docket no.: a.20-07-004 /a.20-10-007 witness

Post on 28-Feb-2022






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Exhibit No.: CCA-09

Docket No.: A.20-07-004


Date: November 16, 2020

SCE Response to SoCal CCAs PCIA Trigger DR 1.04


Southern California Edison

A.20-10-007 – 2020 PCIA Trigger Application    

DATA REQUEST SET S o c a l C C A - S C E - P C I A T r i g g e r 0 0 1

To: SoCal CCAs Prepared by: Erin Pulgar Job Title: Senior Advisor Received Date: 10/16/2020

Response Date: 10/23/2020

Question 004: Referring to Table IV-5: Please explain the change to PCIA rates that occurred effective June 1, 2020. Response to Question 004: The changes are described on page 5 of Advice 4214-E. Please see attached.

P.O. Box 800 8631 Rush Street Rosemead, California 91770 (626) 302-9645 Fax (626) 302-6396

S Gary A. Stern, Ph.D. Managing Director, State Regulatory Operations

May 13, 2020

ADVICE 4214-E (U 338-E)


SUBJECT: Implementation of the Transmission Rate Increase Proposed in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Docket No. ER20-1452-000 Effective June 1, 2020, Removal of the PCIA Brown Power True-Up Sur-Credits Pursuant to D.19-02-024, and Adjustment to the High Usage Charge for Residential Tiered Rate Schedules

Southern California Edison Company (SCE) hereby submits for approval by the California Public Utilities Commission (Commission) the following changes to its tariffs. The revised tariff sheets are listed on Attachment A and are attached hereto.


Effective June 1, 2020, SCE is implementing an increase in its Transmission rate component, consistent with SCE’s Annual Update Filing of the Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in Docket No. ER20-1452-000.

In this advice letter, SCE also removes the brown power true-up sur-credits from the Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) pursuant to Decision (D.)19-02-024. The brown power true-up refunds adopted in D.19-02-024 are applicable until June 1, 2020 to reflect a 12-month amortization period. Therefore, the updated PCIA rates, for the applicable vintages, in this advice letter reflect the removal of the brown power true-up sur-credits from the applicable vintage PCIA rates.

Finally, pursuant to D.20-05-013, SCE is adopting a short-term adjustment to the High Usage Charge (HUC), which applies to usage beyond 400 percent of baseline. Pursuant to D.20-05-013, the HUC ($/kWh) charge will be set at a level 25 percent greater than the Tier 2 rate ($/kWh), which applies to usage that is 101 – 400 percent beyond baseline.1 This adjustment will be applied to residential customer bills no later than June 1, 2020 and will remain in place at least through October 31, 2020. By November 15, 2020, SCE will return the price ratio of the HUC to the price ratio utilized on May 31, 1 The current authorized differential between the HUC ($/kWh) and the Tier 2 rate ($/kWh)

makes the former 75 percent greater than the latter.

ADVICE 4214-E May 13, 2020 (U 338-E) - 2 -

2020 unless Executive Order N-33-20 (the stay-at-home order) or a similar directive is still in place as of October 31, 2020.


As discussed in more detail below, SCE’s consolidated revenue requirement change, which would be reflected in rate levels effective June 1, 2020, is an increase from current revenue requirements of $292.053 million.

Table 1 below summarizes the revenue requirements by proceeding, as authorized by the Commission and the FERC, that would be included in rates effective June 1, 2020.

ADVICE 4214-E May 13, 2020 (U 338-E) - 3 -

Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5

Revenue Rqmts Revenue Rqmts Change InApril 13, 2020 June 1, 2020 RevenueRate Levels Rate Levels Requirements Authority For Change

1.2. Fuel and Purchased Power 4,471,392 4,471,392 - 3. GHG Cost - - - 4. GHG Revenue Return (380,489) (380,489) - 5. ESMA/LCTA 1,762 1,762 - 6. New System Generation Balancing Account 85,914 85,914 - 7. Tree Mortality Non-Bypassable Charge Balancing Account 71,884 71,884 - 8. ERRA Balancing Account (22,882) (22,882) - 9. PABA Balancing Account 543,608 543,608 -

10. TOTAL 4,771,189 4,771,189 - -

11. - -

12. Generation O&M and Capital 697,419 697,419 - 13. Peaker O&M and Capital (New System Gen) 56,963 56,963 - 14. Distribution O&M and Capital 5,143,140 5,143,140 - 15. Subtotal 5,897,522 5,897,522 -

- 16. Pole Loading & Deteriorated Poles Balancing Account (3,700) (3,700) - 17. Tax Accounting Memorandum Account (TAMA) - - - 18. 2018 GRC Memo Account Amortization - - - 19. 2018 GRC One Time Recovery - - - 20. Pension/PBOP/Medical Balancing Accounts (6,163) (6,163) - 21. Non-utility Affiliate Credits (11,261) (11,261) - 22. TOTAL 5,876,398 5,876,398 -

- 23. Other - 24. BRRBA (363,208) (363,208) - 25. NDAM Balancing Account (44,180) (44,180) - 26. CARE Balancing Account (15,185) (15,185) - 27. PPPAM Balancing Account (32,246) (32,246) - 28. 2018 GRC - FF&U impact on non-GRC items - - - 29. Aliso Canyon Energy Storage 11,978 11,978 - 30. Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) 56,637 56,637 - 31. Low Income Programs (ESAP & CARE) 72,461 72,461 - 32. Statewide ME&O 8,078 8,078 - 33. Charge Ready Phase 1 Pilot 7,265 7,265 - 34. Transportation Electrification 6,809 6,809 - 35. CEMA - 2015/16 Drought and 2016 Fires 51,626 51,626 - 36. Demand Response Programs 43,072 43,072 - 37. Demand Response Incentives Paid 105,176 105,176 - 38. Demand Response Surcharge Collected (126,765) (126,765) - 39. EPIC - RD&D and Renewables 76,900 76,900 - 40. Energy Efficiency 46,541 46,541 - 41. Energy Efficiency Incentives 10,695 10,695 - 42. SJV Disadvantaged Communities Pilot Balancing Account 10,248 10,248 - 43. Wheeler North Reef Expansion Project 16,809 16,809 - 44. FERC Base Transmission 962,976 962,976 - 45. FERC Transmission Balancing Accounts (13,881) 278,172 292,053 FERC Docket No. ER20 1452 00046. TOTAL 891,806 1,183,859 292,053

- 47. DWR - 48. Power Charge (5,400) (5,400) - 49. Bond Charge 428,069 428,069 - 50. TOTAL 422,669 422,669 -

- 51. TOTAL REVENUE REQUIREMENT CHANGE 11,962,061 12,254,114 292,053

Revenue Requirement Component



Table 1Southern California Edison Company

June 1, 2020 Consolidated Revenue Requirements In Rate Levels By ProceedingTOTAL SYSTEM


Column 1

ADVICE 4214-E May 13, 2020 (U 338-E) - 4 -

Table 2 below summarizes these same revenue requirement changes by unbundled rate component (e.g., Generation, Distribution, and Transmission).

Revenue Requirements Revenue Requirements Change InApril 13, 2020 June 1, 2020 RevenueRate Levels Rate Levels Requirements

1.2. Generation Rate Component:3. SCE:4. Fuel and Purchased Power-ERRA Related 2,311,963 2,311,963 - 5. Fuel and Purchased Power-PABA Related 1,415,868 1,415,868 - 6. GHG Cost - - - 7. Green Rate Tariff 2,032 2,032 - 8. ERRA Balancing Account (22,882) (22,882) - 9. Net Generator Refunds (ESMA/LCTA) 1,762 1,762 - 10. PABA Balancing Account 543,608 543,608 - 11. Demand Response Programs 3,076 3,076 - 12. GRC - Generation O&M and Capital 697,419 697,419 - 13. 2018 GRC Memo Account - - - 14. 2018 GRC - FF&U impact on non-GRC items - - - 15. BRRBA Balancing Account 34,953 34,953 - 16. Residential Rate Reform Bill Protection 3,990 3,990 - 17. Demand Response Incentives 1,961 1,961 - 18. TAMA Transfer incl. interest - - - 19. Pension Balancing Account (1,977) (1,977) - 20. Medical Programs Balancing Account (1,139) (1,139) - 21. PBOPs Balancing Account 1,442 1,442 - 22. Total SCE Generation 4,992,076 4,992,076 -

23. DWR Power Charge (5,400) (5,400) - 24. Total Generation Rate Component 4,986,676 4,986,676 -

- 25. - 26. Nonbypassable New System Generation Service Component: - 27. GRC - Peaker O&M and Capital 56,963 56,963 - 28. 2018 GRC Memo Account - - - 29. 2018 GRC - FF&U impact on non-GRC items - - - 30. New Generation CAM Capacity & CHP 645,659 645,659 - 31. Aliso Canyon Energy Storage 11,978 11,978 - 32. New System Generation Balancing Account 85,914 85,914 - 33. Total New System Generation 800,514 800,514 - 34. Distribution Rate Component: - 35. BRRBA Balancing Account (406,141) (406,141) - 36. Residential Rate Reform Bill Protection 3,989 3,989 - 37. Tax Accounting Memorandum Account (TAMA) - - - 38. Pole Loading & Deteriorated Poles Balancing Account (3,700) (3,700) - 39. Pension Balancing Account (7,537) (7,537) - 40. Medical Programs Balancing Account (6,841) (6,841) - 41. PBOPs Balancing Account 9,888 9,888 - 42. CEMA - 2015/16 Drought and 2016 Fires 51,626 51,626 - 43. LCR (DR-related) - - - 44. GRC - Distribution O&M and Capital 5,143,140 5,143,140 - 45. 2018 GRC Memo Account - - - 46. 2018 GRC - One Time - - - 47. RRIMA (residential only) - - - 48. SOBA (residential only) - - - 49. 2018 GRC - FF&U impact on non-GRC items - - - 50. Non-utility Affiliate Credits (11,261) (11,261) - 51. Demand Response Programs 30,527 30,527 - 52. Demand Response IDSM Programs 9,469 9,469 - 53. Demand Response Incentives Paid 103,215 103,215 - 54. DRPBA Incentive Subacct Transfer (126,765) (126,765) - 54. DRAM/PRP 11,396 11,396 - 55. Charge Ready Pilot 7,265 7,265 - 56. Transportation Electrification 6,809 6,809 - 57. WNR - Marine Mitigation 16,809 16,809 - 58. EE Incentives 10,695 10,695 - 59. GHG Revenue (380,489) (380,489) - 60. Total Distribution Rate Component 4,462,094 4,462,094 - 61. Nuclear Decommissioning Rate Component: - 62. Spent Nuclear Fuel 4,382 4,382 - 63. 2018 GRC - FF&U impact on non-GRC items - - - 64. NDAM Balancing Account (44,180) (44,180) - 65. Decommissioning Trust Fund - - - 66. Total Nuclear Decommissioning Rate Component: (39,798) (39,798) - 67. Public Purpose Programs Rate Component: - 68. CARE Balancing Account (15,185) (15,185) - 69. PPPAM Balancing Account (112,589) (112,589) - 70. SJV Disadvantaged Communities Pilot Balancing Account 10,248 10,248 - 71. 2018 GRC - FF&U impact on non-GRC items - - - 72. EPIC - RD&D and Renewables 76,900 76,900 - 73. Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) 56,637 56,637 - 74. Procurement Energy Efficiency 46,541 46,541 - 75. On-Bill Financing - - - 76. PPPC F&PP-TMNBC 50,176 50,176 - 77. PPPC F&PP-LCR 29,916 29,916 - 78. TMNBC Balancing Account 71,884 71,884 - 79. CIA 80,343 80,343 - 80. Statewide ME&O 8,078 8,078 - 81. Energy Savings Assistance Program 65,808 65,808 - 82. CARE Program Administration 6,654 6,654 - 83. Total Public Purpose Programs Rate Component 375,411 375,411 - 84. Transmission Rate Component: - 85. Base Transmission 962,976 962,976 - 86. Transmission Balancing Accounts (13,881) 278,172 292,053 87. Total Transmission Rate Component 949,095 1,241,148 292,053 88. DWR Bond Charge 428,069 428,069 - 89. Total Delivery Service 6,975,384 7,267,438 292,053

- 90. Total SCE Revenue Requirement 11,539,392 11,831,446 292,053 91. Total DWR Revenue Requirement 422,669 422,669 - 92. Total Company Revenue Requirement 11,962,061 12,254,114 292,053

Table 2Southern California Edison Company

June 1, 2020 Consolidated Revenue Requirements by Rate Component



ADVICE 4214-E May 13, 2020 (U 338-E) - 5 -

2019 ERRA Forecast Proceeding Revenue Requirement – Removal of the PCIA Brown Power True-Up Sur-Credits On March 19, 2019, SCE submitted Advice 3972-E to implement its 2019 Energy Resource Recovery Account (ERRA) Forecast proceeding revenue requirement in accordance with D.19-02-024, including the 2018 PCIA brown power true-up.2 Due to the delayed implementation of SCE’s 2019 ERRA Forecast rates to June 1, 2019 (from January 1, 2019),3 the brown power true-up refunds adopted in D.19-02-024 are applicable until June 1, 2020 to reflect a 12-month amortization period.4 Therefore, the updated PCIA rates included in Attachment A reflect the removal of the brown power true-up “sur-credits” from the applicable vintage PCIA rates.5 Attachment B to this advice letter contains the updated Billed Revenue Allocation Percentages Table, as required by Preliminary Statement Part WW, to reflect the removal of the brown power true-up sur-credits from the applicable PCIA rates. June 1, 2020 Transmission Access Charge Rate Change On March 31, 2020, SCE filed revisions to its Transmission Owner (TO) Tariff to update the TACBAA rate to be effective June 1, 2020 in FERC Docket No. ER20--1452--000. The TO Tariff specifies, among other things, the rates and charges for transmission access over the California Independent System Operator Corporation (CAISO)-controlled grid. One such rate and charge is the TACBAA rate. The TACBAA is a ratemaking mechanism designed to ensure that the cost-shift amounts billed by the CAISO to SCE under the CAISO’s Transmission Access Charge (TAC) structure will be recovered from SCE’s End-Use Customers. Section 5.6 of the TO Tariff describes the items to be included in the Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account (TACBA) and sets forth the procedure for revising the TACBAA rate on an annual basis to be effective on June 1. The TACBAA rate is based on prior year’s balance in the TACBA and a forecast of the net annual TAC billing by the CAISO.

The revised TACBAA rate applicable to SCE’s end-use customers effective June 1, 2020 is $0.00419 per kilowatt-hour. This revision represents an increased rate from the $0.00055 per kilowatt-hour TACBAA rate currently in effect. This increase in the

2 On April 25, 2019, SCE submitted supplemental Advice 3972-E-A to implement minor

changes to the 2018 brown power true-up calculation. On April 30, 2019, the Energy Division’s disposition letter approved SCE’s Advice 3972-E/E-A Appendix C implementation of the 2018 brown power true-up.

3 See Advice 4006-E. 4 See Exhibit No. SCE-06 in A.19-06-002, at p. 87. 5 The 2018 brown power true-up does not apply to 2018 and 2019 vintage customers because

they did not pay the PCIA in 2018. Additionally, SCE ceased including the brown power true-up sur-credit for Legacy UOG in pre-2009 vintage customers’ rates on October 1, 2019, pursuant to the implementation of D.19-08-022 in Advice 4072-E.

ADVICE 4214-E May 13, 2020 (U 338-E) - 6 -

TACBAA rate is primarily due to a larger under-collection in the TACBA from 2019 and forecast of annualized Net Cost-Shift billings6 for the next 12 months. As shown on Line 45 of Table 1, the implementation of the 2020 TACBAA rate of $0.00419 per kilowatt-hour results in an increase in the revenue requirement of $292.0537 million as compared to 2019 levels using the 2020 ERRA Forecast adopted sales forecast.


Pursuant to D.18-11-027, approving SCE’s 2018 GRC Phase 2 Settlement Agreements, SCE scales the currently-effective rates for the Otherwise Applicable Tariffs (OATs) on a functional System Average Percent Change (SAPC) basis to recover its authorized functional revenue requirements. Optional rates are then rebalanced to ensure revenue neutrality with the OAT. Currently-effective rates are multiplied by the authorized 2020 sales forecast to produce present rate revenues. Present rate revenues are compared to the applicable authorized revenue requirement for each function. Utility-Retained Generation (URG), Distribution, New System Generation, Nuclear Decommissioning, and Public Purpose Programs Charges are scaled based on the ratio of the applicable authorized revenue requirement to present rate revenues. The authorized SCE Generation revenue requirement is first reduced to reflect the contribution of Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service) customers through the revised Cost Responsibility Surcharge revenues (i.e., PCIA and Competition Transition Charge (CTC) revenues). Transmission rates are made up of Base Transmission and TOTCA. The Base transmission rate is updated through changes to the FERC-authorized Base Transmission Revenue Requirement. TOTCA is updated through prior year’s over- or under-collection in the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA), Reliability Service Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA), or Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account (TACBA) and forecasted net annual billings by the CAISO.

HUC Adjustment

On May 7, 2020, the Commission approved D.20-05-013, which orders SCE to implement a short-term modification to the HUC. The adjustment is intended to mitigate expected residential bill impacts as a result of increased consumption by 10-20 percent8 due to Executive Order N-33-20. The Decision requires SCE to temporarily reduce the HUC such that it is set at 25 percent greater than the Tier 2 rate ($/kWh), in lieu of the 6 Defined as the difference between actual charges by the CAISO pursuant to Section 26.1.2

of the CAISO Tariff for High Voltage Access Charge and revenues disbursed by CAISO pursuant to Section 26.1.3 of the CAISO Tariff.

7 At the time SCE submitted FERC Docket No. ER20 1452 000, SCE recorded Gross Load (kWh) for the twelve months ending February 2020 of 82,447 GWh, which is slightly higher than the 2020 ERRA Forecast approved load used in the rate design. Consequently, there is always a slight difference between the 2020 authorized TACBAA revenue requirement increase and the 2020 estimated TACBAA revenue increase shown in this advice letter.

8 D.20-05-013, p. 5.

ADVICE 4214-E May 13, 2020 (U 338-E) - 7 -

existing authorized 75 percent above Tier 2 rate differential. D.20-05-013 requires SCE to apply the HUC adjustment to residential customer bills no later than June 1, 2020. This temporary adjustment will be in place at least until October 31, 2020. By November 15, 2020, SCE will return the price ratio of the HUC to the price ratio utilized on May 31, 2020 unless Executive Order N-33-20 or a similar directive is still in place as of October 31, 2020. Table 3 below summarizes the changes to the HUC for Schedules D, D-CARE, and D-FERA before and after the adjustment. The adjustment is performed during the end stage of the rate design process where high usage charges are reduced to reflect a level that is 25 percent above Tier 2 rates.9 No further adjustments are made to the residential tier rates after the HUC reduction to retain revenue neutrality with the residential class under the authorized tier ratios. SCE will be tracking monthly residential revenues, including HUC revenues, during the period of the adjustment.10 The tracking report will be submitted to the Commission as a Tier 1 information-only advice letter no later than 60 days after the end of the HUC adjustment period to help inform a decision on recovery of any revenue shortfall that may occur.

Table 3

Residential Tier Rates (¢/kWh)

Table 4 below illustrates the class average rate impacts associated with the revised June 1, 2020 rate change. Based on the revenue requirement changes included herein, bundled service customers’ present rate revenues on June 1, 2020 will increase by 9 The reduction of the HUC is made under the Conservation Incentive Adjustment (CIA) rate

component. 10 D.20-05-013, Ordering Paragraph 7.

Schedule DBefore HUC Adjustment

HUC % above Tier 2

After HUC Adjustment

HUC % above Tier 2

Tier 1 20.8 20.8Tier 2 26.7 26.7HUC 46.8 75% 33.4 25%

Schedule D-CAREBefore HUC Adjustment

HUC % above Tier 2

After HUC Adjustment

HUC % above Tier 2

Tier 1 14.1 14.1Tier 2 18.0 18.0HUC 31.5 75% 22.5 25%

Schedule D-FERABefore HUC Adjustment

HUC % above Tier 2

After HUC Adjustment

HUC % above Tier 2

Tier 1 17.0 17.0Tier 2 21.9 21.9HUC 38.4 75% 27.4 25%

ADVICE 4214-E May 13, 2020 (U 338-E) - 8 -

approximately 2.1 percent to recover SCE’s total June 1, 2020 revenue requirement. The bundled class average rate impacts below exclude the impact of the HUC adjustment described above.

ADVICE 4214-E May 13, 2020 (U 338-E) - 9 -

Table 4

Bundled Average Rates (¢ / kWh)

Rate Class 04/13/2020 06/01/2020 Percentage Change

Residential 19.8 20.1 1.7%

GS-1 19.2 19.6 1.9% TC-1 20.3 20.7 1.8% GS-2 19.3 19.7 1.9% TOU-GS-3 17.1 17.5 2.2% Total LSMP 18.7 19.1 2.0%

TOU-8-SEC 15.3 15.7 2.4% TOU-8-PRI 13.8 14.2 2.7% TOU-8-SUB 9.1 9.5 4.1% Total Large Power 13.3 13.6 2.8%

TOU-PA-2 16.3 16.7 2.3% TOU-PA-3 13.6 14.0 2.8% Total Ag.& Pumping 15.1 15.5 2.5%

Street Lighting 18.8 19.2 1.9%

TOU-8-SEC-S 15.4 15.7 2.4% TOU-8-PRI-S 15.3 15.7 2.4% TOU-8-SUB-S 9.6 10.0 3.9% Total Standby 11.0 11.4 3.4% Total 17.5 17.9 2.1%

PUCRF 0.06 0.06 Total w/o PUCRF 17.5 17.8 2.1%

ADVICE 4214-E May 13, 2020 (U 338-E) - 10 -

Table 5 below provides the rate impacts in more detail resulting from the June 1, 2020 rate change on residential CARE and non-CARE customers.

Table 5 Residential (Schedules D and D-CARE) Bill Impacts of Rate Change,

Effective 06/01/2020

Rate Impact (¢/kWh) of Revenue


Rate Impact (%) of

Revenue Requirement

Bill Impact ($) of Revenue


Bill Impact (%) of Revenue


Bill Total ($) following Revenue


Decision and/or


CARE Residential Customers - Bundled

Transmission Access Charge Balancing Accounts & Forecasted Annualized Net Billings by CAISO (i.e., TACBA)

0.2 1.8%

1.3 1.8%


FERC Docket ER20 1452-000

CARE Residential Average - Bundled

0.2 1.8%

1.3 1.8%


Non-CARE Residential Customers - Bundled

Transmission Access Charge Balancing Accounts & Forecasted Annualized Net Billings by CAISO (i.e., TACBA)

0.4 1.7%

2.1 1.7%


FERC Docket ER20 1452-000

Non-CARE Residential Average - Bundled

0.4 1.7%

2.1 1.7%


Residential (NCARE, CARE) Average Rate - Bundled with GHG Revenues

0.3 1.7% NA [1] NA [1] NA [1]

System Average - Bundled with GHG Revenues

0.4 2.1% NA [2] NA [2] NA [2]

[1] An average Residential bill ($/month) or bill impact ($ change/month) would be the averages of NCARE and CARE customers. No such bill actually exists. For this reason, the last three columns were left blank. [2] A system-wide bill ($/month) or bill impact ($ change/month) would be the averages of all rate classes (i.e., Lighting, Small & Medium Power, Large Power, Standby, Streetlights). No such bill actually exists. For this reason, the last three columns were left blank.


A list of revised tariff sheets is provided in Attachment A and attached hereto.

Pursuant to D.20-05-013, Attachment A reflects modifications to the HUC in the respective tariffs for Schedules D, D-CARE, and D-FERA.

In addition to the revenue requirement changes discussed above, the tariff schedules included in Attachment A reflect modifications to Preliminary Statement Part WW, Portfolio Allocation Balancing Account (PABA), to add the authorizing advice letter for the currently-effective Billed Revenue Allocation Percentages Table. TIER DESIGNATION

Pursuant to General Order (GO) 96-B, Rule 5.1, this advice letter is submitted with a Tier 1 designation.

ADVICE 4214-E May 13, 2020 (U 338-E) - 11 -


This advice letter will become effective on June 1, 2020, the date of the rate change.


Anyone wishing to protest this advice letter may do so by letter via U.S. Mail, facsimile, or electronically, any of which must be received no later than 20 days after the date of this advice letter. Protests should be submitted to:

CPUC, Energy Division Attention: Tariff Unit 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, California 94102 E-mail:

Copies should also be mailed to the attention of the Director, Energy Division, Room 4004 (same address above).

In addition, protests and all other correspondence regarding this advice letter should also be sent by letter and transmitted via facsimile or electronically to the attention of:

Gary A. Stern, Ph.D. Managing Director, State Regulatory Operations Southern California Edison Company 8631 Rush Street Rosemead, California 91770

Telephone: (626) 302-9645 Facsimile: (626) 302-6396 E-mail: Laura Genao Managing Director, State Regulatory Affairs c/o Karyn Gansecki Southern California Edison Company 601 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 2030 San Francisco, California 94102 Facsimile: (415) 929-5544 E-mail:

There are no restrictions on who may submit a protest, but the protest shall set forth specifically the grounds upon which it is based and must be received by the deadline shown above.

In accordance with General Rule 4 of GO 96-B, SCE is serving copies of this advice filing to the interested parties shown on the attached GO 96-B, R.17-06-026, A.18-05-003 and A.19-09-014 service lists. Address change requests to the GO 96-B service list should be directed by electronic mail to or at (626) 302-4039. For changes to all other service lists, please contact the Commission’s Process Office at (415) 703-2021 or by electronic mail at

ADVICE 4214-E May 13, 2020 (U 338-E) - 12 -

Further, in accordance with Public Utilities Code Section 491, notice to the public is hereby given by submitting and keeping the advice letter at SCE’s corporate headquarters. To view other SCE advice letters submitted with the Commission, log on to SCE’s web site at

For questions, please contact Linda Letizia at (626) 302-3634 or by electronic mail at or Reuben Behlihomji at (626)302-6444 or by electronic mail at

Southern California Edison Company

/s/ Gary A. Stern, Ph.D. Gary A. Stern, Ph.D.

GAS:ll/rb:jm Enclosures


Company name/CPUC Utility No.:

Utility type:Phone #:




MUST BE COMPLETED BY UTILITY (Attach additional pages as needed)

Advice Letter (AL) #:

WATERE-mail: E-mail Disposition Notice to:

Contact Person:

ELC = ElectricPLC = Pipeline

GAS = GasHEAT = Heat WATER = Water

(Date Submitted / Received Stamp by CPUC)

Subject of AL:

Tier Designation:

Keywords (choose from CPUC listing):AL Type: Monthly Quarterly Annual One-Time Other:If AL submitted in compliance with a Commission order, indicate relevant Decision/Resolution #:

Does AL replace a withdrawn or rejected AL? If so, identify the prior AL:

Summarize differences between the AL and the prior withdrawn or rejected AL:

Confidential treatment requested? Yes NoIf yes, specification of confidential information:Confidential information will be made available to appropriate parties who execute a nondisclosure agreement. Name and contact information to request nondisclosure agreement/access to confidential information:

Resolution required? Yes No

Requested effective date: No. of tariff sheets:

Estimated system annual revenue effect (%):

Estimated system average rate effect (%):

When rates are affected by AL, include attachment in AL showing average rate effects on customer classes (residential, small commercial, large C/I, agricultural, lighting).

Tariff schedules affected:

Service affected and changes proposed1:

Pending advice letters that revise the same tariff sheets:

1Discuss in AL if more space is needed.

