dolma info no.2 - low cost_en

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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Die 2. Ausgabe des DOLMA Magazins


NFODOLMA Group Magaz ine

Low cost –at what price?Top topics: Linde Ladenbau at EuroShop

Low cost, cost-effective management


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When it comes to «low cost», many people think first of low pro-duction costs and the offshoring of production to low-wage coun-tries. Or they think of economy class instead of business class, cof-fee from a cardboard cup instead of porcelain.

In shopfitting, comparing the costs of two different vendors is by its very nature more complicated than considering, say, two washing powders. Even then, the price is generally thrown into the same pot as the cost when comparing washing powders. And yet it is import-ant to consider all the factors: Which powder washes whiter? Which one do you need more of for each load? Which lasts longer? Which smells better? Which takes better care of the wash? And if the co-lours should happen to run, does the manufacturer provide any kind of guarantee or cover the damage?

Things are no different in our case. The total cost must be low when it’s all added together. Building on the decades of experience we enjoy and the strong partnerships we maintain, we ensure that, with us, low cost is more than just a buzzword.

Max Bolliger

The price doesn’t say anything about the cost

ContentsPage 2 DOLMA Group (holding)Page 3 DOLMA Projects & Services AGPage 4/5 Linde Ladenbau GmbH & Co. KGPage 6/7 Linde Ladenbau GmbH & Co. KGPage 8/9 BIDA SAPage 10/11 Bolliger Söhne AGPage 12 Guest article

Page 13 Apprentice exchangePage 14/15 Pendt AGPage 16/17 Perspectix AGPage 18/19 Rudolf Stäuble AGPage 20/21 DOLMA ProjectnetPage 22/23 LED lamps

Well-oiled teams help to cut costs

DOLMA Projects & Services AGHauptstrasse 166CH-5044 SchlossruedPhone +41 62 739 35 70Fax +41 62 739 35

Process optimisation is the best approach for achieving lower costs. After all, in no way «low cost» should equate to «low qua-lity». Anyone who fails to grasp this strategic truth will at some point have serious problems on their hands.

Every service that we can perform more efficiently with our opti-mised processes helps our customers to increase their earnings or to pass on the cost advantages. Working with existing partner-ships that have grown through collaboration is one of the most important ways of enhancing processes. Well-oiled teams in which everyone can rely on everybody else’s work, with the focus on a shared solution, are highly (cost-) efficient. Once the starting point (project definition and responsibilities) has been clearly defined for everyone involved, the path is clear for successful implementation.

Not only do we know our own processes, we know those of our customers as well. This is what enables us to support them and to optimise cooperation. Everyone should do whatever they do best. Our know-how and our partnerships (forming an extended work-bench) make it possible for us to constantly enhance processes. From the first idea for a project through to implementation and after-sales, we can accompany you across all process steps or make available a tool for shared use (such as PX or Meridian). The customer is free to choose the partner (its own partner or a DOLMA network partner) it wants to carry out the work, irrespec-tive of where that partner is located.

the sharpest pricesJoin with us for …





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How will products be presented in the future? Linde Laden-bau already provided a possible answer to this question at EuroShop 2008. With input from young designers at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, the Supermar-ket of the Future project was spotlighted in all its potential facets. The feedback to this development project from vis-itors was so positive that Linde Ladenbau decided to take the concept a step further in the coming year and present the outcome to visitors at EuroShop 2011.This year, the young designers Britta Müller, Vanessa Pesch and Martin Ferl were specifically tasked with devis-ing future-looking fruit and veg presentation. The three designers were given a free hand for their work, which gave rise to three competing designs with differing strengths. After internal discussion, one variant was chosen that stood out for its sweeping organic lines and the ideal way of presenting a wide range of product types together. In the meantime, the futuristic fruit and veg department does not exist solely on paper: it has also been built as a prototype, giving visitors the chance to gain an initial impression for themselves at Linde Ladenbau’s Euro-Shop stand.

