division of enrollment management 2009-10 (fy10) … of enrollment management 2009-10 (fy10) annual...

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Division of Enrollment Management

2009-10 (FY10) Annual Report

Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment

Office of Student Financial Aid

Office of the Registrar

Integrated Student Information Systems (ISIS)

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 2

Division of Enrollment Management Annual report

July 2009 – June 2010

Table of Contents

Reflections Page 3 – 5

A Quick Overview - some facts about who we are Page 6

A Chronology Enrollment Management Activities, Events and Accomplishments

Page 7 - 11

Key Division Priorities Advanced in FY10 Page 12-14

The Division’s Role in Supporting the Campus Strategic Framework Page 15 -19

Provide an exemplary undergraduate education Page 15

Reinvigorate the Wisconsin Idea and renew our commitment to our public mission

Page 16

Recruit and retain the best faculty and staff, and reward merit Page 17

Enhance diversity in order to ensure excellence in education and research

Page 18

Be responsible stewards of our resources Page 19

Cross-Division Teams and their Missions Page 20 - 21

Division Resources and Expenditures Page 22 – 26

Resources Page 22

All Expenditures Page 23

DoIT Expenses (Labor Shadow Excluded) Page 24

DoIT Labor Expenses Page 25

Recruitment Costs Page 26

Looking to the Future – Strategic Priorities for FY11 Page 27 – 34

Division of Enrollment Management – Office of the Vice Provost Page 27 - 28

Office of the Registrar Page 29 – 30

Office of Student Financial Aid Page 31

Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment Page 32 – 33

Integrated Student Information Systems Page 34

Supporting our Efforts Page 35

Office of the Provost – FY11 Suggested Issues for Discussion Page 35

Conclusion Page 35

Organizational Charts (PDF) Appendices

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 3


The Division of Enrollment Management is made up of four student academic service units – The Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment, the Office of the Registrar, the Office of Student Financial Aid and the office that supports the Integrated Student Information Systems (ISIS).

The work we do throughout the division is significantly impacted by world-wide economic issues, presidential and gubernatorial politics, legislative actions and debates, school and college entrepreneurial initiatives and technological innovations that trigger increased expectations for service. We are also impacted by broader campus challenges and opportunities that range from campus budget cuts and furloughs to happily receiving increased financial aid as well as a significant boost to the admissions budget.

This annual report provides a broad overview of who we are as a division. In order to provide the groundwork for our story, it is important to know a bit about our past – and how it provides the basis for some of the key challenges that lie ahead – that’s where this report begins. We have also included a brief overview of each unit (staffing, budget, etc.) as well as a year in review. We follow that with a section on the priorities that each unit advanced this past year as well as how we support the Campus Strategic Framework. No annual report would be complete without a division resources and expenditure section. Finally, we wrap up with a brief look at what’s ahead. It is important to note that each of the offices (with the exception of ISIS) prepare annual reports after the enrollment census is taken (3rd week of classes in the fall). These reports differ from the one you are about to read in that they focus on admissions yields, class profiles, financial aid statistics and overall enrollment.

Despite being in existence for more than five years (created after the dissolution of the Division of Student Affairs in November, 2004), we continue to reflect on how we can work more closely with our campus colleagues to be more responsive to their needs while also learning to communicate who we are and what we can do to support the campus strategic priorities. The concept of “enrollment management” hasn’t been widely accepted on campus. We have speculated about this identity problem and have concluded that we either need to pursue other means of communicating and educating about the value of enrollment management, or change our name to something that is more reflective of what the campus expects of these offices now and into the future. Here are a few of the factors contributing to the confusion:

1) Defining Enrollment Management Enrollment management at most campuses includes staff doing institutional planning, enrollment projections and data analyses, as well as communications and marketing. At UW-Madison we work very closely with the Office of Academic Planning who does most of the modeling and analyses that go into campus long-term enrollment plans. We also work very closely with the Office of University Relations. One of our goals this year is to work to understand and support the recruitment and enrollment goals of the Schools and Colleges while simultaneously working to reach overall campus enrollment goals. We have recently embarked on a collaborative venture with University Relations to create a campus-wide marketing plan.

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 4

2) Dual Role of Vice Provost and Registrar Since the creation of the Division of Enrollment Management, the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management also served as the Registrar. This dual role has contributed to the misconception that Enrollment Management was synonymous with the Office of the Registrar. In light of this confusion – and increased expectations of the Vice Provost – this past February we hired an Interim Registrar, Dan Edlebeck. We have just launched a search and screen committee for a permanent University Registrar.

3) Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities There is a fair bit of role ambiguity and/or overlap between the work being done by the Office of Academic Planning, the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, the Vice Provost for Diversity and Climate, the Division of Enrollment Management and the Division of Student Life (formerly known as the Offices of the Dean of Students). The individuals in these areas seem to have a good sense of what they do and who they serve, yet it isn’t clear that campus is as familiar with the operational definitions we have given to ourselves. Also, since Chancellor Martin’s arrival, the Dean of Students and the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management have been asked to serve as the Chancellor’s Student Affairs advisors. There is plenty of work to go around, so it would be helpful to bring some clarity to all of our respective responsibilities with a subsequent pronouncement of sorts to the campus leadership about the mission (why we exist) for each of our areas. We are all professionals, and it’s important for staff morale, productivity and inclusivity to be acknowledged as experts in our respective areas. Furthermore, if integration of ideas and collaborative work is valued, acknowledging expertise is critical.

Budget concerns, staffing resource issues and mandatory furloughs make it even more important to find new ways to appreciate our hard-working staff members. This year more than ever, we found ourselves being asked to quickly respond to and/or support new technologies, respond to unfunded state and federal mandates, maintain enterprise IT systems while attempting to support campus efforts as well as Division-initiated efforts (e.g., Course Guide and Scholarships@UW). This year also found us reacting more frequently to questions and concerns about how we recruit undergraduate students as well as how we recruit without adequate financial aid (merit and need-based).

President Obama was inaugurated this past year and soon thereafter we experienced significant changes in the financial aid world – including the move to Direct Lending. New Cabinet members began pushing at more higher education accountability – including a push for us to share more data about our students. Consequently, we have serious concerns about student privacy rights. Governor Doyle continued to advocate for access to higher education and traveled around the State talking about the Wisconsin Covenant. Meanwhile, and despite challenging economic times, the UW Foundation continued to receive donations to the Great People campaign – raising new funds for need-based financial aid.

We were big players in the successful launch of the Madison Initiative for Undergraduates (MIU). Of course the MIU brought more funding to campus for financial aid, student services and academic programming yet it also triggered important discussions – and healthy debates – about need-based aid, merit scholarships and how we recruit students to UW-Madison. We spent time visiting with each of the Deans of the Schools and Colleges to discuss how they might use their scholarship money differently – perhaps to consider “need” as a criterion in awarding scholarships and/or to use some of

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 5

their scholarship money as a recruitment incentive. To help bridge the timing of financial aid with recruiting for economic diversity, we piloted the Wisconsin Promise Award – an early promise of four years of financial aid (from various sources) for the neediest of our high achieving Wisconsin admitted students.

This year Kevin Reilly, President of the UW-System, announced new educational attainment goals which triggered a series of student data pulls, considerable analysis and discussion. We are grateful to our colleagues in Academic Planning for their leadership role in this effort.

Thankfully, the Office of Admissions received new funding to improve recruitment efforts as well as a go-ahead to make a move to University Square. Student Financial Aid received significant funding from the Madison Initiative to enhance Scholarships@UW – the new common “front-door” for scholarship information. The Office of the Registrar increased the official transcript fee to $10/official transcript enabling us to move forward with several key IT initiatives – including the successful launch of Phase 1 of the new Course Guide at SOAR 2009. We experienced significant staffing changes, including naming a new Director of Admissions and Recruitment (Adele Brumfield) as well as launching searches for an Associate Director of Admissions and a new University Registrar.

It has been a good year – all in all – and we look forward to what’s ahead.