CPUC, Energy DivisionAttention: Tariff Unit505 Van Ness AvenueSan Francisco, CA 94102 Email:

Protests and all other correspondence regarding this AL are due no later than 20 days after the date of this submittal, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission, and shall be sent to:

Name:Title:Utility Name:Address:City:State:Telephone (xxx) xxx-xxxx:Facsimile (xxx) xxx-xxxx:Email:

Name:Title:Utility Name:Address:City:State:Telephone (xxx) xxx-xxxx: Facsimile (xxx) xxx-xxxx:Email:



ENERGY Advice Letter Keywords

Affiliate Direct Access Preliminary StatementAgreements Disconnect Service ProcurementAgriculture ECAC / Energy Cost Adjustment Qualifying FacilityAvoided Cost EOR / Enhanced Oil Recovery RebatesBalancing Account Energy Charge RefundsBaseline Energy Efficiency ReliabilityBilingual Establish Service Re-MAT/Bio-MATBillings Expand Service Area Revenue AllocationBioenergy Forms Rule 21Brokerage Fees Franchise Fee / User Tax RulesCARE G.O. 131-D Section 851CPUC Reimbursement Fee GRC / General Rate Case Self GenerationCapacity Hazardous Waste Service Area MapCogeneration Increase Rates Service OutageCompliance Interruptible Service SolarConditions of Service Interutility Transportation Standby ServiceConnection LIEE / Low-Income Energy Efficiency StorageConservation LIRA / Low-Income Ratepayer Assistance Street LightsConsolidate Tariffs Late Payment Charge SurchargesContracts Line Extensions TariffsCore Memorandum Account TaxesCredit Metered Energy Efficiency Text ChangesCurtailable Service Metering TransformerCustomer Charge Mobile Home Parks Transition CostCustomer Owned Generation Name Change Transmission LinesDecrease Rates Non-Core Transportation ElectrificationDemand Charge Non-firm Service Contracts Transportation RatesDemand Side Fund Nuclear UndergroundingDemand Side Management Oil Pipelines Voltage DiscountDemand Side Response PBR / Performance Based Ratemaking Wind PowerDeposits Portfolio Withdrawal of ServiceDepreciation Power Lines

Public Utilities Commission 4214-E Attachment A

Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Title of Sheet

Cancelling Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.


Original 69093-E Preliminary Statements O Revised 69094-E Preliminary Statements WW Revised 68893-E Revised 69095-E Schedules D Revised 68626-ERevised 69096-E Schedules D Revised 68627-E Revised 69097-E Schedules D-CARE Revised 68628-ERevised 69098-E Schedules D-CARE Revised 68629-E Revised 69099-E Schedules D-FERA Revised 68630-ERevised 69100-E Schedules D-FERA Revised 68631-E Revised 69101-E Schedules TOU-D Revised 68632-ERevised 69102-E Schedules TOU-D Revised 68633-ERevised 69103-E Schedules TOU-D Revised 68634-ERevised 69104-E Schedules TOU-D Revised 68635-ERevised 69105-E Schedules TOU-D Revised 68636-ERevised 69106-E Schedules TOU-D Revised 68637-ERevised 69107-E Schedules TOU-D Revised 68638-ERevised 69108-E Schedules TOU-D Revised 68639-ERevised 69109-E Schedules TOU-D Revised 68640-ERevised 69110-E Schedules TOU-D Revised 68641-ERevised 69111-E Schedules TOU-D Revised 68642-E Revised 69112-E Schedules TOU-D-T Revised 68643-ERevised 69113-E Schedules TOU-D-T Revised 68644-ERevised 69114-E Schedules TOU-D-T Revised 68645-E Revised 69115-E Schedules TOU-EV-1 Revised 68646-E Revised 69116-E Schedules GS-1 Revised 68647-ERevised 69117-E Schedules GS-1 Revised 68648-E Revised 69118-E Schedules TOU-GS-1 Revised 68649-ERevised 69119-E Schedules TOU-GS-1 Revised 68650-ERevised 69120-E Schedules TOU-GS-1 Revised 68651-ERevised 69121-E Schedules TOU-GS-1 Revised 68652-ERevised 69122-E Schedules TOU-GS-1 Revised 68653-ERevised 69123-E Schedules TOU-GS-1 Revised 68654-ERevised 69124-E Schedules TOU-GS-1 Revised 68655-ERevised 69125-E Schedules TOU-GS-1 Revised 68656-E Revised 69126-E Schedules TOU-GS-1-RTP Revised 68657-ERevised 69127-E Schedules TOU-GS-1-RTP Revised 68659-E Revised 69128-E Schedules GS-2 Revised 68660-ERevised 69129-E Schedules GS-2 Revised 68661-E Revised 69130-E Schedules TOU-GS-2 Revised 68662-ERevised 69131-E Schedules TOU-GS-2 Revised 68663-ERevised 69132-E Schedules TOU-GS-2 Revised 68664-ERevised 69133-E Schedules TOU-GS-2 Revised 68665-ERevised 69134-E Schedules TOU-GS-2 Revised 68666-E

Public Utilities Commission 4214-E Attachment A

Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Title of Sheet

Cancelling Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.


Revised 69135-E Schedules TOU-GS-2-RTP Revised 68667-ERevised 69136-E Schedules TOU-GS-2-RTP Revised 68669-E Revised 69137-E Schedules TOU-EV-7 Revised 68670-ERevised 69138-E Schedules TOU-EV-7 Revised 68671-E Revised 69139-E Schedules TOU-EV-8 Revised 68672-ERevised 69140-E Schedules TOU-EV-8 Revised 68673-E Revised 69141-E Schedules TOU-EV-9 Revised 68674-ERevised 69142-E Schedules TOU-EV-9 Revised 68675-ERevised 69143-E Schedules TOU-EV-9 Revised 68676-E Revised 69144-E Schedules TOU-GS-3 Revised 68677-ERevised 69145-E Schedules TOU-GS-3 Revised 68678-ERevised 69146-E Schedules TOU-GS-3 Revised 68679-ERevised 69147-E Schedules TOU-GS-3 Revised 68680-ERevised 69148-E Schedules TOU-GS-3 Revised 68681-E Revised 69149-E Schedules TOU-GS-3-RTP Revised 68682-ERevised 69150-E Schedules TOU-GS-3-RTP Revised 68684-E Revised 69151-E Schedules TOU-8 Revised 68685-ERevised 69152-E Schedules TOU-8 Revised 68686-ERevised 69153-E Schedules TOU-8 Revised 68687-ERevised 69154-E Schedules TOU-8 Revised 68688-ERevised 69155-E Schedules TOU-8 Revised 68689-ERevised 69156-E Schedules TOU-8 Revised 68690-ERevised 69157-E Schedules TOU-8 Revised 68691-ERevised 69158-E Schedules TOU-8 Revised 68692-ERevised 69159-E Schedules TOU-8 Revised 68693-ERevised 69160-E Schedules TOU-8 Revised 68694-ERevised 69161-E Schedules TOU-8 Revised 68695-ERevised 69162-E Schedules TOU-8 Revised 68696-E Revised 69163-E Schedules TOU-8-RBU Revised 68697-ERevised 69164-E Schedules TOU-8-RBU Revised 68698-ERevised 69165-E Schedules TOU-8-RBU Revised 68699-E Revised 69166-E Schedules TOU-8-RTP Revised 68700-ERevised 69167-E Schedules TOU-8-RTP Revised 68702-ERevised 69168-E Schedules TOU-8-RTP Revised 68704-E Revised 69169-E Schedules TOU-8-RTP-S Revised 68706-ERevised 69170-E Schedules TOU-8-RTP-S Revised 68708-ERevised 69171-E Schedules TOU-8-RTP-S Revised 68710-E Revised 69172-E Schedules TOU-8-S Revised 68712-ERevised 69173-E Schedules TOU-8-S Revised 68713-ERevised 69174-E Schedules TOU-8-S Revised 68714-ERevised 69175-E Schedules TOU-8-S Revised 68715-ERevised 69176-E Schedules TOU-8-S Revised 68716-ERevised 69177-E Schedules TOU-8-S Revised 68717-E

Public Utilities Commission 4214-E Attachment A

Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Title of Sheet

Cancelling Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.


Revised 69178-E Schedules TOU-8-S Revised 68718-ERevised 69179-E Schedules TOU-8-S Revised 68719-ERevised 69180-E Schedules TOU-8-S Revised 68720-ERevised 69181-E Schedules TOU-8-S Revised 68721-ERevised 69182-E Schedules TOU-8-S Revised 68722-ERevised 69183-E Schedules TOU-8-S Revised 68723-E Revised 69184-E Schedules PA-1 Revised 68724-E Revised 69185-E Schedules PA-2 Revised 68725-E Revised 69186-E Schedules TOU-PA-2 Revised 68726-ERevised 69187-E Schedules TOU-PA-2 Revised 68727-ERevised 69188-E Schedules TOU-PA-2 Revised 68728-ERevised 69189-E Schedules TOU-PA-2 Revised 68729-ERevised 69190-E Schedules TOU-PA-2 Revised 68730-ERevised 69191-E Schedules TOU-PA-2 Revised 68731-E Revised 69192-E Schedules TOU-PA-2-RTP Revised 68732-E Revised 69193-E Schedules TOU-PA-3 Revised 68734-ERevised 69194-E Schedules TOU-PA-3 Revised 68735-ERevised 69195-E Schedules TOU-PA-3 Revised 68736-ERevised 69196-E Schedules TOU-PA-3 Revised 68737-ERevised 69197-E Schedules TOU-PA-3 Revised 68738-ERevised 69198-E Schedules TOU-PA-3 Revised 68739-E Revised 69199-E Schedules TOU-PA-3-RTP Revised 68740-E Revised 69200-E Schedules AL-2 Revised 68742-ERevised 69201-E Schedules AL-2 Revised 68743-E Revised 69202-E Schedules DWL Revised 68744-ERevised 69203-E Schedules DWL Revised 68800-E Revised 69204-E Schedules LS-1 Revised 68745-ERevised 69205-E Schedules LS-1 Revised 68801-E Revised 69206-E Schedules LS-2 Revised 68746-E Revised 69207-E Schedules LS-3 Revised 68747-E Revised 69208-E Schedules OL-1 Revised 68748-ERevised 69209-E Schedules OL-1 Revised 68749-E Revised 69210-E Schedules TC-1 Revised 68750-E Revised 69211-E Schedules CCA-CRS Revised 68786-ERevised 69212-E Schedules CCA-CRS Revised 68787-ERevised 69213-E Schedules CCA-CRS Revised 68788-ERevised 69214-E Schedules CCA-CRS Revised 68789-E Revised 69215-E Schedules DA-CRS Revised 68754-ERevised 69216-E Schedules DA-CRS Revised 68755-E

Public Utilities Commission 4214-E Attachment A

Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Title of Sheet

Cancelling Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.


Revised 69217-E Schedules DA-CRS Revised 68756-ERevised 69218-E Schedules DA-CRS Revised 68757-E Revised 69219-E Schedules NMDL Revised 68758-E Revised 69220-E Schedules WI-FI-1 Revised 68765-E Revised 69221-E Schedules WTR Revised 68766-ERevised 69222-E Schedules WTR Revised 68767-E Revised 69223-E Table of Contents Revised 68768-ERevised 69224-E Table of Contents Revised 68486-ERevised 69225-E Table of Contents Revised 68769-ERevised 69226-E Table of Contents Revised 68770-ERevised 69227-E Table of Contents Revised 68771-ERevised 69228-E Table of Contents Revised 68772-ERevised 69229-E Table of Contents Revised 68773-ERevised 69230-E Table of Contents Revised 68774-E

Southern California Edison Original Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69093-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Cal. PUC Sheet No.



(To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 7D5 Resolution


4. Calculation of the CARE Surcharge (CARES). (Continued)

The CARES listed below have been, or are, in effect for the periods indicated: Effective CARES Date Per kWh 06/01/2020 $ .00569


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69094-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68893-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D7 Resolution

WW. Portfolio Allocation Balancing Account (PABA) (Continued)

2. Definitions: (Continued) d. PABA Billed Revenues: (Continued)

Where: An = System Average Rate for the PABA sub-account C = Sum of the (1) Energy Resource Recovery Account (ERRA) Balancing Account (BA) System Average Rate, (2) Base Revenue Requirement Balancing BRRBA generation sub-account System Average Rate, (3) total PABA System Average Rate (i.e., sum of the System Average Rates for all sub-accounts within PABA). This is also referred to as the total System Average Bundled Service Generation Rate. The currently-effective PCIA and Generation Billed Revenues Allocation Percentages Table can be found in Advice 4214-E. PABA Billed Revenues refer to the sum of PCIA/CTC billed revenues and generation billed revenues in each PABA sub-account.

e. PABA Unbilled Revenues: Unbilled Revenues are accrued (“earned” revenue for financial statement purposes) PABA revenues associated with electric customer kWh usage that has not yet been billed by SCE. PABA Unbilled Revenues will be allocated using the same percentages as used to determine the PABA Billed Revenues.

f. PABA Revenue: PABA Billed Revenue; Plus: the change (plus or minus) in the amount of PABA Unbilled Revenues (i.e., the reversal of prior month’s estimate, plus the current month’s estimate); Less: PABA-related FF&U.

(P) (P) (T)

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69095-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68626-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D7 Resolution


Delivery Service

Total1 UG*** DWREC3

Energy Charge- $/kWh/Meter/DayBaseline Service

Summer 0.11193 (I) 0.09616 (0.00007) Winter 0.11193 (I) 0.09616 (0.00007)

Nonbaseline Service*101% - 400% of Baseline - Summer 0.17122 (I) 0.09616 (0.00007)

Winter 0.17122 (I) 0.09616 (0.00007)High Usage Charge

(Over 400% of Baseline) - Summer 0.23805 (R) 0.09616 (0.00007) Winter 0.23805 (R) 0.09616 (0.00007)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/DaySingle-Family Accommodation 0.031

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.024 Minimum Charge** - $/Meter/Day

Single-Family Accommodation 0.346 Multi-Family Accommodation 0.346

Minimum Charge (Medical Baseline)** - $/Meter/Day Single-Family Accommodation 0.173

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.173

California Climate Credit4 (37.00)


* Nonbaseline Service includes all kWh in excess of applicable Baseline allocations as described in Preliminary Statement, Part H, Baseline Service.

** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, minus the DWRBC, plus the applicable Basic Charge is less than the Minimum Charge. The difference between these two amounts is the Balance of Minimum Charge and is included on a Customer’s bill.

*** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00089 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of thisSchedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

2 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 3 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit - For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

4 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69096-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68627-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 CIA6 DWRBC7 PUCRF8 Total9

Energy Charge- $/kWh/Meter/DayBaseline Service

Summer 0.01878 (I) 0.08847 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) (0.02698) (R) 0.00580 0.00058 0.11193 (I) Winter 0.01878 (I) 0.08847 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) (0.02698) (R) 0.00580 0.00058 0.11193 (I)

Nonbaseline Service*101% - 400% of Baseline - Summer 0.01878 (I) 0.08930 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.03148 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.17122 (I)

Winter 0.01878 (I) 0.08930 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.03148 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.17122 (I)High Usage Charge

(Over 400% of Baseline) - Summer 0.01878 (I) 0.08930 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.09831 (R) 0.00580 0.00058 0.23805 (R)- Winter 0.01878 (I) 0.08930 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.09831 (R) 0.00580 0.00058 0.23805 (R)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/DaySingle-Family Accommodation 0.031 0.031

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.024 0.024Minimum Charge** - $/Meter/Day

Single-Family Accommodation 0.346 0.346Multi-Family Accommodation 0.346 0.346

Minimum Charge (Medical Baseline)** - $/Meter/Day Single-Family Accommodation 0.173 0.173

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.173 0.173

California Climate Credit10 (37.00) (37.00)

Delivery Service

* Nonbaseline Service includes all kWh in excess of applicable Baseline allocations as described in Preliminary Statement, Part H,

Baseline Service.

** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, minus the DWRBC, plus the applicable BasicCharge is less than the Minimum Charge. The difference between these two amounts is the Balance of Minimum Charge and is included on a Customer’s bill.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment(TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution. Includes recovery for California Solar Initiative costs. 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 CIA = Conservation Incentive Adjustment 7 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

8 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 9 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

10 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69097-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68628-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D6 Resolution


Delivery ServiceTotal1 UG*** DWREC3

Energy Charge- $/kWh/Meter/DayBaseline Service

Summer 0.04446 (I) 0.09616 (0.00007) Winter 0.04446 (I) 0.09616 (0.00007)

Nonbaseline Service*101% - 400% of Baseline - Summer 0.08359 (I) 0.09616 (0.00007)

Winter 0.08359 (I) 0.09616 (0.00007)High Usage Charge

(Over 400% of Baseline) - Summer 0.12851 (R) 0.09616 (0.00007) Winter 0.12851 (R) 0.09616 (0.00007)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/DaySingle-Family Accommodation 0.024

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.018 Minimum Charge*** - $/Meter/Day

Single Family Accommodation 0.173 Multi-Family Accommodation 0.173

California Climate Credit4 (37.00)


* Nonbaseline Service includes all kWh in excess of applicable Baseline allocations as described in Preliminary Statement, Part H, Baseline Service.

** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00089 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. *** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, minus the DWRBC, plus the applicable Basic

Charge is less than the Minimum Charge. The difference between these two amounts is the Balance of Minimum Charge and is included on a Customer’s bill.

1 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

2 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 3 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

4 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69098-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68629-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 CIA6 DWRBC7 PUCRF8 Total9

Energy Charge- $/kWh/Meter/DayBaseline Service

Summer 0.01878 (I) 0.03426** (R) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.00575 (0.02698) (R) 0.00000 0.00058 0.04446 (I) Winter 0.01878 (I) 0.03426** (R) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.00575 (0.02698) (R) 0.00000 0.00058 0.04446 (I)

Nonbaseline Service*101% - 400% of Baseline - Summer 0.01878 (I) 0.01493** (R) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.00575 0.03148 (I) 0.00000 0.00058 0.08359 (I)

Winter 0.01878 (I) 0.01493** (R) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.00575 0.03148 (I) 0.00000 0.00058 0.08359 (I)High Usage Charge

(Over 400% of Baseline) - Summer 0.01878 (I) (0.05101)** (R) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.00575 0.14234 (R) 0.00000 0.00058 0.12851 (R)- Winter 0.01878 (I) (0.05101)** (R) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.00575 0.14234 (R) 0.00000 0.00058 0.12851 (R)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/DaySingle-Family Accommodation 0.024 0.024

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.018 0.018Minimum Charge*** - $/Meter/Day

Single Family Accommodation 0.173 0.173Multi-Family Accommodation 0.173 0.173

California Climate Credit10 (37.00) (37.00)

Delivery Service

* Non-baseline Service includes all kWh in excess of applicable Baseline allocations as described in Preliminary Statement, Part H,

Baseline Service.

** The California Alternate Rates for Energy discount is ($0.05529) for Baseline, ($0.07445) for 101%-400% of Baseline, and ($0.14039) for over 400% of Baseline.

*** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, minus the DWRBC, plus the applicable Basic Charge is less than the Minimum Charge. The difference between these two amounts is the Balance of Minimum Charge and is included on a Customer’s bill.

(I) (I)

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable. 6 CIA = Conservation Incentive Adjustment 7 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to Bundled Service,

Community Choice Aggregation, and Direct Access Customers served under this Schedule.

8 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 9 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

10 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69099-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68630-E

Schedule D-FERA Sheet 2 Family Electric Rate Assistance


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D6 Resolution


Delivery Service

Total1 UG*** DWREC3

Energy Charge- $/kWh/Meter/DayBaseline Service

Summer 0.07434 (I) 0.09616 (0.00007) Winter 0.07434 (I) 0.09616 (0.00007)

Nonbaseline Service*101% - 400% of Baseline - Summer 0.12310 (I) 0.09616 (0.00007)

Winter 0.12310 (I) 0.09616 (0.00007)High Usage Charge

(Over 400% of Baseline) - Summer 0.17790 (R) 0.09616 (0.00007) Winter 0.17790 (R) 0.09616 (0.00007)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/DaySingle-Family Accommodation 0.025

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.020 Minimum Charge** - $/Meter/Day

Single Family Accommodation 0.173 Multi-Family Accommodation 0.173

California Climate Credit4 (37.00)


* Nonbaseline Service includes all kWh in excess of applicable Baseline allocations as described in Preliminary Statement, Part H, Baseline Service.

** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, minus the DWRBC, plus the applicable Basic Charge is less than the Minimum Charge. The difference between these two amounts is the Balance of Minimum Charge and is included on a Customer’s bill.

*** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00089 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component ofthis Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

2 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 3 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

4 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69100-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68631-E

Schedule D-FERA Sheet 3 Family Electric Rate Assistance


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 CIA6 DWRBC7 PUCRF8 Total9

Energy Charge- $/kWh/Meter/DayBaseline Service

Summer 0.01878 (I) 0.05088 (R) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) (0.02698) (R) 0.00580 0.00058 0.07434 (I) Winter 0.01878 (I) 0.05088 (R) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) (0.02698) (R) 0.00580 0.00058 0.07434 (I)

Nonbaseline Service*101% - 400% of Baseline - Summer 0.01878 (I) 0.04118 (R) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.03148 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.12310 (I)

Winter 0.01878 (I) 0.04118 (R) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.03148 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.12310 (I)High Usage Charge

(Over 400% of Baseline) - Summer 0.01878 (I) 0.00499 (R) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.12247 (R) 0.00580 0.00058 0.17790 (R)- Winter 0.01878 (I) 0.00499 (R) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.12247 (R) 0.00580 0.00058 0.17790 (R)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/DaySingle-Family Accommodation 0.025 0.025

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.020 0.020Minimum Charge** - $/Meter/Day

Single Family Accommodation 0.173 0.173Multi-Family Accommodation 0.173 0.173

California Climate Credit10 (37.00) (37.00)

Delivery Service

* Nonbaseline Service includes all kWh in excess of applicable Baseline allocations as described in Preliminary Statement, Part H, Baseline


** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, minus the DWRBC, plus the applicable Basic Charge is less than the Minimum Charge. The difference between these two amounts is the Balance of Minimum Charge and in is included on a Customer’s bill.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable) 6 CIA = Conservation Incentive Adjustment 7 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.8 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.9 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

10 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Basic Charge: For purposes of applying the Basic Charge, the following definitions shall be used:

Single-Family Accommodation: A building of single occupancy that does not share common walls, floors, or ceilings with other Single-Family Dwellings, except as specified in the Multi-family Accommodation definition below.

Multi-family Accommodation: Apartments, mobilehomes, mobilehomes in a mobilehome park, Qualifying Recreational Vehicle Units , condominiums, townhouses, Qualifying Recreational Vehicle Park, Owner Lot Recreational Vehicle Park, or a building of multiple occupancy which shares common walls and/or floors and ceilings with other Single-Family Dwellings and is individually metered or sub-metered.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69101-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68632-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D6 Resolution


Customers receiving service under this Schedule will be charged the applicable rates under Option 4-9 PM, Option 4-9 PM-CPP, Option 5-8 PM, Option 5-8 PM-CPP, Option PRIME, Option PRIME-CPP Option A, Option A-CPP, Option B, or Option B-CPP, as listed below. CPP Event Charges will apply to all energy usage during CPP Event Energy Charge periods and CPP Non-Event Energy Credits will apply as a reduction on CPP Non-Event Energy Credit Periods during Summer Season weekdays, 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., as described in Special Conditions 1 and 3, below:

Delivery ServiceOption 4-9 PM / Option 4-9 PM-CPP Total1 UG*** DWREC3

Energy Charge - $/kWhSummer Season - On-Peak 0.22024 (I) 0.18044 (I) (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.22024 (I) 0.10490 (I) (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.17549 (I) 0.07524 (R) (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.22024 (I) 0.12787 (I) (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.17549 (I) 0.08849 (R) (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.17017 (I) 0.06961 (R) (0.00007)

Baseline Credit**** - $/kWh (0.07576) (I) 0.00000Basic Charge - $/day

Single-Family Residence 0.031 Multi-Family Residence 0.024

Minimum Charge** - $/day Single Family Residence 0.346

Multi-Family Residence 0.346Minimum Charge (Medical Baseline)** - $/day

Single Family Residence 0.173Multi-Family Residence 0.173

California Climate Credit4 (37.00)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00*Family Electric Rate Assistance Discount - % 100.00Option 4-9 PM-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Energy Credit - $/kWh (0.15170)Maximum Available Credit - $/kWh*****

Summer Season (0.58504)


* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, plus the applicable Basic Charge is less than the Minimum Charge.*** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge CTC of $0.00089 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. **** The Baseline Credit applies up to 100% of the Baseline Allocation, regardless of Time of Use. The Baseline Allocation is set forth in Preliminary

Statement, Part H.

*****The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs.1 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service)

Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

2 Generation = The Gen rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 3 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special

Condition of this Schedule.

4 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69102-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68633-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option 4-9 PM / Option 4-9 PM-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 CIA6 DWRBC7 PUCRF8 Total9

Energy Charge - $/kWhSummer Season - On-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.16980 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.22024 (I)

Mid-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.16980 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.22024 (I)Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.12505 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.17549 (I)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.16980 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.22024 (I)Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.12505 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.17549 (I)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.11973 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.17017 (I)

Baseline Credit*** - $/kWh (0.07576) (I) (0.07576) (I)Basic Charge - $/day

Single-Family Residence 0.031 0.031Multi-Family Residence 0.024 0.024

Minimum Charge** - $/day Single Family Residence 0.346 0.346

Multi-Family Residence 0.346 0.346Minimum Charge (Medical Baseline)** - $/day

Single Family Residence 0.173 0.173Multi-Family Residence 0.173 0.173

California Climate Credit10 (37.00) (37.00)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*Family Electric Rate Assistance Discount - % 100.00 100.00

Delivery Service

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, plus the applicable Basic Charge is less than the

Minimum Charge. ***The Baseline Credit applies up to 100% of the Baseline Allocation, regardless of Time of Use. The Baseline Allocation is set forth

in Preliminary Statement, Part H.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution. Includes recovery for California Solar Initiative costs. 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 CIA = Conservation Incentive Adjustment 7 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

8 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 9 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

10 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69103-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68634-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 4D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Delivery ServiceOption 5-8 PM / Option 5-8 PM-CPP Total1 UG*** DWREC3

Energy Charge - $/kWhSummer Season - On-Peak 0.22765 (I) 0.27373 (I) (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.22765 (I) 0.14755 (I) (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.18164 (I) 0.06851 (R) (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.22765 (I) 0.18105 (I) (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.18164 (I) 0.08696 (R) (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.17049 (I) 0.06309 (R) (0.00007)

Baseline Credit**** - $/kWh (0.07576) (I) 0.00000Basic Charge - $/day

Single-Family Residence 0.031 Multi-Family Residence 0.024

Minimum Charge** - $/day Single Family Residence 0.346

Multi-Family Residence 0.346Minimum Charge (Medical Baseline)** - $/day

Single Family Residence 0.173Multi-Family Residence 0.173

California Climate Credit4 (37.00)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00*Family Electric Rate Assistance Discount - % 100.00Option 5-8 PM-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Energy Credit - $/kWh (0.15170)Maximum Available Credit - $/kWh*****

Summer Season (0.58504)


* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, plus the applicable Basic Charge is less than the

Minimum Charge.

*** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00089 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. **** The Baseline Credit applies up to 100% of the Baseline Allocation, regardless of Time of Use. The Baseline Allocation is set forth in

Preliminary Statement, Part H.

***** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs.

1 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

2 Generation = The Gen rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 3 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing

Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

4 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69104-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68635-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option 5-8 PM / Option 5-8 PM-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 CIA6 DWRBC7 PUCRF8 Total9

Energy Charge - $/kWhSummer Season - On-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.17721 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.22765 (I)

Mid-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.17721 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.22765 (I)Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.13120 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.18164 (I)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.17721 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.22765 (I)Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.13120 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.18164 (I)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.12005 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.17049 (I)

Baseline Credit*** - $/kWh (0.07576) (I) (0.07576) (I)Basic Charge - $/day

Single-Family Residence 0.031 0.031Multi-Family Residence 0.024 0.024

Minimum Charge** - $/day Single Family Residence 0.346 0.346

Multi-Family Residence 0.346 0.346Minimum Charge (Medical Baseline)** - $/day

Single Family Residence 0.173 0.173Multi-Family Residence 0.173 0.173

California Climate Credit10 (37.00) (37.00)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*Family Electric Rate Assistance Discount - % 100.00 100.00

Delivery Service

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, plus the applicable Basic Charge is less than the Minimum Charge. *** The Baseline Credit applies up to 100% of the Baseline Allocation, regardless of Time of Use. The Baseline Allocation is set forth in Preliminary

Statement, Part H.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution. Includes recovery for California Solar Initiative costs. 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 CIA = Conservation Incentive Adjustment 7 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

8 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 9 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

10 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69105-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68636-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Delivery ServiceOption PRIME / Option PRIME-CPP Total1 UG*** DWREC3

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/DaySummer Season

On-Peak 0.17529 (I) 0.23784 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.17529 (I) 0.12119 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.09619 (I) 0.05633 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.17871 (I) 0.20124 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.09377 (I) 0.05206 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.09377 (I) 0.05206 (0.00007)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.395

California Climate Credit4 (37.00)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00*Family Electric Rate Assistance Discount - % 100.00Option PRIME-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Energy Credit - $/kWh (0.15170)Maximum Available Credit - $/kWh****

Summer Season (0.58504)


* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule.

** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00089 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. **** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service)

Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

2 Generation = The Gen rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 3 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

4 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69106-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68637-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 7D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option PRIME / Option PRIME-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 CIA6 DWRBC7 PUCRF8 Total9

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/DaySummer Season

On-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.12485 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.17529 (I)Mid-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.12485 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.17529 (I)Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.04575 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.09619 (I)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.12827 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.17871 (I)Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.04333 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.09377 (I)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.04333 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.09377 (I)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.395 0.395

California Climate Credit10 (37.00) (37.00)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*Family Electric Rate Assistance Discount - % 100.00 100.00

Delivery Service

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where

applicable.) 6 CIA = Conservation Incentive Adjustment7 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to

exempt Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

8 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.9 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

10 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69107-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68638-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 8D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Delivery Service

Option A / Option A-CPP Total1 UG*** DWREC3

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/DaySummer Season

On-Peak 0.32574 (I) 0.23823 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.23731 (I) 0.08150 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.08257 (I) 0.06300 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonOn-Peak 0.23156 (I) 0.14078 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.20842 (I) 0.07091 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.08265 (I) 0.06403 (0.00007)

Baseline Credit**** - $/kWh/Meter/Day (0.07576) (R) 0.00000

Basic Charge - $/Meter/DaySingle-Family Accommodation 0.031

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.024Minimum Charge** - $/Meter/Day

Single-Family Accommodation 0.346Multi-Family Accommodation 0.346

Minimum Charge (Medical Baseline)** - $/Meter/Day Single-Family Accommodation 0.173

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.173

California Climate Credit4 (37.00)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00*Family Electric Rate Assistance Discount - % 100.00Option A-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Energy Credit - $/kWh (0.15170)Maximum Available Credit - $/kWh*****

Summer Season (0.58504)


* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, plus the applicable Basic Charge is less than the

Minimum Charge. *** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00089 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.**** The Baseline Credit applies up to 100% of the Baseline Allocation, regardless of Time of Use. The Baseline Allocation is set forth

in Preliminary Statement, Part H. ***** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response

programs. 1 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS

2 Generation = The Gen rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 3 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.4 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69108-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68639-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 9D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option A / Option A-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 CIA6 DWRBC7 PUCRF8 Total9

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/DaySummer Season

On-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.27530 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.32574 (I)Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.18687 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.23731 (I)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.03213 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.08257 (I)

Winter SeasonOn-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.18112 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.23156 (I)Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.15798 (I) 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.20842 (I)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.03221 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.08265 (I)

Baseline Credit**** - $/kWh/Meter/Day (0.07576) (R) (0.07576) (R)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/DaySingle-Family Accommodation 0.031 0.031

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.024 0.024Minimum Charge** - $/Meter/Day

Single-Family Accommodation 0.346 0.346Multi-Family Accommodation 0.346 0.346

Minimum Charge (Medical Baseline)** - $/Meter/Day Single-Family Accommodation 0.173 0.173

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.173 0.173

California Climate Credit10 (37.00) (37.00)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*Family Electric Rate Assistance Discount - % 100.00 100.00

Delivery Service

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, plus the applicable Basic Charge is less than the

Minimum Charge. **** The Baseline Credit applies up to 100% of the Baseline Allocation, regardless of Time of Use. The Baseline Allocation is set

forth in Preliminary Statement, Part H. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 CIA = Conservation Incentive Adjustment7 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 8 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.9 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

10 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69109-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68640-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 10D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Delivery ServiceOption B / Option B-CPP Total1 UG*** DWREC3

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/DaySummer Season

On-Peak 0.15443 (I) 0.34986 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.10059 (I) 0.08150 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.08262 (I) 0.03675 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonOn-Peak 0.15443 (I) 0.11569 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.10059 (I) 0.07091 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.08262 (I) 0.03735 (0.00007)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.595

California Climate Credit4 (37.00)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00*Family Electric Rate Assistance Discount - % 100.00Option B-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Energy Credit - $/kWh (0.15170)Maximum Available Credit - $/kWh****

Summer Season (0.58504)


* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00089 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. **** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response


1 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of thisSchedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS

2 Generation = The Gen rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 3 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

4 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69110-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68641-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 11D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option B / Option B-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 CIA6 DWRBC7 PUCRF8 Total9

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/DaySummer Season

On-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.10399 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.15443 (I)Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.05015 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.10059 (I)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.03218 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.08262 (I)

Winter SeasonOn-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.10399 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.15443 (I)Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.05015 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.10059 (I)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.03218 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00000 0.00580 0.00058 0.08262 (I)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.595 0.595

California Climate Credit10 (37.00) (37.00)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*Family Electric Rate Assistance Discount - % 100.00 100.00

Delivery Service

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA

represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 CIA = Conservation Incentive Adjustment 7 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

8 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 9 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

10 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69111-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68642-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 18D6 Resolution

SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 6. Change of Rate Schedule: At any time, a Customer on this Schedule may elect to leave

his/her Option (e.g., Option 4-9 PM, Option 5-8 PM, Option PRIME, Option A, Option B) and elect to either: (1) switch to another Option of this Schedule for which they are eligible, or (2) transfer from this Schedule to another applicable residential rate schedule. The elected rate change will become effective on the next regularly scheduled meter read date following the Customer's notice to SCE. Unless the Customer was placed on an Option by SCE (i.e., defaulted), the Customer shall not be allowed to make an additional change in rate until 12 months of service has been provided under the elected rate, unless otherwise specified in that rate schedule.

7. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Discount: Customers who meet the definition of a CARE Household, as defined in Schedule D-CARE, may qualify for a 28.9 percent discount off of their electric bill prior to the application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible CARE Customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. In addition, eligible CARE Customers are exempt from paying the CARE Surcharge of $0.00569 per kWh and the Department of Water Resources Bond Charge of $0.00580 per kWh. The 28.9 percent discount in addition to these exemptions result in an average effective CARE Discount of 32.5 percent. An application and eligibility declaration is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall have the CARE Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's application by SCE. Customers may be rebilled for periods in which they do not meet the eligibility requirements for the CARE Discount. Customers receiving service under the Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) Discount Special Condition of this Schedule are not eligible to take service under this Special Condition.

8. Family Electric Rate Assistance Discount: Customers who meet the definition of a FERA

household, as defined in Schedule D-FERA, may qualify for an 18 percent discount off of their bill prior to the application of any applicable taxes and late payment charges. An application and eligibility declaration is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall be billed on this Special Condition commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's application by SCE. Customers may be rebilled for periods in which they do not meet the eligibility requirements for the CARE Discount. Customers receiving service under the CARE Discount Special Condition of this Schedule are not eligible to take service under this Special Condition.



Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69112-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68643-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D7 Resolution


Delivery ServiceOption DT / Option DT-CPP Total1 UG*** DWREC3

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/DaySummer Season - On-Peak

Level I (up to 130% of Baseline) 0.22172 (I) 0.12928 (0.00007)Level II (More than 130% of Baseline) 0.28425 (I) 0.12928 (0.00007)

Summer Season - Off-PeakLevel I (up to 130% of Baseline) 0.12006 (I) 0.11753 (0.00007)

Level II (More than 130% of Baseline) 0.16366 (I) 0.11753 (0.00007)

Winter Season - On-PeakLevel I (up to 130% of Baseline) 0.12238 (I) 0.08773 (0.00007)

Level II (More than 130% of Baseline) 0.18491 (I) 0.08773 (0.00007)Winter Season - Off-Peak

Level I (up to 130% of Baseline) 0.10349 (I) 0.07976 (0.00007)Level II (More than 130% of Baseline) 0.14709 (I) 0.07976 (0.00007)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/DaySingle-Family Accommodation 0.031

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.024Minimum Charge* - $/Meter/Day

Single-Family Accommodation 0.346Multi-Family Accommodation 0.346

Minimum Charge (Medical Baseline)* - $/Meter/Day Single-Family Accommodation 0.173

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.173

California Climate Credit4 (37.00)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00*Option DT-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Energy Credit - $/kWh (0.15170)Maximum Available Credit - $/kWh****

Summer Season (0.58504)


* The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, minus the DWRBC, plus the applicable Basic Charge

is less than the Minimum Charge. The difference between these two amounts is the Balance of Minimum Charge and is included on a Customer’s bill.

** Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. *** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00089 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ****The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response


1 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS

2 Generation = The Gen rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 3 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing

Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

4 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69113-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68644-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D7 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option DT / Option DT-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 CIA6 DWRBC7 PUCRF8 Total9

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/DaySummer Season - On-Peak

Level I (up to 130% of Baseline) 0.01878 (I) 0.19588 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) (0.02460) (R) 0.00580 0.00058 0.22172 (I)Level II (More than 130% of Baseline) 0.01878 (I) 0.19588 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.03793 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.28425 (I)

Summer Season - Off-PeakLevel I (up to 130% of Baseline) 0.01878 (I) 0.08576 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) (0.01614) (R) 0.00580 0.00058 0.12006 (I)

Level II (More than 130% of Baseline) 0.01878 (I) 0.08576 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.02746 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.16366 (I)

Winter Season - On-PeakLevel I (up to 130% of Baseline) 0.01878 (I) 0.09654 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) (0.02460) (R) 0.00580 0.00058 0.12238 (I)

Level II (More than 130% of Baseline) 0.01878 (I) 0.09654 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.03793 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.18491 (I)Winter Season - Off-Peak

Level I (up to 130% of Baseline) 0.01878 (I) 0.06919 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) (0.01614) (R) 0.00580 0.00058 0.10349 (I)Level II (More than 130% of Baseline) 0.01878 (I) 0.06919 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.02746 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.14709 (I)

Basic Charge - $/Meter/DaySingle-Family Accommodation 0.031 0.031

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.024 0.024Minimum Charge** - $/Meter/Day

Single-Family Accommodation 0.346 0.346Multi-Family Accommodation 0.346 0.346

Minimum Charge (Medical Baseline)** - $/Meter/Day Single-Family Accommodation 0.173 0.173

Multi-Family Accommodation 0.173 0.173

California Climate Credit10 (37.00) (37.00)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

Delivery Service

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, minus the DWRBC, plus the applicable Basic

Charge is less than the Minimum Charge. The difference between these two amounts is the Balance of Minimum Charge and is included on a Customer’s bill.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh. (I)

2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 CIA = Conservation Incentive Adjustment7 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt

Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

8 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.9 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

10 Applied on an equal basis, per household, semi-annually. See the Special Conditions of this Schedule for more information.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69114-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68645-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 7D7 Resolution


4. Change of Rate Schedule: There is no minimum length of time that a Customer must take service under this Schedule. In the event a Customer desires to transfer to another applicable rate schedule, the change will become effective for service supplied after the next regular meter reading following the date of notice to SCE. The Customer shall not be allowed to make an additional change in rate schedule until 12 months of service has been provided under the rate schedule then in effect.

Customers eligible for TOU Period Grandfathering as detailed in Special Condition 9 who elect a change of rate schedule will no longer be eligible for this Schedule.

5. California Alternate Rates for Energy CARE Discount: Customers who meet the definition of a

CARE Household, as defined in Schedule D-CARE, may qualify for a 28.9 percent discount off of their electric bill prior to the application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes and late payment charges in full. Eligible CARE Customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. In addition, eligible CARE Customers are exempt from paying the CARE Surcharge of $0.00569 per kWh and the Department of Water Resources Bond Charge of $0.00580 per kWh. The 28.9 percent discount in addition to these exemptions result in an average effective CARE Discount of 32.5 percent. An application and eligibility declaration is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall have the CARE Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's application by SCE. Customers may be rebilled for periods in which they do not meet the eligibility requirements for the CARE Discount.


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69115-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68646-E


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 1D6 Resolution

APPLICABILITY Applicable exclusively to the charging of electric vehicles, as defined in Rule 1, on a separate meter provided by SCE in Single Family Dwellings concurrently served under a Domestic schedule. The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the equipment required under Special Condition 3. This Schedule is not applicable to Customers receiving service under Schedule DM, DMS-1, DMS-2 or DMS-3. (Service under this Schedule is subject to meter availability.) As of March 1, 2019, this Schedule is closed to new Customers. Customers who requested service on this Schedule prior to March 1, 2019 are eligible to continue receiving service on this Schedule. Pursuant to California Public Utilities Commission Decisions (D.)17-01-006 and D.17-10-018, solar Customers meeting the eligibility criteria outlined in Special Condition 7 below are eligible to continue receiving service on this rate schedule for the duration of their TOU Period Grandfathering. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served. RATES

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/DaySummer Season - On-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.18238 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.23282 (I) 0.23481 (0.00007)

Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.03777 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.08821 (I) 0.03496 (0.00007)

Winter Season - On-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.11076 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.16120 (I) 0.09856 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01878 (I) 0.03399 0.01257 (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.08443 (I) 0.04218 (0.00007)

Meter Charge - $/month 2.49 2.49

Delivery Service Generation9

** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00089 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt

Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Gen rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69116-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68647-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/DaySummer 0.01577 (I) 0.05035 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.09148 (I) 0.12575 (0.00007)

Winter 0.01577 (I) 0.04836 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.08949 (I) 0.07994 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.365 0.365

Three Phase Service - $/Day 0.031 0.031

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00065) (0.00065) (0.00135)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.02204) (0.02204) (0.00298)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.04783) (0.04783) (0.00301)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00200) (0.00200)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00069 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69117-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68648-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 4D6 Resolution

SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 6. Customer-Owned Electrical Generating Facilities: (Continued)

c. (Continued)

(1) Net Energy: Net Energy is ES minus EF, where ES is energy supplied by SCE, and EF is energy generated by the customer and fed back into SCE's system at such times as customer generation exceeds customer requirements. Only if Net Energy is positive shall Net Energy charges be applied at the rates specified above except that the Customer Charge will be applied in any case. If the calculation of Net Energy yields a negative result, all such negative Net Energy shall be considered Net Energy transmitted and shall be treated as stated in Section (2), below. The components of Net Energy, ES and EF, shall be separately recorded unless SCE and customer agree that energy fed back, EF, is negligible or zero, and so specify by waiver in the generation interconnection agreement.

(2) Net Energy Transmitted: Net Energy transmitted occurs when the cumulative

value of EF exceeds the cumulative value of ES during an entire billing period and is the amount by which the energy generated by the customer and fed back into SCE’s system exceeds the energy supplied by SCE over an entire billing period. Such Net Energy transmitted will be purchased by SCE at a rate for payment equal to SCE’s applicable standard offer energy payment rate filed with the Commission. A new rate for payment shall be effective for Net Energy transmitted on and after the effective date of each such filing.

(3) Billing: Payment by SCE to the customer for Net Energy transmitted shall be

included as a component of the customer’s bill for service rendered under this tariff.

(4) Standby: Exempt from the charges of Schedule S.

7. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Discount: Customers who meet the definition of

a Group Living Facility, Agricultural Employee Housing, or Migrant Farm Worker Housing Center as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, qualify for a 28.9 percent discount off of their electric bill prior to application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible CARE customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. In addition, eligible CARE customers are exempt from paying the CARE Surcharge of $0.00569 per kWh and the Department of Water Resources Bond Charge of $0.00580 per kWh. The 28.9 percent discount in addition to these exemptions result in an average effective CARE discount of 32.5 percent. An application and eligibility declaration, as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible customers shall have the CARE Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the customer’s application by SCE. Customers may be rebilled on the applicable rate schedule for periods in which they do not meet the eligibility requirements for the CARE discount as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3.


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69118-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68649-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 4D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option E / Option E-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season On-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.07955 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.12068 (I) 0.32090 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.07955 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.12068 (I) 0.12812 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.04143 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.08256 (I) 0.08125 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.07955 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.12068 (I) 0.14823 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.04143 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.08256 (I) 0.07124 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.03572 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.07685 (I) 0.04568 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.365 0.365

Three-Phase Service - $/Day 0.031 0.031

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00065) (0.00065) (0.00135)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.02204) (0.02204) (0.00298)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.04783) (0.04783) (0.00301)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00200) (0.00200)Option E-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer On-Peak CPP Non-Event Credit - $/kWh (0.13643)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW***

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (0.43077)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00069 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. *** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response

programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $(0.00000) per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt

Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69119-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68650-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D8 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option D Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh

Summer Season On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02965 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05844 (I) 0.09657 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02965 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05844 (I) 0.08752 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00807 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03686 (I) 0.05692 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02965 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05844 (I) 0.09109 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00807 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03686 (I) 0.06513 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00494 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03373 (I) 0.04908 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/day 0.365 0.365

Facilities Related Demand Charge - $/kW 2.52 6.77 9.29

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWSummer Season

On-Peak 2.90 2.90 14.94Winter Season

Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 3.47

Three-Phase Service - $/day 0.031 0.031

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00017) (0.00017) (0.00087)

From 51 kV to 219 kV 0.00000 (0.00231) (0.00231) (0.00161)220 kV and above 0.00000 (0.01290) (0.01290) (0.00164)

Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kWFacilities Related

From 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.09) (0.09)Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (3.91) (3.91)

At 220 kV 0.00 (6.77) (6.77)Voltage Discount, Summer On Peak Demand (Distribution) - $/kW

From 2 kV to 50 kV (0.03) (0.03)Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (0.72) (0.72)

At 220 kV (1.74) (1.74)Voltage Disc, Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand (URG) - $/kW

From 2 kV to 50 kV (0.11)Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (0.33)

At 220 kV (0.33)California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00200) (0.00200)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00069 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA

represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh

(I) 2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service

and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service

(CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing

Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69120-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68651-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option ES / Option ES-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season On-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.14177 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.18290 (I) 0.44257 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.07157 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.11270 (I) 0.14367 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.03586 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.07699 (I) 0.06139 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.03724 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.07837 (I) 0.14025 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.01713 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05826 (I) 0.06740 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.02118 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06231 (I) 0.04322 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.795 0.795

Three-Phase Service - $/Day 0.031 0.031

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00065) (0.00065) (0.00135)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.02204) (0.02204) (0.00298)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.04783) (0.04783) (0.00301)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00200) (0.00200) 0.00000Option ES-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer On-Peak CPP Non-Event Credit - $/kWh (0.13643)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW***

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (0.43077)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00069 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. *** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response


1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69121-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68652-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 7D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option LG / Option LG-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh

Summer Season On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.07654 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.10533 (I) 0.32097 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.07654 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.10533 (I) 0.12819 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01934 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04813 (I) 0.08132 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.07654 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.10533 (I) 0.14830 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01934 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04813 (I) 0.07131 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01105 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03984 (I) 0.04575 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/day 0.365 0.365

Facilities Related Demand Charge - $/kW 2.52 3.81 6.33

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWSummer Season

On-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Three-Phase Service - $/day 0.031 0.031

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.00040) (0.00040) (0.00135)

From 51 kV to 219 kV (0.01155) (0.01155) (0.00298)220 kV and above (0.02964) (0.02964) (0.00301)

Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kWFacilities Related

From 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.05) (0.05)Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (2.20) (2.20)

At 220 kV 0.00 (3.81) (3.81)Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kW

Time RelatedFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00200) (0.00200)Option LG-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer On-Peak CPP Non-Event Credit - $/kWh (0.13643)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW***

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (0.43077)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00069 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. *** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission

Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct Access

Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers,

except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special Condition

of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69122-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68653-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 8D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option A / Option A-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season On-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.15258 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.19371 (I) 0.13506 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.07432 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.11545 (I) 0.12661 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.03499 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.07612 (I) 0.12156 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.04089 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.08202 (I) 0.08429 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.02499 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06612 (I) 0.07587 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.365 0.365

Three-Phase Service - $/Day 0.031 0.031

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00065) (0.00065) (0.00135)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.02204) (0.02204) (0.00298)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.04783) (0.04783) (0.00301)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00200) (0.00200)

Option A-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer On-Peak CPP Non-Event Credit - $/kWh (0.13643)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW***

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (0.43077)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00069 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. *** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay theDWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69123-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68654-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 9D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option B Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00123 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03002 (I) 0.07011 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00123 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03002 (I) 0.06573 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00123 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03002 (I) 0.06311 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00123 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03002 (I) 0.08429 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00123 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03002 (I) 0.07587 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.365 0.365

Facilities Related Demand Charge - $/kW 2.52 10.02 12.54Time Related Demand Charge - $/kW

Summer SeasonOn-Peak 0.00 0.00 11.11Mid-peak 0.00 0.00 3.53

Three-Phase Service - $/Day 0.031 0.031

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00087)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00161)At 220 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00164)

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.14) (0.14) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (4.62) (4.62) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (10.02) (10.02) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Summer On and Mid Peak Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.15)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.43)At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.43)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00200) (0.00200)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00069 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents

the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69124-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68655-E

Schedule TOU-GS-1 Sheet 10 GENERAL SERVICE


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 10D7 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option C Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.13439 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.16318 (I) 0.13506 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.05613 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.08492 (I) 0.12661 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01680 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04559 (I) 0.12156 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02270 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05149 (I) 0.08429 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00680 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03559 (I) 0.07587 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.365 0.365

Facilities Related Demand Charge - $/kW 2.52 3.81 6.33

Three-Phase Service - $/Day 0.031 0.031

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00039) (0.00039) (0.00135)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.01292) (0.01292) (0.00298)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.02964) (0.02964) (0.00301)

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.05) (0.05) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (1.91) (1.91) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (3.81) (3.81) 0.00

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00200) (0.00200)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule.

** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00069 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69125-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68656-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 16D6 Resolution

SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 9. Customer-Owned Electrical Generating Facilities: (Continued)

c. (Continued)

(3) Billing: Payment by SCE to the Customer for Net Energy transmitted shall be included as a component of the Customer’s bill for service rendered under this tariff.

(4) Standby: Exempt from the charges of Schedule S.

10. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Discount: Customers who meet the definition of

a Group Living Facility, Agricultural Employee Housing, or Migrant Farm Worker Housing Center as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, qualify for a 28.9 percent discount off of their electric bill prior to application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible CARE Customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. In addition, eligible CARE Customers are exempt from paying the CARE Surcharge of $0.00569 per kWh and the Department of Water Resource Board Charge of $0.00580 per kWh. The 28.9 percent discount in addition to these exemptions results in an average effective CARE discount of 32.5 percent. An application and eligibility declaration, as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall have the CARE Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's application by SCE. Customers may be rebilled on the applicable rate schedule for periods in which they do not meet the eligibility requirements for the CARE discount as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3.

11. Food Bank Discount: Customers who meet the definition of an Eligible Food Bank as defined

in Form 14-984, Declaration of Eligibility for Food Bank Discount, qualify for a 20 percent discount off their electric bill prior to application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible Food Bank Customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. An eligibility declaration, Form 14-984, Declaration of Eligibility for Food Bank Discount, is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall have the Food Bank Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's declaration of eligibility by SCE.


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69126-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68657-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG DWREC10

TOU-GS-1-D-RTPEnergy Charge - $/kWh

Summer Season On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02965 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05844 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02965 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05844 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00807 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03686 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Winter Season Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02965 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05844 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00807 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03686 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00494 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03373 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.365 0.365

Facilities Related Demand Charge - $/kW 2.52 6.77 9.29Time Related Demand Charge - $/kW

Summer SeasonOn-Peak 2.90 2.90 0.00

Three Phase Service - $/Day 0.031 0.031

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00017) (0.00017) (0.00135)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00231) (0.00231) (0.00298)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.01290) (0.01290) (0.00301)

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.09) (0.09)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (3.91) (3.91)At 220 kV 0.00 (6.77) (6.77)

Voltage Discount, Summer On Peak Demand (Distribution) - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.03) (0.03)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (0.72) (0.72)At 220 kV 0.00 (1.74) (1.74)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00** 100.00**

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00200) (0.00200)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Hourly rates are listed below and are applicable to service metered and delivered at below 2 kV, 2 kV to 50 kV, and above 50

kV. ** Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service Customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69127-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68659-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D6 Resolution

SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 7. Maximum Demand: Maximum demand shall be established for all applicable TOU Periods.

The Maximum Demand for each TOU Period shall be the measured maximum average kilowatt (kW) input indicated or recorded by instruments, such as SCE metering, during any 15-minute metered interval, but where applicable, not less than the diversified resistance welder load computed in accordance with the section designated Welder Service in Rule 2. Where the demand is intermittent or subject to violent fluctuations, a 5-minute interval may be used.

8. Billing Demand: The Billing Demand shall be the kW of Maximum Demand determined to the

nearest kW. When applicable, the Time-Related Demand (TRD) component shall be for the kW of Maximum Demand recorded (or established for) the TOU periods, as applicable, according to the Customers rate Option. The Facilities Related Demand (FRD) component shall be for the kW of Maximum Demand recorded during (or established for) the monthly billing period. However, when SCE determines the Customer's meter will record little or no energy use for extended periods of time or when the Customer's meter has not recorded a Maximum Demand in the preceding eleven months, the Facilities Related Component of the Demand Charge may be established at 50 percent of the Customer's connected load.

9. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Discount: Customers who meet the definition of

a Group Living Facility, Agricultural Employee Housing, or Migrant Farm Worker Housing Center as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, qualify for a 28.9 percent discount off of their electric bill prior to application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible CARE Customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. In addition, eligible CARE Customers are exempt from paying the CARE Surcharge of $0.00569 per kWh and the Department of Water Resource Board Charge of $0.00580 per kWh. The 28.9 percent discount in addition to these exemptions results in an average effective CARE discount of 32.5 percent. An application and eligibility declaration, as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall have the CARE Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's application by SCE. Customers may be rebilled on the applicable rate schedule for periods in which they do not meet the eligibility requirements for the CARE discount as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3.

10. Food Bank Discount: Customers who meet the definition of an Eligible Food Bank as defined

in Form 14-984, Declaration of Eligibility for Food Bank Discount, qualify for a 20 percent discount off their electric bill prior to application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible Food Bank Customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. An eligibility declaration, Form 14-984, Declaration of Eligibility for Food Bank Discount, is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall have the Food Bank Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's declaration of eligibility by SCE.


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69128-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68660-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D5 Resolution


Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Non TOUEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer 0.00343 (I) 0.03731 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06563 (I) 0.06436 (0.00007)Winter 0.00343 (I) 0.01807 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04639 (I) 0.06740 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 133.31 133.31

Facilities Related Demand Charge - $/kW 3.45 8.01 11.46

Summer Time Related Demand Charge - $/kW 0.00 0.00 16.23Single Phase Service - $/Month (7.38) (7.38)Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kW

Facilities RelatedFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.11) (0.11)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (4.62) (4.62)At 220 kV 0.00 (8.01) (8.01)

Voltage Discount, Summer Maximum Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 (0.25)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 (0.68)At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 (0.69)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00037) (0.00037) (0.00102)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00990) (0.00990) (0.00225)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.02396) (0.02396) (0.00228)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00187) (0.00187)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00070 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of


1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where


6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit,

see the Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69129-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68661-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D5 Resolution

SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 8. Customer-Owned Electrical Generating Facilities:

a. Where customer-owned electrical generating facilities are used to meet a part or all of the customer's electrical requirements, service shall be provided concurrently under the terms and conditions of Schedule S and this Schedule. Parallel operation of such generating facilities with SCE’s electrical system is permitted. A generation interconnection agreement is required for such operation.

b. Customer-owned electrical generating facilities used solely for auxiliary, emergency,

or standby purposes (auxiliary/emergency generating facilities) to serve the customer’s load during a period when SCE’s service is unavailable and when such load is isolated from the service of SCE are not subject to Schedule S. However, upon approval by SCE, momentary parallel operation may be permitted to allow the customer to test the auxiliary/emergency generating facilities. A Momentary Parallel Generation Contract is required for this type of service.

9. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Discount: Customers who meet the definition of

a Group Living Facility, Agricultural Employee Housing, or Migrant Farm Worker Housing Center as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, qualify for a 28.9 percent discount off of their electric bill prior to application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible CARE customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. In addition, eligible CARE customers are exempt from paying the CARE Surcharge of $0.00569 per kWh and the Department of Water Resource Board Charge of $0.00580 per kWh. The 28.9 percent discount in addition to these exemptions results in an average effective CARE discount of 32.5 percent. An application and eligibility declaration, as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible customers shall have the CARE Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the customer's application by SCE. Customers may be rebilled on the applicable rate schedule for periods in which they do not meet the eligibility requirements for the CARE discount as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3.


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69130-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68662-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 4D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option D / Option D-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

TOU Pricing Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00776 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03608 (I) 0.09504 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00776 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03608 (I) 0.08548 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00776 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03608 (I) 0.05560 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00776 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03608 (I) 0.07301 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00776 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03608 (I) 0.06130 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00776 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03608 (I) 0.03931 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 133.31 133.31

Facilities Related Demand Charge - $/kW 3.45 8.01 11.46

Time Related Demand Charge -Summer Season - $/kW

On-Peak 9.97 9.97 20.04Winter Season - $/kW

Weekdays (4-9 pm) 3.58 3.58 4.06

Single Phase Service - $/Month (7.38) (7.38)Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kW

Facilities RelatedFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.11) (0.11) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (4.62) (4.62) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (8.01) (8.01) 0.00

Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.09) (0.09) (0.15)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (2.48) (2.48) (0.43)At 220 kV 0.00 (5.98) (5.98) (0.43)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00009) (0.00009) (0.00089)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00270) (0.00270) (0.00199)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00651) (0.00651) (0.00201)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

20.89* 20.89* 79.11*TOU Option Meter Charge - $/Meter/Month

RTEM 18.59 18.59

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00187) (0.00187)Option D-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (6.85)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW***

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (20.04)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule.** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00070 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.*** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue

Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as

defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA

and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special Condition of this


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69131-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68663-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option E Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/DaySummer - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.14063 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.16895 (I) 0.35842 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.07275 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.10107 (I) 0.08555 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.04658 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.07490 (I) 0.05567 (0.00007)

Winter - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03124 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05956 (I) 0.11536 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01187 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04019 (I) 0.06137 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02188 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05020 (I) 0.03938 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 133.31 133.31

Facilities Related Demand Charge - $/kW 3.45 4.51 7.96

Time Related Demand Charge -Summer Season - $/kW

On-Peak 0.00 0.00 4.40Winter Season - $/kW

Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 0.85

Single Phase Service - $/Month (7.38) (7.38)

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.06) (0.06) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (2.60) (2.60) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (4.51) (4.51) 0.00

Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.03)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.09)At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.09)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00052) (0.00052) (0.00124)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.01694) (0.01694) (0.00300)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.03615) (0.03615) (0.00302)

CARE Energy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

TOU Option Meter Charge - $/monthRTEM 18.59 18.59

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00187) (0.00187)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00070 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA

represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service

(CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing

Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69132-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68664-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Option B / Option B-CPPEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00125 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02957 (I) 0.06867 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00125 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02957 (I) 0.06437 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00125 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02957 (I) 0.06181 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00125 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02957 (I) 0.08336 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00125 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02957 (I) 0.05216 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 133.31 133.31

Facilities Related Demand Charge - $/kW 3.45 15.02 18.47

Time Related Demand Charge -Summer Season - $/kW

On-Peak 0.00 0.00 14.07Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 4.67

Single Phase Service - $/Month (7.38) (7.38)Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kW

Facilities RelatedFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.21) (0.21)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (7.53) (7.53)At 220 kV 0.00 (15.02) (15.02)

Voltage Discount, Summer On and Mid Peak Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.19)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.53)At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.53)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00089)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00199)At 220 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00201)

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*TOU Option Meter Charge - $/Meter/Month

RTEM 18.59 18.59

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00187) (0.00187)Option B-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (6.85)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW***

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (20.04)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00070 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. *** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69133-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68665-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 7D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option R Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/DaySummer - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.11181 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.14013 (I) 0.24159 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.04389 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.07221 (I) 0.11278 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01416 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04248 (I) 0.06181 (0.00007)

Winter - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01830 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04662 (I) 0.08336 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00614 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03446 (I) 0.05216 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 133.31 133.31

Facilities Related Demand Charge - $/kW 3.45 7.88 11.33

Single Phase Service - $/Month (7.38) (7.38)

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.11) (0.11)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (3.95) (3.95)At 220 kV 0.00 (7.88) (7.88)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00035) (0.00035) (0.00134)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.01231) (0.01231) (0.00329)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.02456) (0.02456) (0.00331)

CARE Energy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*TOU Option Meter Charge - $/month

RTEM 18.59 18.59

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00187) (0.00187)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00070 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA

represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service

(CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing

Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69134-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68666-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 12D5 Resolution

SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 10. Customer-Owned Electrical Generating Facilities:

a. Where Customer-Owned Electrical Generating Facilities are used to meet a part or all of the Customer's electrical requirements, service shall be provided concurrently under the terms and conditions of Schedule S and this Schedule. Parallel operation of such generating facilities with SCE’s electrical system is permitted. A generation interconnection agreement is required for such operation.

b. Customer-Owned electrical Generating Facilities used solely for auxiliary, emergency,

or standby purposes (auxiliary/emergency generating facilities) to serve the Customer’s load during a period when SCE’s service is unavailable and when such load is isolated from the service of SCE are not subject to Schedule S. However, upon approval by SCE, momentary parallel operation may be permitted to allow the Customer to test the auxiliary/emergency generating facilities. A Momentary Parallel Generation Contract is required for this type of service.

11. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Discount: Customers who meet the definition of

a Group Living Facility, Agricultural Employee Housing, or Migrant Farm Worker Housing Center as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, qualify for a 28.9 percent discount off of their electric bill prior to application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible CARE Customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. In addition, eligible CARE Customers are exempt from paying the CARE Surcharge of $0.00569 per kWh and the Department of Water Resource Board Charge of $0.00580 per kWh. The 28.9 percent discount in addition to these exemptions results in an average effective CARE discount of 32.5 percent. An application and eligibility declaration, as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall have the CARE Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's application by SCE. Customers may be rebilled on the applicable rate schedule for periods in which they do not meet the eligibility requirements for the CARE discount as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3.

12. Billing Calculation: A Customer’s bill is calculated according to the rates and conditions

above. The charges listed in the Rates section are calculated by multiplying the Total Delivery

Service rates and the Generation rates, when applicable, by the billing determinants (e.g., per kilowatt [kW], kilowatthour [kWh], etc.),

As of January 1, 2012, all generation supplied to Bundled Service Customers is provided by

SCE. The DWR Energy Credit provided to Bundled Service Customers is determined by multiplying the DWR Energy Credit rate component by the Customer’s total kWhs.


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69135-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68667-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

TOU-GS-2-D-RTP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00776 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03608 (I) Variable** (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00776 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03608 (I) Variable** (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00776 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03608 (I) Variable** (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00776 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03608 (I) Variable** (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00776 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03608 (I) Variable** (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00776 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03608 (I) Variable** (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/month 133.31 133.31

Single Phase Service - $/month (7.38) (7.38)

Facilities Related Demand Charge - $/kW 3.45 8.01 11.46Time Related Demand Charge -Summer Season - $/kW

On-Peak 9.97 9.97 0.00Winter Season - $/kW

Weekdays (4-9 pm) 3.58 3.58 0.00

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.11) (0.11) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (4.62) (4.62) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (8.01) (8.01) 0.00

Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.09) (0.09) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (2.48) (2.48) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (5.98) (5.98) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00009) (0.00009) (0.00124)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00270) (0.00270) (0.00300)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00651) (0.00651) (0.00302)

TOU Option Meter Charge - $/monthTOU-RTEM 18.59 18.59

CARE Energy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00187) (0.00187)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** Hourly rates are listed below and are applicable to service metered and delivered at below 2 kV, 2 kV to 50 kV, and above 50 kV.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service

Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service Customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers.

10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69136-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68669-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D6 Resolution

SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 11. Customer-Owned Electrical Generating Facilities:

a. Where Customer-owned electrical Generating Facilities are used to meet a part or all of the Customer’s electrical requirements, service shall be provided concurrently under the terms and conditions of Schedule S and this Schedule. Parallel operation of such Generating Facilities with SCE’s electrical system is permitted. A generation interconnection agreement is required for such operation.

b. Customer-owned electrical Generating Facilities used solely for auxiliary, emergency, or

standby purposes (auxiliary/emergency Generating Facilities) to serve the Customer’s load during a period when SCE’s service is unavailable and when such load is isolated from the service of SCE are not subject to Schedule S. However, upon approval by SCE, momentary parallel operation may be permitted to allow the Customer to test the auxiliary/emergency Generating Facilities. A Momentary Parallel Generation Contract is required for this type of service.

12. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Discount: Customers who meet the definition of

a Group Living Facility, Agricultural Employee Housing, or Migrant Farm Worker Housing Center as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, qualify for a 28.9 percent discount off of their electric bill prior to application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible CARE Customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. In addition, eligible CARE Customers are exempt from paying the CARE Surcharge of $0.00569 per kWh and the Department of Water Resource Board Charge of $0.00580 per kWh. The 28.9 percent discount in addition to these exemptions results in an average effective CARE discount of 32.5 percent. An application and eligibility declaration, as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall have the CARE Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's application by SCE. Customers may be rebilled on the applicable rate schedule for periods in which they do not meet the eligibility requirements for the CARE discount as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3.

13. Food Bank Discount: Customers who meet the definition of an Eligible Food Bank as defined in Form 14-984, Declaration of Eligibility for Food Bank Discount, qualify for a 20 percent discount off their electric bill prior to application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible Food Bank Customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. An eligibility declaration, Form 14-984, Declaration of Eligibility for Food Bank Discount, is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall have the Food Bank Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's declaration of eligibility by SCE.


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69137-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68670-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D7 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option E Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season On-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.14342 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.18455 (I) 0.24075 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.14342 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.18455 (I) 0.12819 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.02593 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06706 (I) 0.09065 (0.00007)

Winter Season Mid-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.14342 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.18455 (I) 0.14830 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.02593 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06706 (I) 0.08257 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.00655 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04768 (I) 0.04575 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.365 0.365

Three-Phase Service - $/day 0.031 0.031

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.00065) (0.00065) (0.00135)Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (0.02204) (0.02204) (0.00298)At 220 kV (0.04783) (0.04783) (0.00301)

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00200) (0.00200)

Delivery Service Generation9

Option D Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season On-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.14342 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.18455 (I) 0.24075 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.14342 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.18455 (I) 0.12819 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.02593 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06706 (I) 0.09065 (0.00007)

Winter Season Mid-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.14342 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.18455 (I) 0.14830 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.02593 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06706 (I) 0.08257 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.00655 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04768 (I) 0.04575 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.365 0.365

Three-Phase Service - $/day 0.031 0.031

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/Month 0.00 0.00 0.00Facilities RelatedVoltage Discount, Demand - $/kW

Facilities RelatedFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.00065) (0.00065) (0.00135)Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (0.02204) (0.02204) (0.00298)At 220 kV (0.04783) (0.04783) (0.00301)

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00200) (0.00200) 0.00000

Delivery Service Generation9

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69138-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68671-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D7 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00069 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates For Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69139-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68672-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D7 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season On-Peak 0.01620 (I) 0.15559 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.19668 (I) 0.32433 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.01620 (I) 0.15559 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.19668 (I) 0.08555 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01620 (I) 0.02869 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06978 (I) 0.06815 (0.00007)

Winter Season Mid-Peak 0.01620 (I) 0.15559 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.19668 (I) 0.12662 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01620 (I) 0.02869 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06978 (I) 0.07798 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01620 (I) 0.00670 0.00999 (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04779 (I) 0.03938 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 133.31 133.31

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 0.00 0.00 0.00

Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kWFacilities Related

From 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00

At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.00073) (0.00073) (0.00134)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (0.02588) (0.02588) (0.00329)At 220 kV (0.05164) (0.05164) (0.00331)

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVARGreater than 50 kV 0.54 0.54

50 kV or less 0.60 0.60

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00187) (0.00187)

Delivery Service Generation9

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69140-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68673-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D7 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00070 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of ($0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

(I)2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge

4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge

5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable. Control tab) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation – The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers.

10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69141-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68674-E




(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D7 Resolution

RATES (Continued) The following rates are set forth for service metered and delivered at secondary, primary, and subtransmission voltages. SERVICE METERED AND DELIVERED AT VOLTAGES BELOW 2 KV

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.01463 (I) 0.12900 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.16835 (I) 0.29421 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.01463 (I) 0.12900 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.16835 (I) 0.07434 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01463 (I) 0.02111 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06046 (I) 0.05764 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.01463 (I) 0.12900 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.16835 (I) 0.10986 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01463 (I) 0.02111 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06046 (I) 0.06344 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01463 (I) 0.00575 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04510 (I) 0.03351 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 479.29 479.29

Demand Charge-$/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 0.00 0.00 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge

5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable. Control tab) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation – The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69142-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68675-E




(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D7 Resolution


Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.01345 (I) 0.11317 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.14992 (I) 0.27610 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.01345 (I) 0.11317 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.14992 (I) 0.07004 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01345 (I) 0.01776 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05451 (I) 0.05391 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.01345 (I) 0.11317 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.14992 (I) 0.10447 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01345 (I) 0.01776 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05451 (I) 0.05856 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01345 (I) 0.00540 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04215 (I) 0.03167 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 255.07 255.07

Demand Charge-$/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 0.00 0.00 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

(I) 2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable. Control tab) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation – The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69143-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68676-E




(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 4D7 Resolution


Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.01218 (I) 0.02890 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06130 (I) 0.25145 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.01218 (I) 0.02890 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06130 (I) 0.06570 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01218 (I) 0.00319 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03559 (I) 0.05098 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.01218 (I) 0.02890 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06130 (I) 0.10174 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.01218 (I) 0.00319 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03559 (I) 0.05477 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.01218 (I) 0.00110 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03350 (I) 0.03071 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 1,768.69 1,768.69

Demand Charge-$/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 0.00 0.00 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.54 0.54

Voltage Discount, Demand At 220 kV-$/kW Facilities Related 0.00 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy, 220 kV - $/kWh (0.00694) (0.00694) (0.00066)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00060 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge

5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable. Control tab) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation – The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers.

10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69144-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68677-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Option D / Option D-CPPEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00681 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03510 (I) 0.08803 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00681 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03510 (I) 0.07918 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00681 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03510 (I) 0.05207 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00681 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03510 (I) 0.06837 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00681 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03510 (I) 0.05740 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00681 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03510 (I) 0.03684 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 320.99 320.99Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.74 8.59 12.33

Time RelatedSummer Season - On-Peak 10.43 10.43 19.01

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 3.53 3.53 3.46

Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kWFacilities Related

From 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.13) (0.13)Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (5.25) (5.25)

At 220 kV 0.00 (8.59) (8.59)

Voltage Discount, Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.09) (0.09) (0.15)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (2.54) (2.54) (0.40)At 220 kV 0.00 (6.02) (6.02) (0.40)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00009) (0.00009) (0.00088)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00236) (0.00236) (0.00194)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00562) (0.00562) (0.00195)

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVARGreater than 50 kV 0.54 0.54

50 kV or less 0.60 0.60

California Alternate Rates for 100.00* 100.00*Energy Discount - %Option D-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (7.55)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW***

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (19.01)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00066 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. *** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents

the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (including California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing

Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69145-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68678-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 4D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option E Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.13318 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.16147 (I) 0.31429 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.07397 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.10226 (I) 0.07925 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.04168 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06997 (I) 0.05214 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02834 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05663 (I) 0.10085 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01022 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03851 (I) 0.05747 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01945 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04774 (I) 0.03691 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 320.99 320.99Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.74 4.70 8.44

Time RelatedSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 4.17

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 0.73

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.07) (0.07)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (2.87) (2.87)At 220 kV 0.00 (4.70) (4.70)

Voltage Discount, Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.03)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.09)At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.09)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00048) (0.00048) (0.00118)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.01550) (0.01550) (0.00275)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.03172) (0.03172) (0.00276)

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVARGreater than 50 kV 0.54 0.54

50 kV or less 0.60 0.60

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00066 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA

represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of$0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (including California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service

and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service

(CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing

Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69146-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68679-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Option B / Option B-CPPEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00119 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02948 (I) 0.06361 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00119 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02948 (I) 0.05955 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00119 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02948 (I) 0.05726 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00119 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02948 (I) 0.07238 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00119 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02948 (I) 0.04877 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 320.99 320.99Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.74 15.68 19.42

Time RelatedSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 12.69

Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 4.22

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 0.00Off-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kWFacilities Related

From 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.24) (0.24)Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (8.22) (8.22)

At 220 kV 0.00 (15.68) (15.68)

Voltage Discount, Summer On and Mid Peak Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.18)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.48)At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.48)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00088)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00194)At 220 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00195)

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVARGreater than 50 kV 0.54 0.54

50 kV or less 0.60 0.60

California Alternate Rates for 100.00* 100.00*Energy Discount - %Option B-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (7.55)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW***

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (19.01)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00066 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. *** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission

Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (including California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct Access

Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers,

except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special Condition

of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69147-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68680-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option R Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.10478 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.13307 (I) 0.21151 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03888 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06717 (I) 0.09877 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01227 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04056 (I) 0.05726 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01565 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04394 (I) 0.07238 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00523 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03352 (I) 0.04877 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 320.99 320.99Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.74 8.44 12.18

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.13) (0.13)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (4.43) (4.43)At 220 kV 0.00 (8.44) (8.44)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00032) (0.00032) (0.00127)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.01101) (0.01101) (0.00297)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.02099) (0.02099) (0.00298)

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVARGreater than 50 kV 0.54 0.54

50 kV or less 0.60 0.60

California Alternate Rates forEnergy Discount - % 100.00* 100.00*

Delivery Service Generation9

* Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00066 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA

represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (including California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service

(CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing

Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69148-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68681-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 12D5 Resolution

SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 8. Power Factor Adjustment: (Continued)

An Interconnection Customer shall mean the entity that interconnects its generating facility with SCE’s transmission system.

9. Temporary Discontinuance of Service: When the use of energy is seasonal or intermittent, no adjustments will be made for a temporary discontinuance of service. Any Customer prior to resuming service within twelve months after such service was discontinued will be required to pay all charges which would have been billed if service had not been discontinued.

10. Customer-Owned Electrical Generating Facilities:

a. Where Customer-owned electrical Generating Facilities are used to meet a part or all of the Customer's electrical requirements, service shall be provided concurrently under the terms and conditions of Schedule S and this Schedule. Parallel operation of such generating facilities with SCE’s electrical system is permitted. A generation interconnection agreement is required for such operation.

b. Customer-owned electrical Generating Facilities used solely for auxiliary, emergency,

or standby purposes (auxiliary/emergency generating facilities) to serve the Customer's load during a period when SCE’s service is unavailable and when such load is isolated from the service of SCE are not subject to Schedule S. However, upon approval by SCE, momentary parallel operation may be permitted to allow the Customer to test the auxiliary/emergency generating facilities. A Momentary Parallel Generation Contract is required for this type of service.

11. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Discount: Customers who meet the definition of

a Group Living Facility, Agricultural Employee Housing, or Migrant Farm Worker Housing Center as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, qualify for a 28.9 percent discount off of their electric bill prior to application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible CARE Customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. In addition, eligible CARE Customers are exempt from paying the CARE Surcharge of $0.00569 per kWh and the Department of Water Resources Board Charge of $0.00580 per kWh. The 28.9 percent discount in addition to these exemptions results in an average effective CARE Discount of 32.5 percent. An application and eligibility declaration, as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall have the CARE Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's application by SCE. Customers may be rebilled on the applicable rate schedule for periods in which they do not meet the eligibility requirements for the CARE discount as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3.

12. Removal From Schedule: Customers receiving service under this Schedule whose monthly

Maximum Demand has registered 200 kW or less for 12 consecutive months shall be changed to an applicable rate schedule effective with the date the Customer became ineligible for service under this Schedule.


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69149-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68682-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D5 Resolution


Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG DWREC10

TOU-GS-3-D-RTPEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00681 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03510 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00681 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03510 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00681 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03510 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00681 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03510 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00681 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03510 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00681 0.00920 (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03510 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/month 320.99 320.99Facilities Related

Demand Charge - $/kW 3.74 8.59 12.33Time Related

Summer Season - On-Peak 10.43 10.43 0.00Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 3.53 3.53 0.00

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.13) (0.13)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (5.25) (5.25)At 220 kV 0.00 (8.59) (8.59)

Voltage Discount, Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.09) (0.09) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (2.54) (2.54) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (6.02) (6.02) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00009) (0.00009) (0.00118)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00236) (0.00236) (0.00275)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00562) (0.00562) (0.00276)

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAGreater than 50 kV 0.54 0.54

50 kV or less 0.60 0.60

CARE Energy Discount - % 100.00** 100.00**

Delivery Service Generation9

* Hourly rates are listed below and are applicable to service metered and delivered at below 2 kV, 2 kV to 50 kV, and above 50 kV.** Represents 100% of the discount percentage as shown in the applicable Special Condition of this Schedule. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA

represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services BalancingAccount Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service

Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service Customers.9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers.10. Total = Total Delivery Service and Generation Rates.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69150-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68684-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D5 Resolution

SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 10. Customer-Owned Electrical Generating Facilities:

a. Where Customer-owned electrical Generating Facilities are used to meet a part or all of the Customer’s electrical requirements, service shall be provided concurrently under the terms and conditions of Schedule S and this Schedule. Parallel operation of such Generating Facilities with SCE’s electrical system is permitted. A generation interconnection agreement is required for such operation.

b. Customer-owned electrical Generating Facilities used solely for auxiliary, emergency, or

standby purposes (auxiliary/emergency Generating Facilities) to serve the Customer’s load during a period when SCE’s service is unavailable and when such load is isolated from the service of SCE are not subject to Schedule S. However, upon approval by SCE, momentary parallel operation may be permitted to allow the Customer to test the auxiliary/emergency generating facilities. A Momentary Parallel Generation Contract is required for this type of service.

11. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Discount: Customers who meet the definition of

a Group Living Facility, Agricultural Employee Housing, or Migrant Farm Worker Housing Center as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, qualify for a 28.9 percent discount off of their electric bill prior to application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible CARE Customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. In addition, eligible CARE Customers are exempt from paying the CARE Surcharge of $0.00569 per kWh and the Department of Water Resources Board Charge of $0.00580 per kWh. The 28.9 percent discount in addition to these exemptions results in an average effective CARE Discount of 32.5 percent. An application and eligibility declaration, as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3, is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall have the CARE Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's application by SCE. Customers may be rebilled on the applicable rate schedule for periods in which they do not meet the eligibility requirements for the CARE discount as defined in Preliminary Statement, Part O, Section 3.

12. Food Bank Discount: Customers who meet the definition of an Eligible Food Bank as defined

in Form 14-984, Declaration of Eligibility for Food Bank Discount, qualify for a 20 percent discount off their electric bill prior to application of the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee (PUCRF) and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges. Eligible Food Bank Customers are required to pay the PUCRF and any applicable user fees, taxes, and late payment charges in full. An eligibility declaration, Form 14-984, Declaration of Eligibility for Food Bank Discount, is required for service under this Special Condition. Eligible Customers shall have the Food Bank Discount applied to this Schedule commencing no later than one billing period after receipt and approval of the Customer's declaration of eligibility by SCE.


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69151-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68685-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)


Option D / Option D-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00608 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03423 (I) 0.08258 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00608 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03423 (I) 0.07427 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00608 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03423 (I) 0.04728 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00608 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03423 (I) 0.06209 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00608 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03423 (I) 0.05213 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00608 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03423 (I) 0.03344 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 479.29 479.29

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.96 8.65 12.61

Time Related

Summer Season - On-Peak 10.15 10.15 22.85Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 3.41 3.41 4.46

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60Option D-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (8.22)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (22.85)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP customers dual participating in other demand response programs.


