devin royal

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Information Analysis And Final Representation

Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of ideas, feelings, intentions, attitudes, expectations, perceptions or commands, as by speech, non-verbal gestures, writings, behavior and possibly by other means such as electromagnetic, chemical or physical phenomena and smell.

Due to the different ways individuals were raised or the community that they were born in has a major effect on their communication skills or lack thereof. Truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason are essential to the integrity of communication.

Two ethical communication themes are caring and responsibility both of which are things everyone needs to practice. The way males and female communicate is a great example. A woman can talk about one subject for hours were it could take a man less then a minute.

With the equal opportunity hiring laws that are now in place, it is common to find people from every cultural, of all shape, sizes, and colors.

With the new generation of kids, communication is taking an even bigger leap forward or backwards depending on how you perceive it. The social responsibility of people is changing rapidly and it is more than just verbal communication.

The ethical moral up bringing that varies from person to person is a factor of how a person should respond to other people, as well as how they communicate with people. Unethical communication threatens the quality of all communication and consequently the well-being of individuals and the society in which they live.

Cultural aspects of what people think and the beliefs that were bestowed upon them from birth to adult hood effect their communication. Bringing diversity into the work place can be beneficial because not every customer or client is the same.

The social responsibility of people is changing rapidly and it is more than just verbal communication.

You can easily distinguish the difference between the person wearing Hollister clothes and the person wearing Jordans. There is even controversy over were you buy those clothes and which celebrity endorsed the product. Yet next to nothing has been written on the effects of the firm's societal communication and its characteristics on brand equity. They say the clothes tell a lot a about person but you should strive to understand and respect other communicators before evaluating and responding to their messages. Never judge a book by its covers there’s a reason everyone was made different.

Christina, D (2007) Communication skills Retrieved from, G (2013). Factors From Communication Retrieved from

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