do yoy think anyone can love you more than me?

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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This story is based on an imagination, however like every

other story this story also relates in one or any other

manner with some true living beings and so it resembles a

part of mine too………….

My name is Amandeeep Singh, native place Karnal

writing about my dream in the words of the following story.

The story consists of two main characters, a boy named

Amandeep Singh (yeah it’s me!) and a girl named Kritika

saini. Both are best friends from childhood and trust each

other until one of them has fallen in love with other.

And the story begins





It was the time of summer and they had just completed

their schooling. He met Kritika at the admission counter

in an engineering college, at that point of time he never

thought he would ever fall in love with her. They

exchanged greetings and then moved ahead for their

works. He remembered when she met him there her face

just lightens with joy and asked “you are also taking

admission in the same college!” He just smiled and

replied “no I am here to meet my uncle”.

After one month they got admissions in different colleges

and in different streams, she joined computer science

engineering and he joined electronics and

communication engineering. But they kept their selves in

contact with messages. And one day he didn’t know what

actually happened but her brother called him and tried to

threaten him. In the act of agony he called her and said

“forget me and make yourself believe that nobody with

my name ever existed in you life”. He don’t know how she

felt at that moment but a feeling of guilt occurred in his

heart but his ego took over it and one long year passed

away and both of them never talked to each other. In the

mean time whenever he was alone in his room he


reminisced and read her text messages on his cellphone.

In that period of time he found himself missing her in his

life. And one day he mistakenly sent her an email

(actually he was new to internet and he didn’t know that

the mail would be forwarded to all his contacts). She

replied “hello the link that you had sent is not working”,

and he replied her back with an apology that it was

mistakenly sent to her. From that day they started talking

via emails and he didn’t know about her but he eagerly

started to wait for her reply. He told his friends about her

emails and found them not interested. But to him it had

become a routine work.

It was the time of early spring when he informed her

about the demise of Anil sharma’s father and asked her

along with his other two friends, Onam and Chitra, to visit

him and console him. That was the second occasion in

two and half years when he saw her in real. He still

remembered those seventy five rupees that he used to

buy them ice creams from milk parlor. She asked him to

take the contribution from their side but he said it will be

compensated next time. From that time the era of get

together started and they started meeting at least two

times a month. They exchanged numbers and text each


other every day. But Kritika and he started to chat via

messages and soon get to know each other personally.

One day she asked him about the five things that he loved

in his life. He said first his parents second his love third

his love fourth his friends and fifth again his love. He was

surprised to hear that she knew about the two his loves

but she asked him about the third one, and he changed

the discussion. Next day she again asked him the same

question and he some how get him away with it. But her

childish nature forced him to tell her the third name. So

he said “It is you”. The reply to this message took more

than fifteen minutes. He didn’t know what happened at

her side but he thought he had lost her with just one

stupid reply. He should have told her a lie, then why

wouldn’t he? Actually he wanted her to know the truth.

Everything went fine, and she let that all go. From then he

started talking about love with her and she listened and

replied her patiently. Though she had her on views on

love but she never tired to break his faith. But those long

talks became obsessions for him. And started to love her

more than anything in the world. One day at his room he

cut his arm and scribed her initials on it. When he told

her about that she got scared of that and made her mind

that he was a psycho. So she started avoiding him.


It was twenty third of Octobers he was drunk and called

her again and again to invite her on his birthday. She

accepted the invitation and his wait for that day started

from the very moment. Thirty first October time eight

past twenty she called him and wished him “HAPPY

BIRTHDATY”. But she refused to meet her and said would

have party some other day. Next day he had some false

talk with his parents and took some sleeping pills that

night and sent her a message regarding that it would be

his last and final message to her. She got scared that if

something happened to that idiot then she would be

taken into account as his last message was sent to her

number. She didn’t even think about the safety of that guy

but started to ponder about herself. Fortunately the next

day that idiot survived. He called her and she said that

she don’t want to keep any kind of contact with him so I

would be better for both of them to go separate ways. It

was easy to say for her because she never felt the same

way as the guy did. But he kept on trying and one day on

his way to Bangalore she finally talked to him and they

talked on internet everyday. But happiness never last for

Aman for long.

