designsoft technologies (pvt) ltd

Post on 26-May-2015






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ERP Solution LeoBiz powered by state of the art tool Mensitpi gives functionally rich and cost effective product which is user friendly while also efficient and more reliable than any other ERP solutions. The main reason we can be proud of is that we understand our customers' businesses more than any other vendor. LeoBiz is customized especially for the Tea, Garments, Newspaper, Hospitality and Tourism, Health and FMCG industries. For further information please visit:



ERP Vendor who understands your Business Better




Have The competitive Advantage Over Your Industry Rivalry when the time is right.


What it means to be a best run business

Defining the above is no easy task in this ever changing dynamic world. If simplified it means getting more out of your available resources while at the same time increasing the productivity by managing every aspect of your organization effectively and efficiently. Trying to think out of the box is no more an option but has become a necessity to thrive. Its also about how well are you equipped to speed the innovation of products and processes using state of the art and well enhanced enterprise wide collaboration. Last but not least it is important to ensure that the employees of your organization are empowered and connected in a right manner so that they can respond promptly and accurately to the ever changing customer needs more quickly than the competition.

It is very difficult for any one solution to help you accomplish this. But one team can. At Designsoft Technologies we equipped with a state of the art platform called Mensitpi and an equally enhanced ERP solution called Leobizsoft backed by a management team comprising of industry leaders are able to bring your business a world of experience and time tested solutions and strategies that can support your business to thrive in any type of economy.

Managing Director: Ramathas B.Sc (Eng), MIET, CEng, FCMA, FBCS

Designed for the way you do business

The particular needs and ways of operating varies from one organization to another. Which is why finding the right business solution is very vital for sustainable success. Every organization from small and medium to large are striving hard to improve operational efficiency to support profitable growth in an ever changing and dynamic economy full of challenges. That’s where at Designsoft we offer to help you to find a suitable business solution that fits the way you work. It includes choosing the right solution which supports and mends well with your organizational structure, business processes and IT infrastructure strategies so that you are capable of handling the business needs of today as well as being ever ready to take up the challenges of tomorrow.

General Manager: K.Ravindran MBCS

Your Performance. Our Success

At Designsoft we listen to the customer and indulge in their business to understand and become part of them. Our solutions are based on an in-depth knowledge of processes and procedures that define and drive your business. Whether you are big or small our solutions are designed to accurately cater to your requirements. We try to maximize the benefit the customer receives through means of a wealth of industry expertise, customer insight and proven best practices. That’s why we believe that success derives from working openly with others to create value, accelerate innovation and maximize competitive advantage in an environment where everything from people, processes, employees, partners, customers and even rivals are interrelated.

Manager Development: Suganthy MBA, B.Sc (Eng)

Every line of code is an incidence of cost in a software system and a possible point of failure or bug as referred to in software jargon. Any effort in reducing and finally eliminating code would not only reduce the cost, but will enhance reliability. The MenSitpi Framework achieves a dramatic reduction of code, in the region of 90%, for any software system in business transaction processing applications. It is really a silver bullet that won the silver award in NBQSA 2004 smilingly claims Mr. Gimhana Wedage, Product Development Manager, for MenSitpi, at DesignSoft Technologies Pvt Ltd.

MenSitpi, a development framework for Business Transaction Application Software Development, from DesignSoft won a silver Award at the NBQSA 2004, in the R & D Category for its innovativeness. It has already proved itself in the development of DesignSoft's Banking Application, LeobizSoft and their Enterprise Resource Management Application, LeoBizSoft and by Computer Information Systems in the new version of their Hotel system.LeoBizSoft has been in use for more than six months in its first customer site and has demonstrated incredible reliability despite its virginity says Mr. Gimhana, who is an engineering graduate from Moratuwa University. Normally people are worried about bugs in new systems. With around only 2,000 lines of LeoBizSoft specific code, its reliability is not surprising continues says Mr. Gimhana. A comparable system would have usually consisted of approximately two million lines of Application Specific Code he added.

Quality Guaranteed Investment


Product Manager: Dinindu Alwis B.Sc (MIS)

Sales Engineer: Delwin BBA (USA)

Your Success Is Our FocusWe know there is no one who cares about your business than you do. That’s why we at Designsoft are more than happy to support you in your progress. Don’t hesitate to disturb us. Lets talk more about how Leobizsoft can provide that much needed solution for your business.

Contact us as you wish:


Tel: +94 11 450 5582Fax:+ 94 11 257 5528

Online Form:

Walk In: 2nd floor, 29A, Alfred Place Colombo 03

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