dinosaur carpaccio - how to implement valuable micro-requirements

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Un punto chiave dello sviluppo software è dato dal rilascio continuo di valore al cliente finale e in questo scenario uno degli strumenti più attuali per descrivere i requisiti sono le user story. Molti team, ancora oggi, faticano a realizzare storie piccole e quando ci provano finiscono spesso con l'ottenere ‘layer’ dell’architettura orizzontale e non micro soluzioni verticali che attraversino tutti gli strati (dalla UI alla persistenza). Tale situazione fa si che l'assunto iniziale decada e il valore portato al cliente nella migliore delle ipotesi non sarà continuo (nella peggiore nullo).


ROME 11-12 april 2014ROME 11-12 april 2014

Dyno Carpaccio – come implementare micro requisiti di valore

Fabio Armani ���� Stefano Leli

f.armani@open-ware.org - stefano.leli@gmail.com@fabioarmani @sleli

ROME 11-12 april 2014

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• Un punto chiave dello sviluppo software è dato dal rilascio continuo di valore al cliente finale e in questo scenario uno degli strumenti più attuali per descrivere i requisiti sono le user story.

• Molti team, ancora oggi, faticano a realizzare storie piccole e quando ci provano finiscono spesso con l'ottenere ‘layer’ quando ci provano finiscono spesso con l'ottenere ‘layer’ dell’architettura orizzontale e non micro soluzioni verticali che attraversino tutti gli strati (dalla UI alla persistenza).

• Tale situazione fa si che l'assunto iniziale decada e il valore portato al cliente nella migliore delle ipotesi non sarà continuo (nelle peggiori, nullo).

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• The Dyno Carpaccio exercise is a great way for software people to practice & learn how to break stories into really thin vertical slices. It also leads to interesting discussions about quality and tech practices.

• The original exercise (Elephant Carpaccio) was invented by Alistair

What is this?

• The original exercise (Elephant Carpaccio) was invented by Alistair Cockburn. We’ve facilitated it a bunch of times and we encourage people to run it everywhere.

• This is a detailed (shu-level) facilitation guide based on how Alistair runs it plus some minor adaptations from Henrik Kniberg and us.

• The exercise takes 90-120 minutes, and scales well. We normally do it with 10-20 people but have also done it with groups up to 40.

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• 2 hours is best, 1.5 hour works but feels a bit rushed.

• 15’ discussion about user stories

• 20’ breaking down backlog

• 45’ implementing


• 45’ implementing

• 10’ debrief

• It’s possible to skip the implementing part & just practice creating the backlog. But it takes away much of the fun, and you also miss out on interesting quality discussion at the end.

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

The purpose of this workshop is to learn to split stories really small…

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• Vertical, testable, user-valuable.

• Cuts across multiple architectural layers.




Back End

Slicing StoriesSlicing Stories

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• Making thinner stories (but still vertical)

Story SlicingB




monthsweekshours daysminutes

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• How big are your stories? tasks? commits?

• Target:

• Story = a few days

• Task = a few hours


• Task = a few hours

• Commit = several times per hour

• Why split stories?

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• How big are your stories? tasks? commits?

• Target:

• Story = a few days

• Task = a few hours


• Task = a few hours

• Commit = several times per hour

• Why split stories? Discuss in pairs

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• Learn faster

• Deliver more often

• Happier stakeholders

• More in-sync with other people & teams

Why split stories

• More in-sync with other people & teams

• Better prioritizations

• Better product earlier

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• More business options

• Less risk (less time “underwater”)

• Sense of velocity

• Easier planning

Why split stories

• Easier planning

ROME 11-12 april 2014

Big stories

Small stories


Big stories

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• Decision of “how small” should not be limited by “we can’t split this story”.

• In this workshop we will practice by exaggerating.

• We will make stories so tiny that anything you do today seems big

How Small

• We will make stories so tiny that anything you do today seems big in comparison.

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• Build a simple application in 45 minutes, divided into 3 iterations x 15 minutes.

• Most people would build this app in 2-3 slices, we will do it in 15-20.

• Dyno Carpaccio = very thin slices, each one still dyno-shaped.

What we will do

• Dyno Carpaccio = very thin slices, each one still dyno-shaped. Together they form the whole dynosaur.

ROME 11-12 april 2014

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

ROME 11-12 april 2014

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

Requisito #1Come utente vorrei vedere dov'è l'auto più vicina rispetto alla mia posizione attuale in modo da poter individuarla velocemente e poterne fruire comodamente.

Requisito #2Come utente vorrei poter prenotare l'auto desiderata in modo da poterla ritrovare una volta giunto nel luogo dove si trova parcheggiata.

The product

Requisito #3Come utente vorrei poter conoscere lo stato dell'auto (livelli di benzina, stato generale, etc) in modo da potermi fare un'idea del veicolo prima di prenderlo.

Requisito #4Come amministratore delegato vorrei consentire una tariffazione basata sull'effettivo utilizzo dell'autovettura in modo da distinguere il mio servizio dagli autonoleggi tradizionali.

Requisito #5Come addetto alla manutenzione vorrei poter conoscere (automaticamente) tutte le auto che hanno problemi in modo da poter organizzare le ispezioni e le riparazioni.

Requisito #6Come utente vorrei poter effettuare Login e Logout dell’app.

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• Split into groups of 5 or 6. Each group should have at least one designer with the POP Prototype app installed.

• Pop Prototype

• 10 minutes: write your backlog

Create the Backlog

• 10 minutes: write your backlog

• Write 10-20 demo-able user stories (“slices”) that will take you from nothing to all requirements implemented.

• Each should be implementable (including user interface) in 2-6 minutes.

• All demos show new interfaces, and are noticeably different from last slice.

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• What is your next slice?

• Key point: minimum key stroke per slice!

• 5 minutes: make make your slices smaller. Try for at least 15 slices.

Create the Backlog

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• This workshop is primarily about story slicing, but adding UX practices aspects gives it extra spice.

How will you work?

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• 45 minutes, 3 iterations, 15 minutes per iteration.

• At the end of each iteration, We will call out “demo time!”. That means stop coding, and demonstrate your app to another team.

• Time doesn’t stop between iterations! So don’t spend too much time

Build It

• Time doesn’t stop between iterations! So don’t spend too much time on demo.

• Shout “slice” whenever you finish a slice.

• Go!

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• How far did you get? (mark each team’s approximate position on the value curve)

• How many slices did you have?

• Acceptance test:


• Acceptance test:

• Show the app in POP Prototype.

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• Non-programmers: What was it like?

• Programmers: What was it like?

• How is your app quality, how proud are you of your app? (each programmer hold up 1-5 fingers).


ROME 11-12 april 2014 Fabio Armani, Stefano Leli

• Any other questions or reflections?

• Round-robin: What did you learn? What will you do?

• Name one take-away insight from today, and one thing you will do differently in the future.


differently in the future.





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