december 30, 2018 • the holy family • la sagrada familia_2018.pdf · st.peter the apostle...

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450 S. Stagecoach Lane Fallbrook, CA 92028

Phone: 760.689.6200 Web:


OFFICE HOURS Horas de Oficina Monday/Lunes ........... 8:00am-5:00pm Tuesday/Martes ......... 8:00am-5:00pm Wednesday/Miércoles..8:00am-6:00pm Thursday/Jueves ........ 8:00am-6:00pm Friday/Viernes ............ 8:00am-5:00pm

The office is closed for lunch from 12:00pm—1:00pm

MASS SCHEDULE Horarios de misa Weekday Monday/Lunes ......................... 8:30am Wednesday/Miércoles ............. 8:30am Thursday/Jueves ...................... 8:30am Friday/Viernes .......................... 8:30am

Weekend Saturday/Sábado…… English 4:00pm .................................... Spanish 6:00pm Sunday/Domingo ........ English 9:00am ................................ Spanish 11:00am ST PETER THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC SCHOOL Phone ........................... 760.689.6250 Fax ................................ 760.689.6240

Linda McCotter—Principal

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Confession/Confesiones Saturday/Sábado .................. 10:30am Or by appointment/ O por cita EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Adoración del Santísimo Friday/Viernes .......... 9:00am—9:00pm


2 | December 30, 2018

FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14 Colossians 3:12-21 Luke 2:41-52 Our clan of four kids brings an im-mense diversity. Each little personality is so unrepeatable and unique. I never cease to be amazed that even though they all have grown up in the same home with mostly the same routine, environment, and parenting, they can be so drastically different. Our first has always been kind and gentle, but we always hear what’s on his mind. I never have to guess how he’s feeling! Our second son is a lot more reserved and isn’t likely to share as much, but when he’s provoked, he can explode instant-ly. The other two are a happy mix of the older two. With such a variety of personalities in our home, we’ve tried a variety of par-enting methods. But the best thing we’ve ever done is to look to the Gospels and the divine parenting methodology found in the words of Scripture and the life of the Holy Family. This Sunday’s readings echo something that we’ve learned in our short years of parenting: for familial love on this earth to be authentic, it ought to mirror the love of God as much as it can. Our meditation and measure for that is the Holy Family, whose feast we celebrate this weekend. The first reading reminds us of God’s action within our families. Sirach says that God “sets in honor a father over his children; a mother’s authority … over her sons.” So often when we read Scripture about family and relationships, our focus is on which earthly person becomes the dominant character or one in pow-er. But this should call us to see something deeper and more substantial than what our initial earthly view can see. It is God who sets a father over his children, not any choice or power of the father. Just as humble St. Joseph was set to take care over Mary and Jesus — two who were greater in power and holiness than he was — we ought to see every head of the home as a place of humble servitude to the great souls in the home. Any authority or place of honor is not owed or deserved, but ra-ther a gift from God to be used in service back to Him. As we move on to the responsorial psalm and second reading, we see this theme again. If we look with merely eyes of this world that equate power with domination, we might begin to think that there is a hierarchy in the family — those who are big-gest are the best, and those who are littlest have less rights. However, with the eyes of faith, we can see a different story. The psalmist speaks of a blessed state for those who fear the Lord. But true fear of the Lord is not a state of terror but rather holy awe. What would we be in holy awe about? It says that if we walk in His way, we will eat the fruit of our handiwork. That speaks loudly to the truth that Christ is the Way. He prepares the path for us, cutting down all that could harm us and making the

