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Post on 11-Apr-2018






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1 Yuliatun Faikoh The effect of using Discovery Reading strategy toward students’ reading comprehension at ....

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I.

2 Tri Setyaningsih Cooperative study of reading comprehension skills between the students who learn English as Compulsory Subject and the students who learn English as major subject (peminatan)

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I.

3 Sri Rahayu The effectiveness of using start simple stories (SSS) technique to improve students’ writing of narrative text

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I.

4 Dessy Efiani The effectiveness of Running Dictation Method i improving students’ vocabulary

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I.

5 Lail Lia Alifah Improving students’ grammatical mastery through eliciting technique on the eleventh grade of....

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I.

6 Dessy Ratnasari Improving students’ writing ability ability in recount text using snowball throwing method of the second grade of .....

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I.

7 Rulia Iva Dhalina The implementation of classroom management in English Teaching to children refugees in Semarang

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I.

8 Melya Indrasari Improving students’ reading skill through Team-based learning (Collaborative) at Junior high school

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I.

9 M. Faik Sanggrianto Correlation study between students’ knowledge of light engineering vehicle and their mastery in engineering vocabulary

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I.

10 Friska Novita Dewi The use of Javanese folklore to develop students reading comprehension skill at...

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I.

11 Dini Kusuma D The effectiveness of “Tangled” film as a narrative story to improve students’ ability in ability in story rewriting at....

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.

12 Ernitasi Teaching procedure text through literacy theory to improve students’ writing skill

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.

13 Hanif Shohibul A The effectiveness of using typograph to teach grammar to improve students’ Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.

writing skill14 Eka Purwaningsih The use of buiding word to improve students’ vocabulary mastery on the

tenth grade of vocational high schoolTiti Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.

15 Nunung Mustafidah The effectiveness of Using Lottery Game to Improve Students’ understanding in Present Tense

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.

16 Yustina Dwi R The effectiveness of group problem solving in teaching speaking at.... Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.17 Maria Qibtiyah Increasing the students reading comprehension through word sorts strategy Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.18 Dian Apriyani The efectiveness of using news item in Jakarta post to improve students’

reading comprehension at....Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.

19 Mukharokah The effectiveness of authentic video for teaching procedure text at vocational high school

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.

20 Irwan Rifa’i Teaching intercultures to .....students using .... movie Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.21 Azis Puja An error analysis of Indonesian-English translation made by the fifth

semester studentsTiti Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.

22 Qori Istiana The efectiveness of using name puzzle to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at...

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.

23 Aflikhatunnisa The influence of students’ reading strategies and their reading comprehension abilityat....

Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.

24 Friska Rusma W The efectiveness of using Indonesian legend for teaching narrative text at.... Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS. M.Hum.

1 Laelatul Fandilah The effectiveness of scafolding technique on students’ writing skill ( A case at ...)

Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

2 Bambang Pamungkas

An analysis of code-switching used in the Maher Zain’s song lyrics Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

3 Yuni Nurlinawati The effectiveness of teacher made materials on the students’ achievement ( A case at ...)

Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

4 Heri Setiawan A analysis of pronunciation of English front vowels made by the second semeter students of ...

Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

5 Gamas Gautama Improving students speaking skill through story retelling technique ( A case at ...)

Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

6 Ika Maya E Improving students’ vocabulary mastery using Fables ( A case at ...) Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum7 Rochmah Noor H Discourse analysis on cohesion found in the text.... Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum8 Ari Sumargiyah Improving students’ Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum9 Elvira Oktavia The implementation of Read to Debate Activity (RTDA) to motitvate the

students in Speaking ( A classroom observation research)Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

10 Pratama Nikas The use of brochures and labels to improve students’ comprehension skills Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

11 Azis Sofwan Comparative study among students’ learning style and its effect on their learning achievement ( A case at ...)

Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

12 Bayu Nandra R A analysis of deixis in the article of Jakarta Globe and and its application in ELT

Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

13 Arum Budi U The effectiveness of using BBC Learning English video for teaching pronunciation at.....

Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

14 Nurastuti Arisanti The use of sintesizing technique to improve students’ reading skill at.... Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum15 Risna Susanti A study of introvet and extrovet personality and its influence on their

speaking skill ( A case at ...)Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

16 Ari Sumargiyah The use of authentic video to improve students’ vocabulary at vocational high school of....

Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

17 Rahmawati The analysis of teacher and students ‘ talk in classroom interaction (A classroom observation at....

Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

18 Indriyani Kholis S A comparative study between traditional testing and alternative assessment on the students learning achievement at....

Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

19 Desi Sugiyarti A study of students’ learning style and its influence on their learning achivement ( A case at ...)

Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

20 Magfuroh The use of guessing game to improve students’ spaeking ability at..... Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.21 Sakti Purbasari An analysis of English-Indonesian Code Switching in “Java Heat” movie Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.22 Anisatur Rohmah Improving reading comprehension skill of narrative by retelling the story at... Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.23 Siti Isnaeni Khusnul

KThe effectiveness of situational pictures on improving students’ability of writing descriptive text at...

Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

24 Singgih Wicaksono A study of students’ difficulty in translating idoms ( A case at ...) Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.25 Tri Cahyaningrum The effectiveness of talking chips for improving students’ speaking ability

at.....Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

26 Pujiono An error analysis of preposition use in writing recount text ( A case at ...) Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.27 Ardy Setyakawan Improving students’ listening skills using Football Commentatory at... Dr. Sudar, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

1 Gemilang Pratama Syntatical analysis newsweek published on Jan 7th, 2015. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.2 Istna Ayu Annisa A sociolinguistic study of code-switching used by teacher and students at.... Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.3 Yogi Trisusmiyati An analysis of politeness strategies used in “The Giver” movie and its

application in ELTZulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

4 Risky Nanda R An analysis of sentence types in the Editorial of Jakarta Globe online newspaper published on.... and its application in ELT

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

5 Nanang Murdiyanto An analysis of directive speech acts used by the characters in a film .... and its application in ELT

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

6 Ardiyan Tri C An analysis of educational values on William Temptations’ Song lyrics on the album of “the heart of everything”

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

7 Niken Nur Hidayati A pragmatic analysis of English slogans on mobile phone and car advertisements

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

8 Endah Aryati Utami An analysis of speech acts used by students and teacher in English class ( A case at ...)

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

9 Doni Irawan An analysis of style and register found in ‘The Prestige” movie and its application in ELT

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

10 Yully Windarto A syntactical analysis in “wild arm 4” video game and its application in ELT Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.11 Mega Layung S An analysis of translating promising utterances in Drama movie entitled “the

vow” and its application in ELTZulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

12 Ardi Arso An analysis of conversational implicature in a movie “Shutter Island” and its application in ELT

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

13 Winda Windhyastuti The analysis of language variety in ....speeches and its application in ELT Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.14 Eko Prasetyo The analysis of violation maxim in dialogues made students of SMA N 1

PurworejoZulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

15 Ludfia Cholisna Pragmatic analysis of English slogans on foods and beverages products and application in vocational high school...

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

16 Fitri Lestari Analysis of students’ vernacular style in.... Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.17 Ida Tri W. Analysis of deixis in movie transcript “Twilight” movie by Stephani Meyer

and its application in ELT Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

18 Gugus Kurniawan Implicature analysis in English song entitled “Home” by Michael Buble and its application in teaching listening

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

19 Dian Fitri A An analysis of commisive speech Acts in a movie: “The Notebook” and itsapplication in ELT

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

20 Agustina Restiyanti An analysis of expressive speech Acts in a movie: Momento” and its application in ELT

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

21 Bayduri Ratna P Code switching in cultural adjustment process among Javanese students in speaking class ( A case at ...)

