digest 2 admin

Post on 17-Feb-2018






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  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin



    DEFENSOR; GR. NO. 163980; AUGUST 3, 006

    FACTS!T"# $%s&'%& (#&$&$)% *)+ (+)"$$&$)% -%#+ R-/# 6 )* &"#

    199 R-/#s )* C$v$/ P+)2#-+#, $&" (+'4#+ *)+ &"# $ss-'%2# )* '

    ()+'+4 +#s&+'$%$% )+#+ '%7)+ +$& )* (+#/$5$%'+4 $%-%2&$)%,

    s##s &) (+#v#%& +#s()%#%&s *+)5 #%*)+2$% &"# $5(/#5#%&$%

    +-/#s '% +#-/'&$)%s :IRR )* R#(-/$2 A2& N). 90, )&"#+$s#

    %)% 's &"# N'&$)%'/ G)v#+%5#%& C#%+ :NGC H)-s$% '%

    L'% U&$/$-'s$?/#$s/'&$v# )+ +-/#?5'$%()#+s '% >-'s$?-$2$'/ )+ '5$%$s&+'&$v# '-$2'&)+4 ()#+s. @-'s$?

    /#$s/'&$v# )+ +-/#?5'$% ()#+ $s &"# ()#+ &) 5'# +-/#s '% +#-/'&$)%s

    "$2" +#s-/&s $% #/#' /#$s/'&$)% &"'& $s $&"$% &"# 2)%%#s )* &"#

    +'%&$% s&'&- '% &"# )2&+$%# )* %)%?#/#'$/$&4 '% s#('+'$/$&4 )*

    ()#+s. I% >-#s&$)%$% &"# v'/$$&4 )+ 2)%s&$&-&$)%'/$&4 )* ' +-/# )+ +#-/'&$)%

    $ss-# 4 '% '5$%$s&+'&$v# '#%24, ' ('+&4 %## %)& #B"'-s& '5$%$s&+'&$v#

    +#5#$#s #*)+# )$% &) 2)-+&. T"$s (+$%2$(/#, ")#v#+, '((/$#s )%/4 "#+#

    &"# '2& )* &"# '5$%$s&+'&$v# '#%24 2)%2#+%# 's (#+*)+5# (-+s-'%& &)

    $&s >-'s$?-$2$'/ *-%2&$)%, '% %)& "#% &"# 'ss'$/# '2& (#+&'$%# &) $&s +-/#?

    5'$% )+ >-'s$?/#$s/'&$v# ()#+.

    T"# 'ss'$/# IRR 's $ss-# (-+s-'%& &) &"# >-'s$?/#$s/'&$v# ()#+ )* &"#

    C)55$ #B(+#ss/4 '-&")+$-'s$?/#$s/'&$v# *-%2&$)%, &"# +#-/'+ 2)-+&s "'v#

    -+$s$2&$)% &) ('ss -()% &"# s'5#. S$%2# &"# +#-/'+ 2)-+&s "'v# -+$s$2&$)%

    &) ('ss -()% &"# v'/$$&4 )* &"# 'ss'$/# IRR $ss-# 4 &"# C)55$ $% &"#

    #B#+2$s# )* $&s >-'s$?/#$s/'&$v# ()#+, &"# -$2$'/ 2)-+s# &) 'ss'$/ $&s v'/$$&4

    5-s& *)//) &"# )2&+$%# )* "$#+'+2"4 )* 2)-+&s. A/&")-" &"# S-(+#5# C)-+&,

    C)-+& )* A((#'/s '% &"# R#$)%'/ T+$'/ C)-+&s "'v# 2)%2-++#%& -+$s$2&$)% &)

    $ss-# +$&s )* 2#+&$)+'+$, (+)"$$&$)%, 5'%'5-s, >-) '++'%&), "'#'s 2)+(-s

    '% $%-%2&$)%, s-2" 2)%2-++#%2# )#s %)& $v# &"# (#&$&$)%#+ -%+#s&+$2

    *+##)5 )* 2")$2# )* 2)-+& *)+-5. T+-#, &"$s C)-+& "'s &"# *-// $s2+#&$)%'+4

    ()#+ &) &'# 2)%$

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    '%4 )&"#+ (/'$%, s(##4 '% '#>-' +#5#4 $% &"# )+$%'+4 2)-+s# )* /'.

    01 P+)"$$&$)% /$#s ''$%s& -$2$'/ )+ 5$%$s+$'/ *-%2&$)%s, -& %)&

    ''$%s& /#$s/'&$v# )+ >-'s$?/#$s/'&$v# *-%2&$)%s.

    G#%#+'//4, &"# (-+()s# )* ' +$& )* (+)"$$&$)% $s &) ##( ' /)#+ 2)-+& $&"$%

    &"# /$5$&s )* $&s -+$s$2&$)% $% )+#+ &) 5'$%&'$% &"# '5$%$s&+'&$)% )* -s&$2#$% )+#+/4 2"'%%#/s. P+)"$$&$)% $s &"# (+)(#+ +#5#4 &) ')+ +#/$#* ''$%s&

    -s-+('&$)% )* -+$s$2&$)% )+ ()#+ 4 '% $%*#+$)+ 2)-+&, )+ "#%, $% &"#

    #B#+2$s# )* -+$s$2&$)% $% "'%/$% 5'&+s 2/#'+/4 $&"$% $&s 2)%$-' +#5#4 'v'$/'/# $% &"# )+$%'+4 2)-+s# )* /' 4 "$2"

    s-2" +#/$#* 2'% # )&'$%#. W"#+# &"# (+$%2$('/ +#/$#* s)-"& $s &) $%v'/$'

    '% IRR, (#&$&$)%#+s +#5#4 $s '% )+$%'+4 '2&$)% *)+ $&s %-//$2'&$)%, '% '2&$)%

    "$2" (+)(#+/4 *'//s -%#+ &"# -+$s$2&$)% )* &"# R#$)%'/ T+$'/ C)-+&.

    I% '%4 2's#, (#&$&$)%#+s '//#'&$)% &"'& +#s()%#%&s '+# (#+*)+5$% )+&"+#'%$% &) (#+*)+5 *-%2&$)%s $&")-& )+ $% #B2#ss )* &"#$+ -+$s$2&$)%

    5'4 '((+)(+$'/4 # #%)$%# 4 &"# &+$'/ 2)-+& &"+)-" ' +$& )* $%-%2&$)%

    )+ ' ()+'+4 +#s&+'$%$% )+#+. WHEREFORE, &"# $%s&'%& (#&$&$)% *)+

    (+)"$$&$)% $s DISMISSED.

    Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. vs. Torres212 SCRA 298

    FACTS On 01 June 1991, DOLE Secretary Ruben Torres as a result of published stories theabuses suffered by Filipina houseaids particularly in !on" #on" suspended the placeentand recruitent by the pri$ate recruitent a"encies% The DOLE itself and &OE' too( control ofthe recruitent and deployent of Filipina helpers bound to !on" #on"% On 01 July 1991,DOLE Secretary ordered the adinistrator of &OE' to use the facilities of the a"encies for thepurpose% On 10 July DOLE Secretary issued eorandu )irculars no% *0 series of 1991see(in" accreditation by the &hilippine "o$ernent fro recruitent a"encies based in !on"#on"% On 01 'u"ust of the sae year, &OE' 'dinistrator issued +) no%* series of 1991 onthe processin" of doestic helpers after the re-uest for accreditation .as responded positi$elyby recruitent a"encies in based in !on" #on"% On 0/, Septeber 1991, petitioner, throu"h itscounsel, filed a petition to annul the DO 1 and +) *0 and * thus, pre$entin" the Departentof Labor and Eployent and the &hilippine O$erseas and Eployent 'dinistration to

    ipleent the issuances%

    ISS!ES 12 3hether or not respondents coitted a "ra$e abuse of discretion and4or ine5cess of their rule6a(in" authority in issuin" the circulars7 /2 3hether or not the issuances$iolates the constitution and a"ainst the re"ies of reasonableness, fairness and e-uality7*23hether or not the issuances coplies the re-uireent of publication for its $alidity7

    "E#$ Resol$in" the first issue, the court finds that the circulars are $alid e5ercise of the rule6a(in" po.er of DOLE Secretary as dele"ated to the e5ecuti$e 8ranch of the o$ernent%

    'pplyin" article * the re"ulatory po.er of the Secretary of Labor to restrict and re"ulate therecruitent and placeent as .ell as deployent of Filipino abroad% E5ecuti$e order 9 issuedon +ay 01, 19:/ further pro$ides the DOLE;s re"ulatory functions to re"ulate the deployent of

    forei"n Filipino .or(ers% The issuances of those circulars are therefore $alid e5ercise of -uasi6le"islati$e po.er of the a"ency, it cannot be considered as unconstitutional or oppressi$e orunreasonable%Resol$in" the last issue, the issuances are le"ally in$alid, defecti$e and it cannotbe enforced for lac( of publication re-uireent as codified under section / of the )i$il )ode ofthe &hilippines and section * and < chapter / of the adinistrati$e code of 19:% Lac( ofpublication is an essential re-uisite for the $alidity of the la.% Tanada $% Tu$era2

    'ccordin"ly, the prohibition .as "ranted% The issuances .ere all suspended pendin" the

    copliance of publications as re-uired by la.%

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    LP v CA


    &ri$ate respondents are lando.ners .hose landholdin"s .ere ac-uired by the D'R and sub=ected to

    transfer schees to -ualified beneficiaries under the )oprehensi$e '"rarian Refor La.% '""rie$ed by

    the alle"ed lapses of the D'R and the Landban( .ith respect to the $aluation and payent of

    copensation for their land pursuant to the pro$isions of R' >, pri$ate respondents filed .ith this

    )ourt a &etition for Certiorari and Mandamus .ith prayer for preliinary andatory in=unction% &ri$ate

    respondents -uestioned the $alidity of D'R 'dinistrati$e Order ?o% , Series of 199/%and D'R

    'dinistrati$e Order ?o% 9, Series of 1990,&and sou"ht to copel the D'R to e5pedite the pendin"

    suary adinistrati$e proceedin"s to finally deterine the =ust copensation of their properties, and

    the Landban( to deposit in cash and bonds the aounts respecti$ely @earar(ed@, @reser$ed@ and

    @deposited in trust accounts@ for pri$ate respondents, and to allo. the to .ithdra. the sae%

    &etitioners aintain that the .ord @deposit@ as used in Section 1e2 of R' > referred erely to the act

    of depositin" and in no .ay e5cluded the openin" of a trust account as a for of deposit% Thus, in optin"

    for the openin" of a trust account as the acceptable for of deposit throu"h 'dinistrati$e )ircular ?o% 9,

    petitioner D'R did not coit any "ra$e abuse of discretion since it erely e5ercised its po.er to

    proul"ate rules and re"ulations in ipleentin" the declared policies of R' >%


    3O? the adinistrati$e issuances should be nulled%


    Ces% At is $ery e5plicit therefro that the deposit ust be ade only in @cash@ or in @L8& bonds@% ?o.here

    does it appear nor can it be inferred that the deposit can be ade in any other for% Af it .ere the intention

    to include a @trust account@ aon" the $alid odes of deposit, that should ha$e been ade e5press, or at

    least, -ualifyin" .ords ou"ht to ha$e appeared fro .hich it can be fairly deduced that a @trust account@

    is allo.ed% An su, there is no abi"uity in Section 1e2 of R' > to .arrant an e5panded construction

    of the ter @deposit@%

    The conclusi$e effect of adinistrati$e construction is not absolute% 'ction of an adinistrati$e a"ency

    ay be disturbed or set aside by the =udicial departent if there is an error of la., a "ra$e abuse of po.er

    or lac( of =urisdiction or "ra$e abuse of discretion clearly conflictin" .ith either the letter or the spirit of a

    le"islati$e enactent%18An this re"ard, it ust be stressed that the function of proul"atin" rules and

    re"ulations ay be le"itiately e5ercised only for the purpose of carryin" the pro$isions of the la. into

    effect% The po.er of adinistrati$e a"encies is thus confined to ipleentin" the la. or puttin" it into

    effect% )orollary to this is that adinistrati$e re"ulations cannot e5tend

    the la. and aend a le"islati$e enactent,19for settled is the rule that adinistrati$e re"ulations ust be

    in harony .ith the pro$isions of the la.% 'nd in case there is a discrepancy bet.een the basic la. and

    an ipleentin" rule or re"ulation, it is the forer that pre$ails%2'

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    CIR v CA


    EB#2-&$v# O+#+ N). J1 's (+)5-/' #2/'+$% ' )%#?&$5# &'B '5%#s&4

    )% -%('$ $%2)5# &'B#s. Av'$/$% $&s#/* )* &"# '5%#s&4, +#s()%#%& R.O.H.A-&) P+)-2&s P"$/$(($%#s, I%2., $&s T'B A5%#s&4 R#&-+% N). 3J?F?001J6?J1

    '% S-((/#5#%&'/ T'B A5%#s&4 R#&-+% N). 3J?F?001J6?6J?, '% ('$ &"#

    2)++#s()%$% '5%#s&4 &'B#s -#.

