dott.ssa alessandra santomaggio u.o.c. oncologia medica dipartimento di oncologia direttore: dott....

Post on 01-May-2015






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Dott.ssa Alessandra SantomaggioDott.ssa Alessandra Santomaggio

U.O.C. Oncologia MedicaU.O.C. Oncologia Medica

Dipartimento di OncologiaDipartimento di Oncologia

Direttore: Dott. Amedeo PancottiDirettore: Dott. Amedeo Pancotti

Ospedale Mazzini – TeramoOspedale Mazzini – Teramo

07 APRILE 2011




2010 NCCN Guidelines: Advanced/mCRCPatient Can Tolerate Intensive Therapy

First Line Second Line Third Line

FOLFOX ± bevacizumab

FOLFOX ± cetuximab* CapeOx ±

bevacizumab CapeOx ± cetuximab*

FOLFIRI + bevacizumab

FOLFIRI ± cetuximab* 5-FU/leucovorin +

bevacizumab Panitumumab



cetuximab* (2B)Irinotecan + cetuximab*†


Irinotecan + cetuximab*†


Irinotecan → Irinotecan + cetuximab*†

Clinical trial BSC

*Patients with wild-type KRAS only. †In patients who cannot tolerate combination, consider either single-agent cetuximab (wild-type KRAS only) or single-agent panitumumab (wild-type KRAS only); cetuximab and panitumumab should not be used in combination.

NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Colon Cancer. V2.2010.

Obiettivi della prima linea

• Risposta obiettiva immediata (malattia curabile, potenzialmente resecabile)

• Migliore risposta obiettiva (malattia incurabile aggressiva ->paziente sintomatico)

• Trattamento a lungo termine (malattia incurabile indolente -> paziente asintomatico)

Le caratteristiche del paziente guidano “il processo decisionale”

• Performance status

• Età

• Comorbidità

• Estensione della malattia

• Obiettivi del trattamento: palliative vs potentially curative

• Precedente trattamento adiuvante entro 1 anno

• Funzionalità d’organo: epatica e renale

• Ipertensione non controllata

• Rischio di sanguinamento 

• KRAS status

Goals of Treatment: Paziente sintomatico vs asintomatico


– Paziente asintomatico, malattia indolente– Considerare età del paziente, comorbidità,

qualità di vita, preferenza del paziente, costi del trattamento

– Paziente sintomatico, malattia aggressiva– Chemioterapia (doppiette o triplette) con

agenti biologici quando possibile per ottenere un rapido “tumor shrinkage” e remissione dei sintomi

1. Adam R, et al. Ann Oncol. 2010;21:1579-1584.

Goals of Treatment: trattamento curativo vs

palliativo• Intento curativo nei pazienti con malattia

metastatica limitata al fegato o al polmone, potenzialmente suscettibili di chirurgia curativa, quindi candidati ad una terapia “neoadiuvante” aggressiva

• Intento palliativo nei pazienti con coinvolgimeto di più organi o di sedi non trattabili chirurgicamente (peritoneo, linfonodi) con l’obiettivo di migliorare la qualità di vita

Ruolo della terapia adiuvante

• Progressione entro 12 mesi dalla terapia adiuvante suggerisce una resistenza del tumore alla terapia

1. NCCN. Clinical practice guidelines in oncology: colon cancer. 2011.

Recommended[1] First-line Treatment Choices for Patients Progressing

< 12 mos after adjuvant FOLFOX > 12 mos after adjuvant FOLFOX, adjuvant 5-FU/LV, or adjuvant capecitabine

FOLFIRI ± bevacizumab FOLFIRI ± cetuximab or panitumumab

(KRAS wild type only)

All active chemotherapy regimens

KRAS Gene Status

• ~ 40% dei tumori del colon-retto presentano mutazione del gene KRAS[1]

– Mutazioni nei codoni 12 e 13 dell’esone 12[2]

