dynamicity in modern practice

Post on 02-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine



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Changing scenario needs an ever changing rational approach to healthcare terms and services.Where "tools"[your knowledge,interpretations,etc] helps you to make the picture better.


Analyzing “THRUST” In Changing Healthcare Relationships.

By-Prashant Kumar Sharma


Need to introspect? [Old & New Models]

Reasons & Benefits




This presentation is purely transparent, lets have a dynamic discussion.

ABSTRACT OF TOPIC Its pretty simple, Positive Changes are the adaptations of any society which prevent backwardness and primitive applications of “ever changing tools”. They are need of time , which IF NOT PERCEIVED within correct time then it may drag any community or society to ULTIMATE FAILURE.

Your views?

Focusing on to our main topic … Changing face of the doctor-patient relationship, relating to healthcare.

oThe patient-physician relationship is fundamental to providing and

receiving excellent care in the healing process and to improve disease


oThe relationship therefore resembles that between a wise and caring

father and his child.

oToday the “voice of the patient” has become one of the key drivers of

the changing healthcare environment. Increasingly, patients are not

simply recipients of care or subjects of research, but they are active and

informed individuals who wish to know more about their conditions and

exert greater control over their own care.

•The physician needs to cultivate a partnership with the

patient, in which his medical guidance is based on the

patient’s concerns, feelings and expectations.

•The patients also need to be educated on the benefits of

building a good patient-physician relationship. This

collaborative model is grounded in mutual respect and trust

between patients and doctors.

Today the patient is a consumer and is also well informed. He has needs as well as demands from the healthcare providers. Retaining patients and getting new referrals is more challenging today, unlike yesterday.

Most chronic illness care does not even involve physicians and

other health care professionals. Instead, it's estimated that between

95 percent and 99 percent of chronic illness care is given by the

person who has the illness.

We know from several studies that when patients are encouraged

to be more involved and when their physicians are less prescriptive,

patients do have better outcomes. We also know that this approach

does not take any more time but, in fact, can be more efficient

because the health care team is addressing the patient's agenda


Even in close doctor-patient relationships, you can't always know

the details of your patient's lives: what's most important to them,

what their other priorities are, what motivates them, what their

financial situation is, and so on. Each patient is the expert in his or

her own life

ULTIMATE benefit is only one i.e. Satisfaction of Patient, that is indispensable.

Guides doctor for a better future planning through

proper Patient-Education.

Healthcare is taking a transition from a “Disease-centric” to a “Patient-

centric” approach. It is extending its role from treatment to prevention and

up to healthy lifestyle. Today it is not only about medicine and treatment

but also about self management, fitness, diet and wellness.

As evidenced by several analysts the healthcare system is

experiencing a critical situation: demand is dramatically growing both in

terms of the enlargement of the healthcare users and in terms of higher

expectations with regard to the quality of care.

The ultimate goal is a better quality of care for all the citizens and the

access to the healthcare services extended to everyone including people

with special problems (e.g. elderly and people with disabilities) and

people living in underdeveloped or emerging countries.

If Scientists gets success in cracking all the

operas of genetic operatory machine i.e. gene to

protein relationship And along with its

Manipulation through various measures then it

would be possible to predict the disease of patient

and through proper management, it can be


But the crux is only one and would remain too..i.e.

Proper Handling of “TOOLS”

CREDITS-Dr Arun Phophalia


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