Staff members within the Division of Enrollment Management touch the lives of our students, our campus colleagues and our broader community in many ways and at many points. What’s truly amazing is that all of the work that is represented in this report was accomplished over and above the tasks that staff performs – and the services they provide – every day. Consider, for example, the individual in Admissions responsible for answering the telephone and the Registrar’s Office staff member who audits degree credits, ensuring that students can graduate. Consider the financial aid staff who talk with disappointed parents or ecstatic students and the recruiter who spends weeks at a time on the road visiting high schools and college fairs. Classrooms are assigned, emails are answered, enrollment times are processed, new positions are written and posted – new staff are hired and trained. And the list goes on and on…

We are often the public face of the campus, representing the University in the high schools and countless outreach and community events

We embrace creative academic programming ideas and work closely with school and college colleagues, faculty and academic staff to find new ways to provide efficient and effective infrastructure that supports ideas in non-bureaucratic ways

We are often the first point of contact for prospective students and their parents, providing help, advice and information throughout the admission and financial aid application process

We are there, providing assistance, as students prepare to graduate

We are zealous advocates for student privacy rights

We are passionate about increasing access to economically disadvantaged students

We are collaborators with one another and with many of our campus partners with an eye toward meeting and sometimes exceeding student, staff and faculty expectations of our work

We provide a significant portion of the necessary infrastructure that enables this great university to serve students, faculty, staff and others

We listen. We respond. We innovate. We lead.

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 6

A Quick Overview

Division of Enrollment Management (DEM)

Vice Provost: Joanne Berg

Staff members: 153

Operating budget: $12.3M

DEM Administrative staff members: 5

DEM Administrative budget: $680,379

Location: 333 East Campus Mall, Suite 11601

Phone: 608-262-3964

Website: www.provost.wisc.edu/enrollman.html

Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment

Interim Director: Tom Reason

Incoming Director (7/1): Adele Brumfield

Staff members: 50

Student Employees: 35

Budget: $3.6M

Location until 1/11: Red Gym

Future location: University Square

Phone: 608-262-3961

Website: www.admissions.wisc.edu

Office of Student Financial Aid

Director: Susan Fischer

Staff members: 44

Student employees: 60

Budget: $3.2M

Location: 333 East Campus Mall, 9th floor

Phone: 608-262-3060

Website: www.finaid.wisc.edu

Office of the Registrar

Interim Registrar: Daniel Edlebeck

Staff members: 60

Student employees: 16

Budget: $4.1M

Location: 333 East Campus Mall, 10th & 11th floor

Phone: 608-262-3811

Website: www.registrar.wisc.edu

Integrated Student Information Systems

Director: Ilene Seltzer

Staff members: 4

Budget: $732,951*

Location: 333 East Campus Mall, Suite 11401

Phone: 608-262-4589

Website: www.isis.wisc.edu/

*excludes software licensing fees and maintenance

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 7

A Chronology Enrollment Management Activities, Events and Accomplishments July 2009 – June 2010

July 2009

Successful pilots of Course Guide during 2009 SOAR

Madison Initiative implementation discussions are in full-swing. Susan Fischer (Financial Aid) and

Joanne Berg (DEM) are intimately involved in discussions about raising money for need vs. merit

and about the Great People campaign. Staff members in financial aid are continuing to produce

reams of data to make the case for economic diversity – and finding new money to support

students with need

The Alumni and Friends Data Work Group meets to discuss the Chancellor’s goals for more

collaborative fund-raising and alumni relations. Marilyn McIntyre (Office of the Registrar) and

Joanne Berg (DEM) are involved as the purveyors of student data. As an aside, alumni data was

originally housed in the Office of the Registrar and shared with the UW-Foundation and WAA; it

was transferred to WAA and UWF in 2004

Discussions are occurring with DoIT, the CIO office and University Communications about launching

mobile apps for campus. Joanne Berg (DEM) and Karen Hanson (Office of the Registrar) are in on

the discussions

Common Book Steering team is gearing up for the first Go Big Read event. Joanne Berg (DEM) is

part of the steering team

Academic Pandemic Continuity Planning is underway. Aaron Brower (Provost’s Office) and Joanne

Berg (DEM) are leading the discussions and we’re joined by Carol Gosenheimer (Office of the

Registrar) who miraculously (and quite strategically, really) kept things moving

The My UW-Madison (MUM) portal developers are engaged in re-envisioning the portal. Joanne

Berg (DEM) is involved as part of the team led by IT architects at DoIT

Madison Initiative (MIU) Hold Harmless Grants are awarded for the first time. By year’s end, over

6,000 undergraduates qualified for and received this grant

Wisconsin Tuition Increase Grant awarded for the first time

August 2009

Representatives from Admissions and the Office of the Registrar meet with UW System to discuss

piloting the Transfer Information System (TIS), Phase IV at UW-Madison

Discussions begin with Office of Quality Improvement and campus constituents about “recharging”

the Associate Administrative Council (AAC)

The Affiliation Management group, a sub-committee of the Identity Management Leadership

Group, meets to discuss their charge

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 8

Implementation of the Federal Post 9/11 GI Bill

Implementation of new Federal guidelines regarding collection and reporting of student ethnicity

Over 1,250 students awarded grants averaging $2,000 as a result of MIU

September 2009

Director of Admissions search and screen committee launched. Julie Underwood, Dean of the

School of Education, and Dawn Crim, Chancellor’s Office, are co-chairs

Decision made to move to Direct Lending

Discussions between Financial Aid and Admissions continue about how to do early awarding.

Decision made to call what we’re doing the Wisconsin Promise Award

Division staff do a “walk to the farmer’s market” after discussing the Go Big Read book – “In

Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan

Information Security incident meeting regarding Department of Chemistry

Enrollment targets for Fall 2010 are set by Provost DeLuca with Jocelyn Milner (APA), Joanne Berg

(DEM) and Bruce Beck (APA)

Begin discussions with Lori Berquam (Student Life) about moving the Connections Program to the

Office of Admissions and launching a more significant first-year transfer experience program in the

Center for the First Year Experience

A new committee is formed as a result of our review of the AAC. Crossroads is a committee looking

at student life, in-and outside of the classroom. Sponsors are Joanne Berg (DEM) and Lori Berquam

(Student Life). Co-chairs are Kevin Helmkamp (Student Life) and Bob Ray (CALS)

Discussions get more serious about moving the admissions office from the Red Gym to University


Office of the Registrar begins process to form a Student Advisory Board through ASM; the board

meets once/month during the academic year to provide input and feedback

Admissions introduces its initial slate of six bloggers (students and admissions staff), kicking of the

Wisconsin Blog project

The Office of the Registrar and the Vice Provost (DEM) collaborate with Vice Provost for Teaching

and Learning and partners in the Campus Health Issues Planning (CHIP) group for a coordinated

response to pandemic influenza. Prepared and finalized an academic response plan for teaching

and identification of essential and distance ready courses

October 2009

Withdrawal Intervention Project discussions begin between Office of the Registrar, staff from the

Division of Enrollment Management and the Offices of the Dean of Students.

Third annual DEM Student Staff Orientation held

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 9

A very well-attended Transfer Advisors Conference, sponsored by the Office of Admissions, is held

at the Pyle Center

Chancellor Martin and Provost DeLuca agree to double the Office of Admissions operating budget

($650,000) to improve recruitment efforts!

November 2009

Common Scholarship Application launch honored with reception at Olin House

Discussions with the School of Business about the Global Real Estate program and all of the

Enterprise MBAs

Discussions with Provost’s Office and Academic Technology about the Advisor Notes system –

where it should be housed and how (and where) it should be built

As part of the planning to move the Office of Admissions to University Square, planning begins for

an Admissions Visioning Retreat

Peter Weil, alum from Los Angeles, hosts a lunch for the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and

Recruitment to share his vision for the recruitment process and to thank them for their efforts – he

says that they “have the best job on campus.” Professor Ken Goldstein and Marion Brown, UW-

Foundation VP, also attended

Office of Student Financial Aid starts working with partners across campus to implement Truth in

Lending (TILA) requirements that impact all institutional and some federal loans

December 2009

Student representatives make a presentation to the Board of Regents regarding our progress with

the Madison Initiative

Discussions continue with UW-Foundation about categorizing scholarships by “need” category:

Need 1: Need is the only selection criterion

Need 2: Need is one of multiple selection criteria

Need 3: Need is not mentioned in legal documents

Need 4: Need is specifically mentioned as NOT being a criterion (Merit only)

January 2010

We continue to encourage academic units to submit their academic continuity plans - they were

asked to list and describe how they might approach “essential courses” in the case of a more

serious pandemic flu event. The Office of the Registrar captured this information in ISIS