– Mutazioni del codone 61 determinano una proteina KRAS costituzionalmente attiva

• Scarsa risposta agli agenti diretti verso EGFR[2]

– L’inibizione EGFR potrebbe essere evitata da attivazione costitutiva KRAS a valle[1]

1. Lièvre A, et al. Oncogene. 2010;29:3033-3043.2. Dahabreh IJ, et al. Ann Intern Med. 2011;154:37-49.

Comorbidità: Ipertensione

• Bevacizumab- Associato con una maggiore incidenza (10% to 15%) di ipertensione di grado 3/4- Non dovrebbe essere utilizzato in pazienti con mCRC con ipertensione severa o non controllato dalla terapia- Associato con un maggior rischio di stroke e/o eventi tromboembolici

–Soprattutto in pazienti ≥ 65 anni

Rischio di sanguinamento• Bevacizumab è associato al rischio di

– Sanguinamenti e complicanze

– Ritardata guarigione delle ferite

– Perforazione GI

• Raccomandazioni[1]

– intervallo di almeno 4-6 settimane dall’ultimo trattamento con bevacizumab e la chirurgia

– Intervallo di almeno 6-8 settimane post-intervento prima di somministrare bevacizumab

– Non dovrebbe essere somministrato a pazienti con storia di recentiemorragie o emottisi

1. NCCN. Clinical practice guidelines in oncology: colon cancer. 2011.

Comorbidità• Le comorbidità possono avere un impatto significativo

sulla scelta del trattamento di I linea• Esempi

– L’utilizzo di oxaliplatino potrebbe essere limitato in pazienti con neuropatia diabetica o insufficienza renale in anamnesi

– L’utilizzo di irinotecano potrebbe essere limitato in pazienti con storia di malattie intestinali, che hanno ricevuto precedentemente radioterapia sulla pelvi, con storia di malattie epatiche (epatite virale o cirrosi) con ridotta funzionalità epatica

– Pazienti con malattie cardivascolari potrebbero presentare una cardiotossicità correlata all’utilizzo di fluoropirimidine

Come trattare I pazienti con le seguenti opzioni terapeutiche?

Chemioterapia• FOLFOX• FLOX• FOLFIRI• 5-FU/LV or capecitabine• FOLFOXIRI• CapeOX (XELOX)• CapeIRI (XELIRI)• IROX• Irinotecan

Targeted Therapy• Bevacizumab• Cetuximab• Panitumumab

NCCN. Clinical practice guidelines in oncology: colon cancer. 2011.

n 109 81 111 69

RR 56% 15% 54% 4%

Median PFS (months) 8.5 4.2 8.02.5

Median PFS (months) 14.2 10.9for sequence

Median overall survival 21.5 20.6(months)

Tournigand C, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2004;22:229-237.



FOLFIRI vs FOLFOX: no difference in

first-line efficacy

Falcone A, et al. J Clin Oncol 2007; 25:1670-1676

RR, 41% v 66%; P .0002RR confirmed by an external panel was 34% versus 60% (P .0001).

median PFS, 6.9 v 9.8 months; hazard ratio [HR], 0.63; P .0006;

median OS, 16.7 v 22.6 months; HR, 0.70; P .032).

Conclusions of Author:in patients with few chances to achieve athree-drug exposure in a sequential strategy

Three Drugs combinations

Targeting VEGF(R)

• Recombinant humanized monoclonal IgG1 moAb

• Recognizes VEGF-A and blocks VEGF function

• Recombinant humanized monoclonal IgG1 moAb

• Recognizes VEGF-A and blocks VEGF function


Hurwitz H, et al. N Engl J Med 2004;350:2335–42

BICC-C Trial, 1st line MCRCIrinotecan-based Chemotherapy +


First-line mCRC (n=115)

FOLFIRI + Bevacizumabn=56

CapeIri + Bevacizumab

mIFL + Bevacizumabn=59

First-line mCRC (n=430)







Fuchs CS, et al. J Clin Oncol 2007;25:4779–86

Fuchs CS, et al. J Clin Oncol 2007;25:4779–86

BICC-C Study

What is the best 5FU and

Irinotecan-based regimen with Bevacizumab?


