dial love - by donna lynn

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Much like Neale Donald Walsh's Conversations with God...expect this time God provides a manual, with instructions for those interested in making a clear connection to his diving quidance... This extraordinary dialogue conveys an unmistakable message of truth. The Divine Intelligence Almighty Love Light Omnipresent Vibrational Energy is a channeled work from God...the Real McCoy and a must read!


Dial Love

God’s Planetary Guide for attaininG

HaPPiness tHrouGH sPiritual fulfillment

Donna Lynn

Copyright © 2012 by Donna Lynn.

Library of Congress Control Number: PENDING

ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-4797-7053-3

Softcover 978-1-4797-7052-6

Ebook 978-1-4797-7054-0

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I would like to dedicate this book to all souls

on the path of the divine light.

May you find a piece of familiarity woven into these pages that

binds the fabric of your heart back into the heart of one.



Guidelines xvii

Foreword xix

introduction xxiii

Believe in Yourselves xxiv

Show Everyone the Way xxiv

Are You Helping Others? xxv

Your Journey Was Never Supposed To Be Easy xxvi

Heal the Universe xxvi

The Earth Is a Beautiful Creation xxvii

Learn More about Your Energy xxvii chapter 1 Virtues of the Heart 1

The Treasures of the True Heart 2

The Lessons of the Heart 3

Humility Is Humbling of the Heart 4

Diversity 5

True Compassion of the Heart 6

Gratitude 7

Be Thankful for Those You Encounter on Your

Travels 7

Kindness, A Simple Act 7


Forgiveness 8

Your Life and Time Down Here Is Very Short 9

Intention Needs To Be Aligned with the

Desires of the Universal Heart 11

Universal Life Force Energy 11

Stop Going for the Quick Fix 12

Find the Silence in Your Day 13

chapter 2

The Lonely Heart Bleeds


Loneliness Is Dark and Depressing 18

Complete Separation 19

Let’s Look at Love in Its Purest Form 21

Intuition Is Your Guide of the Light 22

Giving and Taking


Law of Potentiality, Pure Consciousness 23

Know Your Chakra System 24

In Order for You to Stay Healthy Physically,

You Have to Look at Your Diet 25

Not Listening Makes Trouble In Every Area of

Your Life 27

chapter 3

Let’s Look at Acts of Kindness


Each and Every One of You Needs to Lighten Up 30

You All Carry Memories Around In Your

Space Suits 31

Energy Causes Your Heart to Fill with Hope 32

Having Hope Is Believing in the Unknown 33

Some See with Rose-Colored Glasses 33

What Is a Sin Anyway? 35

Depleted Resources 38

Natural Resources Are Not Going To Be

Natural for Much Longer 39

chapter 4

The Lessons of Truth


Humility Defined 42

Believing in Yourself 43

Start to Believe in Your Own Power 44

When You Come into the Light, You Don’t Go Back 22



would say that my life up to this point has been divine. I have

much to be thankful for a great family, circle of friends, and a life

partner. All my needs have been provided for. I’ve managed to manifest

a few miracles and to live my dreams as I create them and cherish each

moment anew. While God has always been generous and compassionate

to me, many people, I realized, were not so fortunate. They seemed to

suffer from a spiritual disconnection resulting in unfulfilling experiences,

one after the other, in search of truth. Where was their God? Did he

forsake them?

Somewhere in the depths of my soul, I knew that our Creator,

although mysteriously silent, was always organizing loving influences

with infinite powers and working to keep us out of hot water. He was

often performing miracles, while gently guiding us onto the path of

unity, abundant love, peace, joy, and, oh yes, “where dreams come true.”

It seemed that not everyone was taking advantage of the Creator’s gift.

Were they too busy or skeptical? Nonetheless, I believed that if you kept

your faith, your life would unfold like a dream. This was the key to the

heavens. Was that not our reason to incarnate our soul? We were graced

with this ultimate gift of conceptualizing into the physical form to enjoy

life experiences of the heart.

It was my choice to see and experience the finer states of abundance,

gratitude, and joy. This has allowed me to refine my personal attributes.

My character was gently molded into one of appreciation, compassion,

humility, and gratefulness. Through more difficult virtues of patience


and forgiveness, faith and devotion were the key. I’ve loved my journey

thus far and chose to view the world with rose-colored glasses, embracing

the lessons of the heart. It is with heartfelt gratitude I thank God for all

my blessings and good fortune.

