ddg ppt

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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Rural electrification and distributed generation


Presented by:-Krishna Kulkarni

Roll No. 22 M.B.A 4th sem

Problem statement“Feasibility of Biomass as a source of rural

electrification” is the research work that investigates the potential of Decentralised distributed generation of biomass as the source of village electrification. In the current scenario of urbanization, rural electrification also plays an important role for the economic growth of the country.

BackgroundRural India which consists of around 70% of the

country has been deprived of infrastructural development from decades due to some or the other reasons.

Over the past 40 years as economic growth has accelerated from a rate of 3 per cent to 7 per cent, the objective of village electrification has changed from energizing water pumps to providing electricity to village households living below the poverty line.

Electrification is one of the important pillar on which development of rural area can be based upon.

Biomass has been one of the main energy sources for the mankind ever since the dawn of civilization.

Significance of the researchEnergy is the key to alleviation of poverty,

realisation of socio-economic goals and overall human development.

Rural electrification is viewed as prime mover for economic development & is significant to increasing agricultural productivity, jobs and income generation activities.

For a large country like India, innovative means of producing energy needs to be looked at to reduce its dependence on oil and coal as a primary source of energy.

Significance of the researchBiomass has been one of the main energy

sources for the mankind ever since the dawn of civilization.

Estimates have indicated that 15%–50% of the world’s primary energy use could come from biomass by the year 2050.

about 32% of the total primary energy use in the country is still derived from biomass and more than 70% of the country’s population depends upon it for its energy needs.

To study the various types of scheme opted by government for rural electrification.

To understand the relation between the rural electrification and SDP Per capital

 To critically analyse the RGGVY Scheme for rural electrification.

To investigate the scope of D.D.G system in India.

Why Rural Communities can go for Distributed Generation for their power requirement.

To study the feasibility of Biomass based project.

Schemes For Rural Electrification

Minimum Needs Programme (MNP) Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana(PMGY)KUTIR JYOTI scheme. RGGVY Scheme.

Need for DDG

Swot Analysis For Biomass Power ProjectsSTRENGTHS WEAKNESSES

Ever increasing demand for power.

Reduction in use of fossil fuel for power generation.

Cheap renewable raw material.

Rural employment.Environmental friendly.

Biomass Power Projects are based on the Biomass fuel, which is nature’s gift and depends on vagarious of nature.

The viability of the Biomass Power Projects mainly depends upon the price of the Biomass.


Government encouraging renewable projects over conventional fuel based projects.

Many incentives and schemes available for setting up renewable based projects.

Success of the Biomass Power Project depends on the Government Power Policies. If the Government changes power purchase policy and bans private sale of power, the Biomass Power Generation Projects would be affected.

If more profitable method of use of Biomass were found, then availability of Biomass would be a problem.

Thank you

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