AVIRI trial

Sobrero, et al. Oncology 2009;77:113-119

• N016966: Study DesignRandomized phase III trial

XELOX + Placebo(n = 350)

Unresectable mCRC with no previous systemic therapy for mCRC and

no previous oxaliplatin or bevacizumab

(N = 1401)

XELOX + Bevacizumab(n = 350)

FOLFOX4 + Placebo(n = 351)

FOLFOX4 + Bevacizumab(n = 350)

1. Saltz LB, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2008;26:2013-2019.


Saltz LB, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2008;26:2013-9

PFS significantly increased with addition of bevacizumab to chemotherapy

XELOX is not inferior to FOLFOX-4 in First Line Colorectal Cancer

ARIES: Study Design

• Community-based prospective observation cohort study• 244 sites, 43 states in US

FOLFIRI + Bev(n = 191)

First-line mCRC(N = 1550 enrolled)


Bendell JC, et al. GI ASCO 2011. Abstract 480.

ARIES Study: Clinical Efficacy

Endpoint, Mos FOLFOX + Bev(n = 72)

FOLFIRI + Bev(n = 73)

PFS 9.9 9.5

OS 24.3 26.3

Bendell JC, et al. GI ASCO 2011. Abstract 480.

Targeting EGFR

Expression ofEGF Receptors

Ligands BindEGF ReceptorDimerization



Extracellular Binding Domain

TransmembraneLipophilic Segment

Intracellular ProteinTyrosine Kinase Domain

Activation of Signal Transduction

• chimeric human/murine immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) MAB targeting the EGFR

• chimeric human/murine immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) MAB targeting the EGFR

Antibody Binds

Receptor Internalized

CRYSTAL trial: Study design

Stratification factors: – Regions– ECOG PS

Populations– Randomized patients n=1217– Safety population n=1202– ITT population: n=1198


irinotecan (180 mg/m2) + 5-FU 400 mg/m2 bolus + 2400 mg/m2 as 46-hr continuous infusion) + FA every 2 weeks

Cetuximab + FOLFIRI

Cetuximab IV 400 mg/m2 on day 1, then 250 mg/m2 weekly+ irinotecan (180 mg/m2) + 5-FU (400 mg/m2 bolus + 2400 mg/m2 as 46-hr continuous infusion)+ FA every 2 weeks

REGFR-expressing metastatic CRC

Van Cutsem E, et al. N Engl J Med 2009; 360:1408-17

KRAS Status in Response to Cetuximab

• CRYSTAL: randomized, multicenter phase III trial[1]

– Significant improvement in PFS with addition of cetuximab to FOLFIRI vs FOLFIRI alone for first-line mCRC treatment

• Retrospective analysis of CRYSTAL[2]

– Included only subset of KRAS-evaluable patients (N = 540)

1. Van Cutsem E, et al. N Engl J Med. 2009;360:1408-1417.2. Van Cutsem E, et al. ASCO 2008. Abstract 2.

KRAS Status in Response to Cetuximab

• Retrospective analysis of CRYSTAL[1]

– PFS and ORR benefit of FOLFIRI + cetuximab only observed in mCRC patients with wild-type KRAS

1. Van Cutsem E, et al. ASCO 2008. Abstract 2.

Outcome Wild-Type KRAS(n = 348)

Mutated KRAS(n = 192)

Median PFS, mos FOLFIRI + cetuximab 9.9 7.6 FOLFIRI 8.7 8.1 HR 0.68* 1.07†

ORR, % FOLFIRI + cetuximab 59.3‡ 36.2 FOLFIRI 43.2 40.2*P = .017; †P = .75; ‡P = .0025