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

22 Anis Karunia An analysis of politeness strategies used by teacher and the students in classroom interaction at...

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

23 M. Hafidz A Pragmatic analysis of English comments on MEME and its application in ELT

Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

1 Fajar Rahmadiana The analysis of social attitudes found in “Fr analont of the Class” and its application in ELT

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

2 Notiva Pangestuti A study of students’ motivation in learning English and its influence on their Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

English learning achievement ( A case at ...)3 Pradhika Cahyaning

TThe effectiveness of 3D animation to teach pronunciation at the seven grade of SMP N 1 Sapuran

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

4 Nur Khotimah The use of personal experience to increase students’ writing ability in recount text

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

5 Eny Wijiastuti Students’ difficulties in Indonesian-English translation ( A case at the fifth semester of English Dept )

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

6 Khusnul Khotimah Improving students’ vocabulary mastery by metacognitive strategies (Experimental studyat....)

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

7 Luluk faridah Improving students’ reading comprehenshion skills using Jakarta Globe news (Experimental studyat....)

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

8 Ari Alfiati The use of Picture word inductive model (PWIM) for teaching vocabulary at...

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

9 Dewi Fatmawati The effectiveness of skill circuits to improve English Vocabulary mastery at....

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

10 Sukarni The application of Speaking Practice Activities in Communicative Language Teaching to improve student speaking ability

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

11 Asti Riesta The influence of students’ attitude in English subject toward their learning achivement in Speaking ( A case at ...)

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

12 Yuni Wulandari Improving students’ speaking skill using talking stick (Experimental studyat....)

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

13 Widi Untoro A study of effectiveness using environmental media to improve students’ descriptive text writing ability

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

14 Erna Kusjayanti The effectiveness of reading aloud technique on improving students’ pronunciation mastery at ...

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

15 Rury Felanti KD Improving students’ speaking skill through mind mapping strategy (Classroom action research at...)

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

16 Rini Susanti Improving students’ reading comprehension skill using random text strategy (Experimental studyat....)

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

17 Nurul Asma The effectiveness of using webquest to improve students’ reading comprehension skill at....

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

18 Tri Wahyuni The effectiveness of using simulation Game to improve students’ speaking ability at....

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

19 Dwi Ariwibowo A study of Educational Debating Method in Speaking Class of the fourth semester of English Dept. (Classroom observation research)

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

20 Ami Kharistia The effectiveness using Circle Chain Game for teaching Simple Past Tense at....

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

21 Yeni Aryanti Improving students’ grammar mastery of past tense through Team Game Tournament (TGT)

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

22 Irmawati The effectiveness of using Visual Auditory Kinestethic (VAK) to improve students’ writing ability of descritive text at...

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

23 Dellaros D. The effectiveness using Australian Parlementary Debate system to improve students’ speaking ability at....

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. Juita Triana, M.Pd.

1 Zunita Pramudianti The lexical and structural ambiguity of sign language and its application for teaching vocabulary at....

Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

2 Febri Susianingsih An analysis of addressing terms used by the characters in “Liar Liar” Movie and its application in ELT

Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

3 Nurul Kurniawati An analysis of deixis in “Little Women” novel by... and its application in ELT

Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

4 Siti Khusnul K A pragmatic analysis on utterances in holy Qur’an in Lukman chapter and its application in ELT

Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

5 Listiyani The use of song to improve students understanding of subjective sentence at....

Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

6 Wahyu Setiya Subur A study of students’ writing style in Genre-based Writing at .... Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.7 Nani Trisnowati The effectiveness of Spelling Bee Game to improve students’ writing ability

at....Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

8 Dewi Sulistyani The effectiveness of Board Magazine to develop students’ writing skill at... Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.9 Ida Meiyani The influence of students’ mastery of difficult words on their reading

comprehenshion skills ( A case at ...)Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

10 Esti Robbaniyatun The influence of students’ understading of compound words in political columns on their writing ability of exposition text ( A case at ...)

Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

11 Neni Wulandari The use of diary to improve students’ ability of writing recount text at... Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.12 Eka Yulianti An analysis of style and function of song lyrics “Coast to Coast” Westlife

album and its application in ELTSri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

13 Lasmiyati The use of cartoon movie “Peppa Pig” to increase students’ vocabulary mastery of animals

Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

14 Taufan Baskoro Using rope of words to improve students’ tenses mastery at... Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum15 Rizka Mardiana An error analysis on the use of diction in writing descriptive text ( A case at

...)Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

16 Saekhun Hidayat The effectiveness of using Itinerary to improve students’ ability of writing recount text at...

Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

17 Wind i Astuti The implementation of simulation cartoon video entitled “Paroro” to improve students’ pronunciation mastery at....

Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

18 Sri Trisniyati Pragmatic analysis signs of Yogyakarta International airport “Adi Sucipto” and its application in ELT

Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

19 Bunga Chaerunnisa The effectiveness of using learning video to improve students’ ability of writing elliptical sentence at...

Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

20 Laila Lutfiana The effectiveness of using a song: I still haven’t found what I’m lookng for” by U2 to improve students’ uderstanding of present perfect tense at...

Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum. Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum

1. Trie Wahyuni N.H. The influence of parents’educational support on students’ learning achivement ( A case at ...)

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

2 Hidayatun Nur R Improving students’ reading comprehension skill sing Herringbone technique at...

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

3 Sofingatun The application of Think-Talk-Write strategy to improve students’ ability in writing analytical exposition text (Experimental studyat....)

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

4 Rizki Mardiani The use of Twitter strategy to improve students’ ability in writing.... Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.5 Lutfi Budiyarti The use of hyponym game as a strategy to improve students’ vocabulary

masteryIsmawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

6 Nila Dwi S The effectiveness of using Frontloading strategy to improve students’ vocabulary mastery

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

7 Eva Meilina The effectiveness of context structure sound dictionary (CSSD) to improve students’ vocabulary mastery

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

8 Cahya Aminatuzuhriah

Holiday destination activity as a tecnique to improve students’ speaking skill at....

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

9 Rini Yulianti An analysis of figurative language found in Taylor Swift songs and its application in ELT

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

10 Larasati The effectiveness of using Genius Dice Game to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at.....

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

11 Titi Sulandari Th use of Barbie movie entitled “the Secret door” to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at.....

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

12 Vita Tri Jayanti Comparative study between English and Indonesian proverbs found in.... and its application in ELT

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

13 Listiyani The use of song to improve students understanding of subjective sentence at....

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

14 Siti Novia R The effectiveness of using Word wall with multiple meaning awareness activity to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at.....

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

15 Sri Wijiati to improve students’

Using dictogloss technique to improve students’ listening ability at... Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

16 Windri Haryanto The effectiveness of using Limerics to improve students’ pronunciation Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

mastery at.....17 Erni Nopita S The effectiveness of using poems to improve students’ pronunciation

mastery at.....Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

18 Mularti A study of students’ understanding English vocabulary through picture (A case at SLB Purworejo)

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

19 Dian Safitri The influence of students’ learning styles on their learning achivement (A case at ...)

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

20 Rina Dyah S The use of modern for teaching vocabulary at.... Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.21 Vivi Meiliana S The effectiveness of using vocabulary box and matching the words to

improve students’ vocabulary mastery at.....Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

22 Nur Sangadah The effectiveness of sign pictures for teaching prohibitions at.... Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.23 Wenti Astuti The use of discovery method to improve students’ reading ability at.... Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.24 Eflin Nur Maya F The use of “Flash pictionary” to increase students’ vocabulary mastery of

school environment (Experimental studyat....) Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

25 Wisnu Wida S The effectiveness of jotting unfamiliar words for improving students’ reading comprehension skill at...

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

26 Ely Puji Astuti The effectiveness of using English Proverbs in improving students’ motivation in learning English at...

Ismawati Ike N, SS. M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, SS, M.Pd.

1 Angga Wisnu H The effectiveness of Engage Study Activate (ESA) to improve students’ mastery of adjective clause at the... of SMK...

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

2 Luluk Faridah The effectiveness of Seft-Directed Dialogue to improve students’ speaking ability at....

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

3 Tri Puji Asih The influence of tearcher’s creativity on the students’ learning achivement (A case at ...)

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

4 Desi Rosalia S The effectiveness of Think-Pair-Square strategy in improving students’ speaking ability at....

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

5 Nurdiansah The influence of metacognitive learning strategy on students’ reading comprehension ability at....

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

6 Nurul Khasanah Improving students’ reading comprehension skills through read-discuss strategy students’ speaking ability at....

