi f hmifU and piij

itriuitut f h I baveat aodtd IB uak-u-

a AUawJue liiat will rexDiii-n- liaeil to ever onebo a1i oini iumiiou. I.ir intellieot Ph si-- -

ian abd J'r.l- will eee at a :iaD, Irolu the analf. ii. r ' en eo . Uiat it ta con.p 1 f tb aet y beat

eniedie (oi uLiiw! iu the Malrit Med.ca.

lIIS IS KOI X SECRET EE MED Y:EvwV pernoii hoaxi aoa) know it compoai'ion ;

r Oie huadred tbieaudlta etle.iioUlo Uj " Autaia a.criio have - aold and u.vi. TlMe iraull inry aaa )!n.loriu and .tiaUorr. al tbe Mltai. lu id. It

opuhu and a. iwwU in thacue of tbe inur-- t

imlW Mana. -


C. W. Will CUT, M. D.,Fritfrtnr f CJtrmiMtrj i tkr A fur it)

Ta K. P. PoTf a : 'Tb- - JiuTredionbi which tr itiCi

4 oniaokitiiB of tbe i'itral ion fciioun a, fiier'aunP,ui Liaim-'at.- wbi wae left with r

iuaiiiliv lieuiH l analyaie, tjnu.l on taannba-.Hue VI OXiMID llir luilUli't iur.-.i- u-i

Fupione, Paraltine, ,j .

laaiuar, l'llitl,Vpu nr, Oil t Uin.

K aitha. Carbonate of Pol.All of tha aboaa iugrMi- aU. with I ha f

ri Uota of I'otaxaa. mtm eauiwiatly ailweMic. A thetuuMituu ol tha aoove preiairaUoa in a--i lwna-e- r a

1 hav no I.e. it ii f la etatmit that It ia A Male andatafwriiHi ernl yciumty lor thatliaiiaaiia ia aaich it

faa.tlali. .cHnndi-ed- " of plirsicUiiif !! and ?ortw'i

Orwutal Limaient It to be tbe twal rni-a- r,nr tbat tlaaa ol a ia ahick it i v ojii

luiadwl. Ihey know tt uiapoaiti a4 itkita as mix h crtuaiy, a U a aa,la, aa Uy 4 any

4Ct"r reinnly.t ha tj4towtf ara a lew tf t be many em inaat and I u

fla(iti.l pbv.e .aua bo have wriilea bntera to tlieluprivtw. apeakia ia ikt bia'haMt terms a1 th luedi-ae-

wuferties ot tne Uriem.l l.il- - Linimt-n- t :

Jr. . Kei1. ot ii d'TK B o ty, h y.. - firi Moaea Ap'lerale,;mtkeiacUir,liii,

' lr. Hrne.ot hcacaotle. Ky.lw.4. H. Jnrn.f lxaaheld. Ey. ' ' ' 'f, . i. Ij, ! onnel. Ol.ian alley, Ttna.Vr J. W. Mrlonald. biittervvilin. Ind.

t'W barker, Litany, Ky ' ,

rf i H . Ferryman. Pstn, Kf . t

lr. ' Tl"."'. Fehivi le, Ky ;

)r 0. ii. Jiarria, CbarUwton, Ky.lr!j!' p4'1 )envi!t, Ef. .i M r Manlea. lnd.

r.. Oriental tu L4ni eot wifl ba frend of rreettaitebt la Irosioit-- , benmatium, t:nu lining,

tc Ac. fat as M fx.. and fl bxtlea-- d w4d b aU ProirW axi yui.tr? Mrn hj-i-

Kecuiactared ty Th. B. I. PuhlkR.d&AwlF 96 Third at LonifTiiU, Af.

S TEI 13 7 AY & S 0 H S



The Best PianosIN THE WOKMH!

P. P. FIELDS & 10MNo. 539 MAIN ST lt;E K T



MASONIC TKMl'LE.Are Sole Agents for these Celebrated Iustru

menuiwiKitr r" SFsrrcKY.

SINGER'SSewing Machines,!


a a. CHINK, with the latist improvements, at thelow price of FIM'Y lHlLLAitS. The pric of tbepiaaaard n a. nines naa iswn neatly leduoej.

IIKGEE'8 8EWIN0 MACHINES,,'t U veil kuOBX, though higher lu price. Lav al

tiua I but lurt will do all kiulj of tvn mg. Th pricntre Rre;iy reuuctMi. n aod . -

U M. MAtuNK, Aeeot,Jeffurson itt.. lx-- t. Third and Fourth, north iJe,deSO."iii tixt t NuC'dliam'a Harbl w areroom.


Friday Evening, December 17, at 7 J O'clock,



fi'Wift "The Trim Protestant Doctrine coitcoriiig tb Ripht ot Private Jaditntrnt." den dl

Louisville Theater.LEWIS .... ,..ols Lf.krck.GKHKuK MKLLUS ......Arrmo MtMr.raiUUM T. LOUTON... Stack blAHAca.

PBICKS OF ADHIS.SIOX Dr-- a Circle aod Par--oo-tt- . 7 cctiU: Tir. 3Sc-nt- : Third Tier,2oeut4; PriU tiuje, g.'.; Colored tkXea,SUCuta;tJolorwJ Oallerr. 25 cein.BOX OFFICE open dilr from 10 A. W. till 1 p.m..

and rom S to r. , ua mar lk curedone day in adrnn.-f- . of

ALFbEU N. GILBERT. Treaaarer.

Farewell Benefit and Lait Night hut one ofMr. Edwin Booth.

ON RIDAY EVENING, DEC.1m. ill lx l th Krtat Plav of

KICHELIKr. or THK OXPPIKAi;i Cutdiuaittirhelien. Mr. Edwin B rth; Jnli Pe Mtirteniur,Adah 1 wo MrLkin; Huradai. O. W Ve Mu- -

rat. K1-- ; Jvm jh. Lor'ou; Lonin XIII. 4 i rt;w hcllan; FianrojH, Mim Ida :

HottiH't. Rwve; Gotrruor of Batile. Tju-wnj; Marion lie iotraie, Wm. Lorton Toron- -

c'ndc wuh the lauehaLh- - Vn f POOR PILLI-tXlOD-

John Peter iilixddy, Mr. tkallaTiM.'ap-tai-

o'ScottU Toiifwd; arah Bluut, Mrs Pick-ru-

Mr. O'tcuttle, tin. Giloort; Aim. Piilic;llr,M tat I da Vernon.

NOTICE. Doom opon at 7 'clock, and Overture toconimeDoe at



A. hare fnfrouslr ToluiiU o aid the ManouirFratxrnit) in relnahiDtr the from it

l piviukra Iar during thv enauiuK aetik.cainiiui'iiiiiie on NUMU1 Dell, itun lul.r The Ball room i 11 1 upni.-f- at v o'clock eachTtiiiUK. 1 here lil good music lu me nan aul

liall-roo- deloo


Battle of New Orleans!GUAND



BALL, at Masonic Hall, on

FRIDAY EVENING, Jan. 7tb, 1859.e7 X pain will be apared to make thin thc Ball

of tbe ecaaou. For particular, aee future alvrtiamenta.

Ky order of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.(Journal ard Courier copy.) delttltf




L V rv-t- to Itome, and home at'ain, from Naph-- toNew Vork. Thie paint ine hue spleuilid viea'a of life inItaly, its aceoery, oiuea, churrhna, illuuiiuatio'iH, vol-

canic erupt iona, .porta of tbe carnival, banditti, ftln-arjr.e-

avationa and curviti-a- , both natural and aiti-I-imI, and it I uuiversall) Cono-de- to be tbe moat ele-- 1

aut. luU reetiiit.' and puhliuiaexhil-itiol- i ever pretteutedto the notice ot the American people.

A t.y a Rentleiun thoroiighlfwith tlie couutrr.

t.mn open at S o c.k k, coiiiiim i, up at 7 Si o'chx k.WSf Aduiis.-io- n Vi children ard Hraulj2"

centa. dl2dlwi . J. kUl'NU. Manager.



Theater, Londoo, and many yeaia tteacher at w ill It a, rexperttully lulortna theluhatutanra ot Louisville that bia AcaJt-m- w,now oiieu.at tbe Odd Ftrllowa' llall. ou jetllon tre.-t- .

Hoi ac or TriTtos On Friday, from S to f.aud on Beturda) , trcm V 10 1. boir-- l.iiKinte iroDi to ft. fc hool and Faiuili-- attended. Private Lea-ao-

at any hour of the cay. Ceuileuien'a Claen onMouday and Tbuiday eveninsa, from a to lu. at Mr.Vt ' txeidenoe, on Fut atreet, between Green andMai ii at. oclJJ



IMPORTER OF AND DEALER INJL Saddlery Hardware, Haraeaa MoiiQt. fxlue; Tranka, and Coach Trimtninei. ISiI 1 Mow reeeiwnft Biy rail htork, which

ill he I he haudaotut and beat selectedlot a of Oood in my liu tbat has et--r befora beeniinld ia thia market. 1 wonld invite oiy old

aad the trade generally, to call and examinemy tock, b,c4, i am determined to axil at price thatcannot tail to pie tha beet trade that romea tothe market. 11) atot a embracea tbeloliawinir arlkJee:

Saddle Treoa:Bridle Loathera; Mujui'vo Sklna;Uaruaa do; Pateut ao;boKhkina; tt irrupt;Cair do; Bitta;Goat oo; L'ttcklea; '

Ibrp; 1'liiahea;Ta; Kidinc Whips; . .Coach Laom; Bueey do;CW h Lauipa: Vi wun do;kubber oii- - lothi; FUptic Sprinea;Atiea and Hand; Hainurn Mouutinfi;Trubk boarda; Triuk lr,iuM.inea:

Malatle Irou. As.Alao, Veep(iXnitaiilly ou hand a veneral aaaortnienl

of haidlea, bridlna, tiarneaa, and Trunka.K. H. All wrdwa promptly attended to at tbe abort

at aotioe. or 21 dtf

FOR MINCE MEATSUNDRIES4 ak a.-- t'urianti; ,

1t caaea Citron;an boxes Layer kaiiii.i i. i - ...i u : .

