december e-newsletter 2013

Post on 18-Mar-2016






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Cowboy Fellowship E-newsletter 2013


Featured in this issue


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Word from the Pastor


Fall Festival

Word From The Pastor

Well the holiday season is here once again. For many this time of the year could not arrive soon

enough. The cooler weather, vacation time, great food, and giving and receiving gifts is the highlight of the

year. For others this is a tough dark time when they struggle financially, or emotionally as they remember

those who will not be here to celebrate this year. Whatever category you fall in there is no denying that it’s

that time again.

God is really big on timing. In fact in Galatians 4:4–6 NET 4 But when the appropriate time had

come, God sent out his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law,

so that we may be adopted as sons with full rights. Other translations say “at just the right time…” So how can

we make the most of this holiday season? Certainly God has a purpose and plan for our lives over the next few

weeks. Here are three things I believe it is time for as we approach Christmas.

1. It’s time to overcome our worry and fear. I understand that this will not be quick or easy but it must

be done. We should not ignore our fears and worries and simply put them off until 2014. Now is the

time to be over-comers when it comes to worry and fear. Matthew 6:34 teaches us that we should not

worry about tomorrow. When Mary found out from the angel that she was carrying the messiah he

said “do not be afraid!” Whatever you are worried about or fearful of now is the time to wage war

against those things and overcome them once and for all before Christmas arrives. You might even go

online to and listen to the sermons I recently preached on overcoming


2. It’s time to listen carefully. In Luke 10 after the angel tells Mary not to be afraid he says “Listen

carefully.” Many of us have missed God this year. He has been trying to get through but we have just

been too busy to really listen. There is no better time than right now to stop and listen carefully to

what God might be speaking into your life. Consider His commands, His encouragement, His sweet

still small voice that breaths life into all who hear it.

3. It’s time to share the gospel. In Luke 2:10 the angel said “for I proclaim to you good news…“ This is

the season of good news and people are surrounded by it everywhere they go. There is no doubt that

people are much more likely to attend church or seriously consider the good news of Christ during the

holiday season. Who will you invite to church? Who will your share the gospel with? Who will you be

praying for over the next 30 days? Its time to consider these questions then share the gospel with

those you love.

4. It’s time to experience great joy. Finally the angel in Luke 2 said “brings great joy to all the

people…” I know the holidays are difficult as we celebrate without some of our loved ones. There are

numerous other things that makes this time of the year arduous on many, but it is a time of great joy.

Enjoy this holiday season focus on the positive things that bring joy into your life. This is the season

that we use to mark the biggest event in human history, the birth of our savior. There is much to cele-

brate, and so much joy to be experience and shared.

I pray that you have a wonderful holiday season. Invite your friends and family to church, Listen to God

daily, overcome your fears, and share the joy of this season with everyone you meet. Our Christmas service

will be on December 22, but I hope to see you at church long before then. May God bless us all this holiday


Pastor Pete

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Matthew 2:11

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The following are reoccurring

events that take place each

week/month at the same time

unless otherwise denoted.

Discipleship Classes Sunday

morning before Church at

9am ( check with your disci-

pleship leader for holiday

class schedule. )

Church Services - Sunday at

10:45 AM

Children’s Play Group Every

Tuesday from 10am -


Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

3rd Sat. 8-9 Call Bob Byrd

for info at: 210-896-5525

CFY - Every Wednesday @


Pre-Teen Ministry Every

Wednesday @ 6:30pm-8

Bldg D

2nd Sat. Clean Up

8 am-10 am

GriefShare starts on Sept.

15th at 1:30 for 13 weeks.

Please Go To Our Website For

Times And More Information!



9 a



Sun Morning

Worship Serv.





Play Group

at Kid

Nation in




5th & 6th

Grade Youth

6:30p-8p CFY



CF band


6:30 p–8p


6 7




10:45 a

Sun Morning

Worship Serv.



9 10


Play Group



5th & 6th

Grade Youth

6:30p-8p CFY



CF band


6:30 p–8p


13 14


2nd Sat

Clean Up









Sun. Morning

Worship Serv.


Saddle up


Leadership and

Lay Pastor




16 17


Play Group



5th & 6th

Grade Youth

6:30p-8p CFY

7p-9p Adult Riding Group



CF band


6:30pm– 8


20 21

8a-9a Men’s Fellowship Breakfast





Sun. Morning

Worship Serv.