The Supermarket of the Future project presented in 2008

Scribble of the fruit and veg presentation

High-precision prototype construction

The draft «organic fruit bowl»





The future is already here

Flanking the core activities it performs as theleading system manufacturer, Linde Ladebau also offers a broad portfolio of solutionand application skills. Besides its own resources that cover everything from planning through to project execution, a network ofspecialists can be called in to deal with specificcustomer requirements, enabling the project to be managed from a single source. Project management is a wide-ranging term, and for Linde Ladenbau it encompasses every step from advice and analysis followed by design and detailed planning through to choice of materials, assembly and handover. All phases of a project are carried out under the watchful eye of a central project manager who com-municates directly with the customer so that any change requests can be dealt with flexib-ly. This approach ensures that all the work is under constant supervision, everything moving in lock-step towards the goal that has been set.

Ladenbau mitLeidenschaft









The overall plan comes first – in this case 3500sqm Wucherpfennig centre

Visualisation of one area. The bakery

The bakery under construction

The bakery at the handover

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Erfolg mit System.



Based on the principle of modular design, shopfitting layouts for complete supermar-kets can be created with ease using point-and-click technology

The product configurator contains the com-plete product knowledge such as dimen- sions and geometry, the installation logic, the required components, materials, available colours and prices

During configuration, the product configur-ator automatically works out the parts list using both commercial and technical data

Completed shop





Turning solution expertise into customer benefits

With the introduction of the P’X5 product configurator for the 2D/3D design of food stores, Linde Ladenbau has been employing a tool for more than a year now that revolution-ises its sales processes. A three-dimensional design based on the store layout and the exact visualisation of its flexible systems solutions improves communication between customer and partner. In addition, P’X5 pro-vides for the efficient generation of parts lists from a range of four systems, five program-mes and more than 14,000 individual articles and numerous external modules that are constantly being expanded, seamlessly inter-linking production, sales and assembly. Com-pared with traditional shop planning, using P’X5 leads to a massive time saving in the workflows. The capacity this releases facilitates a faster, more flexible response to individual customer requests.







We’re growing together

Around 6,000sqm are being added to the Lin-de Ladenbau plant at the Bad Hersfeld pro-duction facility to take the total floorspace to 22,000sqm by December 2011. Alongside larger production and logistics areas, new offices and shipping ramps are also being erected to enhance plant workflows. The sustainable use of resources, long lifecycles and a commitment to the facility are three factors that are being prioritised during the

Planting a 30-year-old lime tree adds a symbolic touch to ground-breaking

The outside of the new plant as it will look from December 2011

The ground-breaking ceremony

expansion work. This includes measures aimed at adding modern, secure jobs coupled with methods intended to optimise energy use. The total investment amounts to tens of millions of euros, which underlines the company’s complete commitment to jobs and the facility. The foundation for a more solid future has been laid.

Linde Ladenbau GmbH & Co. KG Konrad-Zuse-Strasse 2D-36251 Bad Hersfeld Phone +49 6621 200-0Fax +49 6621

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In light of strong demand on the French mar-ket for capital goods destined for the French retailing and distribution industry, Jean-Fran-çois Server, 46, takes up his post as Export Development Director for France and the southern European hub. Having spent 13 suc-cessful years at Saint Gobain Glass and with a consuming interest in development, Jean-François Server is convinced that BIDA SA will make an important contribution to the development of any commercial undertaking within Europe.

«We are witnessing a real increase in re-quests from our customers feeling the need for a vital “remodelling” of their stores with the main aim of optimising more attractive and commercially successful enterprises to ensure customer loyalty. And it is to address this need that BIDA SA can bring its top- quality competencies into play.»

The overwhelming success of Equipmag 2010 has enabled us to look forward to a pro-mising future!

«Since this professional trade fair, we have been to see virtually all the visitors to our

stand, bearing witness to our attentiveness both to the market and our future customers with a view to better understanding their present and future needs.»

Euroshop 2011, the most important link worldwide between the trade and its part-ners, is one of the means by which BIDA SA, with the support of the DOLMA Group and our French partners, continues to consolidate its leadership position in Europe.

