document processing

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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messaging services since 1992

Retarus is a global provider of highly professional

Messaging Services, Retarus develops market-leading

products and solutions for global electronic business

communications and business process optimization.

Managed Fax Services for the Enterprise


Document Processing for Insurance

messaging services since 1992

• Document processing can be a painful task for

any company

• Insurance companies reap the benefits of speed

of setup, service availability and workflow


• When implement in the cloud Insurance

companies receive greater efficiencies


Document Processing in the Cloud for Insurance Companies

messaging services since 1992

• One fast and simple method for consumers to

interact with an insurer is to fax applications and

claim documents

• Fax is easy to use, inexpensive and readily

available to almost every customer


Benefit from Cloud Computing

messaging services since 1992


Insurance Document Workflow Integration with Fax

• Fax to Text - The advantage of fax is that it’s a

legal document. Time spent processing faxes

by hand is time consuming, costly and can

lead to input errors

• With Optical Character Recognition (OCR),

faxes can be received by a managed cloud


• Then the fax can be turned back into text for

integration into your back end systems

messaging services since 1992


Insurance Document Workflow Integration with Fax

• Fax Security – Another problem with manual

receipt and input of faxes is security

• Once printed, faxes can be difficult to track

and keep secure. With customers’ private

information available to be seen

• With a managed cloud solution, the faxes

come into your back end system and are

automatically saved, backed up, and securely


messaging services since 1992


Insurance Document Workflow Integration with Fax

• Availability – Documents work their hardest

when they are readily available and easily


• With a managed cloud service you not only

get OCR and added security, but you also

have the ability to tag, save and retrieve

documents electronically

• Increase the speed and accuracy in your

business processes with Text to Fax.

messaging services since 1992


The Business Case for Cloud Computing

• Insurance companies make their living assessing


• Moving to a secure managed cloud service to

handle your fax communications reduces the

cost, security and privacy risk inherent in moving

private information via electronic means

messaging services since 1992

Would you like a free consultation? Contact retarus at

or on the web at


Advantages of a Managed Faxing Solution

• At Retarus we understand risk. That’s why we

run one of the most secure, highly available fax

cloud services in the world. Contact us at 212-


Want to read the full article? – go to:

messaging services since 1992

Our values

The core of our business

People drive business. From

experienced Sales and Support

teams to project-driven

customization of services - our

clients remain the focus of our

daily work. You benefit from a

true Partnership.

Customer focus

As experts we know what a

difference consistent quality

makes. We focus on how our

service drives your business. We

set the global standard for

messaging services. You benefit

from increased Efficiency.


Providing services also means

providing proof of service - from

intelligent reporting to coherent

billing, from service provision to

documentation. From Reports,

portals ,SAP status updates, you

benefit from absolute Control.


Developing leading-edge

technology and expanding our

portfolio means listening closely,

understanding trends and

serving our customers’ needs

and strategies. You benefit from

new Technologies.


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