Office Closed





CF band




29 10:45am Sun. Morning Worship Serv. 12pm-1 Elders mtg. 1:30 pm GriefShare

30 31




Of Events

11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and

they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures

and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The Arena Ministry

Adult Riding Group Will not meet in December

Youth Riding Clinic Will not meet in December

Ladies Riding Group 2nd Sat. of the month 10am-12 noon

Contact info.: Marian Knowlton phone 210-831-6079


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December Church Events Dec. 1st Baptism

Dec 3rd Play Group at Kid Nation in Jourdanton 10-11:30

Dec. 8th Baby Dedication

Dec. 8th Servant’s Appreciation Dinner 6:00 pm

Dec 14th 2nd Saturday Clean up

Dec. 15th Kids Christmas Choir

Dec. 24 & 25th Office Closed

Dec. 31st Office Closed

Page 5

The Cowboy Fellowship Annual Fall Festival was a great success. The head count was over 3000 people who

came out to enjoy the evening’s festivities. There were some really cute costumes and some were quite scary.

Due to the rain the morning of the festival some of the booths had to be moved to new locations. All of the

booths had lots of activity and gave away tons of candy. Many people in attendance enjoyed the music of the

Cowboy Fellowship Band, who by the way did an outstanding job. Kid Nation performed for the crowd, and at

the end of the evening there was a spectacular fireworks display.

This year as you entered the gates, greeters passed out a card to be filled out and then turned in at the Church

service the following Sunday at either Cowboy Fellowship or the First Baptist Church of Jourdanton. On

Monday morning all of the cards were mixed together and then one of the pastors drew out the winnings for the

prizes. The prize winners were: Rhett Parrott-Kindle Fire, Bertha Hardin-Kindle Fire, Yolanda Garza-IPad mini,

Jennifer Bruns-IPad mini, Abby Henry-Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, Pam Hindes-Nexus 10, Linda Searle-Subway Gift

Card, Kailey Smith-Sizzler Gift Card, Shirley Tkadlec-Sizzler Gift Card, Ron Cochran-Subway Gift Card, David

Brown-Domino Gift Card, Kathy Cochran-Domino Gift Card.

On the following pages are pictures of some of the attendees at the Festival. Thanks to Avalon Newell and Bryon

Hensch for the pictures.

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God's Back-up Plan 10/25/2013

Rikot spent a week in the village with her (first) family last week.

Now that she has been with us for almost three years we have moved past the adjustment phase and are working through the heartache

and grief that goes hand and hand with adoption. It is a constant struggle for her and for us.

She has been missing them terribly.

She misses life in the village as well. Or at least what she remembers life to be like. I spent the week in fear and anxiety, honestly. She

has struggled throughout her time with us with wanting to be back there. I don't blame her. It's not as if she has a bad family, just one

that can't manage her disease. But they do love her, hence, the difficulty of it all.

We spent the week in prayer for wisdom in knowing what to do with her. Should she go back or should she stay? We were torn.

Adopting has changed our perspective on adoption. We always saw it as a beautiful thing, something holy almost, ordained by God.

We were rescuing children from a life as "just a village girl" or "just a shepherd'. We used to see our adopted children as "made for

us", and their adoption as "God's plan".

But it just isn't like that. Not that God doesn't use it, but to say that it's His plan for them to be with us is pushing it, I think, and very

self-centered. God is always about the work of restoration, and that's what adoption is, restoration of something that was broken. But

He put her with her first family because that's where He wanted her, with them, not us.

They were God's plan for her.

Enter sin...and enter death...and enter sickness...and Not the original plan, but the back-up anyway. We are God's back-up

plan for her.

And this is why we were torn. If it's possible for her to thrive with them, His first choice for her, then shouldn't she be with them?

It was a long week.

We picked her up on Monday, and I could see right away that she was sick. Bloodshot eyes, raspy voice, itchy rash covering her body.

She had lost enough weight in a week for me to count her ribs. She let me heat her bath water and put cream on her itchy rash. She

hugged me for five minutes without stopping. She was so sad. Sad to leave her first family, and sad because she knew, finally, for

herself, that she could not thrive there.

Today, almost a week later, she danced through her morning, and I overheard her singing to herself, "I am so loved..."

Her rash is fading, and she is eating seconds at every meal. She is full of joy and energy and life. She is bonding well and letting her-

self be loved. Readjustment is going well. Not to say that she doesn't miss them still, but God is restoring the hurting places in her,

just as He does in us.