The teacher in me was always on a quest to share her personal point

of view of “how it all works.” This road led to deep happiness, peace, and

joy. It seemed many were making choices that took them off track. How

could I convey a message of hope of finding the infinite power of love so

that others might come to fully appreciate their journey of the heart?

In an effort to show seekers how to manifest this world of abundance

and joy, I started to develop a series of spiritual workshops focused on

how to connect to Source and tap into our infinitely loving, all-providing

universe. I wanted to help people find a way to consciously connect to

the heart of one.

One afternoon, while sitting at my desk, I had an idea on how I could

provide an analogy for an answer. In my efforts to explain this process,

I could recommend that the soul for the asking might fine-tune their

internal radio to the higher frequencies of love. Ah, yes, just dial love.

L-O-V-E. I found the words turning over repetitively in my mind—Dial

Love. I felt that I was on to something, a great and simple way to explain

how to connect to Source, God, the power of love. I asked Spirit, “What

do you think? I’ve worked on this workshop for weeks. How about we tie

it all together by using this analogy of Dial Love to make a connection?

This is the path to the whole heart.”

A comforting, gentle, and loving voice silently spoke, “Heal yourself,

and in doing so, you will heal others. Feel their pain. Don’t judge. Offer

love and compassion. Give of yourself, as that is when you receive the most

for yourself and your dreams.” I wrote down every word and continued

to write for five hours. It was unbelievable, almost incomprehensible. My

source indicated that it was God himself. I paused, “Forgive me. I have

to ask if this is really you.” The answer came back, “I am the Messenger,

the Real McCoy. You called, remember?”

After years of searching, God was always right there, guiding us,

holding us, and protecting us. He has exercised patience, compassion,

forgiveness, and unconditional love.

Some people never know the infinite feeling of peace, love, and joy

that is available to us in a heartbeat. They only wish and wonder. Others



walk the path, knowing we have God ’s love on our side in every cell of

our mind, body, and soul. Life is a journey of the heart, loving God every

moment of every day in awe of the riches life has to offer. This is our gift,

to live life to the fullest, appreciating every miracle, small or large, graced

by the presence of God, who unwaveringly shows up and offers love every

moment of our lives.

Yes, there is a formula for love. It’s faith. It’s a quest for the truth.

It’s about loving your life fully by the virtues of the heart, experiencing

your lessons in accordance to the universal spiritual laws handed down

by the heavens. This is unshakable faith, love, and devotion. Express

gratitude in every action and deed you perform each day. Appreciate

your short time on Earth. Make it your quest to dial into LOVE—Light

Omnipresent Vibrational Energy. This is God, in every shape and form,

on the planet at this divine time.

At this very moment, God is calling your name and wishing that you

hear and feel his voice of unconditional love. Truly, the Mother and the

Father wish for your heart to sing in the essence of love. They are always

patient and kind, waiting to make a connection. Perhaps you have time to

try this out for yourself. Some of you already enjoy the infinite blessings

of our Creator of love.

My wish is for all to make the time to find a passage within this text

that may spark and rekindle the flame in your heart. Through the grace

of God ’s love, I have been blessed daily in my efforts to live in accordance

with his wishes. I know God desires to connect us back to the heart of

one, for there lies within, the power of love. United, we hold each other

in our effort to find the treasures of the true heart. Renew your hope in

your Lord of Light. Find your own peace, happiness, and joy. These are

attainable with his love. They are our inherent gifts. All it takes is a leap

of faith and courage.

My purpose is to deliver this message. I have done this to the best

of my ability. The challenge has been to not tamper with the original

writings, as I’ve tried to edit the text. Clearly, he wishes for this manuscript

to remain in its original form, in its entirety, to be made available to those

souls who wish to know the truth, who desire answers for their woes of

the heart.

The path to the light of God ’s love is embracing his presence with full

conviction and tuning into his immaculate vibration of his almighty love.


His wish and mine are one and the same. I desire for you to surrender

to his love and make your heart whole and come to know the infinite

Source as I have been so graced to experience. Let us collectively unify

this “limitless energy” in the name of God, my wish. Amen.



eal yourself, and in doing this, you heal others. Feel their pain.

Don’t judge. Offer love and compassion and give of yourself, as that

is when you receive the most for yourself and your dreams. When you

let go and align your heart and intentions with the Creator, you heal the

whole. Find the love in the higher vibrations. This is where your God-

given gifts lie, in the awareness and consciousness of your heart and soul.

