describing a friend

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Agnieszka has got big blue

eyes and long brown hair. She

has got a big pink mouth and

a big nose. Agnieszka has got

a pink headband. Agnieszka

is smart and popular. She

is happy and cool. Agnieszka

is more popular than me.

I am more emotional than


Dominika is tall. She has got

medium blond hair and blue eyes.

She wears sports clothes. She

likes listening to music and

reading books. She is talkative

and friendly, but sometimes she

is bossy. She is more energetic

than me, but I am more polite.

This is Klaudia. She is friendly

and good. She is an optymist

and she is sensible. Klaudia has

got short, blond hair. She has

got a small nose and mouth. She

has got big, blue eyes. Klaudia is

wearing a grey jacket, colourfull

dress, black jeans and trainers.

Klaudia is shyer than me. I’m

more hard-working than Klaudia.

Natalia has got brown hair. She

has got small black eyes. She

has got blue shirt and black

leggings. Natalia is tolerant and

kind. Natalia is shy and

secretive. Natalia is shyer than

me. Natalia is as tolerant as me.

Natalka has got short, dark and

brown hair. She has got big

green eyes, dark eyebrows and

eyelashes. She has got a big

nose and big, pink lips. She’s

wearing make-up. Natalka is cool

and sociable. She is nice and

normal, but she’s moody and

naughty as well. Natalka is as chatty as me. Natalka is

more sensitive than me.

This is Roksana. She has got

green eyes and pink mouth.

Roksana’s got brown hair. She’s

wearing a pink hoodie. Roksana

is likeable, popular, ambitious,

easy-going, kind, creative and

smart, but she is difficult and

reckless. She is kinder than me,

but I am more reliable than Roksana.

Oliwia's got big blue eyes, a

small pink mouth and medium

nose. She's got freckles and

long brown hair. Oliwia’s

wearing a red cap, grey blouse

and blue T-shirt.

Oliwia's cool and beautiful, but

she's more popular than I. I'm

more talkative than Oliwia.

Ola has got long , blond , straight

hair. She has got blue eyes and

a small mouth, a big nose. She

has got a green shirt. Ola is

emotional than me Ola is more

reckless than me. I am shyer

than Ola. I am chattier than Ola.

My friend is Paulina. She has

got brown straight hair and big

blue eyes. She is wearing a

green T-shirt and black jeans.

Paulina is logical, tolerant and

kind, but she is reserved.

Paulina is more creative than

me, but I am more emotional.

Wiktoria is really pretty. She has

got blond hair and blue eyes. She

is wearing a white T-shirt and

black leggings. She is nice and

friendly, but also secretive. She

is more outgoing than me, but I

am faster than Wiktoria.

This is Zuzia. She has got

curly, blond hair, small eyes,

mouth and medium nose. She is

wearing a T-shirt, black

trousers, boots and glasses.

Zuzia is tolerant and cool. Zuzia

is shy and emotional. She is

more intelligent than me, but

I am more creative.

Sandra is tall and slim. She’s

got short, dark brown hair, small

nose and big brown eyes.

Sandra is easy- going and

sociable, but she’s reserved and

emotional. I am more creative

than Sandra. Sandra is more

tolerant than me.

This is Martyna. She has got

long, orange hair and big, brown

eyes. She has got freckles.

She’s wearing black T-shirt with

white spots. Martyna is mbitious

and creative, but she is lazy. She

is likeable and sociable. I’m

shyer and quieter than Martyna

and she is more ambitious.

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