And avaortukntof hpiivn. fresh and line, foraale at I nol IKlvvMIMl & HaU It

pRENCII CANDIES.lota, l a Gum Irupa:

Mat m Jeiiy Gum Dror.g;tin Its Juibe I'aaw;1 4i pa faacy M,iu;ru est binn Almondf:

.' & Marb Ma)eyr 1'anh, p tmp cor fortuiM; )ut re,ve'i at

boM ' rV'NINQ A BEO.'g

( MGAR8.J Jii.tflti La Room;

ft uiO Jenny t.in; .15. Kantiuky Jockey Clnl;?,ono La

all l.r..Am l nUWKKll i Wfiri.'flConfectionery, I'.akery and Family Grocery, corner ('

rscoud and Jettrson alrata. nol

tl5ARS.I0ii Loxea Harana-Sixe- a Cirara;64 bses do;

I a store aad iortals f rdel? itSHALL If ALBERT OO.

VTKW RAISINS.V boxea M E Eai-in- a;

2i hot-- , baifrr 4n;ti boj extra d ; is store and (or aab by

de U. U. bLSikliA al'T.41? Uarfctet

A-- JUO las Iondon Layers;Ml boxes Ilk )'4tmai; r aale y '

h--I Gmi.w. M(iK alK. 4A Third at.

TIKE W0RK3.A. 2.V boxes frtt quality Fiirs Crarksrs: :

10a,(ai ertra T orpeu e;Ml i Basortod Kocketa;

And othur articles in tbe aame lute too nancroni toB.ntl.m S tnnXHI JHIWNINU A BKU.'S.

ERMAN PLUMS. FOR C00K- -VJ "fnr. thy are cheaper than TiioJ Teaches. SclJiu yansiiUre toauit Burcbaaera. For aals by : t

A M.iRIir K m. rlr4atW S, FIRE-WORK- S OFA. I description, and of the Leal manafwtare, forala by HoUlE.SI6 No. 60 Third etret.

GUM DROPS. 2,000 LBS. Q U MaaaorbMl flavors, for sals tow by

A HoKI K, Va. m Thir l

XTUTMEGS. 5 CASES PRIME'FORll aale by IdctdAw J. 8. M0BBI3 SONS.


Thurtday'i Vrocmdingt.Washinctoh, Dec. 16. Sinatk Various

petitions were presented and referred.Mr. Wilson, of Maea , moved to amend the

Arizona Territorial bill, at as to provide lorthe election of Governor, Secretary. Judcesand other officers by the people, for a term oftwo years. , ; ; .

Mr. Wilsoa also introduced a repolutioncallinir on the Fresidect for information concerning the landing by the yacht Wanderer ontne coast ot tieorgia of a cargo of elavesAdopted. ; . i

Mr. ClinKman, of N. C, attempted to briDgup his resolution to abrogate the Clayton-Bu- iwer treaty. .

Mr. Masod, VaM Chairman of tlie Committeeon Foreign Afl'airs, was in favor of laving theresolution on the table. He said its effectwould be to make an issue with the PresidentThe day may come when the treaty may require to be abrogated, cither with the assent ofEngland or without it; but no statesman wouldundertake to do it until be phall have lookedfar enough ahead to see where it will laud us.If the treaty be abrogated, it will place tbe twocountries as tuey were before it waa enteredinto, aud we will be called spon to define tbeMonroe doctrine. We have reason to believe,eveu now, that the Executive is engaged intrying to avert tlie misunderstandings whichhave occurred under this treaty.

Mr. Cliiigman insisted, that from the President's two messages, taken in connection.appeared that our progress had been backwardin Central America, for that during the lastyear ureal .Britain was getting etronger everyday under this treaty; that it ought to be putout ol the way, and tnen, when occasion oilered, we will act in tbat region. As we had failedhitherto to eet a good treaty, either from Greatlint&in or In icaragua, what ground was there toLope that these parties would, between themselves, make puch a treaty as would protectcur interests 7

After further conversation, a vote was taken.and stood, yeas 22, nays 23, bo the questionwas not taken up.

1 he l acmc Railroad bill was then taken upOn motion of Mr. Fitch, of Indiana, 10,000

extra copies of the President s Message wereordered to be printed.

Townsend Harris was permitted, bv resolution, to receive certain guts from the Britishuovernment.

Mr. Irerson, of Georgia, introduced a bill togive the back pay to the oflicera, since reinstated, who were retired by the Naval Board.

Ine benate Agricultural College bill wasmada me special order lor 1 uesday next

Ine henate then cleared from off the calendar 12S bills adversely reported upon, and in-definitely postponed fifty bills, being unfinishedbusiness Irom the last session.

The Senate then acjourned till Monday.IlcusE The Speaker laid before the House

a mepsase from the President, inclosing communications Irom the Slate and ravy Depart-ments ia response to resolutions calling for information relative to recent events in CentralAmerica. Referred to the Committee on For-eign Affairs, without beinz read. Also, a

from the Secretary of State askingfor an appropriation to defray the expenae cfconveying destitute Americans from Vanc-ouver's Island to San Francisco.

The House then resumed the consideration ofthe Maryland contested election case of Mr.Whyte against Mr. Harris.

Mr. Boyce, of South Carolina, said Mr.Whyte did not claim the Beat for himself, butsimply opposed the retention of it by Mr.n arris.

Tlie House, by a vote of 1 08 yeas to 90 nays,laid on the tabic the resolution admitting Mr.Whyte to the rloor and liberty of speaking onthe subject.

Mr. Eut-tis- , of Lonisiana, moved to table theresolution reported from tha Committee onhlections, which reads as follows : "It appearsto this House, that there was such tumult if notintimidation and injustice in the election forRepresentative in Congress from the Third district of Maryland, on the 3d of November,

in contempt of law, and in violation olelection, that said election is void and the seatdeclared Vacant, and the Speaker is hereby di-

rected to notify the Governor of Maryland ofthe fact." The moti m to lay on the table pre-vailed. Yeas lOG.navs 97.

The House went into Committee of theWhole on the state of the Union.

Mr. Phelps, of Missouri, endeavored to havethe President's annual message taken up, butthe consideration of the bill reported lastseason, granting pensions to officers and soldiersof the war of 1 5! 12, and to those engaged in allwars during tbat period, was resumed.

Mr. Savage insisted tbat the honor and rep-utation of the country demanded that tliopebrave men should have their services recog-nized, aod it would be a shame and disgraca itthey were not to be rewarded, no matter whatmight be the expense. This, especially, appliedto those who served in the war with GreatBritain, and lot there means and property bytheir participation in that contest.

Mr. Is ichols was opposed to the principle ofthis bill throughout, and to increasing the landof pensioners under it

Mr. Burnett replied. No policy was bettercalculated, under our eystem of government,to keep alive the spirit ot patriotism and devo-tion to the country, than by assuring its de-

fenders that when they become helpless, theywin De taken care oi Dy the government.

Mr. Kitchie said the resources of the country, would, by this system, be exhausted, andwe should be prevented from carrying on anywar at all, if necessity should require it.

Mr. Mason said, those who aeked pensionsdid not come here as paupers, but are entitledto the discharge of a debt promised to bepaid.

After further debate, Mr. Dewart moved tostrike out the enacting clause of the bill, andinsert " that the defeau-- candidate in Pennsvl- -

vania, in lw.r8, be allowed ninety-si- dollarsper annum." Laughter.

various amendments were voted upon, butnothing definite concluded. Adjourned.

WasniNGTON, Dec. 1C The following officers have been ordered to report themaeiveson board the United States elooD-of-wa- r St.Louis ou the 22d inst : Commander Osrden.Lieuts. Todd, Nelson, Jones and Mvealt. Surgeons Barclay and Burnett, Purser Pierce, andA. Armstrong, Master. The following havebeen ordered to report on board the new steamsloop of war Brooklyn on the 1st of January :Capt. Farragnet, Lieuts. W. C. B. S. Porter,Albert smith, J mere, W. Mitchell, and H. A.Adams, burgeon Minor, Assistant SurgeonsChristian and Leach, Purser Looker, Chiefhugiueer rollinsbee, Assistants D. E. Luce,Brooks, Jordan, Brown, Snyder and White.

St. Lot'is, December 16. Mr. Boyle, thepassenger by the overland mail, reports theroads in good condition from San Francisco tor ort Smith.

Accounts from the Gila river mines, werevery favorable.

Mr. Pardee, the express man, was met oneday out from Fort Smith, fitteen hours aheadoft ime. He has not abaudonr d the coach.

No hostile Indians were Been.The Fort Smith Times of the 8th eays that

the 150 recruit, under Captain Caldwell, hadarrived from St Louis, and left on the bth,for Fort Washita, Arbuckle and Belknap. '

New Orleans, December 1C, r. u. Salesof cotton 1,500 bales; market generallyunchanged, being thanksgiving day here.Sugar firm at 5,'; gunnies U); freights ofcotton to Liverpool, easy. ;

The Brownsville Flag of the 1st says:yidaiirri has organized a force of five hundred

men &ga;ns San Louis, and garrisoned eighthundred.

It hi rumored that the Uuitei States bayeoffered five millions dollars for a railwaytrack to New Mexico, through Chihuahua andSonora

The Liberals are concentrating around tbeCapital. .- -

' Washington, Dec. 16. The Union of thiamorning t ays emphatically that England, Franceand Spain concur fully in the line of policylaul (iovn by the United States concerningMexico fciU fjentraj America. ) .