Kaplan–Meier Estimates of PFS and OS in the Wild-Type–KRAS Population

mPFS 9.9 vs 8.7

Van Cutsem E, et al. N Engl J Med 2009; 360:1408-17

mOS 24.9 vs 21.0

Bokemeyer C, et al. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27:663-71

Bokemeyer C, et al. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27:663-71

KRAS Status in Response to Cetuximab

• CRYSTAL and OPUS meta-analysis[1]

– Pooled efficacy analysis of two randomized phase III trials

– CRYSTAL: FOLFIRI + cetuximab vs FOLFIRI alone[2]

– OPUS: FOLFOX + cetuximab vs FOLFOX alone[3]

– After 90% of samples were subjected to KRAS genotype testing, HRs for benefit of addition of cetuximab shown to be highly statistically significant in patients with wild-type KRAS

– PFS—HR: 0.66 (P < .0001)– OS—HR: 0.81 (P = .0062)

1. Bokemeyer C, et al. ASCO 2010. Abstract 3506. 2. Van Cutsem E, et al. N Engl J Med. 2009;360:1408-1417. 3. Bokemeyer C, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:663-671.


Inhibition of EGF binding to EGFR

This may lead to: Cell proliferation Cell survival Angiogenesis Metastatic spread

EGF, TGFα or other ligands binding to


•A fully human* lgG2 monoclonal antibody to EGFR

•High affinity, KD = 5 x 10-11 M

•Inhibits ligand-induced EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation

Panitumumab Inhibits Ligand Binding Panitumumab Inhibits Ligand Binding to EGFR and Dimerizationto EGFR and Dimerization

PRIME Study: KRAS Status in Response to Panitumumab

• Randomized, global, open-label, phase III trial

Douillard JY, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2010;28:4697-4705.

Panitumumab 6.0 mg/kg q2w +FOLFOX4 q2w

(n = 593)

FOLFOX4 q2w(n = 590)

Stratified by ECOG PS (0-1 vs 2) and geographic region (Western Europe, Canada, and Australia vs

all other locations)

Patients with previously untreated


(N = 1183)

PRIME Study: Efficacy Results

• PFS significantly improved with FOLFOX4 + panitumumab only in wild-type KRAS patients

• Worse PFS outcome with panitumumab addition in mutated KRAS patients

Douillard JY, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2010;28:4697-4705.


Anti-VEGFRallenta la crescita tumoraleAumenta la PFSProfilo di tossicità ± favorevolePossibilità di utilizzo fino a

progressionePossibilità di mantenimento

Non attivo in monoCTNo biomarcatori predittivi (VEGF

epithelial and stromal expression; Microvascular density; VEGF and VEGFR SNPs; VEGF plasma levels)

Perde efficacia nelle successive linee di trattamento

Scarso effetto su tasso di risposta

Anti-EGFRAttivo anche come agente

singoloAumenta il tasso di rispostaEfficace in tutte le linee di

trattamentoBiomarcatore predittivo


Modesto incremento di PFS e OS

Tossicità cutanea (Interruzione del trattamento, riduzione di dose, compromissione dell’efficacia del trattamento)

Can Genetic Polymorphisms Guide Chemotherapy for Metastatic CRC ?

• FOLFOX– ABCG2 34 G>A: rare transporter gene

• FOLFIRI– UGT1A1 7/7 genotype regimen specific?

• Capecitabine– Differential metabolism not understood

Predicting Oxaliplatin Efficacy

• Genomic DNA from 180/238 patients on C80203 (FOLFOX vs FOLFIRI ± cetuximab)

• Genotype transporter genes involved in irinotecan and oxaliplatin clearance– ABCC2, ABCC4, ABCG2, SLCO1B1, SLC22A1,

SLC22A2• Association of genotype with response and toxicity• Result

– ABCG2 34 G>A associated with response to FOLFOX, resistance to FOLFIRI but not to toxicity

McLeod HL, et al. ASCO 2008. Abstract 3513.