1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service

Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69152-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68686-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)


Option D / Option D-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03214 (I) 0.07779 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03214 (I) 0.06997 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03214 (I) 0.04467 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03214 (I) 0.05868 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03214 (I) 0.04926 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03214 (I) 0.03160 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 255.07 255.07

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.89 8.47 12.36

Time RelatedSummer Season - On-Peak 9.60 9.60 22.49

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 3.14 3.14 4.75

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60Option D-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (8.52)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (22.48)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of$0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

(I) 2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service Customers, as

defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69153-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68687-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 7D5 Resolution


Option D / Option D-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.07285 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.06563 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.04320 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.05679 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.04787 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.03064 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 1,768.69 1,768.69

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.85 1.92 5.77

Time RelatedSummer Season - On-Peak 4.55 4.55 22.19

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.53 0.53 5.52

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.54 0.54

Voltage Discount, Demand, 220 kV - $/kWFacilities Related (1.92) (1.92)

Time-RelatedSummer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand - $/kW (1.89) (1.89) (0.11)

Voltage Discount, Energy, 220 kV - $/kWh 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00047)Option D-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (8.44)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (22.19)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00060 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled as defined in and

pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) a customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69154-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68688-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 8D5 Resolution


Option E Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.12074 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.14889 (I) 0.32434 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.07038 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.09853 (I) 0.07434 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03671 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06486 (I) 0.04735 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02494 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05309 (I) 0.09983 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00875 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03690 (I) 0.05220 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01781 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04596 (I) 0.03351 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 479.29 479.29

Demand Charge-$/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.96 4.73 8.69

Time RelatedSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 5.01

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 0.94

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates that are applicable to both Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service

(CCA Service) customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69155-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68689-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 9D5 Resolution


Option E Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.11078 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.13751 (I) 0.31429 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.05727 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.08400 (I) 0.07004 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03187 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05860 (I) 0.04474 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02176 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04849 (I) 0.09446 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00747 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03420 (I) 0.04933 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01625 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04298 (I) 0.03167 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 255.07 255.07

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.89 4.57 8.46

Time RelatedSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 4.17

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 1.04

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh. (I)

2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69156-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68690-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 10D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)


Option E Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.05361 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.07726 (I) 0.31680 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02138 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04503 (I) 0.06570 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00644 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03009 (I) 0.04327 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00544 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02909 (I) 0.09908 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00115 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02480 (I) 0.04794 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00178 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02543 (I) 0.03071 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 1,768.69 1,768.69

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.85 0.87 4.72

Time RelatedSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 1.56

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 0.33

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.54 0.54

Voltage Discount, Demand 220 kV and above-$/kW Facilities Related (0.87) (0.87) 0.00

Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand - $/kW 0.00 0.00 (0.01)

Voltage Discount, Energy, 220 kV - $/kWh (0.00532) (0.00532) (0.00065)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00060 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69157-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68691-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 11D5 Resolution


Option B / Option B-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02931 (I) 0.05847 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02931 (I) 0.05447 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02931 (I) 0.05263 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02931 (I) 0.07245 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02931 (I) 0.04501 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 479.29 479.29

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.96 15.77 19.73

Time Related

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 16.20Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 5.22

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 0.00Off-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60Option B-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (8.22)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (22.85)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates that are applicable to both Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service

(CCA Service) customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69158-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68692-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 12D5 Resolution


Option B / Option B-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02787 (I) 0.05533 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02787 (I) 0.05132 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02787 (I) 0.04981 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02787 (I) 0.07178 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02787 (I) 0.04323 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 255.07 255.07

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.89 15.24 19.13

Time RelatedSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 16.68

Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 5.21

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 0.00Off-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60Option B-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (8.52)

Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (22.48)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh. (I)

2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69159-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68693-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 13D5 Resolution


Option B / Option B-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.05296 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.04894 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.04767 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.07174 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.04228 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 1,768.69 1,768.69

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.85 3.71 7.56

Time RelatedSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 16.45

Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 5.30

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 0.00Off-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.54 0.54

Voltage Discount, Demand, 220 kV - $/kWFacilities Related (3.71000) (3.71000)

Time-RelatedSummer On and Mid Peak demand - $/kW 0.00 0.00 (0.16)

Voltage Discount, Energy, 220 kV - $/kWh 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00047)Option B-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (8.44)

Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (22.19)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00060 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP customers dual participating in other demand response programs.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge

5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69160-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68694-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 14D5 Resolution


Option R Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.10148 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.12963 (I) 0.23382 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03486 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06301 (I) 0.09642 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01038 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03853 (I) 0.05263 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01420 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04235 (I) 0.07245 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00449 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03264 (I) 0.04501 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 479.29 479.29

Demand Charge-$/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.96 8.55 12.51

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates that are applicable to both Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service

(CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69161-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68695-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 15D5 Resolution


Option R Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.09670 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.12343 (I) 0.23163 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03135 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05808 (I) 0.09074 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00848 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03521 (I) 0.04981 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01316 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03989 (I) 0.07178 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00377 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03050 (I) 0.04323 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 255.07 255.07

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.89 8.38 12.27

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

(I)2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates that are applicable to both Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69162-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68696-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 16D5 Resolution


Option R Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03828 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06193 (I) 0.21633 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01262 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03627 (I) 0.08452 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00360 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02725 (I) 0.04767 (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00550 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02915 (I) 0.07174 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00192 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02557 (I) 0.04228 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 1,768.69 1,768.69

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 3.85 0.87 4.72

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.54 0.54

Voltage Discount, Demand 220 kV and above-$/kW Facilities Related (0.87) (0.87) 0.00

Time-Related0.00 0.00 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy, 220 kV - $/kWh (0.00537) (0.00537) (0.00066)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00060 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

(I)2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt

Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates that are applicable to both Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see

the Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69163-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68697-E


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 1D5 Resolution

APPLICABILITY Applicable to the additional meter and service connection installed for reliability purposes (reliability back-up service) in accordance with the Added Facilities provisions of Rule 2 to serve load which is regularly served through a separate meter and service connection under Schedule TOU-8, TOU-8-S, or TOU-8-RTP-S including Schedule TOU-8, TOU-8-S, or TOU-8-RTP-S Customers concurrently served under an interruptible/curtailable rate option (main service). This Schedule is applicable when the maximum demand for the load to which reliability back-up service is provided is, in the opinion of SCE, expected to exceed 500kW. Under this Schedule, reliability back-up service shall be provided only when SCE’s service, including standby service, is not available at the main service. Service under this Schedule does not act as a guarantee of uninterrupted service. Furthermore, reliability back-up service shall not be used to serve the load that is curtailed/interrupted under a load curtailment program in which a participating Customer agrees to curtail/interrupt its load when called upon to do so under the terms of such program or the curtailed load of a circuit during a California Independent System Operator (CAISO) Stage III Emergency Rotating Outage. The Customer is ineligible for service under this Schedule when the main service is no longer eligible for Schedule TOU-8, TOU-8-S, or TOU-8-RTP-S. Effective with the date of such ineligibility, the reliability back-up service and service under this Schedule shall terminate (See Special Conditions). Service under this Schedule is subject to meter availability. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served. RATES The following rates are set forth for reliability back-up service metered and delivered at secondary, primary, and subtransmission voltages. SERVICE METERED AND DELIVERED AT VOLTAGES BELOW 2 KV

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG*** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02931 (I) 0.08258 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02931 (I) 0.07427 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02931 (I) 0.04728 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02931 (I) 0.06209 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02931 (I) 0.05213 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02931 (I) 0.03344 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 145.82 145.82

Demand Charge* - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthTime Related

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 22.85Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 4.46

Power Factor Adjustment** - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69164-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68698-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D5 Resolution


Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG*** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02787 (I) 0.07779 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02787 (I) 0.06997 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02787 (I) 0.04467 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02787 (I) 0.05868 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02787 (I) 0.04926 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02787 (I) 0.03160 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 255.07 255.07

Demand Charge* - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthTime Related

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 22.49Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 4.75

Power Factor Adjustment** - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* For each billing period the On-, Mid-, and Off-Peak demand charges of this Schedule shall be reduced by the corresponding On-, Mid-, and Off-Peak

demand charges of the main service rate schedule, but shall not be less than zero.** For each billing period the Power Factor Adjustment billing of this Schedule shall be reduced by the Power Factor Adjustment billing amount of the

main service rate schedule, but shall not be less than zero.

*** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.


* For each billing period the On-, Mid-, and Off-Peak demand charges of this Schedule shall be reduced by the corresponding On-, Mid-, and Off-Peak demand charges of the main service rate schedule, but shall not be less than zero.

** For each billing period the Power Factor Adjustment billing of this Schedule shall be reduced by the Power Factor Adjustment billing amount of the main service rate schedule, but shall not be less than zero.

*** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt

Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69165-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68699-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D6 Resolution


Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG*** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.07285 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.06563 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.04320 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.05679 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.04787 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) 0.03064 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 1,768.69 1,768.69

Demand Charge* - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthTime Related

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 22.19Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 5.52

Power Factor Adjustment** - $/kVAR 0.54 0.54

Voltage Discount, Demand 220kV - $/kWFacilities Related 0.00 0.00 0.00

Time RelatedSummer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand - $/kW 0.00 0.00 (0.11)

Voltage Discount , Energy 220 kV - $kWh 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00047)

Delivery Service Generation9

* For each billing period the On-, Mid-, and Off-Peak demand charges of this Schedule shall be reduced by the corresponding On-

, Mid-, and Off-Peak demand charges of the main service rate schedule, but shall not be less than zero.

** For each billing period the Power Factor Adjustment billing of this Schedule shall be reduced by the Power Factor Adjustment billing amount of the main service rate schedule, but shall not be less than zero.

*** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00060 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh. (I)

2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69166-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68700-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00608 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03423 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00608 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03423 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00608 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03423 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00608 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03423 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00608 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03423 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00608 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03423 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/month 479.29 479.29Facilities Related

Demand Charge - $/kW 3.96 8.65 12.61Time Related

Summer Season - On-Peak 10.15 10.15 0.00Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 3.41 3.41 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment** - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* Hourly rates are listed below and are applicable to service metered and delivered at below 2 kV, 2 kV to 50 kV, and above 50 kV. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh for voltages below 2 kV, $0.00000 for voltages from 2 kV to 50 kV, and $0.00000 for voltages above 50 kV, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service Customers,

as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service Customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69167-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68702-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 4D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03214 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03214 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03214 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03214 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03214 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03214 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/month 255.07 255.07Facilities Related

Demand Charge - $/kW 3.89 8.47 12.36Time Related

Summer Season - On-Peak 9.60 9.60 0.00Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 3.14 3.14 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment** - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* Hourly rates are listed below and are applicable to service metered and delivered at below 2 kV, 2 kV to 50 kV, and above 50 kV. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents

the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment(RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh for voltages below 2 kV, $0.00000 for voltages from 2 kV to 50 kV, and $0.00000 for voltages above 50 kV, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service

Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service Customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69168-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68704-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02472 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/month 1,768.69 1,768.69Facilities Related

Demand Charge - $/kW 3.85 1.92 5.77Time Related

Summer Season - On-Peak 4.55 4.55 0.00Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.53 0.53 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment** - $/kVAR 0.54 0.54

Voltage Discount, Demand, 220 kV - $/kWFacilities Related (1.92) (1.92)

Time-RelatedSummer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand - $/kW (1.89) (1.89) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy, 220 kV - $/kWh 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00065)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Hourly rates are listed below and are applicable to service metered and delivered at below 2 kV, 2 kV to 50 kV, and above 50 kV. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents

the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh for voltages below 2 kV, $0.00000 for voltages from 2 kV to 50 kV, and $0.00000 for voltages above 50 kV, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service

Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service Customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69169-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68706-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 4D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued) The following rates are set forth for service metered and delivered at secondary, primary, and subtransmission voltages:

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG DWREC10

TOU-8-D-Standby-RTP (Below 2kV)Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00606 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03471 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00606 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03471 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00606 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03471 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00606 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03471 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00606 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03471 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00606 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03471 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/month 479.29 479.29Facilities Related DemandDemand Charge (Excess FRD) - $/kW 3.96 8.65 12.61Standby (CRC) - $/kW 3.41 8.40 11.81Time Related Demand Charge - $/kW

Backup demandSummer Season - On-Peak 7.76 7.76 0.00

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 2.24 2.24 0.00Supplemental demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 10.15 10.15 0.00Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 3.41 3.41 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment** - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* Hourly rates are listed below and are applicable to service metered and delivered at below 2 kV, 2 kV to 50 kV, and above 50 kV. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh for voltages below 2 kV, $0.00000 for voltages from 2 kV to 50 kV, and $0.00000 for voltages above 50 kV, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh. (I) 2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service Customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69170-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68708-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG DWREC10

TOU-8-D-Standby-RTP (From 2 kV to 50 kV)Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03281 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03281 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03281 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03281 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03281 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03281 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/month 255.07 255.07Facilities Related DemandDemand Charge (Excess FRD) - $/kW 3.89 8.47 12.36Standby (CRC) - $/kW 1.44 6.21 7.65Time Related Demand Charge - $/kW

Backup demandSummer Season - On-Peak 5.90 5.90 0.00

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 1.76 1.76 0.00Supplemental demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 9.60 9.60 0.00Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 3.14 3.14 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment** - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* Hourly rates are listed below and are applicable to service metered and delivered at below 2 kV, 2 kV to 50 kV, and above 50 kV. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh for voltages below 2 kV, $0.00000 for voltages from 2 kV to 50 kV, and $0.00000 for voltages above 50 kV, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh. (I) 2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service Customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69171-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68710-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 8D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG DWREC10

TOU-8-D-Standby-RTP (Above 50 kV)Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) Variable* (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) Variable* (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/month 1,768.69 1,768.69Facilities Related DemandDemaDemand Charge - $/kW 3.85 1.92 5.77Standby (CRC) - $/kW 0.46 0.22 0.68Time Related

Summer Season - On-Peak 1.04 1.04 0.00Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.09 0.09 0.00

Summer Season - On-Peak 4.55 4.55 0.00Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.53 0.53 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment** - $/kVAR 0.54 0.54

Voltage Discount, Demand, 220 kV - $/kWFacilities Related Demand (Excess FRD) (1.92) (1.92)

Time-RelatedSummer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand, (Supplemental) - $/kW (1.90) (1.90) 0.00

Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand, (Backup) - $/kW (0.37) (0.37) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy, 220 kV - $/kWh 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00065)Standby (CRC) - $/kW (0.22) (0.22)

Delivery Service Generation9

* Hourly rates are listed below and are applicable to service metered and delivered at below 2 kV, 2 kV to 50 kV, and above 50 kV. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh for voltages below 2 kV, $0.00000 for voltages from 2 kV to 50 kV, and $0.00000 for voltages above 50 kV, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh. (i) 2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service Customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69172-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68712-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 4D5 Resolution

RATES The following rates are set forth for service metered and delivered at secondary, primary, and subtransmission voltages: SERVICE METERED AND DELIVERED AT VOLTAGES BELOW 2 KV

Option D Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00606 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03471 (I) 0.08258 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00606 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03471 (I) 0.07427 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00606 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03471 (I) 0.04728 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00606 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03471 (I) 0.06209 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00606 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03471 (I) 0.05213 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00606 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03471 (I) 0.03344 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 479.29 479.29

Facilities Related Demand Charge (Excess of CRC) - $/kW 3.96 8.65 12.61Standby (CRC) - $/kW 3.41 8.40 11.81

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWBackup demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 7.76 7.76 20.05Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 2.24 2.24 3.75

Supplemental demandSummer Season - On-Peak 10.15 10.15 22.85

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 3.41 3.41 4.46

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00064 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service.9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69173-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68713-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D5 Resolution


Option D Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03281 (I) 0.07779 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03281 (I) 0.06997 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03281 (I) 0.04467 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03281 (I) 0.05868 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03281 (I) 0.04926 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00541 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03281 (I) 0.03160 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 255.07 255.07

Facilities Related Demand Charge (Excess of CRC) - $/kW 3.89 8.47 12.36Standby (CRC) - $/kW 1.44 6.21 7.65

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWBackup demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 5.90 5.90 16.68Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 1.76 1.76 4.16

Supplemental demandSummer Season - On-Peak 9.60 9.60 22.49

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 3.14 3.14 4.75

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA

represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh. (I)

2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing

Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69174-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68714-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D5 Resolution


Option D Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) 0.07285 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) 0.06563 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) 0.04320 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) 0.05679 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) 0.04787 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) 0.03064 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 1,768.69 1,768.69

Facilities Related Demand Charge (Excess of CRC) - $/kW 3.85 1.92 5.77Standby (CRC) - $/kW 0.46 0.22 0.68

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWBackup demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 1.04 1.04 6.24Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.09 0.09 1.31

Supplemental demandSummer Season - On-Peak 4.55 4.55 22.19

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.53 0.53 5.52

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.54 0.54

Voltage Discount, Demand, 220 kV - $/kWFacilities Related Demand

(Excess FRD) (1.92) (1.92)Time-Related

Summer On Peak & Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand (Backup) - $/kW (0.37) (0.37) (0.02)Summer On Peak & Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand (Supplemental) - $/kW (1.90) (1.90) (0.11)

Voltage Discount, Energy, 220 kV - $/kWh 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00046)Standby (CRC) - $/kW 0.00 (0.22) (0.22)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00059 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA

represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability ServicesBalancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

(I)2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled as

defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) a customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69175-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68715-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 7D5 Resolution


Option LG / Option LG-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02897 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05762 (I) 0.39225 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02897 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05762 (I) 0.07434 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02897 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05762 (I) 0.04735 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02897 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05762 (I) 0.10986 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02897 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05762 (I) 0.05220 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02897 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05762 (I) 0.03351 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 479.29 479.29

Facilities Related Demand Charge (Excess of CRC) - $/kW 3.96 4.73 8.69Standby (CRC) - $/kW 3.41 8.40 11.81

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWBackup demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 7.76 7.76 20.05Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 3.75

Supplemental demandSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 0.00Power Factor Adjustment -

$/kVAR 0.60 0.60Option LG-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (8.22)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (22.85)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00064 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP customers dual participating in other demand response

programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

(I)2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service.9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69176-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68716-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 8D5 Resolution


Option LG / Option LG-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02515 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05255 (I) 0.36811 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02515 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05255 (I) 0.07004 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02515 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05255 (I) 0.04474 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02515 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05255 (I) 0.10447 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02515 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05255 (I) 0.04933 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02515 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05255 (I) 0.03167 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 255.07 255.07

Facilities Related Demand Charge (Excess of CRC) - $/kW 3.89 4.57 8.46Standby (CRC) - $/kW 1.44 6.21 7.65

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWBackup demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 5.90 5.90 16.68Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 4.16

Supplemental demandSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60Option LG-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (8.52)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (22.48)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP customers dual participating in other demand response


1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing

Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69177-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68717-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 9D5 Resolution


Option LG / Option LG-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01898 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04234 (I) 0.33524 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01898 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04234 (I) 0.06570 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00367 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02703 (I) 0.04327 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01898 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04234 (I) 0.10174 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00367 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02703 (I) 0.04794 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00178 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02514 (I) 0.03071 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 1,768.69 1,768.69

Facilities Related Demand Charge (Excess of CRC) - $/kW 3.85 0.87 4.72Standby (CRC) - $/kW 0.46 0.22 0.68

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWBackup demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 1.04 1.04 6.24Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.09 0.09 1.31

Supplemental demandSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.54 0.54

Voltage Discount, Demand, 220 kV - $/kWFacilities Related Demand (Excess FRD) (0.87) (0.87)

Time-RelatedSummer On Peak & Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand (Backup) - $/kW (1.04) (1.04) (0.02)

Summer On Peak & Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand (Supplemental) - $/kW 0.00 0.00 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy, 220 kV - $/kWh (0.00533) (0.00533) (0.00065)Standby (CRC) - $/kW (0.22) (0.22)Option LG-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (8.44)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (22.19)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00059 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.**The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP customers dual participating in other demand response

programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA

represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service.9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers.10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69178-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68718-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 10D5 Resolution


Option A / Option A-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.10146 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.13011 (I) 0.23382 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03484 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06349 (I) 0.09642 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01036 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03901 (I) 0.05263 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01418 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04283 (I) 0.07270 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00447 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03312 (I) 0.04501 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 479.29 479.29

Facilities Related Demand Charge (Excess of CRC) - $/kW 3.96 8.55 12.51Standby (CRC) - $/kW 3.41 11.48 14.89

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWBackup demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 20.11Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Supplemental demandSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00Power Factor Adjustment -

$/kVAR 0.60 0.60Option A-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (8.22)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (22.85)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00064 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP customers dual participating in other demand response

programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service.9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69179-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68719-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 11D5 Resolution


Option A / Option A-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.09670 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.12410 (I) 0.23163 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03135 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05875 (I) 0.09074 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00848 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03588 (I) 0.04981 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01316 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04056 (I) 0.07323 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00377 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03117 (I) 0.04323 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 255.07 255.07

Facilities Related Demand Charge (Excess of CRC) - $/kW 3.89 8.38 12.27Standby (CRC) - $/kW 1.44 7.98 9.42

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWBackup demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 15.87Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Supplemental demandSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60Option A-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (8.52)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (22.48)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP customers dual participating in other demand response


1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment(TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69180-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68720-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 12D5 Resolution


Option A / Option A-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03828 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06164 (I) 0.21633 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01262 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03598 (I) 0.08452 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00360 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02696 (I) 0.04767 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00550 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02886 (I) 0.07335 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00192 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02528 (I) 0.04228 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 1,768.69 1,768.69

Facilities Related Demand Charge (Excess of CRC) - $/kW 3.85 0.87 4.72Standby (CRC) - $/kW 0.46 0.35 0.81

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWBackup demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 7.15Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Supplemental demandSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.54 0.54

Voltage Discount, Demand, 220 kV - $/kWFacilities Related Demand (Excess FRD) (0.87) (0.87)

Time-RelatedSummer On and Mid Peak demand (Supplemental)- $/kW 0.00 0.00 0.00

Summer On and Mid Peak demand (Backup)- $/kW 0.00 0.00 (0.03)

Voltage Discount, Energy, 220 kV - $/kWh (0.00537) (0.00537) 0.00000Standby (CRC) - $/kW (0.35) (0.35)Option A-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (8.44)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (22.19)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00059 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP customers dual participating in other demand response

programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service.9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69181-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68721-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 13D5 Resolution


Option B Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02979 (I) 0.05847 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02979 (I) 0.05447 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02979 (I) 0.05263 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02979 (I) 0.07270 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00853 (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02979 (I) 0.04501 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 479.29 479.29

Facilities Related Demand Charge (Excess of CRC) - $/kW 3.96 15.77 19.73Standby (CRC) - $/kW 3.41 11.48 14.89

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWBackup demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 20.11Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Supplemental demandSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 16.20

Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 5.22

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00064 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service.9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69182-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68722-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 14D5 Resolution


Option B Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02854 (I) 0.05533 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02854 (I) 0.05132 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02854 (I) 0.04981 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02854 (I) 0.07323 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00114 0.00766 (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02854 (I) 0.04323 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 255.07 255.07

Facilities Related Demand Charge (Excess of CRC) - $/kW 3.89 15.24 19.13Standby (CRC) - $/kW 1.44 7.98 9.42

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWBackup demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 15.87Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Supplemental demandSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 16.68

Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 5.21

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service customers. 9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69183-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68723-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 15D5 Resolution


Option B Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) 0.05296 (0.00007)

Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) 0.04894 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) 0.04767 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) 0.07335 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00107 0.00665 (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02443 (I) 0.04228 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 1,768.69 1,768.69

Facilities Related Demand Charge (Excess of CRC) - $/kW 3.85 3.71 7.56Standby (CRC) - $/kW 0.46 0.35 0.81

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWBackup demand

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 7.15Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Supplemental demandSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 16.45

Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 5.30

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAR 0.54 0.54

Voltage Discount, Demand, 220 kV - $/kWFacilities Related Demand

(Excess FRD) (3.71) (3.71)Time-Related

Summer On and Mid Peak demand (Supplemental)- $/kW 0.00 0.00 (0.16)Summer On and Mid Peak demand (Backup)- $/kW 0.00 0.00 (0.03)

Voltage Discount, Energy, 220 kV - $/kWh 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00046)Standby (CRC) - $/kW 0.00 (0.35) (0.35)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00059 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082. 7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service.9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69184-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68724-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D6 Resolution


Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month 0.00343 (I) 0.02959 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05394 (I) 0.07924 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 47.07 47.07

Service Charge* - $/hp/Month 1.32 2.80 4.12 0.00

Wind Machine Credit- $/hp 0.00 0.00 (3.92)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.00059) (0.00059) (0.00131)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (0.02248) (0.02248) (0.00287)At 220 kV (0.02843) (0.02843) (0.00290)

Voltage Discount, Connected Load - $/hpFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.03) (0.03) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (1.19) (1.19) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (1.21) (1.21) 0.00

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00166) (0.00166)

Delivery Service Generation9

* In no case will charges be based on less than two horsepower (hp) for single-phase service or on less than three hp for three-phase service.

** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69185-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68725-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D6 Resolution


Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/MonthSummer 0.00343 (I) 0.01986 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04421 (I) 0.08838 (0.00007)

Winter 0.00343 (I) 0.01097 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03532 (I) 0.06179 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 47.07 47.07

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 1.77 7.00 8.77 0.00

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWSummer 0.00 0.00 3.54

Winter 0.00 0.00 0.00

TOU-RTEM Meter Charge - $/month 0.00 0.00

Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kWFacilities Related - From 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.09) (0.09) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (2.92) (2.92) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (7.00) (7.00) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Summer Maximum Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.05)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.16)At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.16)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00020) (0.00020) (0.00122)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00583) (0.00583) (0.00268)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.01386) (0.01386) (0.00272)

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00166) (0.00166)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69186-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68726-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D6 Resolution


Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Option D / Option D-CPPEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03122 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05557 (I) 0.08759 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03122 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05557 (I) 0.07877 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00639 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03074 (I) 0.05312 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01347 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03782 (I) 0.06711 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01097 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03532 (I) 0.05342 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00953 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03388 (I) 0.04562 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 47.07 47.07

Facilities RelatedDemand Charge - $/kW 1.77 7.00 8.77 0.00

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWSummer Season - On-Peak 2.63 2.63 12.42

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 2.19Wind Machine Credit- $/kW

Winter Only (6.33)Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kWFacilities Related

From 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.09) (0.09) 0.00Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (2.92) (2.92) 0.00

At 220 kV 0.00 (7.00) (7.00) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Summer On Peak Demand (Distribution) - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.05) (0.05)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (1.11) (1.11)At 220 kV 0.00 (2.63) (2.63)

Voltage Disc, Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand (URG) - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.11)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (0.29)At 220 kV (0.29)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00015) (0.00015) (0.00092)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00421) (0.00421) (0.00204)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00998) (0.00998) (0.00207)

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00166) (0.00166)Option D-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (5.68)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (12.34)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue

Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as

defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except

DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special Condition of this


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69187-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68727-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 4D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Option D-5TO8 / Option D-5TO8-CPPEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.04079 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06514 (I) 0.14041 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.04079 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06514 (I) 0.12532 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00812 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03247 (I) 0.05352 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01228 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03663 (I) 0.06754 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01001 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03436 (I) 0.05376 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00872 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03307 (I) 0.04592 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 47.07 47.07

Facilities RelatedDemand Charge - $/kW 1.77 7.38 9.15 0.00

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWSummer Season - On-Peak 1.79 1.79 12.44

Winter Season - Weekdays (5-8 pm) 0.00 0.00 2.25Wind Machine Credit- $/kW

Winter Only (6.33)Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kWFacilities Related

From 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.09) (0.09) 0.00Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (3.08) (3.08) 0.00

At 220 kV 0.00 (7.38) (7.38) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Summer On Peak Demand (Distribution) - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.03) (0.03) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (0.75) (0.75) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (1.79) (1.79) 0.00

Voltage Disc, Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (5-8pm) Demand (URG) - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.11)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.29)At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.29)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00015) (0.00015) (0.00092)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00401) (0.00401) (0.00203)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00948) (0.00948) (0.00206)

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00166) (0.00166)Option D-5TO8-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (5.68)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (12.34)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents

the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh. (I)

2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69188-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68728-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Option EEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.04983 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.07418 (I) 0.33968 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.04983 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.07418 (I) 0.07884 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01291 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03726 (I) 0.05319 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02522 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04957 (I) 0.07777 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02031 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04466 (I) 0.06190 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01751 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04186 (I) 0.05287 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 47.07 47.07 Facilities Related

Demand Charge - $/kW 1.77 5.65 7.42 0.00

Wind Machine Credit- $/kW (6.33)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00029) (0.00029) (0.00130)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00804) (0.00804) (0.00304)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.01912) (0.01912) (0.00307)

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.07) (0.07) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (2.36) (2.36) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (5.65) (5.65) 0.00

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00166) (0.00166)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

(I) 2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service)

Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special

Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69189-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68729-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Option E-5TO8Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.08043 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.10478 (I) 0.54709 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.08043 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.10478 (I) 0.12532 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01507 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03942 (I) 0.05352 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02340 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04775 (I) 0.07812 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01886 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04321 (I) 0.06218 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01627 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04062 (I) 0.05311 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 47.07 47.07 Facilities Related

Demand Charge - $/kW 1.77 5.65 7.42 0.00

Wind Machine Credit- $/kW (6.33)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00029) (0.00029) (0.00130)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00804) (0.00804) (0.00304)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.01912) (0.01912) (0.00307)

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.07) (0.07) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (2.36) (2.36) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (5.65) (5.65) 0.00

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00166) (0.00166)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69190-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68730-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 7D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA

represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69191-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68731-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 8D7 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Option B / Option B-CPPEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02551 (I) 0.06438 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02551 (I) 0.05953 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02551 (I) 0.05795 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02551 (I) 0.07790 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00116 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02551 (I) 0.05117 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 47.07 47.07

Facilities RelatedDemand Charge - $/kW 1.77 10.20 11.97 0.00

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kWSummer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 9.38

Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 2.86Wind Machine Credit- $/kW

Winter Only (6.33)Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kWFacilities Related

From 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.14) (0.14) 0.00Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (4.27) (4.27) 0.00

At 220 kV 0.00 (10.20) (10.20) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Summer On and Mid Peak Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.14)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.36)At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.36)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00092)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00204)At 220 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00207)

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00166) (0.00166)Option B-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW (5.68)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (12.34)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents

the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment(RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69192-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68732-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D6 Resolution


Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

TOU-PA-2-D-RTPEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03122 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05557 (I) Variable** (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03122 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05557 (I) Variable** (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00639 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03074 (I) Variable** (0.00007)

Variable**Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01347 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03782 (I) Variable** (0.00007)

Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01097 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03532 (I) Variable** (0.00007)Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00953 0.00685 (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03388 (I) Variable** (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 47.07 47.07

Facilities Related Demand Charge - $/kW 1.77 7.00 8.77 0.00Time Related Demand Charge - $/kW

Summer Season - On-Peak 2.63 2.63 0.00

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.09) (0.09)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (2.92) (2.92)At 220 kV (7.00) (7.00)

Voltage Discount, Summer On Peak Demand (Distribution) - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 (0.05) (0.05) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 (1.11) (1.11) 0.00At 220 kV 0.00 (2.63) (2.63) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00015) (0.00015) (0.00130)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00421) (0.00421) (0.00304)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00998) (0.00998) (0.00307)