soil fruitful for our souls. God isn’t a far off deity demanding we honor Him because He is so powerful and terrible. Rather, He has already thought of us and our littleness and made a fruitful way for us back to His heart. The second reading continues on this path of gentle and servant-like love. We first hear that we ought to “put on love” and for-give as God forgives. This first half is a written example of how the Holy Family must have loved — without quarreling and with-out pride but full of genuine kindness and love. In the last half, we see how that can come to fruition. Subordinate means to be under the mission of another. Husbands and wives must work together, love each other, and be on the same team working to love as God loves. There is no power trip here, only Christ-like love. When we think of those smaller than us and put them be-fore ourselves, we are beginning to love divinely. The Gospel teaches even more, though in a subtle way. We see Jesus as a boy, left in the temple. He seems quite sure of what he’s doing, but Joseph and Mary are upset and concerned. Most parents would come down hard and find an equally hefty punish-ment. But instead, there was no threat or shaming. They simply asked what he was doing and shared their hearts. Jesus, want-ing to honor them, followed them home and remained with them until his public ministry. My kids are all so different. But when we focus on mirroring the familial love we learn from the Holy Family and the Gospels, our parenting becomes a moment of conversion and love rather than shame and fear. Even beyond our family, when I remember that my call as a baptized Christian is to be a “little Christ” to others, it’s easier to let go of my ego and need for power and put others before me in order to serve them and lead them to Jesus. In our culture today that thrives on power and prestige, living like this is truly heroic. “The Triune God is a communion of love, and the family is its living reflection.” — Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia

Angie Windnagle


St Peter the Apostle | 3

… DE LOS ASUNTOS DE MI PADRE Los psicólogos nos dicen que, hasta la edad de once o doce años, hay ondas de actividad creadora en el cerebro que termi-nan al llegar la adolescencia. También explican que, si no tene-mos la oportunidad de actuar con creatividad en los primeros años de vida, será difícil hacerlo con más años. Las lecturas de hoy intentan explicar cómo Jesús llega a ser totalmente humano de parte de su madre. Porque aseveramos que Jesús es el Verbo de Dios hecho carne, sabemos cómo es divino de parte de su Padre. El acercamiento de Jesús a la hu-manidad exige ciertos detalles en su crianza familiar, cada uno presentado en el texto leído de Lucas, alabado en la selección de la Carta a los Colosenses y expresado en la relación familiar tan estrecha descrita por el Libro de Sirácides. ¿Qué es lo que hace una persona humana de Jesús y de no-sotros? Parecen ser cuatro características percebidas por los padres de Jesús que les enseñan cómo criarlo en su mundo histórico. Primero, ellos lo aceptan como es. Segundo, al verlo crecer, lo reciben como una sorpresa constante a lo que ellos y su sociedad representan. Tercero, ellos acompañan los cambios en él. Cuarto, le permiten la oportunidad de dialogar con su mundo. La primera cosa que hacen le enseña el amor que le tienen. La segunda le ayuda a no temer la aparición constante de nuevas posibilidades, oportunidades y amenazas en su vida. La tercera les muestra a ellos que los cambios en él también ofrecen una oportunidad para que ellos cambien y se maduren. La cuarta les da una conciencia crítica de la conversación que él lleva con la sociedad y de la relación actual entre las experiencias, fe y cul-tura que comparten con él. María y José son personas conscientes de su participación en la vida de Jesús. Son activos en lo que es y lo que será para los demás. A veces están educando a Jesús, a veces, aprendiendo de él. Mi pregunta es si hacemos lo mismo o no con el mundo al-rededor más joven que nosotros. ¿Cómo criamos a los hijos? ¿Les damos el tiempo que tanto se merecen de parte nuestra? Les ayudamos a llegar a la adolecencia y después los aban-donamos a sus antojos y temores porque andamos aterroriza-dos de sus posibles decisiones? María y José le permitieron a Jesús estar con otros y después lo buscaron cuando temían que se había desparecido. Al encon-trarlo, no juzgaron su acción, sino le hicieron una pregunta ab-ierta que él podía contestar. Su respuesta fue sencilla: Si lo habían criado para ese momento de diálogo con la historia de su pueblo, ¿por qué se sorprendieron tanto? Lo encontraron en su lugar apropiado. Como ellos le habían enseñado, él tenía que estar en la casa de su Padre. Sus padres lo habían puesto en el camino muy humano, no de saber respuestas, sino de entender cómo hacer preguntas so-bre lo más importante sobre Dios en su vida. María y José le enseñaron a permitir, no a ellos sino a Dios al centro de su vida.