Patients With Reduced UGT1A1 Activity

• Individuals who are homozygous for the UGT1A1*28 allele are at increased risk for neutropenia following initiation of irinotecan treatment

• A reduced initial dose should be considered for patients known to be homozygous for the UGT1A1*28 allele

• Heterozygous patients (carriers of one variant allele and 1 wild-type allele, which results in intermediate UGT1A1 activity) may be at increased risk for neutropenia; however, clinical results have been variable and such patients have been shown to tolerate normal starting doses

Irinotecan [prescribing information].


Patients with

previously untreated

CRC(N = 2135)

Molecular substudy

(n = 1188)*

Fluorouracil + Irinotecan(n = 175)

Fluorouracil + Oxaliplatin(n = 172)

Irinotecan(n = 184)

Fluorouracil + Irinotecan(n = 95)

Fluorouracil + Oxaliplatin(n = 108)

First-line therapy Second-line therapy

*152 patients missing data for primary endpoint.

Fluorouracil(n = 688)




Braun MS, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:5519-5528.

Marker/Function Variant At Risk GT Drug EffectedHypothesized Impact

Activity Toxicity Other

ABCB1/cellular efflux 3435 C to T TT Irinotecan ↓ ↑ ↓ clearance

DPYD/detoxificationIVS14 + 1G to A

(*2A)Variants Fluorouracil ↓ ↑ ↑ active metabolite

ERCC2/DNA repair 35,931 A to C CC Oxaliplatin ↓ ↑ ↓ DNA repair

GSTP1/detoxification 313 A to G AA Oxaliplatin ↓ ↑ ↓ detoxification

MLH1/DNA repair -93 G to A AAFluorouracilIrinotecan Oxaliplatin

↓ ↑ ↓ DNA repair

MTHFR/folate pool, modifies FU response

667 C to T TT Fluorouracil ↓ ↑ --

TYMS/target for FU metabolite

1494: 6 bp insertion +/+ Fluorouracil -- ↑ ↓ expression

ER: VNTR 28 bp 2R/2R Fluorouracil -- ↑ ↓ expression

UGT1A1/detoxificationVNTR: 6 or 7 TA

repeats (*28)7/7 Irinotecan ↓ ↑ ↓ detoxification

XRCC1/DNA repair 23,885 G to A AAIrinotecan Oxaliplatin

↓ ↑ ↓ DNA repair

FOCUS: Polymorphisms Potentially Predictive of Toxicity and/or


Braun MS, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:5519-5528.

• EGFR antibodies– KRAS mutational status– BRAF mutational status

• VEGF antibody efficacy

• Combining EGFR and VEGF antibodies

Toward Personalized Therapy of CRC: Who Will Benefit From

Targeted Therapy?

Subgroup PR, % P Value

Mutant KRAS (n = 34) 6 .011

Wild-type KRAS (n = 79) 28 .029

Mutant BRAF (n = 11) 0 .011

Wild-type BRAF (n = 68)

32 .029

KRAS and BRAF Mutational Status and EGFR Inhibitors

• KRAS and BRAF mutations correlate with lack of response to treatment with monoclonal antibodies targeting EGFR

Di Nicolantonio F, et al. J Clin Oncol, 2008;26:5705-5712.

• KRAS and BRAF mutations correlate with lack of response to treatment with monoclonal antibodies targeting EGFR

• Small subset of patients – N = 113 – 22 of 68 patients (32%) with WT KRAS

and WT BRAF responded to treatment with EGFR inhibitor

KRAS and BRAF Mutational Status and EGFR Inhibitors (Cont’d)

Di Nicolantonio F, et al. J Clin Oncol, 2008;26:5705-5712.