Niw Your, Dec. 16. Advices from Maranibam state that the U.S. steamer Fiilton sailedfrom there November 13 for Pernambuco. Tbestealer Harriet Lane left on the 1 1 th of Noveaiber for the same place. . 1 i

NoaFoi.p, Pecernber 16. The SouthernArgus has received from pilots, who havearrived here, tbe gratifying intelligence that thebrig Parthian, from Baltimore, had arrived atSt I nomas, dismasted, the Informationwas cbUined from the Captain of the J. CK &',' of Caicoa, bound to B till more, whichnamed the cnis y. . ; . ; j

The Paitliiaa, it v'dlhe remembered, had onboard a large number of passengers! includingWorkmen tor the Brazil railroad. . She wagseen dismasted ia A Hale, by a vessel bound forBermuda, and two 6teaer8 were sent fromthat port to her assistance, but returned after acruise of seceril days, arid feporjted being

to discover the wreck. Since tat liport,nothing bad been beard of the Parthian, and it

team ini. av.v.ir.l.-W-- - - J -

was ttuttUt ttih k4 fotiftlil al M, kfidthat all oa board perished.- - - ; - .IT. New York, December 16, 11.. n!-T-


steamer Arabia has arrived at Halifax bring-ing Liverpool advices to the 4th inst. .TheBteamer Indian Empire is safe. ' "

! Steamers Albany,' Indian, and New York,arrived out on the 2d.

' Steamers Kangaroo and Circassia, arrivedout on the 3d. ' ,

Nkws. The Emperor Napoleon had re-leased Montalembert from the penalties pro-nounced against him. '

Subscriptions to the Suez canal, are said tohave closed with a larger amount than was re-quired.

The Bombay Mail of December 9Ji, tele-graphed that the campaign commenced Octo-ber 18th.

Numerous victories had been achieved overthe rebels.

. The Queen's proclamation was promulgatedon the 1st of November.. Washington, Dec. 16. Among the docu-ments enumerated by the President, on CentralAmerican affairs, is a letter from Mr. Dallas toSecretary Cass, reporting the substance of aconversation he had with the of Malmes-bur- y

his Lordship having invited the interview. He said he was aware that Mr. Dallas'letters for Washington would go forward outhe 27th of November, and he wished Mr.Dallas to convey in them some few remarksfrom him; and first Lord Napier had commu-nicated to the President the treaty negotiatedby Sir Wm. Gore Ousley with the Ministerfrom Nicaragua. It was believed that no objection was expressed to its provisions. Second

oir W m. Gore CJusIey was, by this time, atN icaragua, and would exert himself to obtainthe ratification of the treaty, in doing which itwas indispensable that he should be protectedby the presence of a naval force, from any violence tbat might be meditated by filibusters.

Washington, Dec. 1C. The States, of thisafternoon, submits an explanation, with absolute assurance that it represents, authentically,the views of the President in the negotiationfor the adjustment of the difficulty in CentralAmerica. 1 he substance ot this explanationis, that while the repeal of the Clayton-Bu- i wertreaty would bring the dispute to an issue offorce, by another expedient it is proposed topermit Great Britain to select her own way toescape from the complication, which sho engages to do without delay. This Governmenthas already been advised of her intentions, SirWm. Gore Ousley having been dispatched tothe Isthmus with instructions to surrender theprotectorate over the Misquito territory by aseparate convention with Nicaragua; and byanother treaty with Houduras, to deliver theBay Islands over to that Republic. He willcompass his object, if the States of CentralAmerica be not disturbed by the intrusion offilibusters. Hence, our own and the BritishGovernments are resolved that the businessshall not be interrupted before its consummation. In this event, all danger of a collisionwith Great Britain will be avoided.

O The young lady who was buried in Erie fis now alive and doing well. It was a case ofpremature interment.

Daily Markets.Orrioor tub Daily LortiTii t Dkhovkit,')

THi asoiY, Ioe. is, ti'ui. fFLOUR AND GRAIN.-- fu flour there u a slight

improicuieut in price; Bale of 1WI bb'a "'Hery Clay"made at $1 0. Graiu, though uuchaugej, U

tinner, vtiti more buyuri at full rate.PROVISIONS Very firm ; the only eiilea repvrteJ,ire 125 blU mess pork at $15, auJ huihII aalea bacon

on order at full prices.G ROCER I ES Sales 26 hhds auear at (yict.V: 22 1.1.1a

molasses at 3itJlc, ) sacka Cofiee at llIJc; andbiiiall sulea of new rice at V.

OIL Linseed sales reparteJ at 71c.II A V Sales 75 tons, deliverable 011 tha wharf at tl3.FEATUER3 Arriviug in aiuall lots ; we uuote at

DRIED FRUIT-Siil- es i: biuhels apple at fl 90.WHIriKT-Sa- Ws 150 this raw at 23c, and 15 blla rec-

tified at 2210,230.SHEET! lea 7 bales Baum r Mills at bc.CH EESE-S- ale 92 boxes at K.BEANS ales 2i sacka white at $1 50.BUTTER Sales 20 firkins at loo.CRANBERRIES Sales II Ibis at s.USH-Sal- es 14 half bbls a bite at $t 50.TtBA(XX)-6al- oa ly hhds viz: 1 at f i 50, 1 at f 3 65, 1

at $3 s.'., 2 at 51 .V. 1 at St, 1 at il 05, 1 at t 70, 1 atSt fio, 1 at 5 , I at Si 50, 1 at 5 30. 1 at 85, 1 at 5i 15,2 at 80 20, I at $6 (15, 1 at ; 1.', and 1 at f. in.

Sules of I J boxes leaf at 2Ki2.'c.

TELEQEAPH MAKKETS.New Yoas, Due. 10. p. m.

Cotton Firm, but quiet : sales 1,500 bales.Flour Fi rm ; aalew I. am bbls.Wheat Dull ; ;ile iti mioboeh at f I5(til 17 for red;

and Si 37V1 to for white. Corn heavy; Bale, I 5ooburhelt.

Pork Frni at 817 7"jai7 xo for new uiese, and 813 5o(3.13 75 for pniue. Lard heavy at lie.

Vhinky du'lat iii2')'i.SnsHr Firm at an advance of to ; snles Orleans

at h 'i(07'1Gules Firm at 9:il2.Molaiae Active at Xlt(ii7f,Dreaneil Uogs Heavy at 7(Oi7c.'reiKhts on cotton to Liverpol

Etocka-Ueav- y; Chicago and Rock Nlaud CP; Illi-nois CVnt'l R. K, 7'i; LacroBee Jt Jl ilwaukie. S ;N. r. t.eufc. ReadiiiK, 51V; 'ialeua ;hicajo,2 ; Ml. h. Cent., .'M. 8; Krie, ITS; Cleveland A Toledo,

SI Vi; Iutoshs lan-- 2!iln; Pacific Mail bteauinhiDCo., VI,

Sr. Lot is, Dec. ir., p. m.Fjjur Very dull at St 75; holders are willing gelleis.V heat Ihill at 5c decline; red wheat 1 1,1 lu; white

fl 10. Corn declining; w bite, 3fl-.5-

Pork-Dn- ll. Lard dull at llill'ic.Hemp- Steady, iu&jg A.1 'ubaccu or lugs, ti5 10.

Cincinbati, December 15.Flour firm and in good demand at t"l i5 50 for

to extra.Wisky stealy at l--


Hotra-n- rin at 41 for lisht. and SO 00 ao 60 Torthue averaging pounds and upward. Quite a lareFpfcuUtivv wit done iu mess por--i,- bblawer, sold to le delivered iu New York next February.March, aud April, at Sis. and 500 pounds to le deliveredin this city the 1st of neAt May, at jli 5u. It wasollered fr.ely ou the spot at l7; Bale of 5o0 bbla atthis rate.

Lard -r- .00 bis sold at 11 delivered in N. Y. text7aj bills at 11, 1 le delivered hre in JahUHi y.

oUlu be;id and EHt bird Mold at lo361o' C ou tLei bbls old baeouidenol I at Sracat MJi.H, and Hal

tdils new to be delivered here next week, at Vn'.i:.for ahor.lders and sides. This was all taken lor theNew Orleans market.

Molatea dull, mint te (juoted at 2ai30.Sutjar dull at t(u,.c. larD receipt aud atocks of both

accumulHtiiifr.Liusoed to 76.



G'tton Sales of cotton for tbe week rw.iwo bales, ofwhich, Hpeciilatorc took l,U ft, aud exporter 3, '4JO halei.Gtlou baa a tendency-fa- ir and loer qu;ilities hate oeclinctd middlings le lilted

alts of Kridny, boon bales, leooor which, beiiou xptculatiou and for export. Cotton, cloned .lullMock ol cotton iu port SU.UW bales, of which 247,ouowere American.

Thoie have been free ariivals under a change ofwind.

Manchester advices favorable, cotton Gnu, businessuioueraie.

New urleaus, ties crdiuttire, at Havre unchanged.ale of the week 1.500 bala.

Stocks iu Dort ni.

Reread ;t u ft de. liniui?, cotton dull, all qualitiesslightly d.dined.Bl'rovihions dull, London consols formjuey and ac-count (Mci V

iiullian iu the batik of England decreased H,O0 dtir-ins- rihe w(ek.

Mouey market, aennrally, unchanged. "

iLT All orders lor aaah, doors, tdiuda, boies- -moldingB, flooring, ehingles, and lathes, allkinda of lumber, pine, poplar, hemlock, joist.scantling, and all kinda of fencing, weather,boarding, i.c, can be obtained at Alexander,hllia & Co. s manufactory and lumber yard, onFulton street, just above Freston street, and attheir lumber jard, corner of Walnut and Pres-ton streets. All orders leftat their warerooma,on Main street, nearly opposite the G alt House,will be promptly filled. au4 dtf

ETC. Hall haa for sale at bis yard on Green,between Shelby and Campbell streets, a superior stock of W hite rine Lumber of all quailties, hemlock fencing, and No. 1 Pine Shingles,which he Will dispose of low for cash. Calland see. W. W. IIULINGS.ocSdtf Salesman.

q. q.q q q, q q q q


ibb b" b.. b b fa b bS" NUF. .

