data structures + sorting + stringdbecer/courses/fall2016/321/lecture2.pdf · sorting + string comp...

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DATA STRUCTURES + SORTING + STRING COMP 321 – McGill University These slides are mainly compiled from the following resources.

- Professor Jaehyun Park’ slides CS 97SI - Top-coder tutorials. - Programming Challenges book.

Comments • Urgent => • Contest Saturday VS ICPC. • No details => Go over the topics on weekend. • No overstress – No overconfident.

Data Structure • A way to store and organize data in order to support

efficient insertions, queries, searches, updates, and deletions.

Data Structure • Basic data structures (built-in libraries).

•  Linear DS. •  Non-Linear DS.

• Data structures (Own libraries). •  Graphs. •  Union-Find Structures. •  Segment Tree.

Data Structures • Basic data structures (built-in libraries).

•  Linear DS (ordering the elements sequentially). •  Static Array (Array in C/C++ and in Java). •  Resizeable array (C++ STL<vector> and Java ArrayList). •  Linked List: (C++ STL<list> and Java LinkedList). •  Stack (C++ STL<stack> and Java Stack). •  Queue (C++ STL <queue> and Java Queue).

Data Structures • Basic data structures (built-in libraries).

•  Non-Linear DS. •  Balanced Binary Search Tree (C++ STL <map>/<set> and in Java

TreeMap/TreeSet). •  AVL and Red-Black Trees = Balanced BST •  <map> stores (key -> data) VS <set> only stores the key

•  Heap(C++ STL<queue>:priority_queue and Java PriorityQueue). •  BST complete. •  Heap property VS BST protperty.

•  Hash Table (Java HashMap/HashSet/HashTable). •  Non synchronized vs synchronized. •  Null vs non-nulls •  Predictable iteration vs non predictable.

Question for you. • Basic data structures (built-in libraries).

•  Non Linear DS (non-sequential ordering). •  Balanced Binary Search Tree (C++ STL <map>/<set> and Java

TreeMap/TreeSet) •  AVL Tree and Red-Black = Balanced BST. •  <map> stores (key -> data) VS <set> only stores the key

•  Heap (C++ STL <queue> and Java PriorityQueue) •  Heap property VS BST property. •  Complete BST.

•  Hash table

Question for you. • Basic data structures (built-in libraries).

•  Non Linear DS (non-sequential ordering). •  Balanced Binary Search Tree (C++ STL <map>/<set> and Java

TreeMap/TreeSet) •  AVL Tree and Red-Black = Balanced BST. •  <map> stores (key -> data) VS <set> only stores the key

•  Heap (C++ STL <queue> and Java PriorityQueue) •  Heap property VS BST property. •  Complete BST.

•  Hash table


Deciding the Order of the Tasks • Returns the newest task (stack) • Returns the oldest task (queue) • Returns the most urgent task (priority queue) • Returns the easiest task (priority queue)

STACK •  Last in, first out (Last In First Out) • Stacks model piles of objects (such as dinner plates) • Supports three constant-time operations

•  Push(x): inserts x into the stack •  Pop(): removes the newest item •  Top(): returns the newest item

• Very easy to implement using an array

STACK • Have a large enough array s[] and a counter k, which

starts at zero •  Push(x) : set s[k] = x and increment k by 1 •  Pop() : decrement k by 1 •  Top() : returns s[k - 1] (error if k is zero)

• C++ and Java have implementations of stack •  stack (C++), Stack (Java)

STACK • Useful for:

•  Processing nested formulas •  Depth-first graph traversal •  Data storage in recursive algorithms

QUEUE •  First in, first out (FIFO) • Supports three constant-time operations

•  Enqueue(x) : inserts x into the queue •  Dequeue() : removes the oldest item •  Front() : returns the oldest item

•  Implementation is similar to that of stack

QUEUE • Assume that you know the total number of elements that

enter the queue •  ... which allows you to use an array for implementation •  … If not, you can use linked lists or double linked lists

• Maintain two indices head and tail •  Dequeue() increments head •  Enqueue() increments tail •  Use the value of tail - head to check emptiness

• You can use queue (C++) and Queue (Java)

QUEUE • Useful for

•  implementing buffers •  simulating waiting lists •  shuffling cards

PRIORITY QUEUE • Each element in a PQ has a priority value •  Three operations:

•  Insert(x, p) : inserts x into the PQ, whose priority is p •  RemoveTop() : removes the element with the highest priority •  Top() : returns the element with the highest priority

• All operations can be done quickly if implemented using a heap (if not use a sorted array)

•  priority_queue (C++), PriorityQueue (Java) • Useful for

•  Maintaining schedules / calendars •  Simulating events •  Sweepline geometric algorithms

HEAP • Complete binary tree with the heap property:

•  The value of a node ≥ values of its children •  What is the difference between full vs complete?