MIU Proposal Reviews – Round 2, in full swing

UW System begins discussions regarding their Educational Attainment Goals

The Office of the Registrar website is migrated to the campus-wide, DoIT supported WiscWeb

content management system (CMS)

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 10

The Office of the Registrar, in cooperation with Academic Planning and Analysis, complete a new

form for researchers to use to request student data (as part of the IRB review process)

The Office of the Registrar completes a new process to provide data to honor societies with an

assurance that we are in compliance with FERPA

ISIS completes their Continuity of Operations Plan

Chancellor visits Office of Admissions Retreat and talks about key enrollment target populations. In


o Women in STEM fields

o Economic diversity

o Geographic diversity (including rural and urban)

o International students – particularly from China

o Transfer students

o Ethnic diversity

o Wisconsin high achievers

February 2010

Dan Edlebeck begins as Interim Registrar. Dan was previously the Registrar at UW-Whitewater

Transfer Admissions is now on Facebook

Course Guide is enhanced with improved textbook information, and more robust search features

Presentation to the Leadership Council: Finding Dollars to Fill Need While Rewarding Merit,

School and College Scholarships

Joanne Berg (DEM) and Susan Fischer (SFA) begin meeting with deans about their scholarship

money and how it might be used differently. Meetings continue through April

UW-System audit of how we use prior learning credits

March 2010

The Office of the Registrar widens scope of their Privacy and Security Awareness Team (PASAT) to

include division-wide membership

Office of Student Financial Aid collaborated with the Parent Program and University

Communications to host the first live, informational WebChat for parents

The Office of the Registrar holds Course Guide Open Forums to share new features with campus.

First Admissions marketing meeting held with Joanne Berg (DEM), Vince Sweeney (University

Relations) and campus and WAA marketing experts

Admissions completes their Continuity of Operations Plan

Joanne Berg (DEM) meets with Provost and Damon Williams (VPCD) regarding the Chancellor’s

request for a recruitment activity and visioning report.

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 11

Discussions begin with Schools and Colleges regarding student lifecycle “milestones” (e.g.,

declaring and being accepted to a particular major degree program)

The Identity Management Leadership Group (IMLG), co-chaired by Ron Kraemer (DoIT) and Joanne

Berg (DEM), launch a Photo ID committee to look at use of stored photos on campus. IMLG also

reviewing data stewardship

After seven months of discussion with cross-campus colleagues, we define a “first-year identifier”

(vs. “freshman”) in ISIS to use for course registrations, health services, and institutional reports

Developed several graphic reports depicting key admission indicators (eventually for a dashboard)

April 2010

Launched first Division of Enrollment Management new employee orientation (to be offered


Admissions Director candidates come to campus

Admissions marketing retreat facilitated by OQI consultant, Ann Zanzig, is held with campus and

WAA marketing experts

Admissions goes live on Twitter

May 2010

Deadline for enrollment deposits indicates likelihood that enrollment yield will be higher this year

than last

Course Guide deploys a new look and feel around the concept of “Find Courses,” including

enhanced features for finding First Year Interest Groups and Residential Learning opportunities.

Adele Brumfield named Director of Admissions and Recruitment to begin July 1, 2010

Search and screen committees launched for Associate Director of Admissions, University Registrar,

Admissions Alumni Liaisons and Admission HR/Budget Manager

Office of Student Financial Aid successfully transmits federal Stafford Loans to the Dept of

Education through Direct Lending process for the first time

Office of Student Financial Aid begins discussions with School of Human Ecology (SoHE) colleagues

about creating a campus-wide strategy regarding financial literacy

June 2010

Submit Annual Report to the Provost

Publish 2010 edition of Division of Enrollment Management Portfolio: Collaborating for Student


Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 12

Key Division Priorities Advanced in FY10

The table that follows lists the key priorities, the units within the Division that were involved in the

initiative, and a listing of other campus units with whom we collaborated. All of these events,

decisions, initiatives and announcements triggered process improvement discussions, business process

changes, reallocation of resources and prioritizing – and reprioritizing – of our work.

Key Priorities Enrollment Management Other Campus Units

Introduced Course Guide at SOAR Office of the Registrar

DoIT Center for the First Year Experience (SOAR) Advisors

Launch Phase 1 of Common Scholarship Application

Student Financial Aid Division Administration

DoIT Schools and Colleges Scholarship Officers

Develop Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)

Admissions Office of the Registrar ISIS Student Financial Aid


Developed coding for pandemic flu essential and distance ready courses to be tracked in ISIS

Office of the Registrar ISIS

All campus academic departments

Aligned front desk and customer service functions

Admissions Visitor and Information Programs

Implemented enhancements to the UW-Connections Program

Admissions Center for the First Year Experience Continuing Studies

Implemented the new federal requirement for ethnicity reporting

Office of the Registrar Academic Planning UW-System

Created a “best practices” checklist and procedures document for Division search and screen committees

Division Administration with input from the Division’s Inclusivity Team

Equity and Diversity Secretary of the Faculty Human Resource Development (OHRD) WISELI And the many campus units represented on the Search and Screen committees

Provided administrative support for implementation of new degrees, majors and certificate programs

Office of the Registrar Academic Planning School and College Deans Offices

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 13

Key Priorities Enrollment Management Other Campus Units

Academic Departments

Provided “typically offered” course information in Course Guide to better assist students with course planning and selection

Office of the Registrar

Increased the FASTrack program by 30% (thanks to MIU funds)

Student Financial Aid

Hosted a newly improved student staff orientation program

Division’s Student Staff Orientation Team (spin-off of work done by an earlier Efficiencies Team)

Originally developed in collaboration with Visitor and Information Programs

Developed and hosted a new employee orientation program

Inclusivity Task Force Office of Human Resource Development

Increased efficiency through technology. Examples include imaging and ISIS integration/automatic checklist updates (admissions)

Admissions Student Financial Aid Office of the Registrar ISIS


Made dramatic modifications to international admissions process


Reduced problem of unreported grades by developing a default grade for graduate research courses

Office of the Registrar Graduate School

Designed data dashboards for Division units for internal use

Office of the Registrar Division Administration Admissions Financial Aid

Academic Planning

Worked closely with the Advisor Notes team (funding from MIU) to develop a secure system of sharing advisor notes

Office of the Registrar School and College Advisors Office of Vice Provost of Teaching and Learning DoIT Academic Technology

Successful transition to Direct Lending from the Federal Family Education Loan program (FFEL)

Student Financial Aid Bursar Business Services

Improved transfer admissions Began pilot of the Transfer Information System (TIS IV)

Admissions Office of the Registrar

DoIT UW-System

Created online newsletter for two-year/transfer advisors


Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 14

Key Priorities Enrollment Management Other Campus Units

Automated summer transfer course equivalency service


Introduction of social media/networking tools (blogs, Facebook and Twitter)

Admissions University Communications

Developed first-year indicator to differentiate first-year students from traditional “freshman” students – who may enter as sophomores or juniors (e.g., with AP credits)

Office of the Registrar Crossroads Committee

Improved websites Launched new, redesigned website in Admissions. The Office of the Registrar was an early adopter of the campus content management system (WiscWeb)

Admissions Office of the Registrar

University Communications DoIT

Developed a means to run large groups of DARS reports to improve efficiency and planning for course demand

Office of the Registrar DoIT School and College DARS encoders

Developed a process to identify obsolete courses and remove them from the list of active courses

Office of the Registrar Academic Planning Schools and Colleges Academic Departments

Implemented the federal Post 9/11 GI Bill and coordinated with concurrent changes to the Wisconsin GI Bill legislation

Office of the Registrar Office of the Dean of Students UW-System

Implemented new solutions to manage new residency statutes

Office of the Registrar UW-System

Developed the Curricular Hub (CHUB) to provide class and/or class roster data six times a day to the following systems: CRIS (Class Roster Information Service which includes Moodle instances), Course Guide, textbook data file for bookstores, MyWebSpace and Testing and Evaluation Developed the Class Roster Information Service (CRIS) to deliver class roster data to learning management systems. Developed an online authorization process to expedite access to the CRIS service

Office of the Registrar DoIT architects, middleware and academic technology Moodle Council

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 15

The Division’s Role in Supporting the Campus Strategic Framework

Strategic Priorities and Initiatives

Provide an exemplary undergraduate education

Improve access by significantly increasing need-based financial aid

Increase enrollment in high-demand and high-capacity areas, contingent on new revenue

Integrate students’ classroom and out-of-classroom experiences, with emphasis on internships, field based and service learning, entrepreneurship, capstone experiences, and study abroad

Promote service and civic responsibility

Create the physical space and technology infrastructure to support enhanced teaching and learning

We offer the supporting infrastructure for getting money to the neediest students.

