dale w. bomberger d.ed., acsw community services group dalebomberger@comcast.net 1

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Enhancing Your Relationship With Your Boss

Enhancing Your Relationship With Your Boss Dale W. Bomberger D.Ed., ACSWCommunity Services Group Dalebomberger@comcast.net 1Relationship with Boss Common obstacle is not getting along with boss

#1 reason people leave their job is because of their boss/supervisor - 70 % leave for this reason

We tend to blame supervisor/boss for employees departure but what part does the employee play in this relationship/ 2RelationshipEmployee and boss share a critical interdependence that makes the development of a strong and trusting relationship imperative for each.

Both need each other and the relationship is of vital importance!

Look to form a partnership and growing from diversity 3RelationshipDo employees think about their relationship with their supervisor/boss? Do many even care?

Employee should think of their boss/supervisor as a key customer and best advocate

Learn to manage relationship and remember he/she is only human and may need some help 4Strengths and Weaknesses Employees need to assess their own strengths and weaknesses and take note of areas that need development.

Take note of bosses strengths and weaknesses

Employees Should try and help boss in area of weakness 5Goals & Expectations Most set goals and expectations with their supervisors

Need to look up another step: What are the supervisor's responsibilities and accountabilities?

These will impact the employees performance and how they are appraised.

6Goals and ExpectationsWhat the boss has to deliver should be the basis for the employees and supervisor's priorities

Boss needs employees support and insight to help advance his/her agenda

Boss needs to be kept informed and advised as to employees perspective and vantage point for only the employee has such an advantage point

7Goals and PrioritiesEmployees should consider key priorities and projects the boss needs to accomplish.

Should take time to anticipate and appreciate the pressure of balancing multiple priorities and conflicting needs.

Employee should consider how his/her projects fit into the larger context, should try to tie his/her work to larger goals of the program. 8Goals Value the bosses time

Plan interactions and meetings carefully, gauging projects within the program

Know what is expected in your work role and the criteria that will define success.

Should also know bosss responsibilities and success criteria for his/her role9GoalsKnow what success will look like

Employee should think about own goals and values.

What does the employee want to accomplish?

What is he/she passionate about? 10Goals & Expectations Discuss well-thought out values and goals with the boss Do these match the bosss? The companys?

Bosss Expectations should be very clear

Know expectations and exceed them

Some written, some not know both Know what is important dont guess, ask!

11What MattersKnow what matters to the bossif a numbers person, quantify your results and know which numbers matter most

If a customers first personframe your results in terms of benefits to customers. Say yes to things that matter and no to things that do not matter - Set priorities as to amount of work 12RelationshipEmployee should assess if their behavior patterns and their bosss patterns are effective. Review how you work together and identify when the relationship works well or not so well.

Be specific ---what do you want to change? Prepare practical suggestions with benefits for booth employee and boss 13

Relationship In a relationship each is responsible for at least 50% of making it successfulEmployee needs to take the bulk of the responsibility. It is not realistic to expect others to change to suit you. You need to be the one to change. We only have control of ourselves, therefore the employee should try to change rather than expect others to change 14Building Relationships Built on Trust can be open and honest in thoughts and action - do not have to watch you back

Mutual Respect Value others opinions and ideas and they value yours can work together based on collective insight, wisdom, and creativity

Mindfulness - Taking responsibility for our words and actions careful what is said dont let negative emotions interfere 15RelationshipsWelcoming Diversity Accept diverse people and opinions. Consider what others have to say factor their insights into your decision-making

Open Communication All good relationships depend on open, honest, communication 16How to Build Relationships 1. Develop people skills collaboration, communication, conflict resolution, etc.