This story, her story, has taught me so much about God's heart for us. Adoption was never His original plan for us. We were always

meant to dwell with Him in perfect communion, to walk hand in hand in the garden He created for us. Enter sin...and enter His back-

up plan, adoption through His son, Jesus Christ.

What a beautiful back-up plan that turned out to be. Not that our stories are free of heartache and grief, but He is always about the

business of healing our broken places and creating beauty from ashes.

I am so grateful that He continues to restore our relationship with Him and look forward to the day when we again walk hand in hand

in His garden.

Page 11

New Life 11/08/2013

I weeded my garden today. And in between clumps of grass that threat-

ened to take over and copious amounts of bright green

leaves, I found them.


Despite the difficulties of gardening here, the thorns, the lack of water, the wind and the ants,

fruit is coming.

These last few weeks have been ones of transition. Kenneth has spent countless hours in disci-

pleship and prayer and is beginning to see, finally, the fruit. New churches are being started.

Ones in which his name is not known and his face is never seen. Sick people are being prayed

for by their own church members, not just by the "mzungu". Warriors are finding new life in

Christ and their friends are seeing the change and desiring it in their own lives. Another bap-

tism is being planned, and leaders, Karimojong leaders, are taking over the shepherding of

their own people. Change is coming. New life is peeking through.

Last night was the first screening of the Jesus film in the Ngakarimojong language. It was

standing room only in a friend's little yard, people packed closely enough to fall asleep stand-

ing up and not fall down. Exclamations were heard all over the yard, "Wow! Jesus is speaking

our language!" For many of the 200+ people there last night it was the first time they have

heard the gospel story. And I have no doubt that change will come to their lives as well. Be-

cause God is moving here.

In this land of thorns and dust and wind, God's Spirit is moving, calling His people to repen-

tance, calling them to new life in Him.

"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a

way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Is. 43:19

What about you? How is God moving in the places you live and work? We'd love to hear about

it and pray for you. Send us an email. Kenneth and Kristi Williams

P.O. Box 48 Kotido, Uganda 011-256-785-758-033

The Helping Hands Ministry met on Wednesday, November 20th at

Cowboy Fellowship to put together the teaching packets for the Children

Church. After all the work was done the group went to Café Chris for a

nice luncheon and fellowship. If you would like to join this fun and hard

working team get in touch with Marty Pryor.

Page 12

Zander Temple, a Cub Scout from Den 8 Wolves, places American Flag on the graves of local veterans.

Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts placed flags on graves at

the Pleasanton City Cemetery. Shown left to right are:

front row – John Cabrera, Seth Macmanus, Cade

Macmanus and Blaine Macrnanus. Back row - Paul


Salute to Veterans at Rock - N - At - The - River

The Pleasanton JROTC presented the colors at the Rock -N - At - River Festival

Glenda, Ben and Fernando Garcia enjoyed the music and fun at the

Atascosa River Park.

Christian Country musician Clifton Jansky and Danny

Castro of Von Ormy were part of the entertainment

Pleasanton Mayor Clifton J. Powell (foreground) and

JROTC instructor Alan W. Maitland (background) paused

for prayer.

Page 13

The month of November is one of “thanks” for so many reasons but none greater than for our freedoms we enjoy as Americans. This past weekend, Cadets from the Pleasanton Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps or JROTC took time to honor the men and women who served us so faithfully throughout our nation’s history to guarantee our freedoms.

More than 40 Cadets volunteered to assist in the recognition of the Veterans in attendance at the Second annual Rock - N - at - The River Music Festival held at the Atascosa River Park in Pleasan-ton on Saturday, Nov. 9th. The event began with four prod cadets in highly pressed cadet uniforms marching up to center stage to “present” the Nation’s Colors while First Ser-geant Jose Sanchez led the audience in reciting the Pledge of Alle-giance.

Since it was Veterans Day weekend, the festi-val organizer dedicated the event to the Veter-ans and Wounded War-riors. The Pleasanton Cadets added charm to the event by rendering a Saber salute to all Veterans.

As the Veterans passed through the Saber Line, the Cadets gave them a ceremonial salute for their unselfish service to our nation.

The Cadets also assisted with a support detail to assist the handicapped and help the organizers.

Ten churches and six pastors were repre-sented at the event. It was estimated that over 500 people flowed through from 2-7p.m. and there were 41 decisions for Christ.

Thanks Veterans

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