dua class notes2

Post on 13-Dec-2014






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In the name of Allah, most kind, most Merciful


Literal Meaning: call out. You invite, ask, or request someone for something. Dawat, dawah

Ibn Qayyium : asking for a benefit, & removal of some harm that is afflicting him &

protection of some harm that might come to him.

Khattabi: * Servant asking his Lord for help

* for continued support

* shows his neediness to Allah

* admits that he does not have ability or power to change

* he praises his Lord, and attributes abundance, giver of reward, and

generosity to Him

DUA is Worship. Dua is the essence of worship.

Your Lord said: Make Dua to me. I will respond. Those who are too arrogant to worship me will

enter Hell, humiliated. 40:60

Dua is a Direct order. If you don’t do it, then hell awaits.

Every action of worship contains Dua.

Exercise 1: Give examples of good deeds that have Dua in it.

He is the Ever-Living, no deity except him. So make Dua to Him, and to him is the Deen

(entire religion)… 40:65

Dua is an essential part of the Deen. Therefore, we must take the rules of Dua from Quran and

Sunnah, just like we take our rules for zakat and salat from Quran and Sunnah.


Increase of Imaan & Faith.

Appreciate Allah’s beautiful Names & Attributes.

Reminder of man’s limitations.

Reminder of Allah’s unlimited capability.

* Proves that he believes that Allah hears him, and can respond.

* Qadr of Allah, the good and bad. Destiny is in Allah’s Hands.

* Feeling of Neediness to his Lord.

* Affirm Allah’s infinite blessings and mercy

In summary,

1. Know Allah’s Perfect Nature

2. Know one’s own need of Allah in every matter and situation.

Exercise 2: How does this relate to the 3 categories of Tawheed?


Dua to others besides Allah

Say: I only make Dua to my Lord, I do not do shirk with Him. 72:20

* It is attributing a created object with the characteristics that only Allah has.

So the mushrik thinks that the person or object has:

- eternal life

- able to hear and understand different languages

- capable of responding to his Dua

- knowledge of the situation

- see his state

- has mercy on him

- power to grant him what he wished for

Only Allah has these powers:

Hear the Dua even if we do not vocalize it

Know our thoughts

Perfect knowledge of our situation

Divine mercy upon us

All-Capable of granting our requests.

If you invoke them, they can not hear you. And even if they could hear you, they can not

respond. And on the Day of Judgment they will be disown you. And none can you inform you like

the ALL-KNOWING. 35:14

Exercise 3: Compare the attributes of AL-SAMI (ALL HEARING) against the human or object.

Excuse 1. We only use these as ‘middle men’ between Allah and us.

RESPONSE: This is the same excuse the idol worshippers used against Islam in Makkah.

CONCLUSION: Dua is the essence of worship. <> Dua to other than Allah is shirk.

Two Types of Dua

1. Masalah - Asking -- Ex. give me good in this world and hereafter.

2. Ibadah - Worship -- Ex. Saying: Allah is perfect, praise belong to Him. Zakat. Jihad. Salat.

SURAH FATIHA – To you only we worship and to you only we ask for help

a. Best people do both, worship and asking Dua, only to Allah.

b. Ask for both. Duniyah (worldly) matters and AKHIRA (hereafter).

c. Ask at both times. Good and bad times.

Wrong Way

Neither do ibadah or Masalah. They worship physical means. Atheists, communists, etc.

Some only do Dua Ibdah, but never Dua masalah. Some Sufis outsource their Masalah

Dua to the saints and pious people. Their reason that they say, “ you must be content

with the decree of Allah (QADR) and therefore not ask for change.” -- That is not the

case. Rather, you must not curse Qadr or be angry at Allah, or say, “if only this had

happened…” All the prophets without exception made Dua Masalah.

Some only do masalah. They realize Allah is the controller of affairs, but they only care

about their desires and whims. Out of greediness, they make Dua Masalah to Allah.

They preferred this over the next . Ex. Iblees left ibadah, but wanted respite until Day of


EXERCISE 4: What is the proof from Quran that some only want duniya.

Some only do Dua Ibadah. Islam is separate from their personal lives. Islam is only a

ritual thing to them. They do the actions mechanically. They are devoid of the feelings

and do it out of habit and culture and customs. Ex. Ignorant person does Lip service and

is a superficial Muslims.