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

7 Ibhan Faruk Zidani Improving students’ grammar mastery using climbing grammar mountain at...

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

8 Nugraha Adhi S The application of jigsaw technique to improve students’ speaking ability at....

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

9 Syarifatul Hidayah The effectiveness of pictures related to people’s profession to improve students’ mastery of present continuous tense at...

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

10 Merlina Nevita A The effectiveness of using authentic video of ....for teaching narrative text at...

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I.

11 Novitasari The influence of school environment on the students’ learning achivement (A case at ...)

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

12 Linda Pratiwi The effectiveness of using completion technique ) to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at...

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

13 Vika Ratnasari The effectiveness of using short movies to improve students’ speaking ability at....

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

14 Syifa Fauziah The effectiveness of using Time Token Arend to improve students’ speaking ability at....

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

15 Septi Minarni A study of students’ problems in changing active into passive voice at... Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd16 Ayu Sulistyawati The effectiveness of picture-word inductive model to improve students’

writing ability of descriptive text at...Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

17 Riyanti An error analysis of students pronunciation of English fricative consonants (A case at ...)

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

18 Puji Astuti The effectiveness of teaching compliment expressions using short film “Hannah Montana:Behind the spotlight at....

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

19 Nissa Arifa The use of pictures from strory as ice breaker to improve students’reding comprehension of narrative texts at...

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

20 Nurul Umayah The use of “Role, Audience, Format, Topic (RAFT)” strategy for teaching reading at....

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

21 Dina Novianti Using realia to improve improve students’ speaking ability of procedure text at....

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

22 Agustina The effectiveness of using Course Review Horay to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at...

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

23 Upik Novitasari Improving students’ Pronunciation: Stress and Intonation through role play technique at...

Juita Triana, M.Pd. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

1 Lisa Oktafianingtyas The effectiveness of Display picture on Blacberry messager as meadia to improve students writing ability of descriptive text

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

2 Fahmi Kunfafiyah The effectiveness of scanning technique reading ability at.... Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.3 Wiwit Suparti The use of musicmatch to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at.....o Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.4 Fitra Kurinia M Teaching speaking through philosophical chair at.... Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.5 Mei Lismawati Designing English maritim learning material for eleventh grade of SMK N 1

PuringTusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

6 Susiatun The effectiveness of using intake organization demonstration expression (IODE) to improve students’ speaking ability at....

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

7 Rina Setriana Improving students writing application letter using Jakarta Post advertisements

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

8 Nurul Wahidiyah The effectiveness of “Spot the different” game to improve students’ speaking ability at....

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

9 Endah Safitri The effectiveness of combining Get the Gist and Wrap-up Strategies in teaching reading at...

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

10 Nurul Hidayatus S The use of “in the News” strategy to enhance students writing skill at... Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.11 Supriyani The comparative study between cooperative and individual method toward

students’ speaking abilityTusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

12 Endang Fatmawati The effectiveness of using Guided questioning with picture to students’ report writing skill at..

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

13 Binastri Tri A The use of puppets as teaching media to teach conversation at... Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.14 Fenny Ananti The effectiveness of using advertisement clip “Nine year Compulsory

Education” for teaching hortatory exposition text at....Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

15 Ariani Wibowo Improving students’ reading ability by using silent card suffle strategy at.... Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.16 Shinta Idhayanti S Using interactive activities to increase students’ participation in speaking

class at.....Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

17 Eka Trianingsih The effectiveness of “Start Simple Story (SSS)” method to improve students writing skill at...

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

18 Siti Oktafianingsih The comparative study of student learning strategy between IPA and IPS students ( A case at ...)

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

19 Ika Susiani The use of silent demonstration method to improve students writing skill of procedure text at...

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

20 Aprilia Nurcahyani The effectiveness of clustering technique to improve students writing skill of recount text at...

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

21 Candra Abadi The effectiveness of using Illustration Pictures in improving students’ understanding narrative text at...