It was fifteenth of January, in the midnight Aman took a

cake to her house and wished her “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”

but he was taken for granted and invited to the party on


the next day just because Aman had said her that she

wouldn’t invite him to her birthday party. And she had a

habit of doing reverse of him. Then they didn’t talk to

each other for one month and finally when they talked

she put so many restrictions on him. But Aman only

wants a piece of pure love from her side so

unintentionally he got to the same tone each and

everyday. He didn’t know what was in her mind because

when she went to her cousin’s house she borrowed a sim

card to talk to him.

That was strange!!!!

But she must have some love for him that she had kept in

the dark chambers of her heart.

And now it’s been two months and seven days since they

last talked to each other. Aman is still trying to find a spot

in her heart but as she says she have a pacemaker instead

of a heart he had not succeeded even to feel her heart



Up till now one can thoroughly understand that it was

just a one sided love. One thing that is not revealed yet is-

----- “WHAT WENT WRONG?” In spite of all the love

shown by the guy why did she refused to go along with


To find the answer to the above question lets


In the beginning it felt like both of them like each other

but one day everything turned around. They were

discussing about the intercast marriage and a small

speech given by Aman rested inside her heart. Kritika

became afraid of the consequences of this bond. So she

decided to leave him alone. And on asking why? She said

she don’t like Sikh in that way. Now the question arose if

this was what she thought then why she played with that

boy. Anyways Aman keeps on having dreams about her,

and asked for a time in which he might be able to settle

down the entire situation so as to convince her parents.

At that point of time she said “It’s ok but if her parents

asked him for a favor she would never deny them”, so the

things were all set but on one condition “that Aman

would never show his love and importance to her”

because according to her if they carry on with this then

their later life would be miserable as they must expect


same kind of feeling and importance from the guy or girl

they would marry, if nothing went like Aman planned.

Well a discussion without feelings becomes monotonous,

and Kritika started to ignore him as she had already

decided to do so. In her views time would heal all the

wounds. But she forgot scars remain even on the

toughest stones. So did they leave an intense effect on

Aman’s heart.

Now it has been two months since they talked to each


One question that he always asked her …………


Just remains a question…………..









As few great men has spoken that love is not preplanned

it just happens. And this is what went with Aman.

The story ahead is totally fictious. Nothing like this has

ever happened.

It was the month of January, and it was her birthday

again, and it has been six months they didn’t even meet

each other. On that day she met a small accident and

fortunately Aman was present there to help her. She fell

unconscious there so he took her to the nearest hospital.

Aman always wanted to be with her, and he decided to do

something that no one has ever tried before. He thought

to keep his love alive and to be always close to her he had

to do something. So he paid the doctor some bucks and

took or you can say stole some reproductory eggs from

her uterus. The idea behind that was to create a replica of

her so he raised a test tube baby. When that baby born it

was a girl and he named her after Kritika and his own

name and called her “AMIKA”.

The day after Amika born he took her to Kritika because

he wanted Amika to see how she would look like when

she would be a grown up. That was the most awesome


day they were meeting after a long year. The moment

they saw each other it felt like flash back of the time

when both of them were together and how they

separated. But leaving all those things behind Kritika

welcomed him like she used to do when everything was

fine between them. Aman showed her his daughter and

she smiled and took her in her arms, and unintentionally

few words came out her mouth “WOW SHE LOOKS JUST

LIKE ME”, and he must be wishing that that moment just

stops there forever, but it wouldn’t. She asked for her

mother and he told her “she is holding her at present” But

everything was so sudden that no one bothered to have

an argument on that, probably the first time.

From that span of time Aman took Amika often to her

house, and Amika started to believe that Kritika was her

mother in real. Time just passes like wind and Amika had

grown up. She called Kritika her mother and she had also

created some bond with her that she let her call herself

mother. It was going great between those unnatural

mother daughters but Aman had something different in

his mind. He still loves her more than anyone in his life

and was waiting for the time that he took from her to ask

her parents.