All Duas fall into these 4 categories.

1. Request for a new blessing

2. Continuation of a current blessing

3. Prevention of potential harm

4. Removal of current harm

Example is Surah Imran:193

Our Lord, Forgive our Sins, and erase our bad deeds. And cause us to die as Muslims.

Our Lord grant us what you have promised us through the Messengers, and do not

disgrace us on the Day of Judgment. For you never break your promise.

Exercise 5: Memorize this in Arabic and English & identify each of the 4 categories in the above ayat.

Excellence of Dua

Most noble of Actions. (Thirmdi): There is nothing nobler in the sight of Allah than Dua. 1.

Since Dua is the essence of Worship, and the purpose of life is to worship Allah.

I created Jinn and Mankind only for my worship. 51:56

Best act of worship. Direct link and relationship between man and his Lord. (Hakim): The 2.

best form of worship is Dua.

Essence of worship. (4 sunans): Dua is worship. 3.

An indication of Imaan. He believes that Allah is capable and that he is not capable. 4.

To make Dua is to obey Allah. So even if the Dua is not accepted as he liked it to be, he is 5.

rewarded for obeying Allah.

Exercise 6: what is the proof from the Quran already mentioned. 40-60

Allah is near the one making Dua. Dua is one way to get Qareeb to Allah. 6.

When my servant asks concerning me, then I am near. I respond to the

supplications of the supplicant when he calls me… 2:186

Indication of Allah’s Generosity. AL-KAREEM (the ever generous) (Hadith ibn 7.

Habban):When one of you asks, let him ask plentiful, because he is asking His Lord.

All that is in the heavens and earth asks Him. Everyday He has a matter to bring forth.55:29

8. Humility: Surah ghafir:60 - He humbles himself to his Creator. He admits his shortcomings

and begs Allah for good. This is in contrast to the arrogant person who leaves Dua out of

utter ungratefulness.

9. Allah is angry with the one who dos not make Dua. (Tirmidhi): The person who does not ask

Allah, then Allah gets angry at him.

10. Saved from Hell. (Muslim): Aisha asked that ibn Judaan used to good but did not accept

Islam, will his good deeds benefit him? Prophet said, ‘No, because he never said that Oh

Allah, forgive my sins on the Day of Judgment.

11. Most Lazy leave Dua. (ibn Habban): Most lazy person is who leaves Dua and the most

miserly is one does not give Salaam.

12. Dua repels Qadr. (Tirmidhi): Nothing repels Qadr except Dua. Ibn Qayyium said, if Dua may

repel it permanently , soften it, or cancel each other out.

13. Dua is a characteristic of believer. Favored believers are described as:

…They used to hasten to do good deeds, make Dua with fear and hope, and they

were humble before Allah. 21:90

14. Reward is Guaranteed. (Tirmidhi): either the Dua is answered, or similar evil is repelled, as

long as he does not ask for an evil thing or for breaking the ties of kinship…

15. A dialogue with Allah. Someone said when you read a book, you are having a conversation

with the author. You are having conversation with bill Clinton, Gandhi, Isaac Newton. What

about when you read the Quran? Do you relish and think that you are having a conversation

with Allah. Do you take your time and enjoy it?

16. One of the easiest forms of worship. How much energy or time does it take? Anyone can

do it, scholar or worshipper, rich or poor, young or old, and male or female. Make Dua at all

Just have attentive heart and humble soul. times and places. –

Pre-conditions of DUA

These make the Dua more likely to be accepted.

1. Realize that only Allah can respond. Only Allah can grant your request.

Who responds to the Dua of the one who is in distress when he makes Dua? Allah removes the evil

and makes you inheritors of the Earth. Is there any deity with Allah? Little is that you remember.


2. Sincerity in DUA. Many Verses in the Quran that prove this point.

a. The mosques are for Allah, so do not make partners with Allah in Dua . 72:18

b. Indeed, those who you call besides Allah are slaves comparable to you. 7:194

c. Those who make Dua to others besides Allah, do not have the ability to help you or

themselves. 7:197

Exercise 7. Can you think of any other similar verses?

d. (Abu Dawood): Guard the duties of Allah, and He will guard you. Guard the duties of

Allah and you will find Him in front of you. And when you ask, ask only from Allah.

When you seek any help, seek help from Allah.

