draft layouts

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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DRAFT LAYOUTS.Basic paper base layouts of my front cover, contents page, and double page spread.

In this presentation there will be two draft layouts of some ideas that I would like my front cover, contents page, and double page spread to look like.

To help me deicide which idea I will use the most I I will be putting up a poll so that people of my target audience age range can choose which layout looks best to them.

FRONT COVER 1;My main inspiration for my front cover ideas was Kerrang, as I like the way they don’t always use a full photo for their main photo, and I also like the way they advertise things that will be within the magazine, as they make it interesting, and eye catching.I have took ideas from various different magazines, as i looked at a rather large variety as I

found it was important not to concentrate on just genres that were close to mine as other music magazines could had a lot of ideas i may like. And example of this is the two pictures with the Vs sign in the middle. I found inspiration of this from a younger generation magazine, in which the music genre was pop, and I found inspiration of the posters section from a rock magazine.

FRONT COVER 2;The second front cover I sketched, I did not sketch it to normal convention, as my barcode, price and date are towards the top of the page, but I think that it works for this type of style of magazine. This layout I feel is very basic and even thought this can be good, as no attention will be taken away from the main picture, as this was one of the main things i wanted to avoid whilst making my

front cover, however if i choose to go through with a layout like this, or even this layout, I feel that there may not be enough eye catching things included on the front cover.

CONTENTS PAGE 1;The way in which I am going to be setting out the word ‘contents’ and the way it will be laid out, will be the same as i did in my pliminary exercise. This is because I like the layout and i also think it works well and will fit in with any type of organisation of the contents.I also think the way that I have positioned information around the picture was interesting, I found inspiration for this from a magazine called Kerrang.

CONTENTS PAGE 2;I took inspiration in which the way that I have organised the main picture on this contents page was from a fashion magazine, mixed with another media students, i merged the two together and this is what I cam up with.I thought that it would be a good idea to follow original convention with the way that the information is set out as the rest of my contents page does not follow original convention at all.


This double page spread contains the original ideas I had for my double page spread. I took some inspiration from the magazine Kerrang, and added my own twist to it. I think that if i was to do this on Photoshop what it

would look a lot better and would work well. As i would like to use it as a sort of theme for the whole of my magazine. I also feel that it was a good idea for me to use a little picture within the interview as the interview I personally think that it will look less boring, and people will want to read it more.


I think that this double page spread could work quite well, as originally i didn’t want a picture on one side, as it meant that the other side would just be text and this could be boring for my target audience, so instead of this I included some

Little pictures at the top of the page so that the double page spread would not look so boring on one page.

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