One year passed………It was the time of winters Amika

had grown up to two years and everything was going as

usual until her parents had her marriage proposal from a

very good family. As she said earlier she won’t go against

her parents, she accepted the proposal. Aman’s heart was

shattered on the floor and he talked about that with her.

But she said that she never loved her.

Three weeks passed………..

Kritika called Aman and asked him to meet her. So they

met at some distant place. Aman was glad, he thought she

might have changed her decision. But it was the other

way around. She just attacked him with verbal assaults

and said he used Amika to gain her sympathy and tried to

makeover with me. Those words hit like a bullet passing

through his heart twice. She asked him to leave her sight

forever and wished that he would get his deserving

punishment. She took off from the place and didn’t even

turn around to see them again.

Well that was a disaster for not only for Aman but Amika

also lost her mother that day. Aman got an offer from a

Brazilian company and moved to that place along with his


daughter and no information was available from Kritika’s


And Aman had only one Question in his mind……..


Just remains a question………….









It had been two years that Aman along with her daughter

Amika was living in Brazil. One day his friend Anil

Sharma called him and invited him to his wedding. So

they took next flight to India and reached straight to the

wedding hall. There both of them met with tears in their

eyes and hugged each other. They spent their whole day

talking. On the next day, the wedding day, Aman found

out that all his friends were there except Kritika. So he

asked Chitra, one of her best friend that how was she and

why didn’t she come? Chitra replied that she was fine and

she was not at her home that is why she didn’t come.

Then she just moved to the dinner hall and left him alone

standing there. The marriage was successfully completed

and from there Aman along with her daughter boarded

for his parents house in Karnal. Just when he stepped out

side the bus stand in Karnal he met another friend of

Kritika. They talked for a while and when it comes to

Kritika she started to cry. Aman asked him the reason

then she told him the whole story.

She told him that she had gained a bone marrow disease

and her fiancé left her because he found that her disease

was incurable as none of her parents bone marrow


matched with her. She said that the doctors told her that

she had only a year left. Listening to her words filled

Aman’s heart with tears and he decided to go and meet

her. But he remembered that she never wanted to see

him again. So he let Amika to meet her and waited

outside the ICU. Amika was just like her in looks so it

didn’t take long for Kritika to recognize her. She asked

about Aman and Amika told her that he was outside the

ICU. She asked more about Aman and Amika told her “he

lives in a room full of her posters and pictures”. Both of

them started to have a conversation and in the

meanwhile Aman asked the doctor if there is any chance

to save her. The doctor replied that there would be a

chance if she had a child and probably his bone marrow

matched with hers. Listening to doctors words Aman

found out that one last chance. That one last chance was

“AMIKA”. So he decided to help her with her own

daughter’s bone marrow. The doctors told her that she is

fortunate enough to have a donor and she had her

operation fit and fine. The day she discharged from the

hospital she saw Aman and Amika were also leaving from

the hospital. She went close to them and said to Aman “so

this is your love, waiting outside the ICU and not even

getting to know if i was alright or not. You know what

you never deserve me and thank god I didn’t say yes to


you”. After that she just moved on with her parents and

didn’t even try to find anything about the donor. Aman

and Amika took off for their parent’s house and were

staying there for a week.

In the meanwhile Kritika was feeling lucky to have that

second chance. Her friends were visiting her and greeting

her wishes. One day while looking for something in the

wardrobe she found her report and she stared checking

it. She found Amika’s name in the donor’s column and

astonished to learn that only some one in her blood

relation could help her. She wanted to find the answer

that how she could be able to help her. She went to

Aman’s and his parents told her the whole truth. Knowing

all the truth she just couldn’t face her but she was flared

up that why he did that to her? She called Aman and met

him and asked the same question why he did that to her?

He just smiled and said because he loved her and wanted

her in any form of life.

But nobody knows what was going in her mind and she

hit him with a keen stone in to the head and he fall on the

ground slowly crawling into his grave in the graveyard of

love that he found in his entire life.


Last words that came out of his mouth were………..


And you know what this still remains a question…….



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