daily workout 5.21 - ericleija.com: let's get primal · b3: chin-ups x 5 reps grip a pull up...

Post on 10-Jun-2020






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Movement Reps/Rounds

Perform 1 round of every exercise back to back.

Pelvic Tilt

Lateral Pelvic Tilt

10 Reps

10 Reps


Hip Circles

Lateral Spine Glide

10 Reps

10 Reps

Spinal Flexion and Extension

Lateral Spinal Flexion

10 Reps

10 Reps Each Direction

Neck Juts and Tucks

Neck Glides

10 Reps

10 Reps

Arm Screws 10 Reps

Arm Circles 10 Reps Each Direction

Elbow Circles

Paint the Fence

10 Reps Each Direction

5-10 Reps

Hang Loose Shake

Forward Leg Swings

10-20 Shakes

10 Reps

Lateral Leg Lift

Knee Circles

10 Reps

5 Reps Each Direction

Ankle Rolls 10 Reps Each Direction

Exercise Descriptions(See Below)

5.21.18Workout Focus: Strength, upper body push/pull


WorkoutExercise Descriptions

Pelvic TiltStand in a tall neutral stance. Tuck your pelvis under by squeezing your butt and then tuck your pelvis back sticking your butt out.

Lateral Pelvic TiltStand in a tall neutral stance. Keep a soft bend in both knees and lift one hip up and one down. Bend the knee of the hip that you lift up and connect your hip right to your ribs and alternate sides.

Hip CirclesSqueeze your butt and tuck your pelvis under, then lift your hip laterally to one side, then tuck back, then lateral lift to other side. Circle your hips around smoothly.

Lateral Spine GlideStack your forearms and shift side to side, gliding your ribs over your hips. Try not to move your hips but section your upper body over your lower body.

Spinal Flexion and ExtensionIn a standing position with your pelvis tucked under inhale and open your chest wide, chin to sky, extending your spine. Exhale and tuck your chin to your chest, round your shoulders, flexing your spine. Alternate between flexing and extending your spine.

Lateral Spinal FlexionBend one arm and point it up and lift the other arm and point it down. Reach the hand pointing up, up and over your head in one direction and the hand that is pointing down in the opposite direction. Create as much distance as you can from the fingertips on one hand and the fingertips on the other hand. Reach as far as you can in opposite directions. Alternate sides and reach 10 times in each direction.

Neck Juts and TucksStick your chin forward and then tuck it back getting long through your spine.

Neck GlidesStanding in a tall neutral stance, glide your head shoulder to shoulder.

Arm ScrewsLift your arms out to your side palms up and open. Rotate one palm all the way around, rotating the same side shoulder in its pocket as you look and reach with your other arm in the opposite direction. Shrug the rotating shoulder and roll it up



WorkoutExercise Descriptions

Arm CirclesLift both arms ups, one in front and one in the back. Reach as far as you can in opposite directions and then draw big circles with your arms. Keep reaching in opposite directions as you reach through the middle (both arms are horizontal) to help open up your mid back. Circle in both directions, backwards and forwards.

Elbow CirclesHold your arms out in front of you, circle your forearms in and then point your thumbs out, try and bring your elbows together as you circle your hands out as wide as you can. Perform 5 circles in one direction and then 5 in the other direction.

Paint the FenceHold your arms out in front of you and then lift your wrist up as high as you can, flexing your wrist, then lower your wrist as low as you can, extending your wrists. Flex and extend your wrist up and down for 5 to 10 reps.

Hang Loose ShakesBend your three middle fingers in, pointing your pinkies and thumbs out. Laterally shake your wrists quickly and loosely. Shake it around for 10 to 20 shakes.

Forward Leg SwingsStand tall with a proud chest. Keep your core tight and swing on leg forward and up, kick your leg straight and then swing it back down and bend at the knee when your knee meets your other knee. Kick your butt and repeat. Try not to arch your back and stay as tall as you can.

Lateral Leg LifeStand tall and lift one leg up to the side as high as you can. Try not to lean to the opposite side. Press through your rooted foot to stabilize and try not to swing your leg up but lift it with intention. Perform 10 slow and controlled reps on each side.