2. Schedule time to build relationships

3. Focus on your Emotional Intelligence have an ability to recognize your own emotions and understand what they are telling you about yourself and others 17How to Build Relationships4. Appreciate Others Show appreciation whenever someone helps you genuinely compliment the people around you when they do something well

5. Be Positive Positivity is contagious. No one wants to be around someone who is negative all the time.

6. Avoid gossiping If you have conflict with someone, talk to them directly about the problem.

18How to Build Relationships 7. Listen Actively Truly listen to what people have to say focus on listening more than you talk and you will be know as someone who can be trusted

The more you give in your relationships the more youll get back from those around you!19Skills and TalentsEach brings a unique set of skills and talents from being who we are

Look for the unique skills and talents you possess that can help your boss be more successful in executing his/her responsibilitiestry to make sure that he/she is aware of them 20Differences Accept differences with your boss.

Accept constructive criticism and learn form it

Praise for your boss should always be genuine

21DifferencesAccept some quirks; perfectionist, neat freak, rambler, scatterbrain, etc. The employee should try to work with and around them. When you become a boss/supervisor, someone will have to deal with your quirks. 22

Working with Your Boss The employee should show initiative and save the boss time by understanding how he/she works. When you brief your boss about a problem, present your suggestion for a solution. Add a plan of action. Keep the boss well informed and in the loop. 23Communicating 1. E-Mail For non-urgent questi0ns. email and has. 2. Phone For issues that need to be dealt with promptly3. Brief Ad-Hoc Meeting Use to discuss issues that need urgent attention4. Memo Use if you need to make a point for the record. 5. Formal Meeting Face-to-Face discussions6. Try to meet bosss preferences, not yours 24Style and preference Is boss formal or informal?

Hands on manager or only like to be consulted when issues arise? Does he/she value those who act autonomously ?

What seems to be relevant to the boss? 25Style & Preference What triggers impatience?

How does he/she like to make decisions: with time to consider, consensus of team, or with your recommendation?

How is conflict handled, directly or indirectly, avoid confrontation or seek debate?

26Personality Pay attention to differences in your personality and work style and that of your supervisor/boss

Behavioral Styles :

1. Lions2. Otters3. Beavers 4. Golden Retrievers

27LionsTake charge leaders problem solvers competitive shape environment immediate results likes challenges likes power and authority confidentDecisive takes risk may lack concern and be impatient

Respond be efficient minimize small talk-focus on results avoid details- use facts and logic - cut to the chase!Focus on What questions 28

OttersEnergetic and playful cheer leaders good motivators like to talk and vote on decisions Need t be liked creative good networker avoid details enjoy change people persons see possibilities trust me it will work out May be impulsive lack follow-through Respond - be friendly encourage conversation use stories to convince help them please others avoid details speak about who will be involved Ask Who questions 29BeaversDo things right operate by the book read instructions Likes maps, charts, are very precise, persistent, logical seeks fairness- stands firmEnsures quality and accuracy likes defined expectations may be critical of self and others

Respond - Be accurate minimize small talk provide pro and cons to convince give step-by-step explanations avoid violating standards Ask Why questions 30Golden RetrieversLoyal want to please avoid conflict enjoy routine and dislike change tolerant nurturing patient Achieve stability calm- good listener - cooperate sincere appreciation May be overly willing to give and put own needs lastRespond - Be friendly and supportive show benefits to convince give details be patient with change Ask How questions 31Disagreements Disagree in private - never embarrass the boss publicly. Support and promote the boss and meet his/her expectations. Align yourself with the organizations values and culture.

The boss represents the organization that pays the employee. He/she can expect to receive commitment to produce work at the standard required and some loyalty to the organization 32Present Positively Try to be positive and upbeat

Look good posture eye contact

Appear well-prepared

Emulate dress code of a level above you

Present written communication well writing spelling , etc. 33Present Positively Do more than expected

If bring problem; bring suggested solution

Be cooperative team player

Think how your actions will effect others 34Present Positively Be optimistic you can only change yourself

A simple smile goes a long way!

Reflect on past successes

Help others give energy rather than drain it.

Let others know what you can do not what you can not do 35Better Yourself and Your Boss Seek knowledge , skills and job know-how.

Soak up knowledge like a sponge from learning - tools, situations and others Informal Learning

Help keep the boss abreast of research and vital informational in your field. 36

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