Este Dios lo amaba y lo invitaba a amar a los demás. Esto le daría la oportunidad de ofrecer a otros la posibilidad de vivir el Reino de Dios por adelantado. El daría su vida por sus her-manos como Hijo de Dios; llegará a ser el Sacramento de la presencia de Dios. ¿Cómo criamos a los hijos nuestros? ¿Los aceptamos como son, amando las sorpresas que nos traen y los cambios que los ponen a conversar con su mundo? ¿O insistimos en que sean como nosotros, temerosos de quienes llegarán a ser con el tiempo, aterrorizados por los lugares a donde nos pueden llevar y un obstáculo a su entendimiento del lugar que deben ocupar en la sociedad? La Carta a los colosenses exige mucho de nosotros como pa-dres e hijos. Entre otras cosas, debemos ser pacientes y compa-sivos, comprendiendo cómo la relación que causa y alimenta la familia puede perfeccionarse sólo en la comunidad más grande en donde la vida se comparte y el amor se entiende. Sirácides pregunta sobre nuestro entendimiento de la solidar-idad. Estamos relacionados, no sólo por nuestra sangre y famil-ia inmediata, sino porque, como familia humana en la imagen de Cristo, hemos sido forjados por la fe, la cultura y la experi-encia en el pueblo de Dios y el sacramento de su presencia.

Donaldo Headley


December 30, 2018

PASTORAL TEAM Equipo Pastoral Pastor Fr. Ramón R. Marrufo 760.689.6205 Deacon Daniel Rosas 760.689.6200 School Principal Linda McCotter 760.689.6250 Pastoral Associate Kristine Almada 760.689.6208 Children’s Faith Formation Denell Robles 760.689.6212 Formación de Fé para Niños Petra Díaz 760.689.6211 Youth Minister Toney Renteria 760.689.6209 Coordinator of Liturgy and Sacred Music John Koss 760.689.6207 Coordinador de Música Juan Domingo 949.614.6205


Announcements must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the requested publication date.


"I prayed for this child, and the LORD granted my request. Now I, in turn, give him to the LORD;

as long as he lives, he shall be dedicated to the LORD." (1 Sm 1:27-28)


Blessed are they who dwell in your house, O Lord. (Ps 84)

Second Reading:

And his commandment is this: we should believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love

one another just as he commanded us. (1 Jn 3:23)


After three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to

them and asking them questions, and all who heard him were astounded at his understanding

and his answers. (Lk 2:46-47)

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28/Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10 [cf. 5a]/1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24/Lk


Monday: 1 Jn 2:18-21/Ps 96: 1-2, 11-12, 13 [11a]/Jn 1:1-18

Tuesday: Nm 6:22-27/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 [2a]/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21

Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:22-28/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [3cd]/Jn 1:19-28

Thursday: 1 Jn 2:29-3:6/Ps 98:1, 3cd-4, 5-6 [3cd]/Jn 1:29-34

Friday: 1 Jn 3:7-10/Ps 98:1, 7-8, 9 [3cd]/Jn 1:35-42

Saturday: 1 Jn 3:11-21/Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5 [2a]/Jn 1:43-51

Next Sunday: Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13 [cf. 11]/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/ Mt 2:1-


Saints and special observances Monday: St. Sylvester I, Pope; New Year's Eve Tuesday: Mary, the Holy Mother of God (holy day of obligation); New Year's Day Wednesday: Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen Thursday: The Most Holy Name of Jesus Friday: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious Saturday: St. John Neumann, Bishop Next Sunday: The Epiphany of the Lord

THE SICK Los Enfermos John Hersh, Isidra Orcino, Rafael Munoz, Jim Whisnand, Nacho Rivera, Marion Gaddi, Rigoberto Lomelli, Martin Contreras Lemus, Landon Hogan

THE DECEASED Los Difuntos Jean Combs, Bob Selsor, Eduardo Cortez, Mary Rodriguez, Petra Limones, Joe Marrufo, Ben Aloe, Cecilia Kiauss, Nathan Branch, Lilian de Linares, Sister Alba, Allan Tiso, Andres Escobedo, Anselmo Andres, James Ralph Koupal, Sotera Carreno, Adolf van Dooremolen, John Tattan, Judy Demers, Francisco Andres Gonzalez, Jonathan Forrester, Petra Limones, Ana Reyes, Lila Reyes, Victoria Craig, Rose Mary Sawyer, Domingo Pascual Tomas, Louis Sesto, Judy Flannagan Bolt, Leo Denowski, Oscar Beltran, Elda de Sandoval, Scott Rysewyk, Danny Rosas Torres, Eu-gene Rose, Armendariz Family, Jorge Gil Benavides, Celia Mares, Gilberto Mares, Pilar Martinez, Michael Petro