    P+$)+ &) &"$s 'v'$/5#%&, (#&$&$)%#+ C)55$ss$)%#+ )* I%+%'/ R#v#%-#, $% '

    2)55-%$2'&$)% +#2#$v# 4 (+$v' +#s()%#%& )% 13 A--s& 1986, 'ss#ss#

    &"# /'&+ #2$#%24 $%2)5# '% -s$%#ss &'B#s *)+ $&s s2'/ 4#'+s #%# 30

    S#(#+ 1981 '% 30 S#(#+ 198 $% '% '+#' '5)-%& )*

    P1,J10,1.1. T"# &'B('4#+ +) '2 &) s&' &"'& s$%2# $& "' ##% '/#

    &) 'v'$/ $&s#/* )* &"# &'B '5%#s&4, &"# #2$#%24 &'B %)&$2# s")-/ *)+&"$&"# 2'%2#//# '% $&"+'%. T"# +#>-#s& 's #%$# 4 &"# C)55$ss$)%#+,

    $% "$s /#&+ )* N)v#5#+ 1988, )% &"# +)-% &"'& R#v#%-# M#5)+'%-5

    O+#+ N). J?8, ' 09 F#+-'+4 198, $5(/#5#%&$% EB#2-&$v# O+#+ N).

    J1, "' 2)%s&+-# &"# '5%#s&4 2)v#+'# &) $%2/-# )%/4 'ss#ss5#%&s $ss-#

    4 &"# -+#'- )* I%+%'/ R#v#%-# '*+ &"# (+)5-/'&$)% )* &"# #B#2-&$v#

    )+#+ )% A--s& 1986 '% %)& &) 'ss#ss5#%&s &"#+#&)*)+# 5'#.


    WON &"# CIR "'s #++# $% #%4$% &"# (+$v' +#s()%#%&s &'B '5%#s&4



    Y#s. I*, 's &"# C)55$ss$)%#+ '+-#s, EB#2-&$v# O+#+ N). J1 "' %)& ##%

    $%%# &) $%2/-# 1981?198 &'B /$'$/$&$#s '/+#'4 'ss#ss#

    :'5$%$s&+'&$v#/4 (+$)+ &) A--s& 1986, &"# /' 2)-/ "'v# s$5(/4 s)

    (+)v$# $% $&s #B2/-s$)%'+4 2/'-s#s. I& $ %)&. T"# 2)%2/-s$)% $s -%'v)$'/#,

    '% $& $s &"'& &"# #B#2-&$v# )+#+ "'s ##% #s$%# &) # $% &"# %'&-+# )* '

    #%#+'/ +'%& )* &'B '5%#s&4 s-#2& )%/4 &) &"# 2's#s s(#2$2'//4 #B2#(

    4 $&.

    A// $ss-'%2#s 5-s& %)& )v#++$#, -& 5-s& +#5'$% 2)%s$s%& '% $% "'+5)%4

    $&", &"# /' &"#4 s## &) '((/4 '% $5(/#5#%&. A5$%$s&+'&$v# +-/#s '%

    +#-/'&$)%s '+# $%%# &) 2'++4 )-&, %#$&"#+ &) s-((/'%& %)+ &) 5)$*4, &"#


  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    O(/# v T)++#s


    A5$%$s&+'&$v# O+#+ N). 308, #%&$&/# KA)(&$)% )* ' N'&$)%'/ C)5(-+$-$+#s ' /#$s/'&$v# '2&. T"# $ss-'%2# )* A.O. N).308 4 &"# P+#s$#%& $s '% -%2)%s&$&-&$)%'/

    -s-+('&$)% )* &"# /#$s/'&$v# ()#+s )* 2)%+#ss. P#&$&$)%#+ 2/'$5s &"'& A.O. N). 308 $s %)& ' 5#+#

    '5$%$s&+'&$v# )+#+ -& ' /' '% "#%2#, #4)% &"# ()#+ )* &"# P+#s$#%& &) $ss-#. H# '//##s

    &"'& A.O. N).308 #s&'/$s"#s ' s4s )* $#%&$2'&$)% &"'& $s '//?#%2)5('ss$% $% s2)(#, '#2&s

    &"# /$*# '% /$#+&4 )* #v#+4 F$/$($%) 2$&$

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    %'&$)%'/ s#2-+$&4, &"# #B%& )* (+$v'24 $%+#s& ''$%s& )ss$#+?'&"#+$% 4

    )v#+%5#%&, &"# 2")$2# )* ()/$2$#s, #&2. Ass'$ '5$%$s&+'&$v# )+#+ +##%#s

    &"# ('+'5#+s )* s)5# 's$2 +$"&s )* )-+ 2$&$

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    M'%$/' )2#4 C/- v CA


    On June 18, 1948, Congress approved Republic Act No. 309, entitled An Act to Regulate orse!

    Racing in t"e #"ilippines. $"is Act consolidated all e%isting la&s and a'ended inconsistentprovisions relative to "orse racing. (t provided )or t"e distribution o) gross receipts )ro' t"e sale

    o) betting tic*ets, but is silent on t"e allocation o) so!called brea*ages. $"us t"e practice,

    according to t"e petitioners, &as to use t"e brea*ages )or t"e anti!boo*ies drive and ot"er sales

    pro'otions activities o) t"e "orse racing clubs.

    On +arc" 0, 19-4, #residential ecree No. 40 &as issued creating t"e #"ilippine Racing

    Co''ission /#(RACO+, giving it e%clusive 2urisdiction and control over ever aspect o)

    t"e conduct o) "orse racing, including t"e )ra'ing and sc"eduling o) races. virtue o) t"is

    po&er, t"e #(RACO+ aut"ori5ed t"e "olding o) races on 6ednesdas starting on ece'ber

    , 19-7.

    #etitioners 'ade a 2oint uer regarding t"e o&ners"ip o) brea*ages accu'ulated during

    6ednesda races. (n response to t"e uer, #(RACO+ rendered its opinion in a letter dated

    epte'ber 0, 19-8. (t declared t"at t"e brea*ages belonged to t"e racing clubs concerned.

    On ece'ber 17, 1987 #resident Cora5on Auino a'ended certain provisions ec. 4 o) R.A.

    7731 and ec. 7 o) R.A. 773 t"roug" :%ecutive Orders No. 88 and 89.

    On April 3, 198-, #(RACO+ itsel) addressed a uer to t"e O))ice o) t"e #resident as*ing

    &"ic" agenc is entitled to dispose o) t"e proceeds o) t"e brea*ages derived )ro' t"e $uesdaand 6ednesda races.

    (n a letter dated +a 1, 198-, t"e O))ice o) t"e #resident, t"roug" t"en eput :%ecutive

    ecretar Catalino +acaraig, Jr., replied t"at t"e disposition o) t"e brea*ages rig"t)ull belongs

    to #(RACO+, not onl t"ose derived )ro' t"e aturda, unda and "olida races, but also

    )ro' t"e $uesda and 6ednesda races in accordance &it" t"e distribution sc"e'e prescribed in

    said :%ecutive Orders.

