douglas mcgregor

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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1. Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Theory

2. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

3. Herzberg’s Two-Fact Theory

4. McClelland’s Three-Needs Theory

Douglas McGregor

Theory X and Theory Y

.McGregors Theory X and Y

• Douglas Mcgregor wote the book “The human side of enterprise” in 1960.• He examined individuals behaviour at work.• From this he formulated two models of

management based on hierarchy into lower-order needs (Theory X) and higher-order needs (Theory Y).

• These theories are based on human behaviour in management.

• It concludes dual aspects of human being.• He suggested that management could use

either set of needs to motivate.

Theory Y and Theory X are theories of human motivation

organizational behaviour and organizational development. They describe two very different attitudes toward workforce motivation,

and are based upon Maslow's hierarchy of needs , in that he grouped the hierarchy into "lower order" (Theory X) needsand "higher order" (Theory Y) needs.

The role of management is to coerce and control employees:

•People have an inherent dislike for work and will avoid it whenever possible.

Theory x

•People must be coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment in order to get them to achieve the organizational objectives.

•People prefer to be directed, do not want responsibility, and have little or no ambition.

•People seek security above all else.

Theory YThe role of management is to develop the potential in employees and help them to release that potential towards common goals:

• Work is as natural as play and rest.

• People will exercise self-direction if they are committed to the objective (they are not lazy).

• Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement.

• People learn to accept and seek responsibility.

• Creativity, ingenuity, and imagination are widely distributed among the population.• People are capable of using these

abilities to solve an Organizational problem.

• People have potential.

Comparing Theory X and Theory Y

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