Sft jtross Garrett's tottled SnnfT, '

UK) lK)xes Oan-ett'- pper do;lou boxes Bonn's ao do;

Just received and for aale t.yaVl EOWARH WILPICB.US Main st

A TEAL BAGS. 6,000 ASSORTEDif A-- ifr'es Flour Eags received per Key Wt and for

' ' --Mt byvr. A H. BCBKHARpT. IT Market at

HEAD:LIGUT AND l A C II I N Eand for sale by '

delO w bj. K KN a a ' H'li51


Fish jtut received and fr gale bydel i. d. ( soul, zs inona or wan st

jy 10 COFFEE. 200 . BAGS. PRIMEAi Rio Ooffe jnt teceived per Mail boat; and forsale by


II f INERS' OIL. A SUPERIOR ARl' A. tick,, especially adapted for Goal Mines, tuaia- -

laciureu auu lor pake u;- - c

deio ' wk. sksnp a oq . Polljit st- -

WESTERN RESERVE BUTTER.62 nrMus Western Kesrve uutter joet rect.lvJf lor sale by

BTEAMBOATS.For Bed. White aad Black Bivin, Arkansas.

F The finalislit riniivt :imTasarsairaasaW l' '1' U NT.VS, Kil, y. ma.iter,Ml leave aa above ou M.ON1M Y, the 2uil iuai . at

o'clock. F.for fr IgM or pw.ige apply op toarl. dVclfi dU


Lit..fTa..1STl floe atearunrigreiff n'niiiiaa DIANA, rtturtpon, master,Vt hi taate a abiTe on Tulr, the lilit int . at 4o clock f. a.

For fright or psK apply 011 board or to

.'"'. For New Orleara. "


- ..NThe flnp ntcamr' a. II. k Alki Htr.D r.nu

Will H'tieiu abut outri Uy the 17th, at o'clockr. vFor freight or ptwtasfc appl7 on 1oarl c r todfIS i. a. tiart tlU'T x COS. Aot.nl.


Th magnificent t atcumaiteg- - a sis era JOHN UAI LT, .1 H. Buuc huh-tr- .C.T. KH,!r clnk, an.l TEMPEST, It. ti'farr1111 tei, N. L. Jolitmon clerk, leav. LoiiHvil0 aa abovealternately eterr Thnnalay at o'clock, r. bj.

Paw!i(;.r ami shippers may rely ou theae boats lt!T.log punctually aa a.lvenlsi-.l- .

i? FZTU'ht,,'I'iJ P1""','"5'" Ukeu toall point onOhio nvor retfuUr packet rates.Fur further particular apply to

dlf M.Mai; strt.Kentucky Biver Packet,



. ......Capt W. G. THOMAS Clerk--a coiiiluniee tier regular trlna

...U . ' . "'" r- - "u ' folitinne toLeaves b uiKTilId every ThoraJiiy nt 3 o'clock r btfor Frankfort. Vuollori, (reaon. Alundy a ni,lilar a iHiiUiu LeaveH Louiiiril ie erery M0ml.1v at 3

0 clock, r. m , for Frankfort nnl Voo.l forJ UndiutrFor freight or - apply on lonni, or toSNYDER A McOt LLoM, Aenl.det dtf. fourth tiireet.

For Westport, Bethlehem, Madiion, CarrolltonAN1 ALL INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS.

Tub only Becular Packet, EMMA mDEAN. Cupt N. Vimtari., havincata 2B&oeeu inorouewy reraired troni aiem stern, andfrom hull to tai rejoined lier phice in thtrade leaviuu Louisville for the above porta everyTo. sJav, Tliurs.Uy and Saturday, at 1 o'clock r. M.

For freieht or puMe, having mperior accommod-ation, apply oa board or to. "' " FRANK CARTER, Aant.


U. S. MAIL LINE STEAMERS.lh Steamers of this raiSWSMSiSla ill leaveFUR CINCINNATI

1VEBV DA X IT 12 o'cloc raBoisccr,Which insures tho makins; of the o'clock morningconnection by railroad .'rum Cincinnati to tha ortband Kt.

MT For frslgh t or pasaafie. apply toJ03. CAMPION, Aitetit.

Mall Line Wharf-Boa- foot of Thirtftrwet. t26 dtf


And General Commission Merchant,Ar. 11 Madison strret, Memphis, Ttn.

AGENT FOK THE SALE OFand all kir.d of Li.jn r. FlourPork, Bacon, and all other Western Prouute.

Anasortmnt of BAUiT(UlCS kep consUutly on"in J. ii


and dealers rt3tin uiu nouroon ana nienoutrahela hikies.weit side ofStcoudtrnet,letween Main andWater. UniMvilU. Kv. iv d.frwiimtf


Between Fourth and Fifth, adjoining the Louiavillebourn jiui warehouaa,


s, and Furnisting Articles,FOR



CRCK EFiTb A K ERY,3:i9 Main Street, bet. Sevei'th and Eighth,

LeuUvllle, Ky.

WE ARE NOW PREPARED TOall orders aud deliver KOfclUNS' SPOVGE

CKA:KKKS in all parti of thecity. eithr to littela,leHPtilo:il or private fauiilieiJ. Tliuim cclet.ratei!

Cracker are claimed to Ve tlm bet in ue, ai Itiey aramors nourinhiua: than anv other made. Hotel un.laaloou supplied at low rate and at fhorl nori.-e- . Or-der left at their bukery w ill roceive prt nipt at'entiou.

KooiitD- cracker are lor rale ui Groc.-r- i. andBakeries thronirhoiit th citv. Cail f..r H:imsSPONGE CRAcK-EBS-

d4dlni CLARK A SIMf'NDS.



GOODS, .NOTIONS. Ac. ine determinediipou a cbui;e iu our business on tho first of .Iaini-- rneit. we desire to reduce our erxseut t4ic.t of FA N:Yan.l iHJMFSTlC DRY Ciooi'S much asand oiler wholenalu and retail dealers an oiporto:.ityof buying a stock of seaeoualilu Oood ateastern cct for cash.

S. IJLLMAN A CO., No. 4W Main street,nolt diiiBtjul heiween Fourth and f'.nllitt U


iriKUCHAiVr TAIIiOU,HetlHiHj it Slrifl BmiUmy, 0 Jtfrrvm Street, tWieeea

fuurth una t ijtn, tuvt Uj Club tlvut,LoulHv'lle. Ky.

THE UNDERSIGNED TAKESA. pleasure i:i itiformiug l.iv friends and lor-f- ? juier patrons that he 1 now opening, at the jJKtaii.l, a new and pendid uVA

stock ot fashiouahle HS.I'ASSIMIi KH , '.rtand fcsriNJ;1, which he is prera'ed ta mamifaoiutetoorder in his own peculiar and areroved slvle. andtie hopes all perrou d &i. ai a real A. No. I Garmentwill iiiSpot t ui siock hefoie purchaNiLg elsew here.

sel5 Uiuatf V. W. WF.LLS.

HINBV U.1KT... DILLON H. M A roTH I R... J NO. W 'a IT r ll

Hart, Mapother & Co.,


comer of Third and Market atrewte, Louisville, Ky.,and fri North Mi.iu atreet, tt. Louis, Jio.

Utll Heads, AccountCurrunt. Ruainea Cards. Cir- -culai. Bills of La.linv.8hrw (Jards.Meaiulx.at Re- -

isu r. ss, uratts, aa.l Hi'.ia of F.xchaue. Maps,tews, and Portrait, aud every desct ip'ir.u of l.ilho- -

Krpliic work, eaecutO in tba highest atvlc of the!2llyil


street, between Ja kson aud Uancock.tsr MAAS A AlcK A Y. Renl V.kV.hk Agents an.l Can.

ral 1 L.I lectors. Ollire as HU.ve. ocJl'Jly


V V dealer in Groceries. Grain. Feed, ami ll kindof country prcsluce, southeast corner ot Main andUKinptMill atieets, Lonixviilo. Ky. selV llv

Money Loaned.T ADIES OR GENTLEMEN REA--i qn'riuv LOANS of any am.. tint on Diamonds,Plate. o.. can be necomniotlated Lv ai nlvinir at theKichanpe Oftiiv.M Third street, next dot r to the Courier OUice. linsinesa prompt, honorable, and strictlyconAdtnitial huh .Itf . HI, AND


--a- cated, on the corner of Main aod Broadway, 9 ,PADCCAH, KY.

This Is a 6 rat class Hotel, and the rooms are Urand airy. A wharo of patronage Is respectfully aolicited. Bill mo.Utr.it. n. .It

TXTRA HAVANA CIOARS.A--i ..( Henry Clay CiFar?:

111.111 Kl Tolipan do;10,'IW Baroa Opera I'ofli',in lUrcn Louvres do;ln.MiO Mot de la Hor do;AJ.00 Bayadera do;

Ui,0iJ Nectar do;'74,"0 extra German do:

In store and for sale bydell NOAK A BCRBILL..

SONDRIES. Dried Peat hea:to do mw Beans;Ml do l)ried Hoiniav;

Received and for sale byueio H1URITT SON , 4y9 Market st.


Ixtra and Ponbls litra;& bags Buckwheat; for sale by


NEW LARD. CO KEGS PRIMEFamily Lard received and for sale by



C ABU0R OIL. 15 CASKS PRIMEfor sals by


for sal by T. SHANKS CO,anW hird and Jettersoi, streets.

UBIUCATING AND BURNINGL OILS Maouiacturvd and f.y- - sale byM.SK KN K ., BuIUtt at

T7RESH PEACHES AND BLACKX BEBRIF-3- . 3:0 caai just received and for sal,ery,.w b,w n nmtKH4RTr Market

PEPPER. 30 BAGS FOR SALE BYA. d4 M l. B. UUittUl boss.