MASS INTENTIONS Intenciones Para las Misas December 29 , 2018 4:00pm ........................ All Parishioners 6:00pm ............ †Anselmo Andres Ortiz

December 30, 2018 9:00am ............... Knights of Columbus 11:00am ................... †Flora Camacho December 31, 2018 8:30am ........................ All Parishioners January 1, 2019 10:00am ..................... All Parishioners January 2, 2019 8:30am ................... †Roger Thompson January 3, 2019 8:30amCharles Lauerman (Happy Birthday!) January 4, 2019 8:30am ............................†James Porwora WEEKLY SPOTLIGHT Enfoque Semanal January 1, 2019 Mary, Mother of God María, La Santa Madre De Dios Community Mass, 10:00am January 2, 2019 Parish Office Re-opens


LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura:

“Éste es el niño que yo le pedía al Señor y que él me ha concedido. Por eso, ahora yo se lo of-

rezco al Señor, para que le quede consagrado de por vida.” (1 Sm 1, 27—28)


Señor, dichosos los que viven en tu casa. (Sal 84)

Segunda lectura:

Ahora bien, éste es su mandamiento: que creamos en la persona de Jesucristo, su Hijo, y nos

amemos los unos a los otros, conforme al precepto que nos dio. (1 Jn 3, 23)


Al tercer día lo encontraron en el templo, sentado en medio de los doctores, escuchándolos y

haciéndoles preguntas. Todos los que lo oían se admiraban de su inteligencia y de sus

respuestas (Lc2, 46—47)

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Domingo: 1 Sm 1, 20-22. 24-28/Sal 84, 2-3. 5-6. 9-10 [cfr. 5]/1 Jn 3, 1-2. 21-24/

Lc2, 41-52

Lunes: 1 Jn 2, 18-21/Sal 96, 1-2. 11-12. 13 [11]/Jn 1, 1-18

Martes: Nm 6, 22-27/Sal 67, 2-3. 5. 6. 8 [2]/Gal 4, 4-7/Lc2, 16-21

Miércoles: 1 Jn 2, 22-28/Sal 98, 1. 2-3. 3-4 [3]/Jn 1, 19-28

Jueves: 1 Jn 2, 29-3, 6/Sal 98, 1. 3-4. 5-6 [3]/Jn 1, 29-34

Viernes: 1 Jn 3, 7-10/Sal 98, 1. 7-8. 9 [3]/Jn 1, 35-42

Sábado: 1 Jn 3, 11-21/Sal 100, 1-2. 3. 4. 5 [2]/Jn 1, 43-51

Domingo siguiente: Is 60, 1-6/Sal 72, 1-2. 7-8. 10-11. 12-13 [cfr. 11]/Ef 3, 2-3. 5-6/

Mt 2, 1-12

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Lunes: San Silvestre I, papa; Víspera de Año Nuevo Martes: María, La Santa Madre De Dios (dia de precepto); Día de Año Nuevo Miércoles: San Basilio el Magno y San Gregorio Nacianceno Jueves: Día del Santísimo Nombre de Jesús Viernes: Santa Isabel, Ana Bayley, viuda de Seton, religiosa Sábado: San Juan Neumann, obispo Domingo siguiente: Día de la Epifanía del Señor

