do's and don’ts of smartphone etiquette

Post on 17-Aug-2015



Art & Photos



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Do's and Don’ts of Smartphone Etiquette

Ensure your wedding goes without a hitch!

It sounds obvious but it's amazing how many guests get carried away during the ceremony or the group

photos and jump straight in front of the pro photographer.

Remember that the Bride & Groom have spent months selecting their wedding photographer and chose that person for their unique style and skill in shooting. If you want the happy couple to still love you after their big day, don't mess up their beautiful


1.  Don't photobomb the photographer!

Like EVER. Here's why:

• They're too big!• The quality isn't great

• They get in the way of other guests being able to see the Bride & Groom

• And trust me, if someone knocks it our of your hand or spills champagne on it, you wont be


2.  Don't use iPads or tablets.

Photographers and the happy couple will both thank you for this! If the couple has a videographer, don’t stand right in front of him and be aware of what you say if he's nearby - you don't want your voice to be

over the top of the first dance the whole time!

That being said, the Bride & Groom will love the photograph that their pro photographer will take of them dancing with you all holding up your iPhones to video the first dance. It actually looks beautiful!

3. Do video the First Dance.

If you must take photos during the ceremony, whether it's with your phone or a point and shoot camera,

please, please, please avoid using your flash!

If your flash goes off right when they say "I Do" for example, it can completely ruin the photographers

image and your friends will never forgive you! Don't believe me?

Check this image out…

4.  Don't use flash.

www.nottonhousephotography.comPhoto courtesy of Corey Ann Photography

Unless the Bride & Groom have specifically asked you too, do not go splashing your snapshots all 

over the internet.

The Bride & Groom may be shy or very selective about what images they want to appear on social

media and who sees them - let them out their photos up first. You can always add yours a few days later once you've had a chance to speak to

them about it.

5.  Facebook.  Instagram.  Twitter.

Following on from the last point, some couples would love to document their wedding by using hashtags

and creating a wedding photo stream on Instagram - the reception is the perfect place to get this one


They will tell you either in person or via their wedding invitations if they do want you to do this. In this case,

you'll receive a specific hashtag to use when uploading your photos, so make sure you use it.

6.  Do use specific hashtags.

…or whilst waiting for your Bride to be. You've all seen this right? And really, there are much better

places to keep your phones!

People really do that? Yeah, unfortunately they do!

Need proof?

7. Don't text whilst walking down the aisle

As a professional I'm more than happy to take a beautiful photograph of you to commemorate the occasion - but on my camera. I know it will look

much better! Not just because it's an expensive bit of gear, but because I can change the settings and instead of a blurry iPhone snapshot, you'll get an

image you'd actually want to keep!

Which is the point, right?

8.  Don't ask the photographer to take a photo of you using your phone or hand held camera.

And definitely don't update your Facebook status during it!

9.  Do pay attention to the ceremony - not your phone!

Let your guests know in advance - either in the invitations, by placing a sign in the ceremony room or simply ask your Registrar to mention that there will be no cameras allowed during the Ceremony

itself. Of course everyone can come up at the end and take pictures then if you'd like.

Signs such as this one can be purchased are fabulous and elegant.

Or download our free sign here! >>>Unplugged Wedding Sign (Chalkboard or White & 


10.  Do feel free to have a completely UNPLUGGED wedding!

Unplugged wedding signs – Our gift to you!

 Another obvious one - but totally relevant and forgotten more often than not - please remember 

to put your phone on silent (not vibrate!)

11.  Mobiles should be on silent, not vibrate

At all. Not even one foot. I'm begging you.

Photographers sometimes use a long lens and stay at the back of the Church / Ceremony Room to get their shots, especially like us,

when we have two photographers for your wedding.

When you book us, one of the things you love about us is that as a Husband & Wife team we can actually be in two places at once! I'll be at the front of the aisle and Ian will be at the back. Now he has a much harder job back there than you'd think. He's usually shooting in to direct sunlight (notice how the altar is always placed in front of a big window at venues?) and he has to capture the Bride & Groom without getting me in the photo too! As we work together so often, we know how each other work and can avoid getting each other in the shots. but we have no control over a guest sidestepping in to

the aisle, smart phone in hand and standing there for five minutes.

12. Don't step in to the aisle during the Ceremony.

I get why you may want to and actually it doesn't bother me - but it

completely distracts the Bride & Groom. They need to know where to look (directly at my camera!) and

feel pressured to smile at guests taking photos too. As soon as one person does this, you'll notice that suddenly there are 20 people vying

for the Brides attention!Getting group photos quickly is as

important for the photographer as it is for the guests and the newlyweds. They want those beautiful pictures

to remember who shared their special day with them but they also want to get them done quickly and

smoothly so everyone can enjoy themselves too!

13.  Don't stand next to the photographer to snap a picture.

Some churches and venues have very limited space or very strict rules about where the photographer

can stand.

Try to be aware of the limitations the professional may have and don't stand during the ceremony or 

raise your arms up to get a photo.

14.  Don't stand during the ceremony

Weddings are all about emotion, love and happiness and these expressions come

across everyone's faces during the ceremony - Mother & Father of the Bride & Groom and all your guests. If you have a phone or camera up in front of your face, photographers can't capture those moments for the Bride & Groom! (And trust me,

they want to see that!)

 15. Last but not least, one of the most important reasons to put your phone or camera down... we want to see your faces!

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