•  The root node has the maximum value •  Constant-time top() operation

•  Inserting/removing a node can be done in O(log n) time without breaking the heap property •  May need rearrangement of some nodes


• Start from the root, number the nodes 1, 2, . . . from left to right

• Given a node k easy to compute the indices of its parent and children •  Parent node: floor(k/2) •  Children: 2k, 2k + 1

Heap – Inserting a Node •  1. Make a new node in the last level, as far left as

possible •  If the last level is full, make a new one

•  2. If the new node breaks the heap property, swap with its parent node •  The new node moves up the tree, which may introduce another


• Repeat 2 until all conflicts are resolved • Running time = tree height = O(log n)

Heap – Deleting a Node •  1. Remove the root, and bring the last node (rightmost

node in the last level) to the root •  2. If the root breaks the heap property, look at its children

and swap it with the larger one •  Swapping can introduce another conflict

•  3 Repeat 2 until all conflicts are resolved • Running time = O(log n)

BINARY SEARCH TREE (BST) •  The idea behind is that each node has, at most, two

children • A binary tree with the following property: for each node v,

•  value of v ≥ values in v ’s left subtree •  value of v < values in v ’s right subtree

BST • Supports three operations

•  Insert(x) : inserts a node with value x •  Delete(x) : deletes a node with value x , if there is any •  Find(x) : returns the node with value x , if there is any

• Many extensions are possible •  Count(x) : counts the number of nodes with value less than or

equal to x •  GetNext(x) : returns the smallest node with value ≥ x

BST • Simple implementation cannot guarantee efficiency

•  In worst case, tree height becomes n (which makes BST useless)

• Guaranteeing O(log n) running time per operation requires balancing of the tree (hard to implement). •  For example AVL and Red-Black trees (We will skip the details of these

balanced trees, but you should be review it.). •  What does balanced mean??

• Use the standard library implementations •  set, map (C++) •  TreeSet, TreeMap (Java)

BST • Simple implementation cannot guarantee efficiency

•  In worst case, tree height becomes n (which makes BST useless)

• Guaranteeing O(log n) running time per operation requires balancing of the tree (hard to implement). •  For example AVL and Red-Black trees (We will skip the details of these

balanced trees, but you should be review it.). •  What does balanced mean??=> The heights of the two child subtrees of

anny node differ by at most one.

• Use the standard library implementations •  set, map (C++) •  TreeSet, TreeMap (Java)

Question for you • Why a binary tree is preferable to an array of values that

has been sorted? •  O(?) Finding a given key?

Question for you • Why a binary tree is preferable to an array of values that

has been sorted? •  O(log n) to find a given key => traversing BST and binary search. •  Problem is the adding of a new item.

Hash Tables • A key is used as an index to locate the associated value.

•  Content-based retrieval, unlike position-based retrieval. •  Hashing is the process of generating a key value. •  An ideal algorithm must distribute evenly the hash values => the

buckets will tend to fill up evenly = fast search. •  A hash bucket containing more than one value is known as a

“collision”. •  Open addressing => A simple rule to decide where to put a new item

when the desired space is already occupied. •  Chaining => We associate a linked list with each table location.

•  Hash tables are excellent dictionary data structures.

Hash Function • A function that takes a string and outputs a number

•  A good hash function has few collisions •  i.e. , If x != y , H(x) != H(y) with high probability

• An easy and powerful hash function is a polynomial mod some prime p. •  Consider each letter as a number (ASCII value is fine) •  H(x1 . . . xk) = x1ak−1 + x2ak−2 + . . . + xk−1a + xk (mod p)

Data Structures • Data structures (Own Libraries).

•  Graph. •  Lets talk about graphs later.

•  Union-Find Disjoint Sets •  Segment tree.

Union-Find Structure • Used to store disjoint sets

•  What is a disjoint set?

