e-rate in general

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Powerpoint introducing E-Rate


Universal Service Program for Schools and Libraries

Woodville High School

By: Brenda Moore

EDLD 5352


Introduction: E-Rate Benefits How Does it Work and

Who Pays for it? Technology Components Woodville ISD Technology Plan Objectives Summary

Introduction: What is E-Rate?

Program mandated by

Congress in 1996 to the Federal

Communications Commission


Universal Service Programs for Schools

and Libraries


Provides discounts to assist most schools

and libraries in the United States in obtaining affordable

telecommunications and Internet access.

E-Rate Benefits

Receive discounts on telecommunications services.

20% - 90% depending on area household income levels.

How it Works & Who Pays for it?

A school or library develops a technology plan.

A school or library provides notice that it seeks services.

Vendors bid to provide the services.

After approval, the vendor provides services at discount prices.

Paid for by telecommunications service providers.

Technology Components

Must have:

Clear goals for using information technology.

A professional development strategy.

Assessment of services needed.

An evaluation process.

WISD Technology Plan

Fund a replacement cycle for pc/laptops annually.

Fund a replacement cycle for LAN and WAN hardware annually.

Fund staff development. Integration of technology into instruction is minimal.

Teaching & Learning Objectives

Increase student responsibility for learning and provide curriculum that includes teaching with technology.

Use alternative technology resources.

Use technology to assist with TAKS and provide.

Opportunities for technology proficiency.

Ensure comprehension of Acceptable Use Policy.

Involved parents / community in technology environment.

Staff Development

Provide ongoing staff development for use of technology and instruction integration.

Increase opportunities for teachers to be facilitators.

Provide training for teachers to reach Level 3 of minimum competencies.

Administration and Support Services

Provide technological resources to educators through various funds.

Develop a consistent evaluation process.

Provide support services.


Provide technology to students in preparation for the 21st century.

Provide ratio of one workstation per student.

Coordinate resources for technology funding.

Provide adequate infrastructure for support.

Wrap it Up!

Questions?How do we get started?Who can get involved?

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