ddt retreat

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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District Data Team


January 21st, 2015

Introduction & Ice Breaker

● Silent Scramble

● Name Cardso First & Last Name

o School, Role

Laying the groundwork

● What brought you here?

● Macro data use

● Micro data use

● Asking the right questions

Ask Questions

Get more data to answer the


Ask Questions

Get more data to answer the

questionsAsk Questions

Get more data to answer the


Piles and Piles of data

Educational Question

Priority Question

Learner-Centered Problem

Problem of Practice

Action Plan

Triangulating Data



Ladder of Inference

WPS 2014 Report Card - Overview

● Ladder of Inferenceo What Do You Notice?

o What Do You Wonder?



Exploration of individual schools● Need a Coordinator at each group

● Excel worksheet by school

● Explore Early Warning Indicatoro System

o Graphical View

o Risk Level Indicator Analysis

● 45 minutes

● Debrief

Lunch Break

Root Cause

● You are on your way home from work and your car stops in the middle of the road

Why did your car stop?

Because it ran out of gas

Why did it run out of gas?

Because I didn’t buy any gas on my way to work

Why didn’t you buy any gas this morning?

Because I didn’t have any money

Why didn’t you have any money

Because I lost it all last night in a poker game

Why did you lose your money in last night’s poker game?

Because I am not very good at “bluffing” when I don’t have a good hand. (Learner

Centered Problem)

Root Cause

● There is a student in my class whose

behavior is making it difficult for me to

reach the others

● Socrative Studento http://b.socrative.com/login/student/

o lowell122

Root Cause

32% of your students are failing your English class

● how we ask the question is very important

● “I don’t know” is a valid first answer

● answering the question with reliable and valid data is

also important

+ Δ

What did you learn today?

What contributed to your learning?

What would you like to have

changed about today’s session?

What distracted from your learning?

Plus / Delta Protocol

Making a difference

SUCCESS - Ralph Waldo Emerson

To laugh often and much

to win the respect of intelligent people

and affection of children;

to earn the approbation of honest critics and

endure the betrayal of false friends;

to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better,

whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or redeemed social condition;

to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded.

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