"P RESERVED GINGER. 0 CASESA- Presr4 Qiler, sale y the case or Jar.

dels A- - BUIls, fco, tQ Third St.


and for v

ii a,' was


f. iia u.rt.

safeQFt iT H

Insurance Company,HARTFORD, CONN.

8. L. L00XIS, PresidentH. SELLOOa, Secretary.


Special Agents and Adjusters.

TAT EM ENT0F" "ASSETS, JUNEO 1, evar,iue1 and appr..v.. l.y the uditorof WISCONSIN. IN MAN A. K fcNTL'Ckv Y, TIN.NKdEE, Jti in eouipliauca wi k the laws of IhtsaState :

t'anH f'npltnl $(MMMM (MlCash Aaarta. .!M It

STATEMENT OF ASITS JUN 1.!SU oa hand au.l in Bauk...J........t4,.,..",9

tIASH d:ie Iron) .Went 7 i)1,4-- 7 1 HA It KM New Vork Hank ? t.'w'a a iI.'.l 2 ?

7V) SHAKM Hartford Bank Murk . 7s ia wlot SH Mf.H other .New Koir. Pauk Stock. ,hl6 i

AMOL WT LOANED ou Mortgages of liedEtntrt .. . 47.JO0 00AMOL'NT LOANED 00 Pledge ol liauk

Sttaki and other Approved Seeorify 45,) OU

2n water r!onl of the towu of New lirita-n- .

r0.?".. - - 10.IXM t)UACCUMILATED INTEREST cn invest-

ments ..... . 1,813 15

TOTAL ASSETS ..!:9,i-- ; M

LIABILITIES, t)eD nnadjnsted Lo9and th.-)- e not dieThe foreoing: ?t.itfmnt preneuti inch a view

of the Company' position as mnt impreM the cor.victH.n on th ruiu.t of ail of its.lvericy an-- l healthyeoudition. The oiol of Ut liabilities U e thanCompanies doiug ao lare and exter.aive a harinecaKeuerally show. No " h nj ami tare Ui of hhwjuI"," as a set-of- f aaiunt acenmulntiou. ia euhere.

If, therefre, yon want Innranra In a ristT-n-- .iNyuaaNi't Compact, ito to the

Phceniz Insurance Company,Through anv cf its authorized Aleuts, and yon willAnd jutt what yon deire.LoBiee fairlj Adjuited and promptly Paid.

W. S. VERNON, Agsnt,oel4 dinly No. 44 Main street, Louisville Ky

Peoria Insarance Office.THE AGENCY OF THE PE- -

INSURANCE COMPANY ha tteen transferred to nt he ,'F?V2i prepared to renew l'u!i ic lu.itiinng on ircarrwFire Kikn, or to iene Fire Mot Marine r. licie (nthe uioet tavoratde term. llain leen Sfteen yeaian fnaurane.Aent,:i.'ii'at.twiJ i.i.et wuh irimitattention to their applicHli.iu. file aud Mai ineRiaK respectfully liciud. The iharacter audcredit of the Office is A N't). I.

JoHS H. McILVAIN.Areaf.Oftice of John B. Mcllvaia A .a, Nu. ?3 Main

treet. oci2 dtf


North side of Maiu Stre:, t etween Foarta audFiftn,(ovaa jonN cbabb a co '.)



A S A G E N T O F TLIEui u ! resp'iisiLie ami w.i. r-- i

wStaM.sheJ CotupiB'eS, I n--ll tek FI HF.. '.ii7ZHULL, aud CAU.K) RISKS at the mxifcis--- W

ri'aubahl nttf a of premiuin, und ri solicit1 gent. reus share of fu!i.,ra"ce I osieess

H. H. TIMb;KLAkK. Affeat.Lonisv'lle. Ky., Aunint 1!. j . anl' dni.'tfW. P. Bl'LLOCK... .INOA. rtlti I.

BULLOCK & PR ARCH,General Insurance Agents

OFFICE NO. 433 MAIN STREET,If. Stokes's Store. Fire, Life. Caro, and

Cteamli tat Hail risks li.keu 111 lii- - following( oinrariiH. nt verillv auluor.itsi bv licens- ir. ni theAnditor of the tRt-- , to transact busii:-- !' nnd.-- thenew linnranc l:iw t Kentucky:Metropolitan Fire Insurance Co., Nrw York.

hsi t.'upiril nd Siirplu-- $27U,lkJHope Fire lustitnce Co., Ne York,t'a.h t'up- -

ii.il si. l Surplus ... 1i'i',impPt. il.e!. I(.hia Fire and lie I iim:nce Co., I'b il- -

a.l lplim, Caeh C.ipit.il ftnd SurplesKiti!n!e Mi.tual Icsur tii.e Co., PliilitJelphi:,,

Cash Capital 2i,sI'niteti Mates Lite i:ur.uce Co., New Vork,Capital .. 4'jl,iiStrict tiveu to bnniL.es aiid the interestsof

our cualouiei ; and jloeoea proiuptly mJjurle. at ourotllce.


Commercial lasnrance CompanyLOUISVILLE, K'., JL'LV 3d, 1?S6.

.jsi,nrfi1 .r. i anii S.'caKD.,rPHlS COMPANY IS COMPLETELY

. rHnlej ar.d ren t to euCK in a p'Uertil icsoranre busiu.s, and w !1 !ssr;e r.licies to covor propertysvainat fire aod on c rha.n:ts) o the oceans, nvorj,and I jiand roj": . vt bul.s

iiiiiCt'OSs.Thomas Qt?l"7. ch Keller,Them-- a H. Huot, 2 lw-- t Morris,

. A Gurn. r.T:io1. 4. SliRTIK. PreslJeat.

P. V. Atsjxp, Hncrt 'ary.OFFICE -- Nortiwent correr FoHi l!i nJMain streeU,



1 0"Eri;ed n'id ready to euvaue in a 0 liitjeueeal Mariueauii File Insurance biuiaes ?on liberal terms. tf"S- - s,i

Oflice No. jl (j north aide Main street, cpprsit thaPads; of Louisville, ov-- tnaAitrici.ltiir.il More of ij.W. Bashaw. WILL V ATi.I.S, PreidenU

BEat Lxmt, Sccret;ir7.Lliik.CTORd:

Jesse K.Rell. Wm. H. Stokes,V: li. iluttmau, Jolia P.arbe.Marshall H ilbert. S vaiM re,Joh, Terry, i iu. E. Curd.Will Vi a;ius. u7dlf" IsStJEAIICE OFFICE.


Office over Mark ,t Iowti" Dry St4. re. Sooth sideMaiu, bet een Fonrth and Fifth streets,

LOUISViriT-K- , KY.f IFE, FIRE, MARINE, & STEAM- -aaf boat Hall Policis. issued on the ne' favorableterm, in several lusnranceCviiiiDiiuies, which harens-tabi:i-

d repnt;t:o:is r i'ir dealing, prwUi pt p.4 oieulotl.oe aud nn.l.mhted lvTicy.

The diflerent lourvi-- e Cmpnitsi re rsen;el by na,as Aifents, are ainoii, the tt-- j brt mmi t.:rit iu tlieI'uited Mat-- s. r.d bavo :apit:ilj pitid up lu Cnb,auuse:ujre!y invested, amonatiir; in all to more t?l4i

SKVK-- 1 MILLION--- OF UOLLAKdlU'Lt-sse- promptly adjnsW at this Aptm-- and paid

pnuctanlly. A cortinua'n e of our preseut parrou.w irespectfully solicited. A lif of Coiiipsni rtpre-sente-

aud statements of their condition, will be f..:rnirh-- d odannlication. avTtdttiua

Louisville Iusnrance Company.

OFFICE ON THE NORTH SIDE OKb, lcen Tulrl aoJ Tocrta, ever las

screed" I. S.Chartered Capital ... -.- .HiO.flraJ'fttd la and rWore-- - ... lit),.

'1'hla Oj.'uft.;.! being now orKnL..vl. will mk insurance on hulls f t twmLU, on cargoes ty ame. byveeelj at soa, and Ly the usual n)o-t- cf InUud u,

a'.d aiao oa tniidiws, etc., aiiaiust loss trdamartt by f rc. l. 8. BkAt'iCt. Presideat.

Vvav. i aaiuaa, rece'ry.DiLEcroca.

ReaJ. J. Adama, A. A. GordsiB,T serosa . w list n, R. A. Robiusoa,

D. 8. Benedict. IrlTjitf

People's Insurance Company.IN NEVCOMCSnOFFICE Main anJ Eulftt y

treeta enu-f- ic oa BnlliUstroek. XcatCnartered Hfc"'' L. ,.. ..y"1"''Paid iu and hocured. loa.ni

Risks taken oa sbipraniB by steauiboaU. by vesselat sea. Bud by the asnal modes of inland trans portatk--aiso.oa taaaailaaad apparte nances of steam boats I

B. BllbuK,U. A. L)CMNIL.VIoPraeldat.

lot. h. Daaroata-- , Secretary.DIS1CTORS.

Chan. Q. Arms! rot, John A. Dnaloa,Iavld B. onr, James Brtdxtfvr4.

m. R. Paoddf, W. Q. Brent.John 8. Braocia. John R. Allen,John T. Moor. Tlobert Marriil. aril

Franklin Insurance Conpaay,IsQUIVILUS, AT.

FFI0E -- CORNER 0? MAIN ANDBalliU streMs. second itory, Bwoomb'i Solid-In- r.

This ComBaar oonunaea to Bisk lusviraao aninatth eetiU of navicitK'Q on ships, steaniboats. ami theireares; also, aoJn--t loaa by tire on vessels aud stxaasaboas (.building aad In port;, ana hoiee an J rorteaca.