DECEMBER 22ND—23RD OFFERING: General Fund: $11,975.50 Debt Reduction: $2,328.50


CHRISTMAS: $22,114.40

Thank you for your faithful stewardship of treasure

Gracias por su más fiel tesoro de


St Peter the Apostle | 5


6 December 30, 2018

SACRAMENTS INFANT BAPTISM The sacrament of baptism for infants is celebrated during Mass. If you are inter-ested in having your child baptized, please make contact Kristine Almada at 760.689.6208 or BAUTIZOS Se celebran una vez por mes a las 12PM. Si están interesados en bautizar a su hijo/a, favor de pasar a la oficina parroquial para obtener una forma de registro. RCIA: RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (How Do I Become A Catholic?) If you are interested in finding out more about the Catholic faith, or are missing some of your sacraments please contact Kristine Almada at 760.689.6208 or CONFIRMATION Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacra-ment of Confirmation together make up the “Sacraments of Christian Initia-tion”. The reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the com-pletion of baptismal grace. The mini-mum age for the reception of the Sacra-ment of Confirmation is 15 for those already baptized. The policy of the par-ish is to accept candidates for Confirma-tion who are in the 9th grade and up to 11th grade. Those who are 18 years of age or above are to be enrolled in the adult Confirmation program. The two-year preparation process aims to lead the candidate to a more intimate union with Jesus Christ and more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit – his ac-tions, his gifts and his biddings – in or-der to be more capable of assuming the apostolic responsibilities of Christian life. Candidates are expected to attend scheduled faith formation sessions, re-treats, service outreach and attend Mass regularly as they prepare their hearts to become fully initiated into the Catholic Church. For information contact Toney Renteria at 760.689.6209

PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Oficina de la Parroquia Cerrara The Parish Office will be closed for the Christmas Holiday from Monday, December 24th through Tuesday, January 1st. We will reopen on Wednesday, January 2nd.

To contact a priest for sick calls and other emergencies please call the Parish office and press 1.

La oficina de la parroquia cerrara para las festividades de Navidad desde el lunes 24 de Diciembre hasta el martes 1 de Enero, abriremos de nuevo el miércoles 3 de Enero.

Para contactar un sacerdote por enfermedad seria o por otra emergencia llamar a la oficina de la parroquia y presionar el 1.


Saint Peter's Soup Kitchen Ministry would like to thank the 36+ parish volun-teers, NCL volunteers and multiple partners who help fund and support Saint Peter's Soup Kitchen. Or dedicated volunteers serve soup six days a week, including holidays, providing a hot breakfast for others in our community who are in need. Much of this work would not be possible without the donations and assistance of a number of local Fallbrook businesses, especially Major Market and St Peter Thrift Store. Please remember to stop and shop at these establishments to thank them for their generosity. If you are interested in joining this loving and caring minis-try, there is currently one opening for the 2nd Thursday of each month. You may contact Mary Jo Bacik at 760-451-9394. Thank you Soup Kitchen volunteers and may God Bless you in the new year.

MARY, THE MOTHER OF GOD María, la Madre de Dios

Tuesday, January 1st, all are invited to our 10am Community Mass as we begin a New Year through prayer and honor Mary, the Mother of God. Martes 1 de enero, todos están invitados a la misa comunitaria de las 10 a.m. para comenzar el Año Nuevo con la oración y el honor de María, la Madre de Dios.

LECTORS IN ENGLISH Training for new readers will be Monday, January 7, 2019 in the Church.


St Peter the Apostle | 7

ST. PETER’S WOMEN’S MINISTRY The St. Peter’s Women’s Ministry will be hosting a women’s retreat on

Friday, January 4th, 2019 Bosco Center

9:00am—1:00pm Fee: $10 (includes continental breakfast and lunch)

Presider is Fr. Pat Crowley Theme: “New Beginnings”

RSVP to Roberta Rose by 12/28/2018 Please arrive at the Bosco Center by 8:30 am to register.

FORMACIÓN DE FÉ PARA NIÑOS El ministerio de Formación de Fe apoya a las familias con oración y preparación sacra-mental para los niños y adultos. Las clases son martes y miércoles para padres y niños de 6:30—8:30pm. Estamos para servirle 760.689.6211 o CHILDREN'S FAITH FORMATION We offer this program to help parents as their child’s “first and most important teach-ers", in their child's Christian education. Children grades K-6th meet on Sunday morn-ings from 10:30am -11:45am during the school year to learn the Catholic faith. Sacramental Preparation is offered at the appropriate time in the child’s development. Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconcili-ation and Eucharist is generally a two year process beginning in first grade. For more information and registration, con-tact Denell Robles at 760-689-6212. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Before setting any dates please contact the parish office at 760.689.6200 at the time of your engagement or at least 9 months in advance of selecting a possible wedding date. SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO Antes de escoger la fecha o hacer cualquier reservación favor de llamar a la oficina par-roquial mínimo 9 meses antes de la fecha deseada. CONVALIDATION If you were not married in a Catholic Church and wish to discuss the sacrament of mar-riage please contact the parish office at 760.689.6200 to arrange an appointment with Fr. Ramón. CONVALIDACION Si no están casados por la Iglesia, y desean platicar sobre como recibir el sacramento de matrimonio, favor de contactar a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita con el Padre Ramón o con el Diácono. DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Are you divorced, separated or remarried outside of the church? Our annulment minis-try team is here to help and support you. We are a group of trained ministers that assist Catholics (who have been away from the sacraments or the Church due to a former marriage) to return to full communion with the Church. We also assist those seeking to come into the Church who have been married more than once, or whose spouse has been married more than once. If you would like more information, please contact the parish office at 760.689.6200.

