dear delegates, - moody mun · martian...

Post on 21-Jul-2020






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Dear Delegates,

Welcome to Moody Middle School's third Model United Nations Conference! We are so excited that

you have chosen to be delegates in the Joint Crisis- DC Universe vs. Marvel committee. In this

committee, you will represent a superhero from either the Justice League or the Avengers and discuss

the Superhuman Registration Act and a Skree Invasion. This committee is sure to be an exciting

adventure for everyone, as we will be debating and discussing the issues that both super humans and

superheroes face every day throughout the world.

Jack Drimer is an eighth grader at Moody Middle and is thrilled to be a co-chair in this superhero based

committee. In Jack's free time, he enjoys playing lacrosse, wrestling, listening to wonderful Bob Marley

and 2Pac music, and spending time with his friends. He is a part of International Studies and has

participated in several other Model UN conferences. Julia is also an eighth grader at Moody and is

ecstatic to be the co-chair of such an interesting and intriguing committee. When she is not in school,

she enjoys singing, dancing, playing the ukulele, writing, and spending time with her friends.

To start your MMSMUN journey, you will have to write a position paper. This paper will serve as the

foundation of the debate that will take place during the conference. In your paper, you should represent

the opinions of your superhero, not yourself. The more facts and research you include about the two

topics in your background guide, the better your position paper will be. A good position paper

discusses the issues, but a great position paper offers solutions for the problems. Be sure to look at the

"Questions to Consider" and include intelligent answers and details. Once your 1-2 page position paper

is completed, feel free to email it to us (our emails are below) if you want advice to improve it. Then, the

real fun can begin on May 10.

We would like to congratulate you on beginning your delegate adventure and commend your interest in

Model UN. Remember, the conference will only be as fun as you make it. So, participate and have an

open mind! Your ideas are meant to be heard and we know you will succeed during this conference.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact one of us via email. We are here to help you be the

best delegate possible, so feel free to ask us any questions that pop into your head.

Thank you and we will see you on May 10th!


Jack Drimer (Co-chair)

Julia Paraiso (Co-chair)

Crisis: DC Universe vs. Marvel

Background Guide

Moody Middle School Model United Nations III

Jack Drimer Chair

Julia Paraiso Chair

Topic 1: Registration of Superheroes In every comic book story, whether it is made by DC, Marvel, or any publishing company, a

superhero is called to action to protect the citizens of an area. In some cases, a superhero is given the

mission to save the world. They must use their powers for good and defend the humans from the villains

or supernatural beings. As defined by the Meriam-Webster Dictionary, a superhero is “a fictional

character who has amazing powers; a heroic person.”

The Superhuman Registration Act requires any person in the United States and throughout the

world with superhuman abilities to register with the federal government as a “human weapon of mass

destruction,” reveal their true identity to the authorities, and undergo proper training. Superheroes that

sign also have the opportunity to earn a salary and benefits also given to American civil servants. The

act was generated after it was noticed that superhuman events were causing significant damage and

death to innocent people. Super humans were also using their powers for publicity, creating unsafe

environments or situations to get their names in newspapers.

The opinions of the subject were divided in half. Some believed that superheroes should

receive professional training, counseling, and aid to prevent destruction in the regular world. They also

thought that the enforced act would keep the world at peace, something all heroes should strive towards

in their actions. However, other superheroes believed that the creation of such an act would violate the

privacy of superheroes, stating that secrecy was required to protect normal aspects of their day-to-day

lives. The anti-registration superhumans argued that their private lives and public views would change

dramatically if the whole world knew of their powers.

This divide in the superheroes’ beliefs caused a rupture in the inner circle of heroes. The

anti-registration superhumans continued to fight against the villains while the pro-registration

superhumans attempted to find the superhumans from the opposing side to report. The ongoing debate

led to violence between the two opposing forces, both groups using their powers to hurt one another

during the battle. The tension between the two groups is still present and rising today, increasing the

chance for a full fledged battle between both sides.