«We're looking forward to welcoming you personally to our stand covering almost a

square meters where all our competencies will be shown to their best advantage! I'm a great believer in that most famous and eloquent expression of the Roman philosopher Seneca who said: It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.»

It is in this economic context conducive to your development that we entreat you to DARE, dare to «challenge your concepts», dare to innovate…

After our presence at 2010,






BIDA SAaccelerates itsdevelopment…

we are already preparing 2011

Cosmetics aisle

Foreign exchange bureauAmerican Express

3D design and project

3D viewLes Amis Vert

Paris trade fair standEquipmag

Importing and exporting do not rhyme with cost overrun!

It is with the constant concern of ensuring the “right price” for develop-ing your stores in mind that, together with the DOLMA Group and our partners, we have introduced a strategy operating on several levels with a view to:

Switzerland and Germany;

appropriate and economical solutions;

support us in manufacturing your store;

France and Europe;

customers become our customers;


BIDA SAEinrichtung, Möbel, Systemerte des Jeunes 5d · CH-1227 Genève Les AcaciasPhone +41 22 307 06 10 · Fax +41 22 307 06 ·





Groupe Inedis

The efficient way toa successful project

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Bolliger Söhne cuts costs for you

To ensure that we can offer you our products and services at competitive prices both today and into the future, Bolliger Söhne has invested plenty of energy, manpower and know-how into optimising its processes over the last few years. We have learnt from our experience that it is only possible to cut cost with efficient planning and appropriate tools in all areas.




Bolliger Söhne AG Ladenbau, Möbel, SystemeHauptstrasse 166CH-5044 Schlossrued Phone +41 62 739 35 35Fax +41 62 739 35

PerformanceMore performance for less money. We have taken this slogan to heart, constantly expanding our services with the aid of powerful IT systems. Our focus is always on delivering viable solutions.

MaterialsThe combination of sustainability and opti-mised cost is a challenge that we have been happy to take up afresh every single day for years.

SystemBolliger Söhne is a supplier of systems to-gether with customized services: every-thing for your project. With the Linde System, we have access to a programme that enables us to fit out both large roll-outs and small specialist stores in line with demand. Being a partner of Linde Ladenbau as well as a member of the DOLMA Group gives us a decisive advantage when it comes to costing, logistics and special parts delivery.

CapacityTo make shopfitting more customer-orien-ted requires storage space, efficient inven-tory management and logistics. We have two large storage facilities and additional, spare and replacement parts can be delivered within a week from the supplier or straight from our warehouse. In addition, we guarantee delivery of additional, re-placement and accessory parts for a period of five years for our trusted partners.

PartnerEveryone does what they do best. We don’t want to do everything ourselves. For this reason, every day at Bolliger Söhne we work with specialists who apply their ex-pertise together with us to ensure that your project is a success.

Wine departmentCoop Sarnen







EuroShop 2011 in Düsseldorf.Leading global trade fairs are like the Olym-pics: a real test of strength between national and international participants, at one time, in one place, and in direct competition. They need to fulfil several criteria simultaneously: first, they must be global in terms of the visitor and exhibitor numbers; second, they must be global in terms of the completeness of the offering; and third, they must be the leading fair of their type for a given field or market segment in terms of the level of participation of international exhibitors and visitors.

EuroShop, The Global Retail Fair, is a prime example. Since 1966, it has evolved into the world’s leading capital goods exhibition for the retail trade. 1895 exhibitors from 48 coun-tries took part in 2008, together occupying more than 100,000sqm of net exhibition space. Some 105,000 trade visitors from five continents travelled to Düsseldorf for the event.

The constant growth enjoyed by EuroShop can be attributed primarily to the fact that its offering has been continually enhanced and expanded. Since 2002, it has been divided into four separate sections: EuroConcept, EuroSales, EuroCIS and EuroExpo. The Euro-Concept section, which covers the field of shop construction, shopfitting, lighting, floor-ing, architecture and store design, refrigerati-on units and refrigeration systems, is and will remain the centrepiece of EuroShop. With over 60,000sqm of net exhibition space and nearly 800 exhibitors, EuroConcept is by far the biggest section at EuroShop.

