disclosure of wikileaks

Post on 09-May-2015



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all disclosures by Jullion assange..


  • 1.Presented by: RS4 Rakesh rana Sandeep singh Sahil dev singh Sachin sharma Sourav mahajan

2. INTRODUCTION OF WIKILEAKS WikiLeaks is an international non-profit organisationthat publishes submissions of private, secret, andclassified media from anonymous news sources andnews leaks. WikiLeaks describes its founders as a mix of Chinesedissidents, journalists, mathematicians, and start-upcompany technologists from the United States,Taiwan, Europe, Australia, and South Africa 3. Contd. Wikileakes provide an secure way for sources to leakinformation with the help of journalists the otherimportant activities of wikileakes to publish originalsource material which become evidence of the truth. The wikileaks.org domain name was registered on 4October 2006 WikiLeaks organisation grown very quickly, when theorganisation was officially launched, WikiLeaks hasworked to report on and publish importantinformation. it also used technologies to support theseactivities 4. Julian Assange the main spokespersonand editor-in-chief for WikiLeaks 5. Brief intro. Started on. Built in cuba Especially for high level prisoners 6. Key characters Abu zubaydah (ISN 10016) IBN-al-sheikh al libi (ISN 212) Sharqawi abdu-al-haji (ISN 1457) 7. Other Prisoners Ahmed khalfan Ghailani (ISN 10012) Walib bin Attash (ISN 10014) Mohd. -al-Qahtani (ISN 493) 8. AFGHAN WAR DOCUMENTSLEAK 9. BACKGROUND 10. ISSUES RAISED Allegations of foreign support for the Taliban Pakistan Iran North Korea Civilian casualties Friendly-fire casualties Role of al-Qaeda 11. Contd Role of Special Ops greater than previously revealed Taliban use of heat-seeking missiles Psychological warfare Insurgent attacks against civilians Child prostitution 12. COMMENTARY Significance of the disclosure wikileaks 13. News organisations given advanced access to the documents The New York Times The Guardian 14. Other views United States military The Washington Post Legality of the disclosure 15. REACTIONS Reaction of European union Reaction of Afghanistan govt. Germany India Reactions of human rights groups 16. SOURCE OF THE LEAK Wikileaks says it does not know the source of the leaked data. Our whole system is designed such that we dont have to keep that secret. 17. INTRODUCTION 18. AFTER DISCLOSER BY WIKILEAKSAL JAZEERA REPLACES ITS TOPDIRECTOR Al Jazeera, the pan-Arab news network financed by Qatar, named a member of the Qatari royal family on Tuesday to replace its top news director after disclosures from the group WikiLeaks indicating that the news director had modified the networks coverage of the Iraq war in response to pressure from the United States. 19. IRAQ WAR 20. BRIEF HISTORY .. STARTED ON.. REASONS BEHIND WAR US AND UK FORCES WERE THE KEY PLAYERS IMPORTANT EVENTS EXECUTION OF SADDAM HUSSAIN DEATH TOLL (2002-2008) 21. DISCLOSURES BY WIKILEAKES IRAQI CIVILLIAN WERE USED AS MINESWEEPERSBY US MILITARY TROOPS. ATTACK ON CIVILIANS BY APACHE HELICOPTERON JULY 2007. 22. SWISS BANK 23. WHY ARE SWISS BANK SOPOPULER? POLITICAL STABILITY SAFETY STABLE CURRENCY EXCELLENT QUALITY PRIVACY 24. BLACK MONEY IN SWISS BANK According to the data provided by the Swiss bankingassociation , India have more black money then therest of the world combined. The black money market situation in India isepidemic. India currently tops the least for monies inthe entire world with almost US $ 1,456 billion in Swissbanks(USD 1.4 trillion approximately) in the form ofunaccounted money. 25. BANKING IN SWITZERLAND- All the bank in Switzerland are regulated by Swissfinancial market supervisory, which derives itsauthority of federal statutes. The countrys tradition ofband secrecy. Which dates to the middle age was firstcodified in a 1934 law. As of 11 October lost, the band industry in Switzerlandhas an average leverage ratio assets/material of 29 to1,while the industrys short term liabilities are equal to260% of the Swiss GDP 1,273% of the Swiss nationaldebt 26. Indian industrialists politicians and officers have theirillegal money there, which is about 13 times largestthan the countries foreign debt with this amount45crore people can get Rs. 1,00,000 each 27. INDIAN NAME IN SWISS BANKDISCLOSURE TO WIKILEAKS Details of Swiss bank accounts given to WikiLeaks byprivate banker-turned-whistleblower Rudolf Elmer hasa few Indian names. The data revealed names of Indian entities includingtwo apparently linked firms Annapurna Convertibleand Anna Investments and two individuals Asad AliKhan and Zahida Ali Khan. 28. CONTINUED The story was reported by the television channel,Headlines Today, which said that it was not in aposition to verify the details. Elmer is a formeremployee of Swiss bank Julius Baer and the bank hassaid he had leaked the accounts motivated byunfulfilled career expectations. Although information is sketchy, it might lead to moreleads. 29. CONTINUED.. These are believed to be account details of prominentpeople and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange haspromised to provide details. Annapurna Convertibles reportedly has $85 millionand Anna Investments $9.7 million in Julius Baerbank. These are among the 2,000 names in two discsRudolf Elmer gave WikiLeaks 30. CONTINUED. The data is not yet available on the WikiLeaks website.It was held on two discs handed over by Elmer at apress conference in London. Assange promised fulldisclosure once information had been vetted. Elmer is scheduled to go on trial in Switzerland onWednesday for breaking bank secrecy laws. The banker, who has given data to WikiLeaks before,was fired from Julius Baer in 2002. 