3. Do not be Hasty (impatient) in Dua.

(Muslim): The companions asked what does ‘hasty’ mean. He replied, that the

worshipper says, ‘I have prayed and prayed, and I don’t see that it will be accepted

so he gives up hope and STOPS making Dua.’ Keep making Dua until you die. Never

leave Dua.

(Bukhair): You will be responded to as long you do not say, ‘I have prayed and

prayed, and my prayer has not been answered.’

Ibn Qayyim says: One who is hasty in Dua is like the one planted a seed. He guarded

it, watered it, and took care of it, but when it delayed in giving fruit he abandoned it.

4. Good intentions.

a. Not to use wealth in an evil way.

b. Not cause trouble between friends or brother or sister or family.

c. Ask for good things. Not a girlfriend or pork or breaking of kinship.

Even when asking for good, have good intention on its use. Ask for wealth, and the d.

intention should be to give sadaqah and be saved from being a beggar.

(Abu Dawood): When a person comes to visit a sick person, then let him say, ‘ Oh

Allah, cure your worshipper (so-and-so), then he will inflict a wound on an enemy, or

walk for your sake to prayer. ‘

5. Attentive Heart. Do not be heedless.

a. Know exactly what one is asking for.

b. Know exactly who he is asking from. You are asking from the Allah, Lord of


(tirmidhi): Make DUA to Allah in a state that you are certain that He will respond.

And know that Allah does not respond to a Dua that comes from a negligent and

inattentive heart.

6. Permissible Income. Allah is pure (AL-TAYYIB) and only accepts that which is Pure.

(Muslim): … A traveller on a long journey, raises his hands and says ‘my Lord, my Lord’ while

his clothing, drink, and food…

7. Taqwa. When one has Taqwa, then he is careful of how he earns his living and what he eats

and drinks.

…Allah only accepts from those who fear (taqwa) Him. 5:27

Exercise 8: Who said this and why?

8. Darood (prayer) on the prophet. Highly recommended to ask Allah to send blessings and

peace on Muhammad and his family.

(Thirmidhi): A messenger came from my Lord came and said, if someone sends

prayer on the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), then Allah will send 10

prayers on that person.

9. Dua can not interfere with greater worship. When it is time to pray, he can not use Dua as

an excuse for not to go pray. He must go pray and postpone Dua. Another example is

responding your parents.

(Bukhari): The story Juraij and prostitute and talking baby.

Manners while doing Dua.

1. Praise Allah. He praises himself. He loves to be praised. Truly, He deserves our praise.

(Bukhari): There is none who has more GHAYRA than Allah. And that is why he has

prohibited all evil, open or secret. And there is none who loves to be praised more than

Allah., and that is why He has praised Himself.

We learn that praising Allah benefits us. It if for our own benefit. It does not benefit

Allah and He has no need of our praise since He praises Himself.

a. He is free from any defects. He does not wrong anyone.

b. Use his beautiful names and greatest name.

2. Send darood on the prophet after praising Allah. The person is being hasty if he does not

praise nor send darood.

3. Raising the hands.

(abu dawood): If you ask Allah, then ask Him with the palms outwards, and not with

palms facing down.

4. Face Qiblah. Recommended. He did it during the Dua for rain.

5. Perform wudu. Recommended.

6. To cry. During the prayer he cried ‘my ummah, my ummah’

7. Expect the best from Allah! (Muslim): …Whatever my servant assumes of me, that is how I

will treat him. I am with him when he remembers Me.

So ask Him for forgiveness and repent to Him. Indeed, my Lord is Ever-Near, Responsive. 11:61

8. Humility and fear. It befits a Muslim to make Dua like this. Prophet Zakariya used to do this.


9. Complain to Allah only. Do not desire the pity of others. Why would we want the pity of the

one who should be pitied because he is helpless and incapable?

Prophets, in dire need, cried out to Allah only.

Yusuf’s dad did this. 12:86

10. Quietly making the Dua. Ibn Abbas said it is 70 times better than a loud Dua.

Exercise 9: Name a few reasons for the above.

11. Admit one’s sins to Allah. Adam and Yunus admitted their shortcomings, and then asked for

forgiveness. Let us copy the example of the prophets.