FR. RAMON’S RETIREMENT PARTY Fiesta para Padre Ramon We are planning a Parish Retirement Party for Fr. Ramón on January 25, 2019 (more information to follow). As a gift, we would like to present him with a Memory Book of ….Your Favorite memory-- How he's touched your life--- Advice for retirement – Things you will miss--Favorite saying, expression or advice. In a paragraph or less, write something special to Fr. Ramon. Email your submission to or by Friday, January 11. Estamos organizando una fiesta para festejar la jubilacion de el Padre Ramon el proximo 25 de enero de 2019 (habra mas destalles). Como regalo, nos gus-taria darle un libro con recuerdos; su recuerdo favorito; como el a affectado su vida? O algun consejo para futuro; algo que va a extranar, su frase favorita, expresion o consejo. En un parrafo o menos, eacriban algo especial para el padre Ramon. Enviar por correo electrónico su presentación a lmccotter o antes del 11 de enero.

MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST There will be no men’s prayer breakfast on Saturday, January 5th, as we will be celebrating the migrant worker epiphany service. Please join us in the parish hall at 7 am to help distribute gifts and serve food.


December 30, 2018


It’s time to plan year-end giving

Please remember St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish when you plan your charitable gifts. Be sure to complete all gifts by December 31 to qualify for tax savings on this year’s tax return. Remember, the parish office will be closed between Dec. 24-Jan. 1, so early planning is essential. If you need to make special arrangements, contact the parish office before Christmas. Any donations received in the parish office or postmarked by December 31st will be counted as 2018 charitable contributions. Here are some ideas to support the needs of our community: • General Fund—the parish supports many ministries, and upkeep on our large campus is costly, so your gifts will be put to good use in direct service of ministry and property maintenance. • Debt Reduction Initiative—last year, several generous parishioners gave large year-end gifts. These gifts enabled us to continue to make our mortgage payments during the months when collections were low. Please consider giv-ing a substantial gift to our debt reduction fund, if you have sold, or are think-ing of selling, stocks, bonds, property, or other assets as part of your financial plan. 100% of your contributions will go toward reducing the debt on our new parish sanctuary. • Parish School—gifts will directly go to provide quality Catholic education to

the students of St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School. Also, remember to make your Annual Catholic Appeal donations before year-end to qualify for 2018 tax savings.

Thank you for your generous support of our parish. Any and all gifts are greatly appreciated!

IN PARISH—MINISTRY Beloved 'Beloved' Pro-Life Ministry, respecting life from womb to tomb. We desire to engage in conversations that edify, encourage and strengthen the people of God. Join us on the third Sunday of each month immediately following the 9 am Mass on the Parish Hall patio as we pray and plan upcoming parish and community events. Contact Karen Downey at 760.805.0896 for additional information. Bereavement Ministry Coping with the loss of a loved one becomes a struggle. Please consider joining our group to share and lift each other in our grief. For more information, call Jan at 760-728-8445 or Nancy at 760-731-2757 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) shares the Gospel with children (Pre-K-4th grade) in words they can understand and reflects upon how to apply these lessons to their lives. Children are dismissed from the 9am Mass with a blessing for the Liturgy of the Word aided by catechists using stories, songs and age appropriate activities. They return to Mass during the preparation of the gifts, to join their families and to celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Children’s Liturgy of the Word plants the seeds of faith that will grow with the nurturing of the Christian fami-ly and the help of the Holy Spirit. Do You Love Me? Tend My Sheep We have a wonderful time with the children! We teach in teams of two leaders, Septem-ber through mid-summer. Each team is scheduled to lead a liturgy once a month. You can participate with friends and create your own team or you can join an experi-enced team. Lesson plans are provided for you, yet each lesson allows for flexibility and creativity. To learn more, please contact Denell Robles, Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator 760-689-6212.