We are the force behind recruiting and admitting an economically diverse applicant pool.

Division leadership and staff are key players in the Madison Initiative for Undergraduates (MIU), particularly as it relates to increasing the economic diversity of the student body by working to make an education at UW-Madison affordable. We are working with campus along with the UW-Foundation and the Wisconsin Alumni Association to increase financial aid, enhance our outreach efforts and continue to fine-tune our stewardship efforts.

The Office of Student Financial Aid staff counsel students about how to pay for their education and manage their money, about their financial obligations, future debt load, and how to manage their debt.

We work continuously to improve self-service technology for students, faculty and staff (e.g., admissions and financial aid application processes, enrollment, grading, Course Guide, Scholarships@UW, etc.). The Division of Enrollment Management continues to set a high bar for UW-Madison’s commitment to advancing technology through cross-campus collaboration and employee commitment to excellence.

We work closely with Academic Planning to provide guidance regarding the effects of increased enrollment on marketing, recruitment, increased need for financial aid, general student services and data management.

The Office of the Registrar is a leading force behind the implementation of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) at UW-Madison. SOA is being used to support the new Curricular Hub and the Course Roster Information System – both key to feeding timely and secure data to disparate learning management systems and the Course Guide.

Course Guide, a collaborative project of the Office of the Registrar and DoIT, launched in the summer of 2009, as a one-stop hub of dynamic course information. Over time and with continuing enhancements, it will provide a broad spectrum of course information, with a common format, in a

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 16

single location, for students, faculty and instructional staff, department staff and advisors as well as prospective students and their parents and the general public. Future enhancements will include a class schedule builder, instructor-provided content, and the expanded ability to create lists of “favorite” courses and plan for future semesters (see more detail in Office of the Registrar’s section on plans for 2010-11). This year the new Course Guide was able to identify service learning courses, FIGS and other important learning experiences so that students can search based on these criteria.

This year we’ve piloted Phase IV of the online UW System Transfer Information System (TIS), a collaborative project of the Offices of Admissions and the Registrar with UW-System. This provides prospective transfer students from all UW-System schools and Wisconsin Technical Colleges with “what-if” degree audits. This past fall, we also launched the online Transfer Equivalency Database (TED) to provide prospective and currently enrolled students with online transfer course equivalencies from out-of-state colleges.

The Office of the Registrar (Curricular Services unit) works closely with Facilities, Planning and Management (Space Management) to help facilitate the development and maintenance of effective learning environments in general assignment classrooms. They collaborate in planning major remodeling, classroom renovations, and technology improvements and installations.

Each of our offices actively participate in raising funds for various charities, working with the We Conserve initiative and promoting “service and civic responsibility” in our student and new staff orientation programs.

Reinvigorate the Wisconsin Idea and renew our commitment to our public mission

Improve communications, and build vibrant and mutually beneficial relationships with government officials, community and state business leaders, educators and the broader public

Educate more students in fields that are critical to the state, such as engineering and nursing

Support the efforts of faculty and staff to establish productive collaborations across the university, the state, and the world

We are in the early stages of creating a new campus-wide marketing plan for recruiting undergraduate students to UW-Madison. The new plan will help us to initiate earlier outreach to prospective students, parents and school counselors. Our Connections Program supports efforts to have students begin their college experience elsewhere yet still graduate from UW-Madison. The marketing plan will facilitate targeting key areas that are critical to the state (such as engineering and nursing) and will promote coordinated recruitment and admission decisions between schools/colleges and the Office of Admissions and Recruitment.

In support of the Wisconsin Idea initiative, we engage in numerous outreach activities, including College Goal Sunday, Wisconsin Covenant Day, state education fairs, Financial Aid nights, High School Counselor breakfasts, and semi-annual student job fairs – reaching more than 2,000 students, with more than 100 employers participating. The Office of Student Financial Aid hosts the Student Job Center, which provides students with information about employment opportunities.

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We continue to promote and inform Wisconsin residents and educators on transfer options and pathways to UW-Madison via the UW-Madison Connections Program, UW-Madison transfer contracts with Wisconsin Technical Colleges and the College of Menominee Nation, and the UW Colleges Guaranteed Transfer Program.

We collaborate with the Governor’s Office and the UW System to develop viable means for tracking and recognizing Wisconsin Covenant students.

The new Course Guide can be enhanced to highlight collaborative learning possibilities, advertise innovative programming and provide a way for faculty with similar interests to be linked.

Recruit and retain the best faculty and staff, and reward merit

Make progress toward our goal of reaching the median of our peer group in faculty salaries, as well as relevant market medians for staff

Enhance department cultures and hiring practices to ensure diversity

Continue to foster a vibrant intellectual community

Develop the skills and creativity of our faculty and staff

Throughout the Director of Admissions search and screen process, the Division captured a set of best practices (as well as a checklist and desired timeline) for running a successful, efficient search and ensuring an excellent and diverse pool of candidates. The Office of Admissions and the Office of the Registrar have recently introduced a new strategy for performance/professional reviews helping us to reward and retain our very productive and professional staff. We continue to review peer salary information and attempt to “reclass” or promote whenever possible.

Other human resource development activities include:

Orientation programming for new student employees and staff

Professional Development Team

Inclusivity Task Force

We Conserve Team

Security and Privacy Team

“The experience of serving on the Director of

Undergraduate Admissions Search and Screen

Committee was an extraordinary addition to

our respective Wisconsin Experiences. The

opportunity to work with a diverse group of

university leaders was truly a unique learning

experience and has enhanced our work in other

areas on campus. …Hearing the committee’s

thoughts about the applications, Skype

interviews, and finalist visits will provide

invaluable experience as we seek out

opportunities for ourselves in the years ahead

and find ourselves on the other side of the

interview table. We in fact started

recommending to other students that serving

on a search and screen committee of some kind

is one of the most valuable leadership

opportunities on campus”

--Steven Olikara (Business ’11) and Patrick

McEwen (Engineering ’11)

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 18

Despite budget cuts, the Division leadership continues to promote professional development activities. Many of our staff members are taking job-related coursework. The Professional Development Team has completed surveys of all leadership and division staff and is planning professional development activities in response to the surveys. A series of learning opportunities for division leadership, to be offered over the summer by the director of OHRD, is designed to raise awareness about professional development opportunities and assist leadership grow in key areas. A significant number of staff members were quite active in the Go Big Read project (“In Defense of Food,” by Michael Pollan). Staff participated in “book chats,” made visits to farmers’ markets and hosted guest speakers on community supported agriculture.

Enhance diversity in order to ensure excellence in education and research

Promote the appreciation of human differences

Step up efforts to recruit and retain underrepresented students, faculty and staff

Establish new forms of accountability for efforts to increase diversity

Build an open, dynamic, and respectful learning and working environment for all members of our community

We continue our work to recruit the best, brightest and most diverse undergraduate population – one applicant at a time.

Our Inclusivity Task Force (see page 20) works to enhance our culture to ensure that we are fostering a vibrant intellectual community; we hire for diversity and promote the appreciation of human differences. We set high standards regarding diversity when we orient new members to the Division.

We participate in the annual Wisconsin Higher Education Day (goals are to raise awareness among students and adults that higher education in Wisconsin is accessible; inspire students of all ages to reach for post-secondary education; and provide information about saving for college, financial assistance and other resources). We partner with the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County and offer an after-school session at one of their sites for parents and children. We market our accessibility to counselors and parents of minority, low-income and first-generation students, including identifying, recruiting and admitting more in-state students. We continue to provide financial aid presentations in Spanish. We continue to increase multilingual information on the Financial Aid website, including FAQs for parents in both Spanish and Hmong. Our financial aid estimator on the Financial Aid website has been helpful for parents.

