
Post on 23-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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Difference that makes the Difference makes the



P L ChavanMSc(Psychotherapy& Counselling),MBA-HR,

Diploma in Training & Development, LL.B

I want to take a moment to I want to take a moment to thank God for giving me the thank God for giving me the

ability to help othersability to help others

Your Map to Life and Career Success

Success Planning 2009

• Decide today what you want people to say when they see you, or hear your name.

• You will be known through your actions and your words

• Be somebody that others want to be like

• Be Legendary

Become Legendary

Main Principles of Success

1. That which gets measured improves. But, that which gets measured continuously, improves exponentially.

Dreams Versus Goals

• What is the difference?

So, why is this important to me??

Set SMART Goals in All Areas of Your Life

Life Planning

• Goal setting is setting a destination.

• Goal planning is mapping

• your path to that destination.

Goal Setting with Goal Planning

• No Goals = driving around with no place to go.

• No Plan = driving to a destination without a map.

• Having Both = long-term vision and short-term motivation.

Goal Setting


• Specific

• Measurable

• Attainable

• Relevant

• Time Bound

Have Fun! Life doesn’t have to suck

'The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.'

-- Albert Einstein

Develop the plan

For Each Goal:• Write down the steps you need to take• Make sure you believe in the steps• Make sure you can do the steps

• Cross them off as you accomplish them.

Review Weekly

• Review your plan regularly

• Get a Coach/doing it on your own.

Achieving Success• Watch for our next segment on Success Planning 2009

coming in January.

– How to measure your success

– How to determine areas of improvement

– Identifying and overcoming obstacles to your success

– And more


Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people's criticisms, carry out your plan.

Paul Meyer


• Do it now. You become successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile goal. Unknown

Then why then  there is difference in the ultimate outcome that one produces , achieves , expects or desires .The ultimate difference is because the extent to which one is motivated ,uses his skills , attitudes  knowledge  and its degree .Secondly , the perception and achievement motivation level also differs.Where is then the remote control to differentiate the degree of difference.

All individuals are capable, wise and intelligent


   Over a period of 25 years, I have experienced that  to get the desired out put  i.e. Reasult ( 3 rd difference ) how one uses  his soft and hard skills (2nd difference) is dependant on one's personality(1st Difference ) Therefore, even though all human being are capable , wise and intelligent the ultimate result one achieves only when one  uses full potentail and all aspect of  personality .

Success Formula

 P  is the function of    ( A2+S2+K 2)                           P ____________R3                                                                                                  5Cs + &  7 HsP is personality and probability of one's success to get the result is dependant upon positive attitude ,appropriate approach ,requisite skills and knock that suits to the situation followed by 5 Cs .They are complete competence ,confidence ,courage ,communication skills and the creativity which will stand good in testing times .

 Know yourself .Self knowledge is invaluable to any one seriously intent on choosing the rightlife path. If you as a MAnager ,don't know yourself , you willbe led into making ill advised decisionsabout your life and work from which it may be difficult or impossible to extricate yourself.The another important point is that one has to identify as to What are the plus points or strengths of themselves.What are you good at .What are your natural aptitudes and skills ? Try to list ,analyse and grade them .Then ask yourself whether you are concentrating on the most important.It is not easy ,so where do you start ?At the biginning. 

All of us are born with a natural aptitude for something ,whether it is a fascination for words or a flair for balls game. We are encouraged to practice and develop that particular talent . As a result , we come to have a difinite strength , it might be a technical skill such as playing chess,tinkering with cars or some thing like being a good talker ,getting on with people ,taking responsibility .Whatever it is ,we are bound to get enjoyment and sense of satisfaction from doing it .This in turn ,naturally leds to sucess

In fact it may be something very simple that makes all the


“You can get everything you want, if you help others get everything

they want”

Zig Ziglar once said . . .

What is it that drives people to spend more money on some things versus other things?


• What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.

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