Knee CirclesGrab your knees and draw big circles with them. Trail the outside edges of your feet. Draw as big of circles as you can. Perform 5 knee circles in one direction then 5 in the other direction.

Ankle RollsStart in a standing position, turn your feet away from each other at about a 90 degree angle. Pivot on your foot and tuck your toes under and roll your ankle putting only as much pressure as you feel comfortable with. Stretch the ankle as your twist the rest of your body with the pivot and alternate sides slow and steady.



Movement Reps/Rounds

A1: Jump Rope x 150 Skips or 90 SecondsPerform skips with a jump rope, preferably a weighted rope. I used a muay thai jump rope from Rogue.com.

Jump Rope

Bodyweight Dips

150 Skips or 90 Sec.

10-15 Reps

Exercise Descriptions

A2: Bodyweight Dips x 10-15 RepsUsing dip bars start with your arms fully extended. Keep a tight core. Bend at your elbows and angle your body forward into the dip. Try not to shrug your shoulders but keep them packed as you descend. Press all the way back up to full elbow lockout.

Workout 5.21.18

A3: Alternating Kettlebell Halo x 20 RepsA3: Kettlebell Halo, Alternating x 20 repsDescription: In a standing position, hold the kettlebell upside down by the hornsand rotate it around your head from shoulder to shoulder, alternating sides. Godeep behind the navel of your neck. Keep a tight core and focus on loosening upyour shoulders.

3 rounds minimal rest in between exercises

Alt. Kettlebell Halo 20 Reps


Movement Reps/Rounds

B1: Barbell Bench Press x 8-12 RepsUsing a barbell. Lay on a bench, bring your feet underneath your knees, and press the floor down, squeeze your butt, create tension throughout your whole body from the floor up. Grip the bar with your hands shoulder width apart and flex your wrist, knuckles up, and “bend the bar” bringing your elbows under your wrists and depress your shoulder down into their pockets. Keep a slight arch in your back, but keep your butt on the bench the whole time. Pull the bar down, engage your lats and then explosively press the weight up. Fully extend at the top and own every rep.

Primary Superset: 5 sets, plenty of rest in between sets, rest 1 to 2 minutes between sets

Barbell Bench Press

Wide Grip Pull-Ups

8-12 Reps

5 Reps

Exercise Descriptions

B3: Chin-Ups x 5 RepsGrip a pull up bar with underhand grips, hands about shoulder width apart. Pull yourself up, chin over the bar. Try to keep a hollow body position with your legs extended out in front of you, and ribs connected to your hips with a tight core. Squeeze your back and biceps at the top of the rep.

B4: Heavy Kettlebell Swing x 10 RepsStart with a kettlebell slightly in front of you, think about making an equilateral triangle with your feet and the kettlebell. Hinge the hips and grip the kettlebell with both hands. Tilt the kettlebell and point the handle to your hips. Think about breaking the handle and pack your shoulders down into their pockets, engaging your lats. Keep your shoulders above your hips, create a deep stretch in your glutes and hamstrings and then explosively pull the kettlebell high underneath your pelvis like your trying to slap your butt with the kettlebell. Explosively thrust the kettlebell and swing it forward and up to about shoulder height but try not to muscle it up with your upper body mus-cles. Let the kettlebell float at the top then let it swing back under your hips, hinge and then set it forward and back down to the start position. Touch it to the ground then immediately swing it back up.


B2: Wide Grip Pull-Ups x 5 RepsGrip a pull up bar overhand grip with your hands outside shoulder width apart. Keep your core tight and pull yourself up, chin over the bar. Get a deep squeeze in your lats and try to keep the reps tight and strict.


Chin-Ups 5 Reps

Heavy Kettlebell Swings 10 Reps


Movement Reps/Rounds

C1: Single Kettlebell Split Stance Row, Dead Stop x 4-6 Reps Each Arm Start in a split stance position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend over by hinging at the hips, press your hips back and light up/engage the hamstrings. Keep a long spine from your back heel to your head and tight core. You can place your free arms elbow on your thigh to help keep your shoulders square. Grip the kettlebell with a thumbs up/neutral grip position,and pack shoulders, engage your lats and core. Maintain a high hinge in this posi-tion and then pull your elbow up and back towards your hip and tight to your ribs. Get a deep squeeze in the lat and then place the kettlebell back on the floor before each rep.