• Can support two types of operations efficiently •  Find(x) : returns the “representative” of the set that x belongs •  Union(x, y) : merges two sets that contain x and y

• Both operations can be done in (essentially) constant time • Super-short implementation! • Useful for problems involving partitioning.

•  Ex: keeping track of connected components. •  Kruskal’s algorithm (minimum spaning tree).

Union-Find Structure • Used to store disjoint sets

•  What is a disjoint set? => sets whose intersection is the empty set.

• Can support two types of operations efficiently •  Find(x) : returns the “representative” of the set that x belongs •  Union(x, y) : merges two sets that contain x and y

• Both operations can be done in (essentially) constant time • Super-short implementation! • Useful for problems involving partitioning.

•  Ex: keeping track of connected components. •  Kruskal’s algorithm (minimum spaning tree).

Union-Find Structure • Main idea: represent each set by a rooted tree

•  Every node maintains a link to its parent •  A root node is the “representative” of the corresponding set •  Example: two sets {x, y, z} and {a, b, c, d}

Union-Find Structure •  Find(x): follow the links from x until a node points itself

•  This can take O(n) time but we will make it faster

• Union(x, y): run Find(x) and Find(y) to find corresponding root nodes and direct one to the other.

•  If we assume that the links are stored in L[], then

Union-Find Structure •  In a bad case, the trees can become too deep

•  ... which slows down future operations

• Path compression makes the trees shallower every time Find() is called.

• We don’t care how a tree looks like as long as the root stays the same •  After Find(x) returns the root, backtrack to x and reroute all the

links to the root

Question for you • How can you implement the operation isSameSet(i,j)?

Question for you • How can you implement the operation isSameSet(i,j)?

•  simply calls findSet(i) and findSet(j) to check if both refer to the same representative.

Segment Tree • DS to efficiently answer dynamic range queries.

•  Range Minimum Query (RMQ): finding the index of the minimum element in an array given a range: [i..j]. •  Ex. RMQ(1, 3) = 2, RMQ(3, 4) = 4, RMQ(0, 0) = 0, RMQ(0, 1) = 1, and

RMQ(0, 6) = 5. •  Iterate takes O(n), let make it faster using a binary tree similar to heap,

but usually not a complete binary tree (aka segment tree).

Segment Tree • Binary tree. • Each node is associated with some interval of the array. • Each non-leaf node has two children whose associated

intervals are disjoint. • Each child’s interval has approximately half the size of the

parent’s interval.

Segment Tree

• Root => [0, N – 1] and for each segment [l,r] we split them into [l, (l + r) / 2] and [(l + r) / 2 + 1, r] until l = r.

Question for you • What is the complexity of built_segment_tree O(?)? • With segment tree ready, what is the complexity of

answering an RMQ? • Can you give the worst case? RMQ(?,?)

Question for you • What is the complexity of built_segment_tree O(n)

•  There are total 2n-1 nodes.

• With segment tree ready, what is the complexity of answering an RMQ => O(log n) (2 root-to-leaf paths) •  Ex RMQ(4,6) = blue line. •  Ex RMQ(1,3) = red line. •  Ex RMQ(3,4) = worst case => one path from [0,6] to [3,3] and

another from [0,6] to [4,4].

Segment Tree •  If the array A is static, then use a Dynamic Programming

solution that requires O(nlogn) pre-processing and O(1) per RMQ. •  Segment tree becomes useful if array A is frequently updated.

•  Ex. Updating A[5] takes O(logn) vs O(nlogn) required by DP.

Fenwick Tree •  Full binary tree with at least n leaf nodes

•  We will use n = 8 for our example

•  kth leaf node stores the value of item k • Each internal node stores the sum of values of its children

•  e.g. , Red node stores item[5] + item[6]

Summing Consecutive Values • Main idea: choose the minimal set of nodes whose sum

gives the desired value •  at most 1 node is chosen at each level so that the total number of

nodes we look at is log2 n •  and this can be done in O(log n) time

Summing Consecutive Values • Sum(7) = sum of the values of gold-colored nodes.

Summing Consecutive Values • Sum(8) = sum of the values of gold-colored nodes.

Summing Consecutive Values • Sum(6) = sum of the values of gold-colored nodes.

Summing Consecutive Values • Sum(3) = sum of the values of gold-colored nodes.