California Climate Credit - $/kWh (0.00166) (0.00166)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00065 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.** Hourly rates are listed below and are applicable to service metered and delivered below 2 kV, 2 kV to 50 kV, and above 50 kV. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, ReliabilityServices Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service Customers.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69193-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68734-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 4D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued) Option D / Option D-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02487 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04932 (I) 0.07632 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02487 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04932 (I) 0.06864 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00533 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02978 (I) 0.04665 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01123 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03568 (I) 0.06127 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00961 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03406 (I) 0.05143 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00656 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03101 (I) 0.03300 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 235.56 235.56

Minimum Charge - $/kWSummer 0.00 0.00 0.00

Winter 0.00 0.00 0.00

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 2.29 6.91 9.20 0.00

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kW Summer Season - On-Peak 2.79 2.79 12.42

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 2.20

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVARGreater than 50 kV 0.54 0.54

50 kV or less 0.60 0.60Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kWFacilities Related

From 2 kV to 50 kV (0.09) (0.09) 0.00Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (3.69) (3.69) 0.00

At 220 kV (6.91) (6.91) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Summer On Peak Demand (Distribution) - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.05) (0.05)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (1.17) (1.17)At 220 kV (2.79) (2.79)

Voltage Disc, Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (4-9pm) Demand (URG) - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.11)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (0.29)At 220 kV (0.29)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00011) (0.00011) (0.00088)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00331) (0.00331) (0.00198)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00789) (0.00789) (0.00200)

Option D-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW 0.00 0.00 (6.18)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (12.34)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh. (I)

2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service)

Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69194-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68735-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued) Option D-5TO8 / Option D-5TO8-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03354 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05799 (I) 0.12542 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03354 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05799 (I) 0.11194 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00682 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03127 (I) 0.04532 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01064 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03509 (I) 0.05978 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00911 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03356 (I) 0.05018 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00624 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03069 (I) 0.03219 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 235.56 235.56

Minimum Charge - $/kWSummer 0.00 0.00 0.00

Winter 0.00 0.00 0.00

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 2.29 7.28 9.57 0.00

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kW Summer Season - On-Peak 1.85 1.85 13.36

Winter Season - Weekdays (5-8 pm) 0.00 0.00 2.82

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVARGreater than 50 kV 0.54 0.54

50 kV or less 0.60 0.60Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kWFacilities Related

From 2 kV to 50 kV (0.09) (0.09) 0.00Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (3.89) (3.89) 0.00

At 220 kV (7.28) (7.28) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Summer On Peak Demand (Distribution) - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.03) (0.03) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (0.78) (0.78) 0.00At 220 kV (1.85) (1.85) 0.00

Voltage Disc, Summer On Peak and Winter Weekdays (5-8pm) Demand (URG) - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 (0.12)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 (0.32)At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 (0.32)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00011) (0.00011) (0.00085)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00306) (0.00306) (0.00189)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00764) (0.00764) (0.00191)

Option D-5TO8-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW 0.00 0.00 (6.18)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (12.34)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

(I) 2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct

Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service)

Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69195-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68736-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option E Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03980 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06425 (I) 0.30357 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.03980 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.06425 (I) 0.06871 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01130 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03575 (I) 0.04672 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02411 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04856 (I) 0.08061 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01943 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04388 (I) 0.06423 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00778 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03223 (I) 0.02342 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/month 235.56 235.56Facilities Related

Demand Charge - $/kW 2.29 5.51 7.80 0.00Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVA

Greater than 50 kV 0.54 0.5450 kV or less 0.60 0.60

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.07) (0.07) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (2.94) (2.94) 0.00At 220 kV (5.51) (5.51) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00022) (0.00022) (0.00119)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00704) (0.00704) (0.00280)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.01550) (0.01550) (0.00282)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the

Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

(I) 2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay theDWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69196-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68737-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 7D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option E-5TO8 Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.06596 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.09041 (I) 0.51140 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.06596 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.09041 (I) 0.11194 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01252 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03697 (I) 0.04532 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02371 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04816 (I) 0.08345 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01911 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04356 (I) 0.06649 (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00767 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03212 (I) 0.02425 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/month 235.56 235.56Facilities Related

Demand Charge - $/kW 2.29 5.51 7.80 0.00Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVA

Greater than 50 kV 0.54 0.5450 kV or less 0.60 0.60

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.07) (0.07) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (2.94) (2.94) 0.00At 220 kV (5.51) (5.51) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00022) (0.00022) (0.00119)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00704) (0.00704) (0.00280)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.01550) (0.01550) (0.00282)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents

the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69197-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68738-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 8D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Option B / Option B-CPP Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00112 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02557 (I) 0.05652 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00112 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02557 (I) 0.05213 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00112 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02557 (I) 0.05087 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00112 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02557 (I) 0.06721 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00112 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02557 (I) 0.04533 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Month 235.56 235.56

Minimum Charge - $/kWSummer 0.00 0.00 0.00

Winter 0.00 0.00 0.00

Demand Charge - $/kW of Billing Demand/Meter/MonthFacilities Related 2.29 10.14 12.43 0.00

Time Related Demand Charge - $/kW Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00 0.00 10.27

Mid-Peak 0.00 0.00 2.79

Winter Season - Weekdays (4-9 pm) 0.00 0.00 0.00Off-Peak 0.00 0.00 0.00

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVARGreater than 50 kV 0.54 0.54

50 kV or less 0.60 0.60Voltage Discount, Demand - $/kWFacilities Related

From 2 kV to 50 kV (0.14) (0.14) 0.00Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (5.05) (5.05) 0.00

At 220 kV (10.14) (10.14) 0.00

Time RelatedFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00 0.00 (0.15)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00 0.00 (0.39)At 220 kV 0.00 0.00 (0.39)

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00088)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00198)At 220 kV 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00200)

Option B-CPPCPP Event Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.80000Summer CPP Non-Event CreditOn-Peak Demand Credit - $/kW 0.00 0.00 (6.18)Maximum Available Credit - $/kW**

Summer Weekdays (4-9pm) (12.34)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. ** The Maximum Available Credit is the capped credit amount for CPP Customers dual participating in other demand response programs.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and

Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA

Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation

Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69198-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68739-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 9D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued) Option A Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.10782 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.13227 (I) 0.21001 (0.00007)Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02870 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.05315 (I) 0.08060 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00723 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03168 (I) 0.05087 (0.00007)

Winter SeasonMid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01502 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03947 (I) 0.06721 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00380 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02825 (I) 0.04533 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/month 235.56 235.56Facilities Related

Demand Charge - $/kW 2.29 5.51 7.80 0.00Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVA

Greater than 50 kV 0.54 0.5450 kV or less 0.60 0.60

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.08) (0.08) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (2.74) (2.74) 0.00At 220 kV (5.51) (5.51) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00021) (0.00021) (0.00119)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00771) (0.00771) (0.00280)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.01551) (0.01551) (0.00282)

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, ReliabilityServices Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

(I) 2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt

Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see

the Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69199-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68740-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

TOU-PA-3-D-RTPEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer Season - On-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02487 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04932 (I) Variable** (0.00007) Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.02487 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.04932 (I) Variable** (0.00007)

Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00533 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.02978 (I) Variable** (0.00007)

Winter Season - Mid-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.01123 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03568 (I) Variable** (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00961 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03406 (I) Variable** (0.00007)

Super-Off-Peak 0.00343 (I) 0.00656 0.00662 (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.03101 (I) Variable** (0.00007)

235.56 235.56Facilities Related

Demand Charge - $/kW 2.29 6.91 9.20 0.00Time Related Demand Charge - $/kW

Summer Season - On-Peak 2.79 2.79 0.00

Voltage Discount, Facilities Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.09) (0.09)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (3.69) (3.69)At 220 kV (6.91) (6.91)

Voltage Discount, Time Related Demand - $/kWFrom 2 kV to 50 kV (0.05) (0.05) 0.00

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV (1.17) (1.17) 0.00At 220 kV (2.79) (2.79) 0.00

Voltage Discount, Energy - $/kWhFrom 2 kV to 50 kV 0.00000 (0.00011) (0.00011) (0.00119)

Above 50 kV but below 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00331) (0.00331) (0.00280)At 220 kV 0.00000 (0.00789) (0.00789) (0.00282)

Power Factor Adjustment - $/kVAGreater than 50 kV 0.54 0.54

50 kV or less 0.60 0.60

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.** Hourly rates are listed below and are applicable to service metered and delivered below 2 kV, 2 kV to 50 kV, and above 50 kV. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service Customers.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69200-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68742-E


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 1D5 Resolution

APPLICABILITY Applicable to single-phase service for metered outdoor area lighting (including attached holiday lighting) load, and used for purposes other than street and highway lighting such as, but not limited to parking lots, pedestrian walkways, billboards, building exteriors, security, sports and recreation areas, monuments, decorative areas, and bus shelters. A meter capable of providing Interval Metering data is required for service under this Schedule. Incidental Load may be served under this Schedule (see Special Condition 2). Pursuant to California Public Utilities Commission Decisions (D.)17-01-006 and D.17-10-018, solar Customers who meet the eligibility criteria outlined in Special Condition 9 below are eligible to continue receiving service on a TOU Option with Legacy TOU Periods, as defined in Special Condition 1. This Schedule contains two rate structures: Option F and Option AL-2 (formerly Option A)

TERRITORY Within the entire territory served. RATES

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Option FEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month 0.00974 (I) 0.01092 0.00501 (0.00050) 0.00326 0.00580 0.00058 0.03481 (I) 0.04877 (0.00007)

Option GFEnergy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month

Summer- On-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.15258 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.19371 (I) 0.13506 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00974 (I) 0.01092 0.00501 (0.00050) 0.00326 0.00580 0.00058 0.03481 (I) 0.04877 (0.00007)

Winter- On-Peak 0.01577 (I) 0.04089 0.01050 (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.08202 (I) 0.08429 (0.00007)Off-Peak 0.00974 (I) 0.01092 0.00501 (0.00050) 0.00326 0.00580 0.00058 0.03481 (I) 0.04877 (0.00007)

Both OptionsCustomer Charge - $/Meter/Month 7.90 7.90

Delivery Service Generation9

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69201-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68743-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00069 per kWh (On-Peak) and CTC of $0.00059 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA for Off-Peak periods represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh. The TOTCA for On-Peak periods represents the TRBAA of $(0.00087) per kWh, RSBAA of $0.00004 per kWh, and TACBAA of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69202-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68744-E


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 1D6 Resolution


Applicable to the lighting of walkways and similar common-interest areas of condominium, cooperative, or other residential projects where each single-family accommodation is separately metered. This Schedule is closed to new installations as of December 10, 1976. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served. RATES

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG*** DWREC10

Energy Charge* - $/kWh/Lamp/Month 0.00974 (I) 0.03016 0.00501 (0.00050) 0.00326 0.00580 0.00058 0.05405 (I) 0.04826 (0.00007)

Option A - SCE-Owned Walkway Lighting Facilities

High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamp - $/Lamp/Month50 Watt 6.15 6.15 70 Watt 6.15 6.15

100 Watt 6.15 6.15150 Watt 6.15 6.15

Mercury Vapor Lamp - $/Lamp/Month75 Watt 6.18 6.18

HPSV Recommened (LED) - $/lamp/month50 Watt 6.02 6.02 70 Watt 6.02 6.02

100 Watt 6.02 6.02150 Watt 6.02 6.02

Option B - Customer - OwnedWalkway Lighting Facilities

High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamp - $/Lamp/Month50 Watt 2.45 2.4570 Watt 2.45 2.45

100 Watt 2.45 2.45150 Watt 2.45 2.45

Mercury Vapor Lamp - $/Lamp/Month75 Watt 2.45 2.45

HPSV Recommened (LED) - $/lamp/month50 Watt 2.45 2.45 70 Watt 2.45 2.45

100 Watt 2.45 2.45150 Watt 2.45 2.45

Minimum Charge** - $/MonthOption A 100.00** 100.00** Option B 50.00** 50.00**

Delivery Service Generation9

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69203-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68800-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Option C - Optional Relamp Service, Customer-Owned Walkway Lighting Facilities

High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamp - $/Lamp/Month50 Watt 0.28 0.2870 Watt 0.28 0.28

100 Watt 0.28 0.28150 Watt 0.28 0.28

Mercury Vapor Lamp - $/Lamp/Month75 Watt 0.32 0.32

Delivery Service Generation9

* The kilowatthours used to determine the Energy Charge for the lamp types and sizes served under the Schedule are shown in the Special Conditions Section, below.

** The Minimum Charge is applicable when the Delivery Service Energy Charge, plus the applicable Basic Charge is less than the Minimum Charge.

*** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00059 per kWh is recovered in the URG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt

Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69204-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68745-E


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 1D5 Resolution

APPLICABILITY Applicable to service for the lighting of streets, highways, and publicly-owned and publicly-operated automobile parking lots that are open to the general public where SCE owns and maintains the street lighting equipment and associated facilities included under this Schedule. Option E: Beginning January 1, 2016, Option E, Energy Efficiency - Light Emitting Diode (LED) Fixture Replacement, is available to Customers that elect to have SCE replace its existing street lighting fixtures serving Customer load under this Schedule with LED street lighting fixtures to achieve energy efficiency benefits for the Customer. See Special Condition 14. Distribution Pole-Mounted Discount: Customers who meet the eligibility criteria outlined in Special Condition 15 may elect to receive a Distribution Pole-Mounted Discount for eligible street lighting facilities. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served. RATES

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG*** DWREC10

Energy Charge* - $/kWh/Lamp/MonthAll Night Service 0.00974 (I) 0.03016 0.00501 (0.00050) 0.00326 0.00580 0.00058 0.05405 (I) 0.04826 (0.00007)Midnight Service 0.00974 (I) 0.03016 0.00501 (0.00050) 0.00326 0.00580 0.00058 0.05405 (I) 0.04826 (0.00007)

All Night/Midnight Service ChargeIncandescent Lamps** - $/Lamp/Month

103 Watt 9.65 9.65202 Watt 9.61 9.61 327 Watt 9.61 9.61

Mercury Vapor Lamps** - $/Lamp/Month100 Watt 9.17 9.17 175 Watt 8.96 8.96 250 Watt 9.41 9.41400 Watt 9.70 9.70700 Watt 9.65 9.65

High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps** - $/Lamp/Month50 Watt 8.94 8.94 70 Watt 8.96 8.96

100 Watt 8.96 8.96150 Watt 9.36 9.36200 Watt 9.69 9.69250 Watt 9.75 9.75310 Watt 9.75 9.75400 Watt 9.69 9.69

Delivery Service Generation9

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69205-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68801-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG*** DWREC10

Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps** - $/Lamp/Month35 Watt 10.90 10.9055 Watt 10.90 10.9090 Watt 11.51 11.51

135 Watt 11.59 11.59180 Watt 11.61 11.61

Metal Halide Lamps** - $/Lamp/Month70 Watt

100 Watt 10.10 10.10150 Watt 9.90 9.90175 Watt 10.06 10.06250 Watt 9.87 9.87400 Watt 10.19 10.19

Base LED Charge11Light Emitting Diode (LED) Lamps - $/Lamp/Month(High Pressure Sodium Vapor Recommended Lamps)

50 Watt 8.87 8.8770 Watt 8.87 8.87

100 Watt 8.94 8.94150 Watt 9.45 9.45200 Watt 9.80 9.80250 Watt 10.06 10.06310 Watt 10.86 10.86400 Watt 11.06 11.06

Option E - LED Lamps - $/Lamp/Month12(High Pressure Sodium Vapor Recommended Lamps)

50 Watt 10.29 10.2970 Watt 10.35 10.35

100 Watt 10.49 10.49150 Watt 11.12 11.12200 Watt 11.73 11.73250 Watt 12.32 12.32310 Watt 13.57 13.57400 Watt 13.94 13.94

Distribution Pole Mounted Discount ($/Lamp/Month) (4.46) (4.46)Tap Device Annual Charge - $/Device

14.01 14.01

Delivery Service Generation9

* The kilowatthours used to determine the Energy Charge for the lamp types and sizes served under this Schedule are shown in the Special Conditions

section, below.

** Closed to new installations.

*** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00059 per kWh is recovered in the URG component of Generation.

1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution

3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge

4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge

5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)

6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.

8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10. DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the Billing Calculation Special

Condition of this Schedule. 11 Base LED Charge lists the charges applicable to Customers with LED fixtures installed upon a lump sum payment(s). 12 Option E is the monthly Energy Efficiency Premium Charge and the Base LED Charge by fixture wattage. Energy Efficiency Premium Charges (EPCC) by fixture wattage: 50 Watt / $1.48, 70 Watt / $1.32, 100 Watt / $1.55, 150 Watt / $1.67, 200 Watt / $1.93, 250

Watt / $2.26 and 400 Watt / $2.79 13 The charges for LED by wattage are based on the actual wattage of LED lamps. Instead for the LED rates, High Pressure Sodium Vapor equivalent

wattages are used as proxies for LED wattages.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69206-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68746-E


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 1D5 Resolution

APPLICABILITY Applicable to unmetered service for the lighting of streets, highways, other public thoroughfares, and publicly-owned and publicly-operated automobile parking lots which are open to the general public, where the Customer owns the street lighting equipment including, but not limited to, the pole, mast arm, luminaire and lamp, and all connecting cable in a street light system. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served. RATES

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge* - $/kWh/Lamp/MonthAll Night Service 0.00974 (I) 0.03016 0.00501 (0.00050) 0.00326 0.00580 0.00058 0.05405 (I) 0.04826 (0.00007)Midnight Service 0.00974 (I) 0.03016 0.00501 (0.00050) 0.00326 0.00580 0.00058 0.05405 (I) 0.04826 (0.00007)

Multiple Service - Option A

All Night/Midnight Service Charge

Incandescent Extended Service Lamps - $/Lamp/Month 0.80 0.80

Mercury Vapor Lamps - $/Lamp/Month 0.80 0.80

Light Emitting Diode (LED) Lamps - $/Lamp/Month 0.80 0.80

High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps - $/Lamp/Month 0.80 0.80

Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps - $/Lamp/Month 0.80 0.80

Metal Halide Lamps - $/Lamp/Month 0.80 0.80

Induction Lamps - $/Lamp/Month 0.80 0.80

All Other Lamps - $/Lamp/Month 0.80 0.80

Delivery Service Generation9

The following Options are applicable where SCE is requested to provide a single feed point to service a customer-owned street light system where the customer provides apoint of connection for a single SCE owned photo-controller to control all street lights in the system.

* The kilowatt hours used to determine the Energy Charge for the lamp types and sizes served under this Schedule are shown in the

Special Conditions section, below. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00059 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The TOTCA

represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers.10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69207-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68747-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh/Meter/Month 0.00974 (I) 0.01092 0.00501 (0.00050) 0.00326 0.00580 0.00058 0.03481 (I) 0.04877 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/MonthMultiple Service 7.90 7.90

Series Service 552.45 552.45

Optional Relamp Service ChargeHigh Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps*- $/Lamp/Month

50 Watt 0.68 0.68 70 Watt 0.68 0.68

100 Watt 0.68 0.68150 Watt 0.68 0.68

200 Watt 0.69 0.69250 Watt 0.68 0.68400 Watt 0.68 0.68

Series Service Voltage Discount,Energy - $/kWh 0.00000 0.00000 (0.00106)

Delivery Service Generation9

* See Special Condition 8. ** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00059 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA for Off-Peak periods represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh. The TOTCA for On-Peak periods represents the TRBAA of $(0.00076) per kWh, RSBAA of $0.00000 per kWh, and TACBAA of $0.00419 per kWh


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69208-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68748-E


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 1D5 Resolution

APPLICABILITY Applicable to outdoor area lighting service, other than street and highway lighting service, supplied from overhead lines where SCE owns and maintains the area lighting equipment. Service will be furnished only where the installation is considered by SCE to be of a permanent and established character. Lamp Type - New Installations: Beginning November 1, 2018, the LED Lamp Type is the standard luminaire offering for all new Standard Installations. Prior Lamp Type offerings - High Pressure Sodium Vapor, Low Pressure Sodium Vapor, and Metal Halide are closed to new installations.

Distribution Pole-Mounted Discount: Customers meeting the eligibility criteria outlined in Special Condition 10, may elect to receive a Distribution Pole-Mounted Discount for eligible streetlighting facilities. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served. RATES

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG** DWREC10

Energy Charge* - $/kWh/Lamp/MonthAll Night Service 0.00974 (I) 0.03016 0.00501 (0.00050) 0.00326 0.00580 0.00058 0.05405 (I) 0.04826 (0.00007)Midnight Service 0.00974 (I) 0.03016 0.00501 (0.00050) 0.00326 0.00580 0.00058 0.05405 (I) 0.04826 (0.00007)

All Night/Midnight Service ChargeMercury Vapor Lamps** - $/Lamp/Month

175 Watt 8.96 8.96400 Watt 9.70 9.70

High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps** - $/Lamp/Month50 Watt 8.94 8.94 70 Watt 8.96 8.96

100 Watt 8.96 8.96 150 Watt 9.36 9.36 200 Watt 9.69 9.69 250 Watt 9.75 9.75 400 Watt 9.69 9.69

Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps** - $/Lamp/Month55 Watt 10.90 10.90 90 Watt 11.51 11.51

135 Watt 11.59 11.59 180 Watt 11.61 11.61

Metal Halide Lamps** - $/Lamp/Month100 Watt 10.10 10.10175 Watt 10.06 10.06250 Watt 9.87 9.87400 Watt 10.19 10.19

1,000 Watt 10.19 10.19

HPSV Recommened (LED) - $/lamp/month50 Watt 8.87 8.87 70 Watt 8.87 8.87

100 Watt 8.94 8.94 150 Watt 9.45 9.45 200 Watt 9.80 9.80 250 Watt 10.06 10.06 400 Watt 11.06 11.06

Distribution Pole Mounted Discount ($/Lamp/Month) (4.46) (4.46)Pole Charge - $/pole/Month 2.03 2.03

Delivery Service Generation9

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69209-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68749-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D5 Resolution

* The kilowatt hours used to determine the Energy Charge for the lamp types and sizes served under this Schedule are shown

in the Special Conditions section, below.

** Closed to new installations as of November 1, 2018 for HPSV, LPSV, and MH lamp types. *** The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00059 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt

Bundled Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Kilowatthours for lamp Type and Size: The kilowatthours for the lamp types and sizes served under

this Schedule used to determine the Energy Charge are shown below:

Nominal Lamp Rating kWh Per Lamp Per Month* Average A B

Lamp Initial All Night Midnight Wattage Lumens Service Service

Mercury Vapor Lamps **

175 7,900 74.520 39.074 400 21,000 168.460 85.747

High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps**

50 4,000 20.010 10.492 70 5,800 28.635 15.015

100 9,500 40.365 21.165 150 16,000 66.585 34.914 200 22,000 84.870 44.501 250 27,500 107.985 56.622 400 50,000 167.325 87.737

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69210-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68750-E


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 1D5 Resolution

APPLICABILITY Applicable to single- and three-phase service: for traffic directional signs or traffic signal systems located on streets, highways and other public thoroughfares and to railway crossing and track signals; for public thoroughfare lighting that is utilized 24 hours per day or is not controlled by switching equipment, such as tunnel or underpass lighting; and, to public authorities for the illumination of bus stop shelters located in the dedicated road right-of-way where such service is combined with other traffic control service as defined above. TERRITORY The entire territory served. RATES

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Energy Charge - $/kWh 0.01151 (I) 0.05137 0.00680 (0.00050) 0.00876 (I) 0.00580 0.00058 0.08432 (I) 0.07303 (0.00007)

Customer Charge - $/Meter/Day 0.487 0.487

Three-Phase Service - $/Day 0.029 0.029

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation.1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Surcharge where applicable.)6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates are applicable to Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation

Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Voltage: Service will be supplied at one standard voltage not in excess of 240 volts or, at the

option of SCE, at 240/480 volts, three wire, single phase. 2. Three-Phase Service: Where SCE provides three-phase service, the billing will be increased

by the amount shown in the Rates section, above.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69211-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68786-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Rate Group PCIA 2001 Vintage

PCIA 2004 Vintage

PCIA 2009 Vintage

Domestic1 (0.01037) (0.00019) 0.01520 (I)GS-12 (0.00744) (0.00711) 0.01174 (I)TC-13 (0.00482) (0.00455) 0.01075 (I)GS-24 (0.00822) (0.00844) 0.01193 (I)TOU-GS-35 (0.00707) (0.00705) 0.01132 (I)TOU-8-Sec6 (0.00609) (0.00590) 0.01107 (I)TOU-8-Pri6 (0.00546) (0.00015) 0.01080 (I)TOU-8-Sub6 (0.00477) (0.00015) 0.01017 (I)Small AG7 (0.00655) (0.00687) 0.01108 (I)Large AG8 (0.00460) (0.00369) 0.01069 (I)St. Lighting9 (0.00041) (0.00041) 0.01011 (I)Standby - Sec10 (0.00343) (0.00015) 0.01084 (I)Standby - Pri10 (0.00325) (0.00015) 0.01078 (I)Standby - Sub10 (0.00238) (0.00015) 0.01014 (I)

1 Includes Schedules D, D-SDP, D-SDP-O, D-CARE, DE, D-FERA, DM, DMS-1, DMS-2, DMS-3, TOU-D, TOU-D-T, TOU-D-PRIME, TOU-Default 1 (4-9 pm), TOU-Default 2 (5-8 pm), and TOU-EV-1.

2 Includes Schedules GS-1, TOU-GS-1, and TOU-GS-1-RTP, AL-2 (On-Peak), and LS-3 Option B (On-Peak), TOU-EV-7.

3 Includes Schedules TC-1, Wi-Fi-1, and WTR.4 Includes Schedules GS-2, TOU-EV-8, TOU-GS-2, and TOU-GS-2-RTP. 5 Includes Schedules TOU-GS-3, TOU-GS-3-RTP6 Includes Schedules TOU-EV-9, TOU-8, TOU-8-RBU, and TOU-8-RTP.7 Includes Schedules PA-1, PA-2, TOU-PA-2, TOU-PA-2-RTP8. Includes Schedules TOU-PA-3, TOU-PA-3-RTP 9. Includes Schedules AL-2-(Off-Peak), DWL, LS-1, LS-2, LS-3, LS-3 Option B (Off-Peak), and OL-1. 10. Includes Schedules TOU-8-RTP-S, and TOU-8-S.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69212-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68787-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Rate Group PCIA 2010 Vintage

PCIA 2011 Vintage

PCIA 2012 Vintage

PCIA 2013 Vintage

Domestic1 0.01887 (I) 0.02226 (I) 0.02285 (I) 0.02303 (I)GS-12 0.01458 (I) 0.01721 (I) 0.01766 (I) 0.01780 (I)TC-13 0.01335 (I) 0.01576 (I) 0.01618 (I) 0.01630 (I)GS-24 0.01481 (I) 0.01748 (I) 0.01794 (I) 0.01809 (I)TOU-GS-35 0.01406 (I) 0.01659 (I) 0.01703 (I) 0.01717 (I)TOU-8-Sec6 0.01374 (I) 0.01622 (I) 0.01665 (I) 0.01678 (I)TOU-8-Pri6 0.01342 (I) 0.01584 (I) 0.01626 (I) 0.01639 (I)TOU-8-Sub6 0.01263 (I) 0.01491 (I) 0.01531 (I) 0.01543 (I)Small AG7 0.01377 (I) 0.01625 (I) 0.01668 (I) 0.01681 (I)Large AG8 0.01328 (I) 0.01567 (I) 0.01609 (I) 0.01621 (I)St. Lighting9 0.01256 (I) 0.01483 (I) 0.01522 (I) 0.01534 (I)Standby - Sec10 0.01346 (I) 0.01588 (I) 0.01630 (I) 0.01643 (I)Standby - Pri10 0.01339 (I) 0.01580 (I) 0.01622 (I) 0.01635 (I)Standby - Sub10 0.01259 (I) 0.01486 (I) 0.01526 (I) 0.01538 (I)

1 Includes Schedules D, D-SDP, D-SDP-O, D-CARE, DE, D-FERA, DM, DMS-1, DMS-2, DMS-3, TOU-D, TOU-D-T, TOU-D-PRIME, TOU-Default 1 (4-9 pm), TOU-Default 2 (5-8 pm), and TOU-EV-1.