Secondary Superset: 4 sets, plenty of rest in between sets, rest 1 to 2 minutes in between sets

Single KB Split Stance Row, Dead Stop

Single KB Push Press

4-6 Reps

4-6 Reps

Exercise Descriptions

C2: Single Kettlebell Push Press x 4-6 Reps Each ArmIn a standing position with your feet about hip-width apart clean the kettlebell into your rack position. Flex your wrist and stack it over your elbow maintaining a vertical forearm. Keep your ribs connected to your hips with a tight core to prevent rib flare. Keep a soft bend in the knees then dip at the knees and explosively-generating force from the floor up with your legs-press/push the kettlebell overhead. Bring the kettlebell to the full overhead locked out position.Bring the kettlebell down slow and steady like a strict press. Keep a strong connection between your ribs and hips by flexing your abs and bracing your core. Letting your ribs flare will refer the load into your lower back which is something you want to avoid because it could lead to pain or injury. Coming down slow and focusing on the negative portion of the press will help you get double the work out of your push press. Think about using your lats as your base and pull the kettlebell down in a vertical pulling motion.

Workout 5.21.18

C3: Hanging Leg Raise x 8-12 RepsUsing a pull up bar hang with overhand grip. Keep your legs straight and lift your legs up toat least hip height, swing them down and squeeze your butt in between every rep to helpyou fight the momentum. You can go higher, toes to bar, up to you. Just focus on getting agood squeeze.

Haning Leg Raise 8-12 Reps


Movement Reps/Rounds

D1: Ring Push-Ups x 10 RepsPerform a push on a suspension trainer or rings by pulling yourself down, actively engaging your lats. Keep your elbows at about a 45 degree from your side on the way down and then push up. At the top of the rep try to bring your hands together to get a deeper chest squeeze. You can even try to turn your thumbs out and bring your pinkies together

D2: GHR or Bench Sit Ups x 10-15 RepsFor the GHR sit up us a GHR machine sitting face up, hook your feet to the pads sit back come just below parallel extending your hips and abs and then kick with your feet extending your legs and sit up flexing your hips ands abs, reaching for your toes or the pads with your hands. For the bench variation, lay face up next to a bench, laying your calves on the bench. Reach your hands back, touching your shoulders to the ground, then sit up reaching trying to touch the other side of the bench with your hands.

Finisher: As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes

Ring Push-Ups 10 Reps

Exercise Descriptions

Workout 5.21.18

GHR or Bench Sit Ups 10-15 Reps


Movement Reps/Rounds

Alternating Shoulder Drop x 5 Reps Each SideGet on your knees. Spread your hands wide. Lean into one palm, bending your elbow as you drive your opposite shoulder down towards the floor. Move slow and steady, creating a mindful stretch in your chest, shoulders and neck.

Perform 1 round of every exercise back to back

Alt. Shoulder Drop

Alt. Needle Arm Thread

Alt. Floor Scorpion

5 Reps Each Side

5 Reps Each Side

Exercise Descriptions

Alternating Needle Arm Thread x 5 Reps Each SideStarting on your knees, draw one elbow up and back as you inhale and then reach through with that arm and needle under your armpit, stacking your shoulders. Exhale and twist deeper into your stretch. Alternate sides by coming back up and drawing your opposite elbow up towards the sky with your next inhale. Try to coordinate one breath with one rep.

5 Reps Each Side

Workout 5.21.18

Kneeling Spine Wave x 5 RepsStart on your knees. Sit your butt back towards your heels, extend your arms out infront of you, extend your spine here, sinking your head, chest and shoulders downtowards the floor. Inhale as your in the back position and then exhale and flex yourspine as you shift your weight forward and then inhale and drop your hips and liftyour chin to the sky, chest up and shoulders back. Move forward and back wavingthrough your spine. Keep your arms straight throughout the whole set.

Kneeling Spine Wave 5 Reps

Alternating Floor Scorpion x 5 Reps Each SideLay face down and extend both arm out to your sides. Lift onefoot up and then step over to your opposite side, bending your knee.Squeeze your butt and lift your knee back, pressing into the outside edge ofyour foot and reach in the opposite direction with your hand. Take a coupledeep breaths in this stretch and then alternate sides slow and steady.

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