
Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Dallas – US Soap Opera

Oil linking to money, power which then leads to greed and corruption. Families own oil fields – “Ewing Family” (very close knit however hate each

other) 1978-1991

Opening Credits Establishing shot – sky scrapers (meaning the program is going to be about the

people who work in those buildings). Dramatic score, quite loud, beat sounding like a horse galloping. Filmed in a helicopter – showing wealth once again. When the title of the program appears on the screen, it appears then zooms in

making the text bigger – very dramatic and film like. Even though the name of the program is called dallas after the state, the attention is

drawn to the characters with the introduction of each of the main characters.

Dallas 12 years later (Differences)

More and more young actors in the credits in order to get the attention of children of mums who used to or still watch the program (Capturing generations).

Music was bolder, bigger and title ‘Dallas’ was in a much bolder font. Characters not shown this time. Bobby vs. JR, Both their sons do not seem to get along as well due to the ‘need’ to

impress their fathers – Texas culture. JR can still manipulate even with his old age etc.

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