31. SWISS BANK HAS LIST INDIANNAMES:ASSANGE In an interview that could trigger a new controversy over Indian businessmen stashing black money in Swiss banks, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has said he had seen Indian names in a list of Swiss bank account holders and added that the data was going to be made public. 32. CONTINUED.. "Yes, there are Indian names in the data that we have already published or are going to publish. I cant remember specifically whether there are Indian names in the coming publication. But I have read Indian names," Assange told Times Now in an interview. He, however, declined to reveal anything more on the issue at this stage 33. CONTINUE. In the course of the 50-minute interview, Assange appealed to Indians to "absolutely not lose hope" that names of those with secret Swiss accounts will come out in future. Hinting that WikiLeaks might work with specialized agencies before releasing the Swiss bank data he pulled up the Indian government for not being aggressive like Germany in going after the list of Indian account holders. "India should be more aggressive because India seems like it is losing per capita more tax money than Germany." 34. CONTINUED. had earlier claimed that he was handed over documents Assange of bank accounts by a former banker Rudolf Elmer and the whistleblower also claimed that the names in the documents came from "US, Britain, Germany, Austria and Asia from all over," and include "business people, politicians, people who have made their living in the arts and multinational conglomerates from both sides of the Atlantic". 35. CONTI NUED Assange also dismissed the contention of the Indian government that accords on double taxation were coming in the way of tracking the trail of black money. "Double taxation does not have anything to do with asset hiding. It doesnt simply cover asset hiding," he said. Assange said that issue of stashing black money in foreign banks was worse than local corruption as when money is pushed offshore, "... everytime they are selling rupees and the result is that the currency of the nation is debased... everything for all Indians become expensive as a result of that transfer." 36. INDIA NOT SERIOUS ABOUT UN EARTHING BLACK MONEY IN SWISS BANKS, SAYS WISTLEBLOWER Rudolf Elmer, a rare whistleblower who has brought out much information on secret Swiss banks accounts, has accused the Indian government of not being serious enough in getting details of black money stashed away in Swiss banks. 37. CONTINUED In his first statement on Indian accounts in Swiss banks after being released from jail, Elmer said, "The Indian government doesnt do enough." He said society has to put pressure on the government to act. "India is a big country, which is getting stronger by the day. It has the negotiating power," he told an Indian news channel. 38. CONTINUED.. NEW DELHI: A second list containing names ofIndians, who have stashed black money in Swissbanks, will be shared by the Germans, Times Nowreported. Sources said that the list has 100 plus Indian names -most of whom have accounts in the Julius Baer bank -the same bank which has launched a witch-huntagainst its former employee and whistleblowerRudolph Elmer. 39. CONTINUED Names of 18 Indians, who had stashed away nearly Rs 40crore in tax havens, were revealed early this year. TheLiechtenstein list, accessed by the Germans and sharedwith the Indians was the first ever to make such valuableinformation available. However, now a second revelation is in the offing. Sourceshave told Times Now, that a second list will soon bereleased to the Indian government. The list contains namesof a 100 plus Indians who have stashed away black moneyin leading Swiss banks. Among them is also - Julius Baer - the same Swiss bankwhich is now trying all legal means to retrieve informationhanded over by whistleblower and sacked employeeRudolph Elmer to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. 40. CONTINUED Some of the names that the WikiLeaks founder is privyto are likely to figure in this highly anticipated 2nd listof Indian tax evaders. The German ambassadorconfirmed to Times Now that a big announcement wasin the pipeline. Sources said that tax authorities have already begunthe process of collecting nearly Rs 25 crore in penaltyfrom the 18 tax evaders, who figure in theLiechtenstein list. 41. BLACK MONEY TRAIL: 2ND LIST OF INDIA SWISS BANK TO BE SHARED Elmer said many Indian companies and rich Indians, such as cricketers and film stars, were using tax havens line Cayman Islands for banking. While pointing out that there were several Indian names in the list of those evading tax that he had brought out in 2008, Elmer refused to discuss any specifics regarding Indians. He is facing investigations in Switzerland for breaching secrecy laws of his country. 42. CONTINUED. Elmer saidthe US was the only government which was serious about ending tax evasion and other illegal activities surrounding banking in tax havens. Recent reports pointed out that Swiss banks had started providing information to US authorities of American citizens who held accounts with them. 43. THANK YOU

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