AaaaBABi iiiTa. Soe'y. J AC. Ta AaL S. rres t.cf3W7TCli3. lWm. Cay, lUiJen T. Card.Wm. Garvin, ' Warren Kewcomb,jaa S. LlthKow. Pm'l L. Nock,Jno. W. Andraon, W m. B. naniiltoa.Jsa. II. Wilder. . Geo. C. Caetiamaa.Wm. Hughe. Hugh Brent.

jaata raaia. ...jts jsiraitf.Craik & Jeffries.

4 T T Q R X K Y.S- - A T I A WMarUn, Fall County, Tixaa.

V" B. MR. CRAIK, OF THIS FIRM,Xv wtll be la Louisville during December and apart V.f January, and will attend lo alt business thatBisT b entrusted to tlim ta anv part ot Teiaa

lis may Ih (on bI at th Law oftice of A let. i ae lay,tM., oa JeOersoa street, Ppaosiw the Coqrt house.


GLASS. . ..0 lass, at;

lu) di do, lutlj; . - .

J oat received and for sale byOelU AUWA.KD WILt)IR, 448 Main st.

N EW FIGS. 100 DRUMS JUSTtf-.- .' -



s j


Ito. 1 Masonic Temple, Louisville.

WE INVITE THE ATTENTIONHousekeepers, ,Mimsrrwa. flreaaniakera.

Tailors, Kanrfactu-er- a of Snirts. Collar,, skirt!lli- -i perlecl atlsptallolt ami unrivalled evce'U-nc- ofineip.iu. .nituonMrivir om Their .itc.mveand iBorH.in! mK an 1 the nnaimoiicnrunia.datiou that they have warraal f tmesiuyia wu-i-i- l raroninieiKliBK them TtevhsM ntum suihcienty fc.nu t ie,t theiu thoroughly, and bavaaiu entire sate-t-w- t ion.

luev ara siinsle 111 e an.llie in eperli.T. I.eai!tf m in.sU-- l I tifh.ixwdadotu thw RarHT. and anile.1 Ut tht, work.plaatde 'tlika to the se of th. fimi!y and Biaaofac.turer. Thwirspe-- is from t.. s it. ha perUiltute. or fg'iiil m Ihcieiicv to 12 seaiustressrsL tl..l..tit'ltin'. aa kev do. healtiihil .iirrM an.l rl u.n.l

e B for joul-an- le dy-i- l. st r,v 191 ilrn otthey are hai'ed as H'mii a sid.'fhl Chnnut" Ois.Jrt in'tLe telisl. n lnrinir th. .tyar.n that the npeer tbrend is use.i from the irikiuwl

i.k.i; ana ine ..r fbj hv wl.M hhems are tnrnet aud titche.t without any Brevjoiibastinv. etiucn the r:treot the Company In im orpera.liair with t) Mirhines everj that can teUl topertertma them 1 hey now combine every impn ve.ment thiit h.s Iwen invnifeyl for sewinc.and tl.e Com-rin- v

feel ronh.tent lht. In their nri.t l..earebvfartbe best ever orl-r- t rie anMir! ot .era. for continuation of tlnsoBinlon 1,. th ik........

of Inmihes and iiiant)fa. ttirers who n themin Ding price at which iloiibie-threa- d Rewinv

Machines! hv been sold Kr the le ivo v.ars, and thnecessity f F iruily Sewing M hine,at a avicswitlnn the r. a. h of all. h.s rwruionl t'.and sale of numernna worthies Machines, whi, i is.public have. t rerttio evtent, purchucj. iu thbiipeof obtairins? somethinir to answer their purpose.

a nr 01 inis ncwuy. an.l t tske t!e place cf""' are ciiiwiouiy. d,it very im propyl ly railed cneaaM,chiues," we have redn.-e- tie pricf onr Mac hine,and have a tfm ttvl; we I th..ietinot ao hiMv finished as the reijnUr heeer x w

whii'h put n, at the low price ofWe eive tnllms'mcrtoa to enab'.t, mirhulr.,n...

ordinary seams, stitch, hem. joilt. father biadand tnrk.all oa thesame Mchtce.tlRl LARH. oontainina; trlresaud testimoni-als from ladies of tt.e hi ' ties- - aorta) standing katand W-- tivirn petees, e , vri'.l furuishej ttralison axp.i stK.n in person or by letter.ao7dddvweow i. -- TJMNIR M i'O





FEVER AHD AGUE.And th varioe.s Tecs:a, cnse-iu-n- t ny-j- adiscr J

Stomach or Li7er,?'ich as In.liest;rin, A i.lity of t!i ?"!om irb, C !lclyPiiin.s. hesvrtl.'iru. less ;f App-tit- e. la-- . pond-rr-

Co.i.iies. fthu! s.ti.1 hleel.i.if piin. Ja all ;,ervoris, Lheui.iaiH-- , aud lienrt sic ASonions, it h'W iinnnier..i:s itss'ancrj prove,! h!ati!y teneii au I in

ire T eilecleJ a deciJe I cureThis i a p'ireiy vertl le ro'nponnd, e reps re I oa

st i. tly scietiM.'c principles. ,:'t.-- Of niaur-- r cf thec.i!el.rttl Uolland Prjieasor, L.ethava. i!.s rie olIts sutr--s in n'.n; oi h a roi hu states, itsintiolu. te.n into the Cnited Stsre-- . was Ki'e.we.i tuoreesueciul.y lor tiitsx. cf our Uth-!r;- il sc.u; her- - andther., over the fs- - of fm mu-nt- nntrv. l :ii:gwith rreat sor.-e- aim ng tne:T. n.iwi.Or It t i tieAineu. pol lic, tu.i'iii that :fs truly wouderfiL'

i"ol .irtuea must be sck'towleaeil.!t is r,ir:ii o'tr'r rm oairaeod.-- v those person,

whose cousti.uiii rw ruay n.. ln in:is.irsl by t.1coTt'-inou- r.se of ardi-n- t sp.rits, or other fi rms of iJ.is.Sip.rioa. Gene-i,::- ? in-c ns oi tef,.l , it tin. Is itway 'lire'.t'v to tue ,n vf !, tl.n:Ubt anJ 'Ticau-in-

everv nerve, vsioi up - r.j spiri- u, iufa. t. lo.w hei.iiii vi..r a til.. sVst m.

NoTICrt. '.Ui.fv.t ipet'ts to t!u l this a bee. ae.witl lw diMipDot!d; but l ' !h 'tea. k. aud i.v.Spirited. I; will p.-- ve cordi.tl, po.

ed of .iiiiuU.r ii--i )ei!iHl i . ,.CACTI 03!

The sreat p..pRlriry of this Aromahaa In-duced hiittiy initifioD, w 1. h h th f .,:c nbful.l rar iimt p':rch.sii;?. i.,,t xsm twl it. t anyttunre:nr.t.l yon iuve rivt P.ermv" II- ti..ii l Mitt rssfurtr nl. nun ti.irle will cohvp,. y'u Lw luiuole!)

i is to a,; tii, to inita'1 is.sr sJoid a; rer lott. r it - M!es fuj j.',. ly thr. f ;..i'i:i'.ri'i.S,


PHARMACEUTISTS AMI CIIF.MISTSHtahHra. fa."Sold iii Lonisviile ty s i)s..0 J i?tsrf ir l; Wai.

Sp- iL?er JL l:rn., larsi-- strret, Mi-- Tnii J andKour:l.; Cary I ii t. N . Market str-st- . rn.nlFourth, ex t b si.lt: aid by l)rnists gaueraliy. Jt. FSrril per. Agent tor N. w Alfcaav, lnd.

tJ le, si Is.ls.nwi am



OF THF.J. A. s inach l b.jtls. aft ui le--l w'th cb. V ti ill.Ot W of tho ili 'estive i-

lysp--p- Hti ,::s tienU-.o- : ills, ,. ii a j

k'errvo. It a.M jj fiif'tt, j

(TvyiKitlu, JM.t:t,I

Flttntrm. wvarAva,;,! httn o Biat,(..4V,

Ci pa. w. nf sereri of th 6v'' I.

H:rnmj mt !,'.. t.A pit of la , wk.r ( tSNpi-I'B-

fii'iii.a.us r t Van,fjn i tSr .. i u,.mir or fcei . thi rihttUt '

StuUmtfM uf m fiii-.tx- , j

prrwuv"''" ' rruubUuf of tmtr, Jo.,Have iu u S'i ia dtn-s- l in- - s in. hef t. U ra, of tbbewtjr.ieUui.1 prsa ti'ioi.er ii th world, and cian, Caee '

ha.s Im-- ';i:)..ne.t as oiriirat'l- -. I

Dr. J. Wl LLIA M. b Miist an I rhArrissiitist.it .rvfulyir? tue prs, :,cs ot 1t. Atvrne'by asol J.JohHsc-H- Kiil.snd, s.i d i tne iiHtii-- e ot thedisens in ail its :.?', d.ir r s uri iuthe.u:e-- lern nd wee-.r- poitien of I niu.l Mates, whern .t '

r viilstoa fr -r i.xteit th.i-- i eis.-- here, proi nr.slfrom ."W.p.th An cie a, .f at'd beros, fromwhnh te preparel au "El:i.r; " iu I,. .r.e- eil,ieenyes,r' r. in ir.'.me pr -, Lhs pn v,J n.s.--

in ilrur. f lvp-y- than a:iv ii"d n.e j

that h.iat,ver lu prep.. in anv aor aacliut U tthe sat-i- put auee.

l!av nig It. with aa evplai.a'i. u of its cm-- !pineut. to a ntiaier ol P;ivli i.w of f h!!ad-tpf- ii, j

wm iiiT wheat wer the late lrs. Hi tabor" i 1

J. t). Morion, it hue re,ive.t thir e,,tire apvr..wi. andmauy of tfiK Medi&il tWulty a:an.-- a..r uiy prcrir,.ins; it for their psjiier.ts. l ot .r nsing it ior themselves i

perst.nally, and iu tliir lniiiUns. a a toaic. ituci ice pr. ai-- o i atiKV' t: a is--

tore, ttt it ie f v it i snrda t ilS'Ij ar.l sie cesr tothe m.)t ten -- r i j, .r's.