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 19

Be responsible stewards of our resources

Align resources with priorities

Identify and pursue new revenue sources

Promote environmental sustainability on and off campus

Improve our technology infrastructure

Assess our progress and make our assessments available to the campus

The Division leadership is currently engaged in what we’re calling a “deep dive” into what money we spend – and how we spend it – on our IT initiatives. Our goal is to analyze funds available and identify maintenance costs along with IT costs for projects that are initiated by campus, mandated by an outside agency and/or are internal continuous improvement projects.

We continue to work to improve our technology infrastructure and work closely and collaboratively with our DoIT colleagues (IT architects, academic technology, security, application development, and the CIO). We host focus groups, after project reviews and survey our users. Examples of key projects include the use of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for the Course Guide and the Curricular Hub (CHUB), using cutting edge Oracle functionality for the new Scholarships@UW, continually improving upon ISIS functionality and security, providing expertise for the campus-wide implementation of imaging software (the Division led the campus in the use of Image Now software) and analyzing the use and roll-out of mobile applications for e-student services.

We have been developing electronic dashboards to assess our progress internally with the intention to roll-out similar dashboards to interested campus colleagues. Currently we have three dashboards in pre-production: an Admissions dashboard to present a graphical display of key freshmen application/admission/deposit information; a second dashboard to track SOAR activity; and a third to track Pell eligible (i.e., low income) students. A sample template is provided on page 28.

Each of our units works tirelessly to strategically organize, prioritize and assess their work load. The Office of the Registrar has implemented project management tools to monitor their work. Plus, their strategic planning efforts continue to engage campus in rethinking business processes (process improvement is a way of life in this office).

Under the leadership of the Office of the Registrar’s We Conserve Team (started in 2007), we have reduced waste and the use of paper through significantly increased recycling of supplies and use of technology in the office. Conserve Team members led an activity with staff at our April All-Staff meeting to discuss what they do as "best practices" and what they need to work more efficiently. The team will work over the coming months to improve conservation efforts throughout the Division.

A Division staff member facilitated a discussion focused on sustainable transportation at the April 27, 2010 campus-wide sustainability conference.

One of our employees serves on the Advisory Board for the “Red, White and Green, Computing at UW-Madison” initiative. This DoIT initiative is aimed at improving UW Madison’s efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of technology on campus and to move toward sustainability in the use of technology.

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An underlying theme to everything we do within the division is to remind ourselves to always ask the following questions:

What’s the worst that can happen?

How will we know we’re successful?

How can we celebrate our work – and each other?

Cross-Division Teams and their Mission

We value people, we value quality and service and we value leadership. We continually seek ways to nurture our staff, improve our work climate and measure what we do. The breadth and focus of our cross-divisional teams reflects our values and culture, who we are and how we work together. Staff members are encouraged to participate on campus-wide committees, organizations and service opportunities.

The list that follows includes cross-division teams and their respective mission statements. The division leadership continues to work together so that no one unit should consider launching a team without asking whether it offers a way for us to share best practices, provide educational opportunities, offer possibilities for professional development or cross-training, and personal enrichment.

Cross-Division Teams and Mission

Inclusivity Task Force Serve as facilitators and coordinators in helping us become an ever-increasingly inclusive and respectful community, integrating the philosophy and practices of inclusivity and cultural competency into our daily interactions and operations.

New Employee Orientation Program Provide an overview of the services and functions of each of the DEM offices, to communicate our shared values of service, inclusivity and respect and welcome new staff to the division’s community, and help staff establish new and successful professional relationships.

Professional Development Team Support staff and managers to develop a culture of rich professional development and growth. We have completed professional development surveys of division leadership and all staff, shared the results and are moving forward with plans to address the top needs identified in the surveys. A series of workshops will be offered for division leadership this summer by the director of the Office of Human Resource Development.

Go Big Read Team Promotes participation among DEM staff in the annual shared, academically focused campus reading experience. In addition to reading the book and taking part in discussions and events on campus and in the community, the team hosted a number of demonstrations and activities for staff.

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 21

Cross-Division Teams and Mission

Student Staff Orientation Program Team Design a program that provides an overview of the services and functions of each of the DEM offices, to communicate our shared values of service, inclusivity and respect, and welcome new student staff to the division’s community

Division Leadership Team Share goals and challenges, discuss and develop plans for collaborative budgeting and staffing, continue to review technology costs and prioritize accordingly, check in periodically with division-wide teams to discuss progress, measures of success, need for support and hear of new initiatives.

Professional Review Process Improvement Team(s) Currently this effort is between the Office of the Registrar and the Office of Admissions. The goals are to build a “performance review” process such that the focus is on emphasizing how employee performance supports the values, goals and mission of the office and how the work of each contributes to the success of the office and the campus.

Dashboard Team – measuring what we do There are currently 3 dashboards in pre-production. The team was charged with determining key performance indicators for each office in the division. They will be available to senior staff to monitor progress and highlight important trends. To date, the Admissions dashboard presents a graphical display of key freshmen application/admission/deposit information by residency and by race/ethnicity. It provides Y-T-D information in comparison to the previous two years and to the admissions targets. The second dashboard tracks SOAR activity. It shows graphically the number of admitted students who have pending SOAR reservations as well as the number newly admitted students enrolled in courses (post SOAR). The third dashboard tracks Pell eligible (i.e., low income) students. It graphically displays both the number of Pell eligible students and the composition of their financial aid packages for this aid year and the previous two years.

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 22

Division of Enrollment Management – Resources and Expenditures

Division of Enrollment Management Resources

There are ten funds totaling $12,346,951 within the budget of the Division of Enrollment Management (DEM). The budget includes $400,000 in Hilldale funds which are distributed $200,000 to fund 101 and $200,000 to fund 161. The remaining $11,946,951(net of Hilldale) is used for the operating budget of DEM. State funds (101, 402) account for over 75% of the budget. The remaining funding sources vary from .2% up to 9.7% and include funding from the sale of transcripts and diplomas, federal funds, gift funds and labor shadow funds.







3.3% 0.4%




DEM ResourcesTotal = $12,346,951

Fund 101 73.8% $9,109,498

Fund 402 (Min & Dis) 2.3% $281,518

Fund 128 Transcripts 5.7% $707,442

Fund 128 All other .2% $22,000

Fund 233 Gifts .9% $107,780

Fund 136 Veterans Certifications .1% $11,894

Fund 144 Fed Overhd Allowance Pell 3.3% $412,000

Fund 145 Work Study .4% $49,371

Fund 147 Federal Aid Perkins 2% $251,600

Fund 161 Hilldale Scholarships 1.6% $200,000

Labor Shadow (DOIT held 101 fund) 9.7% $1,193,848

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 23

All Expenditures

The majority (71.5%) of the operating budget is spent on salaries. The projected amount to be spent on salaries for FY09-10 is $8,417,594 and includes approximately 153 filled positions. Labor Shadow is the second largest expense category at $1,866,062. Labor Shadow expenses are expected to exceed the labor shadow allocation by almost 57%. Hilldale scholarships are awarded to 80 students each year for a total of $320,000. An additional $1,000 is given to each of the 80 students’ professors, bringing the total expense up to $400,000. The remaining larger budget expenses are 1.7% for postage, 1.5% for printing, .9% for travel, and 2.4% combined for training/professional development, advertising, conferences/workshops, and telephone. The All Other category makes up an additional 3% and includes such expenses as office supplies, memberships, subscriptions, equipment and maintenance.







0.7% 15.8%


DEM All ExpendituresTotal = $11,779,323

Salaries 71.5% $8,417,594

Travel (Includes recruitment) .9% $108,304

Printing 1.5% $177,962

Training/Profess Development .7% $78,292

Hilldale Scholarships 3.4% $400,000

Conference/Workshops .7% $76,697

Advertising .3% $38,601

Postage 1.7% $196,860

Telephone-DOIT .7% $82,046

Labor Shadow 15.8% $1,866,062

All Other (Off suplies, mbrshp, subs, equip, maint.) 3% $336,905

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 24

DoIT Expenses (Labor Shadow Excluded)

Outside of labor shadow, telephone expense is the largest expense paid to DoIT. Currently it is approximately 33% of the total DoIT expense. Telephone expense includes annual line rent, long distance, voice mail, cellular, and phone changes. The 21st Century Network charge for the operation of the campus network is billed at $360 per FTE per year. This represents 21.7% of total DOIT charges. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) for $26,930 (10.9% of expense) covers server hosting, storage, backup, and maintenance. Charge backs from campus to cover DOIT licenses and mainframe costs an additional $20,500 each year. DoIT printing costs approximately $26,300 and miscellaneous supplies for tech support (computer, software, printer repair, classes, etc.) cost $36,357.








