duke of ed @ westminster...the duke of edinburgh’s award scheme is a challenging, practical...

Post on 30-May-2020






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Duke of Ed @ Westminster

An Introduction to Duke of Edinburgh Award https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX09zAStCGg A playlist of all the training videos for the Online Record Book (ORB) have been placed in one central location on YouTube. The link is https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVI6B-Fz6UiOjVOvwVfUnqyhK1NwsJTz4 Details of Westminster’s Outdoor Education programs are available on Inspire located on the link https://inspire.westminster.sa.edu.au/Play/OutdoorEducation/Pages/default.aspx

What is it?

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme “presents to young people a balanced, non-competitive programme of voluntary activities which encourage personal discovery and growth, self reliance, perseverance, responsibility to themselves and service to their community”.

The Award Scheme is made up of three levels – Bronze, Silver and Gold. Starting point is flexible and depends on age.

Within each Level, participants must meet the requirements of four different sections – Community Service, Skill/Interest, Physical Recreation and Expedition.

Award Scheme participants must be aged around 13 - 25 years.

Entry into the Award Scheme is arranged with an Award Unit (ie. Westminster)

Registration Fee

Level (Please tick the

appropriate level & fee)

Registration Fees Age Requirements

Bronze $165 13-14

Silver $175 15

Gold $185 16

Upon completion, a badge and certificate and at least 10 SACE Credits at Stage 1 are presented to those who show the necessary enterprise and effort to work through the challenges presented.

The Award Scheme is not competitive.

Participants follow their chosen activities largely in their own time, with guidance from some-one knowledgeable in each subject.

What does the Award Scheme offer?

The Award Scheme is fun!

It presents a challenge and is held in high repute by teachers and employers alike.

It helps to develop – Leadership, Teamwork, Communication, Motivation and Independence.

The benefits associated with doing the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award are that the individual receives a great feeling of personal achievement which enhances their personal growth, and the Award Scheme Certificate and SACE Credits always makes a valuable contribution to any person’s resume, curriculum vitae or personal portfolio.

I hope you recognise the benefits achievable through the Award Scheme and would greatly encourage your involvement.

Gordon Begg Head of Outdoor Education 0428 974 759 gbegg@westminster.sa.edu.au

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme is a challenging, practical programme for young people aged 13 – 25 years. Participation in, and attainment of the Bronze, Silver or Gold Awards can compliment both academic and non-academic School activities.

The basic aim of the Scheme, which is recognised world-wide, is to encourage young people to use their leisure time in a worthwhile manner.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme Components To gain an award a young person takes part in all of the following areas for each level.

COMMUNITY SERVICE – The aim is to encourage participants to serve others and develop both an awareness of the needs of their local community and a sense of their own responsibility. eg Westcare, Fund-raising, Lifesaving, Sport Coaching in Prep School.

SKILLS/INTEREST – Participants choose a hobby, or a topic of study and are required to show progress and sustained interest in their subject over a certain time. eg Music, Debating, Woodwork, Chess, Photography, Stamp Collecting, Skills Coaching, Dance

PHYSICAL RECREATION – Participants are required to take part in some form of physical recreation and achieve individual fitness. eg School Sport, jogging, jazz ballet, sailing, judo

EXPEDITIONS – The aim is to encourage a spirit of adventure and discovery about oneself and others. Through training and practice trips students should develop a high degree of self-reliance in their final expeditions. eg Bushwalking, kayaking, cycle touring, rockclimbing, sailing, Year 9/10 Camps

RESIDENTIAL PROJECT (for gold only) – Participants must undertake a shared activity away from home for a period of five days in the company of others. eg YMCA Volunteer Leader, OED/Music/Sport Tours.

Award Categories

Bronze – Age 14 years (min 6 months) Silver – Age 15 years (min 6 months) Gold – Age 16 years (min 12 months)

Duke of Duke of Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme at Westminster

Students around 13-14 years or over may start the Award at any time and take as long as they like to complete each level. Students who meet the special age criteria may become direct entrants at Silver or Gold level. If they so desire, they could complete the entire Award Scheme whilst in their school years. This programme goes as roughly follows –

Year 9

Start the Award Fill out the registration form and complete the setup for ORB (Online Record Book) and BEGIN! Service – (3-6 months) Provide First Aid Course Term 4 in preparation for Westventure plus other service. Ie Westcare Expedition – Practice journey is a bushwalk organised for Term 2 in Year 9 Camp. Qualifying Expedition is completed at Westventure or another trip in Year 9. Skills – (3-6 months) Pursue a personal interest or hobby or sports clinics. Physical Recreation – (3-6 months) Select a sport or dance etc. Join a school sports team for a season.