12. Be Firm in your Dua. Do not say, ‘oh Allah, if you wish, forgive me.’ Instead say, Forgive me

because no one help me, except You’

(Bukhari): When one of you makes Dua, let him be firm and determined in his Dua. And do

not say, ‘Oh Allah, if you will, then please forgive me.’ For there is no one who can force

Allah to do anything.

It is allowed to say, ‘if this is good for me, then let it happen.’ For example getting married to

someone or buying something. However, this is not allowed in matters that one needs

without a doubt; mercy, paradise, forgiveness, safety from hell, etc.

13. Use proper names of Allah.

a. Increase the love of Allah

b. Contemplate about the meanings and greatness of the All-Powerful Lord.

c. There is an appropriate name or attribute to use for whatever he is asking for.

14. Repeat 3x. Repeating the Dua gives a sense of urgency.

(Bukhari): Prophet said 3 times: ‘ Oh Allah, upon is the retaliation of the Quraish.’

15. Begin with yourself. This should be the case most of the time.

16. Dua for all the Muslims. A Muslim loves for his brother what he loves for himself.

Especially for the ummah and parents:

Lower the wings of humility and mercy, and say: ‘My Lord, have mercy on them, like how

they took care of me while I was young.’ 17:24

…And seek forgiveness for your sins and the sins of believing men and believing women.


Ibrahim said: ‘My Lord, Forgive me and my parents and all the believers on the day of

reckoning.’ 14:41

17. Say ameen. Means may Allah accept and respond. It’s like repeating the Dua without the

details. (Bukhari): Jews are jealous of amen and saying salaam.

Some dua’s are said privately and some in group. We do not do group prayer for entering

the masjid. We do group prayer for Qunoot and Friday prayer. After Surah Fatiha, the amen

should always be said. Pronounce ameen correctly.

18. Make Dua for all things.

19. Make a lot of Dua.

20. Take advantage of certain times and conditions when dua’s are more likely to be accepted.

See later chapters.

Discouraged Acts

1. Poetry. If it comes naturally, then it is ok. Excessive poetry is to be avoided.

2. Things already decreed. Make my mother or father someone else. Make fasting in Ramadan

obligatory. However, you can say, ‘give me the ability to fast in Ramadan.’

3. My Dua will not be accepted. Iblees’s Dua was accepted, so what about the Dua of a sinner

that is repenting?

4. Improper use of names of Allah. Use only names that are in the Quran and Sunnah.

Use the right name for right thing. Use ‘severe in punishment’ against the enemy not Al-


5. Ask punishment for own sins. Some ask for punishment now so that will not get punishment

in the Hereafter. Instead, he should ask forgiveness and good in this life and next, and

protection from fire.

6. Dua against self. Do not curse one’s wealth or family or friends or servants. Do not curse

the dead. They have already gone forward to what they sent.

7. To limit the Mercy of Allah. Do not say, ‘let the mercy come to me and him only’

8. To pray for death. The life of a believer only brings good. Whatever happens to him is good.

Good happens and he is thankful. Bad happens and he is patient. Reward in both cases. He

can only ask for death by saying, ‘oh Allah, if it is better for me to live then let me live, if it is

better for me to die then let me die.’ Exercise 10: why should we not ask for death?

9. Looking upwards. A believer should have humble appearance when making Dua.

(Muslim): People should stop looking upwards while making Dua in Salah, or there eyesight

will be snatched away.

10. To imply that I will not ask for anything else. To say this WRONG, ‘Oh Allah grant me this and

will not ask for anything else. ‘ We need Allah for every breath and blink of the eye.

a. This implies that Allah is not generous.

b. This implies that person is self sufficient.

c. So make plenty of Dua. Allah’s generosity is much more than all that you can

possibly ask for.

11. To experiment in Dua. Do not make a Dua to see if it will be accepted or no. This goes

against the sincerity and humility.

12. To rely on others for Dua. He thinks he is too sinful for his Dua to be accepted. He relies

totally on others. No, Allah is more merciful.

13. Public crying out loud. If it happens sometimes because he could not control himself, then it

is excused. It should not be a habit.

14. Long Dua in congregation. There might be children, sick, or elderly that do not have the



Allah has made some times more blessed than other times. W eagerly wait for these times to come

so we can make Dua in them.

1. Last third of the night.

2. When the Athan is called.

3. Between athan and iqamah.

4. In the Salah. Especially in

a. Sijdah

b. Ruku

c. At the end of the prayer

i. Some say it means after tasleem

ii. Some say right before tasleem

iii. Others say both.