I can and will work through you that you may feel the true abundance of

love and beauty this journey can fulfill. When you see and feel through

the eyes, heart, and spirit of God, you will truly rejoice and appreciate

our short time together on planet Earth.

Life is a gift. Accept the present. Create and hold onto your dreams

and desires in your heart. You all deserve to heal and be whole. Find

peace, self-love, joy, and happiness and experience this thing you call

life on Earth. Embrace this journey and stay grounded through the

challenging times. This is when you experience your spiritual growth

and come into the light and love more fully. As you learn your lessons

and discover your purpose, you will feel grateful and joyous to give love

and make yourself whole. That is why you are here.

Higher vibrations and frequencies are attainable for the asking. Do

the work. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Nothing comes easily

without undying courage and faith. Trust that you can find inside all

your strength to move forward, beyond the obstacles and challenges. For

it is then you truly find enlightenment, gratitude, peace, love, and joy.


Remember when you were a child, the innocence? You loved life. It was

easy to smile back at the world and offer your unconditional love. Open

your hearts and trust that you can heal within. I will show you the way.

As you walk this path, be patient. Hold on to your faith. Look ahead

at the horizon and nature’s beauty. Sync up to this peace and perfect

balance. In desiring this state, you too will feel all the beauty, love, and

joy that I have to share with you. This perfect playground is to discover,

nurture, embrace, and treasure so you can explore the love within your

hearts and feel my undying love for you all.

Every moment, every day, no matter what you have done or felt in

the past, know that it is okay and I forgive you all. I hope you accept my

love. Be open to all possibilities and share among yourselves your deepest

fears and desires. Together, you are stronger, and collectively, your light

is brighter. You know that light dispels the darkness and the fear in all of

you. When you see, feel, and experience this, you will find your way home

to my heart, peace, and love. Eternally, the Creator of all Creations.

Peace I leave with you. Find your source of light and follow it

steadfastly, undefiantly, resiliently. Every breath you take from here

forward is the chance to see and feel the love that the universe and I,

your Creator, have to offer. I am always patient, and I believe in you, as

you believe in me. I hold a place in the kingdom for your new vibration

of love. That is what you went down for.

I am the way home. I am the way to your pure heart. Look inside and

find me. Feel me, make room for me, and let it expand in light and love.

Fill your being with its warmth, comfort, and beauty. Share it and give it

freely. That is how you will feel joy, happiness, peace, ecstasy, gratitude,

and appreciation for your time on your visit. Make a difference and may

the difference be love, real love, unconditional love. Have no judgment or

hurtful thoughts. You only hurt yourself. You all know this deep inside.

That cannot produce fruit and sunshine.

Nurture your garden. Plant the seeds with love and cultivate it every

day with hope, faith, and expectations of an abundance of growth and


Virtues of the Heart

o be cultivated and explored in depth. To learn lessons in each

one and to grow fully in balance and right heart.

Many lessons are presented here, over and over, until you understand

their meaning and act according to your truth. It may take a lifetime

to realize the importance of these foundational laws of the heart, for

without these in place, you do not find your truest desires. When you

pass the test of the virtue, another will be presented sequentially, in

chronological order. The universe delivers the lesson plans in divine order

for your individual growth. These are the true tests of the intentions of

the heart.

In time, these truths will make your heart loving and pure. You will

want to share with others the beauty of the love and peace you feel. You

will never turn back to the less fulfilling place you were before the lesson

arrived. Many of you choose not to learn it so easily and make your

lessons much more difficult than they were originally designed to be.

You dodge around, go in circles, fret, and complain all the way through

the lesson.

Had you trusted that this was necessary for your growth and that


you had help, perhaps you may have come through it with more grace and

faith. Each lesson is specifically designed only for you and no one else.

Understand this. Other souls can only help and guide you. Ultimately,

you have to want to move forward and learn the lessons of the heart.

Peace, patience, and trust are necessary elemental truths here. For

those of you who miss the mark, this scenario will replay over and

over again for years to come in many different ways, but with the same

underlying message to be learned. Regrettably, quite a few of you are still

working on the basic ones.

When you pass the lesson, the next truth of the heart is worth

the while. Each new lesson begins to develop your heart into a true,

compassionate human being who only thinks of others first and of their

well-being. You live for giving and see beauty in everyone, everything,

and wish others could feel what you feel inside. You try to explain and

show them. You stop at no ends to help others heal and feel the peace

and love.

This is truly a lifelong process of growing, adjusting, and changing. For

the more enlightened you become, the larger the expansion of love and

light is capable of. There is no end or limit to what you can attain. Go

for it all. I wish you the best.