Summing Consecutive Values • Say we want to compute Sum(k)

•  Maintain a pointer P which initially points at leaf k •  Climb the tree using the following procedure:

•  If P is pointing to a left child of some node: •  Add the value of P •  Set P to the parent node of P’s left neighbor •  If P has no left neighbor, terminate

•  Otherwise: •  Set P to the parent node of P

• Use an array to implement

Updating a Value • Say we want to do Set(k, x) (set the value of leaf k as x)

•  1. Start at leaf k, change its value to x •  2. Go to its parent, and recompute its value •  3. Repeat 2 until the root

SORTING • Practical applications in computing require things to be in

order. •  To consider:

•  Runtime. •  Memory Space.

•  In-place algorithms ??? •  Stability.

•  What happens to elements that are comparatively the same?

SORTING • Practical applications in computing require things to be in

order. •  To consider:

•  Runtime. •  Memory Space.

•  In-place algorithms => without creating copies of the data •  Stability.

•  What happens to elements that are comparatively the same? •  Those elements whose comparison key is the same will remain in the

same relative order after sorting as they were before sorting.

Bubble Sort •  To pass through the data and swap two adjacent elements

whenever the first is greater than the last. Thus, the smallest elements will “bubble” to the surface.

• O(n2). • Simple to understand and code from memory + Stable +


Insertion Sort •  It seeks to sort a list one element at a time. With each

iteration, it takes the next element waiting to be sorted, and adds it, in proper location, to those elements that have already been sorted.

• O(n2). •  it works very efficiently for lists that are nearly sorted initially

Merge Sort • A merge sort works recursively (divide and conquer).

Divide the unsorted list into n sublists, each containing 1 element. Then, merge sublists to produce new sorted sublists.

• O(n log n). •  Faily efficient + can be used to solve other problems.

Heap Sort • All data from a list is inserted into a heap, and then the

root element is repeatedly removed and stored back into the list.

• O(nlogn) • Not stable

Quick Sort • Divide the data into two groups of “high” values and “low”

values. Then, recursively process the two halves. Finally, reassemble the now sorted list.

• O(n2) •  dependent upon how successfully an accurate midpoint value is selected

Radix Sort • Sort data without having to directly compare elements to

each other. It groups keys by the individual digits which share the same significant position and value.

• O(n * k), where k is the size of the key. • Some types of data may use very long keys, or may not

easily lend itself to a representation that can be processed

Sorting Libraries •  Java API, and C++ STL all provide some built-in sorting

capabilities. • Check the interface called Comparable => you add a

method int CompareTo (object other), which returns a negative value if less than, 0 if equal to, or a positive value if greater than the parameter.

• Also check the interface called Comparator. which defines a single method int Compare (object obj1, object obj2), which returns a value indicating the results of comparing the two parameters.


String Matching Problem • Given a text T and a pattern P, find all occurrences of P

within T • Notations:

•  n and m : lengths of P and T •  : set of alphabets (of constant size) •  Pi : i th letter of P (1-indexed) •  a , b , c : single letters in •  x , y , z : strings

String Matching Problem •  T = AGCATGCTGCAGTCATGCTTAGGCTA • P = GCT • P appears three times in T • A naive method takes O(mn) time

•  Initiate string comparison at every starting point •  Each comparison takes O(m) time

• We can do much better!

String Matching Problem - Hash • Main idea: preprocess T to speedup queries

•  Hash every substring of length k •  k is a small constant

•  For each query P, hash the first k letters of P to retrieve all the occurrences of it within T

• Don’t forget to check collisions!

String Matching Problem - Hash • Pros:

•  Easy to implement •  Significant speedup in practice

• Cons: •  Doesn’t help the asymptotic efficiency

•  Can still take O(nm) time if hashing is terrible or data is difficult •  Can you give me an example of the worst case?

• A lot of memory consumption

String Matching Problem - Hash • Pros:

•  Easy to implement •  Significant speedup in practice

• Cons: •  Doesn’t help the asymptotic efficiency

•  Can still take O(nm) time if hashing is terrible or data is difficult •  Can you give me an example of the worst case? => When all the

characters of pattern and text are same. T=AAAAAAA… P=AAA.

• A lot of memory consumption

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) • A linear time (!) algorithm that solves the string matching

problem by preprocessing P in O(m) time •  Main idea is to skip some comparisons by using the previous

comparison result.