2 Includes Schedules GS-1, TOU-GS-1, and TOU-GS-1-RTP, AL-2 (On-Peak), and LS-3 Option B (On-Peak), TOU-EV-7.

3 Includes Schedules TC-1, Wi-Fi-1, and WTR.4 Includes Schedules GS-2, TOU-EV-8, TOU-GS-2, and TOU-GS-2-RTP. 5 Includes Schedules TOU-GS-3, TOU-GS-3-RTP6 Includes Schedules TOU-EV-9, TOU-8, TOU-8-RBU, and TOU-8-RTP.7 Includes Schedules PA-1, PA-2, TOU-PA-2, TOU-PA-2-RTP8. Includes Schedules TOU-PA-3, TOU-PA-3-RTP 9. Includes Schedules AL-2-(Off-Peak), DWL, LS-1, LS-2, LS-3, LS-3 Option B (Off-Peak), and OL-1. 10. Includes Schedules TOU-8-RTP-S, and TOU-8-S.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69213-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68788-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 7D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Rate Group PCIA 2014 Vintage

PCIA 2015 Vintage

PCIA 2016 Vintage

Domestic1 0.02317 (I) 0.02227 (I) 0.02240 (I)GS-12 0.01791 (I) 0.01722 (I) 0.01732 (I)TC-13 0.01640 (I) 0.01577 (I) 0.01586 (I)GS-24 0.01820 (I) 0.01749 (I) 0.01759 (I)TOU-GS-35 0.01727 (I) 0.01660 (I) 0.01670 (I)TOU-8-Sec6 0.01689 (I) 0.01623 (I) 0.01632 (I)TOU-8-Pri6 0.01649 (I) 0.01585 (I) 0.01594 (I)TOU-8-Sub6 0.01552 (I) 0.01492 (I) 0.01501 (I)Small AG7 0.01691 (I) 0.01625 (I) 0.01635 (I)Large AG8 0.01631 (I) 0.01568 (I) 0.01577 (I)St. Lighting9 0.01543 (I) 0.01484 (I) 0.01492 (I)Standby - Sec10 0.01653 (I) 0.01589 (I) 0.01597 (I)Standby - Pri10 0.01645 (I) 0.01581 (I) 0.01590 (I)Standby - Sub10 0.01547 (I) 0.01487 (I) 0.01496 (I)

1 Includes Schedules D, D-SDP, D-SDP-O, D-CARE, DE, D-FERA, DM, DMS-1, DMS-2, DMS-3, TOU-D, TOU-D-T, TOU-D-PRIME, TOU-Default 1 (4-9 pm), TOU-Default 2 (5-8 pm), and TOU-EV-1.

2 Includes Schedules GS-1, TOU-GS-1, and TOU-GS-1-RTP, AL-2 (On-Peak), and LS-3 Option B (On-Peak), TOU-EV-7.

3 Includes Schedules TC-1, Wi-Fi-1, and WTR.4 Includes Schedules GS-2, TOU-EV-8, TOU-GS-2, and TOU-GS-2-RTP. 5 Includes Schedules TOU-GS-3, TOU-GS-3-RTP6 Includes Schedules TOU-EV-9, TOU-8, TOU-8-RBU, and TOU-8-RTP.7 Includes Schedules PA-1, PA-2, TOU-PA-2, TOU-PA-2-RTP8. Includes Schedules TOU-PA-3, TOU-PA-3-RTP 9. Includes Schedules AL-2-(Off-Peak), DWL, LS-1, LS-2, LS-3, LS-3 Option B (Off-Peak), and OL-1. 10. Includes Schedules TOU-8-RTP-S, and TOU-8-S.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69214-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68789-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 8D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Rate Group PCIA 2017 Vintage

PCIA 2018 Vintage

PCIA 2019 Vintage

PCIA 2020 Vintage

Domestic1 0.02248 (I) 0.02248 0.02249 0.02724GS-12 0.01738 (I) 0.01738 0.01738 0.02106TC-13 0.01591 (I) 0.01591 0.01592 0.01928GS-24 0.01765 (I) 0.01765 0.01766 0.02139TOU-GS-35 0.01675 (I) 0.01676 0.01676 0.02031TOU-8-Sec6 0.01638 (I) 0.01638 0.01639 0.01985TOU-8-Pri6 0.01600 (I) 0.01599 0.01600 0.01938TOU-8-Sub6 0.01506 (I) 0.01506 0.01506 0.01825Small AG7 0.01640 (I) 0.01641 0.01641 0.01988Large AG8 0.01583 (I) 0.01583 0.01583 0.01918St. Lighting9 0.01497 (I) 0.01497 0.01498 0.01814Standby - Sec10 0.01603 (I) 0.01604 0.01605 0.01944Standby - Pri10 0.01596 (I) 0.01596 0.01596 0.01934Standby - Sub10 0.01501 (I) 0.01501 0.01502 0.01819

1 Includes Schedules D, D-SDP, D-SDP-O, D-CARE, DE, D-FERA, DM, DMS-1, DMS-2, DMS-3, TOU-D, TOU-D-T, TOU-D-PRIME, TOU-Default 1 (4-9 pm), TOU-Default 2 (5-8 pm), and TOU-EV-1.

2 Includes Schedules GS-1, TOU-GS-1, and TOU-GS-1-RTP, AL-2 (On-Peak), and LS-3 Option B (On-Peak), TOU-EV-7.

3 Includes Schedules TC-1, Wi-Fi-1, and WTR.4 Includes Schedules GS-2, TOU-EV-8, TOU-GS-2, and TOU-GS-2-RTP. 5 Includes Schedules TOU-GS-3, TOU-GS-3-RTP6 Includes Schedules TOU-EV-9, TOU-8, TOU-8-RBU, and TOU-8-RTP.7 Includes Schedules PA-1, PA-2, TOU-PA-2, TOU-PA-2-RTP8. Includes Schedules TOU-PA-3, TOU-PA-3-RTP 9. Includes Schedules AL-2-(Off-Peak), DWL, LS-1, LS-2, LS-3, LS-3 Option B (Off-Peak), and OL-1. 10. Includes Schedules TOU-8-RTP-S, and TOU-8-S.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69215-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68754-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Rate Group PCIA 2001 Vintage

PCIA 2004 Vintage

PCIA 2009 Vintage

Domestic1 (0.01037) (0.00019) 0.01520 (I)GS-12 (0.00744) (0.00711) 0.01174 (I)TC-13 (0.00482) (0.00455) 0.01075 (I)GS-24 (0.00822) (0.00844) 0.01193 (I)TOU-GS-35 (0.00707) (0.00705) 0.01132 (I)TOU-8-Sec6 (0.00609) (0.00590) 0.01107 (I)TOU-8-Pri6 (0.00546) (0.00015) 0.01080 (I)TOU-8-Sub6 (0.00477) (0.00015) 0.01017 (I)Small AG7 (0.00655) (0.00687) 0.01108 (I)Large AG8 (0.00460) (0.00369) 0.01069 (I)St. Lighting9 (0.00041) (0.00041) 0.01011 (I)Standby - Sec10 (0.00343) (0.00015) 0.01084 (I)Standby - Pri10 (0.00325) (0.00015) 0.01078 (I)Standby - Sub10 (0.00238) (0.00015) 0.01014 (I)

1 Includes Schedules D, D-SDP, D-SDP-O, D-CARE, DE, D-FERA, DM, DMS-1, DMS-2, DMS-3, TOU-D, TOU-D-T, TOU-D-PRIME, TOU-Default 1 (4-9 pm), TOU-Default 2 (5-8 pm), and TOU-EV-1.

2 Includes Schedules GS-1, TOU-GS-1, and TOU-GS-1-RTP, AL-2 (On-Peak), and LS-3 Option B (On-Peak), TOU-EV-7.

3 Includes Schedules TC-1, Wi-Fi-1, and WTR.4 Includes Schedules GS-2, TOU-EV-8, TOU-GS-2, and TOU-GS-2-RTP. 5 Includes Schedules TOU-GS-3, TOU-GS-3-RTP6 Includes Schedules TOU-EV-9, TOU-8, TOU-8-RBU, and TOU-8-RTP.7 Includes Schedules PA-1, PA-2, TOU-PA-2, TOU-PA-2-RTP8. Includes Schedules TOU-PA-3, TOU-PA-3-RTP 9. Includes Schedules AL-2-(Off-Peak), DWL, LS-1, LS-2, LS-3, LS-3 Option B (Off-Peak), and OL-1. 10. Includes Schedules TOU-8-RTP-S, and TOU-8-S.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69216-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68755-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Rate Group PCIA 2010 Vintage

PCIA 2011 Vintage

PCIA 2012 Vintage

PCIA 2013 Vintage

Domestic1 0.01887 (I) 0.02226 (I) 0.02285 (I) 0.02303 (I)GS-12 0.01458 (I) 0.01721 (I) 0.01766 (I) 0.01780 (I)TC-13 0.01335 (I) 0.01576 (I) 0.01618 (I) 0.01630 (I)GS-24 0.01481 (I) 0.01748 (I) 0.01794 (I) 0.01809 (I)TOU-GS-35 0.01406 (I) 0.01659 (I) 0.01703 (I) 0.01717 (I)TOU-8-Sec6 0.01374 (I) 0.01622 (I) 0.01665 (I) 0.01678 (I)TOU-8-Pri6 0.01342 (I) 0.01584 (I) 0.01626 (I) 0.01639 (I)TOU-8-Sub6 0.01263 (I) 0.01491 (I) 0.01531 (I) 0.01543 (I)Small AG7 0.01377 (I) 0.01625 (I) 0.01668 (I) 0.01681 (I)Large AG8 0.01328 (I) 0.01567 (I) 0.01609 (I) 0.01621 (I)St. Lighting9 0.01256 (I) 0.01483 (I) 0.01522 (I) 0.01534 (I)Standby - Sec10 0.01346 (I) 0.01588 (I) 0.01630 (I) 0.01643 (I)Standby - Pri10 0.01339 (I) 0.01580 (I) 0.01622 (I) 0.01635 (I)Standby - Sub10 0.01259 (I) 0.01486 (I) 0.01526 (I) 0.01538 (I)

1 Includes Schedules D, D-SDP, D-SDP-O, D-CARE, DE, D-FERA, DM, DMS-1, DMS-2, DMS-3,

TOU-D, TOU-D-T, TOU-D-PRIME, TOU-Default 1 (4-9 pm), TOU-Default 2 (5-8 pm), and TOU-EV-1.2 Includes Schedules GS-1, TOU-GS-1, and TOU-GS-1-RTP, AL-2 (On-Peak), and LS-3 Option B (On-

Peak), TOU-EV-7. 3 Includes Schedules TC-1, Wi-Fi-1, and WTR.4 Includes Schedules GS-2, TOU-EV-8, TOU-GS-2, and TOU-GS-2-RTP. 5 Includes Schedules TOU-GS-3, TOU-GS-3-RTP6 Includes Schedules TOU-EV-9, TOU-8, TOU-8-RBU, and TOU-8-RTP.7 Includes Schedules PA-1, PA-2, TOU-PA-2, TOU-PA-2-RTP8. Includes Schedules TOU-PA-3, TOU-PA-3-RTP 9. Includes Schedules AL-2-(Off-Peak), DWL, LS-1, LS-2, LS-3, LS-3 Option B (Off-Peak), and OL-1. 10. Includes Schedules TOU-8-RTP-S, and TOU-8-S.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69217-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68756-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 7D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Rate Group PCIA 2014 Vintage

PCIA 2015 Vintage

PCIA 2016 Vintage

Domestic1 0.02317 (I) 0.02227 (I) 0.02240 (I)GS-12 0.01791 (I) 0.01722 (I) 0.01732 (I)TC-13 0.01640 (I) 0.01577 (I) 0.01586 (I)GS-24 0.01820 (I) 0.01749 (I) 0.01759 (I)TOU-GS-35 0.01727 (I) 0.01660 (I) 0.01670 (I)TOU-8-Sec6 0.01689 (I) 0.01623 (I) 0.01632 (I)TOU-8-Pri6 0.01649 (I) 0.01585 (I) 0.01594 (I)TOU-8-Sub6 0.01552 (I) 0.01492 (I) 0.01501 (I)Small AG7 0.01691 (I) 0.01625 (I) 0.01635 (I)Large AG8 0.01631 (I) 0.01568 (I) 0.01577 (I)St. Lighting9 0.01543 (I) 0.01484 (I) 0.01492 (I)Standby - Sec10 0.01653 (I) 0.01589 (I) 0.01597 (I)Standby - Pri10 0.01645 (I) 0.01581 (I) 0.01590 (I)Standby - Sub10 0.01547 (I) 0.01487 (I) 0.01496 (I)

1 Includes Schedules D, D-SDP, D-SDP-O, D-CARE, DE, D-FERA, DM, DMS-1, DMS-2, DMS-3, TOU-D, TOU-D-T, TOU-D-PRIME, TOU-Default 1 (4-9 pm), TOU-Default 2 (5-8 pm), and TOU-EV-1.

2 Includes Schedules GS-1, TOU-GS-1, and TOU-GS-1-RTP, AL-2 (On-Peak), and LS-3 Option B (On-Peak), TOU-EV-7.

3 Includes Schedules TC-1, Wi-Fi-1, and WTR.4 Includes Schedules GS-2, TOU-EV-8, TOU-GS-2, and TOU-GS-2-RTP. 5 Includes Schedules TOU-GS-3, TOU-GS-3-RTP6 Includes Schedules TOU-EV-9, TOU-8, TOU-8-RBU, and TOU-8-RTP.7 Includes Schedules PA-1, PA-2, TOU-PA-2, TOU-PA-2-RTP8. Includes Schedules TOU-PA-3, TOU-PA-3-RTP 9. Includes Schedules AL-2-(Off-Peak), DWL, LS-1, LS-2, LS-3, LS-3 Option B (Off-Peak), and OL-1. 10. Includes Schedules TOU-8-RTP-S, and TOU-8-S.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69218-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68757-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 8D6 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Rate Group PCIA 2017 Vintage

PCIA 2018 Vintage

PCIA 2019 Vintage

PCIA 2020 Vintage

Domestic1 0.02248 (I) 0.02248 0.02249 0.02724GS-12 0.01738 (I) 0.01738 0.01738 0.02106TC-13 0.01591 (I) 0.01591 0.01592 0.01928GS-24 0.01765 (I) 0.01765 0.01766 0.02139TOU-GS-35 0.01675 (I) 0.01676 0.01676 0.02031TOU-8-Sec6 0.01638 (I) 0.01638 0.01639 0.01985TOU-8-Pri6 0.01600 (I) 0.01599 0.01600 0.01938TOU-8-Sub6 0.01506 (I) 0.01506 0.01506 0.01825Small AG7 0.01640 (I) 0.01641 0.01641 0.01988Large AG8 0.01583 (I) 0.01583 0.01583 0.01918St. Lighting9 0.01497 (I) 0.01497 0.01498 0.01814Standby - Sec10 0.01603 (I) 0.01604 0.01605 0.01944Standby - Pri10 0.01596 (I) 0.01596 0.01596 0.01934Standby - Sub10 0.01501 (I) 0.01501 0.01502 0.01819

1 Includes Schedules D, D-SDP, D-SDP-O, D-CARE, DE, D-FERA, DM, DMS-1, DMS-2, DMS-3, TOU-D, TOU-D-T, TOU-D-PRIME, TOU-Default 1 (4-9 pm), TOU-Default 2 (5-8 pm), and TOU-EV-1.

2 Includes Schedules GS-1, TOU-GS-1, and TOU-GS-1-RTP, AL-2 (On-Peak), and LS-3 Option B (On-Peak), TOU-EV-7.

3 Includes Schedules TC-1, Wi-Fi-1, and WTR.4 Includes Schedules GS-2, TOU-EV-8, TOU-GS-2, and TOU-GS-2-RTP. 5 Includes Schedules TOU-GS-3, TOU-GS-3-RTP6 Includes Schedules TOU-EV-9, TOU-8, TOU-8-RBU, and TOU-8-RTP.7 Includes Schedules PA-1, PA-2, TOU-PA-2, TOU-PA-2-RTP8. Includes Schedules TOU-PA-3, TOU-PA-3-RTP 9. Includes Schedules AL-2-(Off-Peak), DWL, LS-1, LS-2, LS-3, LS-3 Option B (Off-Peak), and OL-1. 10. Includes Schedules TOU-8-RTP-S, and TOU-8-S.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69219-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68758-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued) The DL NDC and PPC components and the DWR Bond Charge component are set forth below and are associated with the NMDL consumer’s applicable rate group as provided in the following tables.

Departing Load Non-Bypassable Charge ($/kWh)

Rate Group NDC PPPC DWRBC*Domestic [1] (0.00050) 0.01321 (I) 0.00580GS-1 [2] (0.00050) 0.00898 (I) 0.00580TC-1 [3] (0.00050) 0.00876 (I) 0.00580GS-2 [4] (0.00050) 0.00902 (I) 0.00580TOU-GS-3 [5] (0.00050) 0.00978 (I) 0.00580TOU-8-Sec [6] (0.00050) 0.01031 (I) 0.00580TOU-8-Pri [6] (0.00050) 0.00976 (I) 0.00580TOU-8-Sub [6] (0.00050) 0.00769 (I) 0.00580PA-1 [7] (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580PA-2 [8] (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580TOU-PA-2 [9] (0.00050) 0.00819 (I) 0.00580TOU-PA-3 [10] (0.00050) 0.00852 (I) 0.00580St. Lighting [11] (0.00050) 0.00326 0.00580TOU-8-Standby-Sec [12] (0.00050) 0.01081 (I) 0.00580TOU-8-Standby-Pri [12] (0.00050) 0.01043 (I) 0.00580TOU-8-Standby-Sub [12] (0.00050) 0.00740 (I) 0.00580

NMDL Non Bypassable Charge($/kWh)

1 Includes Schedules D, D-SDP, D-CARE, DE, D-FERA, DM, DMS-1, DMS-2, DMS-3, TOU-D, TOU-D-T, and TOU-EV-1.

2 Includes Schedules GS-1, AL-2 (On-Peak), TOU-EV-7, TOU-GS-1, and TOU-GS-1-D-RTP.

3 Includes Schedules TC-1, Wi-Fi-1, and WTR.

4 Includes Schedules GS-2, TOU-EV-8, TOU-GS-2, and TOU-GS-2-D-RTP.

5 Includes Schedules TOU-GS-3, and TOU-GS-3-D-RTP.

6 Includes Schedules TOU-EV-9, TOU-8, TOU-8-RBU, and TOU-8-D-RTP.

7 Includes Schedules TOU-8-S and TOU-8-D-RTP-S.

8 Includes Schedule PA-1

9 Includes Schedule PA-2

10 Includes Schedules TOU-PA-2 and TOU-PA-2-D-RTP.

11 Includes Schedules TOU-PA-3, and TOU-PA-3-D-RTP, .

12 Includes Schedules AL-2 (Off-Peak), AL-2-F, DWL, LS-1, LS-2, LS-3, and OL-1.

* DWRBC – DWR Bond Charge

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69220-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68765-E


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 1D5 Resolution

APPLICABILITY Applicable to cities, counties, and qualified commercial providers of Wireless Wi-Fi Internet Service. The provisions of this Schedule and its associated agreement(s) allow cities, counties, and qualified commercial providers of Wireless Wi-Fi Internet Service to attach Wi-Fi transmitting equipment (devices) to SCE-owned streetlight facilities (Streetlights) and to power such devices with un-metered, single-phase electric service so that these entities can provide Wi-Fi Internet service in the communities they serve. The total load per attachment shall not exceed 35 Watts. In addition, in no case will the cumulative limit of 35 watts be exceeded for every two adjacent poles on the same (looped) circuit where Wi-Fi devices are installed. Effective with the date the Customer becomes ineligible for service on streetlight circuits under this Schedule, the account will be closed and the Customer’s associated service point (Timed Auxiliary Power Device Adaptor), Wi-Fi device, and any and all equipment and accessories, including but not limited to signage, mountings, etc., shall be removed by the Customer. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served. RATES

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Fixed Energy Charge - $/Device/Month 0.30 (I) 1.37 0.17 (0.01) 0.23 (I) 0.15 0.01 2.22 (I) 1.87 0.00

Customer Charge - $/Month 3.84 3.84

Inventory/Maintenance Charge - 2.88 2.88$/Device/Month

Initialization of Service Charge - 10.42 10.42One time charge/service account

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh per device is recovered in the UG component of

Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per device, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per device, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per device.


2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Charge where applicable.)6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E.8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates that are applicable to both Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69221-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68766-E


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 1D6 Resolution

APPLICABILITY Applicable to single-phase service for wireless technology industries and utility Customers deploying advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) that require electric service to operate radio repeaters or similar devices (wireless communication devices) that are mounted on existing SCE facilities, or other facilities approved by SCE and are unmetered. This Schedule excludes Wi-Fi devices on “looped” (served by 120/240 volts) streetlight facilities owned by SCE. Customers must execute an application/contract with SCE for service under this Schedule, and must execute an applicable agreement when devices are attached to SCE-owned facilities. The monthly kilowatt-hour (kWh) usage of each device shall not exceed 2,700 kWh. Effective with the date the Customer becomes ineligible for service under this Schedule, the Customer’s account shall be transferred to Schedule GS-1 or another applicable rate schedule. If the Customer’s account cannot be transferred to another applicable rate schedule, the account will be closed, SCE’s service will be removed and the Customer must remove its device and equipment from the applicable SCE-owned facility. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served. RATES

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

Fixed Energy Charge - $/Device/MonthTiers

1 0 - 50 kWh/month 0.57 (I) 2.57 0.34 (0.03) 0.43 0.29 0.03 4.20 (I) 3.65 0.002 51 - 100 kWh/month 1.15 (I) 5.13 0.68 (0.05) 0.88 (I) 0.58 0.06 8.43 (I) 7.30 (0.01)3 101 - 150 kWh/month 1.72 (I) 7.71 1.02 (0.08) 1.31 (I) 0.87 0.09 12.64 (I) 10.95 (0.01)4 151 - 200 kWh/month 2.31 (I) 10.28 1.36 (0.10) 1.75 (I) 1.16 0.12 16.88 (I) 14.61 (0.01)5 201 - 250 kWh/month 2.88 (I) 12.84 1.70 (0.13) 2.19 (I) 1.45 0.15 21.08 (I) 18.26 (0.02)6 251 - 300 kWh/month 3.45 (I) 15.41 2.04 (0.15) 2.63 (I) 1.74 0.17 25.29 (I) 21.91 (0.02)7 301 - 350 kWh/month 4.03 (I) 17.98 2.38 (0.18) 3.06 (I) 2.03 0.20 29.50 (I) 25.56 (0.02)8 351 - 400 kWh/month 4.60 (I) 20.55 2.72 (0.20) 3.51 (I) 2.32 0.23 33.73 (I) 29.21 (0.03)9 401 - 450 kWh/month 5.18 (I) 23.12 3.06 (0.23) 3.94 (I) 2.61 0.26 37.94 (I) 32.86 (0.03)

10 451 - 500 kWh/month 5.76 (I) 25.69 3.40 (0.25) 4.39 (I) 2.90 0.29 42.18 (I) 36.52 (0.04)11 501 - 900 kWh/month 10.36 (I) 46.24 6.12 (0.45) 7.88 (I) 5.22 0.52 75.89 (I) 65.73 (0.06)12 901 - 1350 kWh/month 15.54 (I) 69.35 9.18 (0.68) 11.82 (I) 7.83 0.78 113.82 (I) 98.59 (0.09)13 1351 - 1800 kWh/month 20.71 (I) 92.46 12.24 (0.90) 15.77 (I) 10.44 1.04 151.76 (I) 131.45 (0.13)14 1801 - 2250 kWh/month 25.90 (I) 115.58 15.30 (1.13) 19.71 (I) 13.05 1.31 189.72 (I) 164.32 (0.16)15 2251 - 2700 kWh/month 31.08 (I) 138.70 18.36 (1.35) 23.65 (I) 15.66 1.57 227.67 (I) 197.18 (0.19)

Customer Charge - $/Month 20.94 20.94

Three-Phase Service - $/Day 0.029 0.029

Inspection Charge - $/Device/Month 15.23 15.23

Initialization of Service Charge 7.31 7.31One-time charge

Delivery Service Generation9

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69222-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68767-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 2D5 Resolution

RATES (Continued)

Trans1 Distrbtn2 NSGC3 NDC4 PPPC5 DWRBC6 PUCRF7 Total8 UG* DWREC10

AMI DevicesEnergy Charge - $/Device/Month 0.33 (I) 1.49 0.20 (0.01) 0.26 (I) 0.17 0.02 2.46 (I) 2.12 0.00

Customer Charge - $/month 3.84 3.84

Inspection Charge - $/Device/Month 15.23 15.23

Initialization of Service Charge - 10.42 10.42One-time charge

Delivery Service Generation9

* The ongoing Competition Transition Charge (CTC) of $0.00063 per kWh is recovered in the UG component of Generation. 1 Trans = Transmission and the Transmission Owners Tariff Charge Adjustments (TOTCA) which are FERC approved. The

TOTCA represents the Transmission Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment (TRBAA) of $(0.00076) per kWh, Reliability Services Balancing Account Adjustment (RSBAA) of $0.00000 per kWh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account

2 Adjustment (TACBAA) of $0.00419 per kWh.

(I) 2 Distrbtn = Distribution 3 NSGC = New System Generation Charge 4 NDC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge 5 PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Charge (includes California Alternate Rates for Energy Charge where applicable.) 6 DWRBC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exempt Bundled

Service and Direct Access Customers, as defined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, D.02-02-051, and D.02-12-082.

7 PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule RF-E. 8 Total = Total Delivery Service rates that are applicable to both Bundled Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice

Aggregation Service (CCA Service) Customers, except DA and CCA Service Customers are not subject to the DWRBC rate component of this Schedule but instead pay the DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS.

9 Generation = The Generation rates are applicable only to Bundled Service Customers. 10 DWREC = Department of Water Resources (DWR) Energy Credit – For more information on the DWR Energy Credit, see the

Billing Calculation Special Condition of this Schedule.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Contract: A contract, Form 14-687, is required for service under this Schedule. Utility Customers

taking service for AMI-related devices must sign Form 14-915 or 14-916, as applicable. 2. Voltage: Service will be supplied at 120 volts (one fuse per 120 volt leg). 3. Three-Phase Service: Where SCE determines, it is impractical to provide single-phase service

under this Schedule, three-phase service will be provided. 4. Limited Availability: This Schedule is available only where SCE determines that an applicable

agency having jurisdiction has an existing code, ordinance, formal policy statement or requirement that prohibits above ground electrical meter facilities in the public right-of-way.

Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69223-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68768-E


(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 1D6 Resolution

Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.

TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................................................. 11431-E TABLE OF CONTENTS - RATE SCHEDULES .... 69223-68500-69224-69225-69226-69227-69228-E ........................................................................................................... 69228-68014-69230-E TABLE OF CONTENTS - LIST OF CONTRACTS AND DEVIATIONS ................................... 69230-E TABLE OF CONTENTS - RULES ................................................................................. 68373-64043-E TABLE OF CONTENTS-INDEX OF COMMUNITIES, MAPS, BOUNDARY DESCRIPTIONS 62213-E TABLE OF CONTENTS - SAMPLE FORMS.. .................. 62213-68473-61576-67878-67879-61631-E

........................................................................................................... 67880-67881-63296-E


A. Territory Served ......................................................................................................... 22909-E B. Description of Service ................................................................................................ 22909-E C. Procedure to Obtain Service ..................................................................................... 22909-E D. Establishment of Credit and Deposits ....................................................................... 22909-E E. General .......................................................................... 45178-45179-45180-53818-45182-E F. Symbols ..................................................................................................................... 45182-E G. Gross Revenue Sharing Mechanism ....... 26584-26585-26586-26587-27195-27196-54092-E

.................................................................................................. 51717-53819-27200-27201-E H. Baseline Service ........................................................... 52027-52028-52029-52030-52031-E I. Charge Ready Program Balancing Account ........................................ 68156-68157-68158-E J. Pole Loading and Deteriorated Pole Program Balancing Account ....... 68384-67495-68385-E ......................................................................................................................... 68386-67498-E K. Nuclear Decommissioning Adjustment Mechanism ........................................ 36582-57779-E L. Purchase Agreement Administrative Costs Balancing Account ........... 55207-51922-55208-E M. Income Tax Component of Contributions ....................................................... 58419-58420-E N. Memorandum Accounts .... 21344-67638-67412-58221-49492-61165-61166-61167-53821-E

........ 50418-42841-61168-64869-64870-44950-44951-44952-44953-42849-42850-42851-E ........ 65677-65678-55623-61171-42856-61172-61173-52033-50419-55048-61174-42863-E ........ 42864-67639-67640-51235-45920-51236-61175-50209-42872-42873-50421-46539-E ........ 42876-42877-42878-42879-42880-42881-42882-54534-53371-56253-44959-42887-E ........ 53321-53322-61176-52551-52552-49928-56235-56236-56237-55144-55145-44029-E

........ 53016-57156-57157-51163-51164-51165-51166-67414-51168-51169-51170-51171-E ................................ 51244-55806-56393-56394-56395-56396-56397-56398-56399-58978E O. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Adjustment Clause ................. 34705-41902-E ....................................................................................... 36472-38847-56788-68625-69093-E P. Tree Mortality Non-Bypassable Charge Balancing Account………...65929-65930-65931-E

(T) |



Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69224-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68486-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 3D6 Resolution

Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.

PRELIMINARY STATEMENT: (Continued) RR. New System Generation Balancing Account ................................ 68389-57976-64244-64245-E SS. Not In Use .................................................................................................................................. -E ................................................................................................................................................... -E TT. Not In Use .................................................................................................................................. -E UU. Not In Use .................................................................................................................................. -E VV. Medical Programs Balancing Account ....................................................... 60662-57978-44979-E WW. Portfolio Allocation Balancing Account…………….65241-65242-69094-68390-65245-67030-E …………………………………………………………………………………………65247-65248-65249-E XX. Low Carbon Fuel Standard Revenue Balancing Account .................................... 56447-56448-E YY. Base Revenue Requirement Balancing Account .......................... 68391-65251-54112-51724-E .................................... 65252-65253-65254-65255-66067-68159-68160-57984-58088-57986-E ZZ. Energy Resource Recovery Account .......... 65259-65260-65261-65262-66628-65264-65265-E ................................................................................. 68600-68072-68484-55221-56259-55223-E AAA. Post Test Year Ratemaking Mechanism. ................................................ 57988-60665-57990-E BBB. Not In Use ................................................................................................................................ -E CCC. Cost of Capital Mechanism ...................................................................... 68392-68393-62453-E DDD. 2010-2012 On Bill Financing Balancing Account .......................................................... 55859-E EEE Not in Use ................................................................................................................................ -E FFF Electric Program Investment Charge Balancing Account-California Energy Commission .......... ............................................................................................................................ 50176-50177-E GGG Electric Program Investment Charge Balancing Account-Southern California Edison ............... ............................................................................................................................ 50178-50179-E HHH Electric Program Investment Charge Balancing Account-California Public Utilities Commission ....................................................................................................................................... 50180-E III New Solar Homes Partnership(NSHP) Program Balancing Account (NSHPPBA)……..59581-E JJJ Aliso Canyon Demand Response Program Balancing Account (ACDRPBA)…..59847-59848-E ……………………………………………………………………………………...…...59849-59850-E RRR Integrated Distributed Energy Resources Shareholder Incentive Award Balancing Account (iDERSIABA)……………………………………………………………………………...……61284-E LLL Integrated Distributed Energy Resources Contract Costs Balancing Account (iDERCCBA)…… ……………………………………………………………………………………….………….61285-E MMM Distributed Resources Plan Demonstration Balancing Account (DRPDBA)……61982-61983-E NNN Transportation Electrification Portfolio Balancing Account (TEPBA)…….64055-64056-64057-E ………………………………………………………………………………………….64058-64059-E OOO Aliso Canyon Energy Storage Balancing Account (ACESBA)…………………....64073-64074-E PPP Disadvantaged Communities-Green Tariff Balancing Account (DACGTBA)……64152-64153-E VVV Community Solar Green Tariff Balancing Account (CSGTBA)……………………64154-64155-E WWW Disadvantaged Communities - Single-family Solar Homes Balancing Account (DACSASHBA) …………………………………………………………………………………………..64733-64734-E XXX Statewide Energy Efficiency Balancing Account (SWEEBA)……………………………..68438-E ZZZ Net Energy Metering Measurement and Evaluation Balancing Account (NEMMEBA)…65128-E


Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69225-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68769-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 4D6 Resolution

Schedule Cal. P.U.C. No. Title of Sheet No.


Index to Maps of Service Area ............................................................................................... 20557-E Map A - Service Area ............................................................................................................. 27223-E Map B - Service Area ............................................................................................................... 7865-E Map C - Service Area ............................................................................................................. 27224-E Map D - Service Area ............................................................................................................... 5697-E



D Domestic Service .......................... 63140-69095-69096-63143-63144-63145-63146-E D-CARE Domestic Service, CARE ............. 63147-69097-69098-66914-63150-63151-63152-E DE Domestic Service to Utility Employees ............................................................ 52049-E D-FERA Domestic Service, Family Electric Rate Assistance ................... 63153-69099-69100-E .................................................................................................... 63156-65141-65098-E D-SDP Domestic Summer Discount Plan ........................ 68466-68467-63161-63162-60797-E DM Domestic Service Multifamily Accommodation ......................... 59033-52051-67037-E DMS-1 Domestic Service Multifamily Accommodation Submetered ................. 59035-59036-E .......................................................................................................................... 45191-E

DMS-2 Domestic Service Mobilehome Park Multifamily Accommodation Submetered ........................................ 59037-59038-49026-49027-E DMS-3 Domestic Service Qualifying RV Park Accommodation Submetered ... 64253-64254-E ............................................................................................................... 64255-64256-E DS Domestic - Seasonal ................................................................................................... E ESC-OO Edison SmartConnect Opt-Out ............................................................ 64257-58894-E MB-E Medical Baseline – Exemption ......................................................................... 58244-E PEVSP Plug-In Electric Vehicle Submetering Pilot (Phase 1) .... 55109-56565-56566-56567-E ............................................................................................................... 56568-56569-E SEP Smart Energy Program ............................................................... 65789-65790-65791-E TOU-D Time-of-Use Domestic .........….....63166-69101-69102-69103-69104-69105-69106-69107-E

..................... 69108-69109-69110-65361-65362-63179-63180-63181-68052-69111-E …………………………………………………….…………..63184-65363-63186-63187-E

TOU-D-T Time-of-Use Domestic Tiered ........ …..63188-69112-69113-67051-65367-63193-69114-E .................................................................. 63195-65368-63197-63198-63199-63200-E

TOU-DPP Time-of-Use Domestic Pilot Program ....... ……………………………………………………E TOU-EV-1 Domestic Time-Of-Use Electric Vehicle Charging …...................... 69115-55918-49362-E

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Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69226-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68770-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 5D6 Resolution

RATE SCHEDULESSchedule Cal. P.U.C. No. Title of Sheet No.


EDR-A Economic Development Rate-Attraction………………………66121-66122-66123-E EDR-E Economic Development Rate-Expansion……… ……………66124-66125-66126-E EDR-R Economic Development Rate-Retention………………………66127-66128-66129-E EDR-A(S-E) Economic Development Rate-Attraction ................................ 66130-66131-66132-E EDR-E(S-E) Economic Development Rate-Expansion ............................... 66133-66134-66135-E EDR-R(S-E) Economic Development Rate-Retention ................................ 66136-66137-66138-E INTERIM EDR-A Interim Economic Development Rate-Attraction .................... 56642-56643-56644-E INTERIM EDR-E Interim Economic Development Rate-Expansion ................... 56645-56646-56647-E INTERIM EDR-R Interim Economic Development Rate-Retention .................... 56648-56649-56650-E GS-1 General Service - Non Demand ........... 57587-69116-58682-69117-54143-54144-E ................................................................................................. 54145-54146-54147-E GS-APS-E General Service - Automatic Powershift – Enhanced ............. 68468-61390-63204-E ......................................................................................................... 666140-64276-E TOU-GS-1 General Service Non Demand …66142-66143-66144-69118-69119-69120-69121-E ...... 69122-69123-69124-66152-66153-66154-66155-66156-69125-66158-66159-E ............................................................... 66160-66161-66162-66163-66164-66165-E TOU-GS-1-RTP General Service–Small-Real Time Pricing…….67063-69126-68658-67066-69127-E ............................................................................................................ 67068-67069-E .......................................................................... 67070-67071-67072-67073-67074-E GS-2 General Service - Demand ................... 57591-69128-53847-53848-69129-53850-E .......................................................................... 54169-54170-54171-54172-54173-E TOU-GS-2 General Service – Time-Of-Use – Demand Metered .. 66180-67700-67077-69130-E 69131-69132-69133-66187-66188-66189-66190-69134-66192-66193-66194-E ………………………………………………...……66195-66196-66197-66198-66199-E TOU-GS-2-RTP General Service – Medium – Real Time Pricing67083-69137-68668-67086-67087-E .................................................... 69138-67089-67090-67091-67092-67093-67094-E

TOU-BIP Time-Of-Use-General Service Base Interruptible Program ................ 65835-64302-E ...... 55648-66213-66214-65836-64303-64091-64092-64093-64094-65837-64305-E .................................................................................... 65838-64098-66215-67597-E TOU-EV-3 General Service Time-Of-Use Electric Vehicle Charging ........ 66216-66217-65390-E ............................................................................................................ 55945-55946-E TOU-EV-4 General Service - Time-Of-Use Electric Vehicle Charging Demand Metered ........................................ 66218-66219-55650-55651-47559-54197-38425-47404-E TOU-EV-6 General Service-Time-Of-Use Electric Vehicle Charging, Large Demand Metered ……………………………………………………………...66220-66221-66222-66223-E TOU-EV-7 General.Service.Time-Of-Use,-Electric.Vehicle.Charging…..64800-69137-69138-E ……………………………………………………………...64803-64804-64805-64806-E TOU-EV-8 General Service Time-Of-Use-Electric Vehicle Charging Demand Metered. 64807-E …………………………………….69139-69140-64810-64811-64812-64813-64814-E TOU-EV-9 General Service-Time-Of-Use Electric Vehicle Charging, Large Demand Metered 64815-69141-69142-69143-64819-64820-64821-64822-64823-E

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Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69227-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68771-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 6D6 Resolution


Schedule Cal. P.U.C. No. Title of Sheet Sheet No.


TOU-GS-3 Time-of-Use General Service Demand Metered ............ 66231-67102-69144-69145-E ......... 69146-69147-67107-67108-67109-67110-67111-69148-67113-67114-67115-E .................................................................. 67116-67117-67118-67119-66250-66251-E TOU-GS-3-RTP General Service – Large – Real Time Pricing ..... 67120-69149-68683-67123-67124-E ................................ 69150-67126-67127-67128-67129-67130-67131-66264-66265-E TOU-GS-3-SOP Time-of-Use General Service Super Off Peak Demand Metered ......... 66266-66267-E ............................ 66895-41104-41105-49393-47409-41108-41109-47410-65404-E TOU-8 General Service - Large .... 66268-66269-66270-67132-69151-69152-69153-69154-E ..... 69155-69156-69157-69158-69159-69160-69161-69162-67145-67146-67147-E ..... 67148-67149-67150-67151-67152-67153-67154-67155-67156-67157-67158-E ................................................................................................ 67159-67160-67161-E TOU-8-RBU Time-of-Use, General Service, Large, Reliability Back-Up Service ...... 69163-69164-E ..........................................69165-66308-66898-51782-47415-45752-45753-47416-E TOU-8-RTP General Service – Large Real Time Pricing ........ 67165-69166-68701-69167-68703-E .......... 69168-68705-67172-67173-67174-67175-67176-67177-67178-67179-67180-E ............................................................................. 67181-67182-67183-67184-67185-E TOU-8-RTP-S General Service – Large Real Time Pricing – Standby ... 66333-66334-67186-69169-E ……...68707-69170-68709-69171-68711-67193-67194-67195-67196-67197-67198-E .......... 67199-67200-67201-67202-67203-67204-67205-67206-67207-67208-67209-E ………………………………………………………………………..67210-67211-67212-E TOU-8-S Time-Of-Use – General Service – Large – Standby ....... 66366-66367-66368-69172-E 69173-69174-69175-69176-69177-69178-69179-69180-69181-69182-69183-68287-E 66382-66383-66384-66385-66386-66387-66388-66389-66390-66391-66901-66393-E 66394-66394-66395-66396-66397-66398-66399-66400-66401-66402-66403-66404-E ………………………………………………………………………………………… 66405-E


AP-I Agricultural and Pumping - Interruptible 66406-66407-66408-61425-64363-64102-E .................................................................................. 64103-64104-65846-67598-E PA-1 Power - Agricultural and Pumping (Connected Load Basis) .. 66409-59202-69184-E ......................... 59204-59205-59206-59208-59209-59210-59211-59212-59213-E PA-2 Power - Agricultural and Pumping (Demand Basis) .... 66410-69185-59215-59216-E ........................................................... 59217-59218-59219-59220-59221-59222-E

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Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69228-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68772-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 7D6 Resolution


Schedule Cal. P.U.C. No. Title of Sheet No.


TOU-PA-2 Time-of-Use, Agricultural and Pumping – Small to Medium-66411-66412-69186-E ….69187-69188-69189-69190-69191-66419-66420-66421-66422-66423-66424-E ...................... 66425-66426-66427-66428-66429-66430-66431-66432-66433-E TOU-PA-2-RTP Agricultural and Pumping – Small to Medium – Real Time Pricing 67233-69192-E 68733-67236-67237-67238-67239-67240-67241-67242-67243-66445-66446-E TOU-PA-2-SOP Agricultural and Pumping – Small to Medium – Super Off-Peak .... 66447-66448-E 66449-59251-59252-59253-59254-59255-59256-59257-59258-59259-59260-E TOU-PA-3 Agricultural and Pumping – Large ..... 66450-66451-68734-69193-69194-69195-E 69196-69197-69198-67251-67252-67253-67254-67255-67256-67257-67258-E ............................................. 67259-67260-67261-67262-67263-67264-66473-E TOU-PA-3-RTP Agricultural and Pumping – Large – Real Time Pricing ....... 67265-69199-68741-E ………………….67268-67269-67270-67271-67272-67273-67274-67275-67276-E TOU-PA-3-SOP Agricultural and Pumping – Large – Super Off-Peak 66488-66489-66490-59280-E

…………59280-59281-59282-59283-59284-59285-59286-59287-59288-59287-E ……………………………………………………………………………59288.59289-E

TOU-PA-ICE Time-of Use, Agricultural and Pumping Internal Combustion Engine Conversion Program ............ 59290-62978-58398-58399-58400-58401-58402-58403-58404-E ......................................................................................................... 58405-58406-E


AL-2 Outdoor Area Lighting Service - Metered ..... 69200-69201-66493-66494-66495-E DWL Residential Walkway Lighting ........... 69202-69203-35119-35120-35121-49434-E LS-1 Lighting - Street and Highway (Company-owned System) ............ 69204-69205-E ... 61255-48625-48626-51704-52412-55658-52414-52415-52416-52417-52418-E …………………………………………………………………………………….68053-E LS-2 Lighting - Street and Highway (Customer-owned Installation) - Unmetered Service . 69206-68812-68813-68814-62466-41548-62467-41550-48932-48631-48632-E .................................................................................. 48633-45427-51812-49442-E LS-3 Lighting - Street and Highway (Customer-owned Installation) - Metered Service ... ............................................................ 67287-69207-66507-62468-62469-59308-E OL-1 Outdoor Area Lighting Service 69208-69209-63754-63755-63757-66510-68054-E TC-1 Traffic Control Service .................................................................... 69210-49448-E

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Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69229-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68773-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 8D5 Resolution


Schedule Cal. P.U.C. No. Title of Sheet Sheet No.

OTHER BG-NEM Experimental Biogas Net Energy Metering ........ 53878-43574-56092-43576-54290-E ....................................................................................... 50514-49164-53349-54291-E Bio MAT Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff.65690-66591-62400-62401-65692-65693-65694-E ……………. 65695-65696-65697-65698-65699-65700-65701-65702-65703-65704-E ............................................................................................................. 68407-65706-E BSC-IMO Bundled Service Customer-Interval Meter Ownership .............. 45197-53879-53880-E CBP Capacity Bidding Program ........... 65879-64008-64106-64107-64011-64399-64108-E .......................................... 63335-63336-64109-64110-64111-64112-65880-64125-E CCA-CRS Community Choice Aggregation Cost Responsibility Surcharge ........ 57614-68002-E ........ 67293-68785-69211-69212-69213-69214-67299-67300-67301-67302-67303-E CCA-INFO Community Choice Aggregation-Information Fees ................... 49642-37965-37966-E ............................................................................................................. 37967-47438-E CCA-SF Community Choice Aggregation Service Fees .................................... 51283-51284-E ................................................................ 51285-51286-57389-57390-57391-57392-E CC-DSF Customer Choice - Discretionary Service Fees ............. 58913-53882-51291-53883-E ........................................................................... 51293-51294-51295-51296-55660-E CGDL-CRS Customer Generation Departing Load – Cost Responsibility Surcharge ....... 47058-E ......................................... 49451-68004-68751-67965-67966-56427-46677-46678-E CHP Combined Heat and Power Excess Energy Purchase . 57615-47251-50428-47253-E ........................................................................................................................ 50951-E CPP Critical Peak Pricing ........................................... 65881-68566-66513-66514-66515-E CRPP Charge Ready Program Pilot .................. 58584-58585-65512-58587-65513-58589-E CRTP Charge Ready Transport Program ..........64895-64896-64897-64898-64899-64900-E ........................................................................................................................ 64901-E CREST California Renewable Energy Small Tariff .................... 57617-44057-52962-52963-E

CS-GT Community Solar-………………......Green Tariff.64761-64762-64763-64764-64765-E DAC-GT Disadvantaged Communities-Green Tariff………………64766-64767-64768-64769-E DA-CRS Direct Access – Cost Responsibility Surcharge 56739-68006-67305-68753-69215-E ................... 69216-69217-69218-67311-67312-67313-67314-67315-67316-67317-E

....... 67318-67319-67320-67321-67322-67323-67324-67325-67326-67327-63051-E DAEBSC-CRS Direct Access Eligible Bundled Service Customers-Cost Responsibility Surcharge .... ...................................................................................... 42969-58933-42971-46947-E DA-LRATC Direct Access Local Resource Adequacy Transfer Credit ........ 47211-47212-47213-E DA-RCSC Direct Access Revenue Cycle Services Credits ........... 40004-41590-44164-44165-E

.................................................................................................. 41593-41594-51080-E DBP Demand Bidding Program ............ 57044-57045-57046-57047-53046-57333-57334-E


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Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 69230-E Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No. 68774-E



(Continued) (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC) Advice 4214-E Carla Peterman Date Submitted May 13, 2020 Decision 19-02-024 Senior Vice President Effective 10D5 Resolution


Schedule Cal. P.U.C. No. Title of Sheet Sheet No.

OTHER (Continued) NEM-V Virtual Net Energy Metering for Multi-Tenant and Multi-Meter Properties ............... ... 58755-53578-49802-60448-60489-63428-60491-60492-66584-66585-66586-E ............... 66587-66588-66589-66590-66591-66592-66593-66594-66595-66596-E NEM-V-ST Virtual Net Energy Metering for Multi-Tenant and Multi-Meter Properties Successor Tariff .................................... 60503-66519-58760-58761-58762-58763 .......................... 58764-58765-58766-60504-60505-66597-63430-60508-60509-E ..................................... 60510-60511-60512-63516-63517-63518-63519-63520-E NMDL New Municipal Departing Load .......... 68008-69219-49954-52450-54678-68759-E ..................................... 62453-52454-52455-52456-52457-52458-52459-52460-E OBF On-Bill Financing Program .............................................................. 41743-41744-E OBF-2 On-Bill Financing Program 2 ........................................................... 51597-51598-E OBMC Optional Binding Mandatory Curtailment ...... 65883-65884-63589-63590-65885-E OBR On-Bill Repayment Pilot Program ...... 53933-53944-53935-53936-53937-53938-E .............................................................................................. 53939-56928-56929-E PARF …………………………………………………………………………………,…67808-E PC-TBS Procurement Charge Transitional Bundled Service 57621-49964-49965-38146-E PCT Programmable Communicating Thermostat ............ 45826-44278-50143-45287-E PVS Experimental Photovoltaic Service .................................................. 47451-47452-E PVS-2 On-Grid Photovoltaic Service ………………………………………….19518-19519-E RES-BCT Renewable Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit Transfer .......... 66520-58777-59485-E ..................................................... 60752-60753-60754-60755-66521-66522-66523-E Re-MAT Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff ......... 52964-52965-61890-52967-61891-52969-E ..................................................... 52970-52971-61892-52973-55678-61893-61894-E RF-E Surcharge to Fund Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fee ............ 66849-E S Standby – 500 kW and Below 66524-66525-68760-68761-68762-66529-66530-E ................... 66531-66532-66533-66534-66535-66536-66537-66538-66539-66540-E SC Service Connection Charge ............................................................................ 67812-E SLRP Scheduled Load Reduction Program ...... 53895-47456-47977-47978-47979-53896-E ...................................................................................... 47980-47981-47982-47983-E SOMAH-VNM-ST Solar On Multifamily Affordable Housing Virtual Net Metering Successor Tariff…

…….63547-63548-63549-63550-63551-63552-63553-63554-66598-63556-63557-E …….63558-63559-63560-63561-63562-63563-63564-63565-63566-63567-63568-E SPSS Station Power Self-Supply ................................. 58778-55488-57625-55490-44851-E TMDL Transferred Municipal Departing Load ... 68010-56051-68763-68764-49968-49969-E .......................... 49970-49971-49972-49973-49974-49975-49976-49977-49978-E UCLT Utility-Controlled Load Tests .......................................................................... 57627-E V2G PILOT SCE Vehicle To Grid Experimental Pilot ................................... 52577-52578-52579-E WATER Water Agency Tariff for Eligible Renewables ................ 57628-44061-52978-52979-E WI-FI-1 Schedule WI-FI Pilot Wireless Fidelity Rate ................. 69220-43036-43037-43038-E WTR Wireless Technology Rate ................................. 69221-69220-66855-51997-51998-E


LIST OF CONTRACTS AND DEVIATIONS ......... 55503-60165-55016-51858-67971-60167-62228-E ......... 53971-51863-51864-51865-51866-51867-51868-60641-51870-54426-57936-E .......................................................................................................................... 54428-E

(T) (T) (T)

Attachment B


Final Rate--PCIA for DL, Generation Rate for Bundled

PABA CTC-Eligible

DWR Energy Credit

PABA One-Time

Refunds/ Costs


PABA 2004-2009 PABA 2010 PABA 2011 PABA 2012 PABA 2013 PABA 2014 PABA 2015 PABA 2016 PABA 2017 PABA 2018 PABA 2019

ERRA (Residual

energy costs, resources

ineligible for PABA, and

Imputed Costs for RECs and


Non-UOG-Related BRRBA Items




















Authorized Revenue Requirement ($000) $ 58,975 $ (5,400) $ (8,076) $ 143,198 $ 810,995 $ 224,829 $ 293,197 $ 62,458 $ (44,392) $ 144,481 $ 102,040 $ 70,706 $ (12,223) $ (22,992) $ (77,761) $ 3,201,315 $ 42,307 (718)$ (525)$ (288)$ (2,248)$ (128)$ (3,069)$ (12,125)$ (53,147)$ (283)$ 72,531$ Adopted Forecast kWh Sales (GWh) 80,234 80,234 80,086 74,312 74,312 73,243 71,366 70,679 70,311 69,931 69,105 69,074 68,541 66,266 56,652 54,528 54,528 687 368 380 826 31 533 2,275 9,614 74 54,528 System Average Rate ($/kWh) $ 0.00074 $ (0.00007) $ (0.00010) $ 0.00193 $ 0.01091 $ 0.00307 $ 0.00411 $ 0.00088 $(0.00063) $ 0.00207 $ 0.00148 $ 0.00102 $(0.00018) $(0.00035) $(0.00137) $ 0.05871 $ 0.00078 $ (0.00105) $ (0.00143) $(0.00076) $(0.00272) $ (0.00414) $(0.00576) $(0.00533) $(0.00553) $(0.00382) $0.00133

2001 Vintage Refund Rate $ (0.00576) $ (0.00119) $(0.00233) $(0.00223)2004 Vintage Refund Rate $ (0.00647) $ (0.00133) $(0.00262) $(0.00251)

2001 Vintage Customers $ (0.00593) NA (100% of CTC Revenues) 1.18% 1.69% 20.02% 39.41% 37.70%

2004 Vintage Customers $ (0.00664) NA (100% of CTC Revenues) 1.05% 1.51% 20.09% 39.53% 37.82%

2009 Vintage Customers $ 0.01267 NA (100% of CTC Revenues) -0.55% -0.79% 15.23% 86.11%

2010 Vintage Customers $ 0.01574 NA (100% of CTC Revenues) -0.44% -0.64% 12.26% 69.31% 19.50%

2011 Vintage Customers $ 0.01880 NA (100% of CTC Revenues) -0.37% -0.53% 10.27% 58.03% 16.33% 21.86% -5.59%

2012 Vintage Customers $ 0.01930 NA (100% of CTC Revenues) -0.36% -0.52% 10.00% 56.53% 15.91% 21.30% 4.56% -7.41%

2013 Vintage Customers $ 0.01934 NA (100% of CTC Revenues) -0.36% -0.52% 9.98% 56.41% 15.87% 21.25% 4.55% -3.26% -3.93%

2014 Vintage Customers $ 0.01945 NA (100% of CTC Revenues) -0.36% -0.51% 9.92% 56.09% 15.78% 21.13% 4.52% -3.24% 10.64% -13.98%

2015 Vintage Customers $ 0.01951 NA (100% of CTC Revenues) -0.36% -0.51% 9.89% 55.92% 15.74% 21.07% 4.51% -3.23% 10.61% 7.59% -21.22%

2016 Vintage Customers $ 0.01891 NA (100% of CTC Revenues) -0.37% -0.53% 10.21% 57.69% 16.23% 21.73% 4.65% -3.33% 10.95% 7.83% 5.39% -30.46%

2017 Vintage Customers $ 0.01916 NA (100% of CTC Revenues) -0.37% -0.52% 10.07% 56.94% 16.02% 21.45% 4.59% -3.29% 10.80% 7.72% 5.32% -0.94% -27.82%

2018 Vintage Customers $ 0.01861 NA (100% of CTC Revenues) -0.38% -0.54% 10.37% 58.62% 16.50% 22.08% 4.73% -3.39% 11.12% 7.95% 5.48% -0.97% -1.88% -29.72%

2019 Vintage Customers $ 0.01895 NA (100% of CTC Revenues) -0.37% -0.53% 10.18% 57.57% 16.20% 21.69% 4.64% -3.32% 10.92% 7.81% 5.38% -0.95% -1.85% -7.23% -20.16%

Bundled Service Customers $ 0.08440 0.88%

NA (100% of DWREC Revenues)

-0.12% 2.29% 12.93% 3.64% 4.87% 1.04% -0.75% 2.45% 1.75% 1.21% -0.21% -0.41% -1.62% 69.56% 0.92%1.58%

June 1, 2020 Billed Revenues Allocation Percentages Table (SCE Advice 4214-E) Attachment B

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