    Controvers arose &"en "erein respondent #(RACO+, sent a series o) de'and letters to

    petitioners +JC( and #RC(, reuesting its s"are in t"e brea*ages o) mid-week-racesand proo)o) re'ittances to ot"er legal bene)iciaries as provided under t"e )ranc"ise la&s.


    W") '+# &"# +$"&*-/ #%#2$'+$#s )* &"# +#''#s #+$v# *+)5 5$?## +'2#s

    T"$s $ss-# '/s) 2'++$#s '% '%2$//'+4 >-#s&$)%! 'ss-5$% PHILRACOM $s #%&$&/# &) &"#

    5$?## +#''#s -%#+ &"# /', s")-/ &"# (#&$&$)%#+s +#5$& &"# 5)%#4 *+)5 &"#

    &$5# &"# 5$?## +'2#s s&'+, )+ )%/4 -()% &"# (+)5-/'&$)% )* E.O. N)s. 88 '%



    A +#'s)%'/# +#'$% )* &"# ")+s# +'2$% /'s *'v)+s &"# #+5$%'&$)% &"'& &"#

    #%&$&$#s #%-5#+' $% &"# $s&+$-&$)% s2"#5# (+)v$# -%#+ R.A. N)s. 6631 '%

    663, 's '5#%# 4 EB#2-&$v# O+#+s 88 '% 89, '+# &"# +$"&*-/ #%#2$'+$#s )*

    +#''#s *+)5 5$?## +'2#s. P#&$&$)%#+s s")-/ &"#+#*)+# +#5$& &"# (+)2##s )*

    +#''#s &) &")s# #%#*'2&)+s #s$%' 4 &"# '*)+#s'$ /'s.

    T"# ")/$% )* ")+s# +'2#s )% W#%#s'4s $s $% '$&$)% &) &"# #B$s&$% s2"#-/# )*

    +'2#s '-&")+$

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    A fortiori, &"# +'%&$% )* &"# 5$?## +'2#s )#s %)& +#>-$+# '%)&"#+ /#$s/'&$v#

    '2& &) +#$+' &"# 5'%%#+ )* '//)2'&$% &"# (+)2##s )* #&&$% &$2#&s. N#$&"#+

    )#s &"# '//)2'&$)% )* +#''#s -%#+ &"# s'5# (+)v$s$)% %## &) # $s)/' &)

    2)%s&+-# '%)&"#+ $s&+$-&$)% s2"#5#. N) /' 2'% # v$## $% ' 2)%$&$)% )*

    $s)/'&$)% )+ 's &"# #$%%$% )* ' %# /#'/ s4s.

    P+)2##$% &) &"# s-s$$'+4 $ss-#, &"# (#+$) *)+ &"# +#5$&&'%2# )* +#''#s &) &"#

    #%#2$'+$#s s")-/ "'v# 2)55#%2# *+)5 &"# &$5# PHILRACOM '-&")+$

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    Walter E. Olsen & Co. v. Aldanese

    G.R. No. L-18740. March !" 1!


    $"e petitioners assail t"e validit o) t"e Act No. 713 o) t"e #"ilippine egislature entitled ;an

    act to i'prove t"e 'et"ods o) production and t"e ualit o) tobacco in t"e #"ilippine and todevelop t"e e%port trade t"erein

    To be classed as standard, cigars must be manufactured under sanitary conditions from good,clean, selected tobacco, properly cured and seasoned, of a crop which has been harvested at

    least six months, exclusively the product of the provinces of Cagayan, Isabela, or Nueva Vizcaya.

    The cigars must be well made, with suitable spiral wrapper and with long filler, etc.

    $"e petitioner applied to t"e Collector o) (nternal Revenue )or a certi)icate o) origin covering a

    consign'ent o) 10,000 'ac"ine!'ade cigars to an ?rancisco, and as t"e petitioner "i'sel)stated on 'a*ing suc" application t"at t"e cigars soug"t to be e%ported "ave been 'anu)actured

    )ro' s"ort!)iller tobacco &"ic" &as not t"e product o) t"e provinces o) Cagaan, (sabela, and

    Nueva @i5caa. $"e Collector o) (nternal Revenue did not dee' it necessar to 'a*e an actuale%a'ination and inspection o) said cigars in vie& o) t"e )act t"at t"e cigars &ere not 'ade &it"

    long!)iller nor &ere t"e 'ade )ro' tobacco e%clusivel t"e product o) an o) t"e t"ree

    'entioned provinces.


    6"et"er or not A.O No. 3= and Act No. 713, as &ell as t"e re)usal o) t"e Collector o) (nternal

    Revenue to issue a certi)icate o) origin, are constitutional.


    es. Bnder t"e provisions o) Act No. 713, t"e Collector o) (nternal Revenue o) t"e #"ilippine(slands pro'ulgated Ad'inistrative Order No. 3=, *no&n as ;$obacco (nspections Regulations.;

    uc" rules and regulations, "aving been pro'ulgated b t"at o))icer, t"e court "as a rig"t to

    assu'e t"at "e &as acting under suc" rules and regulations &"en "e re)used to issue t"e

    certi)icate o) origin. (t appears )ro' t"e record t"at t"e cigars in uestion &ere not long!)illercigars, and t"at t"e &ere not 'anu)actured )ro' tobacco gro&n in one o) t"e t"ree provinces.

    t"e e%press ter's and provisions o) suc" rules and regulations pro'ulgated b t"e Collector

    o) (nternal Revenue, it &as "is dut to re)use petitioners reuest, and decline t"e certi)icate ororigin, because t"e cigars tendered &ere not o) t"e speci)ied *ind, and t"e court "ave a rig"t to

    assu'e t"at "e per)or'ed "is o))icial dut as t"e understood it. A)ter suc" re)usal and upon suc"

    grounds, it &ould indeed, "ave been a vain and useless t"ing )or t"e Collector o) (nternalRevenue to "is e%a'ined or inspected t"e cigars. aving re)used to issue t"e certi)icate o) origin

    )or t"e reason above assigned, it is ver apparent t"at a reuest t"erea)ter 'ade e%a'ine or

    inspect t"e cigars &ould also "ave been re)used.

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    SA#4A$3R A. ARA/ETA, ETC., ET A#.$s% T"E "3/. (A/3 S. AT(AITA/, ET A#.