• Uses an auxiliary array π that is defined as the following: •  π[i] is the largest integer smaller than i such that P1 . . . Pπ [i] is a

suffix of P1 . . . Pi •  e.g., π[6] = 4 since abab is a suffix of ababab •  e.g., π[9] = 0 since no prefix of length ≤ 8 ends with c

Question for you • Why is π useful?

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) •  T = ABC ABCDAB ABCDABCDABDE • P = ABCDABD • π = (0,0,0,0,1,2,0) • Start matching at the first position of T:

• Mismatch at the 4th letter of P!

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) • We matched k = 3 letters so far, and π[k] = 0

•  Thus, there is no point in starting the comparison at T2 , T3

• Shift P by k − π[k] = 3 letters

• Mismatch at the 4th letter of P!

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) • We matched k = 0 letters so far • Shift P by k−π[k] = 1 letter (we define π[0] = −1)

• Mismatch at T11!

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) • π[6] = 2 means P1P2 is a suffix of P1 . . . P6

• Shift P by 6 − π[6] = 4 letters

• Again, no point in shifting P by 1, 2, or 3 letters

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) • Mismatch at T11 again!

• Currently 2 letters are matched • Shift P by 2 − π[2] = 2 letters

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) • Mismatch at T11 again!

• Currently no letters are matched • Shift P by 0 − π[0] = 1 letter

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) • Mismatch at T18

• Currently 6 letters are matched • Shift P by 6 − π[6] = 4 letters

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) •  Finally, there it is!

• Currently all 7 letters are matched • After recording this match (at T16 . . . T22, we shift P

again in order to find other matches •  Shift by 7 − π[7] = 7 letters

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) • Computing π. • Obs1=> if P1 . . . Pπ[i] is a suffix of P1 . . . Pi, then P1 . . .

Pπ[i]-1 is a suffix of P1 . . . Pi−1

• Obs2 => all the prefixes of P that are a suffix of P1 . . . Pi can be obtained by recursively applying to I •  e.g. , P1 . . . Pπ[i] , P1 . . . , Pπ[π[i]] , P1 . . . , , Pπ[π[π[i]]] are all suffixes

of P1 . . . Pi

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) • Computing π. • Obs3 (not obvious) =>

•  First, let’s write π(k)[i] as π[.] applied k times to I •  e.g., π(2)[i] = π[π[i]]

•  π[i] is equal to π(k)[i − 1] + 1 , where k is the smallest integer that satisfies Pπ(k)[i−1]+1 = Pi •  If there is no such k, [i] = 0

•  Intuition: we look at all the prefixes of P that are suffixes of P1 . . . Pi−1, and find the longest one whose next letter matches Pi

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) •  Implementation π.

SMP - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) •  Implementation KMP.

SMP – Suffix trie • Suffix trie of a string T is a rooted tree that stores all the

suffixes (thus all the substrings) • Each node corresponds to some substring of T • Each edge is associated with an alphabet •  For each node that corresponds to ax, there is a special

pointer called suffix link that leads to the node corresponding to x

• Surprisingly easy to implement!

SMP – Suffix trie

SMP – Suffix trie • Given the suffix tree for T1 . . . Tn

•  Then we append Tn+1 = a to T , creating necessary nodes

• Start at node u corresponding to T1 . . . Tn •  Create an a -transition to a new node v

•  Take the suffix link at u to go to u′, corresponding to T2 . . . Tn •  Create an a -transition to a new node v′ •  Create a suffix link from v to v′

SMP – Suffix trie • Repeat the previous process:

•  Take the suffix link at the current node •  Make a new a-transition there •  Create the suffix link from the previous node

• Stop if the node already has an a-transition •  Because from this point, all nodes that are reachable via suffix links

already have an a -transition

SMP – Suffix trie • Given the suffix trie for aba, we want to add a new letter c

SMP – Suffix trie

SMP – Suffix trie

SMP – Suffix trie

SMP – Suffix trie

SMP – Suffix trie

SMP – Suffix trie •  To find P, start at the root and keep following edges

labeled with P1, P2, etc. • Got stuck? Then P doesn’t exist in T

SMP-Suffix Array

SMP – Suffix Array • Memory usage is O(n) • Has the same computational power as suffix trie • Can be constructed in O(n) time (!)

•  But it’s hard to implement

Notes • Always be aware of the null-terminators • Simple hash works so well in many problems •  If a problem involves rotations of some string, consider

concatenating it with itself and see if it helps •  It is a smart idea to have the implementation of suffix

arrays and KMP in your notebook.

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