Questions to Consider:

1. Should all superhumans register with the federal government?

2. Will the Superhuman Registration Act cause positive outcomes for the public?

3. Is a civil war between the opposing sides an effective way to determine the fate of the act?

4. Are there other ways to maintain the well being of superheroes and the public without using the

Superhuman Registration Act?

Topic 2: Skree Invasion Several years have passed since the debate of the Superhuman Registration Act, but the

situation has not been resolved. Just yesterday, humans spotted a massive moving object out in space.

Because it was far off in the distance, the humans were not alarmed by the floating object. However,

the ship was seen as it was orbiting the Earth. The ship was traveling at impossibly fast speeds that are

not fathomable to most of the human civilization. It is obvious from the size of the spaceship that the

creatures on this ship have created and are in possession of much more advanced technologies than


We are unsure of the Skrees’ intentions, but they have been orbiting Earth for days, so it seems

they plan on staying. Several countries have attempted to take down the ship, but no progress has been

made to rid the large ship from their orbit. The sheer size of the ship and speed that it traveled here

were enough to intimidate the humans completely. Humans are obviously worried about their safety

from these unknown creatures, and that their missiles have had no effect on the ship. On Earth, chaos

has broken out among people. There is looting on the streets, the stock market has been closed, and

the internet has been hacked and completely shut down.

The only way to save all humans is with cooperation from all the superheroes present. The

method that all superheroes plan on protecting the Earth is up to the committee of heroes present. As

superheroes, it is your responsibly to protect humans from evil when they cannot protect themselves.

Time is of the essence. The faster the superhumans solve the issue and form a plan of action, the better.

Questions to Consider:

1. How should the world be divided to ensure that each superhero can be responsible for

protecting their section of people/land for possible alien attacks?

2. Should the superheroes attack the ship right away before they know much about it or wait and

see if they are peaceful or not and talk things out?

3. What should superheroes do in case the alien forces do try and attack Earth by coming on it?

4. What superheroes would be best suited to protect the different regions of the world?

List of Superheroes in Committee

Superhero Name League Description

Superman Justice (DC) Possibly the most famous superhero of all times, Superman is kind-hearted and brave. Also, he is determined to fight crime until justice is served, but while using his powers responsibly. Many times, Superman sides with the police to fight crimes, and he always follows the law. His real name is Clark Kent and his weakness is kryptonite.

Batman Justice (DC) After his father was murdered, he vowed at a young age to bring justice to all criminals. While Batman doesn’t have any actual super powers, he uses his wealth, intelligence, and hand to hand combat skills to fight criminals.

Wonder Woman Justice (DC) Wonder Woman is known for her feminist point of view, and she advocates equal rights for women. She has various powers like super strength, agility, and hand to hand combat skills. Her alter ego is Princess Diana of Themyscira..

Flash Justice (DC) Known for his superior speed at running and thinking, Flash is well liked with almost all the superheroes in the Justice League. He is especially good friends with Green Lantern. His real name is Barry Allen.

Green Lantern Justice (DC) The Green Lantern possesses a power ring and the Green Lantern, some of the most powerful tools in the universe. One of his greatest allies is Flash. He would deny registering himself as a Superhero. His real name is Alan Scott.

Aquaman Justice (DC) Aquaman is in charge of Atlantis, with the help of his sidekick Topo. He is able to telecommunicate with all sea creatures, but his weakness is that he can’t stay out of water for more than one hour. Also, he has incredible swimming abilities, and can survive underwater. His real name is Arthur Curry.

Martian Manhunter

Justice (DC) Martian Manhunter possesses an ample amount of different superpowers. It would take forever to list all his powers, but a few of them include being able to make

himself invisible, go through people and objects, change into any shape, and fly. Though, his weakness is fire.

Captain America Avengers (Marvel)

Captain America is best known for his athleticism and agility. He has a steel shield with hyperkinetic senses that he often uses to defend himself when fighting. His real name is Steven Rogers and he has faced multiple villains such as Baron Zemo.

Hulk Avengers (Marvel)

The Hulk is known for his super strength, anger empowerment, and immunity to diseases and viruses. Hulk is the alter ego to Bruce Banner, a genius physicist. The Hulk is remembered by his anger problems and invulnerability.

