dontez byrd final project

Post on 19-Aug-2015



Social Media



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By: Dontez Byrd

The Next Generation

Of Communication

Past: There was a lack of technology so people had to use things like the telegraph to communicate.

Present: Technology now is completely opposite and now we are able to communicate with people in other countries.

Future: I am excited to discuss this but in 10-20 years I think technology will be innovated to it’s maximum potential by no longer using cell phones to communicate but will be able to communicate through small invisible screens that can pop-up in your glasses lens or on your clothing.

Uses And Gratification Theory Uses and Gratification Theory: Clarifies how

people use media for their need and gratification.Social Integrative Needs: Need to

socialize with old/current friends and Family.

Affective Needs: Emotions, Pleasures.Personal Integrative Needs: Self-

esteem.Tension Free Needs: Means of stress


Video Games Interactive Video game experience.

Cell Phones Invisible screen with a wireless invisible eye

piece that connects the eye piece to the phone to watch and work apps.

TabletsWill allow holographic chat with others.

Media Dependency Theory Definition: An internal link, between

media, audience, and a large social system.

Individual: The media has the ability to satisfy the audiences needs.

Active Audience: Chooses the media dependence on their needs and other factors.

Social Stability: The audience reconsider their beliefs, practice, and behaviors when strong social change, conflicts.

Twitter Will turn into the news station.

Instagram Will be the main app for photos.

Facebook Will be for advertisements and businesses.

Examples Media Dependency Theory In 2025

Social Learning TheoryDefinition: People learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. Attention: Various factors increase or

decrease the amount of attention paid. Retention: Remembering what you paid

attention to. Reproduction: Reproducing the image. Motivation: Having a good reason to


Social Learning

Examples of Social LearningTheory in 2025

The Classroom Tablets will be mandatory for class.

Driving School Driving stimulators will take place of

Driving instructors.

Telephones Telephones will not require charging

And they will be invisible.

Works CitedCherry, K. (nd.). Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory.

Retrived August 9, 2015, from http://psychology

Media Dependency Theory. (n.d.). Retrieved August 9, 2015 , from

Uses and Gratification Theory. (n.d.). Retrieved August 9, 2015, from

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