5. When the armies meet

6. An hour on Friday

7. Waking up in the middle of the night

8. After wudu

9. Before drinking ‘zam-zam water’

10. Ramadan

a. Night of Decree

11. Day of Arafah

12. Inside the Kabah

13. On Safwa and Marwa

14. Dua after stoning the Jamarat. Not after the largest one

15. Visiting the sick

16. When the soul is taken

17. When rain falls.

18. When the rooster crows. (Bukhari) When you hear a rooster crow, then ask Allah for his

bounties, for it has seen an angel. And when you hear the braying of a donkey, then seek

refugee in Allah from the devils, for it has seen a devil.


1. One who has been wronged. Muslim, fasiq, or non-Muslim.

a. Even if he is a disbeliever. (ahmad) Fear the Dua of the wronged person, even if he

is a disbeliever, for there remains no veil between it.

b. 2 companions were accused of oppression. So they said to the accuser, ‘if you are

lying, then may Allah afflict you with trials.’ The companions Dua were accepted.

2. After a calamity. If the person is patient and does not wail or lament over the calamity.

(Muslim): There is no Muslim that is afflicted with a calamity, and he says what Allah has

commanded him to say: ‘To Allah we belong, and to him we will return. Oh Allah, give me

the rewards of this calamity, and grant me something better than it to replace it,’ except that

Allah will give him something better to replace it.’ Umm Salmah said this, after her husband


3. Traveller. (abu dawood): Three Duas that are responded to, there is no doubt. The wronged

person, the traveller, and the Dua of the father for the son.

4. Parents Dua for their children. Above hadith and story of Juraij and prostitute.

5. Children Dua for Parents. Quran 17:24 Exercise: memorize this Dua

6. Fasting. (Bayhaqi): Three dua’s are never rejected: Dua of the father, fasting person, and


7. While reciting the Quran. Angels descend. Annas bin malik called his family to make Dua

after completing the recitation of the Quran.

8. Hajji, in umrah or in jihad. (ibn Majah): One going to fight in the cause of Allah or going for

hajj or umrah are like the delegates of Allah. Their duas are responded and their requests

are given.

9. For a person in his absence.

10. Remembers Allah frequently.

11. Just Ruler

Factors that Increase acceptance of Dua

1. Sincerity.

a. Yunus made Dua with sincerity

2. Expect the best from Allah

a. By reading the Quranic ayats that talk about the power of Allah

b. If you expect good from Allah, then Allah will treat you with goodness.

3. Good deeds.

a. Someone asked Annas bin Malik to make Dua. Annas said: Dua is raised up by good


b. Ex. (Tabarani): Prophet said: Make the orphan come close to you, and be nice to

him, and wipe his head, and feed him from your food. That will cause your heart to

be soft, and your needs to be fulfilled.

c. 3 men trapped in a cave.

4. Fulfilling the rights of the parents. One of the most important action is to be good to

parents. Owais Al-Qarni is a prime example. (Muslim): ‘He had leprosy. He was very dutiful

to his mother. If he swears an oath, Allah would fulfill it. If you are able to ask him for Dua

for forgiveness, then ask him.

5. Dua at all times.

a. (Tirmidhi):Whoever wishes that Allah responds to his Dua at times of hardship, then

let him increase his Duas at times of ease.

6. Do voluntary deeds after Obligatory deeds.

a. (Bukhari): Allah says: Whoever shows enmity to a wali of mine, then I declare war

against him. And My servant keeps getting closer to me by doing voluntary deeds

until I love. And when I love him, I become his hearing with which he hears, his eyes

by which he sees, his hand by which he grasps, and his leg with which he walks. And

if he asks, I will give him. And if he seeks refugee, I will give him refuge.

7. Repenting from sins.

a. Nuh said: ‘I told them to seek Allah’s forgiveness, indeed your Lord frequently

forgives sins. He will send rain…’ 71:10

8. Humble Appearance. He is so concerned about the Dua, that he is neglectful of his clothes.

Not to impress people or riyaa. It does not mean to purposefully to wear bad clothes.

a. (Muslim): ‘It is possible that person who is dusty and disheveled, wearing only two

coarse garments, will be responded to if he swears by Allah.