DoIT Expenses (Labor Shadow Excluded)Total = $246,752

Telephone 32.9% $81,257

Printing 10.7% $26,322

21st Century 21.7% $53,586

Service Level Agreement 10.9% $26,930

Misc Supplies 14.7% $36,357

Chgbacks DOIT & IT licenses 8.3% $20,500

OnlineTranscript Java Application Hosting .7% $1,800

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 25

DoIT Labor Expenses

It is projected that the labor shadow costs will run approximately $1,866,062 this fiscal year. The majority of the cost (53.3%) will be in the category of maintenance, bundles, and regulations. It is estimated that $995,046 will be spent to keep current systems running. In addition, while $871,016 will be spent on new initiatives, only $198,802 will be funded through the allocation. The amount over the allocation ($672,214) will be funded through other sources. The majority (36.5%) of the new initiative cost will go toward building systems that will be used campus wide. Only 10.1% will be available for DEM initiatives.





DoIT Labor ExpensesTotal = $1,866,062

Maintenance Bundles and Regs 53.3% $995,046

Internal Process Improvements 2.2% $41,313

Campus Wide Initiatives 8.4% $157,489

Cost of New Initiatives Over Allocation 36% $672,214

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 26

Recruitment Costs

Recruitment costs within the Office of Admissions will run approximately $219,460 this fiscal year. Costs occur in several categories. The largest recruitment expense is the printing of materials given out as handouts at college fairs and other recruitment events, costing approximately $80,293 (36.6% of total recruitment costs). Printing is followed by travel costs of $37,382 (17%), postage $29,741 (13.6%), conference/workshop $19,960 (9.1%) training/development $16,669 (7.6%), supplies $2,985 (1.4%), and advertising $2,360 (1.1%). Miscellaneous supplies and services make up an additional 13.7%.







Recruitment CostsTotal = $219,460

Travel 17% $37,382

Training & Development 7.6% $16,669

Printing 36.6% $80,293

Supplies 1.4% $2,985

Postage 13.6% $29,741

Advertizing 1.1% $2,360

Conference/Workshop 9.1% $19,960

All Other 13.7% $30,070

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 27

Looking to the Future – Strategic Priorities for FY11

Division of Enrollment Management – Office of the Vice Provost The mission of the Division of Enrollment Management is to provide access to higher education and collaborate with each other and with our campus partners to ensure student success. The offices within the Division provide the foundation of support and services for the academic infrastructure throughout the student lifecycle. The primary responsibility of the division office is to support the success of each of our units, through collaborative budget practices, development of our human resources, strategic planning, project management and process improvement, while supporting cross-divisional teams and initiatives, and encouraging creative and innovative thinking. Our offices work together, in cooperation with our campus partners. Our work encompasses myriad priorities and initiatives, some outlined immediately below and others discussed in the respective office’s section.

Division-wide Strategic Priorities for 2010-11 (FY11)

Implement campus-wide marketing and recruitment plan in cooperation with University Relations

Successfully upgrade ISIS “tools” in July

Develop proof of concept and a review of DARS and Academic Advisement (Oracle)

Enhance Course Guide – with a special focus on Instructor Provided Content. Outline possibilities for integrating information about degree requirements

Enhance Curricular Hub – develop and share acceptable use agreements

Continue to enrich Scholarships@UW – particularly with scholarship information provided by academic departments

Continue to enhance how we integrate financial aid into our recruitment strategy and continue piloting the Wisconsin Promise Award

In cooperation with DoIT architects, the Crossroads Committee and schools and colleges, develop a graphical depiction of the student lifecycle to help us all to understand and subsequently affect the many (and often confusing) milestones that students mark on the road to their degree

Fully implement use of dashboards within the Division

Define – and capture – measures of success for new funding in admissions

Division offices are involved in several collaborative projects across campus, in which we are participating and contributing knowledge and expertise for successful project development and implementation. These projects include:

Council on Academic Advising (CAA) Electronic Shared Advisor Notes System: staff members

participate in two Task Force sub-committees, the Protocols group and Technical group.

Undergraduate admissions re-entry project review: The Office of the Registrar in collaboration with Undergraduate Admissions will determine whether the implementation of an improved re-entry process is possible in the near future. As conceived, this project is

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 28

dependent on implementation of “NetId for Life” with DoIT Middleware.

TIS IV: The Offices of Admissions and the Registrar are piloting Phase IV of the Transfer Information System. TIS IV will provide course equivalencies and DARS reports for courses being potentially transferred between UW System schools (provides prospective transfer students to do “what if” audits).

Affiliation Management: The Office of the Registrar has been involved in the development of an Affiliation Management System under the charge of the Identity Management Leadership Group (IMLG). The system and supporting process involves primary data stewards from the Offices of Human Resources and the Registrar with campus partners to develop a process for 'registering' affiliation groups, entering users, and requesting and mapping affiliations to campus services. Currently the Vice Provost is the co-chair of IMLG with the CIO.

Dashboards: Collaborate with each of the units to pilot prototypes. A screen shot of an admissions dashboard is shown below.

In addition to the future planning that is taking place in each of our divisional units, the Division of Enrollment Management has some additional goals of its own for the coming year:

Partner with faculty, alumni, and other stakeholders to enhance recruitment and outreach initiatives

Collaborate with colleagues in University Relations and throughout the university in strategic marketing and outreach

Meet (and ideally exceed) the campus’ ever increasing expectations for services

Work to strategically align enrollment and retention goals across campus

Continue to enhance the quality of our community, nurture an ever-increasingly inclusive and respectful culture, and develop our staff

Define and refine the role of enrollment management on campus

Develop succession plans, in preparation for pending retirements

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 29

Office of the Registrar

The mission of the Office of the Registrar is to:

Ensure the integrity of curricular and student records

Link students, faculty and staff with information and services

Support and enhance the Wisconsin Experience

Our vision is to be a respected leader known for our collaborative and innovative spirit with commitment to service, performance excellence and the Wisconsin Experience.

Strategic Goals

Foster a more inclusive environment

Continue efforts to improve privacy and security

Support and contribute to student learning in new ways

Continue to be innovative and responsible in the use of technology

Inspire additional campus collaboration

Continue to improve customer service

Measure more of what we do

Enhance efforts to champion conservation and sustainability

Strategic Initiatives for 2010-11 (FY11)

Complete Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)

Course Guide instructor content: Include instructor profile information in Course Guide. This may include, but is not limited to: syllabi, video clips, teaching style, instructor background, learning outcomes, etc.

Course Guide class schedule builder: Integrate a class schedule builder into Course Guide and Student Center to ease student mapping of course sections into potential schedules. The schedule builder would also submit the chosen schedule to the student’s enrollment cart facilitating quicker enrollment with fewer data entry errors.

Course Guide - new features and enhancements: Continue to develop and implement new features of Course Guide.

This includes, but is not limited to, integration with the degree audit system, curriculum planning, archiving of course information, sharing of student course planner with advisor, integration with an enterprise advising system, sharing of favorite lists, new course marketing, mapping courses with majors and career options, etc.

Waitlist project: Implement the delivered PeopleSoft Waitlist function for campus for an enterprise, integrated process with course enrollment and ISIS.

Mobile applications: Prepare and position student and curricular data for use in mobile applications. Develop Enterprise Business Objects (EBOs) of data that are likely to be consumed by applications and systems.

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 30

View My Advisees application: Transition Academic Advisors List of Advisees in My-UW Madison over to the View My Advisees functionality delivered in Oracle/PS, allowing for a unified application and increased functionality (i.e., a one-stop-shop for advisors).

Add withdrawals to the Dean Drop Request: Integrate the withdrawal process (currently a paper process) into the Dean Drop Request electronic process.

Improve help functionality in student services applications: Replace the current “help” feature in the Student Center and Class Search with an ‘info’ icon that launches KnowledgeBase (KB) documents (supported by DoIT). This will reduce redundancy of help documents and databases, and provide consistency.

redLantern (DARS) interactive degree audit functionality: Evaluate feasibility for implementing selected interactive degree audit functionality delivered by redLantern. This would deliver a more user-friendly student degree audit with a more engaging appearance.