There are no coincidences in life. Everything that comes your way is

in the world to show you something, to guide you, to teach you. There are

many messages for each and every one of you. This is how we work with

you from the other side of the veil. Be open and listen to all words as they

usually contain tailored messages for you to help and guide you through

your challenging lesson. Be thankful for the individual role players. They

may hurt you, but know they are acting in accordance to God ’s will. All

of it is necessary for the lesson scenario to play itself out. Do not blame

others. Go inside and be thankful for the lesson, the people in your life

and learn, evolve, and grow from this. You can now move forward and

perhaps share and teach others what you have learned.

Virtues of the Heart


Most of these times are painful, and a sense of abandonment and

hopelessness feels overwhelming. Know this is necessary for your soul ’s

growth. For it is here that you feel and learn compassion for everything

and everyone I created. When you walk the Earth, become a beacon of

light so others may follow in your steps. Lead by example with humility

and grace.

Never judge others on their path in their challenging times. You have

all gone through, or will go through, the same lessons. Offer love and

support, an ear to listen. Encourage the individual to pray or meditate

on this situation that they may find their truths. All answers are found

in the heart. Please stop and listen to your silence. Find your peace and

listen to the wisdom inside of you. These thoughts help your heart heal

and grow.

Many times, you look outside yourself and in every direction, but

in mine. How has this happened? Don’t let others steer you away from

the truth. Make sure the suggestion or advice feels right in your heart or

don’t take their ideas. They do not know what is best for you. You and

I know what we need to do and what we need to work on. Find a place

of trust and call on me for love and gentle guidance. I promised you we

would do this together every time, every way.

Don’t mistake my word, as it is always out of pure love. If it doesn’t

sound like my voice of love, it probably isn’t. Trust your feeling in the

heart and ask if this message or information is for your highest good.

This wisdom and knowingness is available all the time for you to rely on.

Please ask when you are uncertain, unclear, lost, or in despair. Always

listen to the loving whisper of the heart when you need a helping hand.

Call on this source of intuition for every task you may perform. Whether

it’s your gardening suggestions or career and relationship advice, we

always nudge you in the right direction for your highest good.

When obstacles present themselves, as they always do, trust the

process. Two possible outcomes will manifest. Either direction will prove

to be the way for you. Trust and know that if doors are closed or obstacles

are present, these are all for a definite reason. We may be trying to

nudge you in a different direction to keep you on path on your life chart.

Embrace and accept all this, as everything happens for a reason. If it’s a

small obstacle, this may be just to see what you are made of. Don’t give


in when the “ junk ” comes your way, persevere. Have persistence and

patience if you desire it deeply. It’s for your own good. Don’t give up or

let go of your dream.

Nothing comes that easily, or everyone would be doing it. Hold your

intentions dear to your heart and trust life’s processes. Understand that

there is an immaculate divine order of time and space for circumstances

to manifest. Patience is one of the lessons here. In your time of quick

fixes and instant empty gratifications, this makes you all a little antsy.

Patience, my child, if it is a true desire for all concerned, trust and have

faith that the universe will deliver.

Many misfortunes occur in order to get this lesson right. Some of you at

the top have yet to learn this. Others have suffered great losses to learn

and feel this lesson of the heart. Look around and see that abundance has

a delicate balance. When you are gracious and deeply appreciate all that

you have, show gratitude to me, the universe, and all my creation. Surely,

a few of you could feed and save some of our precious animals. You have

disrupted the delicate balance of nature, and their sustainable needs have

been altered. Intervene and make time to investigate the source of the

trouble. Offer solutions to restore the Earth and all its creations. This

would be a great use of your time since you are not crying for much.

Know that I allowed this lesson of material wealth to come to you, to

see if you would give some away. When was it ever going to be enough?

Wake up and look around. Take a trip to the other side of town. Leave

your flashy car behind and see what it feels like just to survive. These

individuals wake up every morning and pray. They are grateful just to be

alive, with the gift of life. They hope all their worldly needs are met just

for one more day. Then they ask if I could bless their neighbors as well,

most humbling. This fills my heart.

It’s sad to see the less fortunate. They don’t ask for much at all.

They’re happy to be alive. They see the world with hope and beauty. They

treasure the Earth and cherish all its creations. They preserve nature

and cultivate its growth as they walk the Earth. They kiss the ground in

humility and smile along the way. They only wish to feel my love more

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