december st. philip newsletter

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8/13/2019 December St. Philip Newsletter 1/6






BlendedWorship—  9:ooam

December 2013 

St. Philip News

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 A Message from the PastorMerry Christmas, St. Philip! I have added a photo below of Jake’s

First Christmas. It’s hard to believe how fast our little ones grow up -

last year Jake could stay in pajamas all day; now he has his own socks,

shoes, and “big boy” clothes.

Looking back at Christmas and Advent from when I was a child, Ihave so many cherished memories. My step-grandma would send an

Advent calendar with chocolate for my brother and me, and we

would alternate opening the windows for each day. The person who

didn’t get the calendar would get to open a small Advent gift from my

grandma. Unfortunately, my grandma LOVED perusing the small-

town flea markets for our gifts, so opening them was quite an adven-

ture. Sometimes we got unexpected surprises, like cat hair or bugs.

Nonetheless, we treasured our Advent times together – in expecta-

tion and excitement for Christmas.

We also spent time together as a family each night listening to Ad-

vent devotionals from our church. As we got older, sometimes we got

behind and ended up having to listen to several devotionals at once

to “catch up.” Do you feel as though you’re playing “catch up” this

season? I know I do, and yet I want to make sure that Jake has a

chance to experience the cherished, peaceful memories of Advent

that I had as a child.

We won’t be having a tree this year, but we will put up garland

around the staircase with lights (hopefully Jake doesn’t pull them

down!) My prayer and intention is that we have some time for prayerand Bible reading this season with all the lights out—except the

Christmas lights. Maybe we’ll even sing a song together. And in those

moments—I believe Jesus will come to our house.

When is Jesus coming to your house this Advent

season? What unexpected gifts has our Savior pre-

pared for you this season? I pray our homes and

our church, St. Philip, are prepared to receive the

bountiful gifts of the Spirit this Christmas.

 In Christ, Pastor Angela 

Worship Servers

December 2013


Don Sypura and Debbie Atkinson

Altar Guild:Carol Downs and Maxine Kitts


1: Advent Kids Workshop

8: Open

15: Cris Bartlett

22: Open

29: Rita Bergquist and Jack Taylor


1: Mike Roth

8: Ron Branstrom

15: Debbie Atkinson

22: Rick Jaegers

24: Megan Hartman

29: Nick Lucariello

We’d love to hear your voice at worship! Volunteer

for any open slots by emailing Pastor Angela at

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Paper Recycling at St. Philip

What’s BIG AND YELLOW AND GREEN? St. Philip has a big yellow

and green ASSET (The Paper Retriever) in the parking lot! Areyou interested in promoting the use of this asset by managing

publicity about the retriever in the congregation and for the

other groups that meet here? There is a Web site with ideas and

resources to assist in this important work. The council has desig-

nated the funds raised from the Paper Retriever for the Building

Fund for maintenance and repairs. If you don’t already have a

ministry in the congregation please pray about helping with this

one. Call the church office at 847-998-1946 or email Pastor An-

gela at for details.

Mats for Life

Bring your clean plastic grocery bags to church for Jo

Ann Metternich, Betty and Dick Graham, and Jenny

Hartman to transform into sleeping mats for people ex-

periencing homelessness. If you are interested in learn-

ing how to make them, contact any one of them or call

the church office 847-998-1946.

Electronic Giving Options

Electronic giving is an easy way to make your fi-

nancial contributions to St. Philip. See Mary Roth

for additional details on Electronic Giving or email

Pastor Angela at

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St. Philip worships in one blended service at 9

a.m. All kids are welcome and encouraged to

come to services for a children’s sermon, and

then head out for Sunday School Explorers!

Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship

Christmas Eve Service at St. Philip is at 4

p.m., with music from our children’s choir

as well as a brass quintet from Glenbrook

South High School. Mark your calendars

and invite your families home to St. Philip

to experience this special celebration of

Christ’s coming this Christmas. 

Council Highlights

Approved Kids’ Epiphany Praise & Pizza on Jan. 4 

Set date of Jan. 26 for the Semi-Annual Congregational meeting with

budget hearings for the congregation scheduled the two weeks prior to

the meeting

A New Member class is planned for January

The Giving Garden will be turned back into grass for the time being

The Parish Admin position was posted on several websites

The Music Director position was posted on several websites

Pastor Angela will be gone Dec.22 and Jan 5. Pastor Katie Gallagher will

be the supply pastor.

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Men’s Study 

The Men’s Bible Study meets each Saturday at 9 a.m. in the

Pastor’s Office. All men are WELCOME!!!

This is a great opportunity for both Fellowship and Learning.

