dps brochure

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 DPS Brochure


    Fibergla ss & Plastic Products

    Solving your corrosion problems

    Valley Forge Business Center

    2541 General Arm istead Avenu e

    Norristown,PA 19403




    F I B E R G L A S S G R A T I N G & S T R U C T U R A L S

    F I B E R G L A S S P I P I N G S Y S T EM S

    P L A S T I C P I P I N G S Y S T E M S

    S T O R A G E TA N K S

    C U S T O M F A B R I C A T I O N

    V A L V E S

  • 7/29/2019 DPS Brochure


    R E P R E S E N T I N GThe w orld s leading m anufactu rers of corrosion resistant , fiberglassand p lastic pip ing, grating, valves, tanks and d uct.

    Corporate off ices are located in Norristow n, PA 5 Regional Offices throu gho ut t he Mid Atlantic Region 20,000 sq ft Warehouse Largest fib erglass and p lastic invent ory o n t he East Coast State of th e art fabrication facility certified t o ANSI B31.3 Design & M anufactur ing Capabil i t ies

    E X P E R I E N C E Technical inside and ou tside sales staff

    Over 200 years com bin ed experience in Fiberglass & Plastics Most know ledgeable in the industry

    M A R K E T S Power Generat ion Pharm aceut ical Water & Waste Water HVAC / Cooling Tow ers Colleges & Schools Bio Technology

    Landf il ls Roadw ay & Bridge Drainage Food Processing Plants Water Parks

    S U P P O R T Technical supp ort and training Field instal lat ion supp ort Fleet of installat ion to ols Technical expert ise

    24hr Em ergency Service

    C U S T O M F A B R I C A T I O N 5000 sq f t facil i ty ANSI Certified t o B 31.3 Quick deliver ies Sho p Fabricated or Field installed Manufactured to your specif ications and requirement s

    O U R M I S S I O NTo serve our custom ers by p rovid ing solu tio ns for their corrosionprob lems with superior p roducts and t echnical expert ise

    M A R K E T S & S E R V I C E S

    Fibergla ss & Plastic Prod

    Design Plastics Headquar ters

    Certif ied Fabricat ion Shop

  • 7/29/2019 DPS Brochure


    SMITHFibercastFiberglass Systems


    1-14" Filamen t Woun d andCent rifug ally Cast

    Large Diamet erFiberglass Pipe

    16 Diameter thru 84 Diameter

    Polyester,Vinylester and Furan

    Gravit y Sew ers

    Water Sup ply & Retu rns


    Bridg e Drain System s

    Ab rasion Resistan ce FGDBottom and Fly Ash

    Scrubbers, Fans andDuctwork

    Packed Tow er & Vent uri

    Hoods & Plenum s

    Rou nd & Rectang ular Duct

    Cent rifug al and Inlin e Fans

    Fabricated in Accordance w ith(SMACNA) Standards

    Techn ical Design Assistance

    Custom Fabricated Assem blie

    Pre-Insulated Piping

    F I B E R G L A S S P I P I N G S Y S T E M S

    Double Wall SecondaryContainm ent Piping Systems

    Abrasion Resistant Waste Water

    Food Process

    Chemical Service Condenser Water

    Heating Water Chilled Wa ter

    Steam Condensate Return

    Coolin g Tow er Pipin g

    Fiberglass Piping Systemsfor HVAC Applicat ions


    ISO 90 01


    NSF Internatio nal



    FM - Factory M ut ual


    Coast Guard


  • 7/29/2019 DPS Brochure


    PVDF | Polypropy lene |TEFLON | PVC | CPVC |

    High Purity-Sanitary Piping

    Bead & Crevice Free (BCF)

    IR Infrared Butt Fusion

    Sanitar y Mech anicalor Socket Fusion

    Custom Fabricatio n

    FDA & USDA app roved m aterials

    WFI and USP water system s

    Piping Systems Pressureand Drainage

    PVC | CPVC | Poly pr op ylen e |Polyeth ylen e | PVDF | TEFLON

    Sing le Wall & Dou blecontainment



    Polyethylen e (HDPE)