Oracle Academic Advisement/redLantern degree audit tools: Evaluate integrated student degree audit functionality delivered in Oracle software. Collaborate with campus partners to determine feasibility of implementing Oracle functionality as a supplement to the current redLantern (DARS) system.

XML student transcript: Investigate and implement the use of the XML delivered transcript functionality in ISIS. Accomplishing this step will help us when we implement functionality allowing delivery of online transcripts in the future, while providing immediate efficiency and reducing customizations necessary in the current system.

Automate PIN assignments: Investigate feasibility of providing former students the ability to use an authenticated method for gaining access to My UW and the Student Center. This automated system would be faster, would require less staff time, and is more secure than our current method. The project status is dependent on decisions related to a campus NetID for life.

Enhance our technical workstation efficiency and increase our workstation security: Implement new Microsoft operating system, Windows 7, and Microsoft Office 2010. Move users from a local domain to the Campus Active Directory and install 5-year public key encryption certificates.

Office-wide committee work: Continue internal, cross-office committee work focusing on privacy and data security, access to data, conservation/green practices, imaging, ISIS security, web presence and development, computing needs, and attending to staff who experience illness, death in the family, etc.

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 31

Office of Student Financial Aid

The mission of the Office of Student Financial Aid is to provide access to financial resources to all students, particularly those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, in a fair, sensitive, and confidential manner; to inform and educate students and their families about financial options; and to continually improve our services so students may take the best advantage of their educational opportunities.

Strategic Priorities for 2010-11 (FY11)

Improve access by significantly increasing need-based financial aid

Improve communications, and build vibrant and mutually beneficial relationships with government officials, community and state business leaders, educators and the broader public

Step up efforts to recruit and retain underrepresented students, faculty and staff

Align our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts across our different campus units

Identify and pursue new revenue streams

Launch a campus-wide initiative on financial literacy

Move most campus department scholarships onto Scholarships@UW

Increase the number of low income students invited into FASTrack and BANNER

Increase number of Wisconsin Promise Awards and award earlier in year

Begin conversation about early warning system for students on financial aid

Influence Congress to not only keep Federal Perkins Loan but to expand it

Influence state legislative bodies to increase need-based state aid

The Office of Student Financial Aid has always had a clear mission statement and continues to be

successful in meeting goals and setting priorities. With the introduction of Direct Lending, Wisconsin

Covenant, new Pell regulations, a continued debate about the Perkins Loan Program as well as the

Madison Initiative, the Great People Campaign, the Wisconsin Promise Award and the Common

Scholarship Application, we are very aware of the need to step back and rethink the mission and

vision for the future of this Office.

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 32

Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment

In working to advance the mission and goals of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Office of Admissions will:

Meet the University’s undergraduate enrollment goals by working strategically to enhance the human and technological resources necessary to identify, recruit, attract and enroll first-year and transfer students

Continue to review applications holistically and admit a highly qualified and diverse first year class

Enroll an undergraduate student body that is ethnically, geographically and economically diverse

Enroll an undergraduate student body that achieves the highest academic success while positively contributing to the Wisconsin Experience

Increase transfer student enrollment and improve the transfer experience

Strategic Priorities for 2010-11 (FY11)

Review and enhance recruitment initiatives, with focus on students of color, international students, transfer students, first generation students and economically diverse students

Engage staff in professional development activities and implement employee performance review process, with an emphasis on developing metrics that support our recruitment goals

Increase alumni participation in recruitment initiatives

Expand campus and community knowledge of UW-Admission process and recruitment goals

Enroll new transfer students and improve the transfer admissions process

Lead and direct a comprehensive campus-wide undergraduate recruitment strategy

Pilot UW-System Transfer Information System (TIS IV) and Roll out of TIS IV to Wisconsin feeder colleges, students, campus

Re-envision and implement enhancements to the Connections Program

Enable on-line payment of enrollment deposit

Create more electronic communications (and convert from paper)

Create an on-line letter of recommendation form

Develop office procedures and engage campus in discussions regarding increased international applications, particularly those from China

Launch personalized Web “relationship” capabilities (August 2010)

Orient new staff members

Integrate comprehensive recruitment and marketing plan into Office processes and procedures

Contribute to the development and production of a new campus visit video

Launch UW-Admissions Channel on YouTube

Develop and track key measures of success

Successfully relocate to new office space in University Square (January 2011)

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 33

In conjunction with the impending move to University Square, the Office of Admissions and

Recruitment has been engaged in several visioning and strategic planning sessions to determine

what they can do to prepare for the admissions office of the future.

To date, the vision includes the following high-level goals:

o Improve the recruitment infrastructure

Provide more web-enhanced recruitment opportunities

Engage campus leadership

Improve access for transfer students

Increase yield of targeted admits

o Continue to improve the admissions process

Do more electronic processing

Rethink the postpone process

Rethink who we admit and why

Improve our approach to saying “no”

Make faster decisions

o Improve the quality of work life for staff

o Improve customer service and public relations

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 34

Integrated Student Information Systems

ISIS staff provides—through partnership, leadership and support—an environment ensuring the

integrity, maintainability, and optimal use of the Integrated Student Information System (ISIS) (UW

Madison’s implementation of the Oracle/PeopleSoft Campus Solutions product). With the Division of

Information Technology (DoIT), we also work to provide coordination in the use of Perceptive

Software’s application ImageNow, which supports day-to-day processing and record archival needs.

Strategic Priorities for 2010-11 (FY11)

Oversee a major technical ‘tools’ upgrade necessary to our system’s operation

Maintain our development, test, and production databases to ensure maximum compliance with departmental needs and software vendor (Oracle) upgrades and maintenance bundles

Continue to prioritize security in regard to student data. Every year we review and modify security in an ongoing effort to ensure that student data is kept confidential and used efficiently by those with approved access

Strive to maintain user training continuity based on mandatory federal/state regulations and software changes

Maintain and strengthen a communication network with the UW-Madison administration, faculty and staff. A specific advancement of the past year was the reconstruction of a “Connect” list serve for those on campus who are casual users of ISIS. These users may represent very small units that only use ISIS a few times a year in work processes. The goal is to maintain contact and make sure all are informed of any system changes or scheduled outages

Continued due diligence in support of student data use

Division of Enrollment Management Annual Report – FY10 Page 35

Supporting our Efforts

The Division of Enrollment Management would like the Provost’s support in furthering our efforts to define our role on campus. We want to be known as collaborators in the support of the entire student lifecycle. We are leaders in our respective fields of admissions and recruitment, financial aid, registrar services and management of student data systems. We should be leading campus-wide collaborative efforts in these areas and be known for being creative in our use of limited resources. Other support that would be helpful includes:

Encourage “buy-in” from department staff and faculty to include scholarship information in the Scholarships@UW (common scholarship application)

Encourage academic departments to award scholarships no later than mid-summer

Support efforts to enhance Course Guide by including instructor-provided content and linking course information to degree audit and major requirements

Encourage campus-wide early warning system for students struggling with academics

Encourage and champion guest access to the student portal

Support “net ID for life” initiative

Continue to support fund-raising for need based aid

Participate in discussions on enrollment goals – particularly as they relate to international students

Rethink budgeting – in particular DoIT shadow budget – for IT maintenance and new initiatives

Office of the Provost – FY11 Suggested Issues for Discussion

The organizational structure of the Office of the Provost including defining roles, responsibilities and expectations

Campus goals and responsibilities for advising undergraduate students

Development (fund-raising) activities for units reporting to the Provost such as Enrollment Management and the Division of Student Life

Merit Scholarships and Need-Based Aid

Budgeting for information technology (new initiatives and maintenance)

Collection and management of precollege source data

Conclusion The Division of Enrollment Management is proud to be a key player in supporting the academic mission of this great university.

Thank you for the opportunity to share our story. On Wisconsin!