    .R. /os. #08895 an6 #09191, April ', 195&

    Facts The Lea"ue of +unicipal +ayors of unicipalities near the San +i"uel 8ay, bet.een the

    pro$inces of )aarines Sur and )aarines ?orte, anifested in a resolution that they conden

    the operation of tra.ls in the said area and resol$in" to petition the &resident of the &hilippines to

    re"ulate fishin" in San +i"uel 8ay% An another resolution, the sae Lea"ue of +ayors prayed that

    the &resident ban the operation of tra.ls in the San +i"uel 8ay area% An response to the pleas, the

    &resident issued EO // prohibitin" the use of tra.ls in San +i"uel 8ay but the EO .as aended

    by EO apparently in ans.er to a resolution of the &ro$incial 8oard of )aarines Sur

    recoendin" the allo.ance of tra.l6fishin" durin" the typhoon season only% Subse-uently, EO

    :0 .as issued re$i$in" EO //% Thereafter, a "roup of Otter tra.l operators filed a coplaint for

    in=unction prayin" that the Secretary of '"riculture and ?atural Resources and Director ofFisheries be en=oined fro enforcin" said e5ecuti$e order and to declare the sae null and $oid%

    The )ourt held that until the tra.ler is outla.ed by le"islati$e enactent, it cannot be banned

    fro San +i"uel 8ay by e5ecuti$e proclaation and held that the EOs // and are in$alid%

    Iss)es 3hether or not the &resident has authority to issue EOs //, and :0% 3hether or notthe said E5ecuti$e Orders .ere $alid as it .as not in the e5ercise of le"islati$e po.ers undulydele"ated to the &resident%

    "el6 Ces% Bnder sections > and :* of the Fisheries la., the restriction and bannin" of tra.l

    fishin" fro all &hilippine .aters coe .ithin the po.ers of the Secretary of '"riculture and?atural Resources% !o.e$er, as the Secretary of '"riculture and ?atural Resources e5ercises itsfunctions sub=ect to the "eneral super$ision and control of the &resident of the &hilippines, the&resident can e5ercise the sae po.er and authority throu"h e5ecuti$e orders, re"ulations,decrees and proclaations upon recoendation of the Secretary concerned% !ence, EOs //,and :0 restrictin" and bannin" of tra.l fishin" fro San +i"uel 8ay are $alid and issued byauthority of la.% For the protection of fry or fish e""s and sall iature fishes, )on"ressintended .ith the proul"ation of the Fisheries 'ct, to prohibit the use of any fish net or fishin"de$ise li(e tra.l nets that could endan"er and deplete our supply of seafood, and to that endauthoriHed the Secretary of '"riculture and ?atural Resources to pro$ide by re"ulations and suchrestrictions as he deeed necessary in order to preser$e the a-uatic resources of the land% 3henthe &resident, in response to the claor of the people and authorities of )aarines Sur issued

    EO :0 absolutely prohibitin" fishin" by eans of tra.ls in all .aters coprised .ithin the San+i"uel 8ay, he did nothin" but sho. an an5ious re"ard for the .elfare of the inhabitants of saidcoastal pro$ince and dispose of issues of "eneral concern .hich .ere in consonance and strictconfority .ith the la.%

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    Public Schools District Suer!isors

    Associatio" !#s# De $esus


    Republic Act No. 91==, ot"er&ise *no&n as t"e DEovernance o) asic :ducation Act 001,

    /1 #roviding pro)essional and instructional advice and support to t"e sc"ool "eads and

    teac"ersG)acilitators o) sc"ools and learning centers in t"e district or cluster t"ereo)/ Curricula supervision and/3 #er)or'ing suc" ot"er )unctions as 'a be assigned b proper aut"orities.

    (t is a settled rule o) statutor construction t"at t"e e%press 'ention o) one person, t"ing, act, or

    conseuence e%cludes all ot"ers. $"is rule is e%pressed in t"e )a'iliar 'a%i' e%pressio unius est

    e%clusio alterius. 6"ere a statute, b its ter's, is e%pressl li'ited to certain 'atters, it 'a not,b interpretation or construction, be e%tended to ot"ers. $"e rule proceeds )ro' t"e pre'ise t"at

    t"e legislature &ould not "ave 'ade speci)ied enu'erations in a statute "ad t"e intention been

    not to restrict its 'eaning and to con)ine its ter's to t"ose e%pressl 'entioned.

    $"e court revie&ed t"e (RR and )ound t"at ection 4.3 o) Rule (@, and ections =.1 and =. o)Rule @ are valid. $"e provisions 'erel reiterate and i'ple'ent t"e related provisions o) R.A.

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    No. 91==. Bnder t"e la&, a division superintendent "as t"e aut"orit and responsibilit to "ire,

    place, and evaluate all division supervisors and district supervisors as &ell as all e'ploees in

    t"e division, bot" teac"ing and non!teac"ing personnel, including sc"ool "eads. A sc"ool "ead isa person responsible )or t"e ad'inistrative and instructional supervision o) t"e sc"ools or cluster

    o) sc"ools. $"e division superintendent, on t"e ot"er "and, supervises t"e operation o) all public

    and private ele'entar, secondar, and integrated sc"ools and learning centers.

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin



    A!T"3RIT+R /o. 11'52% Fe-r)ar7 1', 1998

    FACTSOn ?o$eber >, 199/, se$en desiccated coconut processin" copanies belon"in" to

    the '&)D brou"ht suit in the Re"ional Trial )ourt to en=oin the &)' fro issuin" perits to

    certain applicants for the establishent of ne. desiccated coconut processin" plants% &etitioner

    alle"ed that the issuance of licenses to the applicants .ould $iolate &)'Is 'dinistrati$e Order

    ?o% 0/, series of 1991, as the applicants .ere see(in" perits to operate in areas considered

    @con"ested@ under the adinistrati$e order% On ?o$eber , 199/, the trial court issued a

    teporary restrainin" order and, on ?o$eber />, 199/, a .rit of preliinary in=unction,

    en=oinin" the &)' fro processin" and issuin" licenses% Subse-uently and .hile the case .as

    pendin" in the Re"ional Trial )ourt, the o$ernin" 8oard of the &)' issued on +arch / and

    June /, 199*, petitioner recei$ed no reply fro the Office of the &resident% The @certificates of

    re"istration@ issued in the eantie by the &)' has enabled a nuber of ne. coconut ills to


    ISS!E1% 3hether or not &)';s 8oard Resolution ?o% 01:69* is null and $oid for bein" an

    undue e5ercise of le"islati$e po.er by an adinistrati$e body% /% 3hether or not the &)' is authoriHed to renounce the po.er to re"ulate iplicit in

    the la. creatin" it for that is .hat the resolution in -uestion actually is%

    "E#$1% Ces% The resolution in -uestion .as issued by the &)' in the e5ercise of its rule6

    a(in" or le"islati$e po.er% To be sure, the &)' is under the direct super$ision of the &resident

    of the &hilippines but there is nothin" in &%D% ?o% /*/, &%D% ?o% 91, &%D% ?o% 1

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    Echegaray v Secretary


    $"e C a))ir'ed t"e conviction o) petitioner eo :c"egara #ilo )or t"e cri'e o) rape o) t"e 10

    ear!old daug"ter o) "is co''on!la& spouse and t"e i'position upon "i' o) t"e deat" penalt)or t"e said cri'e.

