defense mechanisms. first lets work on the definitions as the definitions flash on the screen, write...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Defense Mechanisms

First Lets Work On The Definitions

• As the definitions flash on the screen, write which defense mechanism it is describing

Seeing your own problems in other people, allowing you to ignore your own problems


Coming up with an excuse or explanation to justify inappropriate behavior so it no longer

seems wrong


Turning negative emotions into positive actions that are more socially acceptable


When you act completely the opposite of how you want to act in order to hide true desires and


Reaction Formation

Suppressing unwanted memories or urges, these memories or urges can hardly ever be brought

to consciousness


Returning to a previous stage of development


Transferring aggressive feelings from the true target onto a less threatening one


Refusal to admit that something is wrong


Now Lets Try Some Examples!

As the examples come up on the screen, write down which defense mechanism it is describing

A man gets angry at his boss, but can’t express his anger to his boss for fear of being fired. He

instead comes home and kicks the dog or starts an argument with his wife.


He finds an easy target to take his anger out on…his wife

A woman is very angry with her boss and would like to quit her job but instead is overly kind and

generous toward her boss and expresses a desire to keep working there forever.

Reaction Formation

She is acting the complete opposite of how she actually feels

You are sad about a recent breakup. Instead of sitting at home depressed, you decide to go to

the gym everyday. When you leave the gym you feel better about yourself and it helps you forget

about the breakup


You are taking a negative feeling, being sad about a breakup, and turning it into a healthy

new habit of going to the gym on a regular basis

You and your mom get into an argument on the way home from the store. When you arrive

home, you stomp your feet up the stairs and cry. Your mother of course, calls you a child and

points out the fact that you are having a tantrum like your 8 year old sister does


You are acting like a child, not a young adult. Your tantrum takes you back to a previous stage

of development

A neighbor of yours is an alcoholic. You see this negative behavior impacting their lives greatly.

Their family no longer visits, they often stay inside the house, and their yard is a mess.

Despite all of this, your neighbor says that he does not have a problem.


Despite obvious signs of alcohol impacting their life, your neighbor denies that it is an issue

You cheat on your boyfriend over the weekend. When your friends confront you about it, your

response it that “He cheated on your first”


You make up an excuse for your negative behavior, cheating.

You had an awful day at school. Instead of being angry about it for the rest of the day, you decide

to go home and clean your room


Instead of being negative all day, you take your frustration and focus it toward your messy


Your nephew has chocolate all over his face and the cookies you just baked are missing. When

you ask him if he ate the cookies he says no and walks away


Your nephew refuses to admit he ate the cookies

The boy has bullied you since 3rd grade. He has made you cry many times and you strongly

dislike him. When you two are paired up together for a group project, you are very nice to

him and even try to make jokes

Reaction Formation

Even though you strongly dislike this boy, you act kindly toward him

You really like this girl from school. When it is just you two, you are constantly complimenting

her and making her laugh. One day you two hang out with your friends and you begin to

poke fun at her and make her feel embarrassed.

Reaction Formation

You like this girl, but when around your friends you act as though you do not.

Your boyfriend lost his hockey game and blames his coach. He knows that if he hit his coach he would be kicked off the team. When he gets home and you ask him about the game he

becomes to angry that he hits you.


He is really angry with his coach, but knows that he cannot act on that anger without getting

kicked off the team. He takes that anger out on you.

You decide to speed down Telegraph because you are late for something. When the cop pulls you over you tell him that “You were only going 7 over the speed limit so you didn’t think it was

a big deal”


You make up an excuse for speeding

Fish Are Friends, Not Food


Bruce is trying to take his bad impulse, eating fish, and turn it into a positive by holding

meetings for other sharks to talk about their “addiction to fish”

Reaction Formation

Regina completely hates the skirt but pretends to love it


Instead of hitting Ron Burgundy for throwing a burrito out of his window while driving, Jack

Black’s character picks up Ron’s dog Baxter and kicks him off of the bridge!

Variety Of Defense Mechanisms

Your dad hits you and your brother. As a result you go to school and beat up the younger kids at



You are angry with your dad but cannot hit him back so you take your anger out on the little kids

at school.

Your parents are recently divorced. You act as though they are still together and when people

ask you how you are taking the divorce your response is “Oh its just a fight, they are not



The fact is, your parents are legally divorced. You refuse to admit it

You are constantly tardy to class but you think it is fine because the teacher doesn’t seem to care

too much


Being tardy to class is never acceptable. It is your responsiblility to get there on time, but you

make up an excuse so that you don’t feel bad about being tardy.

You are depressed so you try to join school activities and hangout with your friends instead

of sitting at home being depressed


You are trying your hardest take stay positive and spend time with friends while you are

depressed. You are taking the negative of being depressed and making it a positive

You are angry with your girlfriend so you punch the wall in your bedroom and put a whole

through it.


You are really angry with your girlfriend but know you cannot talk to her right now so you

take your anger out on the wall.

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