YOUTH MINISTRY: CONFIRMATION January 6, 2019- NO CONFIRMATION CLASS January 13, 2019- Confirmation Year 1 -Lesson # 6-"Why be Catholic?" - 6:30pm-8:00pm (Discovering the Church Jesus Founded- CHOSEN Program/ Confirmation Year 2 -Lesson # 19- "Who is Mary?" (Meeting the Mother of God- and your Heavenly Family) January 18-20- Confirmation Year 2 Young Men's Retreat-Whispering Winds / NO Confirmation Class January 27, 2019- Guest Speaker- Karen Downey @ Church 6:30pm-8:00pm

INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION SEMINAR The next Infant Baptism Preparation Seminar for parents and Godparents will be held on Saturday, January 12th at 9:00 a.m. This seminar may be attended while you are expecting your child. It is also for those who are planning a baptism in the coming months. Please contact Kristine Almada at 760-689-6208 for more information or to register.


St Peter the Apostle | 9

IN PARISH—MINISTRY Crochet and Knitting Ministry Ministerio de Ganchillo y Tejido de Punto St. Peter’s women’s ministry of crocheting and knitting for others meets on the third Tuesday of every month from 1PM—3PM in the lower room of the St. Andrew’s Center. You can learn to crochet or knit (the yarn and supplies will be provided), you can do your own thing, or you can sit and chat. There is no fee. El ministerio de mujeres que tejerán para los necesitados el tercer martes de cada mes de 1pm-3pm. Nos reuniremos en el Centro de San Andrés en el primer piso. Pueden apren-der a tejer (todos los materiales serán proveídos), pueden tejer a su gusto, o sim-plemente acompañarnos y charlar con no-sotras. No hay ningún costo. For more information, contact: Para más información, contacten a: Gena Smith: 760.685.3889 Carmen Willard: 314.803.0986 Liturgical Ministries All liturgical ministers are required to go through a training and are usually assigned to the mass they frequently attend. Opportunities to serve include Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Music Minis-ters, Altar Servers, Hospitality Ministers, Environment Ministers and Sacristans. For more information, contact John Koss at 760.689.6207 Men’s Prayer Breakfast The Men’s Prayer Breakfast provides an op-portunity for the men of the parish to gather once a month to attend Mass, have break-fast, hear a speaker and enjoy fellowship. Call Tim Willard at 314.952.0987 or

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School An integral ministry of our Parish. Catholic values are interwoven into a com-prehensive curriculum relevant to the Gos-pel. Recognizing and encouraging parents as the primary educators and teachers as facilitators, stu-dents are empowered to take responsibility for their learning and challenged to reach their individual potential. St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School teach-es Traditional Values, Today’s Technology,

and Tomorrow’s Leaders!


Saturday, January 5, 2019—7:00 AM Jesus said, “What you do for the least of mine, you do for me.”

The following donations are requested (unwrapped): • jeans or work pants: sizes, waist 30 and 32 ,inseam 30 • Workshirts, hoodies, light weight jackets, and t-shirts in small and medium • Briefs in small and medium • Work socks (thick, athletic) in grey or black • Toothpaste, bars of soap, disposable razors, shaving cream • JC Penny Scrip Place your donations in the boxes in the Church. We will accept donations until the end of New Year’s Day Mass.

Sabado, 5 de enero—7:00 AM Por favor traiga regalos y empaque los en papel de regalo para los trabaja-dores emigrantes y póngalos en la caja que esta en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o debajo de los árboles de Navidad que están en la iglesia. Por favor escriba en una etiqueta la talla y el articulo. Suéteres , chaquetas, jeans , T shirts, guantes para trabajar, Gorros, medias, artículos de aseo, cobi-jas o tarjetas de regalo apropiadas (Scrip de JC Penny)

QUESTION OF THE WEEK PREGUNTAS DE LA SEMANA • John teaches us that we can be called "children of God" if we be-

lieve in Jesus and love one another. How well do you think you do these two mandates?