    e )iled an +?R and a supple'ental +?R raising )or t"e )irst ti'e t"e issue o) t"e

    constitutionalit o) Republic Act No. -7=9 and t"e deat" penalt )or rape.(n t"e 'eanti'e, Congress "ad seen it )it to c"ange t"e 'ode o) e%ecution o) t"e deat" penalt

    )ro' electrocution to let"al in2ection, and passed Republic Act No. 81--, AN AC$

    :(ENA$(NE :A$ :$A (NJ:C$(ON A $: +:$O O? CARR(NE OB$CA#($A #BN(+:N$, A+:N(NE ?OR $: #BR#O: AR$(C: 81 O? $:

    R:@(: #:NA CO:, A A+:N: :C$(ON 4 O? R:#B(C AC$ NO. -7=9.

    $"e convict )iled a #etition )or pro"ibition )ro' carring out t"e let"al in2ection against "i'

    under t"e grounds t"at it constituted cruel, degrading, or unusual punis"'ent, being violative o)due process, a violation o) t"e #"ilippines obligations under international covenants, an undue

    delegation o) legislative po&er b Congress, an unla&)ul e%ercise b respondent ecretar o) t"e

    po&er to legislate, and an unla&)ul delegation o) delegated po&ers b t"e ecretar o) Justice torespondent irector.


    6ON RA 81-- constitutes an undue delegation o) legislative po&erK

    :N). R.A. No. 81-- li*e&ise provides t"e standards &"ic" de)ine t"e legislative polic, 'ar* its

    li'its, 'ap out its boundaries, and speci) t"e public agencies &"ic" &ill appl it. (t indicates

    t"e circu'stances under &"ic" t"e legislative purpose 'a be carried out. R.A. No. 81--

    speci)icall reuires t"at ;t"e deat" sentence s"all be e%ecuted under t"e aut"orit o) t"e irector

    o) t"e ureau o) Corrections, endeavoring so )ar as possible to 'itigate t"e su))erings o) t"e

    person under t"e sentence during t"e let"al in2ection as &ell as during t"e proceedings prior to

    t"e e%ecution.; ?urt"er, ;t"e irector o) t"e ureau o) Corrections s"all ta*e steps to ensure t"at

    t"e let"al in2ection to be ad'inistered is su))icient to cause t"e instantaneous deat" o) t"e

    convict.; $"e legislature also 'andated t"at ;all personnel involved in t"e ad'inistration o)

    let"al in2ection s"all be trained prior to t"e per)or'ance o) suc" tas*.; $"e Court cannot see t"at

    an use)ul purpose &ould be served b reuiring greater detail. $"e uestion raised is not t"e

    de)inition o) &"at constitutes a cri'inal o))ense, but t"e 'ode o) carring out t"e penalt alread

    i'posed b t"e Courts. (n t"is sense, R.A. No. 81-- is su))icientl de)inite and t"e e%ercise o)discretion b t"e ad'inistrative o))icials concerned is, canali5ed &it"in ban*s t"at *eep it )ro'


    o&ever, t"e Rules and Regulations to ('ple'ent Republic Act No. 81-- su))er serious )la&st"at could not be overloo*ed. $o begin &it", so'et"ing basic appears 'issing in ection 19 o)

    t"e i'ple'enting rules &"ic" provides a 'anual )or t"e e%ecution procedure. (t &as supposed to

    be con)idential.

    $"e Court )inds in t"e )irst paragrap" o) ection 19 o) t"e i'ple'enting rules a vacuu'. $"eecretar o) Justice "as practicall abdicated t"e po&er to pro'ulgate t"e 'anual on t"e

    e%ecution procedure to t"e irector o) t"e ureau o) Corrections, b not providing )or a 'ode o)

    revie& and approval. eing a 'ere constituent unit o) t"e epart'ent o) Justice, t"e ureau o)Corrections could not pro'ulgate a 'anual t"at &ould not bear t"e i'pri'atur o) t"e

    ad'inistrative superior, t"e ecretar o) Justice as t"e rule!'a*ing aut"orit under R.A. No.

    81--. uc" apparent abdication o) depart'ental responsibilit renders t"e said paragrap"invalid.

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    L-('%2) vs CA 160 SCRA 8J8


    P+)*#ss$)%'/ R#-/'&$)% C)55$ss$)% :PRC $ss-# R#s)/-&$)% N). 10 's ('+&

    )&s KA$&$)%'/ I%s&+-2&$)%s &) EB'5$%##s &) '// &")s# '((/4$% *)+ '5$ss$)%&) &'# &"# /$2#%s-+# #B'5$%'&$)%s $% '22)-%&'%24. T"# +#s)/-&$)% #5)$#

    &"# *)//)$% (#+&$%#%& (+)v$s$)%s!KN) #B'5$%## s"'// '&% '%4 +#v$#

    2/'ss, +$#%, 2)%*#+#%2# )+ &"# /$#2)%-2 4, )+ s"'// +#2#$v# '%4 "'%?

    )-&, +#v$# 5'+$'/, )+ '%4 &$( *+)5 '%4 s2"))/,2)//## )+ -%$v#+s$&4, )+ '%4

    +#v$# 2#%+ )+ &"# /$# )+ '%4 +#v$##+, /#2&-+#+,$%s&+-2&)+ )=2$'/ )+

    #5(/)4## )* '%4 )* &"# '*)+#5#%&$)%# )+ s$5$/'+ $%s&$&-&$)%s-+$% &"# &"+##

    '4s $55#$'/4 (+#2#$% #v#+4 #B'5$%'&$)% '4 $%2/-$%

    &"##B'5$%'&$)% '4.A%4 #B'5$%## v$)/'&$% &"$s $%s&+-2&$)% s"'// # s-#2&

    &) &"# s'%2&$)%s.P#&$&$)%#+s, '// +#v$###s (+#('+$% &) &'# &"# /$2#%s-+#

    #B'5$%'&$)%s $% '22)-%&'%24/# $% &"#$+ )% #"'/* '% $% #"'/* )* '//)&"#+s s$5$/'+/4 s$&-' /$# &"#5, $&" &"#RTC ' 2)5(/'$%& *)+ $%-%2&$)%

    $&" ' (+'4#+ *)+ &"# $ss-'%2# )* ' +$& )* (+#/$5$%'+4$%-%2&$)% ''$%s&

    +#s()%#%& PRC &) +#s&+'$% &"# /'&+ *+)5 #%*)+2$% &"# ')v#?5#%&$)%#

    +#s)/-&$)% '% &) #2/'+# &"# s'5# -%2)%s&$&-&$)%'/.