Forums for ideas and opinions are increasing-ly emerging from the concept of the trade fair as a sales instrument. Thus, the upcoming EuroShop being staged from February 26 to March 2, 2011 also has numerous special pre-sentations to offer. The EuroShop Designer Village, for example, provides an opportunity for visitors to gain ideas from architecture of-

fices and design studios for the layout of future shops. Prestigious congresses, like the Euro-Shop Retail Design Conference, underscore the significance of EuroShop as a leading global trade fair. In addition, trade visitors can use forums like the EuroShop Forum Architecture & Design free of charge the whole time the fair is on.

In 2011, EuroShop is devoting a separate plat-form – the ECO-Park – to the topic of sustain-ability. This special show is being realised in conjunction with the EHI Retail Institute. With this move, the trade fair is picking up on an important trend in retailing, as there is great interest in sustainability-related topics. Energy-efficient solutions can help to slash costs and have a huge impact on carbon foot-prints.

Also putting in its first appearance is a special show entitled “Sustainovation” looking at how sustainable innovations are created. This has been devised by Messe Düsseldorf, which organises trade fairs in the city, to-gether with materials consultancy Material ConneXion and management consultancy brands & values. The potential for sustainable product innovations to promote growth and lower costs is impressively demonstrated by numerous examples across the entire product lifecycle.

As you can see, not only is EuroShop the only event to showcase the full range of capital goods for the retail trade, it also acts as an important trend barometer that picks up key developments at an early stage and provides creative, innovative and informative ideas every three years. Everyone who’s anyone in the international retain trade comes to Euro-Shop, and so we’re delighted that DOLMA Projects & Services will be attending for the first time, and Linde Ladenbau once again, as leading players in the industry with their stands at EuroShop 2011.

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Apprentice exchangeLet's go

Kurt Uhlig, an apprentice technical drawer training under Carsten Blank and Thomas Bruche, took up the proposed opportunity to work at Pendt AG in Gossau from July 26 to August 6, 2010. With excellent support and oversight from the Pendt team, he collected plenty of practical advice, got himself involved and learned a great deal about wood-working and processes, starting from the design and going through to the execution of the customer order. Kurt is pleased to report that he considers the exchange visit a great success. He would do exactly the same again, given the chance. He is happy to pass his detailed report to other apprentices to read. Thanks go to Markus Moser and his team, especially Joshua Jörger, for planning the unusual training scheme so well and for arranging the enjoyable visit. They helped to ensure a successful launch for Let’s go.

A big future is predicted for the DLV’s scheme to hold part of the training course abroad or possibly in a different enterprise, even if it is only for a couple of weeks. The arrangement also helps teenagers and young employees to develop their personal skills. The DOLMA Group agrees, and now also offers its apprentices the chance to this enjoy unique experience in one of its own firms. The retail trade and shopfitting are becoming ever more international in nature. Other shopfitting firms are no longer restricted to merely regional activities either. Kurt Uhlig was the first to taste the experience.

Training abroad


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Design does not always have to entail high costs. As a producer of basic materials, we are constantly looking to optimise or produc-tion processes and collaborate closely with our subcontractors in the retail trade. This means that we can also market design as a capital good for investors in various indus-tries as well as for private customers demand-ing high quality capital goods. Studying and analysing our markets for high quality basic materials for our customers, coupled with implementing the results in our production, encourages us time and again to carry out certain experiments in advance and to ac-quire fundamental knowledge for ourselves that we can pass on to our customers in the form of a high quality product. We frequently have to ask ourselves in these processes whether the customer can use the end product once it’s implemented and also finance it. Thus, the design must not suffer and should be affordable for everyone.