• Juan nos ensena que podemos ser "hijos de Dios" si creemos en Jesús y nos amamos los unos a los otros. ¿Qué piensa usted de es-tos dos mandatos?

ADULT CONFIRMATION PREPARATION Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation as an adult offers a unique opportunity for formation and information in a small group setting. If you have never been confirmed, consider this your invitation to grow in your faith and complete your sacraments of initiation. Adults, 18 years of age or older, should register for Confirmation Preparation now. Confirmation will take place with the Bishop in June 2019. Registration forms are available in the parish office during office hours. For more information, contact Kristine Almada at 760-689-6208. Classes begin January 2019.


10 | December 30,2018

CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD La Catequesis del Buen Pastor The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori based religious formation pro-

gram for children beginning at age three. Its main purpose is to create and facilitate a sacred, “hands-on” space for children called an atrium, which both the children and the catechists can hear, ponder and celebrate the most essential mysteries of the

Christian faith as revealed in the scriptures and liturgy. A U-Tube video further explain-ing this amazing program is available at


Our St Peters Atrium is coming together and sessions will begin Monday Feb 4th , 2019 at 10:00 am-12:00pm in the St Andrews center and will continue on Monday

mornings until May. Pre-registration for children ages 3-6 is available, space is limited. We are still in need of materials either made or purchased. We are asking for gently used items for our atrium, small sized furniture, rugs, nativity sets, etc. We also need seamstresses to sew, artists to paint, wood crafters and or refurbishing. Please con-tact Geneane Ballard with any questions or donations.

La Catequesis del Buen Pastor es un programa de formación religiosa basado en Montessori para niños a partir de los tres años. Su propósito principal es crear y facili-

tar un espacio sagrado y práctico para los niños llamado atrio, que tanto los niños como los catequistas puedan escuchar, reflexionar y celebrar los misterios más esen-

ciales de la fe cristiana como se revela en las Escrituras y liturgia. Un video de que explica con más detalle este increíble programa está disponible en https://

Nuestro San Pedro Atrio se está reuniendo y las sesiones comenzarán el lunes 4 de febrero de 2019 de 10:00 am a 12:00 pm en el centro de San Andrés y continuarán los lunes por la mañana hasta mayo. La preinscripción para niños de 3 a 6 años está disponible, el espacio es limitado. Todavía necesitamos materiales hechos o compra-dos. Estamos solicitando artículos de uso suave para nuestro atrio, muebles de tama-

ño pequeño, alfombras, juegos de nativos, etc. También necesitamos costureras, artistas para pintar, artesanos de madera y / o remodelaciones. Por favor, póngase

en contacto con Geneane Ballard con cualquier pregunta o donación.

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Small Faith Communities Small Faith Communities are groups of 8—12 people who meet weekly or bi-weekly for shared prayer, study and ministry for the purpose of growth, edification and service, all for the glory of God. For more information, contact Teresa Schutt at Women’s Ministry All women of the parish are invited to attend the St. Peter’s Women’s Ministry meetings. Meetings are held on the first Friday of every month (except religious holidays and July and August) at 10:00am—11:30am in the Upper Room of the St. Andrew’s Center. Refresh-ments provided. Youth Ministry Our mission is to lead the youth into a pas-sionate and authentic relationship with Jesus Christ fueled by the Holy Spirit to build the Kingdom of God to the glory of God the Fa-ther. Weekly Gatherings HS Bible Study- Mon 7:00-8:30pm in the Bosco Center WWJD- Jr High YG Tues 6:30-8:00pm in the Bosco Center FUEL- HS Worship Night Wed 7:00-8:30pm in the Bosco Center Movie Night Fri(4th) 7:00-8:30pm TBD For information contact: Toney Renteria at 760-689-6209 If you would like your ministry listed in the bulletin, please e-mail a short description of your ministry to: Si le gustaría anunciar a su ministerio, favor de mandar un correo electrónico con la descripción de su ministerio a:


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