Bronze completed

Year 10

Begin Silver Award Westventure Counts as one expedition Year 11 Start planning and completing Gold Award level.

A final Thought

The Scheme basically co-ordinates the types of activities students are doing; should be doing; would like to be doing!

Minimum starting age 13-14 years and awarded 10 SACE Credits

SERVICE - involvement spread over 3-6 months To develop a sense of community service and responsibility of others.

To give participants a sense of responsibility.

Chosen activities should encourage participants to become active in their

community and broaden their understanding of social issues. Generally

activities fall into one of three groups - working with people, animals or the



- Volunteering with

aged care services

- WestCare

- Emergency


- Junior sports coaching

- Peer support

- Youth group leadership

- First Aid Course

EXPEDITIONS - 1 practice + a 2 day overnight camping Qualifying Venture To encourage a spirit of adventure and discovery, and the ability

to work as part of a team

To provide participants with a challenging and memorable

achievement. The group venture should be an exploration of an

unfamiliar environment, requiring determination and

perseverance, developing a sense of independence, self-

sufficiency and discovery.


- Bushwalking

- Mountain bike

- Kayaking

- Horseback

- Rockclimbing

SKILLS/INTEREST - 3-6 Months of involvement To encourage the development of personal interests, creativity and

practical skills

To stimulate new interests or develop and improve existing ones.

Chosen activities should encourage participants to interact with other

people, sharing enjoyment and developing social and life skills.


- Art

- Collections

- Cooking

- Life skills

- Music

- Skills Coaching

- Computer programming

- Pedal Prix

PHYSICAL RECREATION - regular involvement 3-6 months To encourage participation in physical recreation and improvement of


To encourage improvement in physical performance through training

and perseverance. Chosen activities should be enjoyable, regardless

of physical ability, and lead to a sense of satisfaction and the adoption

of lifelong healthy habits.


- Football

- Hockey

- Dance

- Athletics

- Swimming

- Martial Arts

Minimum starting age 15 years and awarded 10 SACE Credits

SERVICE - regular involvement spread over 6 months

EXPEDITIONS - 2 practice trips + a 3-day camping Qualifying Venture without Bronze Award 1 practice trip + a 3-day camping Qualifying Venture if completed Bronze Award

SKILLS/INTEREST - 12 months without Bronze Award

6 months if completed Bronze Award

PHYSICAL RECREATION - regular involvement spread over 6 months

Minimum starting age 16 years and awarded 20 SACE Credits

SERVICE - regular involvement spread over 12 months

EXPEDITIONS - 3 practice trips + a 4-day camping Qualifying Venture without Silver Award 1 practice trip + a 4-day camping Qualifying Venture if completed Silver Award

SKILLS/INTEREST - 18 months without Silver Award 12 months if completed Silver Award

PHYSICAL RECREATION - regular involvement spread over 6 months

RESIDENTIAL PROJECT - 5 days and 4 nights away from home To broaden experience through involvement with others in a residential setting To provide participants with a shared, purposeful experience, working with others towards a common goal which broadens the participant's outlook. The chosen activity should require the participant to live and work with people they don't know. Examples:

- Youth leadership training courses - Supervisor at children's camps - International exchanges - Round Square conferences - 5 Day Duke of Ed expeditions

DUKE OF EDINBURGH PARTICIPANT APPLICATION FORM Return to Westminster School: Attention Gordon Begg


Name: ……………..……………………………………………………………………………………….………. [Given Name(s)] [Family Name] Home Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………... City/Suburb: ………………………………………State/Territory: ……….……Postcode ………………

Gender: Male Female Date of Birth: ……………………………… Age: ………………………………... Phone: (Home)………………………… (Mob)…………………..……. Email: …………………………………………………. Award Unit: Westminster School

Level of Entry: Bronze Silver Gold

N.B. – Gold Awardees MUST submit a Gold Award plan prior to commencement.

Registration Fee (please circle applicable level below)

Level (Please tick

the appropriate level

& fee)

Registration Fees For subsidy, please

contact State Award


Bronze $165 Subsidy Requested

Silver $175 Subsidy Requested

Gold $185 Subsidy Requested

Payment Method:


PARENTAL OR GUARDIAN CONSENT This Section Must Be Completed for Participants Under 18 Years of Age I ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. (name of parent or guardian) am the parent/guardian of ……………………………………………… (the participant named in Section 1). I consent to him/her participating in the Award Program under the supervision of [Westminster School] (the “Award Unit”) and undertaking activities to fulfil the requirements of the Award Program. Parent or Guardian Signature ……………………………… Date ……………………….

Invoice to Westminster School (preferred method)

Payment recovered through students’ school billing account

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