Consequently, we make every effort to respond to our customers’ wishes individu-ally at the earliest possible moment in both the advisory and the project phase. The cus-tomer and/or investor can always decide with the help of our advice how to implement his product as an investment or commercial design. Investors can influence the size of the investment by selecting different basic materials and ensuring perfect implementati-on in the possible refinement processes. This means it is possible to employ cheaper basic materials optically in a smart design and also in the look and feel in a way that is user-friendly. This could equally be in the public or the private sphere. In all of our workflows, we constantly try to check the costs against the value and the design and to offer the per-fect solution for the customer.



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Sunrise capital good

Sunrise detail

Puma, photo P.5

Lostorf kitchen


0815 wine storage cabinet, photo P.5

0815 bar, photo P.5

Fislisbach kitchen









Pendt AGIndustriestrasse 5CH-8625 GossauPhone + 41 44 936 51 00Fax + 41 44 936 51

Design as aninvestment

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Software vendor Perspectix is rolling out an integrated planning environment in the form of the innovative P'X5 Store Solution that ef-ficiently connects shopfitting and product range selection. Intelligent libraries serve as the basis for concept catalogues that support the entire planning process between retailer, store planner and system manufacturer from the configuration of complex shopfitting modules, decorative elements and merchan-dise fixtures through to the range of goods sold.

The P'X5 Store Solution covers outlets of re-tail chains in both expansion planning and ongoing operations. Stores are designed by simply moving the shopfitting modules and plans from the catalogue to the store floor plan. The 3D visualisation helps to improve the quality of communications between category manager, visual merchandising and shop planner. Reports showing volumes, costs, square metres, running metres and shelf metres can be drawn up for product groups, articles and parts lists instantan-

eously at any time, meaning that design of the shopping world can be integrated with optimisation of the floorspace and product range. Power consumption and operating costs can also be calculated for cooling ele-ments.

Spatial reports across all outlets give purchasing departments the precise basic data they need to determine the actual de-mand for products. Changes to the product range and merchandise fixtures requested by category management can be generated for each outlet automatically in plans and as-sembly instructions. P'X5 Store Solution en-ables centrally coordinated changes to the product and shopping worlds to be imple-mented quickly and easily. This ensures that the ongoing optimisation of the planning and procurement processes runs in parallel to the management of store layout and goods pre-sentation.










Perspectix AGHardturmstrasse 253CH-8005 Zürich Tel. +41 44 445 95 95Fax +41 44 445 95

Lean processes with integrated store and range planning

Space management, traffic flow

Interpretation of concept modules

Shopfitting planning

Range planning

Outlet management (reports)

Perspectix AGHardturmstrasse 253CH-8005 Zürich Phone +41 44 445 95 95Fax +41 44 445 95

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A Nestlé company based in Konolfingen, Switzerland, produces probiotic infant for-mula. In addition, scientists and engineers at the facility employ cutting-edge technologies to develop innovative nutrition solutions. Among other things, they develop prototypes for complete plants. A touch of Stäuble com-petence has now been added to this centre of competence for nutrition. Nestec turned to Stäuble with an order for cable ducts, wire trays and the wall hooks and bolts required to attach them. Working in conjunction with the customer, we then developed parts that met the requirements in full (chromium steel for sterility!) in next to no time. It took just two weeks from the order being placed in

mid-March 2009 until a sample series of 20 wall bolts and U-shaped trays had been delivered.

Both parties were fully satisfied with the way project progressed thereafter. The first complex 54 and 90 wire trays were designed and samples produced by the spring of 2010. A global corporation like Nestlé quite naturally makes high demands. We’re proud of the fact that our work could meet these demands.

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Construction planning


Wire tray ducts

Niche experience as a positive cost factor

Rudolf Stäuble AGDrahtwaren und MetallwarenGrenzweg, Postfach 257CH-5040 SchöftlandPhone +41 62 721 41 21Fax +41 62 721 36

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project requirements analysis

draft planning / scribbles / computerised 2/3D visualisations through to project costing

operational review before further costs

- Architecture / internal architecture - Shopfitting / engineering - Submission

professional project support prompt time and cost controls

- Project conclusion - Invoicing / warranties - Inspection planning - Documentation

Our services –your one-stop shop:

Successful selling depends on more than just product range, price and store location. The goods must also be presented in a way that en-courages people to buy.