Tb -- fcltT.ir" Is :y '.Ta.ln!, but rerti'a ia luupon t'ucrgaosof d:eion, tht seer-- -t

iona of th liver, piie res ai.J r.M-oi.- s ui..nt.rs,n oltlie atom a h, and rej'iir tt only , J.sk be lkejia lut hours; t'.T iobdrnjei Uispepsy etn emybe cured ty retoiio tl cririwi ol d.je-t..- .a

t a healt by TL sreni n.eoas rio-- i witniucunusthe most aitrv4fe I ..v.s, of , accuiitpaaelsometimes ::h a b;h r"sde of hj p. . I.ou.lf nsbstatiishej rr.e p ost r.ute.cv.iltil Coiinleiit iu Uijil,- -rativs pro parties of th;, "a.i.vir;" it oorobenuan ofwhu h re el tri f. tlowing

AT TI TATICN. W m, Usv.iia" u.a W illiair "Ar.ie.c f our," with ta newt perfect a:ita

ar 1 suc'-ea-, t.ke reat plewsare tn retomaieiidiag it to

all peroi.si:deri!'g witn trie liyaeps,, aa wre roilycoBvitMMd of ii estimablw ..i:n!iii.-- in rssuriuathe .l!'st! reniocicat ail r:n aud iuswi.Bes. and tr'pnruua bea:lhy Uiueof ih stomach:

John U Pi Litv., .1 .vo iiQ Mhtrve; Caspar kterriB,Tacoty; Thomas Al iNn e, Presi Innt ol the fcwjia olPen nsyi Vim ia : Abier lioes, M'ua-- t street, aOt--r

Ststh; U. iiai.,, No. 14 SortO Wharves;Michaal liuiiu.uperini' uoi t tv hsae;Ilsnoah buNsv, ) rsnk .Vrd Ibsvi; tlaunali woU 'tafilUit 'reo U. N. ry. IJ kJward street: I

Ne bold, N . i. Leatrmt street, Pbila.!elpais ;Wm. Vari.6 ity Lo ; lim.olr a L Ami, ; Broad-way; h. t. w inane, ss W ater ;reet. New fork.

Th list of naiiie ca.i.l be extrndetl to almost anyletiVh, hut C" i. rex-.- 'g U jurBclelil.TtskMowv U. A eptTV. wu oSstwOowei g

lit ei is t r toDr. J. Willi Bsis-.i- r .. for 4is?o year

to I su.lerwl so Imuc'i froai I'yspepsy, that Icompletely prostrated, boUi iu Bund and bialy,

and at leu'h bca-i,- o to w, sLeu I I conlal But atteojto ay bu:n, 4.U.I ws sinkiug Into decline, and it k

was beiivvta I never rrvr; th bHtaid w, procured kr ni aud every aeu rai(e. u jwith-n- t any rehef, tuk I wss t ltunl to four -

ir," and from the liuie I bc;su tamj it I I

mprovMl ti.! I was :oMi pi.it iy r.'4ire-- i to be., 4. ThedroaJhU auuenca I eadnsi frost !speoy. I sanaol

but I am onfiiieat that witaout th us ofyour a!iirr." I should b la By grsew. I aeerrt thatI solemuly bwltev yotir "l.iir ' Ba saved ne from aaeaxlv death. I ooatiaa Bow la th- - si.ioym-i- it of Bjoalsai.llent baeUta. n. N. UPkRHl,

Jntu hA, 17. No. hM X. Th ini St., Phil.We, th nndintirned, hav known Mr. H. S.MBHrry

jr several years, aud take pleasure in stating tuwl bisassertion cao b perWtlv reliej on. and tat we '

selves know mat Be ns rxsnu wonuenuiiy r ,icea u

b eaeerW. by the as of W:'T'sd;' liir."Ta.iH ts J. Ca' i,"So. IO fkixoia si.Joaa tmn. K.e icrvt. abov Second.

Fersoually ar,sr-- d K' t tn. fon of th AluVrTBeaof th1T of r fl illdeli.h l.O If. !tarry, WBo U0&4 ,

aulf aTirrueci, oia ce.a ana say.tna tn awit swit.rih ia IU above cwrU3 at ar trs lasvqry aactka.utr.

tfwora and snbscrilied tV',vlh dav of Jare,ratfrkiili a a.akt.. Al.leruuta.

?fh "Kliiir" iu pvt'Hva, at ti asv k, ot 4 laaUewfcr fV. Also lT. w iii;Aii "i lucooiaaiw tk pvl-ti-v

car of Abb, t a.ll vd k ever. Ao. Psa pr'wau... , . JAJtkS 4lCLItti, ii. feV

lAeaujSa4 i I, n '.9. 1 S ii;k SIX T4 i, raitaawpr,.' 6enral ag.vnUa.r Lveijv i: kiasars. a If TAl

BT..th sid Haj fourUst, r.taadtawkfca


AB ASICnTTa4A 8ap7o Steel jLngrj..l g.

-- THB TILLAC. a LACASMITH "i:''T 1' t..Art Journal, an IllustratedQuarterly f .wtM. l a ticket in the Distributionol Pf' v. ..Ss.Tift- - a



farertnittat Fevor. or Fe-e- aod A4i, ra

Fa.rr, I bill Fever. Ouiub . Perwli. 11 . .,l.le, or Blll..O HewaCIM, auJ BliwtM

Fevers; iude4 kr Um whole, via,oi J oriaiBaiiaa' i bit.

iary derai(eaieut, cauaeUby tlie M wtrm of

uvuairiev"V O ONE REMEDY IS LOUDAl called t.r by tlie na ess it e of tha Aiaerlcaa I

pU than Mira an.l alcur for Fever an.l 4u. .we ara bow Mitkml lu onVr, wiUt a perfrs.1 cruthat it will eradicate the .liseaee, aud who motlouiei.1 on ,r f, last Bskrw caa artan it tla any (juanlily. I

Thsl aaa h protects fruo. 0 preveata this di Ia, nst b of imiiHDM servu e ia tlie ooiuuiuaitma I

l prevails. at bet tar thaa cars, for lh,tw .it sm s sea tba risk wBu-- he asust rua .a vm :

atutcks of th a baiefU distefuaer. This"t 1 1 " sthai Diut-ni- a.) is. m of Fivib 10 A41 a ,

systu au.l prsiv.ab. the itesetopaMBS ol tasv 4iia.itnfcwu on tha lirat appro, h of the preiuouitorvtoms. It M not only lh best rewtody evwv vet disc. 4

"I ior th. claaa of cost ptatn l, but also tba cDeThe larse iiuntiry we supply for a dollar linn.Within the rxwch of evory body ; an J ia bile.oa lialrwhere Ftvia ii Aoos prevail, avery bosly hhave it and us i( Irmly, both tor care mud arotvciIt is hoped this price will place it within there.

'I the poor aa well aa taw rich. A treat wp-- lif this remedy over any other ever litr.l fc.rpee.ly ao-- t certain enreof intermittent w. that it

tain Do liuiauiw sr aa,aarai. enaa,natT it bvoU.B0.4111111SI11 or other uijurn.ns edecta w tiatevr aaon ,constitution. Thos cure,! ,v it are iell as bowitaythey had Bvvsr Wmi the disvaaM.

i'ev..r and Aue ia not aioue the eonsetieaca ofIDiasniuOc nisa. A crest variety of liiaorit-- r :itroiu its irritation, autoua; whi. a are eurelr a, tin t

nitiaia. Wont, Headache. RiBlaea, TootBncee. k 'im. vMrru, a'iriiM, rai piiatw.B. raiaiul snect I


fl the plesB. HysWK. Peiu ia th Bowols.

fsralysis. aud Uorsuiirnaaeut ol Ik dtuaaach.w 110 n , wnen or ii nation m tins caiwM put outermitteot Ivpe, or txc.iine periodical. Thia "to.expel the poison front th bloud. amt conemnsiL1.curt them ail iUe. il is an iuvaluti select 100 jininiiirrsnte or persons traliu4 "r tensorarii v r Iilia; hi ta niaUu-HMi- districts. If taken vecasiouor daily vin.s vpoei to th iafnetiou. that will be 1rret-- l from ths system, and otanot accmau'.ate iattcent quantity to ripeu latn dsea. Heweo it 11sore vsIuai.Is, for protecooa ths cure, aud tew sever snrf.'T trm inennittenu. if they avail Uteiuaelsof ths protectaia thi reoMdp ador.1.


are so composed that disease within th rangw of th I

cti..n ciw rarwly withsiaud or evs,W them. Thepenetrans properties search and clewnsM. asvt invu ., jate every pom. .uwf the kumsj, ufouviu, orre.ili JIU distaeel ai tiou. and rsu.runr its heaslay vitalitie 4Asacwuse.ineiM-so- f thts propertM, ths. .i.vaiij wh (s wwssj uowu wua psua or pnysica.1 deotiity a. aatonue.i w uui bis oeaitn or energy restorsd by a reuse.at oiio so si'upiM ana invitiav.Sot only U they ear tbe very-da- y corny ainta 1every bouv . tut also many formi labie and user.. IuiKMsae. rn rfnts below Balneal ara pin u.aisU.aratia, at American Aliuauao. oontaiaiaa eert fCKteaof their cures, and directtc na h.r their aa in 1following eoinptaiBts : H. rM,um, HJ

arien a Irom UiaoruVred .saaoaah. maams 1..V.lfell !l. r;un II, 1.0. K..rl.i.l lr.1 .. .n ,1. uFUtnlency. Lis of Appetite. Jinndii e, and other kiadre.1 complaint. arisias; from a low ta4of th body oiuusiruciion 01 11 iuucti. 1 hey are aa telieiilfor the reo .vatioa of the bkssl aod th rwmr.atiou of ton and trenta to th fystes dbilitted .diaMMe.