9. Certain Places.

a. Makkah, medina, Aqsa

b. Places of Hajj

c. * Not in mosques built on graves *

Stops the Dua

Make Dua that your Dua be accepted. May it not be rejected.

1. Haram Sustenance. A very great sin. So big that it can cancel out other factors that help in


a. (Muslim): A dusty, traveller made Dua raising his hands, but how can it be accepted

when his food and clothes are from Haram. These Dua manners did not help in his

Dua because of his haram rizq.

i. Traveller

ii. Humble appearance

iii. Names of Allah

iv. Repeating

v. Raised his hands.

2. Sins – comes between the Dua and the response. Leaving sins is a Dua.

a. Allah accepts the Dua in the middle of the night except for the one who strives to sell

her private parts and one who takes money unjustly.

3. Deserting ‘forbidding evil, and encouraging good’ – physically or verbally

a. Part of Imaan is to love for your brother for what you love for yourself.

b. ‘You are the best nation ever raised up, you enjoin what is good and forbid what is

evil, and believe in Allah.’ 3:110

c. (Tirmidhi): I swear by Allah that you will indeed command the good and forbid the

evil, or else Allah will send down a punishment, so that you will make Dua to Him and

it will be not removed.

4. Being hasty. I have prayed so much, and my Dua will be not accepted.

a. Gives up hope. Look at Jacob, Did he ever give up on Yusuf.

b. Tired. Lacks energy and enthusiasm.

5. Asking for forbidden things.

6. Married to an evil woman

a. Flirt with other men. Brings shame to the household. If he can not correct her, then

divorce her.

7. Took no precautions in giving a loan. He can only blame himself.

a. Gives to non trust worthy people

b. No witness

8. Give money to fools.

‘… and do not give money to the foolish’ 4:5

a. Not responsible with money

b. Unwise in business dealings

c. Foolish in buying and selling

In conclusion, why is it that we make Dua and it is not accepted? Ibrahim ibn Adham replied:

1. You know Allah, but do not obey him.

2. You know the prophet, yet you do not follow his Sunnah.

3. You know the Quran, but you do not act upon it.

4. You eat from the blessings of Allah, but do not show gratitude.

5. You know paradise, but you do not strive for it.

6. You know hell fire, but you do not run away from it.

7. You know Satan, but you do not fight him, instead you obey him.

8. You know death but you do not prepare for it.

9. You bury the dead, but you do not take lesson from it.

10. You have left your faults, and instead busy yourself with the faults of others.

A delay in the Response.

It is a great test for a person who makes a Dua properly for a long time from the heart and sees no


1. First, seek Allah’s protection when this Satan whispers to you.

2. Make another Dua to be protected from Satan.

3. Dua might be already answered!

4. Ponder about his limited intelligence and ability

5. Realize the infinite knowledge of Allah and supreme wisdom in Allah’s Qadr.


a. Owner of the Kingdoms

b. True King. No one can interfere in His decisions.

c. No one can question His resolutions. He is answerable to no one. One may say what

is the wisdom behind His order, and no one can challenge his actions.

d. ‘And Allah judges, and there is no one that can change His Judgment. And he is ever

swift in reckoning.’ 13:41 A scholar wrote: No one can escape from the will of Allah

and His Decree. And no one can avert his Judgment and Trials. Indeed, to Allah we

belong, we are his slaves. He does with us what he pleases and what He Wills.

7. Man has no right over Allah. Man should realize his lowly status in front of Allah. Be wise

enough to contemplate his own mistakes and shortcomings.

8. Delayed response is Trial. Just like life and death is a test, a delay in the response is a test. If

one wants to please his Lord and enter paradise, then this is one of the many tests he will


‘And We test you with good and evil, as a fitnah. And to us you will return.’ 21:35

Every good thing that happens is a test. Do not rejoice. But see how you will pass this test.

Are we using the good properly, are we thankful for it, and are giving it, its right?

9. Allah is AL-HAKEEM. Most Wise. Perfect Wisdom. His decrees are Wise.

a. When He gives, He gives with Wisdom.

When He prevents, He prevents with Wisdom.b.

Might bring Evil.10.

Not good at this time, but at a later time it is better.a.

Example: A person asked for money so that he will give charity. And when Allah b.

gives him, he becomes stingy. So Allah afflicts them with hypocrisy.