Molecular and clinical determinants of survival following relapse after curative treatment of stage II-III colon cancer (CC): Results of the translational study on

the PETACC 3-EORTC 40993-SAKK 60-00 trial

Roth A, Oral Abstrct Session 2010 ASCO Annual Meeting

Molecular and clinical determinants of survival following relapse after curative treatment of stage II-III colon cancer (CC): Results of the translational study on

the PETACC 3-EORTC 40993-SAKK 60-00 trial

Roth A, Oral Abstrct Session 2010 ASCO Annual Meeting

Mutant KRAS and BRAF gene expression profiles in colorectal cancer: Results of the translational study on

the PETACC 3-EORTC 40993-SAKK 60-00 trial

Sabine Tejpar, Oral Abstract Session 2010 ASCO Annual Meeting

Sabine Tejpar, Oral Abstract Session 2010 ASCO Annual Meeting

Mutant KRAS and BRAF gene expression profiles in colorectal cancer: Results of the translational study on the PETACC 3-

EORTC 40993-SAKK 60-00 trial

Untreatedadvancedor mCRC

(N = 1500)

Bevacizumabfollowed by


Cetuximabfollowed by


One cycle = 8 wks

Open-Label Phase III Study




block toSWOG



CALGB/SWOG 80405 Study Design NCT00265850.




Patients with metastatic colorectal

cancer and ECOG ≤ 1

(N = 1053)

Oxaliplatin-CT + Bevacizumab + Panitumumab

(n = 413)

Oxaliplatin-CT + Bevacizumab(n = 410)

Irinotecan-CT + Bevacizumab + Panitumumab

(n = 115)

Irinotecan-CT + Bevacizumab(n = 115)

PACCE Trial: Chemotherapy + Bevacizumab ± Panitumumab

Hecht JR, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:672-680.

Outcome, mos CT + Bevacizumab

+ Panitumumab

CT + Bevacizumab

HR (95% CI)

Oxaliplatin cohort

(n = 413) (n = 410)

Median PFS 10.0 11.4 1.27 (1.06-1.52)

Median OS 19.4 24.5 1.43 (1.11-1.83)

Irinotecan cohort

(n = 115) (n = 115)

Median PFS 10.1 11.7 1.19 (0.79-1.79)

Median OS 20.7 20.5 1.42 (0.77-2.62)

PACCE: PFS and OS for Ox-CT and Iri-CT

Hecht JR, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:672-680.

I Proposta: pazienti con buon PS e KRAS mut

In previously untreated patients, oxaliplatin-based regimens are equivalent to irinotecan-based regimens





In patients previously treated with FOLFOX as adjuvant therapy, consider irinotecan-based regimens



Bevacizumab is the biologic agent of choice

IIa Proposta: pazienti con buon PS e KRAS wild-type

• In previously untreated patients, oxaliplatin-based regimens are equivalent to irinotecan-based regimens– FOLFOX– XELOX– FOLFIRI– XELIRI

• In patients previously treated with FOLFOX as adjuvant therapy, consider irinotecan-based regimens– FOLFIRI– XELIRI

• Bevacizumab and the anti-EGFR antibodies cetuximab and panitumumab are reasonable biological agents to consider as part of the treatment regimen

• In patients who are potentially surgically resectable, cetuximab may be the optimal biological agent as it yields increased response rates when combined with cytotoxic chemotherapy

IIb Proposta: pazienti con buon PS e KRAS wild-type

III Proposta: pazienti con scarso PS e KRAS mut

• In previously untreated patients, fluoropyrimidine monotherapy is appropriate– 5-FU/LV– Capecitabine

• Bevacizumab is the biologic agent of choice in the absence of contraindications

IV Proposta: pazienti con scarso PS e KRAS wilde type• In previously untreated patients,

fluoropyrimidine monotherapy is appropriate– 5-FU/LV– Capecitabine

• Consider using bevacizumab or the anti-EGFR antibodies cetuximab or panitumumab

CONCLUSIONI• Obiettivi terapeutici• Continuum of care• Terapia di conversione• Polimorfismi genetici• Nuovi fattori predittivi e

prognostici• Gene expression profile


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