    1-60" Solidw all pipe and fitt ings

    Custom Fabricatio n

    Perforat ed

    P L A S T I C P I P I N G S Y S T E M S

    G E O R G E F I S C H E R

    ouble Contain ment

    Corrosive Waste Pipin g System - Fuseal


    Polypro,PVDF and Polyethylene




  • 7/29/2019 DPS Brochure


    Valves(Manual and Actuated)

    PVC | CPVC | PVDF | Polyp ro pylen

    Fibergl ass | HDPE

    Ball Valves


    Butt erfly

    Soleno id




    Regulat or

    Glob e


    Mult iport

    Flow Control




    Motor Op erated

    Flowm eters

    Second ary Cont ained ValveBoxes & Enclo sures

    G E O R G E F I S C H E R


    Gear Operated

    Autom ated Air or Electric

    V A L V E SV A L V E S

  • 7/29/2019 DPS Brochure


    S T O R A G E T A N K S

    Polyethylene andFiberglass Tanks & Lining

    50 - 50,000 Gallon s


    Rectang ular

    Horizon tal

    Platin g

    Undergrou nd

    Chem ical Storag e

    Acid Neut ralization

    Custom Fabricated

    Repairs & Up grades

    In Sto ck

    Filament wou nd and contact m olded FRP Tanks

    Captor SecondaryContainment

    Tank Stand s and M ixers

    Vertical and Ho rizontal

    FRP Tanks

  • 7/29/2019 DPS Brochure


    F I B E R G L A S S G R A T I N G & S T R U C T U R A L SF I B E R G L A S S G R A T I N G & S T R U C T U R A L S

    Grating, Platforms,Structurals, Siding,Roofing and Doors

    Your single source for tu rn-key

    design, engineering andfabricat ion of fib erglass m aterialprod ucts and system s.

    Stan dard Produ cts:

    Pult rud ed Grating

    Molded Grating

    Solid Top Gratin g, Grit Surface

    Stai r Tread s

    Deck Plate

    Concrete Em bedm ent Angle

    Stru ctu ral Pult rud ed Shapes

    Threaded Rod and Nuts

    Colum ns and Beam s

    Adjustable Sup por t Legs

    FRP St ru t

    Ladd ers, Cages and Han drails

    H-20 Loadin g


    Sta ir Tread Covers

    Stru ctural Shapes


    Stairw ays and Platform s


    bricat ed Assem blies

  • 7/29/2019 DPS Brochure


    C U S T O M F A B R I C A T I O N & D E S I G N

    T O O L S & A C C E S S O R I E S

    In-house CustomFabrication

    ANSI B31.3 Certif ied

    Pre-Fabricated Fiberglass PipeSpo ols and Headers

    PVC Fabri catio ns

    Fiberg lass Platfor m s,Stairw aysand Catwalks

    Gratin g cut t o size

    Fiberg lass Ladd ers and Hand rail

    Polyet hylene Tank Fit Up

    HDPE Fusion

    Field Services

    Design Plastics also prov ides fieldservice for w ork such as:

    FRP Platfo rm , Grating andStairway Installations

    FRP Pipe & Duct Installation s

    FRP But t & Wrap Joint s

    Plasti c an d FRP Tank Repai rs

    Pipe & Tank Repairs

    HDPE Fusion

    Inspect ion & Testin g


    24 hr.Emergen cy Service


    ANSI Certified Fabricat ion Shop

    FRP Sta ircase & Han dra il

    CentreFuseButt Fusion M achine


    Electrofusion Uni t

    Rent al Fleet

    HDPE 1"- 42" But t Fusion

    Friatec HDPE Couplings

    BCF & IR


    1"-16" FRP Tap ering Too ls

    Trained O perators

    Dresser Style Repair Clamps

    IR PlusInfrared Butt

    Fusion Technolo gy

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