It is a still blessing even if you can not enjoy it immediately.c.

Allah’s choice is better. There is a great secret that very few people appreciate. Allah is more 11.

merciful than a mother is to her baby. So when undesirable event occurs, the better event

has happened by the mercy of Allah.

Man does not know the result if his Dua is accepted.12.

Allah is AL-ALEEM. He knows everything in all cases.a.

Trials bring us closer to Allah.13.

Be pleased with Allah in trials, and Allah will be pleased with you. If you are angry, a.

then Allah will be angry at you.

Something detested is better for you.14.

a. Something you hate brings good. ‘It is possible that you hate a thing, yet Allah has

placed much good in it’ 4:19

An amazing saying about believer: ‘What he detests is better than what he loves. b.

This is because what he detests increases him in Dua, whereas what he loves will

distract him from worship.’

Ponders over himself.15.

Why is he making the Dua?a.

Accounts his good deeds. How few they are.b.

Accounts his bad deeds. How many they are.c.

Looks at his lifestyle. Repents and changes it for the better.d.

16. Dua might have been already answered.

a. Prevention of an evil

b. Reward will be on the Day of Judgment, and this reward will be more beloved to him.

c. Blessed him something better that he did not ask for.

17. Expression of Allah’s Names and attributes

a. Example. Al-maani. The one that withholds. He withholds with Justice, Power, and


18. Perfection of Worship. Increase your imaan, sharpen his servitude to his Lord, perfects his

humbleness to his Creator.

a. Continues to hope.

b. He can not demand from Allah. The person humbles himself before Allah and

realizes that Allah is the most High. I am a slave of the most Merciful.

c. Content at Allah’s Decree. My Lord has never wronged anyone or anything.

d. Enjoy talking with Allah.

e. Combat Satan. Satan stoops to all levels, and tries to trick the servant. However, this

is an opportunity to attack Satan by seeking refugee in Allah and being stronger in



Ways to increase acceptance of Dua. If possible combine these ways.

1. Allah’s names and attributes.

a. By saying, that He has no partner or son.

b. Oh most forgiving, please forgive me.

2. Mention the favors of Allah. Allah has blessed you with something. Mention a previous

blessing that you are very thankful to Allah.

a. ‘Oh Allah, You have guided me to Islam, so please help me become a practicing

Muslim’ Exercise: give another example.

3. Mention his own present state.

a. Honestly, mention his neediness to Allah. ‘I have lost my job. Please save me from

begging and debt, you are the best Provider’

4. Good deeds. Mention good deeds done solely and sincerely for Allah.

a. Story of the 3 men in a cave.

b. ‘I have believed in You and Your messenger, so forgive me.

Those who say: ‘Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive our sins, and save us from

the fire.’ 3:16

5. Mention the Effect of the Dua. I want this so that I may do good.

a. Ibrahim, peace be upon him, said: I have left my family in a barren valley, near the

Haram, to establish the prayer. Our Lord, cause a people to live with them. Provide

with them fruits so that they might give thanks. 14:37

b. In surah TA-HA, there is another example. Exercise: mention this example

c. Ask a living person to make Dua. ‘I ask you to make Dua to Allah that he cures my

son from cancer’

i. Ask a true and good Muslim.

ii. They used to ask the prophet Muhammad, when he was alive, to make Dua.

After he died, they asked his uncle to make Dua in the rain prayer.

iii. It is better not to ask, for personal matters, someone else to make Dua. For

the Ummah or the whole nation it is okay.

1. You will have more emotion and feeling and sincerity when making

Dua for your self. The person will probably not.

d. FORBIDDEN. Not found in the Sunnah. Someone makes Dua with the status of the



Misconception: If it is already written, then what good is Dua since I will get what is already decreed.

Answer: The outcome is dependent on the performance of the efforts that are necessary to

produce the result. Example: A seed will grow if the farmer plants it, waters it, takes care of it,

protects it, and maintains it.

A person believes in the Qadr, good or bad. At the same time he believes in the Qadr, he

must strive to reach his goal.

Qadr can not be used as an excuse to not make Dua or good deeds. Example: If the removal

of hunger and thirst is already written, then it will happen whether you eat or not. If the removal of

hunger has not been written, then there is no use of eating. – No one would agree with this.