    WON &"# R#s)/-&$)% $s -%2)%s&$&-&$)%'/


    T"# R#s)/-&$)% $s %-// '% v)$. T"# #%*)+2#5#%& )* R#s)/-&$)% N). 10 $s %)& '-'+'%#

    &"'& &"# '//## /#''#s $% &"# /$2#%s-+# #B'5$%'&$)%s $// # #+'$2' )+ '&/#'s&


  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    $a%icab Operators vs. oard o) $ransportation

    E.R. No. !=934. epte'ber 30, 198.


    #etitioners &"o are ta%icab operators assail t"e constitutionalit o) +e'orandu' Circular No.

    --!4 issued b t"e oard o) $ransportation /O$ providing )or t"e p"asing out andreplace'ent o) old and dilapidated ta%icabs as &ell as ('ple'enting Circular No. = issued

    pursuant t"ereto b t"e ureau o) and $ransportation /$ instructing personnel o) t"e $

    &it"in t"e National Capital Region to i'ple'ent t"e said O$ Circular, and )or'ulating a

    sc"edule o) p"ase!out o) ve"icles to be allo&ed and accepted )or registration as public


    #etitioners allege t"at t"e uestioned Circulars did not a))ord t"e' procedural and substantive

    due process, eual protection o) t"e la&, and protection against arbitrar and unreasonable

    classi)ication and standard. A'ong ot"ers, t"e uestion t"e issuance o) t"e Circulars &it"out

    )irst calling t"e' to a con)erence or reuiring t"e' to sub'it position papers or ot"er docu'ents

    en)orceabilit t"ereo) onl in +etro +anila and t"eir being applicable onl to ta%icabs and not

    to ot"er transportation services.


    6"et"er or not t"e constitutional guarantee o) due process &as denied to t"e ta%icab operators

    andGor ot"er persons a))ected b t"e assailed Circular No. =.


    $"e upre'e Court "eld t"at t"ere &as no denial o) due process since calling t"e ta%icab

    operators or persons &"o 'a be a))ected b t"e uestioned Circulars to a con)erence or

    reuiring t"e' to sub'it position papers or ot"er docu'ents is onl one o) t"e options open to

    t"e O$ &"ic" is given &ide discretionar aut"orit under #.. No. 101 and )i%ing a si%! ear

    ceiling )or a car to be operated as ta%icab is a reasonable standard adopted to appl to all ve"icles

    a))ected uni)or'l, )airl, and 2ustl.

    $"e Court also ruled t"at neit"er "as t"e eual protection clause been violated b initiall

    en)orcing t"e Circulars onl in +etro +anila since it is o) co''on *no&ledge t"at ta%icabs in

    t"is cit, co'pared to t"ose o) ot"er places, are sub2ected to "eavier tra))ic pressure and 'oreconstant use, t"us 'a*ing )or a substantial distinction nor b non!application o) t"e Circulars to

    ot"er transportation services because t"e said Circulars satis) t"e criteria reuired under t"e

    eual protection clause, &"ic" is t"e uni)or' operation b legal 'eans so t"at all persons under

    identical or si'ilar circu'stances &ould be accorded t"e sa'e treat'ent bot" in privilege

    con)erred and t"e liabilities i'posed.

    (t is clear )ro' t"e provision o) ection o) #.. 101 a)oreuoted, t"at t"e lee&a accorded t"e

    oard gives it a &ide range o) c"oice in gat"ering necessar in)or'ation or data in t"e

    )or'ulation o) an polic, plan or progra'. (t is not 'andator t"at it s"ould )irst call a

    con)erence or reuire t"e sub'ission o) position papers or ot"er docu'ents )ro' operators or

    persons &"o 'abe a))ected, t"is being onl one o) t"e options open to t"e oard, &"ic" is given

    &ide discretionar aut"orit. #etitioners cannot 2usti)iabl clai', t"ere)ore, t"at t"e &ere

    deprived o) procedural due process. Neit"er can t"e state &it" certaint t"at public respondents

    "ad not availed o) ot"er sources o) inuir prior to issuing t"e c"allenged Circulars. Operators o)

    public conveances are not t"e onl pri'ar sources o) t"e data and in)or'ation t"at 'a be

    desired b t"e O$.

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    D# #s-s v COA


    P#&$&$)%#+s '+# #5(/)4##s )* &"# L)2'/ W'+ U&$/$&$#s A5$%$s&+'&$)% :LWUA.

    P+$)+ &) -/4 1, 1989, &"#4 #+# +#2#$v$% ")%)+'+$' 's #s$%' 5#5#+s)* &"# LWUA )'+ S#2+#&'+$'& '% &"# P+#?@-'/$2'&$)%, $s '% A'+s


    O% -/4 1, 1989, R#(-/$2 A2& N). 68 :R#(. A2& 68, #%&$&/# A% A2&

    P+#s2+$$% A R#v$s# C)5(#%s'&$)% '% P)s$&$)% C/'ss$2'&$)% S4s $% &"#

    G)v#+%5#%& '% F)+ O&"#+ P-+()s#s, &)) ##2&. S#2&$)% 1 )* s'$ /'

    (+)v$#s *)+ &"# 2)%s)/$'&$)% )* '//)'%2#s '% '$&$)%'/ 2)5(#%s'&$)%

    $%&) s&'%'+$-'/$2'&$)% ##2&$v# N)v#5#+ 1, 1989, '//

    '//)'%2#s '% *+$%# #%#&s +'% )% &)( )* 's$2 s'/'+4.

    &etitioners contend that D8+6))) ?o% 10 is inconsistent .ith the pro$isions of Rep% 'ct 6758

    (the law it is supposed to implement)and, therefore, $oid% 'nd it is .ithout force and effect

    because it .as not published in the Official aHette%


    3O? the )ircular is $oid%


    CES% On the need for publication of sub=ect D8+6))) ?o% 10, .e rule in the affirati$e%

    Follo.in" the doctrine enunciated in Tanada, publication in the Official aHette or in a

    ne.spaper of "eneral circulation in the &hilippines is re-uired since D8+6))) ?o% 10 is in the

    nature of an adinistrati$e circular the purpose of .hich is to enforce or ipleent an e5istin"

    la.% Stated differently, to be effecti$e and enforceable, D8+6))) ?o% 10 ust "o throu"h the

    re-uisite publication in the Official aHette or in a ne.spaper of "eneral circulation in the


