e spaÑol iii srta. forgue el 14 de febrero. a hora mismo escribe una carta amorataría para el día...

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El 14 de febrero


Escribe una carta amorataría para el Día de San Valentín.


Querido/a (Dear) …. Amante / Amado (sweetheart) Te quiero / Te amo (I love you) Amor a primera vista (love at first sight) Enamorarse (to fall in love with) Estar enamorado/a con (to be in love with) Prenda de amor (token of love) Besos/Abrazos (hugs/kisses) Con amor/con cariño (with love/with care) Con todo mi alma/mi corazón (with all my


MI AMOR DESCUBRE OBJETOS mi amor descubre objetos sedosas mariposas se ocultan en sus dedos

sus palabras me salpican de estrellas

bajo los dedos de mi amor la noche brilla como relámpago

mi amor inventa mundos en que habitan serpientes cuajadas de brillantes

mundos en que la música es el mundo mundos en que las casas con los ojos abiertos contemplan el amanecer

mi amor es un loco girasol que olvida pedazos de sol en el silencio

--Isabel Fraire

my love reveals objects silken butterflies concealed in his fingers

his words splash me with stars

night shines like lightning under the fingers of my love

my love invents worlds where jeweled glittering serpents live

worlds where music is the world

worlds where houses with open eyes contemplate the dawn

my love is a mad sunflower that forgets fragments of sun in the



Escuchar el vocabulario de Lección 6Completar ejercicios de

escuchar en la pág. 205

Aprender el futuro en las págs. 216-217

Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 6.1–6

Forms of the future tense

Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 6.1–7

• The future tense (el futuro) uses the same endings for all –ar, –er, and –ir verbs. For regular verbs, the endings are added to the infinitive.

Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 6.1–8

Note that all of the future tense endings carry a written accent mark except the nosotros form.

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Uses of the future tense• In Spanish, as in English, the future tense is one of

many ways to express actions or conditions that will happen in the future.

conveys a sense of certainty that the action will occur

refers to an action that has yet to occur: used after verbs of will and influence.

Llegan a la costa mañana. Prefiero que lleguen a la costa mañana.

They arrive at the coast tomorrow.

I prefer that they arrive at the coast tomorrow.


Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 6.1–10

ir a + [infinitive] FUTURE TENSE

expresses the near future; is commonly used in everyday speech

expresses an action that will occur; often implies more certainty than ir a + [infinitive]

Van a llegar a la costa mañana. Llegarán a la costa mañana.

They are going to arrive at the coast tomorrow.

They will arrive at the coast tomorrow.

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The future tense is used less frequently in Spanish than in English.

Te llamo mañana.

I’ll call you tomorrow.

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• The English word will can refer either to future time or to someone’s willingness to do something. To express willingness, Spanish uses the verb querer + [infinitive], not the future tense.

¿Quieres contribuir a la protección del medio ambiente?

Quiero ayudar, pero no sé por dónde empezar.

Will you contribute to the protection of the environment?

I’m willing to help, but I don’t know where to begin.

Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 6.1–13

• In Spanish, the future tense may be used to express conjecture or probability, even about present events. English expresses this sense in various ways, such as wonder, bet, must be, may, might, and probably.

¿Qué hora será? Ya serán las dos de la mañana.

I wonder what time it is. It must be two a.m. by now.

¿Lloverá mañana? Probablemente tendremos un poco de sol y un poco de viento.

Do you think it will rain tomorrow?

It’ll probably be sunny and windy.

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• When the present subjunctive follows a conjunction of time like cuando, después (de) que, en cuanto, hasta que, and tan pronto como, the future tense is often used in the main clause of the sentence.

Nos quedaremos lejos de la costa hasta que pase el huracán.

We’ll stay far from the coast until the hurricane passes.

En cuanto termine de llover, regresaremos a casa.

As soon as it stops raining, we’ll go back home.


Ejercicio 1,pág. 218

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