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

22 Dina Apriyani The effectiveness of pre-questioning technique for teaching descriptive text at...

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

23 Agustin Hafiyyanti P The effectiveness of using aesthetic realism method in in improving students’ reading comprehension at...

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

24 Retno Heni F The use of a poem by Gerald Nolst Trenite for teaching pronunciation at... Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.25 Salimah The influence of students’ intensity in independent task on their reading

comprehension ability at...Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

26 Erna Dita H The effectiveness of Community Language Learning (CLL) on students’ speaking ability at...

Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Puspa Dewi, M.Pd.

1 Dhewi Anggraeni The effectiveness of Task-Based Instruction (TBI) method for teaching descriptive text at...

Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

2 Listi UlFah The effectiveness of wonder share quiz to improve students’ vocabulary mastery

Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

3 Faris Ridhar R An analysis of intonation used by the second semester students of English Dept of .....

Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

4 Sutarno The effectiveness of sign board to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at... Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.5 Fauzi Setiyadi A correlation between students’s vocabulary mastery and their debate skill

at ....Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

6 Devvi Muhdimah Application of “in the news” strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension ability at...

Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

7 Desy Mulawati The effectiveness of using Structure Team Learning (STL) to improve students’ reading comprehension ability at...

Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

8 Irma Rohmawati M The effectiveness of using table-chart for teaching simple present tense at.... Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.9 Atin Kartikasari An analysis of translation error in Java Hit movie subtitle Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.10 Sriningsih The implementation of debate technique to improve students’ speaking skill

at....Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

11 Isra Wahyuni The use visualization strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension ability at...

Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

12 Faizin Sufyan An analysis of English-Indonesian translation shift in “The Luncheon” a short story and and its application in ELT

Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

13 Eka Sri Wastuti The effectiveness of using Authentic material:..... to improve students’ reading comprehension ability at...

Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

14 Nugraheni W The effectiveness of Quantum Teaching Strategy on improving students’ speaking ability at....

Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

15 Muflihah The effectiveness of PORPE method for improve students’ reading comprehension ability of exposition text at...

Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

16 Akhmad Supriyadi An analysis of translation strategies of idiomatic expression in English-Indonesian translation of recount text of....

Puspa Dewi, M.Pd. Dr. Sudar, M.Pd.

1 Ari Setiyono W The effectiveness of Interactive Video: Repairing Car to improve students’ writing ability of procedure text at...

Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

2 Nurul Asma The use of revision box to improve students’ grammar mastery of simple past tense at...

Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

3 Siti Roliyah Improving students’ vocabulary mastery using National Geographic video at....

Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

4 Acvin Lulu”il M The application of song entitled “Give thanks to Allah”to improve students’ Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

spiritual competence at...5 Yanda Yulianti The use of internet as Inspiration sources (ISSI) in improving students’

reading comprehension ability at...Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

6 Palupi Handayani Improving students’ vocabulary mastery through Method of Excessive Information (MEI) at...

Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

7 Sri Utaminingsih Improving students’ vocabulary mastery through Buzz Game at... Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd8 Ahmat Widarto Comparative study of students’ learning achivement assessed by Quiz

Creator and Paper-based Test (A case at...)Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

9 Wachidatul Marchamah

A study of English teacher instructional language in the English class at.... Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

10 Eka Sulistyarini Improving students’speaking ability using Talking Chip model supported with macromedia flash at....

Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

11 Tri Yuli Pujiati The use of Sheltered Instruction Protocol (SIOP) to improve students’ reading comprehension skill at...

Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

12 Muhammad Fahrur RD

Improving students’ reading comprehension skill using Jakarta Post Headlines at...

Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

13 Daryanti The influence of students background knowledge on students’ reading comprehension ability at...

Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

14 Umi Sangadah The effect of students perception and participation in English Class on their writing ability at...

Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

15 Dwi Pamuji The application of Top-down strategy for teaching listening at... Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd. B.I. Sri Widodo, SS, M.Hum.

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