FOR THE RAPID CCRI OFCoughs. r..lls, Iatlnenzit. B.NtrwenesM frouo Brthins, lucipient lonsiinpiio, HJ t9mliel ol i onsiuoptie 1'st .uM ia j.vancej s of f,ie 4,.So wide is the field of its ww.ft.tnes an l to nnmerotiI it core, th ainioat every section otcountry abound ,n persou, puoiiciy known, who hvbeen restored from alara,,, ,j eu Oeeperateaves of the Iuum ky it ae. ben once tne.1. itse.ntv over eveiy otW msaiicin ol it kiasl Us,suparcntto escape olervath.n, aud whera iu virtueare know o.tb public no lonaer he,,utwha4 aotidois,to euiui..y ior tn d.str ,ina and daugeroie. aHect.not tne pnlniouary ornan that a.-- iMculanl lo our cli-mate. hile iwauy ii.ler.ur remlie ibrust an ihneooiiaunity bv Uiewl aed U:i Uiscar tni h4..HH-.- Iriend by everv trial, coierre.i beue-i- on tnaltli. UKl they cau never I .rt, aud proumesj cwresuumeroua and too teniarkai.i to b Arolteu.

rairtain ay

Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co.LOWELL, MA3.

ipby Edwsr l ilderand Suu litf Jk Hughsa, Loi-vill-

auire L kstem Jt Co.. Ciuciansti ; u. n aders eser w tlere. ao.nl eV,al, wwwnut.

CATJTIOlt ! 2ZAD CAHSZULLTTh ceaalasy klhlyrareatrate BU.K.

HAVEt HOLLAND B1TTLH-- . I. p. . IfUAI.K.P1NT BOTTLM aaly, aad .U4at n slaltair pr attl.T areat Bopalartly mf UU Jastly eslsv.knttetl .ledlrlasj kit adael aaaay laaltai.tloa, whirl tk pn.Ue aaall nars aaai


JT lJu; -- f l" rarUtrBsj!th lake I f every kitl. '

issajaaua aje, jr., & Co.,TfaaafactwrtB). PkrHia.rallt Jk ksUt .

JkSTAHBIKDU,'''r- -a)ls-- l A.I 4,d.kf wsxvwlna f wwtll. K V.


I'll Mli VI

xvra WORN BT


prutiumi lor all our rs e. Rtder,-I-iuh the e, aiy bloom evr so brightly ,a "tn

slowing r t!ii-v- t e er o spa. khuij, the leetUbe Ih. sr of ptails, if tt.e head is beiett of Ueoenug.or the hsir be sn rli- l and stirivei.l, W.4asd .Ky, ur' ti;i, if spriukU-- wit:, lfpv. batiir will Lmu ore thsu b.,f Prol. W.ju-- I bir jteetor-aliv-

it used two or threw time wevk. w.,1 restore,sod secure to s.l iu a u ornauiei.t tUatthe lotlowmt; an. I jii.lsj. Tu writer of lu first M m,I'LlH-llt'i- t FtMU.-t- , 'l iuiisfTj;

. Toaa. Apr.l 19, liM,Ia. Wood: Tfar.sir ; Prtuit me t expresa to yothe ollis.tlou I am titn.'er for the entire rtor(a olin. hair to its ..riniil color ; about ttie t.uie of mial 10 Ihe I uiled .H'stes it ws rs.pi.1iy bsavuiiuj?rs, , b'it uion tlie tpplicvtiou of yonr " iiair MVsu.ra-liv-

11 s.s.n re,vvere4 its oneinsl hue. I coasalery...ir kesturative as s very wonderful liitaiiu..:tn;e ious aa well areraol.I aui, ueari.r, y ..urs truly, THALBIRd." I'rvch a V tivryli.sly,ct."

NLsH NkWsrtrva OwiCB,N'sesau st. April IJ. Kx4.Por. O. J. Iwue mt; Seme month r aig

Weeks o, 1 receive.) 4 b..lll of Vour llir Uoatorativso I .t lo u.y w ,fe. a ho coiu.iiide.1 to try it on swrbir, lit I thibKing al th tiaia tlisl it would rest,, re.tbo gr .y hair to .1 original color, but lo Ber a i Mmy surprieo, all.r a few wea' trial it has perforate.lust a .nJerlul .ilecl by turuiitg ail th grar b urs toOai k br.-s- u, al the sun we besot if) titu i.l taa kew-i- u

tl.e h v.r. I strongly moiunu-B- tbe ao feesuo--r

ti.s to as! persona lu went wl sia h cbiwva i.i uM,b.r. lUAkLUtitKUISNsw V .aa.. jalv A, le".Paof. O. J. m .xi: H ita coau.leur .a,

your Hair Kiortie, a be,ag tas. buIrverssjW. ? iuc uai ior lust Hsir e,my hair aud a liH'h wera liuvt hr.bivs Krowu diwrk ; aud 1 bus Inc., usa.ealthat a tew luore apo. ale.b ill r.Ura then, to h,rlislurai 1 sun, blM relieved BJ of all daa.iruit

ami ui.tilearant il. biu, so couioio anHo? pars.. awtioperspii.n-H.lv- . J. . fcvlLBV

Pa..r. ..! -- Atajut two year mf bairl failiuK uj and turning ny; I wa Stol bwvius

in tstld, aud hal treel many K nieli. a u. bo erf,s i.coiuu.ence.1 usiug your Biestortlis ia laai,lew appilt ttlon Uefelied aiy hli; trutty. It bngaw t.,hit op, grow out, and tome. I t.s k lu iu drawr cvh.r

1,1 a . At this tune ii is lull eeatorej to it. origiuatColor, health, aud appearv, aud I cheerfullv rv, ,,m.

it us to ail. J, 1. Muks.t hicHg... I'.l .. M ty I. VsA7.

Th li.t.r Keatoasitivw i put np In tw.ttle of Ihresvsizes, vi: Ury, ateslium. ami fisll ; the await boklsb wit a piut, aud retails one dollar per Bni; lasn.eii.iu BoiUl ! twenty percent, wvorsl I propor-tsv- u

than the small, retail fortwq Juiiara p,r koiik.-tit-Urrt h..l. I .uart, jorty per .eat. more .a fro por-

tion, au.l reigns for Xii. J. Utouidi,, Proprietors. 112 Hrs.lwar New

lorkunthe ureal J,. .V j UiUj,; kUUbiuiut.and 114 Market a.o.1, sit. Loins, Mo.A iid Sold b, l Suod Lvas;ist aial Fsnry Goo-- I

LValers. set deud .,wimCu

3l?1ol& Liverri! 1 1, ii lATOR!

PREPARED BY DR. SANF02D,Compounded Eatiraly fra Gmaj,


la a srw ear ftall nu,rbl-- i or b4 i MOLIat H.mia asul aterfn.ni tues,itB..up-ai.i- n preveuuv ol Caoltaan tn. ir tiscn s on lv on boil 1. in iia( uo y ... . .u-- i ua v. irtrow out ofVMortling th .tomsK ' he srstvoa ta .BVs la of

Bssi to digaet meslicm Bistr a lagwell, pstriytsy tk Lwil w il'luiss.giving ton wad hea.th uu Utsttl, tsvk.a lorto the m hoeFackiaerj. ;"" Javsukb, r.ua.?ai B,jrsiuriiK th cans, oil iiluia.uai,.in diata .nWMtj rrww t best isx jra.bcad cure, 'bbbbI I wa.l.st, tag en K iJutrt

aivvs. !BtiLiow irro areig. tiiasBnlT.wtiw(,caret, ad w a4 at ket-- . "vigor to t he appauite', prveabd. by tSa. BT Intake last toccaaioaal a of t h si .welL


L..SP tnwiifi.ral.ir f Kit do, ta rapaaj-"- d.On ibsv. aftrawtlBgj cars v . k: Lstk-b- hi

is snthrieul lo Telle. """"I la iu worst t na,th stomach and prrent .wtuaaSOsjaaaeast How- -lb looa broia raviusj ao 0inamt avidsounug. j' to tk Brtt no.iuiy oa Asm. takoa sw A , bottlaa will cwrwbefora sxiring, pvw.ob- Dmopbv. by srcuuig lastSiKlMTBlXM. BBBBl nsa--

UYjf do, taken, ' v tats pleaear rvat VmsMus Ik. j rscoat at ad a tkreow- -i euuy. aaa curat mediciM a a pre.airwri.eivmu or lint aa Avu.0 do, taae. afrar v aita f irtt,

t U Bleai, il car rjw kvwn f kilinvi ty a.bvwta.1. 'aaast PeratM wick r --

ofwas uta two Bvay. ' laiaty, al ihoJaa,ka- -spovafula wlU aiwa-- rv r Williag to Pl.at.rwlav ihvi tl tlMOMC r .er'-- , v ,1Htm!y OUiv i b ILL H . r u. ITBtely rvrva Cvtll.,"'' isavas

' A . TtvTl.Ci djDSw, uiUa repeat- - " . 1J 1T4 WA HitH www la th wsoatk wit, tv, Uvirteg. baA

waOosi both Ucstkr. i IfUICK OS OOIzjs rrx

1 SA,ToVJ. Proprietor, So, JO Brolway.w lt. 1

neakjallDraniBta. 8oVJ a)o ty"AATMOND A TT LKaV7t Fowrtk street.

Oty JasaliasAseaow Loaias-iU-. Af- -

PASSU. 200 If ATS PRIME JUSTW rwieivatl aod lor pal kr :J. S.M021I3A SOS

JUTS.) bags r shall ahaoad- -I.i ...a r

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