Ministry Teams

Did you know that you are welcome to join a ministryteam? That’s right! The Ministry Teams are open

groups, hoping and praying for participation from you!

What assets do you have? What do you really care about? What do

you have a heart and hope for? There is a ministry team that could

help you use your assets to the glory of God. Current teams include

finance, outreach, stewardship, education and fellowship, among oth-

ers. Would you like to start a new ministry team? Contact Pastor An-

Bill Downs is now living at Emeritus-Prospect Heights. If you

would like to send a card or visit, his address is:

Bill Downs


700 E. Euclid Ave.

Prospect Heights, IL. 60070

Room #250

Visiting hours are 8:30a.m.-7:00p.m.

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Favorite Hymns

Are there hymns you would like to sing? Write them

down on your Sunday morning welcome sheet and

we’ll try and get them in at worship! 

Sunday Morning Coffee 

This is a Fellowship Event that is enjoyed by all.

Please sign up to host in the future. We currently

need creamer and dishwashing liquid for the kitchen.

Thanks to everyone who has donated items for Cof-

fee Hour and to all who will donate items in the fu-


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Going Once … Going Twice … Save the Date! 

The 2014 Auction will be on Sunday, Feb. 9. Start thinking

about parties you want to have or services that you would

be willing to perform. Also if you know of any merchants

that might be willing to make donations or you would like tohelp out with the auction this February, please contact Cris

Bartlett at (847) 729-8972.

St. Philip Christmas Jubilee 

Join us on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 2-5 p.m.for our annual Christmas Jubilee. There

will be a craft bazaar in the fellowship hall,

a cookie walk from 3-4 p.m., and story time and music at 3

p.m. Santa Claus arrives at 3:30 p.m. Adults and children of

any age are welcome to pick out crafts, win cookies, and

take priceless pictures with Santa! Free-of-charge but dona-

tions are welcome to help cover costs.

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Prayer List

We will be starting the prayer list over in January. If you

would like a name on the list to remain on or you want to

add a name to the list, please put the information on the

welcome sheet in the Sunday bulletin.

St. Philip is on Facebook!

Make sure to “like” the page to stay updated on church

events. Plus, share photos, “check in,” and help your social

network learn about our church.

For Christ’s Sake Study Group The For Christ’s Sake study group will not be meeting this


Bunco Night

Ladies Bunco will be on Friday, Jan. 10 at 7:30

p.m. Carol Downs is the hostess. There is a

sign-up sheet posted in the hallway. Carol’s ad-

dress is 7 E. Elaine Circle, Prospect Heights.

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St. Philip’s Annual Christmas Dinner  Join us for a night of celebration, food, fun and indoor

caroling on Sunday, Dec. 8 from 5-9 p.m. This will be a

pot luck dinner with the church furnishing the meal,

followed by a sing-along with Glenview’s own profes-

sional Piano Man, Mick Archer. Sign up now to sing

and get into the Spirit of Christmas. If you have any

questions please contact Rita at 847-998-0472.


The WINGS Study Group volun-

teers the last Monday of the

month at 10 a.m. at the WINGS

facility on Rand Road and meets for study and lunch at

12:30 at Carol Downs’ home. Call Carol for more informa-tion (847) 259-4866 and to join the group!

St. Philip’s Meal Kitchen is open each Tuesday

at 5:30p.m. Come share a meal together, or

volunteer to be a cook/server on the sign-up

sheet in the hall. Call the church office for de-

tails at 847-998-1946. Volunteers and cooks

come in all ages and all are welcome!

Elijah Pantry Christmas Party

We are asking for donations of Jewel gift cards in $10 amounts to

be given out at Christmas to families in need. You can give the

cards or cash to Ellen Sypura who will purchase the cards for you,

or turn in your gift cards to the church office anytime. The dead-

line for this is Dec. 6, so get into the giving spirit early!

Wanted… Aluminum can pop tops 

The Greater Chicago Food Depository collects pop can

tops to help support Ronald McDonald House. There is aplastic jar in the narthex for your contributions.

Outreach Opportunities

St. Philip’s Closet 

St. Philip’s Clothes Closet HAS NEW HOURS: Tuesdays

8:30-11 a.m. and 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m. -

Noon. They could use a few more hands. If you can

donate even two hours a month once in a

while it would help. We have met so

many nice people that just need a little


We are in need of coats, boots and winter clothing.

We especially need children and baby clothing of any

size. Call 847-998-1946 to volunteer!

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Food Donations Needed

Bring non-perishable food items with you when you

come to church and place them in the basket by the

front door. LuAnn Jones will take the donated

items to the Northfield Township Food Pantry. Food

is especially scarce now after Congressional cuts to

the SNAP program.

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