We are shopfitting professionals. We ensure that you can concentrate fully on your core busi-ness: selling. We take care of all your concerns when it comes to the construction and renovation of store space – from requirements analysis to project conclusion. You work with various firms specialising in their respective fields (including firms from your network, if you wish). The gre-atest advantage for you, however, is that you have a single point of contact, someone who knows what’s happening: the Dolma Projectnet project manager.

Your goal: successful selling

Various firms have contributed the expertise they have gained and the partner networks they have built up to create a pool of knowledge and experience. Although each of these firms has a different core competence, they can all boast many years of experience in construction and shopfitting. Your Dolma Projectnet contact stays with you all the way through from first contact to final handover. We work with you from the outset to clarify and analyse your needs, your wishes and your framework. Taking this as the basis, we put together a competent project team for you featuring your network and ours.

For an initial assessment, simply get in touch with one of the firms that are part of the Projectnet.

The idea behind your shopfitting success

Your success starts with a phone call

Our goal: helping you to sell successfully



DOLMA Projects & Services AGHauptstrasse 166CH-5044

BIDA SALadenbau, Möbel, Systemerte des Jeunes 5dCH-1227 Genève Les

Bolliger Söhne AGLadenbau, Möbel, SystemeHauptstrasse 166CH-5044

Linde Ladenbau GmbH & Co. KGHauptsitz & WerkKonrad-Zuse-Strasse 2D-36251 Bad

Pendt AGIndustriestrasse 5CH-8625

Perspectix AGHardturmstrasse 253CH-8005 Zürich

Rudolf Stäuble AGDrahtwaren und MetallwarenGrenzweg, Postfach 257CH-5040 Schö

We organise your project

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The unique LED system is setting new standards

Close cooperation in the DOLMA Projectnet has resulted in the development of a revolu-tionary LED system for shops.

This new LED system brings together the best qualities of traditional lighting in a single system. It is a ground-breaking innovation in the field of light quality for supermarkets, facilitating the perfect presentation of goods in both the food and non-food segments. The compact LED modules are equipped with a completely new generation of LED chips and a specially devised reflector system. Their use ensures the powerful, uniform distribution of light density. The innovation is found in both this configuration and the cooling required for peak performance. Moreover, the system sets new standards in terms of the cost of energy and maintenance. The

new bulbs have a lifetime of at least 50,000 hours, the equivalent of around 15 years. Traditional bulbs only suffice for an average of 10,000 hours. Power consumption can be reduced by up to 50 percent.

The new LED system is ringing in the replace-ment of traditional shop light fittings and hence also a new era in store lighting. Whereas metal halide lamps used to be considered the ultimate in general lighting for retail outlets, manufacturers are being forced to seek new solutions in the age of quality consciousness, sustainability, envi-ronmental awareness and cost minimisation.






The revolutionary LED lighting system enables:

Advantages for you and your customers

(customer comfort and energy saving)

no deterioration of textile goods

(no headaches or eye complaints)

Food lightingFruit an veg

DesignLED housing

Non-food lightingClothes department

LED revolution in shop lighting

DOLMA Projects & Services AGHauptstrasse 166CH-5044 SchlossruedTel. +41 62 739 35 70Fax +41 62 739 35

Built-in an mounted models of the LED spots are available

Wattages: 35W, 40W, 45W, 50W (programmable)Color temperatures: Between 2'500˚K and 4'000˚K (programmable)Reflectors: 12˚/15˚ spot, 24˚ medium, 36˚ flood, 60˚ wideflood


Hauptstrasse 166CH-5044 SchlossruedPhone +41 62 739 35 70Fax +41 62 739 35



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Hauptstrasse 166CH-5044 SchlossruedPhone +41 62 739 35 70Fax +41 62 739 35



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