docker / ansible

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Docker / Ansible

Stéphane Manciot 19/02/2015

Problem - the matrix from Hell

LXC - the intermodal shipping container

LXC - main features○ Portability

○ run everywhere ○ regardless of kernel version ○ regardless of host distro

○ run anything ○ if it can run on the host, it can run in the

container ○ i.e., if it can run on a Linux kernel, it can run

○ Isolation (namespaces) ○ Control resources (cgroups) ○ Lightweight VM (own process space, own network

interface …) without performance penalty (no device emulation)

DevOps - separation of concerns

○ Developer - Inside the container ○ my code ○ my libraries ○ my package manager ○ my app ○ my data

○ Operational - Outside the container ○ logging ○ remote access ○ network configuration ○ monitoring

Docker - main features○ a single application virtualization engine based

on containers ○ a standard, reproductible way to easily build and

share trusted images (Dockerfile, Stackbrew, docker-registry …)

○ each image is a stack of layers (1 layer = tarball + metadata)

○ a daemon running in the background ○ manages containers, images and builds ○ HTTP api (over UNIX or TCP socket) ○ embedded CLI talking to the api

LXC versus Docker

Docker - PaaS

○ Portability ○ Fast provisioning (Another Union File System) ○ Performance ○ processes are isolated, but run straight on the

host ○ CPU performance = native performance ○ almost native memory performance ○ network performance = small overhead

Docker - quick start○ search an image : sudo docker search debian ○ list images : sudo docker images ○ download an image : sudo docker pull debian ○ run a container : sudo docker run [OPTIONS]

IMAGE[:TAG] [COMMAND] [ARGS…] ○ list all containers : sudo docker ps -a ○ find the id of the last launched container : sudo

docker ps -l ○ commit container updates : sudo docker commit

ID [IMAGE[:TAG]] ○ inspect a container : sudo docker inspect ID ○ upload an image : sudo docker push IMAGE


○ create a docker image from the latest debian image including oracle java7 as debian:oracle-java7


Dockerfile○ Usage : sudo docker build -t=“IMAGE[:TAG]” . ○ Format : ○ # Comment ○ INSTRUCTION arguments

○ FROM image[:TAG] ○ MAINTAINER <name> ○ RUN <command> ○ CMD [“executable","param1","param2"] | CMD

[“param1","param2"] | CMD command param1 param2

Dockerfile○ EXPOSE <port> [<port>…] ○ ENV foo bar | ENV foo=bar ○ ADD <src>... <dest> ○ ADD hom* /mydir/ ○ ADD hom?.txt /mydir/ ○ ADD test aDir/

○ COPY <src>... <dest> ○ ENTRYPOINT ["executable", "param1",

“param2"] ○ VOLUME [“/data"] ○ WORKDIR /path/to/workdir ○ ONBUILD [INSTRUCTION]

Dockerfile - best practices

○ add a .dockerignore file ○ avoid installing unnecessary packages ○ run only one process per container ○ minimize the number of layers ○ put long or complex RUN statements on multiple

lines separated with backslashes ○ sort multi-line arguments ○ prefer COPY to ADD ○ use VOLUME for any mutable parts of your


Dockerfile - Examples

○ apache2

Dockerfile - Examples


○ create a docker image from the latest debian image including oracle java7 as dockerfile/debian:oracle-java7 using Dockerfile


Docker - overriding image defaults○ CMD ○ sudo docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE[:TAG]

[COMMAND] [ARGS...] ○ ENTRYPOINT ○ sudo docker run -i -t --entrypoint /bin/bash

example/redis ○ EXPOSE (incoming ports) ○ --expose=[]: Expose a port or a range of ports

from the container without binding ○ -P : bind the exposed ports to a random port

on the host between 49153 and 65535 ○ -p [ip:][hostPort:]containerPort ○ --link <name or id container>:alias

Docker - overriding image defaults○ ENV ○ sudo docker run -e "deep=purple" --rm

ubuntu /bin/bash -c export ○ VOLUME ○ -v=[]: Create a bind mount with: [host-dir]:

[container-dir]:[rw|ro] ○ --volumes-from CONTAINER : share volumes

with another container ○ USER ○ -u="": Username or UID

○ WORKDIR ○ -w="": Working directory inside the container

Docker - ambassador pattern

(consumer) --> (es_http_client) ---network--->

(es_ambassador) --> (es)○ vagrant ssh mogobiz-db

○ sudo docker run -d --name es -P --volumes-from elasticsearch mogobiz/elasticsearch-1.3.6

○ sudo docker run -d --link es:es --name es_ambassador -p -p svendowideit/ambassador

○ vagrant ssh mogobiz-web

○ sudo docker run -d --name es_http_client --expose 9200 -e ELASTICSEARCH_PORT_9200_TCP=tcp:// svendowideit/ambassador

○ sudo docker run -t -i --rm --link es_http_client:elasticsearch --link mogobiz_db_client:mogobiz_db --name consumer -p 8080 busybox sh

○ / # env

Ansible and docker○ Build new image

○ Run a container

Vagrant and Ansible

Vagrant and Ansible

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