Iron Man Avengers (Marvel)

Iron Man is best known for his armored suit that provides him super strength, flying powers, and intellect. His real name is Tony Stark, an intelligent and rich engineer that has created multiple military weapons.

Spiderman Avengers (Marvel)

Spiderman is one of the most famous superheroes of all time. He is known for his spider-like abilities (cling to surfaces, swing from web to web) and his strength, speed, and reflexes. His real name is Peter Parker and he is a writer for his local newspaper.

Falcon Avengers (Marvel)

The Falcon, also known as Samuel Wilson, is best known for his alliance with Captain America. He has the ability to see through the eyes of nearby birds, fly, and is skilled in martial arts and gymnastics.

Thor Avengers (Marvel)

Thor, also known as Thor Odinson, has the power of superhuman durability, speed, strength, dimensional transport, weather manipulation, and flight. He is best known for his powerful hammer or Mjölnir.

Wolverine Avengers (Marvel)

Wolverine, born as James Howlett but known as Logan, is a superhero with well known sharp claws that come out of his hands. He has superhuman senses, healing, reflexes, and stamina.

Sample Position Paper:

Committee Name: DC Universe vs. Marvel

Delegate Name: Jack Paraiso

Superhero Name: Black Widow (Marvel Avengers)

School Name: George H. Moody Middle School

Topic 1:

As a member of SHIELD, an organization that is pro-registration, the Black Widow believes

that the registration of superheroes through the Superhuman Registration Act would be effective for both

the superheroes and the regular humans. While the act provides its cons, it would allow superheroes to

be safely trained in combat and to use their powers for the good of the community. Without the proper

training the government would provide the superheroes, the whole world is in danger. There have been

many previous incidents where superheroes put cities and towns into great risk due to the uncontrollable

usage of their powers. Therefore, the Superhuman Registration Act would be helpful and should be

enforced by the US Government.

Instead of the superhumans being forced to follow the regulations set by the government’s new

act, it should be made a strongly encouraged option. The government and other supporting superheroes

should attempt to convince the opposing side using propaganda techniques or points of interest to allow

the anti-act superheroes to have a better understanding of the act.

A civil war between the two opposing sides would not be the proper way to decide the fate of

the Superhuman Registration Act. Not only would this cause more violence, but it would cause multiple

safety hazards for the superheroes and the humans. Instead, the fate of the act should be decided

peacefully, making sure that both sides are being heard. \

While there are other ways to fix this issue besides the act, the Superhuman Registration Act

would be the most efficient way of fixing the problem. It would help civilizations and superheroes and

allow everyone to live in peace

Topic 2:

Realising the eminent threat of these Skree invaders, Black Widow would know that the

superheroes must act timely and efficiently in order to protect the citizens of the world. She wouldn’t

believe in attacking these invaders, though. She believes that it would be more peaceful if we waited to

see the true intentions of these invaders. Because she is a member of the Avengers she would most

likely call upon her fellow members to help with the crisis at hand. The Avengers would be well

prepared for this job because their main responsibilities are dealing with “the foes no single superhero

can withstand.” Black Widow would be timid in allowing other superheroes to fight alongside the

Avengers, but she would be willing to compromise by letting the other superheroes fight where she

didn’t need to heavily rely on them.

She proposes that the Avengers, being the stronger league, help protect the more populous

regions of earth, like Europe and Asia. While, the Justice League protects the less populated regions of

the world. The Justice League, specifically Aquaman, should also be responsible for protecting the

oceans, as he is obviously the best suited for protecting that type of terrain. He would be able to cover

all of the oceans because even though they are vast, they aren’t very populated. Because of their

superior speed and flying abilities, Flash, Superman, and Martian Manhunter would be best suited to

protect they spread out populations of North and South America and Africa. However, superheroes

like Spiderman, Hulk, and Thor are better at protecting smaller, more densely populated areas, so they

should be told to protect large cities. If the Skree were to attack we would have all superheroes on

high alert, and call upon nations’ militaries to aid the defense. To ensure that no area is left unprotected

she would make sure that each superhero knows where they are supposed to protect.

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