Joanne BergVice Provost

for Enrollment Management

Carol GosenheimerStrategic Planning and

Communications Manager

M. Therese RuzickaChief of Staff/Special Assistant

Mary BinghamHuman Resources Representative

June GanserDivisional Budget and Policy Analyst

Kari SmithAdministrative Assistant

Office of Admissions and


Office of Student Financial Aid

ISIS (Integrated Student Information System)

Office of the Registrar

Robert SeltzerSpecial Assistant for Enrollment and

Policy Data Analysis

Cari AndersonCommunications Assistant

University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Enrollment Management June 2010

Adele BrumfieldDirector

Begin 7/1/10Jean Kupp

Univ Svc Prg AssocUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison

David LeszczynskiAssistant Director


Mary ScheyAssistant Director

Transfer, International & Reentry

Tom ReasonAssociate Director-

Operations(Interim Director until 7/1/10)

Carlos ReyesInterim

Associate Director-Recruitment

Roxanne AllisonAssistant DirectorAlumni & Special


Carlos ReyesAssistant Director

Min. App. Svcs

Bobbie St.ArnauldStdt Svcs Prog Mgr 1

Karen MittelstadtAssistant Director


LuAnn PotratzProgram Assistant

SupervisorKristin KorevecAdmin Prog Mgr 1

MaryAnn CarlsonIS Comp Svcs Sr

Rebecca RingIS Bus Auto Sr

Alec WiderskiStu Svcs Coordinator

David MoeIS Tech Svcs Prof

Eric TomlinsonAdvisor

Joseph HalaasAssoc. Advisor

David O’ConnorStudent Serv.Coord

Sa Seng XiongStudent Serv. Coord

Monica RangelAssoc. St Svcs. Coord

Gia EulerStudent Serv. Coord

Tana HouseFin. Spec. 3

Ann HeblUniv Svc Assoc 2

Emilie DicksonStdt Svcs Prog Mgr 1

Cydney AlexisComm Spec Senior

Anthony TallmadgeIS Sys Dev Svcs Senior

Sheri AlbersAdvisor

Kimberly TobinAdvisor

Catherine DaleySenior Advisor

Jacquelyn GuthrieAdvisor

Jessica ReganAdvisor

Tracy HayesAdvisor

Scott GoluekeAdvisor

Sarah OberdeckAdvisor

Susan SchultzStu Status Exam Sr.

Fred NelsonUniv Svc Assoc 1

Alice DupuisUniv Svc Assoc 1

Jennifer BottoniAssoc. Stu Svs. Coord.

Emily HenkenStudent Serv. Coord.

Lynda AmundsonUniv Svcs Prg Assoc.

Diane GeisUniv Svcs Prg Assoc.

VacancyUniv Svcs Prg Assoc.

Harriet AllenUniv Svcs Prg Assoc.

Michael SkotzkeUniv Svcs Prg Assoc.

Jennifer Sandridge

Student Svs Coord.


Katherine EmrichAssoc. Stu Svs. Coord.

VacantUniv Svcs Prg Assoc.

Katherine Dunagan

Assoc Stu Svcs Coord

VacancyAssoc. Stu Svs. Coord.

VacancyStudent Svcs Coord


VacancyStudent Svcs Coord


VacancyUniversity Business Specialist

Vice Provost

For Enrollment Management

Joanne E. Berg

Office of Student Financial Aid


Susan Fischer

Prof Asst Adv Conf

Dept Administrator/


Cheryll Steinke

Associate Director

Michelle Curtis

Student Serv Coord

Loan Manager


Sr. Advisor

Vera Abing

IS Auto Bus Analyst

Christine Cimino

Sr Stu Serv Coordinator

Student Employment/Workstudy

Tim Putzier

Univ Svc Prog Assoc

Workstudy Coordinator

Joan Sweeney

Assistant Director


Mary Hillstrom

Assistant Director


Rollie Weeden

IS Auto Bus Analyst

David Cross

Sr Stu Sv Coord


karyn graham

Univ Svc Prg Assoc

David Sandra

Stu Sv Coord


John Whitt

IS Comprehensive Serv Cr


Phia Vang

IS Comprehensive Serv Cr


Todd Hill

St Serv Coordinator

Scholarship Administrator

Jim Buske

Sr Stu Serv Coordinator


John Dreger

Assoc Stu Serv Coord


Darren Martin

Assoc Stu Serv Coord


Lauren Moser

Univ Svc Prg Assoc

Becky Goebel

Sr Stu Serv Coordinator


David Thoreson

IS Tech Serv Prof


Peter Fowler

Assistant Director

Student Loan Servicing

Terry Kell

Assistant Director

Front Desk/Counseling/

Need Analysis

Yvonne Campbell


Front Desk Counselor

Karla Weber

Sr Stu Sv Coord

Kate Dike

Sr Stu Sv Coord

Mary Condon

Sr Advisor

Martina Diaz

Sr Advisor

Amy Schrader

Sr Advisor

Heidi Johnson

Sr Advisor

Lynne Siewert


Joselyn Diaz-Valdes


Anna Kerns

Stu Sv Prog Mrg 3


Stu Sv Prog Mgr 1

Grant Weina

Sr Advisor

Laurie Smith

Sr Advisor

Jeff Hahn

Sr Advisor

Jeff Pfund

Univ Serv

Assoc 2


Univ Svc Prg Assoc B


June 2010

Sr Stu Sv Coord

Clyde Gaines

University of Wisconin-Madison Office of Student Financial Aid

University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Enrollment Management June 2010 Office of the Registrar

IS Bus Auto Sr. (Prj) Sara Gomez

Vice Provost for Enrollment Management -- Joanne Berg

Degree Audit & Diploma Svcs David Ableman, SSE Sr Kathy O’Brien, SSE Sr

Barb Rathbun, SSE Sr (.6) Lynn Drechsel, SSE Sr

Christopher Moore, SSE Sr Margie Whalen, USPA

Enrollment Services Kim Alling, IS Bus Auto Sp

Arlene Custer, USPA Lars Skog, IS Bus Auto Analyst Pam Weaver, IS Bus Auto Sr

Tuition Assessment Aaron Apel, IS Bus Auto Sr.

Craig Stevens, IS Sys Dev Svcs Sr

Residency Susan Batt, Sr. Advisor

Margo Ptacek, Sr. Advisor Jamie Reetz, USPA

Assistant Registrar Enrollment Services

Michelle Kelley

Student Records Jenny Hefty, USPA

Deb Moy, USPA Corey Campbell, IS Bus Auto Analyst

Athletic Eligibility Joan Irwin, Sr Stu Svcs Coord

Assistant Registrar Curricular Services


Strategic Planning Sr. Admin Prg Spec Carol Gosenheimer

Curricular Support Services Sue Dolfin, Adm Prg Sp

Charles Dvorak, Adm Prg Sp Ed McGlinn, Adm Prg Sp Sherrán Pak, Adm Prg Sp

Randy Windell, IS Bus Auto Analyst

Administrative Assistant USA 2

Kari Smith

Human Resources Prg Assist Adv/Conf

Mary Bingham

Mailroom Services Daryl Wilde, OOA

Web Services Jim Vogel, IS Sys Dev Svcs Sr

Institutional Reporting Phil Hull, IS Bus Auto Spec Kim Orwin, IS Bus Auto Sr

Reinaldo Velazquez, IS Net Svcs Sr

ISIS Support Jene Atkinson, IS Bus Auto Spec Jean Ferkovich, IS Bus Auto Spec

Leslie Gardner, IS Sys Dev Svcs Sr. Vijayaganesh Latteri, IS Sys Svcs – Prj

Vacancy, IS Sys Dev Svcs Spec

LAN Services Phil Saunders, IS Tech Svcs Sr

Transcripts & Certification Marilyn Strouse, PA Supv

Judy Day, USPA Theresa Dolan, USA 2

Sherry Jackson-Reeder, USA 2 Liliana Gundy, USA 2

Georgette Ballweg, USA 2

Assistant Registrar Student Record Services

Connie Chapman

Associate Registrar Enrollment and

Curricular Services Karen Hanson

Director of Information Services

Marilyn McIntyre

Associate Registrar Student Record Services

Jim Steele

Project Support Cari Anderson, IS Bus Auto Sr

Sr. Adm Prg Sp Cheryl Wise

Student Svcs Prg Mgr I Suzanne Broadberry

Student Veteran Svcs Linda Struck, USPA

Transcripts & Certification Information

Randy Black, Sr Stu Svcs Sp

Interim Registrar Dan Edlebeck

Office Support Deb Lucas, Office Associate

University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Enrollment Management June 2010

Integrated Student Information System (ISIS)

Vice Provost for Enrollment Management

Joanne Berg

IS Bus Auto Specialist

Jeanette Phillips

Communications Specialist

Michael Roeder

ISIS Director Ilene Seltzer

Training Officer

Kathleen Cummings

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