double page spread production log 1

Post on 24-May-2015






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Double Page Spread Production Log 1

Kianna Briggs

I then used the text tool again. However the font of this was Rockwell which has also been a common font I have used throughout. Due to the fact that because this piece of text was going to be placed on top of this image the colour black would not be appropriate therefore I changed it to white which would be easier to see. On the other hand because I wanted there to be a sense of diversity in this text I decided to highlight the most important word and use a brighter colour so that the audience can notice it.

• I then used the text tool to type my pull quote using the font Rockwell. I chose to use the colour blue for my pull quote because throughout my colour scheme has consisted of blue also therefore it shows consistency.

• The structure of my double page spread is quite simplistic therefore I used two columns to separate my information regarding the interview.

• For this piece of text I used Rockwell as the font because it is almost an introduction to what the interview is about therefore an eye catching font is not needed.

• Regarding my interview I typed it on word first and then simply pasted it into the text boxes In Design.

• I then changed the font colour in which the questions asked by the interviewer were pink. This is a key convention within magazines as it creates diversity and also presents an organised look.

• At first I was planning on using pink for the questions on this side of the double page spread however when I experimented with it I realised that because the background image also had pink in it, the two would clash in which the audience wouldn’t be able to see the text clearly. As a result of this I changed it to blue.

• I then had to also change the text on the other page to blue so there is consistency throughout and also so the audience are not confused as to why the same interview has different colours.

• To create a sense of diversity and so the audience realised that this was a music magazine I inserted in a gradient rectangle so that it also separates specific information.

• When reviewing my double page spread I noticed that not all the text was visible. Therefore in order to solve this problem I changed the colour to pink so that it was clearer to see.

• Finally, so my double page spread was linked back to my contents page and my front cover in the footer I included the name of magazine and also the page number which draw a connection between the contents page.

This is the final of my double page spread.

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