Benefit of Qadr is to accept what Allah has decreed. Whatever Allah decides is the best, do

not worry about what has happened. Be concerned about how to respond to it.


1. Some say Allah is nowhere. Trying to making Allah unique. Some say Allah is

everywhere. Both are wrong. Allah is above all things. So when we make Dua, our

hearts and emotion are directed upwards.

2. Wiping the face after Dua. Ahadith are present but are very weak. Should not be a

matter of conflict. Major scholars differ on the ruling. There is some tolerance either

way. Allah knows best.

3. Special of the prophet. Not every Dua is accepted even from the prophets and

messengers. Every prophet is given one special Dua. Prophet Muhammad, peace be

upon him, saved this special Dua for the hereafter. This Dua will be for my ummah,

those who did not commit shirk.

4. Most important Dua. Allah owns every single thing. Remember to ask Allah.

a. Guidance. More than 17 times a day.

b. Forgiveness. Every human falls into sins.

c. Paradise. Ultimate goal.

d. Protection from afflictions. ‘Aafiyah .

e. Being firm. Istiqamah.

5. Disbeliever only remembers Allah in hard times.

a. He forgets Allah in good times. Does he not realize that Allah could take away

those blessings? Make Dua to Allah, so He continues His blessings upon you.

Exercise: What is a ayat that details that?

It is essential that a Muslim worships Allah after his Dua is accepted. He

continues to do the fard action to be among the pious. He does the optional acts

to be among those who are near to Allah.

6. Dua for the dead Muslim. Make sincere Dua for him. For he is in need of it.

7. Dua of Yunus.

a. (Tirmidhi): Prophet said, ‘The Dua of Yunus (There is no deity except Allah, You

are above all shortcomings. Indeed, I was among the wrongdoers.) when he was

in the whale. – no Muslim makes this Dua except that Allah will answer him.’

8. Dua of Animals. Every animal makes Dua to Allah.

a. (Ahmad): Every Arabian horse is allowed to make 2 dua’s. It says, ‘Oh Allah, you

have put me under the care of one of the children of Adam. Make me amongst

those things that he loves.

9. Dua of prophet against someone.

a. (Muslim): Prophet said, ‘Oh Allah, I am only a mortal. So if I curse a Muslim,

then let it be purification and blessing instead.’

Innovations in Dua

Not allowed. No evidence. Every innovation in the religion is rejected.

1. Kissing ones thumbs and rubbings ones eyes.

a. Khidir, Moses companion, said who does this will have not eye disease. Fabricated.

Unknown narrators.

2. Dua in a group.

a. Not even a weak hadith for group prayer after prayer. Individual Dua is allowed.

b. Permissible in certain instances if verified by Sunnah like Jummah and Witr.

3. Clasp ones hands to chest during Dua; resembles Christians.

4. Tawassul (through) the status of the prophet.

5. To specify a specific time or place without evidence.

a. Example: on the 12th of rajab or beginning of spring or Autumn.

b. In each round during tawaf.

c. New years wish.

d. Blowing out candles.

e. Dua for masjid should be used when entering the masjid not when entering a house.

Exercise: can you name some more?


1. Dua is the weapon of the believer, pillar or Islam, and light of heavens and earth.


2. Adam asked by the status of prophet to be forgiven. Muhammad was the written on the

throne…. Fabricated

3. When the matter overwhelms you, then seek help from the people of the graves. No

isnaad. Fabricated.

4. Perform tawussal with my status. Fabricated.

5. When Ibrahim was thrown in a fire. Jibril asked him, do you need help. He said not from

you. So Jibril said, ask from Allah. Ibrahim, said, ‘ it is enough that Allah knows my

situation.’ Fabricated

6. When there was a drought, they asked Aisha. She said to place window over the grave.

So then it rained. Very weak. Contradicts. Window was built after she died.


Allah has given you so much without you even asking for it. So imagine how much he can give you if

you make Dua to him, purely.

AL-MANAAN. Allah gives Continuously and generously.

If you are waiting for your Dua to be answered, ponder over your sins. Are they blocking my Dua?

Has your Dua been answered? Give more thanks, and do not forget Allah like the Kuffar.

Your honor is in humbling yourself before AL-AZEEZ. The one full of Honor. Your power comes from

Allah. He is your MAWLA. Your Protector. Your link to your Rab (LORD) is the Dua.

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