    An the present case under scrutiny, it is decisi$ely clear that D8+6))) ?o% 10, .hich copletely

    disallo.s payent of allo.ances and other additional copensation to "o$ernent officials and

    eployees, startin" ?o$eber 1, 19:9, is not a ere interpretati$e or internal re"ulation% At is

    soethin" ore than that% 'nd .hy not, .hen it tends to depri$e "o$ernent .or(ers of their

    allo.ances and additional copensation sorely needed to (eep body and soul to"ether% 't the

    $ery least, before the said circular under attac( ay be peritted to substantially reduce their

    incoe, the "o$ernent officials and eployees concerned should be apprised and alerted by

    the publication of sub=ect circular in the Official aHette or in a ne.spaper of "eneral circulation

    in the &hilippines 6 to the end that they be "i$en aplest opportunity to $oice out .hate$er

    opposition they ay ha$e, and to $entilate their stance on the atter% This approach is ore in

    (eepin" .ith deocratic precepts and rudients of fairness and transparency%

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    People vs. (aceren

    &9 SCRA 5'

    FACTSThis is a case in$ol$in" the $alidity of a 19 re"ulation, penaliHin" electro fishin" in

    fresh .ater fisheries, proul"ated by the Secretary of '"riculture and ?atural Resources and

    the )oissioner of Fisheries under the old Fisheries La.% On +arch , 199 Jose

    8uena$entura, odofredo Reyes, 8en=ain Reyes, ?aHario '-uino and )arlito del Rosario

    .ere char"ed by a )onstabulary in$esti"ator in the unicipal court of Sta% )ruH, La"una .ith

    ha$in" $iolated Fisheries 'dinistrati$e Order ?o% :2 failure of licensed fisheren to report the

    (ind and -uantity of fish cau"ht, and 2 other $iolations% ?o.here in that la. is electro fishin"

    specifically punished% 'dinistrati$e re"ulations adopted under le"islati$e authority by a

    particular departent ust be in harony .ith the pro$isions of the la., and should be for the

    sole purpose of carryin" into effect its "eneral pro$isions% The rule6a(in" po.er ust be

    confined to details for re"ulatin" the ode or proceedin" to carry into effect the la. as it has

    been enacted% The po.er cannot be e5tended to aendin" or e5pandin" the statutory

    re-uireents or to ebrace atters not co$ered by the statute% Rules that sub$ert the statute

    cannot be sanctioned% Thus, the la.a(in" body cannot dele"ate to an e5ecuti$e official the

    po.er to declare .hat acts should constitute an offense% At can authoriHe the issuance of

    re"ulations and the iposition of the penalty pro$ided for in the la. itself%

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin



    G.R. N). 11961; A--s& 9, 1996

    F'2&s! F)+&-%# T)'22) C)+()+'&$)% :KF)+&-%# T)'22)K, #%'# $% &"#

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    )* "#'+$%, '% )* (-/$2'&$)% s")-/ %)& "'v# ##% &"#% $%)+#.

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    PCFI vs. Sec. of E6)cation C)lt)re an6 Sports15 SCRA %22

    FACTSOn /1 February 19:, the Tas( Force on &ri$ate Education under the Departent ofEducation )ulture and Sports had recoended to the DE)S se$eral easures or courses ofactions con"ruent to the "o$ernent;s policy re"ulatin" pri$ate colle"es in the country% On the

    said proposal it stipulates that &ri$ate schools ay increase school fees fro 1>6/0K .ithout aprior appro$al fro DE)S pro$ided that the school shall not e5ceed the total aount of schoolfees of One Thousand &esos% &etitioner herein, -uestioned 'O * and sou"ht forreconsideration on the basis that the increase .as too hi"h or e5orbitant% On 10 'pril 19:, onthe basis that education is a atter of ri"ht and considerin" the public claor, DE)S secretaryissued a odified adinistrati$e order authoriHin" bac( all &ri$ate !i"her EducationalAnstitutions &!EA2 to ipleent an increase of 1061>K rate in the payent of school fees%Discontented .ith the reconsideration prayed for, coplainant6petitioner see(s for presidentialinter$ention to suspend the ipleentation of the odified 'O * ho.e$erG no response .asade by the &resident of the &hilippines% On /0 +ay 19:, petitioner herein, ele$ates theatter to the Supree )ourt see(in" to pre$ent the ipleentation of the said order% Thus, thefilin" of petition for prohibition on the "round of public interest, see(in" to resol$e the follo.in"

    -uestions before the Supree )ourtG

    ISS!ES 12 3hether or not 'dinistrati$e Order * issued by DE)S Secretary has le"albasis7 /23hether or not 'dinistrati$e Order * issued by DE)S Secretary curtailed the dueprocess clause enshrined in the constitution7

    "E#$On the first issue, the court resol$es that under section > 8atas &abansa 8ilan"% /*/or the Education 'ct of 19:/ epo.ers the Departent of Education )ulture and Sports tore"ulate the educational systes in the country such as the po.er to proul"ate, adinister,super$ise educational systes% Furtherore, under Sec% 0 of the sae act, conteplates onthe Rule6+a(in" po.er of the +inister of Education )ulture and Sports% Bltiately the courtholds that the po.er to prescribe school fees is iplied .ith the re"ulatory po.er e5ercised by

    the Secretary of Education% To resol$e the second issue, the court is in affirati$e that in thee5ercise of the rule6a(in" -uasi6le"islati$e2 po.er of the secretary of education forerly+inister of Education2 prior notice and hearin" are not essential for the $alidity of the issuance%

    'ccordin"ly, the petition for prohibition .as DAS+ASSED for lac( of erit% !o.e$er, the courtreiterates that the rule6a(in" po.er of the Secretary of Education to prescribe school fees forpri$ate school shall not be e5ercise unreasonably, further stressed that any issuances .ill besub=ected by the Supree )ourt po.er of re$ie.%

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    (isais 3riental Association of Coco Tra6ers, Inc. vs. $epartent of Finance Secretar728 SCRA %

    Facts&etitioner +isais Oriental 'ssociation of )oco Traders, Anc% is a doestic corporation.hose ebers, indi$idually or collecti$ely, are en"a"ed in the buyin" and sellin" of copra in+isais Oriental% On the other hand, respondents represent departents of the e5ecuti$e

    branch of "o$ernent char"ed .ith the "eneration of funds and the assessent, le$y andcollection of ta5es and other iposts% At alle"es that prior to the issuance of Re$enue+eorandu )ircular R+)2

  • 7/23/2019 digest 2 admin


    *% The Supree )ourt ruled in the ne"ati$e% There is a aterial or substantial differencebet.een coconut farers and copra producers, on the one hand, and copra traders anddealers, on the other% The forer produce and sell copra, the latter erely sell copra% The)onstitution does not forbid the differential treatent of persons so lon" as there is areasonable basis for classifyin" the differently%

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