
Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Timeline. © 2012, All Rights Reserved.

Design by Biyan Pasau

I own nothing but design.


Dzignine is not affiliated or representation of BloggerTM, Google blog engine. Dzignine is a

personal unofficial fan and hobby site.

By use this template you are deemed to have read and agreed to our terms and conditions.

Enclosure Link.

Timeline Blogger template handle content in standard Blogger way. So, there is no specific

explanation of how to publish an article. You can upload, write and publish articles like usual.

However some functions like “enclosure links” can be used as an alternative.

Basically, enclosure are the bits of info in Atom and RSS feeds that make

podcasting possible. With the enclosure links UI, you can turn your blog

into a podcast quite easily. Easy huh...that’s why in Timeline we make

that thing work outside of that original concept.

To turn on enclosure links, just go to Settings → Others and set the “Enable title links and

enclosure links” option to “yes”. This will add the enclosure links, named “links” field to your

post editor sidebar. You can add only one enclosure link at once that you can select between

‘image’ or ‘video’.

Mime Type: Chose between video and image (*Case sensitive and lowercase only).

Link: URL of your media.

Title link: If you want to direct you visitor to another external source/site instead of

single post once they click the post title.


Undefined Date

As consequence of using this template you need to redefine your post date format to avoid

“undefined date”. Undefined date is a common issue for a hack-ready post date on custom


You need to simply do the following steps. From your dashboard, navigate to Settings →

Language and formatting and set the “Date header format” option to It just,

some country has different configuration. So, if you still encounter this problem you need to

give a try for another format.


Author Avatar

You can change your avatar, a little orb below post date, by tweaks the css under Template →

Edit HTML. Scroll down to find following line:

Yes, replace the background *the yellow text* with your image url. The theme will crop your

images to the appropriate dimensions however if you want complete control over their

display, upload an *avatar image of 45px x 45px exactly.

But hey, Blogger “Template Designer” has a great feature named “Custom Css”. So, to make

it easy, instead of following the instruction above, enter following code in the available form

of Template Designer → Advanced → Custom css :

3 {

background: url(


width: 45px;

height: 45px;

margin: 0 auto;

border-radius: 50px;

border: 5px solid #ddd;

overflow: hidden;

} {

background: url(YOUR-IMAGE-URL); }


1. For another basic and simple configuration please Google.

2. If you have another further question please use Dzignine support forum. Our services is

limited to the template bug and issue.

3. Being a free product this template distributed as-is without official support. But if your

question can be solved under 1 minute or two, i will help you for free.


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